WorldOfDarkness Hunter 5e: Sins of the Fallen Saint - RPG Crossing
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Old Sep 20th, 2023, 04:33 PM
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Hunter 5e: Sins of the Fallen Saint

Game NameHunter 5e: Sins of the Fallen Saint
Game SystemWorld of Darkness
ThemeA search for a dangerous serial killer who may, just may, have a hint of the supernatural about them
FlavourSupernatural meets World of Darkness, character driven urban horror
Plot Summary
A World of Darkness
Game Cancelled

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Darkened streets at night hide more than just larceny, petty crime and the occasional murder. You see, behind the darkness lies the unspeakable. This is a world that, although in some ways is both familiar and reassuring to you in its familiarity, is also anything but.

If you were to peel away at the layers of corruption and societal decay, you would see that lying behind the shadows is something far, far, far worse. Beneath the shattered remnants of our fragmented society, where the strong, rich and influential prey on their lessers is a veil. And if one were to tear away that veil and take but even the smallest peek beyond, they would see that terrible, unspeakable things lie in the darkness.

This is a world where rich and powerful corporations dangle from puppet strings at the hands of powerful and ancient vampires.

This is a world where the disembodied, incorporeal spirits of evil murderers roam the streets, looking for their latest victims from beyond the grave where they lie, unloved and unmourned.

This is a world where savage and bestial creatures wear the trappings of humanity and hide their true, feral instincts behind an illusory facade as they seek to sate their insatiable bloodlust.

This is a world of darkness.

A Hunter is Born
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What is it that makes a Hunter? There are some of us who would tell you that it is something that you are born with. A calling, if you will. They are lying, not just to you, but to themselves.

The truth of it is something that is far more mundane. We were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see, I happened to take a glimpse into something I was never meant to see. It was a twist of fate that led me to this place. Just one wrong turn, down an alleyway I never meant to turn down.

I saw her there, a vampire and her prey, as she fed on her dying victim. She was stood over him, fangs bared and blood dripping down the sides of her mouth. For a moment, I saw beyond the veil to the world beyond, and what I saw made me want to turn tail and flee. Beyond the curtain lie dark things that are simply beyond your comprehension, and for that second, I was given a key to a world that I could not possibly hope to understand.

And yet, even as my head screamed at me to run, run as fast as I could, I knew that I could not. I had been marked you see, and what is seen cannot simply be unseen. Once I knew of the darkness that existed here in our reality, I knew that I could not go back to the life I lived before. I had to do something about it.

That, my friend, is how one becomes a hunter.

We have differing motives, some of us become hunters because they have lost somebody close to them to the darkness. Others are trying to atone and make amends for mistakes they have made in the past. Yet others still are fascinated with the creatures of the dark, they wish to learn all they can about them.

Our motives may be different, but the end result is the same. We leave behind the life we had and enter a new, more dangerous life. One that will likely lead us to our deaths.

Is this the life you would choose for yourself?

A Society Decays
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Legends tell of a beginning. Not the beginning, but a beginning. That the beginning of societal decay begins in the most inauspicious of circumstances and in the most unassuming of places. Here is one such place. An abandoned, rotting shanty town. It is not far away from one of the most prosperous social cores of the capital city of England, yet here it lies, nameless and forgotten.

And it is here that something already begins to stir.

There are some things in this world of darkness that can have unforeseen circumstances centuries after the fact. Sometimes it takes little more than a simple word here, or a promise made. Or something more. Something to seal words and a promise made. A pact sealed with that darkest of currencies.

This place is broken, shattered and forgotten. It is a dark stain on a city that is proud of its past and heritage, but sometimes, no matter how much you want to wipe that stain away there is some aspect of it that still remains. An act of senseless violence and brutality and the repercussions of such an act. An act that calls out to the darkness and embraces it even. It is from this, from a seed that was unwittingly planted so long ago that something begins to grow. It begins as something small, but over time it becomes anything such. And as years turn into decades into centuries, the darkness begins to coalesce and take form, and that form is terrible indeed.

Something moves in the night, something terrible.

It has begun.

The Scene
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A tip off from a trusted source leads you to Inferno's Nightclub in London, England. There has been talk of a series of murders in the suburbs of London, and you have seized the opportunity to put yourself on the map. Track down the killer, whom you believe is one of the creatures of the dark masquerading as a human and bring them to justice.

