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Old Oct 16th, 2024, 01:57 AM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
"Darkseer, surely you can clear this with your magick, can you not?"

Galmath’s words made Ungalu turn towards him and watch him with strange eyes that glowed softly in the darkness, reflecting the dim moonlight passing through the cracks. The spawn of the dragon tried to rile him up, he realized, but this time the Darkseer kept his composure. He merely shook his head and smiled.

"Broken stone does not mean the same thing to me as it does to you, child", Ungalu said cryptically. "We are old friends and it does not bar my passage. That is the way of the Iceheart Clan, the way of the children of the earth. Observe."

Despite his words, the Darkseer made no attempt to make use of his magic. Instead, he shifted slightly to make himself more comfortable, placing his palms on his knees and demonstratively turning his head to watch Uthal. He didn’t have to wait long for the crafter to strike the stone and… vanish.

Galmath’s astonishment at their companion’s disappearance made Ungalu chuckle softly.

"There", he said, apparently disregarding the fact that it was Uthal, not him, who had performed this wondrous feat. "Now hurry up, will you? I am sure you are eager to bathe yourself in the light of the moon after days of walking in the dark."

The Darkseer made no attempt to assist Galmath with clearing the path. This was a test the dragonspawn, with his powerful arms and sturdy back, was well-suited to pass. And even if he failed, Ungalu knew that Fate could neither be stopped nor changed. He could rely upon it to see the group safely on the other side of the mountain.

He could rely upon it to see the Frostreaper dead.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign
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Old Oct 16th, 2024, 03:00 PM
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Galmath took a few moments to make sure he was going to clear the correct stones, then he used his brute strength to start picking them up and moving them slightly out of the way. He took careful notice that the Darkseer was, once again, providing absolutely zero support or help with the task at hand.

"I suppose you will take credit for this task as well, charlatan," he asked, not even looking over his shoulder when he threw the question out there. "You weren't around until the very end with the troll, you provide no help with the stones, and yet you think you are the center of the universe."

He grunted several times as he cleared enough stones to let them pass through the cave-in, dropping the last one very heavily onto the ground as he stared at the Darkseer.

"Never let it be said that I wasn't there to provide as much help as my companions needed. You would do well to remember that we are all needed on this journey, in all capacities. Not just those that suit our mood."

He then stepped through the opening he created, breathing in the fresh, night air, his ears now deaf to anything the magician would say.

MechanicsAC 14 | HP 78/78 | Status Healthy

Athletics (16) Check:
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Old Oct 17th, 2024, 10:20 AM
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Out of the Iceveins
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Between Galmath's muscle and Uthal's mastery of stone, they cleared enough debris from the cave mouth to pass through. The two heroes from Crystal Waters also lent their aid while their chieftain joined Ungalu on the rock to watch. "You antagonize him," Aurok said to the Darkseer, his voice low. "Was he not one of the heroes you saw in your vision?"

While they conversed, the rest of the party stepped out into the moonlight. The wind's song whistled through the peaks, joined by the burble of Thalvryn's gently flowing water. While the heroes had been underground, the land above had begun its cycle of warming. In the coming months, the snow and ice would melt, grass would peek out of the ground at lower elevations, and the river would grow to a raging tumult.

The river Thalvryn acted as a tributary for Crystal Waters, and far below, the heroes could make out the home of the Crystalline Keepers. Follow the river, and they would be there within a day. Once everyone was gathered, Uthal pointed out something closer: tracks in the soft surface snow, not fresh, but not so old as to get buried by falling snow or blowing winds. They led away from the cave mouth and seemed to run perpendicular to the river.

OOCBased on what you can see now, the tracks are roughly even with the covered cave mouth. That is to say, following them won't get you much closer to Crystal Waters, but it also doesn't seem like following them would add significantly to the journey. You are welcome to make survival or investigation checks to learn more, to camp, or to head directly towards Crystal Waters.
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Old Oct 19th, 2024, 02:36 PM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal's sense of awe at the world outside the caverns was doused when Galmath passed by him, scowling, an insult directed at the Darkseer on his lips. The pair seemed to antagonize each other at every opportunity. He overheard Aurok trying to reason with Ungalu, but there was no point. It was like seeing a student cover up a crack in a newly made sculpture by applying mud and hoping nobody would notice. This required something more drastic.

