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Old Aug 17th, 2024, 12:15 PM
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Fall of the Frostreaper

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The Iceheart's ancestral home exists deep in the Windspire Range, beyond even the reach of Thalorgarax and his Fangs. The veinlike network of tunnels has created a stronghold against the dragon more effective than any Goliath-made structure, and the warriors of the Iceheart Clan know how to protect their own. Their home once had another name, an ancient name that only the elders of the clan recall. Now, it is known simply as Refuge.

Within Refuge, in an offshoot of the clan's central gathering area, a meeting to secure the future of the five tribes is held. The room is dominated by a large stone table, on its surface, a painted map of the Windspire Range. Carved obsidian figurines depicting Frostfang patrols, surface clan sanctuaries, and the dragon Thalorgarax's last known movement scatter the map. Four of the five clans' chieftains stand around the table, their presence a testament to the gravity of the situation. A smattering of attendants line the room's outer edges, and of course, there are the five would-be dragon slayers, their anticipation palpable.

Kalane Frostwalker Veomulane, a proud woman with a white braid and thick furs despite Refuge's warm air, shifts a single stone piece illustrating a Frostwalker scouting party. "With Thalorgarax appearing less and less, the Frostfangs are growing more aggressive, as if they need to make up for the Frostreaper's absence. They pick fights instead of simply collecting tribute, especially for our patrols on the ice."

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This was met by a nod and thoughtful hum from Aurok Ganu-Mukane of the Crystalline Keepers. "We are ever exposed at Crystal Waters," he admitted, stroking a rope-calloused hand through his white beard. "They take our fish, our lumber, our people, and we have no forest to hide in." He glanced meaningfully at an uncharacteristically small goliath wearing a circlet of pine bough to his left.

"That is because you cut it down," Nikia Vunakugoni, the chieftain of the Pinewhisperers, responded, her voice cutting. It softened quickly as she considered the situation. "But yes, this last year especially has been harsh. For all of us."

"And yet you cower, contributing nothing, as usual." These last words were spoken by a goliath who stood arms crossed, apart. If Nikia's tone had been harsh, his bordered on cruel. Gramak Stormwatcher Ogolelo alone wore armor, even in the safety of Refuge's icy halls. Dark hair hung lank to his shoulders, and his perpetual scowl seemed a contest against everyone else in the room.

Both Nikia and Aurok made to respond, but he cut them off. "Yes, no clan member of mine will partake in this venture. Instead of a few bodies, we give our collective souls." He gestured to a large box covered with fur and decorated with intricate patterns that sat in the corner, guarded by two muscle-bound Stormwatchers. "And we gift them to your people without even knowing them."

"We've been at this for hours, and none of it matters without them." Gramak turned to the five would-be dragonslayers on whom the clans were pinning so much of their future. "So? Who are you? Do you believe you you can actually succeed?"

OOCFirst game post! Introduce yourself, flex your muscles, give Gramak the finger. Do your thing.

DC 20 History Check to know the ancient name of Refuge. For this, or any other info you might want for your post that you don't have and don't feel like you can just wing, roll in the dice thread, let me know what it's for, and I'll respond in your private thread. Neither you nor I need an entire game post just to make a perception check on what kind of fur Aurok Ganu-Mukane's robe is it's seal... sorrymade out of.
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Old Aug 17th, 2024, 01:32 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
Ungalu frowned at the incessant bickering taking place in front of him. Why did the Clans fight among themselves when the time was right to fight against the Frostreaper? Why did they talk when all they had to do was listen?

"You spill words like a drunkard spills ice-wine", the elder Goliath said gruffly, inviting all eyes upon him. Some were shocked at his audacity. Others, angry that he would speak to the best and wisest of the Clans as if they were children. Yet, Ungalu was not intimidated by the glares and scowls of the people of the Clans. All he cared for was to see the icy blue eyes of the Winter’s Herald, glistening sapphires as large as his head, grow dull and close forever.

"Must you see the sun to know it is there, behind the clouds, hidden by the storm? I have seen it for you. I have seen the ice thaw and the snow melt. I have seen the Frostreaper fall. I proclaim openly before you the coming of spring. You must believe my words and make yourselves ready."

