Game Thread Session 1 Scene 1: In the Blue Room (Brassa, Cole, and Victor) - RPG Crossing
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Old Jun 26th, 2023, 03:48 PM
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Session 1 Scene 1: In the Blue Room (Brassa, Cole, and Victor)

The Blue Room
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Brassavola bobs and sways to her beats, spinning a set on the Blue Room's small stage. Silas had told her about the VIPs, and she's going to perform for that event. But Silas doesn't want to leave anything to chance: she's going to do a demo of that set, and take feedback, and adjust, and maybe play another event before that big night. It's a Thursday, so the place isn't overflowing, but there is a definite "early weekend" vibe going on among the priveleged clintelle.

Cole has been feeding Brassa information about the Spring Court, and in their recent consultation, she mentioned this gig, and invited him. A few days later, Victor called up Cole, hoping to talk to someone other than Eloise about a strange location he had heard about. It was dangerous, and Shadowy, and Cole and Victor had helped each other with dangers on the street before. They both had one foot in that world, and one foot out. Though one of them perhaps wanted two feet in, while the other might want none. Cole didn't want danger coming to his shop, and he had "this Brassa thing" he'd been invited to. Victor knew Brassa well enough himself, so they agreed to that somewhat-unusual-for-them meeting place.

The Blue Room was a fine establishment, catering to an upscale clientelle of dubious... morality? mortality? It was not cheap, and while it did not enforce a dress code, anyone dressed shabbily gets a I'm looking at Victor here....stern eye when they enter, and a short leash once inside. Cole and Victor enter. Brassa's beats thrum through the whole building. It makes talking a little difficult, but thankfully it makes overhearing impossible. They are free to talk.

A chance for interaction before the action! Brassa can certainly just put on a record and let it spin for a while, so she's free to interact as she will, as well. No need to stay on stage at all times.They order drinks, they converse. Then two things happen at once.

Cole, looking over Victor's shoulder, sees him. Him. HIM. Justice. That unmistakeable figure is sitting by himself in a semicircular booth against the wall, perhaps 50 feet away. He holds a half-full lowball glass in his hand, but he is not moving. He is only staring, glaring, glowering, directly at Cole. He was staring before Cole had noticed his presence. If Cole meets his eyes, Justice continues to watch without visible response. When Cole looks way, Justice continues to watch, immobile, watching with a burning hatred whose intensity looks like it's able to burn the club down to the ground.

Victor, looking over Cole's shoulder, sees a pack of four people coming directly towards him, shouldering their way through the crowd. He knows them by reputation, at the very least. It's a group of the Choppa Boys, led by Lito. Victor knows that they operate on the same turf that he has been running, Andre's turf. But they aren't with the crew he's been working with. Which means they're probably against that crew. Which means they're probably against him. Uh-oh....
OODMWelcome to the game! Things are starting in a tight spot already! We've got two people who did not roll great on their Session Move. The Blue Room does not strike me as a place that either Cole or Victor would come often (though if Victor's illegale activities have been profitable, maybe I'm wrong!), so this might be a good time to look over your possible Faction moves. And given what might happen soon, let me suggest that both hafrogman might need to think about his corruption move.

@Hafrogman: Does Cole try to take any actions with respect to Justice, or try to make any sort of communication? Which is a bigger threat to Cole, the gang literally bearing down on him, or his old patron?
@Roekahs: Has Victor tangled with the Choppa Boys before? If so, what does he know about them (and is that knowledge useful right here and now)? This might be a time to Put a Name to a Face.
@Vislands: What kind of security is Silas likely to have? If a fight breaks out, are they likely to let it happen, or will it get shut down quick? Does that answer make Brassa more likely to intervene with Cole and Victor, and in what way? (Also does she spin as "Brassavola"/"Brassa", or does she have a DJ name?)
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Old Jun 27th, 2023, 10:16 PM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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Victor YoungThe Blue Room. Not exactly one of the go-to hangouts for Victor. He thumbs a slit in the leather seat absently, staring at the entrance. Suddenly, Victor's mind catches his wayward thumb and he quickly snatches it away. It's only six years old and it is going to need to last a while. That will just make it worse and there's no fixing it. Not these days anyway. Back when he couldn't quite afford his dream Ford Mustang so he settled for half the dream - the “Ford” part – he bought the Fiesta new. Back then a quick fix for a tear in the leather would have been fathomable.

Victor sighs heavily. Things have certainly gone downhill since then. At least it still runs, though the payments are brutal at times. Victor glances over his shoulder. The backseat is clean, though not particularly spacious. It could work, though, if it had to. Some months the apartment and the car together are too much. This is one of those months. Would it be so bad to ditch the apartment and just crash in the car for a while? Maybe save a couple bucks?

