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Old Oct 2nd, 2024, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Alemar View Post
I've actually found that the preview before post actually results in lower average rolls so I try not to do it... the dice gods are fickle and hate being tested (in my experience)
I feel the same way though. I will test about posting the rolls and then roleplay the scene like you suggested.

I must confess, I am really excited to play this game. It have been a lot of time since I got this anxious waiting for a selection. It is funny how the time goes slow when you are waiting for something to want so badly!

Last edited by jr1v3; Oct 2nd, 2024 at 07:38 PM.
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Old Oct 2nd, 2024, 07:45 PM
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I really want to play it to, but there's only so many spaces. I'm a little surprised that this is the only 2024 game to be honest, I mean yes I know that WotC and Hasbro have been screwing up a lot in the last couple of years... But still, to only have 1 person on the entire site running the new system is one heck of an indictment
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Oct 2nd, 2024, 08:07 PM
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I think Mira is all set. I’ve been futzing with her backstory for days, but I think it’s about as good as I’m going to get it without writing a whole novel. It adds some elements to the world and some details about the extended Valewind family - these are, obviously, flexible if they contradict something the DM already had in mind.

I never did end up working in the Romeo and Juliet thing with a member of the rival noble family - I still wouldn’t mind adding that if the opportunity presented itself. Thanks for reading it!
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Old Oct 2nd, 2024, 08:16 PM
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So this is my first official attempt at applying for a game. I didn't really take advantage of the new player game but I had a busy summer and I am not really new to online RPGing, just new to the site. In any case, I have checked in quite a bit to see how this flows and I'm just going to take a shot, no hard feelings if it doesn't get accepted. There are always so many well written applications to games on here that I can't imagine having to choose between them. Also I hope I didn't take too much liberty with your worldbuilding but I'd be happy to tailor anything if so.

Name: Grayson Godwynn
right-aligned image

Class: Paladin
Origin: Human Soldier

Background Story:


It could have been so easy for him. He was born the second son to a minor nobility in Ardenia and squired as soon as he was of age to one of the greatest knights in the region, Sir Braun. All he had to do was obey commands and fall in line with the general idea that warfare with the Please correct if I assumed incorrectlyEryndorians? was the natural order of things. Unfortunately, Grayson didn't like anything about this. Sir Braun was a terrible knight and the very first time Grayson tried to correct the man he was scolded, stripped of titles and sent back to his family in disgrace.

His father, a hardened military commander, held no sympathy and felt his youngest son showed weakness by challenging authority and his dismissal was even more shameful not just for him but for the family name. To Grayson, it was Braun's cowardice and cruelty that made him unworthy of command. Day after day, Grayson watched soldiers trained, their minds filled with the same rigid doctrines of war and conflict and it was such a bleak and dreary outlook through his perspective. He could never fall in line with that sort of mentality.

It was during this time of disillusionment that Grayson found solace in the quiet recesses of the family's library, pouring over dusty tomes and taking the most interest in old texts about the nameless Gods. These were texts his father had long left sitting to collect dust, their words of wisdom irrelevant in a world where military might and strength of force were paramount. Buried within the writings he found mention of icons, deific beings with actual names who embodied more singular aspects of virtue beyond the pillars of creation, organization and destruction. One of these stood out to him in particular. Valanir, a noble warrior who forsook glory and conquest in favor of protecting those who could not protect themselves. The texts described Valanir as a lesser know deity, often overlooked by those who sought power but revered by those who believed in shielding the weak and standing as a guardian of the innocent. A divine shield in the midst of bloodshed turning aside countless blades not for personal gain but for preservation. The legend of Valanir set Grayson with newfound purpose and resolve.

So one day he took a wagon into the city and used his father's stipend to load it up with supplies - food, medicine, clothing, anything that could make a difference in the lives of the common folk and set out to emblazon a new trail in his life. He had heard tales of Willowrest as a bastion of neutrality in a sea of rising tensions between two volatile beasts and decided that was the direction he would go.

Along the way he discovered an old temple off the normally trodden path with only a few clergy all devoted to the nameless ones. Though they each seemed learned none of them were able to recall any established practice of faith to the legend of Valinir. Grayson enthusiastically relayed the tales as he recalled from the texts he read and then declared himself to be the First Paladin, swearing an Oath he pieced together from those same texts on the spot with the gathered priests bearing witness. Grayson remembers that moment fondly because a warmth had washed over him as if some unseen divine force had acknowledged him.

