Victor rolls over … and falls the short distance to the hard floor. Laying askew, half on and half off the thin futon mattress that serves as his bed, he slowly opens his eyes and gazes at the bright sunlight filtering through the pillowcases he has stapled to the wall to cover the window where several missing slats from the blinds would have let the daylight in unhindered. There are the occasional sounds of a vehicle passing by, but otherwise the neighborhood is quiet. It is the middle of the day after all and this neighborhood wakes up as the sun goes down.
Victor twists and gropes for his phone through bleary eyes. The screen lights up, but the banner on the lock screen is incoherent at first. Rubbing his eyes makes it worse at first, but then the message crystallizes: a missed call... from Jade … early in the morning. He curses and pulls himself up to a more respectable position, or at least as close to respectable as one can come in this part of town and in this building. The night had been very late – though quite successful – and Victor must have slept through the call.
Victor quickly scans past the dirty clothes pile to the corner where one might keep a dresser, but instead a neat stack of folded clothes resides. If he is going to call her back after several hours, he is going to need to at least feel decent, which means dressed in clean clothes and a whole lot of begging forgiveness.
Victor checks the address again. The big brick building seems to be the right place. After calling Jade – and telling her that he had picked up an extra shift to make some extra cash, which wasn't a total lie – Victor had reflected on the night before and how Brassa had bailed him out. It is always good to have friends like that around. She had been working the night before, but perhaps she could relax a bit tonight and at least partially on his dime. He had suggested the Coliseum; she had agreed.
Victor had never been to the place before, but he had heard of it and he knew Cole would be there as well. It hadn't been that Victor didn't want to go to the Coliseum - in fact ever since the other side of the city had revealed itself and the whispers of the Coliseum had reached his ears, he had in fact wanted very badly to go – but there hadn't been an evening where Victor had felt the capability to not only miss out on making some money, but worse yet pay money to go somewhere.
So Victor walks to the large brick building from where he parked. He can't help but think couldn't resist contradicting Anne's perception how nice it looks. He certainly wouldn't hesitate to live somewhere like this over his crummy building if the option presented itself.
Despite the previous night's efforts, the cover charge is still a bit painful but at least the pain is lessened. Victor had arrived early in a vain hope that they wouldn't be charging at the door yet. Regardless, his early arrival allowed him some time to walk around the place and get a feel for it before the crowds.
Despite the low traffic early in the evening, the scents are overwhelming. Victor finds it fascinating that just by taking a whiff of different areas he can predict their purpose for the evening. He receives a few strange looks as he wanders around, and he gets turned away from a few areas – "Sorry, sir, first time here" – but after as the crowds begin to filter in, Victor feels comfortable that he has the layout generally mapped. It is a habit that has grown over the past several months, the deeper he gets into the criminal world (and the shadows), knowing the surroundings is important – like life-saving important – and arriving early to any and all appointments allows the required snooping.
So it is that he fades into the background as the noise and smells both increase. A quick text to Brassa informing her that he has arrived and is inside, and then some age-old entertainment: people watching.
Farhad paced back and forth behind the counter of his store, his hands tightly gripping the 1897 Western Electric telephone. He held the stick in his left hand so he could hold the receiver easily to his right ear. Anyone who frequented the Dragon’s Hoard would have assumed the phone was inoperable and simply another display piece, but it was, in reality the only telephone Farhad owned. It had a clear crips sound and dense heavy feeling in Farhad’s hand like a club.
Yes yes I hear you my dear, do not worry we will find out who did this. صبرPatience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit. تلخ است٬ ولیکن بر شیرین دارد. Take care of yourself my dear. We will speak more soon, yes, yes where they make the The local Cold Stone CreameryBastani Sonnati with the metal spoons.
Farhad felt a pang of sorrow for Nazanin. She was the closest thing to family that Farhad had in this city. He remembered fondly first meeting Nazanin. He had been drawn to her, he could feel the power radiating off her smiling face, the bright silks of her Keras accentuating her sparkling eyes. Farhad had thought, for just a moment, perhaps she was what he was looking for.
A dragon.
The disappoint was heart breaking when the truth was revealed that she was merely a three hundred and some odd year-old witch. But she had become a comrade, nevertheless. She too was old and tired, even if she didn’t look a day past middle aged. There was a familiarity in that which kept Farhad coming back. She understood something of his own existence that no one else did, certainly not his only other… companion… Agent Kensington.