Voices filled the grand underground chamber as the denizens of the Windspire Range stared at the elder Goliath who claimed to know better than his Clan-brothers and sisters. But Ungalu had not left the silence and isolation of the crystal burrows to bandy words with those who lacked the faith and intellect to see that the dragon’s age was coming to an end.

"Enough! Enough, I say! I am Ungalu Darkseer of the Iceheart Clan and I tell you here, at the heart of the RefugeTharnokk, that the great white will fall at our hands! These are the ones who will see this deed done, the ones whose names will be forever remembered in the songs of the Clans. Whether heroes or villains, men and women of the Clans or spawn of the dragon, they are the ones that fate has decreed. I have picked them myself, one by one. Open your ears to their words as they proclaim their worth. Open your minds to the tidings of change and salvation. Speak the oath that you will aid, not hinder, Clan after Clan, brother after sister, sister after brother. Strike at the Frostreaper, blow after blow after blow until his great heart beats no longer. His death will bring back life to the Clans. So I have seen and so it shall be!"

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Aug 18th, 2024, 08:48 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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'I do not like this table,' Uthal spoke up, his finger running along the painted stone. 'Or rather, I do not like what has been done with it. The stonehewer no doubt spent days, carving his masterpiece- for every time we pick up chisel or hammer, we set out to create our best. Imagine how he endeavoured to make it level- and the emotion sparked by every little dent in the stone. Perhaps he even carved small sigils, or his initials, into the rock. And then a painter comes along,' the Goliath sighed, shaking his head as he was getting to his point. 'And lathers it all in paint. Paint fills those little dents, those little scratches and marks- everything that made the table unique. Just so it could fit a purpose.'

He looked up at those gathered around the table, ignoring the looks of those who thought him a rambling fool. 'The clans are like this table. We were once unique, each with our own embellishments, our own dents- flaws and strengths, for which the world knew us. But how does it know us now?' he asked, allowing a moment of silence to let the words sink in. 'As the worm's slaves, nothing more.' He clenched his fist in anger, his brow furrowed at the thought. 'Like the paint did with this table, the dragon took our identity, and made us into little more than tools. He took from us, desecrated our legacy.'

'I say,' he said, placing his open hand on the table, 'time to scrape off the paint. Time to reveal who we are- not the serpent's lackeys, but the proud Windspire tribes. If not for victory, then to honour our legacy.'

Uthal sighed then, feeling the tension in his shoulders dissipate somewhat. 'Will we succeed? I do not know,' he admitted. 'But when the Seer speaks,' he added, turning an approving gaze to Ungalu, 'I believe. I believe we have a chance here. The dragon has retreated into solitude, leaving its hordes masterless, their newfound viciousness hiding their lack of leadership. Why the dragon has disappeared, I do not know. But whatever has caught its attention, diverts is eye from us.'

'There was never a better chance to attempt what we are about to attempt, than right now,' Uthal concluded. 'And if the Seer promises us glory, then I will believe him. I shall march with him, find this dragon, slay it, and from its bones craft artefacts to replace the ones it took. That,' he promised, 'will be the beast's penance for its insult to our legacy.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Aug 18th, 2024 at 08:48 AM.
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Old Aug 19th, 2024, 09:56 AM
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Palu Icepiercer
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Palu wrung her hands as the representatives of their various clans bickered. If her mother had been here no doubt she would have had a calm word which would have quieted the disagreements. But as important as she was, she wasn't chieftain. That honour belonged to Aurok, the best of the Crystalline Keepers.

It was right that Ungalu spoke first, when they were questioned by Chieftain Gramak. The very day after her encounter with Lirael in the Lake a messenger had come from the Darkseer, calling them to the old Refuge, to rally and move against the feared Dragon. She trusted him and his visions, the timing was too perfect.

"I too believe in the Darkseer's visions!" she found herself saying. As eyes turned on her she felt herself shrinking back, but steeled herself. She was the chosen of Lirael, and of the Crystalline Keepers - she had to be strong. "Now is the time to strike at the Dragon. My body shows that I am one of his offspring, I cannot hide that. But I am also a child of the clans, of the Windspires, and I have nothing but hatred for the Herald of Winter. Lirael has chosen me to carry her light into this world, and has given me a holy mission, to put an end to my Father. The time has come."