'Enough of this,' Uthal bristled, stepping between Galmath and the dark cavern from which Ungalu was yet to emerge. 'Since we have departed from our home, I've seen the both of you treat each other with naught but contempt. With each spoken word your malice towards one another grows, and the limit to your mutual scorn is not yet in sight. Is this how we are to slay the worm?' he asked, giving each of his companions a disappointed look in turn. 'Is this to be the story we leave as our legacy? Will we be remembered thusly? "The heroes departed on their fateful quest, and quarreled at every turn"? This will not stand, and I will not take another step on this journey, until this childish bickering is resolved.'

He turned first to Ungalu, respect for the elder Goliath warring with his incomprehension at this foolish behavior. 'Darkseer,' he started, 'you are wise and knowledgeable beyond any of the clan. But with wisdom and sight comes overconfidence, a lack of hubris. By the spirits, during the meeting you assailed a Skyreach for daring to suggest they were beyond your sight!'

'And I understand it,' Uthal nods. 'In your cave, you were lord and master, alone with your students, better than all and treated with deference by each. But you are in your caves no more. We all bring our each strength and by the spirits, we shall need all of our gifts if we are to kill the worm.' He shook his head, and pointed at Galmath. 'Recognize his worth,' he bade the Darkseer. 'And know that, though his methods differ from yours, he is not beneath you, his brawn and courage not inferior to your wisdom and magic.'

Then he spun on his heels, and turned to the dragonborn. 'To you, honour is paramount, and for this you have my respect. But our quest to slay the worm is no competition between us. Whatever honour our victories afford us, it is honour shared among us all. You accuse the Darkseer of robbing you of honour, but all he did was aid the group's efforts in the best way he knows how to. Would you scoff at such strength, merely because it is a different kind of strength?' he asks, incomprehension in his voice. 'Your honour is your greatest strength, Galmath- do not let your honour turn to wasteful pride.'

He took a step back, allowing the Darkseer and dragonborn an unobstructed view of one another. 'You are more alike than you dare admit,' he spoke. 'Both of you wear the mantle of greatness. Only your methods differ. In this, you remind me of two of my students; a smith and a gemcutter who loathed one another, claiming their art was superior to the other's, only for the difference in medium. Only when they set aside their differences did they fashion the crown currently resting on our chieftain's brow. Do not despise each other for choosing different methods, when the results you seek are so aligned! Rather, acknowledge one another's greatness, and combine your gifts to become truly without peer.'

He looked briefly at Aurok and the others, then to Galmath and Ungalu in turn. 'What say you? Can you look past this unwholesome rivalry, and work to bring out not the worst in each other, but the best?'


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Oct 20th, 2024, 12:45 AM
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Galmath cringed at the words coming from Uthal, being spat at like he was some child or reckless youngling. His face contorted in anger and disgust; they simply did not understand what it had meant for Ungalu to end the combat with the troll in the way he did. And he could take it no more.

"You fail to see what happened, though it was right before your eyes," he said, obvious anger in his voice, the beast being kept down only be sheer force of will. "It is not that he helped by turning the troll into a snail. It's that, once he did that, he had to swoop in and stop everyone else from helping him deal with it, as if we were all to follow his every order and word. 'Stop! Do not touch it!' I believe were his exact words."

He grunted, heavily, his head starting to spin with pain. His eyes closed, his breathing quickened, his ears twitched. He was tired of this argument, and he knew that neither would truly understand.

"He robbed not me, but all of us, of honor. He wanted to capture the glory of the kill for himself instead of sharing in it. Whither that I had stood toe-to-toe with the enemy and weakened it, where he came along and decided that he was the worthy one. THAT is what upsets me. Now..,"

He turned to look at the tracks that were directly in front of them, moving away from the cave entrance. He knelt down a bit, trying to examine them, but his anger had overridden his ability to be logical in that moment. And so he stood again, and just blurted out a theory he had on them. Whether or not it was right or wrong he couldn't say. But they couldn't keep him from speaking.

"These tracks are just here? I believe that this cave-in then was no accident or force of nature just happening. Someone, or something, is aware that we are on the move. And we must deal with that before it is capable of telling the wyrm what is coming."

MechanicsAC 14 | HP 78/78 | Status Healthy

I rolled Survival...and rolled poorly. No need to even ask what the roll was; I glean nothing from it.
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Old Oct 20th, 2024, 02:59 AM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
The Darkseer turned to face Aurok Ganu-Mukane, his eyes stern, his expression one of indignation.