Though as Farhad hung up the phone his mind wandered, perhaps now he had a chance for others to be his companions. What about his newest acquisition and the spectre that haunts him? The tailor, the Courtless, and the sighted one.
Perhaps there was hope in that, and that thought sent a shiver down Farhard’s spine.
Agent Kensington was able to easily locate Farhad’s distinctive Duesenberg. More than once the inquisitive agent had inquired why Farhad kept such a unique vehicle. Farhad was adamant the vehicle was quite average, and all the rage – oblivious of the fact that there were no other cars like it in DC. Once, at one of their chats, the young man had shown Farhad something he called a ‘TikTok.’ Farhad had wrongly assumed it was some sort of new time keeping device, which Farhad had been very interested in. Agent Kensington handed the device to Farhad and pressed a button, allowing Farhad to see a video of his car traveling down the bypass. Agent Kensington lowered the volume, underestimating the superior hearing of a dragon, Farhad had heard the very hurtful things some unnamed youth said about Farhad. Farhad had offered to shatter the device in his hand, but Agent Kensington explained that that would not solve the issue and that the video lived in the …internet.
Farhad had asked Nazanin about this later, she described it like her flames, linking thoughts and feelings of everyone possessing one allowing them to learn and speak from great distances. Did they have nothing better to discuss than Farhad’s car and say mean things about complete strangers?
Nazanin was insistent that, no they did not.
Farhad was still fiddling with the device when it made another noise, Drrrpp.
Agent Kensington quickly snatched the device from Farhad’s confused hands, and they went about their conversation about subtlety.
Originally Posted by Daniel Kensington
"There you are! Shall we?"
Of course. Farhad stepped out of the car, his cane making its characteristic clicking as they walked.
Farhad’s nose curled as the smell hit him. It was even worse than last time. Fresher. More.
Agent Kensington no doubt was eager to take in the arena. It was filled with spectacle both mundane and otherwise. Agent Kensington had proven himself to be an adequate companion though he was brash and filled to the brim with the vanity of youth – he was used to his position offering him protection against mortals. He had a badge and one of those dreadful firearms men had come to love so much – but it was of minimal use here. He thought himself an eagle, but here he was, at best, a goat.
Farhad offered to purchase them both refreshments. Agent Kensington objected, but Farhad simple raised his hand to silence the young man, his jewelry glinting in the cheap lighting, I know what your government pays you, the least I can do. They did this dance often, but Farhad would not accept the hospitality of the younger man.
Farhad was disappointed at the choices. He had assumed it was too much to hope for Aragh sagi, but they also had no grappa, no ouzo, no mastika. Settling for one of Nazanin’s favorites, Fahrad ordered a pair of large margaritas. She had learned of them from a Brujo. Farhad didn’t know what that was, but he enjoyed the word, Brujo, the way it curled on the tongue like smoke from a hookah.
Handing one of the large plastic cups to Agent Kensington Farhad moved his first pawn to C3, Now tell me Agent, why the sudden interest in blood sports? I had assumed you would have something far more civilized to do on a Friday night?
Farhad decided not to do an end of session move, because I forgot, and I’ve decided to move on. I will however Figure out Agent Kensington, Holding 2 and Kensington gets 1. I will spend one and hold one.
What’s Agent Kensington hoping to get from this meeting?
__________________ Alert: You too could join the illustrious ranks of site moderator. Apply within. Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box. Pronouns: He/They
Last edited by wodine; Oct 22nd, 2023 at 01:47 PM.
Andre's stomach rumbles. Last night he killed but did not feed. His human flesh aches. As the Wolf he had roamed the city with the speed and agility of a tireless beast; at dawn his form reverted back that of Andre Adams, the pudgy giant who only does a sit up when he wakes up.
Back at the Colliseum entrance, security demands a $15 entry fee. This hurts Andre more than the acid burning his thighs and calves. He digs through his loose change and counts out $8.25. Before he relays the disappointing total of available funds to the bouncer and begins to beg his way inside a thunderous voice annouces 'The kid's on the card tonight.' It's the Morgue. When the Morgue speaks, you listen. The bouncer moves aside grumbling that Andre 'should have said so in the first place.'