She looked around at her other companions, especially the other, enormous Dragonborn. He must be my brother, I suppose. He's so tall. He must have even more of the Dragon in him than I do...

DM: Heroes of Augera
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Last edited by EMIW; Aug 19th, 2024 at 09:57 AM.
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Old Aug 19th, 2024, 10:10 AM
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Galmath sat at the table, silent and watchful, listening to everyone around him bicker and talk over one another. He could feel the beast within him surge, trying to break free, wanting to be part of the yelling and chaos that surrounded him. But he pushed it down, deep, until the time would be right for it to be released. He shook his head to clear the thoughts away, remaining calm and mindful.

"I do not believe that we are here simply by chance," the Barbarian said, his low voice rumbling across the room like a distant rolling thunder. "The signs have been seen for many moons now; the time to act has come. This shall be the winter where our greatest enemy is finally defeated."

He leaned back in his chair a bit, stretching, muscles straining against the furs he wore to keep himself warm. His eyes darted from one to the other, evenly assessing everyone in the room in the blink of an eye.

"Our lives, the lives of our clans, are complicated enough without all the rabble-rousing and shouting. We have a higher purpose, a destiny that is to be fulfilled. If we continue to use one another as a means to our own ends, then the entirety of all clans shall fail. And I, Galmath Bharkas, will die before I let Clan Frostwalker become just a footnote in the dragon's history."

The beast pushed up, feeling that it's time was near. The rage began to build, a seeping redness of anger and strength that did not wish to be contained. But once again, Galmath closed his eyes and quieted his mind, the serpent within sent back to the depths of his soul. He opened his eyes, this time focusing on the Diviner.

"Your words give us hope. If they are true, and if this company is to march on the beast, then you will most certainly have my assistance in doing so."
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Old Aug 20th, 2024, 06:38 PM
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Tabral Kask
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Tabral listened intently to the elders speak of plans, his blue eyes staring at the map, studying it and trying to find any wisdom he could behind the enemy's movements while the bickering went on in the background. He listened with one ear, occasionally looking away from the map to the elders. Their bickering was getting them nowhere; as much as he respected them, they all liked the sound of their own voices. And none of them were, so far, had come up with any feasable plan.

It was only when his present companions started talking that his attention was pulled away from the map. He listened to each of them, turning to them as they spoke. They were the ones who were going to destroy the dragon. According to Ungalu. Was it the ravings of a man who had lived too long? Or did he actually see them destroy the dragon? He hoped he did; he somehow knew to find him even after Tabral tried to hide his newfound godly powers.

Then Uthal spoke and for a moment Tabral was confused. His eyes narrowing, wondering if the cold had finally gotten to him; but then he started making sense. A surprising amount of sense, and Tabral agreed with him; he felt very much the same way. His was a speech to light the fires of passion in the very dead.

He turned then to Palu, a member of his own clan. An offspring of the dragon, but she was standing there with them, ready to kill her own sire for them. He couldn't imagine what a burden that was, and he silently commended her for that. And much like him, a god had chosen her. And a better one at that. There was a hint of envy in him, that the god of their people chose her; but he drowned those wicked thoughts. He would not allow division to fester in his chest.

Galmath spoke next. Another of the dragon's spawn. Massive, clearly a beast on the battlefield, and one he would gladly have by his side. His words thrummed in Tabral's chest. Powerful words. Much like Uthal's. These two, he pondered, could rouse an army from the farmers and fisherman of the clans. He felt the hunger of battle in their words, ancient, distant drums pounding in his ear. He had to close his eyes, fight back those sounds, fight the violence of an ever hungry god.

Tabral let out a small sigh.

He was the last to speak. But he didn't have the foresight of Ungalu, nor the might and stirring words of Uthal and Galmath. Nor the steeled resolve of Palu. He was just a fisherman who had become a god's plaything. It was almost certain that he was way in over his head. But he had to say something, lest he bring shame upon himself.

"Powerful words by my companions all," he said after a beat of silence. He looked at Gramak. "You would do well to heed their words, Gramak Stormwatcher Ogolelo. I counsel that you do not let Thalorgarax defeat you before he's even seen you. I advise such to all of you. You are used to control and the dragon has taken that from you, and now you seek control through bickering.