"Of course he is!", Ungalu snapped, his anger burning away the fine patina of respect he usually displayed towards the chieftain of the Crystalline Keepers. "He is the first among the champions, the Kinslayer, the Spiller of the frozen blood! You think I would have lost my time with one who is unworthy? But he is not yet ready to face the Frostreaper! None of you are. Had I not intervened, the ice troll would have killed him and feasted on the marrow of his bones and Fate- Fate would have been denied…"

He pressed his lips tightly together, considering whether it was any use continuing to explain. How could one describe the majesty of the Windspire range to someone who had been born blind?

He exhaled heavily through his nose, opening his mouth to speak again, to explain that metal had to be heated and hammered into submission, into form and purpose, in order to forge a weapon, but Uthal was faster. And wiser, Ungalu came to realize, though he was loath to make such an admission openly. Slowly, ever so slowly, the fiery drunkenness of anger receded, leaving behind the coldness of understanding. Like a finely wrought mirror, Uthal’s words reflected the Darkseer’s behavior in a way that was uncomfortable for him to watch. It was only a child’s truth, of course, innocent and naive, but it was still the truth and well-worth listening to.

"You are wrong, Crafter. And you are right."

He carefully observed Galmath, still complaining about having been robbed of honor, of fate, and the hardness in Ungalu’s golden eyes melted away. How certain could he be that the Kinslayer’s death would have been unavoidable, had he kept on fighting against the ice troll? How certain could he be that his eyes saw the whole truth all of the time?

With slow steps, he approached the dragonborn, who was busy examining the tracks in the snow, though rage did not allow him to see clearly.

"You speak truly", Ungalu said softly, not clarifying whether he talked about Galmath’s accusations or his suspicion that the rockslide had been deliberate. Leaning over the tracks, Ungalu takes the help action, allowing Galmath to make his check with Advantage/reroll. Should the result still be low, he will replace said result with one of his Portents - the 18.he too studied them carefully. "Let us look for the truth of what happened here together."

At the same time, the Darkseer took out his carved crystals and lovingly caressed them with his long fingers, enjoying the perfection of the crystal’s surface. Closing his eyes, he started chanting until the light inside the crystals slowly intensified.

It was time for him to Ungalu casts augury as a ritualtake another glimpse of the future.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Oct 22nd, 2024, 09:52 AM
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Follow the River or the Tracks?
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During Uthal's scathing indictment of his companions' behavior, the three Crystalline Keepers stood off to the side. The two heroes from the lakeside village had closed protectively around Aurok during Ungalu's response to their chieftain. Now, all three looked longingly into the valley, towards their home.

Meanwhile, Galmath inspected the tracks, and Ungalu helped over his shoulder. They had been galvanized into working in harmony, at least for now. Under Ungalu's guiding eye, they discerned a half-dozen tracks amidst a patch of flattened snow and worn earth. Further along, were a few flattened patches where tents once stood, broken twigs, and scattered debris around what might have once been a central firepit. The tracks continued eastward, cutting through a sparse alpine forest that had grown on the side of the mountain.

As Ungalu removed himself to perform his spell of seeing, Aurok joined Galmath and Uthal. "Crystal Waters is close. We can reach it in time to rest beneath a roof tomorrow if we follow the Thalvryn. Are you really considering delaying our arrival to follow these tracks?" He looked at Galmath. "Even if it was sabotage, isn't that reason to reach the village all the sooner?"

To the side, Ungalu's ritual augury came up the same as it had in the icicle maze: wheel and woe. Danger and opportunity, in equal measure.

OOCThe second roll was enough for Galmath to discern something from the tracks, which means Ungalu keeps his portent for now.

Augury comes back with Wheel and Woe. Stupid magic 8-ball.
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Last edited by Nasrith; Oct 22nd, 2024 at 09:53 AM.
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Old Oct 22nd, 2024, 11:15 AM
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Galmath grunted and snorted while he and the Darkseer investigated the tracks. The more they looked, the more they found; the more they found, the more puzzled he became from the overtly obvious: this was no cave-in. He relayed his and Ungalu's findings to the rest of the group, heaviness in his words and, it seemed, upon his shoulders.

"This is concering," he said flatly. And obviously. "Someone stands in our way, meaning for us to fail. This cave-in was no accident, and it is not coincidence that it happens as we set out to destroy the wyrm. I am no diviner," he says, his eyes quickly darting to Ungalu, "but even I can see that this is not happenstance."