It was later in his travel that his faith became confirmed. Along the road he found a man knelt beside a wounded horse. Tears streamed the man's face as his words choked out the concern for his beloved companion. Grayson knelt beside the man with sympathy and asked him to pray with him. As Grayson placed his hands on the animal a light briefly flashed around the tips of his fingers and palm. To both of the men's astonishment the wounds began to mend themselves and the horse burst up from the ground to stand with a resurgence of vitality. This is when Grayson knew that his Oath had been heard and blessings had been bestowed upon him. He was truly a paladin.

Then came the day that the First Paladin of Valinir arrived in Willowrest. Grayson rode into town with a wide grin and a wagon filled with the supplies he had plundered from his family's estate. He gleefully shouted to villagers as he passed, offering that they take their fill. There was wariness from some but many welcomed the gifts and rumors spread of the strange but charming swordsman. Others believed he was a participant in a ploy from either the Baron or the Duke to gain favor in yet another conflict.

"You ride in here, shouting and giving away supplies like some saint. Who sent you?" demanded a cynical villager.

Grayson, ever unflappable, smiled and raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "I sent myself, truly. By the will of Valanir, I have come to protect those who need it most. And by the looks of things abroad there can never be enough protection, am I wrong?"

The villager narrowed his eyes unconvinced and clearly unimpressed. "Protection? You are but one man and we have the Opal Guard for that."

Grayson cocks his head to the side, curiosity piqued by mention of the guard. "Then perhaps the Opal Guard could use an extra shield."

Last edited by Salvation; Oct 2nd, 2024 at 08:31 PM. Reason: Updating a background item line in the TLDR
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Old Oct 2nd, 2024, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by jr1v3 View Post
I feel the same way though. I will test about posting the rolls and then roleplay the scene like you suggested.

I must confess, I am really excited to play this game. It have been a lot of time since I got this anxious waiting for a selection. It is funny how the time goes slow when you are waiting for something to want so badly!
Ooh, baking in a vendetta, as well as providing a possible future conflict. The gods only know what might happen if she encounters that noble again ~
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Salvation View Post
So this is my first official attempt at applying for a game. I didn't really take advantage of the new player game but I had a busy summer and I am not really new to online RPGing, just new to the site. In any case, I have checked in quite a bit to see how this flows and I'm just going to take a shot, no hard feelings if it doesn't get accepted. There are always so many well written applications to games on here that I can't imagine having to choose between them. Also I hope I didn't take too much liberty with your worldbuilding but I'd be happy to tailor anything if so.
At the time of posting, you are far below 100 posts, so you could still apply for an NPSG

As for world-building, I have only skimmed over your entry so far, but I don't see anything I would object to. Small details, such as names for things I haven't designated, I am totally OK with people making up on the spot. At times, I will ask players to create the NPCs they are interacting with. That may be a little more liberal with shared worldbuilding than some DMs use, but I enjoy it.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 01:56 PM
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Little Girl Lost
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Name: Charm
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Pact: Great Old One
Gender: Female
Age: 10


Appearance: Charm looks and acts like a 10 year old girl, at least outside of battle. She is slight, blond, and tanned from her life in the streets and, of course, not well mannered. She never speaks above a whisper. But,when battle starts, her eyes go black, her voice gets deep and raspy, and tentacles start to attack people around her (Eldritch Blast is flavored as tentacle attacks too). She becomes actually a scary figure which is hard to do considering those around her tend to be professional warriors and spell casters.

Personality: Charm is generally sweet. She has learned that she can manipulate adults by seeming helpless and small so long as she doesn't get whiny or loud, so she does. Whether it's getting them to protect her, set up her tent, or buy her sweetmeats or bracelets, she's the lucky charm for local adventurers and that's how she likes it. It's a big, dark, scary world out there and she's just a little girl. She isn't interested in relationships, though curious about them. She isn't interested in getting rich, though she likes presents. What her strange rider is interested in is still unknown.

Backstory: Like so many unfortunate children, Charm never knew her parents or a home, at least that she remembered. She grew up on the streets and probably would have died if it weren't for what she thinks of as her imaginary friend. A small invisible creature speaks to her and teaches her. And though it's tricky and mean to people and gets her in trouble, she loves it. She calls it Twilight Sparkle.

As she became known to the Opel Guard for her thefts and occasional seemingly pointless disturbances, she could have been imprisoned, punished, or put into an institution or foster home. But one of the guardsmen was charmed by her innocence and youth and took responsibility for her. Next to Twilight Sparkle, they are the person she loves most in the whole world and she will protect them with all her childish ferocity and grown up ability.

If any of the other characters would be willing to be Charm's guardian, that would be lovely!


Never quit on an active game yet.