"But there is no control while Thalorgarax looms over us. He must be defeated, and if Ungalu believes we are the ones to stop him, then we will put all of our efforts to that end. But we alone cannot make that vision a reality. It is the might of the chieftains we rely on when we will, undoubtedly, be in the wilderness beyond the safety of our walls, leaving our loved ones behind. Aurok, Nikia, Gramak, Kalane. I counsel cooperation, and I counsel strong leadership. The needless bickering ends with this meeting, lest you doom your hope to failure."

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Old Aug 22nd, 2024, 12:32 AM
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"We would not be here at all if we did not believe the Seer's words, or at least hope they were true," Nikia Pinewhisperer Vunakugoni assured the collected warriors. "We wouldn't have risked as much as we have."

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Aurok Ganu-Mukane, chieftain of the Crystalline Keepers, looked at the collected warriors, his eyes lingering on Tabral and Palu, and he nodded appreciatively. "You will need that fire to bring down Winter's Herald." His eyes crinkled as he fixed Gramak Stormwatcher Ogolelo with a knowing smile. "Well, are you satisfied?"

The armored goliath nodded once, then gestured for the meeting to continue. Kalane Frostwalker Veomulane glanced towards the door, where Kaugu Iceheart Thenalathala had left the meeting nearly an hour before, and sighed. "We will continue without her, then. We have a plan, at least part of one." The weathered goliath woman beckoned the collected clan heroes together, taking a half step back to make space around the map.

"The Crystalline Keepers are weaving a net that can hold The Frostreaper. I'm skeptical, but Aurok has surprised me before. And-" Kalane was abruptly cut off by Nikia. "And my people brew a poison that will slow the dragon's blood. It was nearly complete when I left to journey here."

"Unfortunately," Kalane said, "With every clan's leader here, the Fangs are going to be growing suspicious. And we can't be in two places at once, so we'll need to split up. You five will go to one, guided by either Aurok or Nikia, while my clansman and I will go to the other. Then, you will meet us near the base of The Skyreach. Kaugu knows the rest."

Fittingly, the Pinewhisperer tribe was marked by a thick stone tree figurine. It sat nestled in a protected valley covered in dense green pines. Crystal Waters, the home of the Crystalline Keepers, had a single obsidian tower denoting its location at the edge of the Windspire's single great lake.

"You'll make most of the journey underground, through the the tunnels around the Iceheart Claniceveins" Kalane noted, "Coming out here. And here." The point she tapped for the Pinewhisperers was across the valley from home of the PinewhisperersHaven, signaling a trek through the forest. The icevein that opened to Crystal Waters did so halfway up a mountain, near a river that eventually fed into the lake.

"The choice is yours."

OOCSo many freaking names. Kaugu is the chieftain of the Iceheart clan. You've seen her, but not since she left the meeting. The rest are here (for now), and I hope I've been clear enough about who's who. Woman in the picture is Kalane of the Frostwalkers.

Instead of info-dumping on you guys about the respective journeys, we'll assume your characters know a decent amount. Ask me questions in the OOC thread before making your posts and I'll do my best to answer so you can make an informed argument/decision for one or the other. Give me rolls if you think your question will require them.

Or heck, pick which one you want to see in-game and make up an argument.

I'll also note that the two journeys are roughly equivalent in time.
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Old Aug 22nd, 2024, 10:21 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal snorted at the mention of poison. 'I've seen poison before,' he claimed. 'Animals which ate the wrong mushroom. Creatures of the deep, baited with poisonous game. Sometimes... The results were not pretty.' He narrowed his eyes, letting a sceptical gaze fall on Kalane. 'I do not care for the dragon's meat. Let poison bloat and burst its organs, for all I care- I hope it chokes on its own corrupted blood.'

'However, I worry the dragon's bones will be turned brittle by the poison, or the shine of its scales dulled,' the artisan confessed. 'You all know the oath I have sworn. You all know the debt this dragon has incurred, and how I intend for it to repay that debt. Perhaps you think this question selfish, but I must ask it nonetheless. Will this poison leave the parts of the dragon I need intact?'

His gaze turned to the table then, to the markers representing their journey. 'The mountains are treacherous,' he spoke. 'Climbing them will be an ordeal, one best faced by relying on the strength of the group. When one falls, it is good to have more than one to help them on their feet.' Turning to the forest route, Uthal nodded. 'The forest's greatest advantage is the shelter it offers. Easier to hide from Frostfangs. Easier still, if the group making the trek is small.'