Victor glances in the side mirror for traffic, then slips the door open and slides out, slamming it behind him. A couple cars whiz past before he darts across the street to his destination. As he approaches the bouncer – or perhaps the FBI? The dark suit and glasses make it tough to tell – Victor's hand slips up to the elbow of his suit coat, tucking the edges of the torn seam together and then squeezing his elbow tight against his side. Hopefully nobody notices.

Of all the things Victor had learned on the street, blending in is one of the more pertinent. Down on the street or up in a high rise, that rule doesn't waver. Victor knew it and had called Brassa just in case he needed to wear something specific. I have recently been studying the art of providing absolutely no direct answers to questions through a co-worker. Thought I would try out my lernin' here … how'd I do?The brown wool coat had been in the back of his closet for years, but it would serve the purpose for tonight. Too bad he had never gotten that seam fixed. The brown wool is a decent shade and Victor has lightened it up with a newer off-white t-shirt. The pants had been a bigger problem, but the newest pair of jeans he owns would have to suffice.

The bluish liquid swirls round and round. Whether it is actually blue or just tinted from the lighting is unclear. Victor has never heard of the whiskey before, but it was the cheapest thing on the menu. Sheesh! Everything he had recognized would have made the sleeping-in-the-car discussion with himself ramp up in intensity immediately! Unsurprisingly, the possibly-blueish liquid tastes terrible, though that may not be a terrible thing in the long run because it might take all night just to choke it down.

Victor takes a sip. Just as bad as the last one. Hopefully it is strong and the numbing starts soon. If the burning is any indication, then the numbing should be imminent. Victor hisses through clenched teeth. Could have had an actual decent drink tonight except apparently Fa-... Fe-... 'F - something - d'. F-wad! Victor grins to himself. Except apparently F-wad has an issue with people making an honest living in this town. The finances still haven't quite climbed back after the FBI started showing up near all Victor's “business” ventures.

Victor pulls his eyes up from the drink and tries to pull his mind out of those thoughts. He's here for a reason and it isn't wallowing in self-pity. Victor glances around, making sure no one is listening. He takes an extra long look at several nearby patrons. Brassa had pretty much said there would be more non-mortal at this place. It doesn't matter. Victor can stare, he can leer, he can do any of those fancy watching words, but everyone just looks normal.

After a moment, Victor leans over toward Cole to better be heard. "Hey, man. Feels like ages since we last got together. Hope you been good. I know it probably always seem like I need something from you when I do get you, but ..." Victor pauses. There isn't really much to say. He isn't exactly sorry that he wants – or maybe more like needs – information and Cole always seems to have something of value to say. Victor shrugs slightly. "You hear about this place where the ghosts and wolves don't go? It's like to be some kind of backwards haunted house or something. Like the stuff we supposed to be scared of is scared of it. Or that's what I heard."

They don't have a lot of time to get into the discussion that Victor really wants to have before he sees a rolled 11very familiar face. Lito. And the Choppa Boys half-wits he tromps around with. Victor has been seeing way too much of Lito recently and even on what was supposed to be a night away from the hood, he ends up in this club.

Lito's been coming around, but not for the typical stuff. Usually the Choppa Boys or the Lench Mob want to discuss business transactions, but Lito has been coming around on his own more recently. Turns out he has aspirations away from the gang life. Aspirations to start a business. And somewhere along the line, he decided to discuss those aspirations with Victor. Of course, Victor doesn't exactly have the means to turn down the potential for a new business venture, so he hasn't been turning Lito away. That doesn't necessarily mean that the discussions have been particularly fruitful, though.

OOCWow. Seriously with the rust. Just realized I never called out the mechanics where it was actually easy to find...

Put a Name to a Face: Lito Victor knows his reputation; and as the bonus for 10+, I will take learn something useful about them (which is perfectly acceptable if my answering your question is the answer to you answering my question as far as I am concerned, i.e., he is looking to get into business on his own)
Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Jul 2nd, 2023 at 09:32 AM.
Old Jun 28th, 2023, 03:28 AM
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Cole Schneider, the Veteran
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The Blue Room. Not exactly one of the go-to hangouts for Cole. Not any more, anyways. A few years ago now? A night like this might very well have found him in a place not so dissimilar. He wouldn't have been there for his own benefit, but this was exactly the kind of place one would bring certain types of clients. The music, the alcohol, the... other substances. But most importantly, it was what he once might have referred to as a target rich environment. Crammed wall to wall with young women (and men, if that was the client's taste) who were all too willing to trade their time and consideration for a slice of the high life. Bring them into the VIP section, ply them with unlimited drinks and point them in the direction of whoever Justice had developed an interest in this month. All part of the game...

