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Old Nov 28th, 2023, 08:35 PM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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Victor YoungVictor's focus is heavily skewed on the game – or, more accurately, his gaming the game – but even still, it is difficult to miss Andre when he appears. The dice are in his hand and the bets are placed, so the promise will need to wait just a moment longer … for the win! "Whooo!" Victor lets out a shout. Part of a good con is selling it all the time, and surprise is a great selling point. Even if it is fake.

As Victor leaps to his feet in his (feigned) excitement, he turns to the disheveled homeless man, only to find him already trodding away. In the direction of Andre. Victor calls after him, "Yeah, that way. The big guy ..." before trailing off and waving a dismissive gesture at the man. Whatever, he can't say Victor didn't point him in the right direction even if he was already walking that way.

Victor crouches down once more, but before turning his attention back to the game he catches Brassa's eye and gives her a very subdued wink. A few more rounds and Victor's winnings are beginning to reach a more noticeable value. With one last toss Victor sends a few bills to the previous recipient of his skills, once more catching the eyes of the red-haired man-boy. This time, however, Victor provides a subtle wink, then quickly stands and announces his "joy at playing with everyone, but there is other sh... stuff to do here too. Good luck to all" before turning, offering his elbow to Brassa, and slowly stepping away from the crowd with Brassa at his elbow.

It is all a show, but it seems to work. The red-haired boy-man takes his time, but then rises from the ring and follows. A few paces away, Victor lets their pursuer catch up. "Good evening, sir. You got them rolls going your way tonight, why'd ya leave just to talk to a guy like me?" Of course Victor knows exactly why – and the boy-man has a pretty decent idea as well. Victor's smile is warm and innocent, but his eyes are sparkling with mischief.

OOCI am hoping to make a connection with Kinklaw of some variety as the “create an opportunity” part of the Mislead roll.

That is a 7 for Mislead, Distract, or Trick, so Victor will Create an opportunity and Confuse them for some time
Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Nov 28th, 2023 at 08:35 PM.
Old Dec 1st, 2023, 08:17 PM
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While Victor played his entralling game of dice, Brassa lost sight of the strange scruffy man who had pulled them here in the first place. She let that go as simply one of the mysteries of the Coliseum, a place rife with the odd and inscrutable, the mysterious and dangerous. There was a small crowd standing about the circle of gamblers, some watching the game with interest and others who had simply chosen this area as the most optimally chic location to be seen or have a conversation.

It was among those that Brassa found an ear to bend, a lovely young woman whose deathly pale skin and red eyes might pass as stylistic make-up choices to mortality, but the fae recognized creatures of the Night. A mutual attraction and wariness passed between them, but soon Brassavola was able to extract some Hit on Investigate a Place of Powerinteresting tidbits about the nature of this place.

While she was speaking with the Night dweller, Victor caught her eye with a wink, followed by a bit of a performance as he left the game. It seemed his bait worked as Kinklaw soon rose, his boyish face looking after the retreating mortal with interest. Brassa excused herself and followed.

Using Fae magic on another of the Folk was a tricky thing. Despite their insistence on the opposite, Brassa and all her kind were just as susceptible to tricks and manipulation as any other. In some ways more vulnerable. But still, they were sensitive to such things and knew their emotions were fleeting as clouds. So she had to do this at the right time and it seemed Victor had created just the opportunity. Just as the older Fae reached Victor, the young man turning and speaking with the swagger of a con man who ran his grift perfectly, just at that moment Brassa reached forward and brushed his hand, her fingers tingling as she put Kinklaw in a state of deep admiration.


Last edited by Vislands; Dec 1st, 2023 at 08:18 PM.
Old Dec 3rd, 2023, 03:20 PM
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The ConcourseAs Victor gambles, Brassa sees a pale red-eyed woman. She is dressed in a sort of urban-chic goth motif, and smokes a cigarette while leaning against the wall. She seems only too happy to dish when Brassa presses, and offers the fae a cigarette. "Yeah this started as a place where a few vamps and a few wolves thought they could make some cash and blow off some steam. But y'know, even that was unusual. It slowly caught more and more attention. More factions came in. It's a delicate equilibrium. But it's held up so far." Then her red eyes sparkle with a laconic but malicious glee. "But it's a tinderbox, yeah? It could explode at any moment." She points her finger at selected passers-by. "Gangs, wizards, Missionaries, the Courts... Look at them. All casing each other. Looking for opportunity, looking for weakness. How long can a place like this last?" The smoking woman seems to find much pleasure in the place while it lasts, and also in the prospect of its untimely and violent downfall.

Victor eventually decides he's had enough. With a few fleeting glances, he signals his intention and stands. The circle grumbles as he leaves, but it's only the age-old 'you're taking my money' complaint, rather than any real hostility or resistance. He takes Brassa's arm and they depart. Kinklaw come trotting up after them, and Brassa brushes him as he comes even. Victor chats him up.