Straightening his back, Uthal faced the assembled Goliaths. 'Therefore, I think the largest group would be best suited to the mountaneous route, meaning we would be going to the Keepers and retrieve the net.' A plan which, honestly the crafter could appreciate- if the Crystalline Keepers were capable of weaving such a net, then Uthal would not mind a chance to inspect their work.

'But... I confess that most of my wanderings have been in the darkness of the mines. Rarely have I ventured to places touched by the sun. So, if I have misjudged the aspects of overland travel, I would be grateful to be corrected.'

Uthal looked to Tabral and Panu, his eyes narrowing. 'You both are from that region, no? I would be glad to hear your thoughts.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Aug 22nd, 2024 at 10:24 AM.
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Old Aug 22nd, 2024, 11:00 AM
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When the idea of poisoning the dragon was floated, Galmath narrowed his eyes and snorted, rather derisively, and loud enough for the entire group to hear.

"Poison. Bah. A coward's tool."

He wasn't entirely against the idea of using every advantage against the dragon.

But why not face the beast head on and earn the glory of defeating it?

He stood up and leaned over the table, focusing in on the two separate paths that had been mentioned and shown by Kalane. He looked to both directions, first to the mountains and then to the forest, before standing up fully.

"Both paths will have their own challenges to be faced and overcome," he said almost nonchalantly, as if this were merely a trivial thing to be done. "But no challenge in them is obvious, save for needing to traverse the icevein. Which I am not familiar with, at least not to the breadth by which you speak."

He stood there in silent contemplation for a few moments, one hand resting on a hip, the other absent-mindedly stroking his chin. He grunted and growled, low and slow, lost in his thoughts. He then sat back down, looking to the rest of the group.

"I do not know which path would be the best to take," he stated, flatly and plainly, "but I would be most comfortable in the mountains should danger come upon us. However," his voice changed, to that of questioning and thought, "it may be prudent to ask those who have to what we might do."

He turned to fully face Ungalu, the beast wishing to well up in him again. He wasn't fearful of Wizards, but they always made him more than a bit uncomfortable with their odd words and peculiar rituals. But they had one in their midst here; why not use him?

"What can you portend of the paths? Do the spirits speak to you of our way?"
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Old Aug 24th, 2024, 04:07 AM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
The Darkseer grunted smugly at the faith he was shown by the Clans, chieftains and warriors alike. He didn’t need their approval, for time always proved him right, but being respected was almost as satisfying as being feared.

His golden eyes looked at the Oretamer approvingly. His Clan-brother spoke wisely. Reason dictated that the journey through the woods would be less challenging than the one braving the slope of the mountain. The Windspire was as fierce an enemy as any dragon and the Frostreaper’s arrival had further soured the mountains’ disposition, making their winter snows eternal and the storms surrounding them almost impenetrable. Still, reason was often a poor guide, one eye always focused on the present, the other half-blind to the future. To know, was vastly superior to guessing and Ungalu’s eyes could detect the shape of what was to come. Still, the mysteries of divination were neither as simple as Galmath assumed, nor without sacrifice and Ungalu thought it necessary to remind the half-dragon about the truth of the matter.

"Do not be quick to reject any weapon, son of the dragon, for your fangs and claws are no match for those of your sire", the Darkseer rebuked the strongest of the Frostreaper’s children without even a shadow of fear in his golden eyes. "Though our enemy’s fall is assured, he remains an opponent none here can best by themselves. As for the future, divining it is not as simple as looking down from a high peak on a clear day. It requires great effort to part the mists of time and a sacrifice of time, energy and valuable resources. Sometimes, it also requires a sacrifice of blood."

Glaring at all those present, daring them to challenge his expertise in all things magical, Ungalu continued.

"Normally, I am given gold and precious gifts to reveal the future, but this time I will speak my prophecy without reward. It is my gift to the Clans. I hope that you will recognize my generosity and remember it when you are once more able to look at the sky without the fear of great white wings in your hearts."

Opening his satchel, the Darkseer carefully retrieved two large crystals from within and presented them to those taking part in the meeting. In the shine of the torches and the braziers, they instantly filled the large chamber with small rainbows as the light passing through their multifaceted bodies was refracted into a bounty of color. Ungalu took a moment to admire the crystals. Their beauty had to be acknowledged, just as they were to be shown proper respect.