He paces a bit, back and forth, not disturbing the tracks lest they get lost in his own lack of mindfulness. He thought long and hard on what they had found, choosing his next words very carefully.

"We have 2 paths now in front of us, with 3 possible choices. We can make for Crystal Waters, where we can rest and resupply. We can follow the tracks and find the meaning behind who was here and exactly why. Or we can split up, some going to Crystal Waters and some following the tracks."

He continued to pace, stopping every so often to throw a look towards the cave, or to scan the sky, as if he were looking for Skaadi to give him a sign.

"I will not speak for anyone here other than myself. I cannot help but feel that both paths are both right and wrong to be followed. As much as I would like the rest, I cannot ignore the feeling that this was intentional, and that if we do nothing about it then we are set up to have this happen over and over again on our journey. Whoever was here must be confronted, and that danger settled.

"Whether anyone comes with me or not, I wish to follow the tracks to their origin and their answers."

MechanicsAC 14 | HP 78/78 | Status Healthy
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Old Oct 22nd, 2024, 07:04 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
"Galmath speaks wisely."

The Darkseer, who had been silent up to this point, chanting his spells and studying his portents, approached the dragonborn and stood beside him in obvious support of his plan. Were Uthal’s frank words responsible for such a dramatic change or was Ungalu awarded a glimpse of a truth he had not been aware of previously? His companions would probably never know the answer to this question, for the Darkseer was unlikely to elaborate.

"The stone and the snow have revealed to us the presence of a force, one that clearly opposes us. This force presents a threat to our quest and, if allowed to persist, it will only grow stronger and strike, possibly turning Crystal Waters from sanctuary to trap. There is no alternative but to face and eradicate it."

Raising his fist, Ungalu started shaking it as if trying to intimidate his unknown opponents.

"Our enemies think us incapacitated, still traveling the iceveins, looking for a new path. If we attack them now, when they least expect it, our chance of destroying them is greater. But we need to approach them in secret. A small group is more likely to stay undetected than a large one. Me, Galmath and Uthal, the three of us will follow the tracks and deal with the traitors. As for the rest of you-", Ungalu made a gesture that was difficult to interpret, "either wait for us here or head to the Crystal Waters. I don’t expect our quarry to have wandered far."

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Oct 25th, 2024, 07:03 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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A smile played on Uthal's lips, the artist taking some pride in seemingly mending the rift between his two headstrong companions. No doubt there was a long way to go, but at least the pair seemed slightly less antagonistic towards each other. Though perhaps the effect on the Darkseer had been greater than on the dragonborn. But the journey towards the worm was long still, and this had been a step in the right direction.

'Of course I shall follow,' Uthal assured the dragonborn. 'If your instincts tell you this is important, then they are not to be ignored.' Turning to Aurok, he nodded his agreement with Ungalu's proposal- though slightly more deferential than the old Darkseer had been. 'But we should not risk you in this,' he told the chieftain. 'You are too important to your clan. We shall deal with... Whatever awaits us, and then return with all due haste.'


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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 04:40 PM
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Follow the River or the Tracks?
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"Hunt well," Tabral Kask said. He mimicked the two-fisted salute the heroes had received from the Goliaths of Refuge. "We will escort our chieftain to Crystal Waters."

Aurok pulled his robe tighter around him, warding against the sudden chill of the surface air. "In our champions we trust," the leader of the Crystalline Keepers intoned. Then, he turned and unslung his pack. "We will camp here tonight and set out along the river at first light. If all goes well, you may even beat us there."

- - - - -

Between Galmath's earned skill stalking the lowlands of the Windspire Range and Ungalu's sharp mind, the three warriors had little trouble following the moonlit tracks. Whoever they were following, they hadn't much cared for covering their trail.

It didn't take long for them to understand why. Beneath the half-dozen or so tracks they had initially spotted were two other sets, also goliath in appearance and thoroughly trampled. The initial set of tracks they had found weren'y simply moving. They were chasing. Weaving between the shadows of hardy conifers and between rocks covered in crusted snow, the three heroes followed the path into the small hours of the morning.

Just when doubt that they would ever catch up began to creep in, they crested a ridge that looked down upon a tense scene. Eight large goliaths, wearing the furs, bones, and tribal markings of the Frostfang Clan, encircled two others. Goliath from the ring would occasionally dart in, taunting or probing with weapons for a lapse in the pair's defenses. If they wanted to, the Frostfangs could fall on their prey all at once, eviscerating them. For the time being, however, they seemed to be enjoying this portion of their hunt.

