A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! |
Alright had a particularly draining end to the work weekend, but I'm pretty sure I'll be going with the Fae playbook, partially to get some Wild representation up in here.
A vague concept is in the works, should get some outlined in my thread tomorrow for you Wyn to start bouncing ideas off of. |
Not at all trying to discourage anything, but - in part because I had to check myself - Dragon is Wild.
Status: Shaking off the rust ... |
Sounds good Vis, sorry to hear the week has been stressful. That sounds like we'll need at least a few more days for this phase. Roe is still solidifying his basic concept too, I think. I'll check back in on Friday or Saturday.
For the rest of you, I dropped a few questions into your threads. What I really want is story threads: pulling out info about NPCs, your relationships to them, and what kinds of supernatural storylines might line beneath. I can come up with stories on my own, of course. But at the very least, it would be great to start those Threats based on your leads. And if you've got an endgame you'd like to move towards ("they want to tear the dimensional matrix of the city in twain" or "I dunno a bunch of wizards live like morlocks underground are doing bad things?"), I'm all ears as well.
On indefinite hiatus from the site. |
Quick update: this weekend got unexpectedly hectic for me, so I'm not going to be able to get a lot done. But on Monday, I will certainly move us on to the next phase of character/world building, dealing with debts.
At that point when we start handing out debts, I'll ask for brief introductions of each of your characters in this thread. If you're desperate for URban Shadows content or activity over the weekend, I've got two suggestions: 1) but if you're inclined to delve deeper into the other players' characters, this weekend may be a good time to read the other character threads 2) those threads are going to be a mess, so at some point I'll want a brief character synopsis for each character that I can post over here. I'm thinking just 5-10 lines within a fieldset per character. Just the basics like (a) name, (b) playbook, (c) outward appearence, and (d) essential facts like occupation, or demeanor, or important locations you're connected to. Basically your character at a glance, for other players who want a quick reference. If you're feeling like working that up, I'd appreciate it! (But it certainly not necessary this instant by any means). This sort of thing would also work as the "brief introduction" I'll ask for soon anyways.
On indefinite hiatus from the site. |
Please tell me if you want something modified or added to, Wynamoinen.
He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
Not entirely sure how I feel about this vs. the criteria you set out. At worst it gives you something to frame as a "what not to do"?
Status: Shaking off the rust ... Last edited by Roekahs; May 21st, 2023 at 09:29 AM. |
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard! |
Alert: You too could join the illustrious ranks of site moderator. Apply within. Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box. Pronouns: He/They |
Last edited by hafrogman; Dec 29th, 2023 at 12:19 AM. |
Let's do this! Debts!
Your character briefs are consolidated here for future reference. I can always edit them, if you have suggestions. It's time to build connection! I think there's a chaotic path to doing this, and a very slow version. Let's sew chaos, and we can dial it back (or move conversations to character threads) if it's too much to deal with here. You have have debts: some to give, and some to take. These debts will be some of the major seeds of our initial story. I suggest that... 1) here in this thread, you list your playbook debts to distribute, and propose the "targets" of each. Each debt has a story behind it, so you might propose what that story might be, and/or why you think the target is a good choice for the debtI have a few suggestions for the process: a) you should have an alternate idea of who might share your debts, in case the first option doesn't work out. Maybe you will just keep those thoughts in your back pocket. Maybe you can put them in a spoiler of your post? Don't cling too tightly to your first idea, is what I mean. We should be flexibile here.
