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Old Sep 21st, 2024, 11:32 AM
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Galmath slipped into the maze of icicles. In seconds, the winding, reflective path separated him from his companions. Alone, just like on his solitary hunts across the tundra above, nothing to accompany him but the occasional water drip, the whistling of the wind, and the occasional... wingbeat?

Two small, winged creatures hovered above the icicle maze. Their blue skin was vaguely translucent, and their pointed faces were turned downward, keeping a lookout on the makeshift pathways below. Staying low and using the distortions in the ice around him to hide his frame, Galmath continued until he was near the center of the cavern.

There, he saw a much larger creature, thick-skinned and covered in tufts of matted fur. It stood taller than most of the surrounding stalagmites and had fearsome claws that were the length of daggers. An Ice Troll, rare but not unheard of in the Windspire Range. Surrounded by a few half-eaten corpses, it appeared this one had only recently made the ice maze its hunting ground.

Just as Galmath was about to slip away and report back, a shriek rent the air from above. One of the ice mephits, acting as a lookout for the lone troll, had spotted him. The troll lifted its head reflexively and sniffed the air as one of the mephits above continued to speak in a shrill approximation of the jotun language.

CombatIt's that time. Roll for initiative!

We'll be doing this one Theater of the Mind style, but that won't always be the case. Here's what you need to know -

Anything that speaks giant or jotunise recognizes that the ice mephits are helping direct the troll to the party.

Galmath is 60 feet into the maze. The troll is about 15 feet away from him. The icicles block line of sight for spells and ranged attacks for creatures on the ground, but the ice mephits flying above the maze are visible & targetable.

Navigating the maze requires a single DC 12 Perception, Nature, Survival, or Insight roll. On a failure, the maze is treated as difficult terrain. Galmath does not have to make this roll, as he has already explored it.

While parts of the maze are tight, you can find spots to fight side by side. A big-ass ice troll can move through it, after all.

Anyone with an Initiative 19 or higher acts first. 18 or lower acts after the troll & mephits.

Ice Troll: Healthy; AC: 16
Ice Mephit 1: Healthy; AC: 11
Ice Mephit 2: Healthy; AC: 11
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Last edited by Nasrith; Sep 21st, 2024 at 11:35 AM.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2024, 04:58 AM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
As Galmath protested his worth, his angry words shattering the seeming stillness of the underground world the small group had been traveling in, Ungalu watched silent and unmoving. He appeared untouched by his companion’s rage, unaware of the fact that he was rightly the cause of it.

"Such fire from a child of frost and ice", he finally said calmly, both admiration and disapproval lining his words. "You have your sire’s pride, Galmath. Go then, alone and unassisted, and may your conviction in your worth allow you to triumph. If you succeed, history will record your name with large, flaming letters. If you fail - well, you won’t be failing, will you?"

The Darkseer smiled, the golden lines painted on his face contracting and giving it an unsettling appearance. Then, he turned his back to the wyrm’s child and slowly walked towards a moderately comfortable-looking boulder that could serve as a seat of sorts.

"Now we wait", he said, talking more to himself than his companions as he sat down, "And see what fate has in store for the Frostreaper’s greatest son."

Ungalu’s eyes briefly met those of Palu. What did she think of her half-brother? Did she look up to him or did she hold him for nothing but a loud brute? The two were as different as fire and ice and yet both were needed if the prophecy were to be fulfilled.

The Darkseer closed his eyes, feeling the time accelerating, the moment of conflict approaching. He didn’t have to wait long before the shrieks were heard. And then the words, weak and servile, promising eternal loyalty to the “great deathless one”.

Ungalu chuckled, but didn’t open his eyes, nor did he stand up.

"Galmath’s time has come. Let’s give him the chance to prove himself, hmmm?"

And then he started mumbling to himself, natural 1 in initiative check!making no attempt to aid the lone warrior.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Last edited by Elanir; Sep 22nd, 2024 at 05:02 AM.
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Old Sep 22nd, 2024, 01:18 PM
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Caught in an Ice Maze
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The troll reacted to the mephit's warning cry far faster than its large frame suggested was possible. Beedy eyes, refracted to look huge in a nearby icicle, fixated on Galmath. Then the troll roared and charged. Scythe-like nails of one hand dug into the upturned pillar as it swung around, while the other slashed downward at the dragonborn outlander.

The claws struck true, battering Galmath's guard with a ferocious hit. The troll followed up with a bite from its sharp-tusked mouth, trying to yank its prey off their feet.