Such an act will increase your fame, and infamy, and with this, new contacts and new opportunities will await you. This is just the first step to strike back against the darkness that pervades every aspect of society around you, and you are determined to make your mark.

You open the door and you enter the club. You are immediately struck by a cacophony of neon lights as they flash orange, purple, red, yellow, green, blue all about you. A dizzying explosion of colour, smoke and sound assaults your senses along with the crush of bodies and humanity jammed into this place like proverbial sardines in a can. A darkened room ends in a balcony overlooking the press that is below you.

Overhead a speaker blares out loud, almost deafening music. From all sides this place is an neverending attack on sight, sound, smell.

A couple push into you.

Muttering drunken apologies, they move away, heading deeper into this dark pit of social chaos. You step forwards onto the balcony as another explosion of light cascades down around you. The balcony extends around the perimeter of the dance floor where a crushing press of humanity dances below.

They are blissfully unaware that a killer lies within their midst and that tonight, of all nights, a predator is set to strike.

To your left, a tall, smiling man offers you a free drink, compliments of the house. You decline. This is not a social visit and you are not here to enjoy yourself.

You are a hunter. You have already seen firsthand the horrors of the supernatural world concealed behind masks of humanity, and it has marked you. Knowing what you do and the truth of what is out there, you cannot rest easy at night knowing that there are monsters who prey on the innocent. You will not simply stand by, allowing these creatures to kill those who cannot defend themselves. You have taken a conscious decision to step into the darkness rather than allowing it to pass by you.

It is a choice that will likely cost you your life, for you are only mortal and you stand against those who are infinitely stronger and more powerful than you.

This is your first hunt, and it has brought you here to this place.

There is a problem though. Standing below you are hundreds, if not thousands of people spread all across this place. And although you have a rough description of your target, the task of how to go about finding him amidst all of these people is not an easy one.

Yet time is ticking, and if you do not find him soon, someone is going to die and your target will escape.

So tell me hunter, what do you do?

About the Game and your CharactersHello everyone, I am Arkanis, bringing to you a game set in the new Hunter: The Reckoning 5e system released last year. Prior to this game I've never really had any experience with the World of Darkness Storytelling system, yet after buying a copy of this, I pretty much fell in love with the setting and thus was inspired to come up with this offering, and I truly hope there are people there who read this and want to give it a go.

The first thing I want to make clear about this game is that you are essentially playing normal people. Yes you might have access to some gear and equipment that regular people do not, and being a hunter certainly gives you an edge over most other people, but for the most part you are just an everyday person who have glimpsed an aspect of the dangerous and unnatural. You will find combat to be very intense and very high stakes. Do not be afraid to run if the situation seems to be going against you, I will not penalise you for doing so and maybe such discretion will allow you to come at a problem or creature from another, better angle.

Secondly throughout the game I will ask you to thoroughly think about your characters motivations and actions. I will ask you leading questions that will help build both the scene being played out in front of you and your character's connection to that scene. I will ask a lot of you as the Storyteller of the game, but equally, whatever I ask of you I will give back in the aim of making this both a memorable and unique experience.

We will start out with a fairly small and achievable scenario, but one that has hooks and seeds for something much much larger. I would expect to complete this first scenario within a year, and if there is a desire to continue on in this world then I am more than happy to carry on all being well.

I am still in the process of learning this system as I go through it, so this game is open to both new and experienced players all. If you are new to this type of game and ruleset, then we will all learn the rules together and I will help you with any and all aspects of character creation and mechanics you need.

I will state as well that one spot in this game is pre-accepted and that I am looking for another 3 characters to join us on this undertaking.




Last edited by Arkanis; Oct 9th, 2023 at 05:46 PM.
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Old Sep 21st, 2023, 02:16 AM
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Having a bit of an issue getting a copy of the book, working on that. Also had an idea but I realized it doesn't really work with the story you are trying to tell so I have to think on it a bit more.

In the meantime, showing my interest and an app will come down the pipe.
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=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!
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Old Sep 21st, 2023, 04:56 AM
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Thanks for the interest . I should say that if anyone wants to go and buy the book that's fine (and its really very very good), but its certainly not mandatory or a requirement to apply for this game. Its a pretty simple system and I'm happy with walking through anything you need to know during character creation or the game itself.

