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Old Jul 14th, 2024, 05:24 AM
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The Spectre
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Anne Charlotte Beall, the Spectre
A city beneath the city.

Anne remembers passing through it, but her recollection of it is threadbare, like a poor man’s clothes worn longer than the fabric was meant to endure. There are tears and holes and patches that don’t really match what little remains.

She has seen all these people, Anne rightly assumes, but at the time she was pursuing Vasili and all her senses were focused on him, the Missionary who escaped the Wolf’s wrath. Her gift to the Wolf. She should be doing the same now, she knows. She has promised Andre that she will, but she finds herself intrigued by the words and the deeds of the people living here.

Life fascinates her, for it reminds her of her past. Not in this dark and smelly place of course. No, never at a place such as this. Her own life was full of gentle sunlight streaming through heavy curtains, thick carpets with intricate musters and the sound of polite conversation. She can almost taste the aroma of the tea she enjoyed the most, a special variety from China, one her husband imported just for her.

Or at least she thinks she can. For Anne, the difference is a minor one. Imagination, memory and reality are often inseparable.

She pauses in her pursuit and leans over the people living in this deep city, watching, listening, almost touching them.

Some shiver and look around, wrapping their clothes more tightly around them. Others remain unaware and keep doing what it is they are doing. What are they talking about? Why are they here and not at some place where the sun will warm their living flesh? What do they want?

His name occasionally comes up - Vox populi. He is the leader of this lot. He must be. Anne strives to pay attention, to understand the man’s mind through the words of others. For a moment, Vasili, a mere minion, is forgotten. He is, after all, one of Vox’s Missionaries. The flesh Anne knows, the one she borrowed is his, but his voice is another’s.

What does the voice say? Is it of interest? Is it a threat? Is it the cry of revolution?

Anne wants to know. Anne tries to find out.


He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Jul 16th, 2024, 02:17 PM
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Andre, the WolfThe side passage is a distraction quickly forgotten, a momentary lapse in orientation. The scent is a clear guide but it vanishes in the city beneath the city.

Fahrad's surprise catches Andre by surprise. The dragon is not as all knowing and all powerful as he seems. This place is unknown to him as well. The Wolf Pup tucks away the detail but makes no comment. What matters is sifting through the interwoven smells to find the thread that leads to Vasili.

Andre closes his eyes and pushes the chaotic hubbub that rings in his ears until it becomes the distant drone of bees. His nose is the only sense that can sift through the din and find the path forward quickly and cleanly.

He sifts out the blueberry bubblegum chewed until tasteless and spat nearby recently by an unwashed youth who reeked of perfumed tobacco vapours. He erases the lingering odour of vodka; a finger deep in a bottle smashed a day or so ago. Blood. Piss. Sweat. Incense. Weed. One by one, Andre eliminates the river of smells around him, diving for Vasili and his smug stench.

Andre's eyes open. Bright yellow slits of determination, the Wolf growls, "I have him."

Andre did not come here to be distracted by the curiosities of this unexpected underground city. He assumes the others are on the same page. It's late and the sooner they find the Missionary, the sooner they can all go home. The sooner he can help his Mum. He moves forward confidently following the brilliant thread of Vasili's scent like a flawless tracking beacon.

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Old Jul 17th, 2024, 10:21 PM
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Victor YoungVictor is relieved by both the decision to make sure there will be no ambush behind the door and the decision to move on down the tunnel. As they walk, he adjusts the weapon almost constantly. Sure, the pistol had occasionally slipped into uncomfortable positions, but the assault rifle is heavy and awkward. He tries to remind himself that the cumbersome weight will be welcomed later if things go awry.

The underground city is stunning – and Victor takes note that he is not the only one stunned. As they stand and observe the city, Victor notes a sparkle in the old man's eye, a longing to linger. He can't deny his own desire to explore this place. What is it? Where is it? Is it really as isolated as it would appear or did they just pick one of the most remote entrances? And what are these shops hiding? Sure there are probably a lot of the things that can be found top side, but there is a chance the black market down here is absolutely out of control.

Andre's words bring Victor back to the moment. Right. The task at hand. He hefts the assault rifle, adjusting the strap and trying to make it look as inconspicuous as possible even though no one seems to be taking any prominent interest in him. As they filter into the main city, Victor sidles up to Farhad. "I seen that look in your eyes. What opportunities – what treasures – does this place hold?" Victor lets out a low whistle, his eyes wandering over the landscape.