But now it was just loud noises, overpriced booze and sweaty bodies. Why were they even here? Cole glanced at Victor for a moment. It wasn't that he disliked him, but the young man seemed to effortlessly attract trouble. When he'd dropped hints that he had yet another mystery he wanted to drag Cole into, the tailor had latched onto Brassa's invitation as a convenient excuse. But instead the young Mr. Young had invited himself along, and now they were both stuck here, each too polite to just leave.

Bereft of much else to do or think about, Cole found himself studying Victor during a lull in the conversation. This coat he was wearing... It wasn't a complete disaster, but it was obviously an off-the-rack job. A couple of darts around the waist would be enough, just a little shaping to accentuate the form. Wait. Was that a hole? No... the hindarm seam had come undone. Did Victor even realize? It was a simple enough fix... Cole's palms itched. He had the basics in his van out in the parking lot, a few minutes and nobody would ever know. But that would be weird, right? Nobody fixed clothing in the middle of a rave. Was this a rave? Cole wasn't entirely sure of the definition.

Lost in his thoughts, and staring at the loose seam on Victor's jacket, Cole almost missed the question his young companion put forth. Shaking his head to clear it, the veteran could only shrug and try and respond over the music without drawing too much attention to their conversation.

"No... I haven't heard anything specific. I'm pretty much out of the game these days. But it doesn't surprise me. Even the things that go bump in the night have to respect territories and the like. Maybe something powerful set up shop there? If we can pull Brassa away from her work, you could ask her if anything has wandered out of Fairy recently... if she'd even be willing to say."

He'd leaned in close to speak directly into Victor's ear, but pulled back as he ran out of things to say. That was when Cole spotted Him. What was He doing back here? Charity was supposed to have the damn town on lockdown... was D.C. suddenly big enough for the both of them? Forget the District, though. What was Justice doing here, in this club, tonight? The demon looked... angry, which wasn't entirely unreasonable, Cole allowed. Then again, he felt there was a certain hypocrisy in one of Hell's own being upset over betrayal and backstabbing. Surely it was all part and parcel of the job? Yeah, Justice definitely looked angry, but not surprised. He was here for one, very clear reason. Cole.

The fine details of his own redemption were a little hazy, part of the deal he'd struck. But Cole was reasonably sure that Justice couldn't just walk up and ice him, no matter how much he wanted to. If nothing else, the fact that he hadn't already done so right here and now supported that theory. But Justice had always been one for the slow and methodical approach. If he was here, he was planning something, and Cole had absolutely zero desire to still be here when it happened.

"Uh, look, Victor. I gotta-"

Cole stopped mid-sentence as he got a look at Victor's face. Then he swiveled in place, following the younger man's gaze. Four heavies pushing through the crowd, coming directly for them. One part of his old life that Cole had never really managed to shake was the feeling of invulnerability that came with facing wholly mundane threats. What mattered a handful of thugs when an immortal being who wanted to devour your soul was seated fifty feet away. So, Cole regarded the Choppa Boys approach with a sort of phlegmatic nonchalance.

"Friends of yours?"


ZendaCole SchneiderArtemis

Last edited by hafrogman; Jun 28th, 2023 at 03:28 AM.
Old Jul 2nd, 2023, 04:21 AM
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BrassavolaThe Blue Room. A go-to gig for Brassavola? Not exactly, for a variety of reasons. She actually loved the ambience of the place, the dark pulsating shades of blue, alternating between the purplish picotee blue and lighter Neptune blue that highlighted the furniture and the bar. And that deep absorbing blue, midnight blue, like if fresh blood were blue instead of deep red...which for some of the creatures out there, swaying, lounging, it was.

But she had to pick and choose her spots carefully. Silas had offered her a residency more than once, with that small smirk on his face knowing she couldn't take him up on that. She couldn't be here too much, couldn't draw that sort of attention to herself. DJ Nightsky was good at what she did, very good. She could read the crowd, the room, create an ambience that sunk them all deeper into this place until they felt like they were in the a separate world. She didn't want some of the more...illustrious regulars asking after the talent.

The Blue Room kept a tight leash on the clientele. She'd guess it was about 30% non-mortal, but those mortals that did make it through the door they made sure were easily controlled. Easy enough in a nightclub. Young, beautiful, unawares, happy to be stupefied by money and substances and the glamor. She had to lean a bit to get Victor and Cole in here, though she imagined Cole could've made it happen himself if he wanted to.