But Andre had no idea he was fighting tonight. The Morgue enjoys the shock printed on the boy's face as Andre steps inside seeking an explanation. "We gave you Bill Buzzard. Old as the hills but tough as nails. We would have called but you don't have a phone. Still ... never put off for tomorrow what can be done today, pup. Don't get ready. Stay ready." The Morgue slaps Andre on the back knocking the wind from him. "I'll be cheering for you."
Andre stands there for some time until the shock wears off. A voice croaks his name behind him at the door. He doesn't recognise the face but somehow Andre knows him. Shaking his head, Andre tries to focus. There's no time for distractions. He has a fight and he's unprepared. He moves to the concourse and scans the seats for any sign of Cole, the one person who can save him from the embarrasment of wrestling in his lackluster 'wolf onsie' again. Cole wasn't going to be happy to hear the new suit needed to be ready by ... yesterday.
Andre will Cash in his Debt with Cole to have a new adaptable suit made that can handle his transformation , adjusting to his new form and giving the illusion of the transformation being 'part of the show' without being destroyed.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
For all last night's adventures (mis- and otherwise), the day had been fairly uneventful. Cole got his new tire fitted onto his beater, but otherwise hadn't had much of a chance to go through the spoils of Victor's plan. The ill-gotten lucre sat under the counter of his tailor shop, like Poe's Tell-Tale Heart. It loomed in the back of his mind all, guilt and fear all bundled up together like a knot. With all the misdeeds of his past life, perhaps it was particularly hypocritical of him to concern himself with such a petty crime... But with Justice back in town, the need had felt great enough to justify it in the heat of the moment. But now?
Pushing such thoughts to the back of his mind, Cole busied himself around the shop. He received a message during the day from Andre, something about meeting up at the Coliseum that evening. Perhaps that was a good idea. He could talk to Cassandra about Justice... but also to quietly feel out any repercussions from last night's heist.
Heading to the Coliseum tonight. Will you be around for a chat?
Before heading out he put the unfinished wolf costume in his trunk, maybe Andre wanted to suggest some changes or have a fitting? The wrestler could always have come into the shop, but Cole had the time this evening, so why not?
Arriving at the Coliseum, Cole found his way to a small table on the concourse. It was nearly impossible to miss the large man making his way through the crowd, and the tailor stood up to flag the wrestler down.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Sounds like before too long, I'll need to use my Workshop for Andre.
Originally Posted by Urban Shadows
When you go into your workspace to work on something, the MC tells you what it will take to complete.
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!
The various parties make it to the Coliseum. Three had appointments, and they appear first.
Andre and Cole, you make it into the event space easily enough. Andre is waived in with the help of the Morgue. The man is as intimidating as they come, and he plays the heel as often as not when he's in the spotlight. But as far as Andre has seen, the man is a consummate professional around the ring. We'll just let this rumormill dangle, to be developed or not as needs be Though rumors suggest things might be different elsewhere...
Cole totes in his garment bags and tools of the trade - while security is very visible, the search protocols are quite light at the Coliseum. He knows Cassandra is here, somewhere - she replied to Cole's text message disconcertingly fast, as she is wont to do. But he does not see her as he enters. Andre, though, is easy enough to find; he is quite substantial, even when he is not in his full wolf mode.
Farhad enters with Agent Kensington. The agent is dressed up in his informal garb. Not the suit and tie he wears on the job, but the tucked-in polo and khakis of an off-work WASPy Ive League alum. Outside, Farhad's car causes the Dragon to stick out like a sore thumb. Inside, Kensington's profound normie-ness draws much more scrutiny. But coming in escorted by a weirdo like Farhad, he is not harassed. The pair finds a place to sit and chat before the crowd noise of the night's events get too loud.
"So..." Kensington begins, looking around dubiously. "THIS is your new venture? Doesn't seem like your style. Are you desperate for cash?" He seems well-informed about Farhad's decisions from the previous night. By way of explanation, he continues "C'mon now, a place like this? Of course we're going to keep a close watch. Always." It goes without saying that the 'we' here does NOT mean the FBI. At least in its on-the-books activities. It does get hard to seperate Ordo Draconis and FBI. "But you're just making the higher-ups' job easier, hanging around a place like this. I was more interested in something else that happened last night. We've heard that your associate's store has been robbed. Shocking. Send her my regrets." He can't help a sly smile, given the rest of his inquiry. "Her place is a rival to yours, some might argue. Might help you if it goes offline for a few months, and some of her goods find their way around town. And you've been associating with more unsavory..." Kensington seems he is looking at Victor. See the last paragraph for what he (and Farhad, if he turns to look) sees.distracted by something over Farhad's shoulder."types... Speaking of your unsavory associates, isn't that him? Here? At the same time you are here?" Kensington re-focuses on Farhad and raises an eyebrow as high as it will go.