Then he lets it all go. A deep, refocusing breath. Andre and the others need him focused on the task at hand.

OOCOld: Snoop roll: 8; holding 1
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Old Jul 20th, 2024, 03:16 PM
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The UndergroundEveryone is surprised to come upon such a place. Even Anne, who can pass virtually anywhere she wants, was barely aware of its existence. Who thinks about what goes on beneath their feet? A string of obvious questions passes across their minds as they take in the scene. Who are these people? Why are they here? What can be learned here? What can be found, and purchased, here?

Anne passes among the crowd. She and the other Upperworlders hear occasional mention of "Vox," as the name is most often said. They recognize the name as a radio personality, a rabble-rouser, a self-styled 'man of the people,' as he calls himself. He's a man with an audience, for sure. But above ground, you're most likely to hear his name mentioned by the likes of your deadbeat uncle. Here, the appeal seems more broad. Unfortunately for Anne, the people also seem more attuned to the possible significance of an unexpected breeze (all breezes down here are unexpected!) and a cold feeling. Conversations seem to clam up and faces become stern as she invisibly moves through.

Everyone is surprised, but one in particular is on a mission. Picking out Vasili's scent is like untangling a mass of cast-off computer cords. Andre knows, though, that this is just a matter of patience and persererence. Soon enough, the knot is unbound and he picks up the scent. He does not consult with his pack. He advances. The others follow. Now that they know where this place is, they can always return, it seems. As the group moves through the reclaimed station, they pass a few patroling guards. The guards pay them almost no mind, beyond a more lingering glance that suggests you are not immediately recognized. But considering that the group is led by a determined Andre in his beast form, and even so the security does not pounce, this tells you a lot about the gathered community.

His nose has not failed him yet. The station appears to be shaped like a large plus sign, two tracks crossing. They follow the scent and take the passage to the left. This arm is much less populated than the others. It is more dimly lit, in a more theatrical, floodlit manner. Far ahead, stairs on both sides rise up to a smooth rounded concrete platform that crosses the tracks and that was designed, at least, to take pedestrians up to street level. The elevated platform was retrofitted to be encased in a glass or plastic that is clear in some places and hazed in others. It looks like the platform was sealed and divided up into a cluster of offices and studios and conference rooms that can oversee the abaondoned station.

In a room directly in the center of the platform over the rail bed with clear glass on its outside and a long wooden table inside is Vasili. He is talking with a few other people. A heated discussion is going on around him. He speaks on occasion (no voices from inside can be heard), but he looks calm.

More relevant to the group: it quickly becomes clear that the lack of resistence will soon come to an end. With most passers-by now behind them, the pack's determined advance is quickly noticed. Multiple armed guards position themselves to prevent easy access to the stairs up to the platform. Two approach while the pack is still well over 100 feet away from the access points to the platform. One of the approaching figures has blood-red eyes that glow like embers. The other has long white fangs that glint like pearl. "Public area is back that way, people," the red-eyed man points behind the incoming party. "Move along." The expression on his face suggests that he's very interested in exploring the situation where the party doesn't move along. A situation that would take place in the heart of an underground society that none of our protagonists knew about. A society whose extent the party does not understand. One embedded deep into the shadows. In a place with long, long tunnels between them and anything that they'd know to be help.

It's an interesting situation they find themselves in, you must admit.

OODM@jbear: my understanding is that by default double 6s do nothing special. In the base version of the move, a roll of 10, 12, or 14 all have the same sort of effect. That said, see the section on "advancing a move", p. 172 of the rulebook. If you use one of your advancements to advance a move, then a roll of 12+ would afterwards have an especially effective result for that move.
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Old Jul 20th, 2024, 04:06 PM
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Fast-talking Draconian Do I LOOK like the public, boy?

It seemed as if Farhad had grown to ten feet tall – his skin taking on a metallic lust of gold in the straining light of the underdark as he passed beneath some shadows, but perhaps it was a just a trick of the light... his tan skin and silky suit reflecting the light in a strange way.

Farhad’s voice took on a haughty air of superiority that was often reserved for negotiations and those from which the dragon had something to gain, and bypassing this nonsense was certainly something to gain.

I’m sure your master will pass you plenty of treats for barking and shepherding the cattle, Farhad gestured to the masses of people milling about behind them all, but I suggest you be warry of dealing with those who still possess their horns.