At the same time, one of the ice mephits flapped low, spraying an icy cone of cold air from above. The other circled the maze, gradually climbing higher in the sky, its eyes searching for any companions the dragonborn might have.
CombatMan I'm rolling pretty well to start this game.

The troll charges forward, attacking Galmath twice. The claw attack hits with a 24 for 9 slashing damage and 7 cold damage. The troll's bite attack just misses with a 14.

Ice Mephit 1 flies low and uses its frost breath attack on Galmath for 5 cold damage, or half that with a DC 10 Dex Save.

Both ice mephits are still visible and targetable at range. The one that flew low to use Frost Breath is still out of melee range, though.

You guys are up!

Ice Troll: Healthy; AC: 16
Ice Mephit 1: Healthy; AC: 11
Ice Mephit 2: Healthy; AC: 11
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Old Sep 22nd, 2024, 06:22 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
"Three against one?"

The Darkseer remained seated, his eyes still closed. If the war cries and the sound of ice getting shattered and crushed bothered him, he didn’t show it.

"That’s not fair, is it? Not even for Galmath Bharakas, son of the dragon. I had better even these odds."

Without rising to his feet, Ungalu finally opened his eyes and briefly searched for the ice mephits, small elemental spirits that liked nothing better than to deceive and torment anyone passing through their frozen domain. They were little more than distractions in comparison to the huge - and equally deadly - ice troll, but even though they lacked the strength to do the dragonborn any serious damage, they kept Galmath’s attention divided.

With one confident move, the Darkseer raised his heartcrystal high. The stone glowed black and red like burning wood and pulsed more quickly than before. Ungalu started chanting and within moments tongues of bright orange flame surrounded the crystal and the hand holding it, leaving the skin intact, however. Obviously unafraid of getting himself burnt, the Darkseer plucked them one by one as if he was fishing eels from a pond or a bucket, using a 3rd level spell slot to cast scorching rayand threw them at the pesky elemental spirits.

Watching the small creatures burn from his magical flames made Ungalu chuckle.

"Better", he said. "Much better."

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Sep 23rd, 2024, 05:48 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Cursing at the sight of the strange, winged creatures, and the roaring of something larger still near where Galmath had gone off to, Uthal tried to look past the obfuscating ice and light to try and spot his dragonborn ally. When he saw no sign, but heard the sound of battle ahead, the artisan looked for a moment towards the aging Darkseer. 'Be safe,' he bid the frail, elderly goliath, as he unhooked Stormhammer from his belt and began traversing the ice. But despite his rash descent into the maze of ice and light, or perhaps because of his haste, Uthal quickly found himself blinded and lost amid the forest of icicles jutting up from the frozen floor. No matter which way he went, Uthal felt as if each step took him farther from Galmath, not closer.



Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Sep 23rd, 2024 at 11:15 AM.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2024, 11:21 AM
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Galmath was taken a bit by surprise when the troll and its flying pets decided to jump out at him. His axe was in hand, and he had been as quiet as he could have possibly mustered...but it mattered not. Before he could even react he was beset, the flying insects twirling around his head, their cold breath running over his face. And as if that wasn't enough, the troll was quick to act, slashing and biting at the barbarian, tearing through flesh.

Let. Me. Out.

He could hold his rage no longer. The beast within welled up, its anger and glory releasing itself in a crash of thunder loud enough to shake the mountain to its very foundation. His muscles bulged, his teeth sharpened, and his tail grew long and thick, lashing this way and that. The wave of thunder erupted from him, outwards in all directions, battering the troll.

"You are mine!" he yelled, his voice primal and guttural, as if he was being spoken through by something not of this world. Stepping in time with the troll, staying near it, he raised his axe and brought it down upon the beast, a second crashing of thunder erupting from the strike. He smiled, his white teeth stark against the dark of the Icevein. And then he wheeled about, bringing the axe down upon the troll a second time, yet another crashing of thunder heard throughout the crystalline tunnel.

The sound of thunder was loud and striking, deafening and drowning out all other sounds. And yet another crack of thunder rolled through the tunnel as Galmath brought his axe down for a third time upon the troll's carcass.

MechanicsDice rolls are here:

Bonus: Enter Primal Rage. The axe itself erupts with a thunderwave as I enter rage, buffeting the troll (and anyone else in melee range of me). The troll must make a DC15 CON Save, being pushed 10 feet away on a failed save. 5 damage on a failed save, half that if the save is successful. This is an effect of the axe, auto-triggered by my entering rage.
Move: Stay within melee range of the troll.
Action 1: Attack the Troll. 22 to hit, 12 slashing damage.
Action 2: Attack the Troll. 19 to hit, 12 slashing damage. If both of these attacks hit, the troll takes an additional 6 points of thunder damage.
Action 3: Attack the Troll. 26 to hit, 12 slashing damage. If either of the first two attacks hits AND this attack hits, the troll takes an additional 7 points of thunder damage.

