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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 07:25 PM
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Caught in the Web (Masks: ANG)

ThemeHeroic Teens Fight Against a Corrupt City
FlavorTeen Drama, Villainous Opposition, Superheroic Action
Plot SummaryPort Valencio was never a great place for the have-nots. It was built on the back of laborers who gave their all to keep those in power paid. But a decade ago things got worse. The Spider, a criminal ringleader of unsurpassed acumen, led an effort to take over the city through overt violence and back-alley deals. He consolidated the city's gangs, or eliminated those who would not submit, and soon had the entire city government under his thumb. In the intervening years people have toiled under the shadow of evil, their daily lives touched even in small ways by the criminal organizations that run their city. The people of the city refer to the overarching organization of criminal gangs that rule over their city as The Spiderweb.

But things change. While a few rare individuals have risen over the years to challenge The Spider's authority, masked vigilantes set on justice at any cost, none have made a significant shift in the politics of the city. Three years ago the Rifts began to open, strange tears to other realities that appear without warning and vanish just as quickly. Those exposed to their energies often suffer maladies or injuries but a rare few gain powers beyond those of normal folk. These rare superheroes now have the ability to take the fight to the gangs that rule over their neighborhood, to see good people safe again. But can these teens cope with the responsibilities that come with these abilities? Can they do what needs to be done to get free of the web?
Creation Concerns
Application Deadlines

I am looking to close this up on 10/27, which is two weeks from today. From my investigations here it seems like Masks games either wither on the vine or explode into impossible numbers. I don't want to drown in options when I can only take 6 so if I get 10 completed applications in this time I will note that I am wrapping this up in 72-hours, which will give anyone still working that much time to put up an application. Once that time period has elapsed, I will still give until the 27th for any currently existing apps to be completed and make final considerations then.

Expected Post Rate

While I would like to move things along at a steady pace, I understand that everyone has their own schedules and capabilities. I expect to post 2x per week minimum with GM posts that either advance the narrative or respond to player actions. I would like for people to be able to post at least once every 72 hours to match that rate. If the players can post more frequently, I will make every effort to match that faster pace and I don't predict an issue in doing so. Remember that PbtA functions best when passing the spotlight around and giving other players something to work off of in your posts, so we don't need novels here. Something small and substantial is preferable in this style of gaming. Most important to me is communication, so being clear if a player is not going to be able to keep up with the rate for a period I expect that they will reach out and set that expectation.

Setting and Tone

The Spiderweb setting, and our city of Port Valencio, are much like our own world. Closer, at least, than the default Halcyon City setting. There were no masked superheroes to forge great destinies here. When The Spider rose to prominence a decade ago he did so through force of will and determination. He consolidated or destroyed many of the city's criminal groups and established a grip on every aspect of the city's workings. Since then, vigilantes have risen and fallen in opposition to him but only in the last few years with the sudden appearance of mysterious Rifts around the city have people begun to show true superheroic abilities.

Things are more grounded than in the default Masks setting of Halcyon City, closer in tone to Heroes For Hire or The Runaways. Bad things can and will happen, good does not always triumph over evil and the nature of the city puts the character in difficult situations. Yet as dire as things may get, there will always be hope for change, for victory in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Just keep in mind that those victories may be hard won, and not without bloodshed. We will address the issues of Lines (things that will never be mentioned) and Veils (things that will only occur off-screen) at the start of the game.

I use the term grounded rather than gritty because it doesn't necessarily mean "realistic". Ostensibly non-superhumans like the Green Arrow, Bullseye, Batman, and others still pull off feats that would be impossible in reality. There's a lot of wiggle room for what is physically possible for unaltered human beings in this setting. We're here to have fun playing around with comic book conventions, after all, not get bogged down by real world limitations!

The Folly of Youth

Your characters should be in high school and anywhere between 14-16 years of age. Masks is about the emotional and physical trials of being a teenager. The love, the angst, the confusion and frustration that comes from trying to find yourself on top of having to deal with strange powers and dangerous criminals. While this isn't likely to be showcased to the levels of a game like Monsterhearts this is very much a coming of age story. How can superpowered teenager make an impact on their neighborhood and hold back the machinations of The Spiderweb?