Last edited by Arkanis; Sep 21st, 2023 at 05:01 AM.
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Old Sep 21st, 2023, 05:13 AM
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@Gleeful if you mean Johnny "Payback" Affinito, for what it is worth I liked that character and think he would work okay. Maybe just tweak the background a bit so that he has been living a normal mobster life up to the "moment" he comes up against a supernatural enemy (rival gang?), and that creates the junction in his life and makes him become a hunter. He will have useful skills and connections, but suddenly a totally new outlook on life.

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Old Sep 21st, 2023, 05:20 AM
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I have no material to go off of. And can't buy any. Very interested. But not sure if I'll be able to play with out help.
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Last edited by BlackDragon0; Sep 21st, 2023 at 05:22 AM.
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Old Sep 21st, 2023, 05:36 AM
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Happy to help out with anything that is needed.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2023, 03:07 PM
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General Character Information
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Name: Johnny "Payback" Affinito

Age: Mid-20's

Pronouns: He/Him

Concept: Self-Styled Hitman of the Spooky

Ambition: Despite his nickname, Johnny's primary goal is to carve out Respect and Status for himself and the Minuccis especially among Organized Crime - both Human and Supernatural. He does concede that there's a Hierarchy and Foodchain that is to be Respected of course, but he believes that Normal Humans deserve a bigger cut of the pie. Obviously he also wants to make a Profit along the way.

1.) Don Benito Minucci - The aged leader of the Minucci outfit of the Mafia and Johnny's biological grandfather. Family politics does make acknowledging the relationship in public complicated. Knows more then he lets on about the supernatural and is in frequent contact with someone only known as 'Il Patrono' who seems to know even more. [Il Patrono may be a supernatural creature using the Minucci's to further some sort of other plan. The Minucci's may actually have a secret financial interest in monster hunting.]
2.) Alphonso and Rosetta Minucci - Johnny's father's brother and sister, and are both positioning themselves to be the next leaders. Alphonso is the safer bet, but mostly just out of tradition. It's not really a secret that Rosetta would make just as good of a boss. Together they either taught Johnny everything he knows, or found the teachers that did.
3.) Charlie Sandoval / "Magdalena" - A card-shark and supposedly reformed thief whose mother gave her a boy's name to give her an edge in the criminal underworld, claims to have gone "mostly"-straight and turned her checkered past into a career in Stage Magic. Is actually really good at it. [Might genuinely be a Mage.] Her and Johnny kind of have a thing.

Appearance: He's been told that he's a dead ringer for how his father looked just before he died. He wouldn't know, but he can imagine it. A handsome young man of obvious heavily Sicilian descent, he wears his hair a bit longer then normal for men of his profession and often ties it back. Dark hair and dark eyes, he's definitely recently become a believer in the power of a well-tailored suit that compliments his physique. Sometimes adds a long coat if there's work to be done.

Personality: Johnny is not a hero. He's not even a good person, as he's a Made Man in the Minucci Crime Family and has done all sorts of jobs including being a Hitman. He picked up the nickname "Payback" for his first audience with Don Benito as he just asked for the training to avenge his parents himself. When the deeds were done, he was Made a Soldier for the Minucci's on the spot and is all but assured a spot as a Capo when he gets a little older.

To be fair though, he might be a Mafia Hitman but he's not all bad. He's not any sort of Sadist or Giggling Psycho, he's a Professional who tries to do the job with precision and accuracy if not honor. He's also known for being Old-School in many ways. If he gives his word, he'll keep it. He believes that a man who doesn't stand by his friends doesn't deserve any sort of respect, he believes in the Favor-Bank and Paying Debts and Honor among Thieves. Heck, for Johnny the ideal evening isn't some torture basement evening or even anything illegal. It's just friends, bourbon, cards, maybe a little companionship - for Johnny, Il Cosa Nostra is about living life on your own terms.

Secret: A mob hitman with secrets? Oh, that's not a thing.

Defining MomentYou will start the game as a Hunter on their first job. To get to that point there will have been a defining moment in your character's life. This is the point where they became aware of supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, ghosts and ghouls etc. Below are a series of questions, I would like you to read and consider them before attempting to answer them as we put together your characters defining moment and how it has affected you.
Potential Answers here. Can be altered as plot needed but here's my starting idea.

1) Tell me about the moment when you became aware of the world of darkness around you - what happened?
Answer"You really wanna know? Because it's the kinda thing you can't unhear, and the kinda thing that could be a problem if I think for a second you might go to the Cops. Real Omerta type s#$^.

Alright, I warned you.