Note: Rage triggers Form of the Beast. Activating the Tail function, so from this point on I can use my reaction to roll a d8 to add to my AC and potentially avoid being further damaged.

AC 14 | HP 46/78 | Status Primal Rage

Last edited by krossingkhory; Sep 23rd, 2024 at 11:40 AM.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2024, 09:39 PM
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Caught in an Ice Maze
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Three of the Darkseer's four firey rays struck the ice mephits, who harried Galmath from overhead. The fourth beam flew wide, but time slowed and seemed to warp around it. A moment later, it, too, found its target at the center of an ice mephit's chest. The two flying creatures shattered, pieces of half-melted ice spraying across the maze and bouncing off Uthal's armor and Galmath's scaled shoulders.

"Go!" Palu called out. "We'll stay here and protect Aurok from anything else that might come out!"

Uthal pushed into the maze, trying to follow the sound of thunder that pealed out from Galmath, chipping icicles and sending pieces of the ice mephits skittering across the ground. Ice had never been as reliable a friend to him as stone, though, and the myriad reflections immediately led him astray.

The dragonborn warrior found himself alone with the troll at the center of the bewildering forest of icicles. He wore down the beast's defenses with a ferocity that would make his draconic ancestor proud, but the troll took the blows in stride. When the initial barrage ended, it reached out and snapped the tip off an icicle. Instead of using it as a makeshift weapon, it jammed the point into its chest.

The icicle sunk in without being pushed, then melted into the creature's skin. A moment later, the axe wounds Galmath had scored on its chest filled in with an icy half-liquid and began to knit back together. The beast roared, then attempted to gash its opponent once again with its claws.
CombatGood stuff so far.

The troll hits Galmath. Galmath hits back.
Ungalu melts the ice mephits in the first round of combat.
Uthal gets lost, realizing he maybe should have spent more time working with ice. Frostorn would not be pleased.

Round 2: The troll uses its cryoheal to heal from the damage done by Galmath's axe. Then it attacks with its claw, hitting Galmath with a 21 for 9 slashing damage and 3 cold damage. This hit may be negated with a good roll from form of the beast's tail function.

Ice Troll: Healthy; AC: 16
Ice Mephit 1: Melted; AC: 11
Ice Mephit 2: Melted; AC: 11
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Last edited by Nasrith; Sep 23rd, 2024 at 10:52 PM.
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Old Sep 24th, 2024, 09:13 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal pressed onward, his frustration mounting as he failed to find his way through the maze of ice. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fist around the haft of Stormhammer, finding himself facing wall after wall of the ice reflecting its terrible light. Cursing Frostorn for confounding him so, the goliath lost far too much time. He was half contemplating testing his new weapon against the ice walls and tunneling his way to Galmath, when finally he caught a glimpse of the dragonborn and his adversary.

'Troll,' the goliath whispered, only now seeing what they were up against. He witnessed the troll pushing ice into its flesh, an act which seemingly caused its flesh to knit together again. 'Troll!' he shouted, now trying to alert Ungalu. 'Darkseer, we need your flames!'

Now that he could see his foe, the artisan pushed through the last bit of the ice and entered the makeshift arena where Galmath fought his battle against Frostorn's demon made flesh. There were scant feet between him and the creature- he hoped Galmath could stand a moment longer.


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Sep 24th, 2024, 10:54 AM
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With the beast let loose, Galmath didn't register that his attacks against the troll were being healed almost immediately. He also didn't pay attention to the fact that the troll was continuing to slash and hurt him, even in spite of his tail having a mind of its own and trying to interrupt the troll. He roared, ferociously, before bringing the axe down upon the troll once, twice, three times, the crash of thunder heard each time the weapon hit its target.

MechanicsDice rolls are here:

Reaction: Form of the Beast. Tail swipe to try to avoid the attack, but alas, the dice roll was not high enough.
Bonus: None
Move: Stay within melee range of the troll.
Action 1: Attack the Troll. 20 to hit, 13 slashing damage.
Action 2: Attack the Troll. 14 to hit, 5 slashing damage. If both of these attacks hit, the troll takes an additional 5 points of thunder damage.
Action 3: Attack the Troll. 24 to hit, 9 slashing damage. If either of the first two attacks hits AND this attack hits, the troll takes an additional 3 points of thunder damage.

