Victor doesn't respond to the revelation of Lito's beef. All he can do in the moment is raise an eyebrow. Of course he worked for the Lench Mob. That had sort of been his deal for a while. He worked for a bit less and avoided taking sides. Both gangs benefited and Victor kept himself busy. That was supposed to be the deal at least. Now they were going to get territorial?
The whole process of acknowledging the new state of affairs occurs in some recess of Victor's subconscious while the physical Victor is haphazardly throwing an idea to the night air of the alley. The stunned jaw drop is wholly sincere. Not in a million years did Victor think his idea would find fertile ground. Yet … PeeDee and Grep stand there, intrigued. Not only intrigued, but actually offering a plan! Victor can feel the tingle of adrenaline standing a handful of hair follicles on end. Then the tingle grows, and he can't help himself. "Oh, s***! Seriously?! Yeah, yeah, let's do this!"
Victor catches himself amidst his own excitement and glances around. It actually worked?! How did that work?! Then he lowers his voice. "Ok, so you got the address? If it helps you and Lito, I'm all in. Just so long as you both can hold your own if it comes to that." Victor pulls aside the jacket, revealing a bulge tucked in his waistband. If they are going after gear, especially super gear, they better be ready to handle business.
Victor suddenly forgets the woes of the earlier evening. A chance at a bit of cash was not on the menu for the evening – or at least not this early – so not all was lost. And then his phone buzzes. Victor slides it out of his pocket glancing at the screen just as he delivers the punchline of a rather crude joke. A smile plays at the corner of his mouth, but not because the Choppas are laughing and ribbing each other.
All teeth AND a job. Quick cash? Outside 2min.
Cole would be nice to have along, but Victor isn't expecting nor relying on it. Cole hasn't been particularly fond of jumping headfirst into any of Victor's past endeavors. The offer is out there, though. Either way, Victor is about to kick his money troubles down the road another day!
Let's just keep with the whole 'throw some dice' thing. I'm going to Put a Face to a Name for Diablo.
Victor wonders. They keep talking about this 'diablo' and 'devil'. Something is nagging at the back of his head... Oh, right! This must be what Cole has been on his case about. Chastity? No, Charity. Cole had made a big deal about how Victor did not want to get mixed up with this character. Something about mystical powers, and mostly-unbreakable contracts. Charity is the one that these low-level Choppas must be talking about. Charity is making moves and pulling strings with Lench Mob, and now Victor is seen as being part of their camp? It's not hard to imagine an 'I told you so' from Cole, if Victor decided to share these connected dots.
Cole takes the invitation from Victor and exits the Blue Room. There is Victor and the goons. None are bloodied. Victor looks excited. The goons look nonplussed but are chit-chatting with words, rather than delivering their messages with knuckles and bullets and threatening body language. So something constructive has happened. Cole gets the basic run-down of the job. A ping of recognition goes off (which is later confirmed as they pull up to the location). There aren't all that many vendors of magically-enhanced goods in the city. The Choppas must be talking about Faction: PowerNazanin. She's the real deal. She might not be as picky in her clientelle as Cole is, but on the streets, compromises must be made.
I'm assuming this means PeeDee, Grep, Victor and Cole. But if Cole wants to opt out or Brassa wants to opt in, that is certaily possible.They pull up to the location 12 minutes later. Its a block off Yes, this is the street the White House is on, but you're nowhere near there.Pennsylvania Avenue, a throroughfare through Capitol Hill. The front is part of a Queen Anne style row house, with darkened neon signs in its windows and a lit sign over the entrance saying "Fāl." The Choppas know the interesting stuff is in the back. There is a dark alley, and back here the buildings look more industrial. The row of "houses" must have long served as businesses for local foot traffic. Back here there are small dumpsters, metal loading dock doors, and lots of cinder-block construction. Nazanin's business takes a larger footprint in the back alley than on the streetscape - it seems she owns two adjacent buildings. Much more room than would be necessary for the tea house and tarot-reading parlor advertised out front.
