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Old Nov 16th, 2024, 09:47 AM
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The attacks came from the Goliaths at Galmath hard and fast. On instinct alone his tail swished this way and that in front of him, forcing one of the attacks to be swung wide enough to miss him. But the others? Well, he'd have to clean the blood off his armor when this was all over.

He continued to swing away at the 2 Goliaths in front of him, thunder cracking down the mountainside with each blow that was delivered. And one shot he delivered was a clean hit, with no defense for it; he was now sprayed with both his own blood and that of his enemies. Yes, his armor would certainly need to be cleaned after this.

MechanicsAC 14 | HP 67/78 | Status Injured

Dice Rolls:

Movement: None.
Bonus Action: None.
Reaction from previous round: Tail swipe to avoid Goliath 2's attack. Current AC is 14, attack was an 18. Rolled a 5, so that attack misses.
Resistance: B/P/S while raging. Damage taken is halved.
Action: 3 attacks. Attacks will focus on Goliath 1, until and/or unless he drops. At that point, attacks will shift to Goliath 2.
- Attack 1: potential hit with 18 for 10 points of damage.
- Attack 2: potential hit with 14 for 12 points of damage. If both attacks hit take an extra 2 points of thunder damage.
- Attack 3: critical hit for 7 points of damage. Almost minimum damage on a critical hit. If either of the first 2 attacks hits take an extra 2 points of thunder damage.

Last edited by krossingkhory; Nov 16th, 2024 at 09:47 AM.
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Old Nov 17th, 2024, 09:25 AM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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So focused was Uthal on his chosen foe, that he did not see his opponent's craven minion circling around and striking from the side. The first swing took the artisan by surprise; the second, Stone's Endurance: 5he deflected with a mighty strike from his shield, turning what would have been a concussion into little more than an annoying impact against his shield arm. 'You dare interrupt a duel,' the artisan bellowed, Cast Wrathful Smitefocusing his anger at the interruption of this deadly duel into his weapon, and Attack #1 vs Goliath 3To hit: 20
Damage: 25 (13 bludgeoning, 3 lightning, 3 fire, 6 psychic)
Must succeed on a DC 13 Wis save or be Frightened of me
swatting his hammer at the interloper.

'Now, where were we?' he asked, turning to the enemy leader, Attack #2 vs leader
To hit: 18
Damage: 14 (9 bludgeoning, 3 lightning, 2 fire)
before lashing out with Stormhammer again.


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Nov 17th, 2024 at 09:40 AM.
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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 10:55 AM
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Pitched Battle
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The warrior in front of Galmath stumbled under the dragonborn's blows, falling to a knee. "Up!" his companion in the fight called, stepping in to block the third of Galmath's ferocious attacks. The flagging warrior found his footing, and his healthier counterpart maneuvered opposite him. Both attackers' great clubs found purchase on the lightly armored barbarian.

Bloodied and panicked, the goliath archer crawled backward away from Ekaitza's summoned storm. Eyes wide, he dashed away, frantically searching for Ungalu, who had vanished from the battlefield. Not seeing the fire-throwing wizard, the scout fired two shots toward Galmath, one of which struck the dragonborn's exposed scale-flesh.

Only an axe swing away, Uthal found himself just as hard-pressed. A hammer strike directly to the chest of one of the warriors placed magically induced doubt into his mind. "Don't you dare run!" roared the leader, briefly grabbing his subordinate and pulling him back into the fight. He received a hit across the arm for his efforts but didn't look close to breaking. The warriors tried to retaliate, but every attempted blow was blocked, dodged, or bounced harmlessly off of the smith's armor.

Farther along the ridge, Eaggal still faced off against two of the original hunters. He was at a severe reach disadvantage, having to wade through repeated blows to score a potential punch no matter how he turned. He was taking more hits than he gave out, and some were breaking through the enchantments on his armor.

Ekaitza found herself alone, in an eerie calm at the center of the battle. Her one would-be opponent stood after being blasted across the snowy ground and charged away to help against Uthal and his impenetrable armor. Would she return to her cousin's side, or rush to the aid of her rescuers, who now bore the brunt of the Frostfang force?

OOCAs before, damage numbers don't reflect any resistances you may have.

Map is from Tom Cartos' Patreon. Apology for the slightly messy number/letter grid. Blame the AI.