OOCYou are far enough away not to be immediately spotted. You are also out of range for all spells and weapons. Let me know what you'd like to do from here.
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Old Oct 27th, 2024, 08:05 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
"Like winter wolves the Frostfangs hunt down their prey over snowy hills and deep forests. Unlike the beasts, however, the traitors have no compunction to play with those they hunt. What do you say we put an end to the hunt and turn the hunters into the hunted?"

Ungalu’s voice was little more than a whisper, but at such close proximity his companions had no difficulty understanding his words. There was a strange glee in them, an eagerness to strike the first blow against the wyrm in whatever form possible. Destroying the dragon’s servants, especially his most fearsome warriors, would loosen the Frostreaper’s grip on the clans. More importantly, the champions had a chance to learn more about the wyrm’s plans.

Slightly altering his position, Perception check 4the Darkseer tried to get a better look at the two different groups of goliaths. The markings of the Frostfangs were unmistakable, but who were the other two? Were they members of the Crystalline Keepers? It seemed likely, but at this distance he couldn’t be certain about it.

"We must be clever about this, if the ones the Frostfangs are hunting are to survive the clash", he continued, his eyes flashing slyly. "Galmath, you are the greatest threat to your clan. They consider you a turncoat and a coward, do they not? Use it to your advantage. Prove them wrong! Threaten to paint the snow red with their blood. Claim that you will do the same to the monster that sired you. They will lose their minds and come after you, howling. And I will be waiting. I will command fire to consume them from afar. Worry not. Some will escape. All those that do, will seek to slay you - and me. Your axe will drink deeply of their blood. I will not intervene when you face their leader, unless you want me to. I swear this by the spirits of the earth, the ice and the darkness. You will retain your honor and I will have my prophecy fulfilled."

Turning to the crafter, Ungalu pointed at the two goliaths who were about to be arrested - or killed on the spot.

"Uthal, you must see that the prey survives the night. Defend them or, better yet, lead them to victory. Attacked from both sides, the Frostfangs will stand no chance. Their resolve will melt like snow held too close to a flame. I can hide you from their eyes, allow you to approach the prisoners unseen or can you repeat your little trick and suddenly materialize next to the ones needing your assistance?"

Taking a step back, Ungalu looked at his two champions, Galmath and Uthal. Now was the time for them to prove their worth. Now was the time to prove to all the clans that the Darkseer had been right to choose them from among so many capable warriors.

"Remember, none of the Frostfangs may escape to warn the dragon, none may survive - other than their leader. Spill his blood, Galmath, sever his arms, gouge out his eyes - I care not. But he must live so that I will be able to claim the secrets inside his skull as my own. Much depends upon it. Are we in agreement or do you have a plan of your own you want to discuss?"

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign

Last edited by Elanir; Oct 27th, 2024 at 08:05 PM.
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Old Oct 28th, 2024, 11:29 AM
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For what was probably the first time in...well, since they set off on their journey, perhaps...Galmath nodded in agreement with the Darkseer. Through all of the bickering and arguments, from the shaded words to the disagreements, Galmath now found that the Darkseer, at least in this moment, spoke the truth. And it was a truth the Dragonborn could get behind.

"Worry not, magician," he said as he looked towards the direction the tracks went. "It is not their souls I wish to claim, but rather the words their tongues will spill. While I do believe that they may deserve to die, I would rather hear the details of who set them on our path, and how they came to know where we would be."

He paced a bit, his mind racing with thoughts of the how and the why.

"It is no coincidence that they are here when we had many paths we could have chosen. Yes, it could simply be our enemy hedging his bets and covering all routes. But I do not believe in coincidence; everything happens for a reason. And I agree with you that we need to know this reason, for it may uncover more that we do not already know."

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Old Oct 29th, 2024, 06:21 PM
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Eaggal, bloodied, punched the Frostfang in front of him, as others circled around him and his cousin. Eaggal shifted his left foot back and to the left. He followed with his shield, supported by his left forearm, in an upward motion deflecting an axe attack from another Frostfang. Eaggal continued with his turn, pulling up some magical energy within, sending it out through his right fist into the axe wielder. Eaggal with a mental thought made an attempt to push the individual in hopes of initiating the magical blast he had laid on his enemy.