One of the rolling steel garage doors appears to be Nazanin's, and it has a hefty and prominent padlock. There is a standard (if reinforced) door a few feet from it. As Cole would expect from a fellow purveyor of such goods, there is at least one prominent camera overlooking the alley. Who knows what other protections such a place might have...
Grep looks over his shoulder from the front passenger seat, to Victor in the back. "All right Mister Super Ninja, here's where you show us your stuff."
Those of you who went with Victor are in (or at least looking over) a dark alley. You can start your actions out of view of the camera. If you would rather be in the front, that's fine too. The front looks less secure, but it's more out in the open, and presumably not quite where the alleged good stuff is. And of course, it's always worth stressing that various forms of "run away" are always options, but they have their own consequences.
@Frog: if you want to do some kind of investigtation (a faction or regular move) on the owner or location, you are of course free to do so. But I thought it made sense to give you at least a little 'freebie' information, given the similarity between what she does and what you do.
@Roe: Mark Wild for the faction move on Charity.
@Vis: I'm just kind of putting Brassa in a holding pattern. Lito definitely does not want Brassa to slip out of this reach. If you want to go with Cole, that's certainly possible - I don't think he's hiding. But Brassa of course has DJ duties, and if you bring Lito along to Victor's unsanctioned heist... well, there will be an interesting scnene (not that Brassa would presumably know that). We can pull some of your other plot strings, if you'd like to stay put but have some drama.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
"Here!?" Cole's strangled whisper was pitched to convey his overall dissatisfaction with Victor's choice, but hopefully not loud enough for Lito's men to hear the same. The tailor wasn't quite sure what he had expected when he'd first accepted his companion's invitation, normally this kind of thing just wasn't his scene. But his encounter with Justice had left him feeling somewhat shaken. He'd been left with a distinct impression that whatever was coming down the pipe for him... he'd weather it better with more resources at his disposal... so he'd said 'yes'. But that was when he was thought they were going to knock over a 7-Eleven or something...
Sure, this place was more likely to be profitable, but not if they got made. Cole knew who Nazanin was, so there was always a chance that she knew who he was too. The difference was that she was still someone... instead of a washed up nobody. He couldn't afford to make any new enemies tonight. His eyes had picked out one security camera easily enough, there were probably more. But such mundane measures weren't his primary concern. Wards? Scrying? What kind of supernatural countermeasures could be involved here?
Cole was certainly no wizard, nor any sort of actual practitioner. But he knew magic was real, and that put him a step or two ahead of your run-of-the-mill burglar. He knew his runes and a few rituals... and he had an inkling of what kind of things were even possible. Before, it had all been so easy. He'd practically been able to smell enchantments in the air when someone around him was trying something. But those days were gone... right?
Standing out of sight of the camera, Cole let the darkness of the night wrap around him like a blanket. Sometimes it was easy to forget who he was, and who he wasn't anymore. Realities blurred in his mind as he focused himself for a moment, reaching... out. It was almost too easy, the temptation to reach further was strong...
Move:Let it Out
Dice Spirit:
(5, 3)+1
Total = 9
Hit. Extend your senses, supernatural or otherwise. Marked corruption.
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!
Victor's stomach is doing backflips the whole way. At first it is the adrenaline of the thrill of a score. About halfway to the destination, things shift as Victor's logic catches up with the situation. The 'quick cash' part is almost certainly a lie. He really never should have phrased it that way to Cole. Not that it matters too much to Victor – he isn't in a position to back out even if he wanted to – but Cole doesn't need to get wrapped up in his broke-a** folly.
Victor finds it difficult to look in Cole's direction for the remainder of the drive. Thoughts flash through his head. Snippets of sentences. Words repeated, refined. Something, anything, to break the news to Cole that this isn't exactly what his text let on. Then he hears the weighty whisper. Victor can't help it any longer and his eyes drift to Cole. There isn't much to say, so he doesn't try. Not at first.
Sorry is all Victor can mouth. Then a shrug as he mimics turning out his pockets. Victor hesitates. He really could use Cole, but if anyone in this world is someone he might consider a friend – or at least friendly-ish – then Cole falls in that particular bucket. So Victor jabs his head to the side, motioning Cole to take off.