Kinklaw brushes aside his unruly mop of curly red hair. "Talk to a guy like you? Why not? A guy like you comes in here, holds his own?" He pretty clearly means 'mortal' when he says 'like you.' He then looks over to Brassa, dark and mysterious. He looks for a moment like he's trying to put two and two together, and fails. "With one of our fine pieces of ass on your arm? You've got your finger on the pulse. You've got something going on. Yeah?"

Just then, the loudspeakers blare out "Llllllet's get rrrready to rrrrrrumblllllle!". The dice game breaks up almost immediately, as they move quickly to the ring. It appears that the early matches are a favorite among the gambling crowd.

Table near the barVasili makes the table more than a crowd, talking about Vox Populi. Agent Kensington's eyebrows raise at that name, and then there is a bustle of activity. Glasses and bottles rattle as Farhad slams his hand down. Andre and Farhad rise from the table. Farhad makes a series of pointed suggestions, and Andre leads Anne away. Kensington's head is spinning, and he does not appear all that interested in watching Andre and Anne go.

Just then, over the loudspeaker, a pre-recorded voice shouts: "Llllllet's get rrrready to rrrrrrumblllllle!" The crowd goes silent for a moment to listen, and then the mass of people begins to shift. That's the warning to take your seats: the events are about to begin.

At the table, Kensington grabs the coat he hung over his chair and says to Farhad, "This is all a bit much for me, and you're a busy man. I think I'll slip out before all the blood and sweat. But I'm glad we could touch base." He debates finishing off either of his drinks, and decides against it. "If the Ordo hasn't noticed these meetings yet... or if they have, and allow them anyways... maybe we needn't be so clandestine. A cozy speakeasy-style whiskey bar would be so much nicer than the Cathedrals and Coliseums for a friendly chat and a decent cocktail. Good luck to your... client." He offers a handshake, and departs, battling against the flow of traffic to head to the exit.

Andre is waved through to the backstage as the rrrrrrumblllllle alert is played. He knows that is a ten-minute warning. As he approaches the locker room, someone with a clipbard says "Lupus. You're up second." There must be new wrestlers going first. That's a tradition. The new meat always battles first. He sees them waiting in the wings. A middleweight guy with a lightning theme on his gear. A stocky woman who looks like she could win lumberjack contests involving log-hurling and bundle-toting. Andre and Anne enter the dressing room.

The Dressing roomThe warning "rrrrrrumblllllle" is played as Cole frantically works to get Andre's suit into a repsectable order. The clock is quite literally ticking. Soon afterwards, Andre returns to the locker room, accompanied by a pale, bruised, disheveled, and smelly man. He wearing an off-the-rack suit that was poorly fitted before it was torn and rubbed in dirt and refuse.

Andre immediately recognizes The Oracle, hanging here with Cole. She is not dressed to compete today. She turns her blind face to him and Anne/Vasili, and you can see her nostrils flare. "Here I am, just hanging in the men's locker room, just minutes before show time. Let me leave you be. I hope Cole can make you look presentable for your big match. Break a leg." She departs.

OODM@all: we've got a ticking clock for Andre's match! The timing is most important for Cole and Andre, but the dynamics of the Coliseum will be changing. People are done with their milling and chatting, and are heading for the ring. You don't have to watch the matches, of course. But that's why basically everyone in the building is here. I'd prefer just one or maybe two rounds of posts before those matches begin. I will definitely NOT play out the battle of the first match. I think jbear will probably want a handfull of posts about his match with Buzzard.

@Roe & Frog: based on wodine's Ancient Appetitie's roll, I'm going to establish that one of the items you stole from the arehouse was a small gold chain. Too small for a necklace, too big for a bracelet. Maybe a watch chain or vest closure? Anyways, it looked like pretty standard moderately-valuable jewelry, and so it was an easy sell to use that as part of the loot to pay off Grep and PeeDee. If you were so inclined, you might now say that it's now guarded by forces that Farhad can not overcome, and is in a place inherently dangerous to Farhad and his allies.

@Vis and Elanir: I need to edit/retcon one set of facts from my last post. I said Kinklaw was part of Dusk court. Well, that was dumb. Brassa WAS part of Dusk, and Dusk does not exist anymore! So I edited my last post to establish that Kinklaw is part of NIGHT, and so his Baron buddy is from Day. Nothing else of substance changed. Sorry, should have caught that.

@Vis: if I'm recalling correctly, Brassa is in 'hiding' in one sense or another. So Kinlaw appears to be recgonizing Brassa as fae, but he must not match her to any given Court, or else he'd presumably have a much different reaction. There is an ongoing danger that he might recognize her, but I'll let dice and drama decide if that's a thing that happens

@Frog: if you want to have an interchange with The Oracle, you can make that part of your next post. We'll figure out a way for me to respond to that, if it happens.
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Old Dec 5th, 2023, 10:28 AM
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Cole Schneider, the Veteran
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'What have you gotten yourself involved in?'

