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Old Nov 2nd, 2024, 04:55 PM
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Morgan sighs sadly. The look of surprise on her face, the way she had believed everything she had been told…. She leans forward, looking for more. More explanation, guidance, something….

Something that Morgan could not give her, because the truth and import behind it were things that he did not want to give voice to.

They chose people with few ties to the world they were leaving. They chose me because I had none. They told me because they knew there was nothing left here for me. They told me because I was to lead you astray, I was to deny you the truth and keep it from you because once you left there was never going to be a going back.

And that was the truth behind why Morgan had deliberately ignored her on this expedition. The guilt that he had kept this back, that he had allowed her to think that the assignment was temporary….even for Morgan the guilt and the regrets were overwhelming. That he had known the truth of the threat of Nemesis and the truth of their assignment….. Time had run out. Time had run out for them all.

Picking up the final mug, Morgan downs it. The harsh sting of the liquor burns his senses. His eyes water as he shakes his head, bringing a hand up to wipe his eyes as they tear suddenly from the assault of the strong alcohol.

“You already know why us,” he says finally, his tone harsh. “Because there were no one else with the skills and capability to see this through.”

A partial truth, but one that was sufficient for the situation at hand.

“As for what we do now?” Morgan shrugs, and stands.

“Another drink sir?” the robot that Aki had named Happy approached with the tantalising prospect of more strong liquor, and god knew that Morgan needed it.

Shaking his head, Morgan casts a glance over to Aki, almost as if seeing her now for the first time. She was attractive, and there was a time that Morgan would have viewed her as another conquest, like countless others that he had done in the past…..but here, under the circumstances, under the truth which he had deliberately concealed from her….

“The end of everything Aki. You do your job, I do mine. And even if there is nothing else, we see this through to its conclusion.”

He smiles, a look of bitterness as his lips stretch taut.

“What is it you can do when there is nothing else?”
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Old Nov 9th, 2024, 05:19 AM
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Mitsubachi Mitsubachi is offline
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Aki wrestled with the enormity of their fate, and Morgan's words were not helping!

He hinted again at some prior knowledge, some insight as to why they hade been chosen, but to be honest, Aki had moved past that.

In six months they would all be gone anyway. She and Morgan would be the last survivors of an extinct race. What did it matter now?

I will never play in the waters of Wakayama beach again.

Funny how that particular memory popped into her head, of when she was five and visiting her grandparents back in Japan. Her life since that time flashed before her eyes, right up to this moment.

And her own question reverberated inside her head again. What do we do now?

Morgan, sounding sober despite how much she had seen him drink, gave the answer.

"... You do your job, I do mine. And even if there is nothing else, we see this through to its conclusion.”

She saw him refuse another drink from Happy.

Aki rose to her feet, her resolve hardening into a scowl on her face.

"Right. I'll do my job then. I've got a garden to grow.

And she turned to leave.
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