AC 14 | HP 39/78 | Status Primal Rage
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Old Sep 24th, 2024, 04:31 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
Uthal’s cry reverberated around the underground chamber, ice and stone reflecting the single word and multiplying it until the echo appeared to take a life of its own.

"Troll! Troll! Troll! Troll! Troll! Troll! Troll!…"

The Darkseer cocked his head as if deep in thought or listening to some voice only he could hear, his mien growing dark. He didn’t doubt Galmath’s strength or Uthal’s bravery, but a troll was a deadly opponent even under the best of circumstances. Though such creatures were not really deathless, as many legends claimed, they possessed an uncanny ability to rapidly heal their wounds, no matter how severe. Uthal seemed to know this too, for his next words urged Ungalu to unleash his magical fire against the beast.

Without losing any time now, the elder Goliath rushed towards the labyrinth of icy pillars, his shadowy cloak twisting and turning around his body as if unwilling to adopt the crooked form of its owner. Reaching the first stalagmite, Ungalu pressed his palm against the ice and closed his eyes. For a few moments, he remained silent and unmoving, listening to the ice’s whispers. Nodding once, he rushed forward, his feet easily finding the right path as if they had walked it a thousand times before and quickly taking him to his companions fighting against the monster.

The troll was so large that the dragonborn striking it with his gigantic axe appeared to be nothing more than a child playing at war against a battle-hardened soldier. And yet, Galmath wouldn’t back down, the Darkseer saw with satisfaction. He wouldn’t flee. Instead, he swung his deadly blade again and again and again, feeding the hungry metal with the beast’s blood and filling the cave with the fury of the storm.

Ungalu smiled.

Good, he thought, good. But it won’t be enough to end the Frostreaper. Not yet.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Sep 25th, 2024, 10:11 AM
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Caught in an Ice Maze
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Galmath swung wildly, striking the troll's pockmarked body with his first cut. The next was deflected off the troll's forearm, and the third crashed into a nearby icicle, leaving a massive gash as the troll stepped out of the way. The monster used the momentary rebound from the dragonborn's missed strike to chance one of its own, but the backswing of the axe warded off the blow.

Uthal rounded the corner at the end of this exchange, urged on by Ungalu, who was close behind. Left alone much longer, their warrior companion may have succumbed to the troll's might, but surely the three of them together could bring this beast down?

The beast's beady eyes flicked over Galmath's shoulder as the other two heroes arrived and redoubled its efforts to bring its opponent down. It slashed once with its claws, then bent low to crunch Galmath's shoulder in its jaws.
CombatWeird to say, but it finally feels like I'm finding my writing rhythm again. Feels nice.

Galmath hits on one of his three swings, but misses on the others. The troll uses its reaction to make another claw attack, but misses.

Uthal and Ungalu reach Galmath at the same time and can now join the fray!

Round 3: The troll does not recover its cryoheal ability. It uses multiattack on Galmath, missing the claw attack with a nat 1, but landing its bite attack with a 20 to hit for 13 piercing damage and 15 cold damage (yeesh!).

Everyone's up!

Ice Troll: Slightly Wounded; AC: 16
Ice Mephit 1: Melted; AC: 11
Ice Mephit 2: Melted; AC: 11
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Last edited by Nasrith; Sep 25th, 2024 at 10:44 AM.
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Old Sep 25th, 2024, 12:31 PM
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Galmath's friends finally were able to navigate their way through the tunnels to where the battle was taking place. And Galmath either didn't recognize it or care; he was already several pools of blood deep into the battle, with both he and his opponent having taken some serious lumps to this point. Had he had the capacity for rational thought at this moment, that last one about the serious lumps would have brought a smile across his lips. Instead, his teeth bared even more, spittle and blood dripping from him, a guttural growl almost as loud as his roar escaping his throat.

The troll took a swipe at Galmath, but the clawed attack went high and wide. But those teeth. Those ugly, misshapen, gnarly teeth were threatening to clamp down onto Galmath's shoulder, promising to draw more blood.

Not today. Today is not my day to die.

Galmath stepped to the side, quickly and quietly, his tail swiping and creating a kind of barrier between him and the troll. And it was effective; the long reptilian appendage prevented the troll from getting close enough. And with that, he saw another opening. He continued to swing the axe, both wildly and practiced, with abandon and calculated, more thunder cracking from the weapon and echoing off the icy walls.