Cole felt a cold shiver run down his spine as Cassandra uttered her proclamation. The forces of hell? That was just what he needed tonight. He shook his head. "I wish I knew." One thing at a time. That was the only way he would get through this. He glanced at the two costumes he was being offered. For any other wrestler, on any other night, he might have selected the black dress threaded with silver. It was certainly eye catching and would make an impression in the ring. But as his eyes fell upon the second garment, he was struck by a vision of his own. Was it a lingering touch of Cassandra's power? Or just a spark of inspiration? Either way, he witnessed the image of a werewolf lashing out at an unseen foe, a splatter of blood that dried instantly, resolving itself into a spray of dark brownish-red across gray fur. The tailor reached out and took the toga, nodding his thanks to the Oracle... and placing himself firmly in her debt.

Cole took the unfinished costume in both hands, and with a deep breath he ripped a second hole in it, even larger than the first. Scissor cuts would look too straight, too unnaturally precise. He had a lot of work to do, and not a lot of time to do it in. As he worked himself against the clock, he was vaguely aware of Cassandra's presence over his shoulder, handing him things before he even had a chance to ask for them. Sometimes before he even realized that he needed them.

Cassandra spoke for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, but not to him. Cole looked up in surprise to find Andre and another man standing before him. His eyes ached from working in suboptimal lighting, and he could feel his hands beginning to cramp up... but he had finished. He raised up the garment before him. The same base gray unitard, but with a lupine cowl that came over the head. Patches of fur ran along the back and arms, and the whole thing was topped off by great jagged patches of red, diagonally from the right hip and passing over the left shoulder. The blood-splattered wolf.

"It's finished."

Cole glanced curiously at the other man for a moment. Another wrestler? One of Andre's friends? The tailor in him was just about to say something about the off-the rack fit of the man's suit when a whiff of something caught his nose and he stopped, taking a closer look. Then he shook his head slightly. Some things were just unsalvageable.

The Oracle's departure caught him off guard. "Wait, Cassandra, I..." He lapsed into silence. He still hadn't had a chance to talk to her about last night. But whose fault was that? "I'll try and catch up with you after the match." Her premonition from earlier echoed in his ears. The Morgue. That wasn't this match, right? He turned back to Andre. "Well, let's get you into this thing. Uh... who're you up against this time?"


ZendaCole SchneiderArtemis

Last edited by hafrogman; Dec 5th, 2023 at 10:29 AM.
Old Dec 7th, 2023, 03:32 AM
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The Spectre
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Anne Charlotte Beall, the Spectre
Anne followed through the multitude of people, trying to stay as close to Andre as possible. Around her, the crowds grew alive, excited that they would finally get to witness blood being shed and bones being broken. The bloodlust she saw, no matter where she turned to, nauseated her and her stomach heaved, rebelling at the thought of such barbarism.

Andre is different, however. He is not like that. I can trust him.

Anne paused, taking a good look at the large man in front of her. He looked so different now that she saw him through Vasili’s eyes. Far too young and… common, very unlike her Thomas. How could she have felt so drawn to him? His hair was all tangled up, his skin sweaty. His eyes were too small and there was something almost feral hiding beneath their simplicity.

She stopped walking, suddenly unwilling to follow the big wrestler. The locker rooms!? Why was she here? She would never have come to such a place of her own volition. It was her fractured mind that betrayed her. It made her act in ways that she couldn’t comprehend, couldn’t justify.

Blind eyes regarded her with curiosity - or was it revulsion? - and she hid her face with her arms, feeling the gaze of the Oracle burn her with its intensity. She was being judged - no, dissected!

"STOP LOOKING AT ME!", she shouted, but all that came out of Vasili’s mouth was a croaking sound barely resembling intelligible speech.

She had to leave this place!

Anxiously she rushed towards the door when her eyes met him, her Thomas’ blood by another woman.


It was a trap! She was surrounded by people who wanted to harm her, cause her pain. Her ears started ringing and she tried to cover them with her hands. She could hear the crying, that incessant crying that she had come to detest more than anything. She pressed her palms against her ears as forcefully as she could, but nothing would drown out the screams of the infants.

Her control over the flesh weakened and she felt something tear like cheap fabric. Vasili’s eyes rolled upwards and he collapsed into a heap right in front of Andre and Cole.

The world around Anne instantly turned dim and hazy and she realized that she was able to move through the shifting shadows that resembled people, lockers, benches, and walls. She was free!

But it was an empty freedom. She had the power to do everything - but not the will.

The crying grew fainter, but did not go away. She could still hear it, coming from far, far away. Time, not merely space. She chose to ignore it, for now. Reluctantly, she moved slightly through the ether and was glad to see that the mortals’ eyes didn’t follow her.

She sighed in relief. She was herself once more. A shadow amid shadows.

Patiently she waited. She had done what she promised, delivering the man to the Wolf.

Now it was up to him to do with Vasili as he liked.


He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Dec 7th, 2023, 07:30 AM
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Brassa didn't mind acting like arm candy, so she leaned her body towards Viktor while they talked and let Kinklaw's crass inclinations work to her benefit, for the time being at least. It seemed her gambit had payed off and Viktor held the fae's interest, though she saw his admiring eyes go up and down her figure often while they spoke. It wouldn't be long until those turned to suspicion if she didn't play her cards right.