"I will have silence", he demanded. "Absolute silence." Then, he closed his eyes and started chanting words none in the chamber could understand, words that seemed to make the ears bleed and the skulls crack.

The incantation went on for so long that the initially utterly still and silent Goliaths started shifting uncomfortably, exchanging glances among themselves. Had the Darkseer lost himself in his magic? What if he never found his way back? What if he required them to attend to him for hours, even days? The first soft mutterings could already be heard when Ungalu finally spoke, his words echoing inside the great chamber.

"I see. I see a sturdy hammer shattering ice. I see a narrow tunnel almost completely devoid of light. I see the eye of a creature, great and menacing, looking back through an icicle. Broken ice, dark passage, eye of the beast. Broken ice, dark passage, eye of the beast…"

One of the crystals suddenly shattered, its sharp pieces cutting Ungalu, but he didn’t cry out in pain. Instead, he kept on talking.

"I see. I see an empty cavern, its stony floor rising or falling steeply. I see white strands in fractal patterns, the open sky behind them. I see branches and great tree trunks enveloped in shadows, moving at a dizzying speed. Empty cavern, white patterns in the sky, a shifting forest. Empty cavern, white patterns in the sky, a shifting forest…"

The other crystal shattered too and blood started dripping on the floor from the Darkseer’s torn skin. He sighed and opened his hands, allowing the small crystal pieces to fall to the floor. They now appeared utterly devoid of light and beauty. They appeared dead.

"The first path is the one leading to the Crystal Waters. The second, the one leading to Haven." The Darkseer’s voice had lost its commanding tone, its vibrancy. It was as if the elder Goliath had grown a decade older within minutes. Two decades, in fact. "I have told you what dangers await those who will brave these paths. The choice is yours to make."

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign

Last edited by Elanir; Aug 24th, 2024 at 04:08 AM.
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Old Aug 24th, 2024, 08:55 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal winces as the first of the beautiful crystals breaks. He was no gemcutter, but he could appreciate the fragile allure of such stones as much as the more sturdy marble or granite. When the second crystal broke, he could barely hold back a whimper. The artisan hoped not all of the Seer's magics would require such sacrifices.

The visions left Uthal perplexed. 'I am no seer,' he declared. 'But I have heard it said that no vision is ever straightforward, and interpreting them requires many years of training and experience, as does every craft.' Looking down at the table, he looked towards the marker for Crystal Water.

'But based on your words, Ungalu, my opinion remains the same. You speak of an eye, belonging to a great and menacing creature, on that road.' He looked at the assembled warriors, then to Kalane. 'You are strong. I have no doubt your clansman is, as well. But five are better suited to fight such a beast than two,' he declared. 'Whatever monster this eye belongs to, will test our ability to fight as one, before we face the worm.'

Again, Uthal looked to Ungalu with a hint of self-doubt, wordlessly inquiring whether his argument made sense in context of the seer's vision.

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Aug 24th, 2024 at 08:55 AM.
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Old Aug 27th, 2024, 12:10 PM
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The two Crystalline Keeper heroes added their voices to the mix, speaking of their intention to return to their clan and retrieve the net personally. It was a final opportunity to see their home, their family, and the graves of their loved ones before they charged into the greatest danger they would ever face.

"Selfish does not even begin to describe it," Nikia noted in response to Uthal's question. "You worry about weakening its bones with poison. What next? You won't cut it for fear of damaging its scales. Will you ask kindly to borrow a claw?" Her ire shifted to Galmath, the massive dragonborn, their disagreement palpable. "You'll use every advantage available to you. Anything less is hubris that could doom our clans for generations."

"Calm, Nikia," Aurok soothed. "We all have our motives, and I trust they would not be so foolish to turn away help when facing such a dire threat." Addressing the assembled heroes, he added, "I look forward to returning to the ice to show those of you who have never seen it the beauty of our home and the strength of our bonds. Now, the next part of the plan, Kalane?"

Kalane bent back over the table and began to retrace her steps. "The five of you will retrieve the net. My scouts and I will acquire Nikia's poison. Then we'll meet here," she pointed to a spot approaching the Skyreach Mountain atop which Thalorgarax had made his roost.