Much to Victor's surprise – and relief – Cole exits the car at their destination, but makes no obvious move to leave. Instead, the old-timer's eyes skim the area. Small glints in the limited light reveal the shrewd, calculating mind beneath. No turning back now, so Victor engages his own criminal capacity.
Victor takes a few seconds to observe the alley. Fairly standard, though nonetheless formidable without the right assets. First, the camera. Victor peels off the sport coat, folding it in half and laying it gently on a nearby dumpster. Then his t-shirt. The t-shirt, however, he quickly starts to tear along the seams, quickly generating four similarly sized pieces of cloth. He snags and dons the sport coat in something very near one fluid motion. Then he quickly places one of the white cloth pieces over his nose and mouth, stretching the material to get it to tie behind his head.
Victor can't help but smile behind the cloth veil. The sport coat robber should give whoever is viewing the camera footage something to scratch their heads about.
Victor walks over to the 'Boys, handing a piece of cloth to each. Then it is over to Cole. Victor holds out the piece of cloth. "Well, guess you is still here. We got this." Victor tries to sound confident. On some level he is. This isn't the first building he has broken into, though it may be the most high profile if Cole's reaction to it is any indication. Still, a robbery is a robbery and he has done his fair share.
Ah, crap. I'm a dufus and grabbed the previous roll with my character sheet. just ignore that. Let's just keep with the whole 'throw some dice' thing. I'm going to Put a Face to a Name for Diablo.
It hurt. Just a little. Like straining muscles long lain idle. It was indistinct, hazy, but he'd found what he was looking for. There were definitely spells at work here, protections that Nazanin had undoubtedly left to snare the sleepers or the unwary. But what exact forms they would take? And moreover, what to actually do about them... that knowledge lay frustratingly, tantalizingly just out of Cole's reach.
'It's not that difficult, you know...' The voice of temptation oozed in the tailor's ear. 'I could show you... if you like.' Cole was all too familiar with coaxing invitations with hidden, or not so hidden costs. But this didn't sound like Justice's voice. Certainly not the hate-filled, sneering tones of their recent meeting, but nor was it one of the unctuous enticements that were the demon's more usual fare. No, this was not Justice, but Cole recognized the voice all the same. It was his own.
Sensing hesitation, the voice changed tactics suddenly. 'Do you know why Justice hates you so much? What is betrayal to hellspawn? No... it has nothing to do with treason, no matter what he might claim. It's because he's afraid of you. Afraid you might realize the truth... That you don't need him. The power is still there. Inside you. All you need is the will to seize it!'
Was it a conscious decision? An instinctual reaction? It was impossible to say. But the vague outlines of magic suddenly snapped into sharp focus. Fine threads of gossamer hung in the air before him, draped over the structure like a net. He ran one finger along the nearest spell, feeling the vibrations along it's length. Without truly understanding what he was doing, driven by something entirely beyond his ken, the tailor began to reweave what he saw before him, leaving a gap in the workings. Not a rip or a tear, but a warping of the fabric that would allow them to be about their business without triggering any alarms... for now.
"Well, guess you is still here. We got this." This voice was familiar as well. Victor. Cole pulled himself back to reality and found his would-be accomplice holding out a cloth to him. He nodded once, taking the mask. "Right. Let's get moving." In the dark of the night it was impossible to see the pitch blackness that obscured his eyes. But if one looked too closely, they might catch the faintest embers glowing deep inside.
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!
Cole pulls on energies that he has not accessed in a good while. They promise so much, and they take so much. They want to stay hidden, but they strain to be released. He calls upon them, and they answer, soothing, terrifying.
Victor's powers are more mindane. Literally. He shred a t-shirt and hands its stretchy tatters around. Standing near the shadowy mouth of the alleyway, the Choppas look at the makeshift masks skeptically. They accept them, but do not put them on immediately. "You know we aren't going in there with you, right?" First one then the other reaches into their waistbands and pulls out a handgun. Victor surely knew that they were packing heat, but seeing the confirmation that they brought lethal force to his public chastening is not reassuring. "We're lookout. We'll keep the car running." In their defense, it would probably look suspicious if they worse masks right here and now.