She had...indulged in the use of her fae magic heavily in the past few days and, though it pained her to admit it, without a monarch or a court to supply her with the mana to do so the act was taxing. So she turned to her soft skills instead, observing Kinklaw and subtly directed the conversation with an airy intervention now and again. This was the first time Brassa had spoken to the old fae up close to any significant degree, but a line into the inner layout of the Courts wasn't to be squandered.

Nighters and Daytimers talking to each other like old friends instead of one frostily tolerating the other's existence. She couldn't have imagined the sight not too long ago, but clearly something significant had changed behind the scenes.

While they talked there was the sudden blaring announced for the upcoming fight. Who was fighting tonight actually? Brassavola thought to herself, turning slightly to look for the ring where it rose about the crowd. She hadn't given much thought to the main event, she had busied herself too steadily with the currents of the attendees.

Old Dec 8th, 2023, 12:49 PM
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Andre Adams"... Rrrrrummmble!"

Andre's head jerks up towards the loudspeaker. ****!

Inside the locker room, Cole presents his brilliant work. Andre, eyes sparkling with wonder, is about to breathe out when the Missionary screams "STOP LOOKING AT ME!"

Andre spins in time to see the battered man collapse. The wrestler's eyes dart up at the ticking clock. Has the day gone that fast? Are those the first aches or am I imagining things? What time is it exactly?" He looks down at the collapsed man, a problem he has neither the time nor the peace of mind to deal with right now. He wants the problem to disappear.

With a growl, Andre rips open one of the large lockers, picks up the Missionary by the scruff and stuffs him inside. He leans into the door, forcing it shut with his considerable mass. He turns to thank Cole but the odd look on the man's face silences Andre. Is that fear? What could he possibly be scared of? The costume is incredible. Oh... I did just stuff someone into a locker... right. Makes sense.

"Sorry. Umm... I ... Ehem... Yeah, that was weird. I apologise." Andre can't think of any plausible explanation for his actions so he changes the subject, responding instead to Cole's question. "I'm up against the Buzzard. Wiley ol' bastard. But unless he cheats, I can't see him beating me." Andre pauses. "He does cheat a lot though."

Andre pushes everything away as he climbs into his new costume. He puffs himself up and sucks in his gut in front of the mirror. His mouth turns upwards into a child-like grin. "It's better than I could have ever imagined. There's no way I can lose now. I look too damn good."

Something in Andre's back snaps. Bone splinters pierce his muscles from the inside. Andre winces. The Wolf wants out.


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Old Dec 9th, 2023, 02:57 PM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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Victor YoungIt is better than any concept Victor could have concocted in his wildest dreams. He feels a flush as Brassa leans in to him, selling her role beautifully. Unless … she isn't selling anything. Did he miss a sign?

There is no time to dwell on that potential excitement because a far more real excitement is standing before him. Victor's gambit had worked and he had managed to pull one of the supernatural folk away from their group … and that is as far as the plan had developed. But! Here he finds himself with one supernatural friend on his arm and a new supernatural acquaintance held in thrall by his antics.

The announcement for the match interrupts Victor's response, but as soon as the resounding last syllable dies away, he smiles to Kinklaw. "I got some things going on, yeah." Victor nods in the direction of the throng. "Check out the action? Maybe we got something to talk about?"

OOCI think I am inclined to invoke Victor's intimacy move here. It might be a bit of a stretch, so I am interested in other thoughts
Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Dec 9th, 2023 at 02:59 PM.
Old Dec 9th, 2023, 06:00 PM
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Rumble Leaving so soon, Daniel?

Farhad leaned in as he shook the young agent’s hand.

I’ll give your regards to Nazanin. You should join us for tea sometime. She is quite the adept fortune teller.

Farhad winked at Daniel, knowing that the agent would likely never agree to be in a position to allow one such as Nazanin to probe the truths behind the veil of the Ordo, but one could hope.

When Daniel left, Farhad let out a sigh and looked around realizing that although he was alone, he was not at all, alone.

This was entirely too much ‘human’ contact for Farhad.

Usually, he’d spend his day lazily sipping tea and talking to the two or three customers that would peruse the shoppe.

Many of his sales were made by middle agents for selective clientele, he didn’t see them, meet them, and only rarely had to speak to them – and that was how Farhad liked it.

Once a week Farhad made a habit of visiting the other shops nearby.

There was a chocolate shop just across the street that he had become particularly fond of.

A family establishment; mother, father, daughter, and son. They made brightly colored bonbons, bars of chocolate in an assortment of flavors, but Farhad was particularly fond of the chocolate covered hazelnuts. The hazelnuts reminded Farhad of home. He remembered tasting them for the first time in the city of Damascus, as he walked down the streets of the city, relaxing in the warm weather a gentle wind blew thought the Ghouta, off the Barada River… and then nothing for centuries. Missing puzzle pieces of his history stolen by the Ordo.

There was something charming about the Venezuelan woman coating something that reminded Farhad so much of home with something from her home, the cocoa. All the rage in the United States, was sweet and bitter, soft and hard, in a word, luscious.