How can I put this so your minds can comprehend. If you were an Altar Boy, I would be a Bishop in a grand cathedral, move aside, and perhaps you should kiss one of my rings for good measure?

Farhad berated the interlopers while swelling his aura of grandiosity and superiority.

What did the humans call it? Dragonfear?

Yes the Dragonfear, I think I like that.

With the crowded station bustling behind them Fahrad’s eyes gleamed with a barely concealed crackling of arcane energy, hinting at his true draconic power. His voice, deep and smooth, carried a sharpness that cut through the air like a scimitar.

Now, go deal with those that scurry about like ants, content with their meager existence. You lack the strength, the wisdom, the grandeur to stand here and speak further with me and my entourage. He looked them up and down, his gaze filled with contempt. You are but a shadow of power. A whisper in a world that requires a roar. Remember this moment when you gazed upon true greatness, for you will never rise to it. You will always be less.

…now go.

OoC This scene was perfect for a ‘don’t you know me?’ roll.

Succeed with a 10.

Farhad will

create an opportunity,
confuse them for some time, and
avoid further entanglement.
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Last edited by wodine; Jul 20th, 2024 at 05:21 PM.
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Old Jul 22nd, 2024, 02:08 AM
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The Spectre
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Anne Charlotte Beall, the Spectre
Vox - the man, the voice, the idea - proved as elusive as ever. Each time Anne approached one of the mole-people of the abandoned station, the subject would abruptly change or the discussion would cease altogether. Though the Spectre could not be seen, she could still be felt and these people who had decided to live a life in a never ending, artificial night appeared to be more attuned to her chilling presence than most.

Unable to find out more about the man casting the shadow, Anne decided to focus on the shadow itself - the men and women who served Vox’s ambitions, especially the one known as Vasili. But in this too, her assistance was no longer needed. The Wolf had already caught the man’s scent and was holding firmly, like a dog refusing to relinquish a sharp bone, even though it was likely that its splinters would hurt it.

Andre had found Vasili.

All Anne had to do was raise her head to the sorry platform above the rails, the mole-people’s equivalent of a seat of government, to see him talking, fully unaware that he had already sprung the trap that would claim his leg or even possibly his life.

Firearms and muscle, along with fangs and horrid, infernal eyes formed a wall between the Wolf’s pack and its target, but no kind of wall had ever been able to stop Anne from going where she wanted. The Old Dragon roared, making the underground station shake, making the whole world tremble, and even Anne took notice. What lay beneath the wrinkled skin and the fox’s eyes, she wondered, and for the first time she felt fear. But the feeling passed quickly and the Spectre turned her back to Farhad. He tried to be Moses and open the Red Sea for his tribe to pass, but she had no need of such false miracles. She was not one of his tribe, never would be. This was the man, the serpent, who had stolen the memory of her happiness and then had the audacity to call her a thief! The Dragon, powerful as he was, could not be trusted.

Slipping between the one with the red eyes and the one with the fangs, Anne quickened her pace, propelled forward by ethereal winds. She wanted to know what was in Vasili’s mind. Perhaps, it would aid Andre. Perhaps, it would aid her.


He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Jul 24th, 2024, 11:55 AM
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Andre the WolfAndre is dialled into this strange new world around him. As Anne's spirit moves amongst them, he can smell their body odour alter, reacting in fear, as though aware of the spectre's presence on some level.

Turning down the branch of track that leads to Vasili, the guards that challenge them, red-eyed and fanged, have a similar scent. One that will not be surprised by the unseen and the unexpected. The smell of those who've seen and done some sh*t you would find hard to believe.

He shudders as Farahd's dragonfear washes over the platform. He feels the Wolf physically lash out within him. He can do little more than grit his teeth to muzzle the savage curses that growl in his throat. But the magic passes over Andre like pearls of water that bead and slide from a duck's feathers. His wolf form is a natural shield against such glamour, though it churns his stomach as his body remembers the moment the Dragon challenged the Wolf in the ring.

Now. Sink your fangs into the back of his neck. Claw through his fine threads and dig your fingers into the soft warm innards. Do it now while Red Eyes and Fangs can help you fight. Your enemy's enemy...

"Quiet!" Andre growled aloud. Shocked by the sound of his own voice he ducks his head down stares at his dusty sneakers as moves to climb the stairs of the renovated overbridge, assuming the guards will falter before the Dragon's commanding presence.