In Cosa Nostra, I have a nickname. "Payback". Say what you want about my work, but I am a Professional. I have Standards, I'm Clean, I'm Efficient, I'm not some giggling maniac whose going to get my client's names across the news - capishe? But that said, let's just say I do have a bit of a softspot for times when it's about proper Revenge. Proper Revenge, not like "he cut me off on the highway" or "he blew up my car because I blew up his business" but "I'm a Widow because my late-husband's cancer drugs were diluted" and they want that kind of Payback, ya hear me?

So one night, I was at home and there's a knock on my door. There's a Redhead, never saw her before. Just wearing jeans and a tight t-shirt, I swear I think she was even barefoot, and yet I couldn't look away. She started talking about my last jobs, but not like you'd talk about them or a cop would. She starts talking about them like they were classic movies or paintings, and then -

Well, it's funny. Because it's pretty hard to remember specific details. I think we made love, and I'm pretty sure she bit me. Couldn't tell you anything specific though. Felt sick the next couple days. She'd come around more afterwords too, always after a job. She'd ask me to do favors for her too, and in the moment - how do you say No to the Woman you Love? Weird how fast that burned out.

Haven't seen her in a long time, and I think about her a lot - but I know now that *something* about all that, it wasn't Natural. Some sort of Whammy, something - something wrong. I think Aurelia might have been a Vampire. Like, a Real One. I don't know what could happen if we meet again.

2) How did this make you feel?
Answer"Used. Betrayed. Disrespected. A little Violated."

3) On the back of what happened, why did you consciously make the choice to become a hunter and place yourself in a world that is both extremely dangerous and will likely kill you?
Answer"It's not like I could expect a long lifespan anyway in my line of work. And you can't let Disrespect like this stand. I just wasn't expecting to carving out some Respect for Humanity in general."

4) What did this mean for any close connections, family and friends? Do you still stay in touch with them or have you walked away from them?
Answer"The Don knows, I think the Don has known about this supernatural crap since before I was alive. And he talks to someone sometimes, 'Il Patrono', who seems to know even more. Ma Familia can take care of themselves, I'm not worried. Charlie I don't know, but girl is good at disappearing when she needs too."

5) Do you still try to live as much of a normal life as you can outwith the hunt? By this I mean do you still try to hold down a job and maintain human connections? If you have cut these trappings from your old life then how do you support yourself now?
Answer"As normal as my life was before, yeah. I know there's no way to get rid of the supernatural, so I'm not even going to try. Hell, I'm not entirely opposed to talking some of these Things-That-Go-Bump-In-The-Night as Clients. I'm just saying that *this Disrespect can not stand*. Capishe?"

The SceneWas Johnny nervous? A little, sure. Only idiots wouldn't be. But he's probably the least nervous of the saner members of the crew. This was his first Hunt-with-a-Capital-H for sure, but it wasn't the first time he's had to hunt someone down. Just the first time that supernatural bulls#$% was a factor.

Johnny motions that he's changed his mind about the drink. He has no intention of getting drunk but blending in a little more seems like a good idea. Yeah, that's right. Just think of this like a normal job, just with a little twist at the end.

"Alright, we got eyes on all the exits?" Johnny asks in the comm-pieces to keep co-ordiated. Oh, don't get him wrong. He'd love to save some innocent lives - but finding the target is more important. You gotta play the long game with these sorts of things. He wants to be so precise about the hit that nobody else gets hurt - but he's got the kind of job where he knows that's not always possible.

So for now, his plan is to be a bastard. Get eyes on the target, make sure- then get a trap going where the fight is completely unfair. The trap will never be sprung in this crowd because the chaos would only help the mark get away - but other ideas could easily work.

For example, ambushing the thing with a van to run it over outside. That could work. If it's got a prefered type of prey, set a hook. Poison, Explosives - whatever it takes. Because one thing he's figured out pretty quick about the supernatural is that they'll never give you a fair fight. So don't try to fight fair, obviously.

Player Information
Content: I'm always going to be just a sucker for a good story so I'm pretty open to themes.

Tone: I like a mix, maybe steer away from dumb action a little. I like the setting of traps and the leg work and figuring out weaknesses.

Mood: I don't want there to be absolutely no hope, but this is a horror game. Jokes maybe sparingly but should only be used to accent that these are people we're talking about. And let's not go completely grimdark, at some point that becomes a parody in itself.