He also enjoyed the company of the family, they would welcome Farhad on his little journeys around the town, the click of his cane announcing his arrival, they always had a small bag of hazelnuts prepared for him.

A lovely little shop.

Farhad, however, was painfully aware of just how many people were here, how many he had already spoken too and how many more he was still going to have to speak to.

Farhad stayed at his table, the chairs open and available.

There were many different kinds here tonight, but he was only on his kind, perhaps the only one left in all the world.

So for now he would watch, and wait.
Farhad took a sip of one of the beverages on the table, and blinked slowly, his third eyelid moistening his deep dark eyes.
OoCI’ll spend my one on Kensington before he leaves if that’s alright

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Last edited by wodine; Dec 14th, 2023 at 11:06 PM.
Old Dec 10th, 2023, 04:38 PM
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The StandsVictor, Brassa, and Kinklaw head into the stands. On this side of the building, the factory has been gutted floor to roof, creating a high-cielinged area where the ring can be placed surrounded by risers. The seats are general admission, aside from the rows nearest ringside, and those in the VIP area, which are a makeshift set of balconies where the portion of the building with floors (second and third meets the portion of the building where they have been knocked through. Kinklaw's tickets are general admission as well, and so it's easy to sit together. The seats are metal bleachers, the kind you'd expect at a middle school football wrestling match (if one had any concept of such events). They rise up 20 or 25 rows.

Kinklaw leans over to chat up Victor once they've all sat down. "So what's your business? Maybe we've got connections. Maybe we can get something going. The Lady always has projects for people willing to cut a deal." He again looks at Brassa with a puzzled (if luridly appreciative) look. "You been in DC long?"

Slowly the stands fill, and before long, the first match is being announced, apparently between "Luke Thunder" and "Hercula". The crowd gives a mild cheer as the battle begins, but the hubbub of conversation remains as loud as ever as the match begins. The crowd is at least as interested in themselves, as they are in this particular fight.

The Dressing roomThe Missionary yells, and then suddenly looks dazed. He blinks, as if a bright light is being shined in his face. "huh... where... where am I? What is this...." he sputters. Before any answers are forthcoming, Andre shoves the man into a locker. There is some feeble pounding and yelling for a few moments, but the man does not seem ready to really dedicate himself to escape.

Andre tries on the outfit. It fits his current form, with lots of stretch in certain areas. Then bones crack and jerk in nauseating succession. We'll soon see if Cole's handiwork can bear the stresses.

As Andre begins to transform, more wrestlers begin to file into the locker room, in various states of undress. With the matches beginning, everyone needs to gear up. They pass by and through Anne as the room becomes more and more unseemly by the second.

Table near the barAs Kensington gives his parting wishes, Farhad does likewise. Farhad desperately want to know how to get his hands, though he's too polite to say anything so coarse. "Tea sounds lovely. Is she willing to give readings at Grand Central?" He gives his irritatingly winning smile and says, by way of goodbye, "Oh, we'lll find it, don't worry yourself there. The real question is: what would you be willing to give up, in order to get it?"

And then, Farhad is alone, in the center of a shifting swirl of supernatural humanity. There is peace, there, alone. The area near the bar quickly clears out as the building is fillied with the sound of the clanging of feet, stomping up the metal risers. Farhad has no real inclination to leave his spot. He hears a moderate cheer from the crowd, as the matches apparently begin. A few moments later, a woman enters the bar area. She wears spandex workout clothes, carries a duffel whose handle has been thrown over a shoulder. Long auburn hair is pulled up into a high pony tail. She wears a cloth of light blue, bound around her eyes. Her head turns towards Farhad, and then she walks his way.

At closer inspection, she appears almost as ageless as Farhad himself. She's definitely older than 25. She's definitely younger than 60. In between... it's hard to say. She begins speaking to Farhad without introduction. "Aren't you the new guy's manager? Shouldn't you be... managing him?" There is a short pause where Farhad feels he is being carefully observed. "I have a feeling you're new to this. People expect a show out of you, too, you know? At least, if you want your boy to last. If you want him to make money. Or to avoid the kinds of matches..." There is another pause, but here she seems to be choosing her words, rather than scrutinizing the Dragon. "This kind of thing can break people. Lots of fighters don't know how to do anything but pick more fights. They'll eventually find a battle they can't win. Or they'll get put there. These things aren't play-acting. Are you looking out for him?" Farhad isn't quite sure if he hears the follow up or just looking out for yourself?, or if there is an echo in his head of some past conversation that reminds him of that question.

OODM@all: I think I might not be giving you a lot to interact with here. That's OK; short posts are always very acceptable. Unless you kick up more drama in this next round of posting, we can put Andre's match in the spotlight with my next post.

@elanir: I'm assuming Anne is not manifest, since you didn't declare so. Make sure to declare your types of manifestation, if you want to be percieved at all

@jbear: lol, oops. Yes, it's night. In my head is was dark when everybody entered. But perhaps I never said that explicitly in the narrative. So we're going to go with a second straight night of "I guess it was cloudy and not technically quite sunset before"? One day we'll get the hang of this. I'm honestly fine continuing to fudge this issue, as long as we never cross the line of being able to transform on-the-spot and at-will when convenient. Maybe there's something complicated about astrology or ley lines or something working in the background? Bottom line: yes, doing the transformation now works AFAIAC.