More than Human

All superhuman powers are derived from proximity to one of the many short-lived breaches in reality called Rifts. Unpredictable and short-lived, they are often chaotically destructive in a small area and can injure or even kill people who get to close. In some instances, though, people affected by the Rifts develop unusual capabilities beyond the ken of normal humans.

You are free to choose your own powers, but keep in mind that the abilities listed for each playbook can be interpreted in different ways. For the Janus, does Impossible Mobility mean you're superhumanly fast? A master contortionist or peerless acrobat? Able to turn into smoke in short bursts to move through the air? That's up to you!

When in doubt, don't hesitate to run an idea past me first. And if you have an idea for a power that isn't listed, but seems like it would fit the spirit of the playbook, let me know!


By default, the Spiderweb playset disallows certain playbooks based on the theme and grounded nature of the setting. I find that this does lose sight of the fact that playbooks are centered around their conflict and not what they're capable of, and as such I feel like even a Nova can find a place in this setting. Below, I will list all available playbooks and any insight I have on how they would be reflected in this setting. The ones that are missing here are either too far-removed from the concept of the setting or ones I just don't like enough to want to run for.

The Beacon: Your optimistic view on things is even more crucial in a setting like the Spiderweb, and being unpowered isn't as unusual among the neighborhood's defenders.

The Bull: Try to make the organization that created you local to the city of Port Valencio, and make their aims villainous but appropriately local.00

The Delinquent: People doing bad things for good reasons will find an easy place in the Spiderweb setting so the Delinquent should thrive here.

The Doomed: There are no great, existential threats known to the world in which the Spiderweb is set. That said, the introduction of the mysterious Rifts and their connection to 'other places' introduces an option for someone if they choose to go this route. Just remember to keep the scale appropriate for the setting. Your powers are new and alien to you, after all. Choosing fewer of these abilities actually makes a lot more sense in this setting than others.

The Janus: The Janus will have all the more reason to hold onto their secrets in a city as corrupt and overrun by criminals as Port Valencio, and the neighborhood focus means they should have plenty of people around to threaten their identity.

The Legacy: With no long-standing superheroic dynasties in this setting, your legacy will need to stem from a more mundane source. A political dynasty, perhaps, or a family with a long history of law enforcement ties. Maybe your descended from one of the city's original founders or you're a member of a social justice organization with deep roots in the neighborhood. Think along those lines here.

The Nova: Your struggle is being too powerful for your own good, and with the baseline of 'powerful' in Port Valencio being what it is that doesn't take much. Remember to ground your character in the neighborhood, give them reasons to care about the people they could potentially hurt, and try to frame your powerset appropriately for the setting.

The Protege: Your mentor should be one of Port Valencio's former masked vigilantes, particularly those that attempted to fight back against Anansi and the influence of his Spiderweb in the early days of his rapid ascent to dominance 10 years ago. They are likely unpowered themselves, so their personal and your shared ability should probably be chosen from one of the more mundane options. They're likely to be jaded by their own failures, but whether they remain active or not is up to you..

The Transformed: Expect to stand out far more than you would in a normal Masks game. There's no precedent for someone like you, no mutated mentors to seek guidance from, and the world just isn't weird enough yet that people can just overlook your freakiness. Embrace it! That's what the Transformed is all about.

The Newborn: An oddity in much the same way as the Transformed, but to a less obvious degree. Remember that this game is more grounded than most Masks games. You're less likely to be a robot than a corpse resurrected by Rift energy, for example.

The Reformed: In your former life, you were a criminal. A member of one of the city's criminal gangs that committed actual crimes. Just don't go too far. While you've done bad things that will likely come back to haunt you, you're not beyond redemption.

The Scion: Keep things grounded and give some serious thought to how your villainous parent would fit into the architecture of Port Valencio's major criminal factions. They will certainly still be active in that struggle.
Application InfoHero Name:

Real Name (if different):



Abilities: These are specifically your powers from your playbook, not your moves or other selections.