Victor returns to Cole, masking up and leaving time for Cole to do the same. Victor intends to make this a literal smash and grab. Straightforward enough. Victor leads their way to the locked door, If Cole wants to take some action about the camera, he's of course free to do so.not worrying about the camera. Cole sees no evidence of magical protection on the outer door. He nods the go-ahead to Victor. Step 1: Smash. Victor takes a few steps back, then gives the door a swift loud kick. A crack is heard, but the door does not give. Step back again, kick again, boom! The door gives way. Immediately an irritating high-pitched alarm begins to squeal its repetitious wheedling alert. They step inside.
Step 2: grab. The room is a relatively large rectangle, narrow (perhaps 25 feet) and long. It has a few rows of tall metal shelves, which hold a bewlidering array of tagged and labeled bric-a-brac. Everything from porcelain figurines to crowns; mortar and pestle to scimitars. Being very selective would take some time. The far end of the room has a half-flight of stairs that rises to the back door of the original row house. A-ha! Cole sees. THAT one is warded. Nazanin doesn't want nosy tea-room customers finding their way back. The black market customers enter this way, unwarded. Cole sees they are more or less able to move freely without worry about magical protection, except... yikes!
In a far corner of the room, near the steps to the home, there is a bunker-like room, sealed shut. When Cole gets a good angle to look at it with his Awakened senses, he is dazzled. He needs to turn away as his third eye adjusts. He's not sure if he's ever seen such an array of seals, banes, and abjurations all in one place. Whatever is in there must be breathtakingly valuable. Or dangerous. Or, most likely, both.
OK, so I'm interpreting Cole's Let it Out powers as being able to extend his senses to percieve arcane energies - basically ward-detection. You (Frog) put a 'shroud of shadows' flavor on it, so it's not clear to me if this is also meant to be some kind of mundane stealth buff as well. I'm willing to let the narrative (ie good or bad rolls going forward) decide, if you think that makes sense. And if you want extra mundane cover, Cole could just put on the mask (I'm tempted to ask how often Victor showers, and how much cologne he uses when he goes to the club ).
Basically, you've got an easy mode and a hard mode available. Easy mode is to snatch a few nearby things and bolt ASAP. That can be accomplished in seconds, depending on how discerning you want to be in what you grab. Hard mode is looking into the intriguing door in the back. Investigating it, and then dealing with the magic, will certainly take a good bit longer. In the 'easy mode' snatch and grab, I'm willing to let you define what kind of thing you might grab, within reason. The nearby stuff would be the Urban Shadows analogue of a D&D uncommon magic item - a +1 sword, potion of giant strength, etc. But, y'know, gritty and modern? If you've got an idea and you're not sure about it, just chat in OOC.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Victor steps into the semi-dark room, an awkward discomfort resounding through his leg. The door had been really solid. Trying to ignore the not-quite-pain in his leg, Victor tries to assess the room. The first thought comes unbidden: is that it? Straight through the alley door into a room with enough stuff to make the night worthwhile. The camera and alarm are minor inconveniences and not particularly pertinent, so that's it?
Victor stands still for long seconds, eyes adjusting to press back the last of the darkest corners. He can feel Cole beside him, quietly assessing the room in his own way. But as the seconds stretch on, the alarm whines it's urgent warning and Victor feels the press of the moment.
A quick flick of the wrist and the small gym back is open in his hands. Just as Victor starts to move to the nearest shelf, the stench of old clothes and … possibly dried blood? … assaults his nostrils. They hadn't exactly been planning for a smash and grab when they all went to the Blue Room this evening, so they had commandeered a bag found in the back seat of the Choppas car. Victor hadn't looked closely or asked any questions as he had emptied the contents onto the floorboards. The scents now accosting his nose suggest he made a good decision.