@frog: I already said that the outfit would work, so I won't spring any surprises here. The surprise is really seeing Andre go through this process. And there will probably be a few seams to reinforce as you see the stresses the transformation puts on the garment...

@Roe and Vis: re: Intimacy. I don't object, at least. The rules say the moment needs to be "poignant and personal." I can see how that might be the case for Victor. I'm less sure about Brassa, who is more used to manipulation based on her charms and appearence. In the end, it's up to Vis I think - is this "imtimate" to Brassa? The downside of being intimate with a Fae is pretty substantial, so if Roe is willing to roll with that, I don't want to get in the way of that drama, lol.

@wodine: to be a little more explicit about your move: it's basically trivial to convince Kensington to find the item - the Ordo is searching for it, and once they have it, Kensington will know where it is. The "for your hoard" part is much harder. The implication is that Farhad would need to exchange something from his hoard of equal or greater value. Given the Ordo's familiarity with dragons, he knows you're not willing to give up many things. Meaning, he puts a very substantial value on this thing indeed.
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Old Dec 15th, 2023, 12:35 AM
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Rumble Fahrad blinked as he was abruptly pulled from his daydream thinking of hazelnuts and his time in the Levant.


Farhad’s eyes scanned the woman from head to toe; an eagle surveying a new bird in their nesting range.

Was she a threat?

I am, his manager.

Farhard stood as he extended his hand.

Farhad Amir Zahhak. You must forgive me, I am also new to this arena.

Farhad continued to watch her movements.

If people would like to see my show, they need only schedule my match. I would gladly throttle one of the other managers. One, in particular. A curled smile spread across Farhad’s face as he through about wrapping his claws around Farley’s greasy thick neck.

Fear not, the boy can fight – I don’t need to manage that. He does, however, have plenty to learn, and he can’t learn those lessons being coddled. Fledglings won’t leave the nest if they know you’re always going to be there, even if you are.

Farhard transferred his cane to his left hand and extended his arm to the mysterious woman to escort her to the ring.

Care to escort an old man to the match you’re oh so concerned I’ll miss?
OoCI failed to put a face to the name, regardless of faction, but do let me know if I need to mark Night or Wild.
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Old Dec 16th, 2023, 01:10 PM
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The Spectre
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Anne Charlotte Beall, the Spectre
Anne watched Andre expectantly, waiting to see the glint of exhilaration in his eyes. Not even death could make her forget how excited she and her siblings used to be on Christmas Eve when presented with their gifts: stockings full of tasty nuts and sweet berries, along with wooden horses and toy soldiers, velvet ribbons, ivory combs, and silver brooches shaped like flowers or feathers. Papa and Mama would silently watch, smiling, seated on the large, comfortable armchairs or the delicate French canapé, while her Grandpapa would hum softly as the children unwrapped their presents, loudly exclaiming their surprise and delight. Afterwards, the servants would enter the great hall, bringing hot chocolate, and the whole family would enjoy its rich taste, while singing, joking, and telling stories.

Anne had never been happier as a child.

She expected that same irresistible feeling from Andre, who was a child as well in more ways than one. His own present waited in front of him, weakened and dazed, ready to be claimed. It was what Andre had asked of her, his most fervent wish. Like a fairy godmother she had granted it for him. He would smile and laugh and be grateful.

She could not have been more wrong.

Vasili was lifted like a sack full of coal and shoved inside one of the lockers, faintly protesting the treatment he was receiving. Anne’s formerly beaming face grew darker, her eyes fiery and her mouth forming a stern, disapproving line.

"Ungrateful, cur!", Anne has manifested. She can be heard and touch/be touched, but not seenshe exclaimed angrily, all memories of celebrating Christmas with her family disintegrating like a love letter surrendered to the flames.

She would not remain here and watch her great efforts being belittled by some man-child. She had suffered, allowed time, pain, and mortality to malign her, and for what? So that she could be waved off like a beggar? No, never! Not Anne Charlotte Beall, daughter of an Earl, wife of one of the most powerful men in the United States of America.

As filthy, loud, vulgar people started entering the locker rooms, she turned her burning eyes towards Vasili, whose yells had already grown so feeble as to be imperceptible by mortal ears. He had been a present of love, but the man she had given it to was undeserving.

Her spectral hands passed through the cheap metal of the locker until her fingers touched Vasili’s clammy skin. The man stirred, and tried to tell something, but Anne’s hands proved surprisingly strong. She pressed them against the prisoner’s face with all the fury that burned in her unbeating heart, blocking his mouth and nose and stopping him from drawing breath.