For character death, as long as the death isn't stupid I think I can handle it.
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=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!

Last edited by GleefulNihilism; Sep 22nd, 2023 at 03:38 PM.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2023, 04:08 PM
Hotshot lasgun Hotshot lasgun is offline
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im gonna cook up gloria reyes, a supernatural honeytrap

gloria reyes
strength 2
dexterity 3
stamina 2

charisma 2
manipulation 3
composure: 4

intelligence 1
wits 3
resolve 2

athletics 3
melee 3
firearms 3

insight 4
persuasion 2
streetwise 2
subterfuge 1

awareness 2
occult 1
medicine 1

mask 2 with zeroed (3 points)

medium safehouse with panic room and haunted (2 points)

beautiful (2 pts)


1 dot of arsenal, and 1 dot of fleet

glorias theme is ready steady go from collateral

im offering solo fate, world of darkness, warhammer fantasy and 40k, along with twilight 2000 v4 games. if you're interested hit me up.

Last edited by Hotshot lasgun; Oct 1st, 2023 at 06:46 PM.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2023, 08:28 AM
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I cannot possibly miss this amazing looking game!

Saori Nishimura
right-aligned image

Name: Saori Nishmura
Age: 26
Pronouns: She/Her
Concept: Private Investigator of the Supernatural
Ambition: I want to retire one day knowing that I have honoured the memory of my grandparents. Short term: I wish to expose fakes, find the truth, and keep people safe.
1. My grandparents: They were taken in by a cult and scammed of their life savings.
2. Sam Matthaus: Editor at Das Spiegel. He gave me my break in investigative journalism. He has lots of connections with other publishers.
3. Detective Tanaka Kauru: He is the one that finally took me seriously, and with Interpol connections, is able to explain my skills to other Law Enforcement agencies around the world. He also taught me self-defense.

Appearance: See right

Personality: Saori is generally serious and focused. She is diligent about her work, tenacious and fearless. Saori is intelligent and a strong communicator. If she needs to, she can be charming to talk her way into (or out of) difficult situations. She has a strong moral compass and dislikes sloppiness or “grey area” morality in others.


Defining Moment:
1. Tell me about the moment when you became aware of the world of darkness around you - what happened?
It was in Jakarta. Children were disappearing, and the rumour was a dark monster was taking them. People were afraid to report disappearances, for fear of attracting retribution from the supernatural. I thought I knew different. I thought it was a people-trafficking gang selling the children and spreading the rumour to hide their despicable illegal activities. I had busted just such an operation in Singapore. I followed the leads out into the jungle. This was different to Singapore. A temple, I did not recognise the cult, but from my hiding place I saw a child. It was like they were getting ready to sacrifice him. The thing came up out of a pit. I have never seen anything like it. I cannot describe it. It was like evil incarnate. And it consumed that child before my eyes. This was not a rumour or an illusion or some clever trick with lights and shadows. I somehow kept my senses and escaped. They came after me, but I made it back to the city. I called the police, the army, the mayor, everyone I could think of. Thanks to Tanaka, they took me seriously that something was there, if not exactly what I thought I saw. Perhaps I should have left that bit out. But by the time the army got to the site, everything was gone. Like it had been swallowed up into the earth.

2. How did this make you feel?
I have always been a practical person. A cynic. I believe in what I can see and touch. My starting point is always; there is a rational explanation for everything. That day, I knew I had seen something that had no rational explanation. It shook my entire sanity.

3. On the back of what happened, why did you consciously make the choice to become a hunter and place yourself in a world that is both extremely dangerous and will likely kill you?
I have to. This evil must be stopped. I have seen it. No-one who has not seen it can possibly believe in it, or understand the danger it poses. It is the ignorance that leaves us unarmed and unable to defend ourselves against it. The ignorance also allows the fakes to prosper, to make money off the superstitions that flashes of the real underworld can create. That is what killed my grandparents. I have to honour their name. I have to stop it happening again. I have to separate the real evil from the illusion.

4. What did this mean for any close connections, family and friends? Do you still stay in touch with them or have you walked away from them?
I see them little now; old friends and family. I speak with parents sometimes on the phone, from wherever in the world I might happen to be, when I’m lonely. They think I do freelance investigative journalism, in liaison with police. They have the idea it is occasionally dangerous and ask me to come home and live safely. My mom asks me if I will ever get married. They have no idea of the truth of what I do, and I do not intend to tell them.