Before Kalane could continue, heavy footfalls echoed in the grand, empty hall outside the room, surprising everyone. "And you'll attack," a firm voice said as the last absent chieftain entered the room, catching everyone off guard. "But not from the front. Thank you for keeping my seat warm, cousin." Kalane searched for Galmath, sharing the hint of an eye-roll with her adopted kinsman.

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Kaugu was tall and muscular, her figure forged under the same conditions that had made Uthalu so formidable. She wore fewer furs than the visiting goliaths; it took time to grow used to Refuge's warm air and to trust that it wouldn't turn bitingly cold at a moment's notice. Behind her trailed a figure as ancient as Ungalu himself, and she brought a wave of murmurs from the collected goliath. "Meet Lothu Skyreach Agu-Vaga."

Lothu was bent far lower than any goliath should be. Her dark hair was wild and interspersed with beads and feathers of some mysterious bird. Other goliaths had tattoos that signaled what clan they were from, who their parents were, and what role they played for their people. The ink on this woman's ancient skin told the entire history of her clan, as was the tradition for each of the Skyreach Elders. Still, the way she inspected the collected heroes showed that she had lost none of her faculties as she aged.

"I am sorry to have hidden this from all of you for so long," Kaugu said, "But-"

"Hush, child," Lothu interrupted. Her voice was tired but determined and made you want to lean closer, listen, and shut out everything around you. "They understand why they were kept in the dark, even if their pride is hurt by it."

The Skyreach elder spared a moment for Ungalu, her mouth a dry smile. "Yours is not the only kind of sight, Darkseer, and there are ways to hide even from it."

Her focus returned to the collected group. Kaugu respectfully made way for her as Lothu approached the table. "There is a second entrance, a secret known only to Skyreach's elders. It is how I escaped, though I was the only one able to make it." She winced. The memory was still sharp, even decades later. "This is where you will enter. I know not what dangers await you within, save that the dragon is not one of them."

Lothu's words trailed off, and for a moment, everyone was silent. Then Kaugu stepped in to fill the void. "You will sneak in while we assault the front and distract the Fangs who guard his lair. Be quick. Once we get the signal from Kalane, every moment will cost us lives. Use whatever you have available, even your lives. This is the only way to bring the Frostreaper down. That is the plan."

OOCLook who showed up to the party finally.

Alright, you have the whole plan ahead of you, or at least how it stands currently. DC 25 History Check to get more background on Lothu.

This will be the final series of posts for this scene. Ask any questions you want to get answered, then I'll make a wrap up post that moves us into preparation and the beginning of your journey through the Iceveins.
See a great post? Submit it to the PoTM competition!
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Old Aug 27th, 2024, 02:26 PM
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Galmath growled low and long when Nikia spoke. He fixed his gaze upon her for a few moments, opened his mouth, and then shut it quickly, lest he upset the elders and be removed from this task before it even began.

You and I will have words when this all done, Pinewhisperer.

When Lothu spoke, it was as if Galmath was drawn into a void, an empty space where only her voice existed. He could not escape it, resonating in his mind, echoing off the walls; nothing else mattered, nothing else was even there. The world fell away, only the words of the plan were there in the room with him. And at once, when she was finished speaking, he was at peace, the inner beast sated for the time being.

"If this is the plan, then I shall help to see it through. Let us make haste for the net so that we do not miss this one opportunity to end the dragon and his reign."

Out of CharacterI am not attempting the History check, for I do not have proficiency in the skill AND I have a penalty of -1 to the dice roll. Safe to assume Galmath's strong suit isn't historical lore.
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Old Aug 30th, 2024, 02:11 AM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
Lothu Agu-Vaga’s sudden appearance was greeted with exclamations of surprise and astonishment from most of the people gathered to discuss the attack against the Frostreaper. Not so from the Darkseer. Ungalu remained silent, staring at the Skyreach elder that almost everyone had considered dead for decades. His golden eyes were difficult to read, the golden lines marking the skin of his face unmarred by smile or frown.

And then, the elderly woman spoke and silence returned to the great meeting hall. Her voice was soft, but her words stung like the biting wind whistling through the ruins of Skycrown.