They were out there now, in the crowd, while she spun from the booth. The Blue Room wasn't the type of place where the DJ was main stage, she was tucked into the side with a surveying view of the floor, invisible except for her beats which is how she liked it. But she could see. Silas hadn't yet fully amped up the security that he'd have over the weekend, but she could see new faces, figures in a chic black suits arranged in non-intrusive points throughout the room. Shapeshifters likely among them, maybe even a tainted or two. They'd shut things down quickly if things got out of hand, but sometimes Silas let things play out for a moment or two, stepping in just before things got tacky. He was a crafty one, and knew that his club was a stage as much as it was a lounge and one shouldn't cut off the scene too quickly.

Still, she kept an eye out for trouble. You never did know who would show up to the Blue Room.

Last edited by Vislands; Jul 2nd, 2023 at 04:22 AM.
Old Jul 3rd, 2023, 08:33 PM
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The Blue RoomLito barges his way through the club, spilling drinks and sending women in high-heeled shoes off-balance. Whatever are his Let's set your statement of information about Lito to be true fact.hopes and dreams, he has his mind on just one thing right now. Once in arm's reach, he gives Victor a foreceful shove, knocking him into the table. "Who the **** you think you are? You think you're some 'freelancer'? Huh? Stroll in to our turf, take money out our pockets? Walk out nice and clean? Nah, you been slinging for el diablo. And now you're here. HERE? Hanging with THEM? And you want us to think you're just some dumb rookie freelancer? Uh-uh, you chose your side." Lito moves in to be nose-to-nose with Victor. If Victor gives way, Lito keeps in his face until there is no more room to give.

Cole has a front-row seat to this confrontation, and also to his old patron. Justice does not respond in the slightest. His eyes are still locked on the scene. The lowball still hangs in his hand. He doesn't smirk, he doesn't blink, he doesn't lean. He just watches. As Lito gets in Victor's face (with a lieutenant backing Lito up), Cole can feel two Choppa Boys begin to loom behind him at the same time.

Brassa catches someone's eye as well. Silas, behind the bar, is very much reacting. He is looking right at the two men, nose-to-nose. He holds an arm out, palm up, indicating the scene. He looks to Brassa and clearly mouths the word 'WELL?', with the unmouthed but clear implication: you vouched for these guys. What are you going to do about this? One black-clad bouncer is giving the scene all his attention, but the others don't seem to have yet caught on.

Lito continues, in Victor's face: "You ain't smarter than us, and you definitely ain't harder. Time for you to learn that. You going to come outside like a man, or are we going to have to drop you right here?"
OODM@Roe: Mark Mortality for the Name-to-Face succes on Lito. I'll accept your stated facts about him, as the information Victor has on him. Victor is obviously taking the most direct challenge in this scene, so the question of fight, flight, or something else are primarily in his lap. Though of course he has allies to consult or lean on.
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Old Jul 5th, 2023, 11:13 AM
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Cole Schneider, the Veteran
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'Friends of yours?' Perhaps not. The man berating Victor didn't come across as wanting a simple chat. Cole wasn't having trouble following the precise complaint being levied, but the words 'el diablo' caught his ear and he flicked his eyes back to Justice for a moment. Is this your play? You don't want to come at me directly, so you rile up trouble for other people around me and see if I'll get myself hurt in the crossfire?

The tailor could feel an involuntary tightening between his shoulder blades as the two mooks stepped up behind him. How many times had he been in this exact scenario? Some no-name thought they could intimidate the herald with a couple of toughs? It was a ploy straight out of central casting. Pitiful. The guy on the right wasn't even paying attention, he wasn't watching Cole, he was watching his boss lay into Victor. It would be child's play to take them out. Ironically, you start with the other guy, the one who is looking out for it. Spin in place, feint for the knee, then crush the trachea when he ducks back. Take him out effortlessly while the guy who's supposed to have his back is still busy scratching his balls. Cole could already hear the pained gurgles coming from his victim as he turned to face his next target with malicious glee-

No. That wasn't him anymore. Instead, Cole just pivoted slowly as he felt the two thugs move into position, placing his back against the bar, but not making any sudden or threating movements. He caught the eye of the man with the intact windpipe and nodded. "Gentlemen."

Trying to push the muscle to the back of his mind, he focused his own attention on Lito as well. What was this guy's deal? Had he glanced in Justice's direction? What did the devil have to do with what was going on? Just a turn of phrase?