Description/Personality: How does your character present to the world? Give me as much or as little as you feel you need to make me understand them.

Backstory Questions: Answer the questions in your playbook except for the question 'Why do you care about the team?' Additionally, answer the following questions here.
  • What has the Spiderweb taken from you?
  • Why do you care about the neighborhood?
  • Who most connects you to the neighborhood?

What do you want to explore with this character? Every playbook lends itself to certain tropes, but your character is more than that. Here's your chance to be explicit about the kind of stories that interest you.

I welcome the use of images and music in applications. While having them or not won't directly impact your acceptance, it can help solidify your presentation in my mind.

IMPORTANT: When your app is done, please note at the top in BOLD RED letters that it is complete so I can see it easily.
The NarrowsThe neighborhood your characters will arise from is called The Narrows. A stretch of residences and businesses lying between Rundel Downs and Presidio Center, this district has seen significant and constant change since the rise of The Spider. The economic disparity of the city is quite visible here as both of the adjacent neighborhoods push against it. Gentrification along Presidio Center is rampant with constant construction adding apartments and businesses that most further in can't afford. The despair of Rundown creeps over the border in the form of urban decay and open criminal activity. It is anyone's guess how long The Rows can survive this constant pressure but the people remain resilient to the changes. Always a thorn in the side of The Spider since his rise to power a decade back, the neighborhood gave birth to several of the masked vigilantes who opposed him in those early days and suffered frequently for it.

Beyond that, the exact nature of the place remains somewhat vague so that you can populate it with NPCs, organizations and buildings that you need for your backstory.

You can reference the City Gazetteer here for info on districts and criminal groups in the city. I will further develop this during the application period.

Here are some reference images that carry the vibe. One Two Three

** Credit for this framework goes to Shihong. Much respect.

Last edited by NoizePollution; Oct 14th, 2024 at 02:28 PM.
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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 09:01 PM
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I dared you to do it.
Would you mind me reusing my old doomed? I have unfinished business with Ryu Saotome.
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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 09:30 PM
NoizePollution NoizePollution is offline
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Originally Posted by Acathala View Post
I dared you to do it.
Would you mind me reusing my old doomed? I have unfinished business with Ryu Saotome.
Feel free.

For the Doomed, just keep the grounded scale of play in mind and consider how many of the 'up to three' abilities you really need in this setting. I'm happy to develop the details on the 'what' of your doom from the other side of the Rifts in game so don't feel like you need to fully spell out that problem in your app.
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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 09:49 PM
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So I should avoid making something like this? Awkward!

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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 09:55 PM
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Silliness aside, it looks like I’ll be making something new with the doomed. Original concept ain’t going to work here.
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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 10:21 PM
NoizePollution NoizePollution is offline
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Originally Posted by Acathala View Post
Silliness aside, it looks like I’ll be making something new with the doomed. Original concept ain’t going to work here.
Fair. The Spiderweb playset is a bit pickier than most. I've wanted to explore it for awhile now and I'm hoping others will to.

I'm eager to see what you come up with and I'm happy to help in any way.
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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 11:19 PM
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This is really exciting, I’ve been wanting to play masks for a while, but it just hasn’t come up.

Spiderweb puts a twist on things, but I’ve had some thoughts bouncing around for the Scion, or maybe the Legacy, or protege. I’ll think about it a bit.

I think I could use some more examples about what powers might be acceptable.

It’s basically a street level game, yeah?
Decision Paralysis

Last edited by Iron Signet; Oct 13th, 2024 at 11:27 PM.
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Old Oct 13th, 2024, 11:26 PM
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It's been a while since I've played Masks, and I'm interested in giving it another go. Tentatively thinking of a Transformed, but I need to come up with a satisfying transformation for the setting.
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 12:05 AM
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Like others have said, I haven't seen or played Masks for a while now! The Spiderverse setting is a really cool playground that, while picky, can be really fun playground. Posting interest for this!

The ideas bouncing around in my head right now? Bull maybe or a Nova maybe. I'll have a solid think about this overnight and probably have something posted up later.
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 12:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Iron Signet View Post
This is really exciting, I’ve been wanting to play masks for a while, but it just hasn’t come up.