Eaggal took a quick look to make sure Ekaitza was ok. How did we get here?

ooc Just a pre-post to get into things. Hopefully Cappucina you are ok with this account. If not I can always re-write.

Eaggal nodded his head with excitement when Ekaitza asked if he wanted to travel besides her, along with many others, with Gramak to the Refuge. Ekaitza’s family wanted her to discuss some trade possibilities with the other clans and the Refuge was a great opportunity to do it. Eaggal, the chance to travel, being limited, clapped his cousin on the back as a thank you and ran to gather his things.

At the Refuge, Eaggal heard rumors about what was about to take place. Eaggal, wanting to learn more, had snuck in and listened in on the meeting. He was furious that Gramak didn’t include anyone from their clan on the mission. Eaggal took note of what was spoken and, at its completion, headed to find his cousin. They were both in agreement that they wanted to help, just were not sure how to go about it. If their actions were to make Gramak look bad that would be a bonus as the two equally disliked Gramak.

The cousins, knowing the plan, scanned over a few maps. Their first stop would be Crystal Waters. The pair knew their own territory but, outside of that, their knowledge of the rest of the lands were limited to maps. How difficult could it be?

It started out well but somewhere they had taken a wrong turn and soon got lost in the Frost veins. Things got worse as they were spotted by a gang of Frostfangs. Due to their number the cousins only had one course; to run. Again their lack of knowledge hindered their movements and the Frostfangs were able to catch up.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.

Last edited by Kshnik; Oct 29th, 2024 at 06:22 PM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2024, 07:37 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal fell a little behind Ungalu and Galmath while they followed the tracks, distracted as he was by the sights around him. The dark sky, almost black save for a tinge of blue, illuminated only by pinpricks of light which he imagined were the stars he'd heard so much about. The far-off mountains, revealing to him a world wider than any he'd dared to imagine. The trees, tall and dark, bearing soft, tiny needles upon their branches. Uthal had never worked with wood before, but stopping at the trees, his fingers tracing the bar, the artisan could not deny being intrigued by the medium.

But above all, the goliath was fascinated by the snow. He could not get over the crackling sound it made as his foot fell upon it, smiling like a child with every step. He picked up a handful, pressing the snow together, and found it stuck in the shape of a ball. Marvelling at his creation, Uthal considered the ball of snow in his hand, then chuckled. Like clay, the snow could be shaped, only colder and made of a pure white unlike anything he had ever seen before. Uthal detested the annual obligation of sculpting statues from ice his clan held, but this... This gift of Frostorn he could reluctantly appreciate. When Galmath and Ungalu paused for a moment where the tracks were especially hard to follow, Uthal crouched down, formed a little pile of snow and, using naught but his hands, quickly shaped the snow into the rough form of a humanoid- three balls sitting atop each other. He pressed his finger into the highest ball to make eyes and a mouth, then filled those holes with pine needles and pebbles when the light seemed to pass through the snow, leaving few shadows to contrast the white. Then he got up and followed his companions again, once they were ready to continue.

His glee at the world outside the caves which were his home dissipated, when Ungalu and Galmath pointed out a pair of beleaguered goliaths. His first instinct was to be thankful- as long as the obvious Frostfangs were wasting their time on this pair, they were not hindering Uthal or his allies. It was a sad fact of life that many had died already at the worm's whim, and many more would before this was over. Two more lives were a small price to pay, if it meant safe passage across these snow-covered plains.

But, he could see his companions had already made their mind up about saving the pair. And while Uthal felt it was perhaps unwise to risk their mission for the sake of two goliaths, he could not ignore that the Darkseer and Dragonborn were finally aligned. This was too good an opportunity to mend their differences to pass up. So, rather than object, the artisan took out a chisel and ran it along the edge of Stormhammer. He quietly muttered several words in the ancient tongue of the Giants, bidding Kaelith for guidance as his mind willed patterns of strength and mending onto his weapon. Cast BlessRed glowing runes appeared briefly on the surface of the magical hammer, as well as on the sides of Galmath's axe and Ungalu's heartcrystal, before dissipating again. They were runes meant not to strength the weapons, but to strengthen the unity between the three goliaths.

'A sound plan,' he commended Ungalu. 'I can appear in their midst,' he spoke, tracing invisible patterns in the winds with his chisel. 'Like before, at the cave entrance, the strike of a hammer will pierce what lies between them and us, and take me to them in an instant. I will mend their wounds, and attack the enemy from within while you attack from without. Agreed?'


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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