Also - watch Firefly. It's streaming in various places. I promise you won't regret it. |
She was a child genius who was "selected" by the government to go to a "special school" where they would challenge her and bring out the best of her brilliant mind... by running experiments on her brain and turning her into a psychotic psychic assassin.
You're really missing out on not seeing Firefly it was a great TV Show that the network mishandled then killed because it wasn't getting good ratings (they aired it in multiple time slots so nobody knew when it was on, and out of order so nobody could follow the story) you can find it on Netflix I think??? it's a space western, complete with space cows and everything!
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night. |
Last edited by Lentil Sponge; Oct 1st, 2024 at 09:14 AM. |
@ Admin Bhelogan - I've finished my character. I've put in some random details about the world, but if there's anything that needs changing to better fit your plans for the game, or just any other reason, feel free to ask.
I THINK I have everyone's applications listed in the OP. If I missed yours, please PM me.
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
Also, added a due date timer to the OP for applications. We have enough I am tempted to move that up to the 4th, however, I will be traveling the week of the 7th, and I have no delusions that I will have time to go through and make selections until the week after.
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
Good luck for my fellow applicants! Even If I don't get selected, let me share gratitude to everybody for the good time we spend together. I hope we can keep getting these pleasant encounters once more!
Man, everybody really goes all out with their character applications. It makes me feel like I'm slacking, but maybe that's just because I was raised in a different roleplay environment. One where characters are created spontaneously and write their own stories, often from scratch. I can tell you now, I couldn't write three paragraphs about one of my *strongest* characters before I began to use her.
I've gotten better at it, slowly, after using this format for a long time.
Contact: dmbhelogan@gmail.com
All are welcome to participate in: AI Spy With My Little Eye (An Art-ificial Intelligence Image Generation Game) |
Last edited by Oakie; Oct 3rd, 2024 at 09:37 PM. |
Current status: All good. |
Example of my Character
Here you have. Simple but effective! ![]() Last edited by jr1v3; Oct 1st, 2024 at 03:40 PM. |
Let's go back to Karakusa, my adventurer archetype character. Karakusa, during her conception, was a very stereotypical adventurer; she had a cute little short sword, basic leather armor, and she lusted for treasure and glory. I wanted to play aorund with the idea with a friend of mine, so we made up a mysterious cave for her to go explore. In the beginning, she was just... The kid with a sword, and she was in way over her head. That's it. No backstory, no parents, no skills- She was a character whipped up on the spot to play around with. Then came the nuance: she encountered a magical talking door (Called Ma, the guardian of The Maw), and here, Karakusa demonstrated she had a decent upbringing by using "ma'am" Okay, so she's polite. Clearly raised to be respectful. After getting past that obstacle, she spends some time invetsigating the opening of the cave, searching for possible hazards, and a torch. I decided that she must have visited people in the local tavern and listened to their stories. Soak up some wisdom. So she has basic survival skills, and is aware that traps and monsters are a thing. Stuff and things happen. She navigates through the dungeon, and then she finds treasure. I knew in that moment Karakusa loved treasure. It's just... You know, a thing you KNOW in that moment. You realize that this is a core aspect of their character. Years later, when I use that same character concept with my now-ex gf, that characeristic cemented itself as kleptomania. And not the funny haha type of kleptomania, but a real psychological condition that can endanger her life and the lives of others. It's something she goes on to struggle with over the course of her journye, often overcome with a sudden intense urge to steal a seemingly worthless object, then lying if confronted. As time goes on, I create a mother character for her as well (Which my GM played), this fussy anxious thing who is constantly worried about her daughter's behavior, and who doesn't see her as an adult. Or, at the least, mature. Again, this came hours, if not days after I first began using Karakusa. The point I'm getting at is that sometimes it's impossible to factor in the past. I can tell you now I have very little idea who Lady Elara is, or how she might possibly factor into Abigail's backstory. But- if given the opportunity -In time I'll find a suitable answer, and you can bet it will factor into her present. Quote:
The present: Abigail has arrived in Willowrest to instill some semblance of order/balance Beginning: Raised at home to be charitable, and spent time mingling with the commoners. That's also the inbetween. Last edited by Aisede; Oct 1st, 2024 at 04:27 PM. |
Well, If you don't know her past then probably nobody knows. What you are describing is what you normally do in a live table where normally you have little time to tweak those things but in a PBP is different. You have time to polish and embellish that backstory and the Key on that is the little details that don´t reveal a lot but tell how unique that character is.
For example, what I would do if you read this sentence "Raised at home to be charitable, and spent time mingling with the commoners." And ask question like this: How she was raised that way? How she learned to be charitable? why she was raised that way? what kind of home does she came that she ended to be that way? Mingling with the commoners means perhaps she is a Noble or a from a family with abundant resources like a rich merchant? If she is from a noble upbringing, why a noble that are normally invested in Here I am using what the settings describepolitic struggles and clear ambitions would do that? Are his parents that honorable? Anyone can be charitable but everybody have a series of events and train of thoughts that lead to that. Also the sentence "mingling with the commoners" Imply like some kind of obligation that comes from someone of an upper social status. So, I use that kind of rumbling to fill some gaps and write an interesting background, nothing less nothing more and those details brings an interesting backstory to read. Anyway, it is just me wanted to give you ideas to help you write a background, with this I am not saying your way is wrong. I am convinced you can roleplay a great character or become an amazing player to play along with. Last edited by jr1v3; Oct 1st, 2024 at 06:12 PM. |
What I am describing is perfectly normal in the vast majority of freeform roleplay circles. We have time, I assure you– it simply isn't the norm to go into so much detail. In some cases, there isn't even a profile (or, in tabletop terms, a character sheet).
I acknowledge tabletop is different, but from what I've seen, it's not that different. Last edited by Aisede; Oct 1st, 2024 at 05:54 PM. |
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