Mortals were feeble and weak, but when faced with their imminent death they seemed to turn into wild beasts, ferociously defending their right to a life of misery and pain. failed move: Unleash AttackVasili fought, like he had never fought before, and Anne felt her fingers being grabbed and pushed away. Panic seized her and she retreated to the safety of the shadows, far away from dangerous presents and ungrateful children. She wanted to weep and scream at the same time, but tears would not flow and her screams were devoured by the void.

No one cared for her. She was alone.

Defeated and humiliated, Anne allowed herself to be swept away by the masses that were heading to the arena.

She had not spoken her last word, not yet. The Wolf would learn how foolish it was to scorn those that even death had rejected.



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Old Dec 17th, 2023, 10:51 AM
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Andre Adams and the WolfCRACK.

Andre bends backwards as though his spine has snapped in the middle. His scream echoes Anne's furious manifestation but his is a sound of pain, pure and clean, not a demented wail of hurt feelings.


His torso twists, a shoulder torn from its socket to reach a paw sprouting hair down to touch the cold locker floor like a beast setting itself low to creep through the grass. His jaw hangs open. The blood filling his mouth as teeth are pushed out from the fangs growing below spill onto his checks, dripping onto his pristine new clothes.

Why are all these people coming in here now? Why now! Why NOW!! The thought is maddening. Exposed. Alone. Nowhere to hide. Andre's eyes dart towards the door praying for Farhad to appear cane in hand to shoo them away. Why!

POP! Pop. Pop. Pop.

Ribs expand. Shoulders broaden. Ligaments stretch, break and regrow as Andre changes. The frustration and pain emerge as a howl. The Wolf has his teeth sunk into Andre's scruff. It's time for the helpless pup to go away and for the wild to emerge. The Wolf begins by clearing the locker.

"How dare you walk into Alpha's den before he fights!" His fist swings. It pounds a metal locker door with terrifying force, caving it in as if it were made of cloth. His claws tear it out, the metal shrieking as though in pain. The torn metal door becomes a whirring missile, hurled into the middle of the other performers wandering in, digging into the wall like a tomahawk. The shuddering metal has no words but the message reads clear: leave now or face brutal bloody consequences. "GET. OUT." Andre sucks in breath and roars the last word. "NOW!"

The roar is not just a threat. It carries some primal terrifying promise that life and death are at stake. It carries a piece of Andre. A piece of himself that he gives over to the Wolf. A piece he can never get back.

Once alone, he collapses against the door to ensure no one else wanders in while his world folds into pure agony. Andre disappears while the Wolf is reborn.


A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
Old Dec 17th, 2023, 03:38 PM
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The StandsFarhad seems to have a soft spot for Powerful women. He responds graciously to her chiding, and offers a shake. She accepts it, and gives a strong shake back. "Call me Cassandra," she offers. The name I'm picking 'you owe her,' as a consequence of your miss on Face to a Name. That means your miss does not indicate complete ignorance of who she is.rings a bell; perhaps Andre or The Tailor had mentioned it. Farhad offers a throttling of Farley for profit, and Cassandra gives an earnest throaty laugh in response. "Oh, I'd like to see that very much. But. This isn't the fake kind of wrestling, so you'll be hard pressed to get a manger in the ring. Especially Nelson. You've got to find other ways to make a statement."

Farhad offers an arm, and Cassandra looks surprised by the old-fashioned gesture. She takes a step back and cocks her head to one side for a moment with an amused look on her face, seeming to size Farhad up for the first time. Farhad catches her stifiling a gasp, but she quickly recovers herself. But the smile is gone, replaced with a businesslike demeanor. "Yes. Let's take you to the ringside, replaced with a look of serious. That's where you belong." As they walk together, she points out a few key players in the business of the Coliseum, and gives a few tips of how Farhad could play up the show at ringside. Ideas that will help to get Andre more matches in the future, if he wins his next two.

Brassa and Victor watch the first match end. The battle looked like a draw for the first few minutes, speed against brawn. But by the end it was a dominant win by Hercula. This seems to have been the expected outcome, based on the mix of groans and cheers coming from the gamblers in the audience. They do not, of course, see Anne eventually enter the arena, but they do see Farhad enter with a pony-tailed woman in athlesire gear and a blindfold. He is escorted to the ringside as the mat is swept in between matches. Then a microphone drops on a cord from the ceiling and an announcer slips into the ring.

"For our second match of the night! With a record of 24 wins and 11 losses. Hailing from Carson City, Nevada, weighing in at one hundred and ninety-one pounds... The Buzzard!" The old veteran of the scene strolls down the aisle, to a mix of cheers and jeers. He is battle-worn and grim, and exchanges a few curses with spectators shouting at him. He rolls into the ring and holds his hands up, to a small additional cheer.

"His opponent: with a record of three wins and zero losses. Hailing from our fair city, the nation's capital. Weighing" the announcer seems to pause here, re-reading his notes "@jbear: given his height and muscle mass, I was inclined to put this in the 300s. It still can be that; the announcer here can be rejecting that reality on the fly Two hundred and ten pounds... Lupus Alpha!"