Last edited by penbeast0; Oct 3rd, 2024 at 02:22 PM.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 01:56 PM
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Name: Galithiel Guenhyisar
Class: Ranger (Gloomstalker)
Origin: Wood Elf Guide

Background Story: Galithiel is from the Old Woods, or 'Tel Vandor' as the local elves call it, from the village of Akai'ye (Common: Lythari). She grew up in among the trees under the Shadow of the Dragon, her people ever watchful of the danger surrounding them. The danger was plentiful, as the elves often had to deal with everything ranging from poachers to kobold raiders, war parties from neighboring kingdoms, lost merchant caravans (who often were not truly lost), and of course the threat of the dragon itself. The humans from Willowrest may have considered the dragon to be a legend or a myth, but there were those among the elders of Akai'ye who claimed to have seen the beast personally.

Years ago, the elders met to discuss how best to deal with the outside threats and protect the village. In their wisdom, they agreed to send an emissary to the town to live amongst the humans, becoming a part of their town and their world. Such a mission was twofold: naturally the emissary could be the eyes and ears of the elves, reporting significant events back to the village; additionally, the emissary could lend their strength and skill to aid Willowrest in remaining neutral, always keeping the opposing forces in balance so that no side would overwhelm the others and gain the strength to go against the elves in force.

It was further decided that the emissary should be one newly initiated, having newly taken their adult name. This would allow the emissary to adapt more easily to the ways of outsiders, as well as ensuring that the emissary was not well known to the town or its people. Tests were conducted, not only in skill at arms, but also in the ability to observe and interpret the world around them. An efficient warrior may not be the best choice, though martial prowess certainly was required.

This time, the emissary chosen by the council of elders was Galithiel, selected from a over a dozen potentials. Raised and trained as a warden to guard the northern border, Galithiel was well-versed in the arts of combat, stealth, and tracking. She had also observed enough of the outside cultures to allow her to fit in relatively well. While not the most physically powerful elf, she was quick and skilled. She was also wise for her years, being just over a century old, and quite perceptive.

Galithiel said her farewells to friends and family, as well as the life she knew, and made her way to the nearby town. Presenting herself to the leaders of the Opal Guard, declaring her fealty to them and commitment to defend Willowrest and its people with her life, if necessary.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Oct 3rd, 2024 at 02:42 PM.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Admin Bhelogan View Post
At the time of posting, you are far below 100 posts, so you could still apply for an NPSG
Ok cool thanks for that, I guess it felt weird to me to apply when it has been a bit since I joined the site. I usually just lurk around and read forums and game boards. Trying to get past the post shyness. I'll give it a shot since I don't have anything else really going on right now and lots of open windows for posting.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 02:42 PM
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@penbeast0 An intriguing character concept! Small, "innocent" child with a quite literal inner demon. Troubled youth manifested ironically. I'm sure she'd be pretty good at deception and persuasion.

Last edited by Aisede; Oct 3rd, 2024 at 02:46 PM.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 03:19 PM
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@Bhelogan - I took some liberties with world-building, so let me know if I need to walk anything back.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
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Old Oct 3rd, 2024, 03:52 PM
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If we get picked Aisede, sure!

Never quit on an active game yet.

Last edited by penbeast0; Oct 3rd, 2024 at 03:53 PM.
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Old Oct 4th, 2024, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Salvation View Post
Ok cool thanks for that, I guess it felt weird to me to apply when it has been a bit since I joined the site. I usually just lurk around and read forums and game boards. Trying to get past the post shyness. I'll give it a shot since I don't have anything else really going on right now and lots of open windows for posting.

Additionally, you could check out The West Marches—we are an open/continuously recruiting game. I'm currently running an Episodic Adventure (Silk Road), where characters can enter/pause/leave between each scene (one encounter runs about 4-8 posts). The adventure is designed to give players a taste of both PbP and The West Marches gaming style.

I'm also the GM who reviews new character applications - all applications are accepted - we just work with the player to ensure that they conform to the West Marches rules.

The West Marches Read Me 1st Thread
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Oath of Sangus | Shared World (new players welcome) The West Marches

Last edited by purplerook; Oct 4th, 2024 at 12:41 PM.
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Old Oct 4th, 2024, 01:30 PM
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Are you going to switch Western Marches over to 2024 rules or keep the old 2014 games going or a combination of both?
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Old Oct 4th, 2024, 04:55 PM
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So many good apps. My App has been updated, same story just written different to try to compete with all these great applications and a new picture.
Goblins, Kobolds or any other small race !!! If you are allowing or want one sign me up.
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