The bag isn't particularly large, but it is better than nothing. Victor doesn't see much point in being overly selective, though the shelves are an odd menagerie of items that don't always make sense in their arrangement – at least to Victor's sensibilities. Therefore, there are a few pockets that he focuses a little extra attention on. A particularly intricate sword that Victor knows he can sell (which doesn't fit in the bag) – and everything else on the shelf around, above, and below it (which all does). A wrist watch (is it a Rolex? Who can tell in the light?) and everything around it. And finally, an oddly glowing sphere reminiscent of a fortune tellers crystal ball, and the few things around it that actually still fit in the bag.
Last question: what here is the greatest danger to me?
Following Victor's lead, Cole tied the scrap of shirt around his face. It was a bit strange breathing through the mask... he'd never planned on getting this close to the man, but needs must. His eyes flick towards the security camera briefly. Had Victor done something about that while Cole was distracted? Or were the masks the entirely of the solution? Too late to ask questions now, the tailor just did his best to avoid looking directly at it. He'd seen the grainy footage from his own installation... probably hard to identify anyone who didn't linger too long of give too clear a look.
The alarm sounded, and the tailor fought to push the sound aside. Mundane thoughts were a distraction, and Cole had to refocus his mind to find the threads of magic once more. He was temporarily stunned by his first sight of the door at the back. In control once more, he leaned in close to Victor. "There are some serious workings here. Do not touch that door..."
Victor quickly started stuff portable items in a bag, and Cole followed suit. But lacking a bag, he was more less forced to make do with whatever he could stuff in his pockets. First he went for a few small pieces of jewelry that looked potentially shiny enough to flog for cash. Maybe they could be the Choppas' share. There was what looked like a small puzzle box, but he didn't take the time to figure out how to open it or what it might hold. Into his jacket it went. A mechanical ballpoint inscribed with runes that looked vaguely familiar, a ziplock bag full of assorted feathers, a pair of reading glasses. By now his pockets were getting full and his anxiety was rising.
"We should go."
Putting action to words, Cole started heading for the door. On his way past the shelves, one more item leapt out at him. Literally. As tie tailor squeezed in between the racks, he accidentally rammed his shoulder against one and a book fell right into his hands. Why not? Tucking it under one arm, he kept moving. Then, propped inside the door, something odd caught his eye. It looked like a perfectly normal tire. Why was it here? Was it just for propping the door open? But he'd driven over something last week and was currently driving around on a donut. Shrugging to himself, Cole started rolling the tire in front of him.
Originally Posted by Wynamoinen
OK, so I'm interpreting Cole's Let it Out powers as being able to extend his senses to percieve arcane energies - basically ward-detection. You (Frog) put a 'shroud of shadows' flavor on it, so it's not clear to me if this is also meant to be some kind of mundane stealth buff as well. I'm willing to let the narrative (ie good or bad rolls going forward) decide, if you think that makes sense.
Ward detection was 100% what I was going for here. All the 'shroud of shadows' stuff was meant to be more literal. i.e., stepping away from the car and whatever streetlights so that he wasn't doing his thing in front of Lito's goons. I'll try to be more clear in the future what I'm looking for mechanically vs. what's just fluff.
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!
The night floated on, drinks were poured and bodies moved in the dark azure ambience of the Blue Room. All while Brassa played, her dark skin reflecting the blue in a way that made her seem almost ethereal. Her 'guests' had dipped off to their own business, and no doubt they could take care of themselves. And if not, oh well. They hadn't been much help here and in fact had nearly jeopardized the opportunity for her. More trouble than they were worth, at least bringing them here.
After some hours and a set that Brassa was proud enough of, the lights of the club began to lift and it was time to go. She'd check back in with Silas tomorrow to see if she'd secured the gig. But for now...
"You coming?" She turned to Lito and gave him a mild look of appraisal and curiosity. No point in throwing away a toy that still hadn't broken yet. Her car was in the lot and her apartment a non-inhibitive drive away, but she wasn't interested in taking him there nor was she curious to see where this mortal would take her given the initiative. She imagined it would be as crude as him. There's was a modern motel nearby, where young people often found themselves. It had a violet neon sign and would be good enough to spend a few hours. "You can get us a room there."