"Yours is not the only kind of sight, Darkseer, and there are ways to hide even from it."

The silence inside the underground chamber suddenly took a different shade, turning apprehensive, dangerous even, like the stillness in the air before the storm. But Ungalu didn’t grow angry. He laughed and there was genuine amusement in the alien sound that he made, a sound that his apprentice, Charuk, had never heard before. More strangely yet, there was an unmistakable admiration in it.

"Doesn’t the snowshoe hare think itself hidden from the eagle’s eyes until the very moment that it feels the talons tear its hide apart? You should not presume, Elder, about the things that the Darkseer sees and the things he chooses to reveal. I know you better than you might think. I have heard the voices of many of your Elders questioning the wisdom of a mere child joining their ranks. I have seen you traveling among the Clans, discovering how sharp, how special a fang of frost can be. Did you think you could have made it yours? Perhaps, you could have. Perhaps, it was the dragon’s arrival that changed your fate. Perhaps, you chose to veil yourself with Aurora’s polar lights not to hide from the Frostreaper’s sight but that of someone else…"

Half-revealed truths and jumbled words, that was the way of Ungalu Darkseer. One didn’t have to like it. In fact, very few did. But failing to pay heed was to invite doom, all the same.

Taking a pulsating crystal out of the pocket of his robe, one that seemed to fit perfectly in Ungalu’s hand, he presented it to Lothu, at the same time speaking words that reminded those present of the roar of the avalanche and the cracking of breaking ice. Did the Skyreach Elder recognize the words? Even if she didn’t, she definitely understood their purpose. The eagle, it seemed, was not satisfied with merely spotting a hare hiding in the snow. It sought to part its flesh and see what lay beneath.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
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Old Aug 30th, 2024, 03:02 PM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal did not even bother to scoff at Nikia's words. Of course the leaf-lover couldn't understand his oath; their kind lived in homes of dead, rotting wood. Appreciation for anything enduring, something to honour the Windspire culture for centuries to come, was no doubt lost on them.

'Thalorgarax has shown himself less, in recent times. A welcome respite, to be sure,' the Goliath nodded. 'But what does he do in his absence? I would rest easier, entering its lair, knowing what project has drawn the beast's attention away from treating us to its cruelty...'

He looked to the two elders, seers both, feeling both relieved at having two so gifted at their disposal... And bewildered, concerned even, at the amount of agitation between the two elders. 'I've no doubt you both command sight beyond what any of us can imagine,' the tall Goliath tried, hoping to calm the tension in the hall. 'The deprivations we've suffered at the worm's vile whims have left all our clans diminished. That our knowledge and craft remains, is testament to the greatness of our people.'

'Elder Ungalu,' he speaks, his voice laced with respect, though devoid of deference. 'You have honed a craft the dragon would no doubt have loved to rob us of. Through your efforts, the traditions of the darkseers have survived.' Uthal then turned to Lothu. 'Elder Lothu. I cannot begin to imagine what you must have endured, merely to survive. Your clan's legacy lives in your heart. Were it not for you, we would not have known of this secret passage into what the dragon has claimed as its lair- we would have had to fight throught its hordes, simply for a chance to strike down the worm. For this, we thank you; if we survive, I shall carve the mighty deeds of the Skyreach upon the dragon's skull. Let such an artefact remind the hidden scions of your tribe of the legacy they are part of, that their disparate numbers may rejoin and thrive, as Skyreach renewed.' He couldn't resist throwing a subtle glance at Nikia, hoping his proclamation would instill in the leaf-lover the importance of such heirlooms.

Uthal looked towards Kaugu then, nodding grimly. 'We will strike hard and fast, as the avalanche. Once we descend into the tunnel, we shall not stop, until the dragon's heart is ripped from its body, no matter the cost. This victory shall not be bloodless for us,' he shook his head, his gaze falling to the table for a moment. 'Every drop of blood shed by the tribes' warriors will buy us the time we need to slay the dragon, and we shall ask for no more than is absolutely necessary.'

His mind turned to more practical matters then. 'I am... Unfamiliar with the lands surrounding Crystal Waters, though legends of its beauty are many,' he assured Aurok. 'Beautiful, and dangerous. What might we expect there... And how should we prepare to endure the land's challenges?'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Aug 30th, 2024 at 03:05 PM.
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