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Old Nov 18th, 2024, 06:55 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Knuthi Dragoneye Frostfang
Shielding his eyes with his arms to avoid being blinded by the whirlwind that was pummeling him mercilessly, Knuthi headed as far away from the cyclone as possible. He recognized the hand of Thalor, spirit of thunder, behind the unnatural storm and he wanted nothing to do with spirits. The Frostfangs were the greatest clan, having grown stronger, not weaker, under the dragon’s rule, exactly because they sought to master this world and not the unseen one. Though Knuthi did not have the blessings of the spirits, he had earned the trust of his chief and the right to act with the authority of the Frostreaper. As first scout he had his choice of food, mead and companion wherever he went, not merely within Frostfang Hold. In fact, a comely wench from the Crystal Waters had caught his eye a few months back. He was certain that she would make a fine companion, at least until someone younger and prettier took her place. It was high time he claimed her.

But first, he would have to deal with the cursed mage who had rained fire upon him and his clan-brothers.

Arrow after arrow had pierced his flesh and each time he had pulled them out as if they had been naught but thorns. But his luck could not hold, nor could his shifting robe of shadow protecting him for long. Knuthi hadn’t been given the name Dragoneye for nothing. Whether in light or in darkness, there was nothing and no one that could escape his gaze. And all that he saw, he could shoot and kill.

Except for that old flame-flinger. The man had made fun of him. He had supposedly foreseen his demise. Knuthi frowned. The mage’s fire had scarred him, yes, but he had survived its painful embrace. And now that false prophet had fled, leaving his allies behind to die at the hands of the Frostfangs. He had not taken into account the skill of the first scout of the clan, however. Knuthi Dragoneye could track down anything, even a snow owl flying on a moonless night. He would have no difficulty finding an old man’s traces upon the snow. He would hunt him down mercilessly and make him eat his words before he planted an arrow in each one of his eye sockets.

Knuthi smiled. Yes, that was something to look forward to. But first, the battle had to be won and to do so, he would have to bring down the strongest of the clan’s enemies. His eyes turned to regard the lone dragonborn who was fighting like a man possessed by a spirit. He easily recognized him, as did all of his clan-brothers. Galmath the traitor, the strongest of the Frostreaper’s children - and the most disobedient. If he could bring down in one night this great enemy of his people and the old goliath who had burned them with fire, his name would be remembered in song and tale forever. Aiming carefully, he effortlessly let two arrows fly, both piercing the dragonborn’s scales, though Galmath didn’t appear to feel any pain. Cursing, Knuthi aimed again, this time higher, at the warrior’s throat, but was suddenly distracted by a strange sound coming from nearby.

Laughter, he realized.

Instantly turning towards the sound, he was about to let his bowstring sing, but he could see no one in front of him. "This cannot be", he muttered, but even the trampled snow didn’t reveal the Darkseer’s presence. "Show yourself, coward!", he cried out, but the laughter only grew louder. It seemed to be coming from all around him and he turned this way and that in the hope that he might catch a glimpse of his opponent.

"Remember my words, archer", a familiar voice replied, openly mocking him. "You will die tonight and my face will be the very last thing you see. Worry not. I will not allow you to grow cold, not even in death. I will clothe you in fire, instead!"

Without warning, he felt a great force strike his flank, burning his armor and searing his flesh. Knuthi screamed in pain and turned to face his opponent just in time to see Ungalu’s golden eyes grow distant as the Darkseer walked away from him.

The bastard was smiling.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 03:27 PM
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Galmath was now surrounded, the 2 Goliaths flanking him while a third one decided to stand back and take pot-shots at him. Some of their attacks missed, while some hit. But one of the attacks hit him square in the chest, his breathing stopping while blood flowed for a moment or two.

Gods, that hurt.

But he didn't show the pain on his face. Instead, his face twisted in continued anger as he swung his axe around him, bringing it down to bear upon the Goliaths.


The words were yelled, but due to the crack of thunder as his third major shot landed drowned them out.