The Dressing roomPure chaos erupts in the dressing room, and Cole can do little more than watch. Andre throws a man into a locker, and then his hideous transformation begins. Suddenly, that locker is shaking and banging as a tremendous struggle is undertaken inside. Cole hears a Anne has some knowledge of Cole, but I forget if Cole knows Anne. If he does know her, he can recognize the voice.woman's voice. Almost as abruptly, the struggle inside the locker ends, and only a heavy breathing from inside remains.

Andre's body undergoes more cracking and expanding. The costume remains intact up to this point. But Cole isn't able to monitor its full progress. Andre lashes out, tearing apart the locker. The pale bald man stumbles out. He glares at Andre with a look of hatred that rivals the one Cole saw the night before, as Justice looked at him. Then Andre bellows, a wild uncontrolled animal roar. In a rush, the room clears. The bald man scrambles away. The other wrestlers grumble at the imposition. And Cole is swept out with the rest, the door slamming behind him. Someone tries the nob, but the door will not budge.

A few minutes of awkward silence and quiet conversation happens in that 'backstage' hallway. The sounds of a crowd suggest that one match is over. A man with a clipboard and a headset comes by. He talks to a few of the other wrestlers, and tries the door himself. It says closed. He talks to someone on his headet. Then the announcer can be heard, calling the next match. The crowd cheers. The man in the headset begins to pound on the door. "Lupus? Lupus Alpha!"

In the dressing room, Andre's transformation is complete. Andre, now the Wolf, is alone on the floor of the dressing room, leaning against the door. This outfit has retained its integrity. In the arena, the PA system can be heard, echoing throughout the building "... Two hundred and ten pounds. Lupus Alpha!"

The man in the headset desperately pounds against the dressing room door. He shouts, "You're on!"

OODM@wodine: sorry, Cassandra/The Oracle has already been established as Power. I chose 'you owe her' as the consequence of your missed roll. Mark yourself as in her debt. But she is also giving Farhad some business tips as part of that debt.

@jbear: I'll let you describe the Buzzard. If he has any notable gear or acoutremonts, be sure to mention those as well. Unless you're planning on bolting or doing something unexpected, the match will begin soon after you hit the ring, so feel free to make a roll - presumably Unleash an Attack - and describe how the match begins.
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Last edited by Wynamoinen; Dec 31st, 2023 at 03:36 PM.
Old Dec 20th, 2023, 06:52 PM
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The Spectre
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Anne Charlotte Beall, the Spectre
Anne Charlotte Beall, silent, unseen, and perfectly unmoving, watched the world around her. Her eyes, like two miniature versions of the abyss, were burning holes into everything that attracted her gaze.

A most unladylike woman pounding the skull of a man half her size.

The cheering of the mob each time blood exploded out of a broken nose or deep head wound.

A blindfolded woman entering the hall at the side of a man Anne knew only far too well. The one who had claimed that her wedding band was his. The one who was responsible for its disappearance.

Anne looked at her naked finger. Even though her flesh had turned to dust a long, long time ago, she could never forget the thing that had marked her special bond with Thomas.

The Spectre sighed, her sorrow taking the form of a bitterly cold, gray mist that made the ones next to her shiver involuntarily.

She turned her head away from Farhad, refusing to grace the ancient non-man with her gaze. Instead, her tangled thoughts revolved around the Wolf. Andre had scorned her. He had to pay.

She heard his name being announced. Lupus Alpha. He would be fighting soon, very soon.

Her first thought was to secretly hinder him. No one would see her. No one could stop her from intervening. The ruffian called “the Buzzard” could easily become the means by which she would have her revenge.

She pictured Andre being carried out of the arena, bloody, broken, and utterly humiliated and her pale lips formed a malicious smile that was as sharp as a razor, had anyone been able to see it.

But soon the smile vanished again, giving its place to the stern line of Anne’s tedious and meaningless existence. Losing a fight was not punishment enough. No, her punishment would have to hurt him, really hurt him. Force him to his knees with tears in his eyes. Make him beg her forgiveness.

His mother…

It was his Achilles’ heel. The one thing that Andre cherished and valued above all else.

It was within Anne’s power to end her. She could easily travel through the ether to the hospital, place her claw-like fingers around the woman’s neck and squeeze. The long illness had weakened her. She would not be able to resist. Her son would learn the sad news and his heart would break.

He would shout and lash out around him and fall to his knees and weep.

But he would still not ask Anne for forgiveness.

No, it was not the woman’s death that could grant Anne the revenge she craved. It was the discovery of the cure for her illness. Only then would she have true power over Andre. It would be her decision to share the cure with him - or not. And the Wolf would turn into a puppy begging her to throw him a bone.

With a new purpose deeply rooted in her addled mind, Anne drifted towards the Oracle sitting next to Farhad. The woman was blind, and yet, the only one truly able to see what mattered. She would know what plagued Andre’s mother. More importantly, she would know what to do about it.

Waiting for the Wolf to appear, Anne leaned forward, her thin lips almost touching the Oracle’s ear.

"The Wolf…", she whispered, and saw the hairs on the back of Cassandra’s neck stand up. "His mother wastes away. I would have you reveal the reason to me. Tell me all you know…"


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