ZendaCole SchneiderArtemis

Last edited by hafrogman; Jul 5th, 2023 at 11:20 AM.
Old Jul 7th, 2023, 04:30 PM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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Victor YoungVictor is already on edge with the lighting, the completely foreign extravagance, and the whole anyone-could-be-a-not-human. Lito is one of the last people in the world that Victor would have picked to insert into such a situation. Lito is a whole deck of wildcards. On a good day.

Victor has no idea why he is surprised when Lito boils over. What was he expecting? Another one of the strange-as-hell late night business discussions? With Choppa Boys? Still, the scene somehow seemed less likely to result in the outcome that unfolds, so Victor is caught a bit unprepared. Leave it to Lito to make a huge mess of a young night by going nuclear and drawing all eyes in a room.

The shock only paralyzes Victor for a moment, though. He is on his feet in a blink, tagging the table with his thigh in his hurry. That is going to leave a bruise, but nothing like getting in a fight while still sitting down would have. Whatever Lito is alluding to escapes Victor, but a challenge is a challenge and he isn't about to back down. As soon as he is clear of the table, Victor steps chin to chin with Lito. Things have been pretty quiet lately. He's been doing his thing and both gangs have been around, but doing their thing. How exactly he crossed the Choppa Boys will have to remain a mystery for now.

It is as he feels Lito's hot breath blasting his face in short, choppy bursts that two things occur to Victor. First, if he had done really bad by the gang, he would have never made it to his feet, Blue Room or otherwise. So whatever affront happened is negotiable. And second, Cole is calmly hovering nearby. Victor catches the signs of a viper ready to strike, but restrained by … well, whatever Cole is restrained by these days.

Restraint. The red wave abates. Victor leans back slightly, not giving ground but creating a bit of space. Victor has to shout, but just loud enough for Lito to hear, "I got no idea what you about tonight. Settle it over a drink? If it ain't settled then, I'll go toe to toe with you outside, no sweat." Victor gestures to the table with a quick bob of his head.

All eyes are on them, so he smiles too. Perhaps to try to sell the ruckus as nothing. Victor isn't really sure. He just feels it happen.
OOCIt feels like this might need a Keep Your Cool, so including that if needed.

Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Jul 7th, 2023 at 04:53 PM.
Old Jul 11th, 2023, 07:58 PM
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The Blue RoomVictor doesn't back down. He stands up, if inelegantly, and holds his ground. He tries to offer a peacemaking session over a drink, and a fight afterwards if necessary. Lito's eyes flick to the beverages on the bar, and to his compatriots flanking Cole. But then he purses his lips and hardens the lines on his face. This visit isn't for an honorable fight. It's for a beat-down. It's for a message. That's what the Boys are looking for, and that's what Lito is expected to deliver, to keep face.

As Victor presses nose-to-nose, Cole turns around and assesses the scene: Justice, now behind him, and the two heavies in front of him. The Answer to your first questionfirst thing he realizes is blindingly obvious: theres NO WAY that Justice would stoop down to work with these small fries. They are mortal, they are the essence of the hardscrabble DC streets. Justice, at least Justice as Cole knew him, wouldn't touch them with a ten-foot pole. Maybe Lito is working for some If you want this to be so, just name the name, and so it shall gang leader. But just as likely, Lito is a nobody, trying to make a name for himself through some mix of willpower and seizing the opportunities he can find. That revelation has its own reliefs and puzzles, but it doesn't solve the immediate problem. Lito thinks his name is his own, and his rep is on the line, right here and now. I have a habit of answering these "how can I..." questions with multiple options. So this is the answer to your 'postpone the beatdown' questionCole sees two options. First, knuckle under. If they can convice Lito that Victor will never work in Anacostia again, then the message is sent and Lito's goal is achieved, without the need for a curb-stomping.

The other option is in line with Victor's Keep Your Cool roll says there is a solution with a cost. So here's a costly solution.Victor's current thinking. Raise the stakes. Make it clear that this won't be an easy message to send. Maybe Victor will take a beating, but in the process two or three Choppas - Lito among them - will be in serious pain afterwards. Lito was hoping for a clean and clear message, and a fun bonding activity for his crew. If Lito believes that the message is muddied and the fun is ruined, he'll likely bide his time. That's Cole's thought: strategic and experienced. Change the calculus, and the battlefield will shift. In Victor's mind, the bottom line is similar, but the thought process is different. If he can drop a Choppa right here, right now, sudden violent and unexpected, that will cause the others to back off. That will have all sorts of consequences down the road. In Lito's eyes, Victor will have chosen sides, and he'll be a target of the Choppa Boys afterwards.. But he'll also have their respect - Victor is not an easy mark.