MechanicsDice rolls are here:

Reaction: Form of the Beast. Tail swipe to try to avoid the bite attack. rolled a 7, making my AC a 21. Yes!
Bonus: None
Move: Stay within melee range of the troll.
Action 1: Attack the Troll. 24 to hit, 15 slashing damage.
Action 2: Attack the Troll. 15 to hit, 12 slashing damage. If both of these attacks hit, the troll takes an additional 3 points of thunder damage.
Action 3: Attack the Troll. 14 to hit (which I know now is a miss).

AC 14 | HP 39/78 | Status Primal Rage
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Old Sep 25th, 2024, 04:50 PM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal winced when the troll tore into Galmath, worrying at his ally's shoulder with teeth longer than his fingers. The dragonborn was putting up a commendable resistance, but the icy beast seemed unperturbed by warrior's assault. This was all wrong- they were supposed to take down the dragon, carving their name into the history of the tribes by the fulfillment of their vows. One ignoble troll should not deter them from such glory!

'Damned creature,' Uthal hissed, drawing back his hammer, seeking a gap in the troll's defenses. 'Naught but a beast,' he spoke, channeling the fury of the blazing forge into his weapon. Stormhammer, sparks of blue lighting already dancing along the head, lit up with an inner, dark orange light. 'The tribes will not be waylaid by one such as you. You will be forgotten, while our name will echo throughout the world. Now perish, that we may continue!'

Taking three steps forward, closing the distance to the beast, Uthal channeled his anger, his will to see his duty fulfilled, the strength of his vow into the strike. He swung the hammer upward, where it impacted against the troll's jaw with more than mere brute force, more than the magic bound to his weapon. As the hammer struck its target, the troll was flooded with the gravity of Uthal's oath. Images flooded the troll's mind, images of the tribes and their history, their accomplishments, their deeds of valor throughout the ages. For one instant, it was made to understand the values of artistry, of tradition, of duty, standing in stark contrast to the insignificance of the beast's own life- and the understanding threatened to break its mind.

It knew then, that the Goliaths would live, while it would be forgotten and die.

Again the hammer came, pummeling the troll's icy flesh- but in the troll's mind, Uthal had become more than a warrior striking it with a weapon. He had become the smith, and the troll naught but the metal caught between hammer and anvil.


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Sep 25th, 2024, 07:07 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
Ungalu watched, worry mixed with pride, as hammer and axe, lighting and thunder, slowly drained the beast’s strength and stamina, each strike cracking the troll’s bones and tearing its flesh open.

He grunted. Slowly. Much too slowly, he thought. Much too costly.

Within moments, his heartcrystal found itself between the Darkseer’s hands, the pulsing light coming from its depths reflected against the multitude of icicles inside the chamber. Ungalu brought the crystal in front of his face and looked through its many facets which distorted and multiplied the troll’s monstrous form. And yet, the Darkseer didn’t see a huge, deadly creature fighting against his chosen champions. He saw a lowly animal, tiny, weak, soft and slimy, so puny that it sought protection inside a thin shell.

He saw a snail.

Ungalu casts polymorphHe tried to enforce his will upon reality. He did so with words of power and precise gestures. He did so by drawing upon the vast energy stored inside the heartcrystal.

He felt the beast resisting, its large body refusing to be confined inside a shell so small and fragile that even a child could effortlessly crush between its fingers. Yet he persisted. The troll would give in. It had no choice. Fate decreed it.

Ungalu Darkseer demanded it.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Sep 28th, 2024, 03:18 PM
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Snailed It
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Galmath had fought the troll to a temporary standstill, his primal fury matched evenly against the troll's instinct to feed on scaled flesh. Luckily, the barbarian didn't need to find out how long that stalemate would last. Uthal joined him, hammer beside axe to beat the troll back, and Ungalu came around the corner a moment later. With a work of magic, the Darkseer twisted the beast inward upon itself a dozen times until it compressed into the size and shape of a tiny cave snail with a spike shell native to the Iceveins.

The creature, still ravenous, slithered towards Galmath's boot and attacked his toe with a ferocious... snail bite. It didn't do anything.

Ungalu knew the spell's power would wear off in the next hour, but they could at least spare a few moments to examine the larger space at the center of the icicle maze. Though the troll hadn't been there long, a few half-eaten corpses were scattered around its makeshift lair. One belonged to what had once been an ice salamander. More striking were the two goliath-shaped corpses, their equipment ruined and a number of their limbs missing.

Round 3: Galmath hits the troll once. Uthal hits the troll once. Then Ungalu polymorphs it into a snail. It failed its save, so Ungalu keeps his portent for now.

It turns back into a troll in an hour. Until then, what are we doing?

Ice Troll: Snailified
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