Move: Notes/Rolls: If Lito agrees and nothing gets in the way, I can wrap up the scene classily next round.
t...Corruption Move: When you break a promise or tell an outright lie, mark corruption.
...Intimacy Move: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another person, demand a promise from them. If they refuse you or break the promise, they owe you 2 Debts.
Archetype Moves
Scales of Justice: You may cash in a Debt with someone to use a power from faerie magic (including powers not normally available to you) on them at no cost.
Words Are Wind: When someone breaks a promise to you or lies to you and you find out, they owe you a Debt and you take +1 forward against them.
Faerie Magic: Whenever you use a Faerie Powers
Nature's Caress: Your touch heals 2-harm. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Glamours: You create illusions to fool the senses. The effects don’t last long.
Bedlam: Touch a target to place them in a specific emotional state (your choice). Mark corruption to have that emotion directed toward a target of your choosing.
Faerie Power, choose 1: ✴ Mark corruption ✴ You owe your monarch a Debt ✴ Suffer 1-harm (ap)
Mortality [ ]
Night [ ]
Power [ ]
Wild [❁]
Studio on U Street
Latest iPhone
2000 Chevrolet Corvette
A seed pendant
Weapon (specs): N/A
owes me
debt(s) for
protecting her descendant Annie Hayes.
owes me
debt(s) for
going wolf on the job and making me clean up the mess.
owes me
debt(s) for
keeping Special Agent Kensington from sticking his nose too deep.
The bag, now heavy in his hand, is a welcome weight. Still … Victor hears Cole's warning: Do not touch that door... For 'serious workings' to be on the door, there must be something serious on the other side. The night has been a success, and maybe – if he is lucky with what he chose – the bills will be paid for a little while longer. Except, what if they could be paid for a lot longer? That would be breaking some new ground. Victor hasn't exactly had the luxury of ever being very far out of the black.
As Victor hesitates, his eyes wandering to the back corner where the door lingers, Cole's voice breaks through his thoughts: We should go. We should go, but how often does an opportunity like this fall in your lap? There is a deep longing burning in a place where Victor can't quite quench it. The mix of the risk, the reward, and the pure adrenaline that he has grown accustomed to on the streets is a potent catalyst and the flash point is just …
… just above the threshold of throwing someone he considers a friend into a firestorm. Cole's back is just disappearing out the open door. Victor glances at the don't-touch-door one last time. If it was only him, then perhaps he would take the risk, but Cole is tangled up in things this time and it just isn't worth risking a reason for the owner to really want to track down the burglars. So Victor leaves well enough alone, though he makes a mental note of the location. If he ever gets desperate enough, this might be worth revisiting.
For now, though, he hurries after Cole nearly breaking into a run as he exits the alley door. They were fast, but the alarm is still blaring and someone, somewhere is on the way. If they are lucky, it is just the police.
The smashing went as well as smashing ever goes. Grabbing is not all that more skilled an occupation. Victor and Cole snatch things up with more thought than 'arbitrarily' but with less thought than 'google image search for similar objects'. As they load up, Cole gives a stern warning about that vault in the back. It perhaps tears him up, but Victor sees the wisdom in the order. Rolling a tire, they exit in quick order. The last man out sees lights being turned on in the rowhouse attatched to the warehouse.
True to their word, PeeDee has the car running at the end of the alley. Grep leans against it outside, on the lookout. He gives Cole a strange look, seeing the tire, but goes immediately into action. He opens the doors to the back seat, then pops the trunk. Without waiting for Victor and Cole to arrive, he hops into the shotgun seat. He rolls down the window and produces his pistol, leaning out of the car to look around for hostiles of any sort.
It's only as the car peels out that the first hint of sirens can be heard. Too far, still, to be a concern. A female figure comes running out of the rummaged warehouse. She'd be able to remember the make of the car (a beater foreign car, over a decade old) and she'd see the masked figures that the cameras caught anyways. But the angle wouldn't permit her to see the license plate as the car pulls away.