"I don't need a drink," Lito scoffs at Victor's peace offering. "I need to see you crying and bleeding."
OODMI think the answer to one of hafrogman's questions is plain in the game text, but to be clear about the second question: the ways to postpone a beating right now appear to be either 1) just absolutely capitulate and more-or-less swear to not run on Lito's turf anymore, or 2) convince Lito that the cost of a contfrontation right now will be too high to be acceptable. This second dovetails with my answer to Victor's move - a fast show of strength right now will have consequences for the future, but will resolve the immediate threat. Of course, there are other potential solutions (running being an obvious alternative).
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Old Jul 16th, 2023, 08:48 PM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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Victor YoungVictor is right there, front row seat. Lito's eyes say everything that needs saying. The words that follow are merely a formality. Victor's alternative had been a stab in the dark anyway. He shrugs as he takes a step back. Absolutely no reason to be quite so close – and intentionally cut off his own perception. "Right then. What's your plan? Gettin' kicked out the Blue Room forever seems like a smashing plan. You think that one up all by yourself, or you all sit around rubbing yourselves together to get a jolt big enough to make that thought?"

Victor pauses to assess Lito's reaction, but not too long. The goal is only to get the Choppa's all riled up and frothing at the mouth, not actually get them swinging. Not in here, not yet. Victor's eyes dart to where he had last seen Brassa. He is pretty sure she vouched for him or he wouldn't have made it inside. Least he can do is bleed outside rather than inside.

Victor's attention snaps back to Lito. "Outside then. You take your pound of flesh, yeah?"

Victor isn't particularly excited about the way the night is about to be ruined, but Lito seems hellbent on sending his message. He glances to Cole, catching the other's eye. It is a small gesture, just a quick shake of the head, but hopefully Cole catches the meaning. No need for you to get tangled up in this. Victor means it too. Cole had something he wanted with Brassa tonight and Victor was just a third wheel, no reason for everyone's night to go to crap.

Victor can feel the presence of the Choppas on all sides as he follows Lito. Lito isn't particularly gentle in clearing a path to the exit, but Victor takes little notice. He is distracted. A weight tugs at his mind … and his waistband. It had been an interesting revelation at the time, what with the sport jacket concealing most of his waistband. Just a little thing, a little thing that Victor rarely goes anywhere without. And the jacket had given him all the excuse to not change anything tonight.

Of course, the problem with such a little thing is that it can turn an interesting situation into an even more interesting situation. The other problem is that you can't just have the little thing, you have to be prepared to use it. The other problem, which Victor starts to realize is just another one on a completely non-exhaustive list of problems, is that Victor is perfectly willing to use the thing.

So as they walk, Victor is distracted. The worst outcome is the appearance of an unexpected little addition to the night as it flies out from concealment during one good bloodletting. The two most prominent options floating right in Victor's periphery to mitigate such an event – both close enough to reach out and snatch – are both simple. The first is simple in intent, but perhaps a bit more complicated when it comes to Victor's emotional stability. Step out the door, draw down, and put as many of the Choppas in the ground as possible. Bang, bang, bang, bang. Just a few pounds of pressure four times. The second is just as simple in intent, but way more complicated on the emotional response. Step out the door, draw down, and make sure they know they could have all been dead. Loose grip and hand it over.

The predicament rages on as the exit sign nears. It isn't like this would be the first street justice Victor has ever gotten tangled up in. Then again, the previous engagements had not exactly left memories that were on the 'To Repeat' list.
OOCJust a bit of narrative flair for now. Victor really just wants to move things outside to prevent the repercussions of a fight inside.

Also, I did check around and didn't see anything explicitly stating that firearms were confiscated/banned from the Blue Room. If either I missed it, or there was an intention for a no firearms rule inside the club, I did hedge a bit to make it narratively plausible that Victor could have had a weapon on his person, but I can always backtrack as well!
Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Jul 26th, 2023 at 08:31 PM.
Old Jul 17th, 2023, 06:25 AM
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BrassaFrom her perch in the booth, Brassa saw the beginnings of the confrontation, and her hope, that the nose-to-nose posturing would fizzle into nothing more than a show of force didn't manifest. Silas had given her the look, which meant that anything that happened was on her shoulders and he expected her to solve it. A fight, even outside, could jeopardize her position here and she couldn't afford to lose out on that especially not before the big event that was to come.