Victor enters easily enough. He was perhaps a little nervous at the door, wondering if they'd somehow smell that he didn't belong. But his aspect is shady enough - Shadowy enough - that they don't give him any more scrutiny than they give any new customer. Plenty of suspicion, but also plenty of desire to take his cash. In he goes, to an overwhelming scene. Is EVERYONE here supernatural? It can't be. Can it? If even half of them are, this is a place like no other he's imagined. He is jostled and bumped multiple times as he tries to take the scene in. Soon, he sets off to explore. The arena, with a ring at its center. The concessions. The "mezzanine" area of milling and talking around food and drink. But these places aren't even the most interesting bits. The secured door, where performers enter and exit. The velvet-roped-off staircase, leading to a a literal whole different level of secrets.
In his first attempt, to pass through the secured door, he is merely rebuffed as a rube. But when he tries to get past those velvet ropes, he is trying to get access to a group of people who have paid large amounts of money to be left unmolested. A wiry woman is suddenly in his face (did she just appear? is she just incredibly fast?). "Sir, you're going to need to move that way. Now." There's a hand on Victor's chest. Then he's spun around. The hand is on his back. See the end of Anne's section, to read the end of this interaction.Irritatingly, he is being escorted to the door for the second time in two nights..
Anne-qua-Vasili is the last to arrive. At the door, she just produces Vasili's wallet as she tries to ask about Andre. The large doorman looks the corpus of the Missionary up and down. His eyes narrow, and he takes the wallet. Anne might not notice, but the people behind her in line whisper as the man takes two $20 bills out - more than twice the entrance fee - before throwing the wallet back to Anne. The doorman then slings a thumb to indicate that Anne should enter, and he gives no answer to her question. He does, however, turn his head and give a sharp whistle between two fingers. Before she can make it more than 5 steps in, a Nelson Farley, for those who would know.small toad-faced man alongside a large bodyguard has confronted her. The bodyguard prevents Anne's irritatingly-phyiscal body from advancing.
The smaller man says to Anne, "Back already? Look, there's a new order of buisness around here. You're here to spend money? That's all well and good. But if you're..." suddenly a wiry woman pushing a man is next to them. Anne recognizes the man as Victor, the lowlife who has been probing into the shadows with Anne Hayes. Victor, of course, does not recognize Anne - he sees a pale, bruised, middle-aged man in a torn suit. The wiry woman says, "another orange flag," apparently having heard the whistle-signal. The toad-faced man sighs and rubs his temple. "If EITHER ONE OF YOU is here to cause trouble - bother guests, piss off the Talent, get sticky fingers - ANYTHING... you're out. Gone. Forever. No return priveleges. Nothing. We'll be watching." He looks Anne in the eye. "No recruitment anymore. That's done." He looks to Victor, and doesn't seem to care what the alleged infraction was. "You got 2 strikes." Unless someone stops him, he walks away. The bodyguard and the security operative who intercepted Victor make it clear that They won't literally follow your every footstep, but they want to make it clear that they'll be watching.they plan on hanging around, one way or another. Victor is relieved to find, however, that he hasn't been thrown out.
@wodine: Kensington, unsurprisingly, primarily wants information (or at least, he wants to know if Farhad has information). In particular, he especially wants to know Farhad's level of engagement with the break-in at Nazanin's.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
I think it is important to have a diverse portfolio. This is, of course, a far cry from its namesake, but the Roman’s did a few things well. Roads for example, but also, bloodsports. People enjoy it, my dear Daniel, and when people are enjoying themselves they are ever so delighted to share information, and that is a beautiful thing.
Farhad took a sip of the margarita. He particularly enjoyed the salt.
Have I ever shied away from your… superiors? The sarcasm was palpable.
Tsk tsk tsk. Farhad clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
Playing to my vanity, Agent? Sloppy.