As he climbs he whispers back at the Wolf. "He's not my enemy. He's one of the few people who've had my back when the chips were down. It's nearly 4am and he's down here helping me with all this bullsh*t. If that's not a friend, tell me what is?"

If Andre is not challenged further by the guards and no fight breaks out, he quietly pads up to the office where he can sense Vasili, moving on all fours where needed to remain out of sight. When he arrives outside, he would duck down and join Anne in eaves dropping in on the conversation unfolding within for a moment, looking to the others to see when they feel is the right moment to make their presence known.
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Old Jul 28th, 2024, 08:23 PM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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Victor YoungVictor lopes along behind the others, trying to keep an eye out for trouble. Andre has the scent and leads them purposefully; there is nothing more for the hired help to do than be available. Then, down a side passageway they turn where a confrontation occurs.

It is at that moment that Victor finally realizes just how over-his-head he is in this whole thing. The formidable-seeming weapon clutched at his side suddenly seems like a plastic toy. What good would bullets do against these monsters?

Except …

There were bullets in his gun. He hadn't specifically planned to face off against the monsters of the shadows. The gun in his hands, however, is not his gun. This weapon had been taken from the very people dealing with these monsters. Victor hadn't even considered to check what might be in the chamber. The way things are going, it will be discovered soon enough

Then, just as the tension builds, Farhad unleashes a presence that washes over the area. If the others are stunned, then Victor is overwhelmed. His mouth hangs agape as he stares at Farhad's back. It hadn't even been directed at him, but the power exerted in mere moments is beyond anything he has seen yet.

And the all-but-toy gun hangs loosely at his side.

OOCNote: I think the narrative surrounding "better" ammo is probably going to be wrapped up in something like a successful "Unleash" with terrible harm choice? I don't really think there is a move that fits to put something like that into the narrative otherwise, but if someone else sees something I am missing, it would be curious to add to the fiction.

Old: Snoop roll: 8; holding 1
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Old Aug 1st, 2024, 01:47 PM
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The ForumFarhad startles the entire chamber with this glimpse of what lies beneath the surface. The guards are professional enough not to betray any fear nor give up any ground. But the look of surprise on their faces illustrates the impression made clearly enough. As Andre growls and Anne slips away in response, white-tooth presses a finger to an earpiece (on second glance, both of the intercepting guards are wearing one) and mutters something as quietly as possible. The others' red eyes narrow, but he waves the pack through with a quick flick of his head.

As the group passes, Andre's keen ears hear snippits of the conversation among the guards into their earpiece comm units: "... seen this guy before?..." and "... four. At least one armed. At least one wolf..." and "... recognize any. They don't seem like they're applying..."

Anne, not bound by barriers or the pace of the slowest mover, glides to the enclosed space above the platform. She passes, easily enough, into the space. She recongnizes Vasili immediately, wearing a white doctor's overcoat open over a track suit. He is in a heated argument with another man. A few other men and women are gathered, some sitting and some standing. One armed guard is near the door at the north end of the long conference room. As Anne passes through the plexiglass, she enters into the midst of the conversation. The man who Vasili is arguing with says "... not getting this?! We've got a whole plan! We're not some vengeance society! You can't just decide when to activate, and when to advance, and when to..." which Vasili interrupts by slamming an open hand on the conference table and shouting "This isn't 'vengeance'! This IS the plan! The Valentines set back the Cause 20 years, and got what? A slap on the wrist! They were always going to be the demonstration case. I didn't do anything except..." Then a man leans forward and clears his throat slightly, adding "My friends..." and in an instant, everyone goes silent. All heads turn towards him, including Anne's. With just those two words, Anne recognizes that THIS is Vox Populi. He is completely unremarkable-looking. Past middle age, short, balding. Khaki pants and a rumpled oxford shirt. His piercing dark brown eyes, almost black, are just starting to be shrouded with wrinkles. While everyone looks at him, he looks out the glass, tracking the path of the approaching quartet.

"This isn't getting us anywhere. And it's not going to be resolved any time soon. At least, not the way that will satisfy either of you. MacFadden, stick to the plan. Shift outreach to the west side. Put in the new batch of recruits. Belov...." there is a knock at the door to the south. "... you'll want to back away from there." Vasili looks confused, and moves a few inches away from the south door. "Come in," Vox says in a louder voice.