With a few practiced flicks of her wrist she set the deck to spin something groovy, sexy, soothing and then like a ghost she was down on the floor. Victor was set to take one for the team it seemed, and was trying to lead the threatening thug and his lackeys to the exit. Before they could make it far, Lito felt a cool touch on his wrist.

"Come on sugar, why waste the night on a fight when you can buy me a drink?" she said, her voice deep for a woman, beautiful and sonorous. Lito spun to see who would dare touch him, and Move: Faerie Power (Bedlam) - Marking 1 Corruption to put Lito in a specific emotion state Lust and 1 more Corruption to make Brassa the specific target of that emotion.their eyes met.
Old Jul 17th, 2023, 03:22 PM
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Cole Schneider, the Veteran
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No... This wasn't Justice's style. Lito seemed to be no more or less than he presented himself. Maybe a little bit less. He brought two guys along to kick Victor's face in? What did he not think he could manage it himself? Maybe that was the key, draw off the two and try to make it a fair fight at least. Victor seemed up to try... or too get hit butt handed to him. Cole was just about to open his mouth when Brassa oozed up to the gang leader and spoke. The tailor may not have been the intended target of her words, but he knew enough to recognize glamour when it was unleashed in front of his eyes. He shuddered involuntarily, then switched tack to embrace the new development.

"Well, I know which one I'd pick." He elbowed one of Lito's goons playfully in the ribs and flashed a stupid grin. It was technically a completely true statement. He'd much rather get in a fist fight with Victor than get romantically entangled with one of the fey folk. But that was neither here nor there.

Cole shrugged and addressed both of the guys now. "Looks like he's gonna be busy one way or the other. You two want a drink while we wait? First round is on me." He tried to catch the eye of the bartender, holding up three fingers.


ZendaCole SchneiderArtemis
Old Jul 19th, 2023, 08:51 PM
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The Blue RoomVictor decides to take his beating in the streets. Lito's expression does not change, but Victor can see just the barest hint of a nod. That was the respectable choice. Lito steps to one side, to let Victor walk himself out, with the Choppas following.

But before they can follow, Brassa slides in, offering another path. This path was unthinkable just a few seconds before. But something about the DJ is just so... charming. Lito's 'interest' is aroused. "You going to do all that for this herb?" Lito gives Brassa a slow up-and-down look that leaves no doubt in her mind what Lito thinks Brassa just promised (of course, Brassa knows as well as anything exactly what she said and what she did and didn't promise). After getting his fill of the view, Lito goes on "that's ****ed up. What's he got on you? But yeah all right I think I might just do that." Lito turns to be able to put an arm over Brassa's shoulders. Over his shoulder, Lito orders "Get him out of my face."

'Him' obviously means Victor. The pair to whom Cole just offered a drink shoulder-check the Veteran as if he is no longer of consequence. They follow Victor. Lito's wing-man slides away to one corner of the bar while Lito escorts Brassa to another corner. That suddenly leaves Cole without a dance partner! His gang thugs gone, Victor being given the bum rush, and Brassa suddenly having Lito around her little finger. Out of the corner of his eye, Cole catches Justice throwing a few dollars on the top of his table, getting up from his booth, heading out through the back of the club.

The two Choppas following Victor make it abundantly clear that he's leaving the Blue Room, regardless of what's transpiring. He goes out the door, and the two thugs follow. Out in the cool night air, Victor can see that they are not very happy with the fact that their leader just followed his dick, rather than worrying about the gang's rep.

One of them pushes Victor in the shoulder. "Get the **** on outta here. We see you again, you're going down. Starting in ten seconds."
OODMI agree that nothing in the narrative indicated weapons couldn't be there, so you're good to have it. We'll just call this the advantage of being on the DJ's guest list and leave it for later to know if the masses are being patted down.

You're just going to have to surprise me, Frog, which person Cole decides to stick with...
On indefinite hiatus from the site.

Last edited by Wynamoinen; Aug 1st, 2023 at 12:06 PM.
Old Jul 26th, 2023, 09:06 PM
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Victor YoungIt all happens in a blink. Or at least the important thing does. Victor still isn't exactly sure what he saw. Brassa said something to Lito but … it was more? Or there was more? Something was more, Victor is pretty sure about that. Then Lito is bobbing away and Victor is dismissed.

From the Blue Room.

Well, crap. There isn't a lot to do to change that. Victor watches for a few seconds longer as Brassa elegantly lures away Victor's bully. Victor owes Brassa a debtHe's probably going to have to owe her for this one, whether she asks him to or not. The night was shaping up to be mighty painful.