5. Do you still try to live as much of a normal life as you can outwith the hunt? By this I mean do you still try to hold down a job and maintain human connections? If you have cut these trappings from your old life then how do you support yourself now?
I have connections through Interpol and international newspapers. They know I am a specialist and hire me to investigate or give analysis of potentially supernatural phenomenon. I am on retainer with the MET in London and keep an apartment there. I am not an expert on the occult, though I have spent many long hours studying these things. My job is usually to discredit them and tell the police how to catch real criminals. My job as a Hunter comes forward when I find something that is not fake.

The Scene:
1) This is your first hunt, what emotions are you feeling right now? Nervousness? Anticipation? Excitement?
Focus, determination, fear
2) What is more important to you? Finding the target or saving an innocents life?
For now, finding and protecting the potential victim
3) How are you going to approach this situation?
I can blend in with the nightclub crowd. I can look the part. If I have information about the potential victim, I will search for them amongst the crowd and then engage in conversation and stay close. Of course, I will look out for the potential attacker, too, and be ready to defend myself and call for help.

Player information:

Discord: Sorry I do not use discord.

Content: This is a horror game. I expect the worst, and even encourage it to generate the right atmosphere. I just ask to avoid gratuitous graphic description. Implications, and fade-to-black, are tools to touch on these subjects. We all hate child abuse. But I implied it in my application above. As we are dealing with really bad people, limiting their crimes to stealing from sweet shops won’t quite cut it.

Tone: I like the mixture, which involves different skills and allows each member of the team to shine at different times. Slow burning and general building up of horror as mysteries unravel, juxtaposed with intense scenes of fast-moving action would be perfect for me.

Mood: I like to play seriously, and put all my heart into my character and the story. Billy the Silly Ghostbuster will not work well alongside Saori in a game. However, this is supposed to be fun, and jokes, humour, funny moments come up in real life all the time, even in very serious situations. So I don’t say “no jokes IC”, just make them happenstance rather than deliberately playing as clowns. While I like a horror story to be dark and scary, I think it needs to be contrasted with the light. There should be hope for a happy ending. Right?

Character Death: It should be a possibility, or we will all play as if we have invulnerable plot armour. Saori is quite vulnerable, she is not physically tough, so I would not throw her into the front of every fight. But I hope we could use the knocked-unconscious mechanic where possible, perhaps setting up a rescue/escape mini-mission? And if that fails, then yeah let’s talk about a dramatic death in the story.

Last edited by Mitsubachi; Oct 3rd, 2023 at 07:59 AM. Reason: typo
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Old Sep 24th, 2023, 06:45 AM
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Some good applications so far, keep them coming .
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 03:58 AM
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Hey all, first of all I have to admit the relative lack of interest in this game is very, very disheartening . There are some fantastic applications above but I have to admit I was hoping for a few more proverbial bites than what seems to be happening with this.

I was hoping that more people would be interested in a World of Darkness game, or at the very least something a little different from a fantasy game. If it’s down to unfamiliarity with the setting and ruleset then please do not let that be a deterrent to applying to this game, I really really don’t mind working with anyone to help guide you through it. Mechanically the system is extremely easy to understand so don’t see either unfamiliarity with the ruleset or not having the books as a reason not to go for it. Similarly I’m also happy to work with anyone through an application with whatever is needed, please do not hesitate to reach out to me either here or directly through PM.

I want to see this game come to life and am fully committed to it with everything I have and if there are people willing to give this a chance then I’d love to hear from you.

Last edited by Arkanis; Sep 26th, 2023 at 04:00 AM.
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 04:17 AM
Hotshot lasgun Hotshot lasgun is offline
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oki, lemme just say if you ran v20 or something, there would be tons of nibbles (at least i think so)

v5 is widely considered to be a downgrade
im offering solo fate, world of darkness, warhammer fantasy and 40k, along with twilight 2000 v4 games. if you're interested hit me up.
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 05:33 AM
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3 characters to join you have 4 apps. So at least 1 won't get in. Also it's been my experience that you get more apps in the last 3days of the app part than any other time for them.
"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e)
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 05:39 AM
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I was still planning on submitting an app, I just hadn't yet because I have another open application, and the deadline is still a bit away.
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Old Sep 26th, 2023, 05:45 AM
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Awesome, much appreciated all .

Last edited by Arkanis; Sep 26th, 2023 at 05:47 AM.
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