There are a tense few moments as it's still possible someone might come pulling out of the alley, or running out the front door of the teahouse, or a police car running dark puts on its lights. But none of those things happen. Within three minutes, the crew is merged into traffic on a thoroughfare, and the danger of capture or pursuit is passed. Grep puts away his gun and rolls up his window. He turns around.
"So what's the Choppa cut?" it goes without saying that 'Choppa' means 'Lito'. What's the offering to Lito, to avoid further threat of beat-down? Grep nudges PeeDee in the driver seat, getting more excited and more interested. "And ay, what's our cut, yeah? The Heist crew!"
Brassa wraps up her set. Things got hairy, but luckily Victor decided to move himself along before the encounter brought any ill-repute to the DJ. The set is very nice, but Brassa's guest gets less pleasant as the hours progress. There's sighing, there's grumbling, there's lots of phone-checking. But the man knows what he wants, and he's willing to wait. Finally that moment comes.
"**kkin finally," he mutters as he hops off his stool. But he immediately puts on his winningest smuggest grin. His hands wandering as much as Brassa will permit, he immediately agrees to take them to the hotel she has in mind. "I get it. Neutral ground. Two folks who know what they want. All night long. Let's go." They take his car (domestic, classic, well-maintained, but with a few snack food wrappers and powdery empty plastic baggies strewn about) to the location Brassa named. He gets a room and hands her the card key, with room number written on its sleeve.
Bringing this scene to a close. Feel free to wrap up this thread as you please! It sounds like many of y'all have plans. There is no immediate danger in either location, as long as you're not seeking violence yourself.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Victor's heart is beating solidly against his chest wall. Or at least it feels that way. The escape wasn't overly strained and he hadn't exactly sprinted away, but the sight of the woman exiting the building had certainly sparked a bit of excitement. The tension had lasted for a few blocks as well. Yet, they had seemingly made a clean getaway.
As Grep assumes a more relaxed pose, so does Victor, slumping back into his seat his own hand falling away from the pistol at his side. As his head falls back to look up at the sky through the back window, Victor can't help himself. "Whoo-OOO!!" After a moment he tilts his eyes to meet Grep's. "THAT was a fun night on the town. You boys sure know how to show a guy a good time." The adrenaline crash is very real, and the silly humor helps Victor calm his nerves. "Right, we said heavy split in your favor. Ain't changed as far as I see it." Victor glances down at the bag, nudging the bulging opening to reveal even more of the contents. "Only real problem I see is I ain't got a sense for any of this stuff's value. You boys take first pick, leave me a couple pieces to fence for myself? Lito ain't know what's in there or what you take, so's you keep what you want for yourselves."
Victor does his best to avoid eye contact with Cole. Perhaps it is a dangerous game, but the Choppas only know for sure that he was rolling a tire. Victor, on the other hand, knows some spoils are hidden away in his pockets. Not having to split his meager cut with Cole, and Cole still getting something out of the night would be a substantial boon to Victor's current financial situation...
It seems unlikely that the details matter too much here, but if the extra spoils were to be discovered Victor wouldn't argue about splits, etc. It seems like he and the Choppas are mostly of the same mindset: Victor does something stupid, everyone comes out ahead of where they were going in.
Sitting in the car, his heart still pounding, Cole tried to process the end of the evening. The sirens had been more or less expected. But the figure that had arrived on the scene as they pulled away? Had that been Nazanin herself? Had she made him? Was she performing some kind of working at this very moment to track those that had dared steal from her?
"So what's the Choppa cut?" "And ay, what's our cut, yeah? The Heist crew!"
Grep and PeeDee cut through Cole's anxieties and he looks up distractedly. Right, Victor had some kind of deal with these two. The tailor wasn't exactly certain on the details, but he thought it would be best to just follow the other man's lead. Completely oblivious to Victor's lack of eye contact, Cole chimed in.
"Oh, right. The cut."
He glanced down at the book in his lap. When had he picked that up? Eh... probably not the kind of thing to interest these two anyways. Pushing it to one side, he reached into one picket and pulled out the handful of random jewelry from his coat and dumped it on top of the bag. The lighting in the car wasn't much better than it had been in the darkened store. Maybe some of it was valuable. But who could tell?
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!