MechanicsAC 14 | HP 47/78 | Status Injured

Dice Rolls:

Movement: None.
Bonus Action: None.
Reaction from previous round: Tail swipe to avoid Goliath Scout's attack. Current AC is 14, attack was a 17. Rolled a 1, so that attack hits.
Resistance: B/P/S while raging. Damage taken is halved.
Action: 3 attacks. Attacks will focus on Goliath 1, until and/or unless he drops. At that point, attacks will shift to Goliath 2.
- Attack 1: miss with 13
- Attack 2: critical hit for 14 total points of damage.
- Attack 3: potential hit with a 19 for 12 points of damage. if this attack hits, take an additional 1 point of thunder damage.
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Old Nov 19th, 2024, 08:32 PM
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Eaggal recognizing his position was not good decides to disengage. His shield held between him and his two opponents, turns his body, providing a narrow profile as he backs away to stand to the left of his cousin. As he moves he draws upon his minor defensive magic once more, and the last time, to provide some extra protection to absorb blows and attacks of various types. Eaggal decides to shift his tactics, rather than use his shield to knock back an opponent, this time he was going to use the magic of his gauntlets to blind them.

ooc Goliath 5&6 total 18 damage to Eaggal. Temp hit points knock it down to 12 damage dropping from 60 hp to 48.



Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.

Last edited by Kshnik; Nov 19th, 2024 at 08:32 PM.
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Old Nov 20th, 2024, 10:07 AM
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Ekaitza has a second to glance around the battlefield. She sees that no one but the attackers are on their last legs. She can keep fighting. She's starting to be quietly calculating about the fight. The enemy that she and Eaggal are facing off with look hale, hearty and healthy. So far, no one has fallen yet dozens of blows have landed. Everyone, both sides, are fierce and tough. The fight could go on and on and on.

She has her magical spiritual tornado move up, with just a look, moving through the branches of the trees to snap off and pick up more battering material. It looks like the tree comes alive for a moment whipping it's branches and the snow is flying off of it like a shaking dog - then the tornado pops out of it full of pine needles near a goliath flankig Uthal. Alas for Ekaitza, the tornado falters on its course directly toward the goliath of intent - like it needs a moment to build up more energy before it can slam. This helps her make up her mind, her tornado did nothing, she needs to use better tactics and she has them at her disposal.

Ekaitza also has a moment to catch her cousin's eye and they silently communicate with a couple gestures. Eaggal expertly uses his shield to completely block himself from harm and moves back, drawing his opponents with him. Ekaitza holds the call lightening until the either one of the golaiths takes the bait, then after they move themselves 10 feet closer to the cliff, she blasts her lightening behind them to move them another 10 feet. No one will go tumbling off yet, but she is starting to position them.

If a goliath on her east side, perhaps after the lightening has moved him, hits her she will of course rebuke him and send him 10 feet toward the cliff again. If a goliath hits her from north or west, she will hold off on the rebuke. She now wants to push them east, toward the downslope of the mountainside.


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Last edited by cappucina; Nov 21st, 2024 at 10:28 PM.
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Old Nov 22nd, 2024, 03:50 PM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal was not a practiced warrior- not like Galmath, or many of the proven heroes of his clan. His talent lied in the smithing of weapons, not in using them. But that knowledge gave him an edge many of his kin lacked. Others used weapons- Uthal made them. He knew exactly the specifications warriors demanded of their tools. He knew exactly how to make them most effective, and to know that, he had to understand how weapons were used. Uthal might not be as skilled a warrior as most, but he didn't need to be. He knew his enemies' weapons. A lesser foe would employ a weapon recklessly, but veterans like these Frostfangs... They knew exactly how to use their weapons. And Uthal knew exactly how those weapons shouldd be used.

Meaning that, effectively, he knew what his foes were going to do, before they did.

A horizontal strike came from the bloodied minions- exactly at a height at which the weapon could be swung comfortably, keeping its weight and length in mind. Uthal raised his shield, and deflected the weapon effortlessly. Another goliath ran at him from the other side, swinging a vicious blade at him. Uthal smiled and leaned towards his attacked. He knew how the blade would fall, and he knew how to position himself so that it would connect with, and slide off of Kaelith's Aegis. The Frostfang leader put his strength behind his attack, but strength was nothing compared to having the knowledge necessary to turn an attack aside.

Contemptuouly, Uthal stared at the bloodied lesser warrior at his foe's side. 'If you will not flee, then fall!' he bellowed, First attack
To hit: 21
Damage: 13 (6 bludgeoning, 4 lightning, 3 fire)

Second attack
To hit: 20
Damage: 19 (11 bludgeoning, 4 lightning, 4 fire)
then performed a series of quick strikes, stepping closer with each, hoping to take the unworthy distraction to his duel out of the battle entirely.