The trip to the door is quite physical. Victor can't help but think that getting felt up by the Choppa Boys is more action than he has gotten in … way too long. He puts up token resistance, but allows himself to be escorted out of the Blue Room without further incident. The cool night air feels so much better than the stuffy club, though the underlying hint of stale piss in the back alley he had been escorted to certainly dampens the ambiance. Still … Victor can't help but thumb his phone. Should he call Jade? Would she pick up? Could he convince her to spend some time with him tonight? Damn those Choppa Boys! Got his nerve endings all primed up with nowhere to go!

Victor stands for a moment just taking in the night. The Boys stand ready to unleash a good beating if he tries to push back in – or, more likely, if he does anything other than walk straight away. He is just about to turn and leave – the night mostly, but not completely, ruined – when he pauses. Victor's eyes slowly rise to meet each of the Boys. "You know. My night's for sure ruined. You two's night is probably basically ruined, unless you like watching Lito chase tail he ain't gonna catch. What if nothing's gotta be ruined, though? I still don't know what I did to Lito … I would assume this is above their paygrade, so I shall plow forward two don't happen to know do you?"

Victor pauses. He doesn't really think that Lito would tell the goons the “why”. These two just showed up to crack open some healing rips in knuckles on whatever Lito pointed at. Victor shrugs after a few seconds, "Eh, me and Lito got to sort that – hopefully without the two of you next time. Anyway, why don't we use the time we both got to go make something of the night. I think I can get us a lead, just need a little backup. Come on, come with. I'll give you the bulk of the haul, I just need a bit to get by – how about 20 percent - and you can show Lito that you got initiative. You took the night to make something of it – FOR the Choppas!Yeah?"

OOCOk, I rolled to persuade the goons and hit a crazy lucky streak now with an 11, so I think they are in I am happy to roll for Hit the Streets to get a lead, but I decided it was worth checking things here to (1) see where Frog goes and (2) give you (Wyn) the opportunity to propose your own score if you want (through the goons of course)
Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Jul 26th, 2023 at 09:08 PM.
Old Jul 31st, 2023, 03:16 AM
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Cole Schneider, the Veteran
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And just like that, Cole found himself alone at the bar. The two thugs had stoically ignored any attempt to draw them into conversation or distract them from their target, but their boss had proven himself not carved of stone. Brassa had effortlessly lured Lito off into the club with honeyed words, and his two buddies were busy escorting Victor outside... although it no longer felt like a beating was imminent.

The tailor found himself at loose ends for a moment. It did not seem like Brassa needed, or would indeed welcome his assistance. She had Lito wrapped around one finger, and although the man's expectations of what was to follow would no doubt come up against the harsh light of reality before the night was over... the fae could more than handle herself. Victor... well, Victor's plan had primarily been to get his face smashed in? But in a manly way. That seemed to be on hold, and Cole doubted there was much he could do there either, other than potentially make things worse.

He quickly stood and tossed a few bucks on the bar near his glass. He didn't need the bartender showing up with three drinks he no longer had any desire for. A final glance around the bar showed Justice doing much the same, heading for the back exit. Somewhere to be? Dammit. Cole didn't like this one bit. He didn't like Justice being back in town. He didn't like not knowing why. He didn't like any of it. He'd tried to put the whole thing to the back of his mind, and Lito had been a welcome distraction is some ways. But now Cole was alone, with nothing but questions for company. Questions that demanded to be asked, even if answers were unlikely.

Moving through the crowd, Cole angled himself towards the same exit Justice headed for. Above the thumping music and the crowd, the veteran had to wait until his target was far too close for comfort before calling out. No pleasantries, no thinly veiled banter. Just the question. "What are you doing here?"


ZendaCole SchneiderArtemis
Old Aug 1st, 2023, 06:24 AM
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BrassaBrassa led Lito away from the scene, trusting that Victor would be able to handle the little thugs that insisted on escorting him outside. She'd rather the young mortal didn't have to leave, but it was better than the alternative. Her arms felt cool with the expenditure of essence that was necessary to charm Lito and she didn't intend to let that expenditure go to waste.

"Oh him- ?" she said of Victor, as the man on her shoulder asked why she felt the need to step in. "I never liked seeing weeds get pulled."

She let herself be led to the bar, where one of the bartenders gave her a knowing look. Lito made a big show of ordering for both of them, but she cut through his infantile order for her with cool assuredness. "A Last Word for me," she said, before turning her dark, glittering eyes on her captive. "Thank you for the drink sugar, but I have to get back to work. You're welcome to join me in the booth of course, unless you have something more important to do...?"
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