Farhad playfully chastised Agent Kensington while and yet continued to answer his question.
My dear, sweet, wrathful, and incredibly dangersome Nazanin and I serve very different clientele. I do not envy whomever was foolish enough to strike against her, and I certainly would not put myself in her sights.
Farhad let the warning linger as he sipped again at his margarita. Nazanin had many sights, and it was unlikely that anyone unskilled in the magical arts would be able to hide from her for long.
Judging by those present here in the arena, I believe the most unsavory character in the room is you.
Farhad, feigning wounded at the accusation, turned to see what the mortal was referencing.
Was that… Victor?
Are you implying that Victor moved against Nazanin?
A cruel smile spread across the dragon’s face, followed by honest and true laughter; deep and melodic the laughter rang like brass bells.
Oh, oh Daniel. That is rich. Like the fisherman toying with an Ifrit, the boy knows not what he has brought upon himself.
Victor is not without power, but his gifts pale in comparison to someone ten times his age who, unlike Farhad, has accepted the 21st century. Her coven was far and wide, which suited Farhad, it was thanks to her coven that he tried this margarita. But this was also what was most dangerous to Victor, while Nazanin would hesitate before turning to darker arts, her friends who practiced the long-forgotten arts of those that hunted and turned away the Roman Legions, had no qualms poisoning the earth and their souls to meet out justice, vengeance, and wrath.
Fate is serendipitous, Daniel, you will find that much as the Greeks and the Norse believe it is a tangled tapestry woven by the blind, or in this case, the stupid.
Farhad finished his margarita.
I am interested to see how this plays out – aren’t you?
Another drink, Agent?
Holding 1 @ Kensington.
I don’t believe Farhad is making any moves.
__________________ Alert: You too could join the illustrious ranks of site moderator. Apply within. Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box. Pronouns: He/They
So much to see! What had been a handful, then a dozen is suddenly a hundred … maybe a thousand. Victor tries to step back, to follow his own survival instincts, but the call is too strong. This is the other city … no, this… this is a city between cities. The intermingling of their kind and his kind.
The spectacle grips Victor tighter and tighter. Barriers disappear.
Until a woman appears and quite literally bars his way.
It is not very often that hands are laid on Victor in a civilized manner. In fact, the last person who had pressed their skin to his chest had ended up decorating the sidewalk. Yet, the spectre of a pressure lingers on his chest while the very present reality of the same pressure resides unwavering on his back. There had been a rope – which apparently is what all the fuss is over – but he had seen fangs. Real. Life. Fangs! Maybe a vampire? He had just wanted to get closer and see.
The exit suddenly looms ahead as the round a corner, the persistent pressure between his shoulder blades still guiding his steps. Victor tries to pause and turn, but the hand presses harder and maintains his direction and his pace, or at least the majority of his pace.
Victor finally manages to cease the unrelenting march in front of a man – but still inside the building. For a moment the relief washes over him. At least it isn't an escort straight outside. But then the man speaks and the relief dissipates rather quickly.
For one thing, he finds himself lumped in with a homeless guy. Great. Second, he finds himself a hairs-breadth from being actually removed, but permanently.
"But I didn't mean any..." The words trail off as the man and woman disappear into the crowd. Apparently there is no discussion, just punishment. Street justice it often goes by. So it may not be outside under the light of the stars, but this place is steeped in street. It is a tune Victor can carry, but he has to figure out the right key. And fast, apparently.
Anne had never been more humiliated in her life. She, an Earl’s daughter, wife of the Honourable Thomas Beall, the Mistress of George Town as the New Hampshire Gazette referred to her, was almost barred from entering a place she would have rather seen demolished than set a single foot inside.
What was even worse were the people within the decrepit building. There had never been a shortage of scoundrels and lowlifes in the world, but this place seemed to attract them from all over the city like some kind of giant magnet. Anne had never visited such an infamous locale before and now that she found herself in it, she had the impression that she was being tainted the longer she remained.
Trying to calm herself, she inhaled deeply but the smoke of cigarettes and things worse than tobacco scratched her throat as if she had just imbibed acid. She started coughing uncontrollably and saw the towering bodyguard and the incredibly fast and wiry woman take several steps away from her even as they continued to look at her with revulsion. Close to them was another man and it was only then that she actually recognized him.