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Nov 22nd, 2024 at 03:52 PM.
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Old Nov 23rd, 2024, 12:02 PM
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Pitched Battle
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A flash of lightning, a crack of thunder, a command called out in frustration, and the whole battlefield changed. A stripe of fresh blood painted Uthal's armor red, sent streaking from a ferocious swing of Galmath's axe that brought his opponent low. Ungalu blinked back into the visual spectrum as a bolt of flame jumped from his hand, splashing into the arrogant Frostfang scout's face.

Ekaitza called lightning down from the sky for a third time, sending her enemies tumbling. One slammed into the back of the Frostfang party's leader, saving Uthal from a overhead slam from the warrior's maul. The other was blown nearly off the cliff by the Stormwatcher's magic. This warrior gathered himself and charged back in towards Ekaitza, leaving a gash on her arm from the swing of his axe. This time, however, the cleric finished the job. She responded to the cut with a blast of lightning that sent the warrior pinwheeling backward. He teetered on the edge for a long moment, then slipped over the ridge.

The Frostfangs had once been famous for their warriors. Decades of servitude to Thalorgarax had eroded many noble traditions that led to their storied mastery of the martial craft, and now, many of them were little more than the dragon's thugs. Fat with stolen resources, glutted on borrowed power. Losing almost half their warband in quick succession, they began to panic.

Galmath batted away two strikes from a club with his muscular tail. Eaggal's pulsing magical armor repulsed another blow from his opponent. A lucky strike did break through Uthal's defenses, but the smith continued to dodge, block, and even strike back at the trifecta of Frostfang who surrounded him still.

"For the Frostreaper!" the lead, bearded goliath shouted, trying to rally his remaining warriors around him.

OOCAs before, damage numbers don't reflect any resistances you may have.

Map is from Tom Cartos' Patreon. Apology for the slightly messy number/letter grid. Blame the AI.

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Old Nov 23rd, 2024, 01:14 PM
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Uthal Oretamer Iceheart
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Uthal scoffed at the foe's rallying cry. 'Yes,' he spat, raising his shield just in time to block an incoming hammer. 'For the Frostreaper. For the bloated worm, sitting idly atop stolen treasure, not sparing a single thought for you bootlickers dying in its name.' He thrust his hammer forward, hoping to unbalance the wounded minion with a jab aimed at the raider's face. 'You will die, forgotten, naught but a tool to an uncaring worm. That will be your legacy.'

Attack #1
To hit: 23
Damage: 16 (11 bludgeoning, 1 lightning, 4 fire

Attack #2
To hit: 28 (critical!)
Damage: 48 (15 bludgeoning, 4 lightning, 6 fire, 23 radiant)
He swung again, determined now to bring down the pair of goliaths flanking the enemy leader. Earlier, he had hoped to strike down the Frostfang chief and rob his enemies of their fighting spirit. Now, however, they seemed thoroughly demoralized; their leader's death would add little, and rob Ungalu of precious answers. Worse, Time to lay low those ready to break. They stood between Uthal and the fulfillment of his oath, distractions keeping him from reaching the hated worm and exacting punishment for its many crimes. Stormhammer burned brightly in response to the artisan's wrath, flaring with flame, sparking thunder, and glowing with the orange light of the forge, Uthal brought the heavy steel head down onto his hated foe.


Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren

Last edited by DemonSlayer; Nov 24th, 2024 at 05:29 PM.
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Old Nov 23rd, 2024, 02:08 PM
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Ekaitza watches as her thunderous strike works in tandem with her wrath of the storm rebuke, to send her attacker flying back, stumbling at the edge of the cliff and losing his footing only to tumble to his doom. The tactic worked. He's gone. She looks back at the battle. Two other Frostfangs have been cut down and lay on the snow dying. One is at the feet of the Frostwalker Dragonborn and his other opponent is barely able to stand. The Frostfang leader tries to rally his fighters, but Ekaitza observes that is futile.

One of the chosen heroes from the Iceheart clan takes the words right out of Ekaitza's mouth as the fight becomes a one sided slaughter. Yes, for the Frostreaper. The Frostfangs have realized they are truly outmatched. It must be difficult, from going to believing that you have full control of a situation, and are superior, confident in the outcome of it so much so you treat it like a having that belief refuted right before your eyes moments before you are killed. That's a tough way to spend your last moments. Losing everything. Are they feeling regret? Wishing they had other choices than to be thugs for an oppressor? Or, are they just in disbelief? Either way, the Frostbringer himself, will soon face this moment. Ekaitza looks forward to it. She looks forward to bringing him down. She doesn't process some of the hypocrisy of her own thoughts either. Fate trumps hypocrisy in her world view. She can identify it only in others.