Spiderweb puts a twist on things, but I’ve had some thoughts bouncing around for the Scion, or maybe the Legacy, or protege. I’ll think about it a bit.

I think I could use some more examples about what powers might be acceptable.

It’s basically a street level game, yeah?
Basically, it pulls the focus down from the high-powered classic heroes to something more local. Characters with neighborhood concerns as a focus instead of the whole city. More The Devil of Hell's Kitchen scope.

It favors more grounded powersets but we can work together to flavor pretty much any of the noted powersets down since all the abilities exist in the fiction. Don't let abilities dissuade you from a cool concept.

So yeah, street level vigilantes is kind of the log line here.

Glad to see some interest. I know when you start getting into the playsets instead of the base setting things can be pretty up in the air interest wise. This one and Apocalypse Sonata from the Unbound book are my favorite alternates and they are definitely night and day to each other.

Last edited by NoizePollution; Oct 14th, 2024 at 12:24 AM.
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 01:58 PM
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Hello, I wanted to first make a post to express my keen interest. Masks has become something of a white whale for me, and I'm excited to see a game open for applications. Secondly, I wanted to share my initial rough idea to see if you think it'd have a place in your campaign.

The basic idea is that the character is the son of an immigrant dockworker, whose father was inadvertently pulled into the operations of Yuri Zabro. During one night of poor place and time, the local vigilante Impact ambushes some of the Zabro crewmembers and, during the melee, my character's father is killed. I think the main drama would stem from the character trying to learn who murdered his father, seeking to take revenge one day. I don't see him learning of Impact's involvement for a long while, as I'd be looking to explore my character's vigilante exploits and possible team-interactions over the long term.

I think it'd make for even better drama if the heroes work alongside Impact at some point. As far as playbooks go, I'm thinking The Delinquent would make the most sense, with Beacon being a secondary contender.

Do you think this would fit the setting and tone of the campaign, or should I go with a different angle?
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 02:09 PM
NoizePollution NoizePollution is offline
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Originally Posted by MFCHOOM View Post
Hello, I wanted to first make a post to express my keen interest. Masks has become something of a white whale for me, and I'm excited to see a game open for applications. Secondly, I wanted to share my initial rough idea to see if you think it'd have a place in your campaign.

The basic idea is that the character is the son of an immigrant dockworker, whose father was inadvertently pulled into the operations of Yuri Zabro. During one night of poor place and time, the local vigilante Impact ambushes some of the Zabro crewmembers and, during the melee, my character's father is killed. I think the main drama would stem from the character trying to learn who murdered his father, seeking to take revenge one day. I don't see him learning of Impact's involvement for a long while, as I'd be looking to explore my character's vigilante exploits and possible team-interactions over the long term.

I think it'd make for even better drama if the heroes work alongside Impact at some point. As far as playbooks go, I'm thinking The Delinquent would make the most sense, with Beacon being a secondary contender.

Do you think this would fit the setting and tone of the campaign, or should I go with a different angle?
A family member lost to the criminal underworld is a classic trope of this kind of story, so this definitely fits with the tone of our Spiderweb setting.

This seems like a solid approach and the concept could line up with a number of playbooks since they are all built around a specific conflict the character faces. I'd say go for it.
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 03:58 PM
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Posting for interest, I'll brainstorm a character later! I loooove Masks and I'm itching to play again. Acathala can probably attest lol.
Status: Wildly busy IRL, please be patient if I struggle to catch up for a little while!
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 05:16 PM
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HEADS UP ALL: It is looking like I am going to have to take an unplanned work trip Wednesday noonish till late Thursday night. I don't know what my access will be like in this period of time. I will make every effort to find some time and wifi to check in here in the evening both days but if I don't get back to you in a timely manner during this stretch please accept my apologies.
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Old Oct 14th, 2024, 06:05 PM
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Posting interest. I have limited Masks experience and none within this setting but I love the sound of it. I will work up a concept in the next few days.
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