"You!", she cried out, almost snarling at Victor who clearly didn't comprehend her venomous look. It was that blackguard, the one who had threatened to expose her past to Hayeslittle Annie. This place was truly a den of filth and vice!
Her initial urge was to wring his neck with her own hands, but even in her madness, she realized that acting thusly in the presence of such brutish people contained for her a risk of grave injury or even death. On the one hand, such a thing would result in her release from this insufferable prison of flesh, on the other it would mean that the source of information she had so painstakingly secured on Vox Populi and his shadowy organization would be lost forever.
Grabbing Victor’s shoulder, she leaned close to him so that the others would not overhear what she had to say to him. She knew that the odor that came out of her mouth must have been atrocious and she felt a malicious pleasure in subjecting Victor to such a torture.
"You, ruffian, who is it that you are extorting now? Some other poor, tormented soul? You owe me for all I have revealed to you in the past. Find us a place where we can talk in private or by God you will regret it!"
Keep your Cool (11). Anne neither attacks Victor, nor does she abandon Vasili’s body. Roll.
Anne Charlotte Beall (born Varney), The Spectre
Mortality [X]
Night [X]
Power [X]
Wild [ ]
Vintage, confused, changing (elegant or neglected), nostalgic, tortured, mercurial
Corruption Move: When you witness a scene of victimization and do nothing, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move: When you share a moment of intimacy -physical or emotional- with another person, you hold 1. Whenever they get into trouble, you can spend your hold to be there.
Archetype Moves
Manifest: Regular people can’t sense or interact with you unless you manifest. You manifest by spending a few quiet moments concentrating and choosing 2:
• You can be heard
• You can be seen
• You can touch and be touched by the physical world
You may mark corruption to instead choose 1 or all 3.
Won’t Be Ignored: When you get in the way of someone, treat your roll as a 10+ without rolling. If you distract an NPC, roll with Spirit instead of Mind.
”Wall? What Wall?”: You always have an opening to escape a situation. You can choose an additional option off the list to bring someone with you. On a miss, you attract the attention of dangerous spirits and ghosts in the area.
Locket with portraits of her children
Bottle of laudanum
Wedding ring
Weapon (specs): Letter opener (pocket knife)
owes Anne
debt(s) for
threatening to reveal her past to Annie Hayes
owes Farhad
debt(s) for
reclaiming (= stealing) from him her “serpent’s eye” wedding ring
owes Anne
debt(s) for
being the (distant) descendant of her killer, Thomas Beall
owes Brassavola
debt(s) for
protecting Annie Hayes
owes Celia Hershfeld-Reyes
debt(s) for
the newspaper journalist investigating what happened to Thomas Beall after leaving George Town
Celia Hershfeld-Reyes
owes Anne
debt(s) for
for helping her with investigating the supernatural origin of some of the City’s corruption
The chair creaks beneath Andre's weight when he sits down with Cole. "I've got good news and bad news." Andre takes a moment to breathe. "Thank you so much for coming by the way! I owe you big time for this, let's just put that out there right away." Andre's face is sincere.
"The good news is I have an actual match scheduled. And if I win, the next fight I get the Morgue himself!" Andre pauses, forcing the excitement out of his voice as he doesn't want to come off as childish. "The bad news is the match is tonight. So I need the new suit finished before then. I am so sorry. I only found out when I walked in the door. Pretty sure they are setting me up to fail, but I'm not going to fail. But unless you help me, I'm going to be wrestling in my jockstrap."
Andre stares across the table at Cole with hope and fear. The buzz of the Colliseaum's busy interior is white noise to Andre. All of his hopes are pinned on Cole nodding or grumbling an affirmative, but the sinking feeling there won't be enough time for the tailor is acid in his gut. "Can it be done?"
I don't think Andre is making any moves.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
Cole waived off Andre's thanks for showing up. It really hadn't been that much of a bother showing up tonight. Things were afoot in D.C. and he'd let himself become... complacent? Just when you think you're out, that's when they pull you back in... Justice back in town, last night's activities, he was well and truly in it now, and he'd need to keep on his toes if he didn't want to end up flattened like one of The Wolf's wrestling opponents.