She has taken at least three terrible blows, and can feel hot blood flowing out of her arms, shoulders, and cooling rapidly in the icy air. She needs to remove armor and bandage. Eaggal is also badly hurt. The cousins did pay a price trying to find the chosen, but it was worth every drop of blood and ounce of humiliation from getting chased and penned by the Frostfangs' band.

Ekaitza takes a step back, deciding to conserve her strength, her last rebuke, and to completely avoid blows. But, she has one more special gift. This one is from her clan smith from Thunder Peak who also worshipped Thalor and who helped her enchant her armor; she prepares to use it. She drops her shield and holds out her arms as if a symphony conductor, her breastplate armor is charging up and meeting the energy from the swirling dark cloud above their heads, the shockingly white hair that has come lose from her braid starts to rise up standing straight up off her scalp like a wispy, fuzzy white halo. Her eyes glow lightening blue.

She raises face and sparking arms to the sky, she is one with the storm, and directs a lightening bolt down behind the furthest Frostfang from herself and let's the supercharged bolt ripple down and out to the east, south, and west all over the battlefield. Electricity jumps from combatant to combatant and the smell of ozone and sound of sizzling fills everyone's senses. She will perhaps, have to make apologies later. To her cousin, to the Iceheart warrior. But, pride is driving this. There is no urgent need to use the Conductor's Edge except for spectacle and show. She wants the Frostfangs to know that the playthings they thought they cornered for some entertainment were actually their destruction. For Stormwatch!

Then her tornado grows fierce and slams into the Goliath closest to the tree it just emerged from moments ago, battering him with branches, rocks, ice shards, pine needles in a flurry. He almost disappears from view for a moment until the tornado again loses energy and form. Ekaitza thought she heard him screaming from inside the roar of the wind and smiles.


Stat Block

Last edited by cappucina; Nov 25th, 2024 at 02:52 PM.
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Old Nov 24th, 2024, 02:28 PM
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Ungalu the Darkseer
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Ungalu Darkseer
The Frostfangs’ cries of war and triumph had turned into moans of pain and whimpers of fear. The Darkseer closed his eyes and took satisfaction in these sounds, so very pleasing to his ears. Fate could not be denied, neither could his prophecy be proven wrong. All he had to do was draw first blood, or rather boil the blood and roast the flesh with his magical fire, and one by one their hated enemies fell.

The chosen ones wielded their weapons and their spirits-given powers tirelessly and with incredible skill, but so did the pair the Frostfang warriors had been after. Ungalu took a few moments to study them. A rune-carver and a storm-daughter, he realized, both scions of the Stormwatcher clan, bonded together by blood and perhaps… something more?

The Darkseer smiled mysteriously. Not all heroes were the same. Some were chosen by Fate to be champions - songs and tales formed around them like the mist clinging to the Crystalline lake. Others, however, earned their place in the clans’ history by fighting tooth and claw to win the fame and glory that was freely given to others. The pair of Stormwatchers belonged to this second category. Fate recognized their great deeds and honored their bravery, adjusting itself so that they could be included in the epic it wrote in blood upon stone. Ungalu too, being the servant of Fate, had to adapt to his mistress’ whims. If the two survived the fight, he was willing to offer them a chance to earn that most desirable of titles:


Pleased with having reached a decision, Ungalu once more surveyed the field of battle. The field of slaughter, he corrected himself, noting that the cries had grown fewer and the pools of blood in the snow deeper. His companions barely needed his help, he realized, and he would not further upset Galmath by stealing his victory over the remaining warrior he was fighting. Still, the flames of war would not calm down inside his heart and he had to give them expression.

Raising high his heartcrystal, he saw it burn like a log in the fireplace. The warmth gently caressed his face and he smiled. He would let the flames choose whom they would devour.

"Burn hot, burn bright and consume the last traces of darkness", he bade the fire.

And it was so.

He/Him - I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Running Dragons of a Broken World: A Dragonlance (Age of Mortals) 5e DnD campaign

Last edited by Elanir; Nov 24th, 2024 at 02:29 PM.
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Old Nov 30th, 2024, 10:09 AM
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The battle was, slowly but surely, starting to turn in their favor. Galmath's hides and cloak were getting stained with splashes of red already, but the great swing he had taken against the Goliath standing in front of him now turned the scales on his face and head a deep crimson, the blood flowing like a river as the Goliath was felled.