"Come in" Andre, Cole, Farhad and Victor hear, muffled behind the wooden door near the top of the stairs that they have just ascended, in response to the armed guard's knock as they approached. The guard opens it, and steps in before the group, announcing the visitors as "The.... uhhh... Bishop?" The guard remains in the room but steps to the side to allow entry. As they enter, Vasili lets out a yelp upon seeing Andre and scrambles quickly away from the door, putting the balding rumpled man between he and the Wolf. "Why is HE here?" he blurts. The short balding man gives a fatherly grin You can each decide if you recognize the voice of Vox from his late-night radio show.and asks "Why indeed?"

OODM@Roekahs: I think you've got it, with the gun. With a quick once-over, Victor would notice nothing 'special' about it or its ammunition. It's an Unleash roll to attack with it, and it will use the base characteristics for assault rifles given in the rulebook: 3-harm close/far autofire.
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Old Aug 2nd, 2024, 03:29 AM
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The Spectre
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Anne Charlotte Beall, the Spectre
Anne watched, though what she saw didn’t impress her. She listened carefully, but didn’t actually comprehend what the men were talking about - vengeance, a plan, the Cause, the Valentines. This all meant nothing to her, without being able to place them in the right context they were empty words. She nonetheless paid attention to the names spoken: Vasili Belov, and the man arguing with him was called MacFadden.

It was the third man who caught her attention, however - in his declining years, short, with receding hairline, unimpressive. Sad. A frog in a swamp, crying out as loudly as he could.

The Spectre observed the little man before her. Was this the one everyone answered to, the city’s Napoleon Bonaparte who sought to enforce a new order? What did he really want? Often, it was the little details that revealed an individual’s intentions - the quality and state of the clothes they wore, the way they stood and acted, the manner of their speech, the little quirks most people had.

What could Anne discern about the so-called Vox populi, the voice originating from the rotten bowels of the city? Even in her prime, her mind had not been like that of the great detectives and policemen of her era, analytical, discerning, brilliant. She had known what she wanted and she had known how to get it, which was more than one could claim for most women of her age, but that was pretty much the height of her intellectual prowess.

And yet, the beggar king in front of her intrigued her. He was like a riddle she repeated in her mind again and again until the solution to it became obvious.

"Come in."

The man’s voice was soft, pleasant, but there was steel in it. Anne could hear it. Would the Wolf get to feel it as well?

She waited, curious about how Andre would respond now that he had reached his goal. Would he beg Vasili for a cure? Petition Vox? Or unleash his fury, leaving none alive?


He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Aug 3rd, 2024, 02:31 PM
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Fast-talking Draconian Yes, why are we here?

Dragging us through the muck just to find you here.

A toothy grin spread across the Dragon’s face, a hint of fangs peeking through, his eyes shining orange, his nictitating membrane quickly moistening them before returning to normal, a trick of the light.

OoC Just a bit of cajoling before the wolf answers.
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Old Aug 4th, 2024, 05:33 PM
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Andre, the WolfAndre enters the room and Vasili skitters behind a drab man. Andre knows nothing of what Anne learned from her spying. All Anne ever reported was with a listless Vasili--a chew toy or a half dead mouse might have had as much meaning for Andre. The giant young man may have heard of Vox Popoli if he was on the type of radio that would play inside a service station, but even then only as an annoyance. Anything non-musical would have quickly inspired a channel change.

As for Vasili, all he knew was that he'd gone out of his way to invite Andre to this little underground gang and he hadn't taken kindly to being shoved into a gym locker, as he'd taken out his revenge on Andre's mother. Knowing about Andre's mother had all sorts of implications that inspired all sorts of questions. Important questions in need of answering if his mum ever stood a chance of recovering from her malady or surviving whatever Vasili had spiked in her veins.

And yet, Andre's overwhelming instinct was to leap into toothy violence. His claws protracted at the thought of getting his hands on Vasili's cowardly flesh.

Bite. Tear. Rend. Kill. Feed.

Andre's body tenses as he almost succumbs to the Wolf's urge. Somehow Andre retains his grip on the muzzle and growls out some garbled words instead of tearing out Vasili's larynx and feeding it back to him through his eye sockets.

"Your little rat, Vasili, injected my mum with something. Dressed up as a doctor. She's already sick in hospital. Don't give a f**k who any of you are or what your little gang's doing down here. Rat's got five seconds to tell me what he injected my mum with. And five more to give me the antidote. If I get to five and don't have my answers and my antidote, then people are going to start dying. Starting with Vasili or whoever gets in my way to him."

Andre hunched down, claws out. "Five... four... three..."
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