His own worries filling his head, Cole had half tuned out the man seated across from him, and his attention snapped back as Andre said something about a match. "Hey! That's great, a shot against the Morgue." Cole took a swig of cheap beer that was quickly sprayed across the table in front of him. "Tonight? Like you need the suit tonight tonight?" The tailor glanced around the room as if he expected to see someone to take his side in the discussion. But there was no one. "It's already tonight. How soon are we talking about? No, you know what? Nevermind. I have the suit here." He slapped the garment bag sitting on an otherwise empty chair next to him, then held up a warning hand. "It is not finished. But we won't get anywhere sitting here talking about it. Let's get you into what I have so far, and see what we can wrangle together. I assume you don't want to do this out here? We wouldn't want to spoil the big reveal."
Cole rose to his feet and pushed the bag into Andre's arms. He took a moment to look down onto the main floor, trying to figure out where they'd go. Presumably there were some dressing rooms or something for the talent to get ready in. Would he even be allowed back there? His eyes caught a familiar figure. Was that Victor? What was he doing here tonight? Probably best for the two of them not to be seen together, lest anyone make any connections to last night. He still didn't know how visible they'd been on camera or during their "getaway"...
When you first encounter an NPC, you may declare them an old friend instead of Putting a Face to a Name and roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you comfort and aid, even if it exposes them to danger or retribution. On a 7-9, tell the MC why you owe them a Debt. On a miss, tell the MC why they want you dead.Old Friends, Old Favors
When you create something for someone using your Workspace, mark their Faction.True Artist
When you get caught up in a fight you tried to prevent, you get armor+1 and take +1 ongoing to seeing yourself and others to safety.Too Old for This S--t!
Brassa was there, of course. She slipped out of the hotel room in the early morning, leaving a snoring Lito to his own reveries and that sneaking sinking feeling that the promises he made had more weight than he'd like. She went to her home and spent most of the day on mundane errand. Living outside of the Courts and without the support of their vassals demanded time. Time she was content to give. This was the life she chose after all. Her freedom and her pride in exchange for powerlessness. For humiliation and alienation. But it wouldn't be forever.
She was stirring a pot of lentil curry when Victor's texts came through, inviting her to the Coliseum. He was alright, that was a relief. He certainly had a talent for getting himself into trouble that one.
And it wasn't long after spying him in the sweaty, murky crowds of the Coliseum that the young man got himself into trouble again.
"Heya sugar," she said, an amused expression on her face as she approached him from whatever shady corner she'd glided from. He was looking into the crowd with a bit of adorable befuddlement on his face.
She shook her head, appraising the crowd along with him. "You sure know how to get on peoples' good side." Tonight was going to be a hot one at the venue. She could just feel it. She'd already spied more than a few familiar faces, some she owed favors to and some that owed her. There was a thrill in the air. The rest of the crowd could feel it too. There was that excited, anticipatory buzz humming from every corner, a hive of a hundred different tunes.
Move: No move, just getting situated in the space. Notes/Rolls:
t...Corruption Move: When you break a promise or tell an outright lie, mark corruption.
...Intimacy Move: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another person, demand a promise from them. If they refuse you or break the promise, they owe you 2 Debts.
Archetype Moves
Scales of Justice: You may cash in a Debt with someone to use a power from faerie magic (including powers not normally available to you) on them at no cost.
Words Are Wind: When someone breaks a promise to you or lies to you and you find out, they owe you a Debt and you take +1 forward against them.
Faerie Magic: Whenever you use a Faerie Powers
Nature's Caress: Your touch heals 2-harm. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Glamours: You create illusions to fool the senses. The effects don’t last long.
Bedlam: Touch a target to place them in a specific emotional state (your choice). Mark corruption to have that emotion directed toward a target of your choosing.
Faerie Power, choose 1: ✴ Mark corruption ✴ You owe your monarch a Debt ✴ Suffer 1-harm (ap)
Mortality [❁]
Night [ ]
Power [ ]
Wild [❁]
Studio on U Street
Latest iPhone
2000 Chevrolet Corvette
A seed pendant
Weapon (specs): N/A
owes me
debt(s) for
protecting her descendant Annie Hayes.
owes me
debt(s) for
going wolf on the job and making me clean up the mess.
owes me
debt(s) for
keeping Special Agent Kensington from sticking his nose too deep.