On indefinite hiatus from the site. |
I have a couple of ideas, and then maybe one that could be anything. Quote:
(The other option might be Farhad here) Quote:
Status: Shaking off the rust ... |
Possible Connections
Victor & Anne: You're leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help with something. You owe them a debt. Yes (!), but… Normally, Anne isn’t interested in what others think or say about her. Her name has been whispered in horror or openly cursed more times than she cares to recall. But there is one person she doesn’t want to find out the truth about her - Annie Hayes, a descendant of her favorite sister, Mary Adelaide. Annie’s forefathers came to the States generations after Anne, but the girl was born in DC and was even given Anne’s name. This is merely a coincidence, but in the Spectre’s mind, searching for hidden truths that aren’t always there, this is a gesture made to honor her. The twelve-year-old girl is nothing like Anne was at her age, but the spirit has a soft spot for her. While doing research for a school project, Annie has recently become aware of her distant ancestor, who lived in the same city as her, and decided to learn more, if she could. Anne does her best to sabotage the girl’s search and has even succumbed to Victor’s extortion, who threatened to help Annie find more about her infamous ancestor, though she does bear a grudge about it. Farhad & Anne: Someone stole something from you and lost it to the Ordo Draconis. They owe you two Debts. Yes (!), but… Anne wouldn’t steal. Not when she was alive and certainly not now that physical objects are completely irrelevant to her. But what if she merely “reclaimed” what belonged to her anyway? The wedding band Thomas gave her signified his eternal love and devotion, and Anne considers it an integral part of her and one of the few anchors that connect her to her past - and reality. It is proof that she was happy for a time, something she fears that she will eventually forget. The wedding band sported a large yellow diamond known as the serpent’s eye. Unlike all other spirit versions of the objects Anne retains, her ring materialized without this precious stone, which has caused her immense grief, believing it to be symbolic of Thomas’ rejection of her. The truth is different. The “serpent’s eye” is an actual eye, one belonging to a dragon - not Farhad’s, but one of his broodmates. Stealing it from Farhad has unfortunately revealed its existence to the Ordo Draconis and the organization’s agents were quick to take it back from the Spectre’s long forgotten and unmarked grave, where Anne tried to hide it. Needless to say that the spirit considers stealing from her and desecrating her grave two unforgivable actions and has sworn to help the Dragon destroy his enemies. The Ordo Draconis will be sorry to have upset a vengeful spirit. Anne has killed once, she can certainly do so again. Suggested Debts Someone, or someone’s progenitor, was involved in your death. They owe you a Debt. Cole: Cole is the direct descendant of Anne’s husband, Thomas Beall, who remarried some time after shooting his wife. Anne has a love-hate relationship with Cole, as she did with his (maternal) grandfather, his mother -Cole doesn’t mention her at all, I think. Why?- and generally with all of Thomas Beall’s descendants. Cole’s demonic patron protected the Veteran from the Spectre’s interference, but now that he doesn’t benefit from such supernatural powers, Anne makes her presence felt, possibly more often than Cole would have liked. His still powerful wards keep her from invading his workshop, but she knows that they will in time fade. And the only thing she truly possesses is time. Does Cole feel sorry for Anne? He knows what a broken mind is capable of doing. Did she deserve death at the hands of her husband for having been mentally ill? Perhaps. Or perhaps she just needed help - like his father did. Someone is watching out for a family member of yours. You owe them 2 Debts. Brassavola: Brassavola has taken an interest in Annie Hayes (see above) for her own mysterious reasons. The girl is bright, curious and persistent, along with being a descendant of the Irish branch of the Varney family. Perhaps there is a connection with Brassavola’s former fae court or a rival fae court. Perhaps she is part of a bet or a prophecy. Anne wouldn’t know of such things, but she does realize that the Fae looks after her and makes sure she doesn’t get hurt in more ways than one. For this she feels a certain gratitude. She will not put it into words, but if she can do something for Annie’s protector, she will. You are haunting someone and they know it. You owe them a Debt. Andre: Anne is fascinated by the relationship between Andre and his mother. Her illness reminds her of her own days of sickness during and after her pregnancy and she originally expected that Andre and his brother would make things worse for their mother. In fact she was about to attack the Wolf to keep him from harming the poor woman, when she realized that Becky was actually delighted to see him, having waited for him the whole day. Instead of harming the youth, she has been following him ever since, trying to understand what it is that makes him different from her own children, a source of strength and hope for his mother. She still hasn’t reached a conclusion. Perhaps she never will.
He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
Last edited by Elanir; May 23rd, 2023 at 06:47 PM. |
Proposed Debts. Debt 2 specifically requires some work, @Elanir
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