*whoosh* *whoosh* came the sound of a pair of weapon attacks towards him from behind, both strikes not even coming close to him. He turned towards the Goliath that remained near him, a wide and crazy smile coming across his face. He raised the axe, bringing it down upon the enemy again and again, the crack of thunder drowning out everything else around him.

MechanicsAC 14 | HP 47/78 | Status Injured

Dice Rolls:

Movement: Special. If Goliath 2 falls at any point during this round, I will move up to my movement (40 feet) towards the nearest standing enemy. If I have any attacks left at that point, I'll use them on that enemy.
Bonus Action: None.
Reaction from previous round: None.
Resistance: B/P/S while raging. Damage taken is halved.
Action: 3 attacks. Attacks will focus on Goliath 2, until and/or unless he drops. At that point, see the above under Movement.
- Attack 1: potential hit with a 16 for 15 points of damage.
- Attack 2: potential hit with a 16 for 5 points of damage. if both attack 1 and attack 2 hit, take an additional 6 points of thunder damage.
- Attack 3: potential hit with a 26 for 15 points of damage. if this attack hits AND either of the first two attacks hits, take an additional 4 points of thunder damage.
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Old Nov 30th, 2024, 06:36 PM
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Eaggal grinds his teeth when the lightning from his cousin’s blast courses through him. Luckily his defensive magic takes the brunt of the attack. Eaggal looks around and decides to continue with his defensive course. Eaggal holds up his shield, speaks a few words, and an aura of dim light shoots out from in all directions for 30 steps. He notes those who are helping him along with his cousin and himself. He feels a new defensive magic wipe out his old. Eaggal calls up a different spell and sends it towards Ekaitza. Finally Eaggal readies to respond to an attack from this Frostreaper.

ooc 4 damage from Ekaitza - reduces temp hp from 6 to 2.
Ekaitza gains 8 hit points (see spoiler button turn for dice roll)
Temp hit points for all within 30 radius of Eaggal.
Dice Twilight:
1d6+2 (1)+2 Total = 3



Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.

Last edited by Kshnik; Nov 30th, 2024 at 06:38 PM.
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Old Dec 1st, 2024, 12:22 PM
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Nasrith Nasrith is offline
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Pitched Battle
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The battle's momentum shifted in a second. On one edge of the fight, Galmath drove his sole opponent to the ground with a trifecta of thundering swings of his axe, only turning away when his opponent's body was pulp. On the other, a wave of healing energy exploded from Eaggal's body, offering renewed vigor to both Uthal and Ekaitza.

Charged by the healing magic, Ekaitza calls yet another lightning bolt down from the sky. It strikes near her conjured storm with an explosion that electrocutes one of the remaining Frostfang warriors and sends dirty snow flying in all directions. The electricity jumps from one warrior to another as if it has a mind of its own, numbing friend and foe alike. Reeling from the magical lightning, the same frostfang struck by the lightning was assaulted by the cleric's conjured storm. The tempest ripped skin from flesh, leaving the goliath's exposed arms bloody and raw.

Uthal took advantage of the distraction by slamming his hammer down with full force on the other goliath. The first strike was solid. The second sent a small shockwave from it as it hit, rippling clothes and pushing away exposed dirt. The once proud Frostfang's body hit the ground, broken, and would rise no more.

Seeing an opportunity, the Goliath leader slammed his maul twice into the back of Uthal's armor. The first attack bounced off the storied Aegis, but the second hit the smith squarely between his shoulder blades.

Recognizing the fight was coming to a close, Ungalu fired three more rays of flame into the fray, further wearing down what was left of the war party. The Frostfangs' feeble attempts at a counterattack were proof that they were faltering. Their blows bounced off armor, went wide, or were parried by the collected heroes of the remaining Goliath clans.

OOCAs before, damage numbers don't reflect any resistances you may have.

For all intents and purposes, you have defeated the Frostfangs. You can make further combat rolls if you so choose, but we don't need another full round of combat to tell us where this is going. Please let me know how you would like handle what remains of the War party.

Map is from Tom Cartos' Patreon. Apology for the slightly messy number/letter grid. Blame the AI.

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