Cole hoists up his duffel, and shows its contents. The first draft of Andre's costume! It's not great to show the crowd how the sausage of the violence-entertainment industry is made - this is not the right place to try on a new costume. Andre knows there is space around the locker rooms "backstage" where they can try on the outfit in peace. Cole will get waived through with Andre, if they go back there together.
Near the entrance, Farhad sees Farley give a stern talking to the Missionary that Andre let go the previous night. Once Farley turns, that same tattered Missionary takes a rough hold of Victor. Farhad can't hear it over the hubbub of the crowd, but the grubby man accuses Victor of extortion. Just then the Fae Brassavola, who Farhad has maybe ALSO sold out, slinks up and into the mix. Victor is being shaken by a pale and bruised man that Brassa But of course there are moves to discover what you know about folk in the Shadowshas never met before. Anne, grabbing Victor, finds herself in a strange connundrum. Victor has, in the specter's eyes, been 'using' Anne Hayes. Brassa, on the other hand, has been offering a sort of protection to Anne Hayes. And yet it appears that the two are here, in this grungy space, together as allies?!
Farhad gives Kensington a history lesson. He represses a smirk, which then widens into a full-on mischievous grin. "History lessons about Rome, old man? I went through orientation. You think it's an accident that 'Ordo' is in Latin? Who do you think built that first Coliseum? Held off the northern barbarians? Kept the Sassanian empire and their witches away?" He takes a sip of his whiskey sour, which wipes the grin off his face. He puts it down. "Awful. Anyways, I may be young, but I'm a good student. I thought that's why you liked me so much!"
Farhad asks about Victor's role in the apparent break-in. Kensington gives a non-commital shrug. "It seems likely. Retinal scans only gave 26% confidence. But that was an order of magnitude more than the next match. And given his known associates," he indicates Farhad with a gentlemanly hand motion, "I'm quite confident. None of that would hold up in court, of course. But that's only a concern on certain floors of Headquarters."
@wodine:You owe Debt to Brassa, due to "selling her information" to someone else. Is that someone else, by any chance, the FBI/Ordo? If not, we can let that thread dangle. I'm just trying to get a sense of whether Agent Kensington would recognize Brassa - being severed from the Courts, she'd presumably fly under the Kensington's radar, unless you informed on her.
@jbear: see the OOC thread about the costume. We need to hammer out a few details.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Cole seems distracted but Andre barely notices until he is sprayed with beer. The revelation the suit is needed tonight has Cole's full attention finally and Andre doesn't waste a moment to respond to the tailor's request to take the fitting elsewhere. He stands, leaving the table wobbling from a light bump with the towering lad's thick thighs and points towards 'backstage.'
"I'm on the fight card so we can get into the locker rooms. There's some space where you can warm up." Andre heads towards the restricted area only to catch the stylish cut of Farhad's suit.
The Wolf in the boy suit perks up and he diverts his path directly to Farhad's table where he is drinking margarita's with someone in a more severe kind of suit. Andre is grinning, relieved to see the Dragon in a gentleman suit. He intends to wait patiently and not rudely interrupt Farhad's conversation but his presence seems to abruptly end the exchange.
"I'm so sorry. I'm interrupting something. Umm... I'll get out of your hair. Just one thing real quick. The fight I was promised, the pre-Morgue match up, well, I just found out when I walked in here that it's scheduled for tonight. I feel like that's meant to throw me off. I'm about to go backstage and get my costume fitted by my tailor. I wasn't sure if you were still interested in... you know... managing me? Maybe you want to talk with someone about the conditions and the why and the how the hell I got scheduled for tonight. They gave me a veteran, Billy Buzzard. I thought he was retired... Son of a bitch is one of the dirtiest fighters I've ever seen."
Andre realises he's blathering and not getting out of anyone's hair at all. He straightens and hides his embarrassment with another goofy grin. "Should I mention you with security when I go backstage? Tell them my manager will be along at some stage?"
Backstage near the lockers a short time later, Andre strips down to his jocks, ready and excited to try on the new suit. To the boys eyes, whatever Cole presents to him is pure gold, finished or unfinished. He begins to test it out, moving, jogging, jumping, rolling and roaring. "It's perfect!"
The naive boy seems content. Cole could easily be done with the situation without any more fuss or stress if he so wanted. Somewhere, deep beneath Andre's softness, the Wolf watches silent, curious to see what this tailor is truly made of.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)! Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!