Nah, just messing with you!
Quia iocari libet mihi |
His Red Right Hand
Complete Conquest Hero name Conquest Real name Mark Barton/Mik’hail Barak Pronouns He/him Playbook the Doomed Abilities Super strength and speed, vitality absorption. Description/personality Conquest is clad in black, gothic styled armour, along with a dark silver spiked crown, which is bejewelled with a jade gem, and the crown is connected to a metallic death mask. About all you can see of Mik’hail, is his eyes, as green as the jade in the crown. Despite the metal, he actually makes very little sound when he walks. He can no longer eat, or drink, and the only way he can sustain himself is through his powers. Touching someone is sufficient to drain them, though he has to be careful not to drain too much. He is a snarky one, and slow to trust. Favouring combat pragmatism, he will use every advantage at his disposal to end fights before they start, or as soon as possible. Fair fights are for losers. Conquest is more on the punish the bad guy side than saving people, and if he’s on a team, he’d prefer to the smiting and leave the saving to others. Backstory questions How did you first learn of your doom? Mark Barton, as he first knew himself, grew up in a family that was as part of a cult. He was praised as the chosen one, and lauded as the one whom would bring in a new golden age. His mother Miriam, was the head of the cult, and a very charismatic leader. Everyone was in awe of her, and would have done anything for her. Including Mark. Her word was law. Life was hard, if you were not Mark or Miriam. Upon his sixteenth birthday, the cult performed a ceremony to “awaken” Mark’s true power. Placed in the armour, mask, and crown he would be imprisoned in to this day, he was suddenly chained, and the cult began to chant, as a baleful rift. Yet there is another unseen presence in the room. It whispers in his ear, mocking him, but telling him the truth. He wasn’t Mark. Never had been. He was Mik’hail Barak, kidnapped at a young age, to be this creature’s vessel when he was of age. It laughed at him, as it told Mik’hail his real name. Mik’hail screamed at a critical point, blacking out. When he awoke, everyone was dead, frozen expressions of fear on their faces. Except for Miriam. She was gone. He went through the place that used to be his home, and found his “mother’s” diary. Turns out she had been manipulating everyone for years. Miriam was an agent of chaos, not good. Whilst he didn’t know this at the time, he was part of the core group of the cult, and there were other groups connected to it How did you get your sanctuary? It’s actually his grandfather’s house. Mik’hail found him whilst researching his real family. It’s somewhat of an anomaly within the neighbourhood, looking like a rundown mansion. The place is cool, and actually prepared for his enemies, full of traps for the unwary. As well as other resources. Why do you oppose your nemesis? Miriam is trying to break Mik’hail, so whatever entity is inside him can take over him. It’s pure survival for him. Plus she keeps endangering people to force him to use his powers. Whom outside of your team, is crucial to defeating your Nemesis? His grandfather Caleb Barak. He seems to know what’s going on with Mik’hail. He’s the epitome of cool old guy, and whilst understandably Mik’hail is slow to trust, Caleb has gotten through to him. Caleb has become the person Mik’hail cares about the most. He made money a long time ago, freeing him to study the occult, becoming kinda an expert on it. Caleb is also a beloved community leader, heading a couple of charities. What has the Spiderweb taken from you? Miriam used her contacts to have his parents killed, and Mik’hail delivered to her. He doesn’t really remember them, though Caleb has shown pictures of them. Caleb has been the only real relationship he’s had. Why do you care about the neighborhood? His grandfather lives in it. Plus Miriam keeps sending in people to hurt innocent people, which Mik’hail feels very responsible about. As an example, Caleb used to send Mik’hail to a bakery to pick up pastries. The real reason Caleb knew there was a cute girl working there Mik’hail might like. It’s takes a while, but gradually Mik’hail warms up to her. It however is his life, and he can’t be happy. The brides murder her. Who most connects you to the neighborhood? Caleb Barak, his grandfather. He’s been trying to encourage Mik’hail to try and make more friends. Given his situation, Mik’hail feels that is impossible. He also does some charity work at a thrift store for Caleb. Who are the other groups connected to cult? The faithful A faction controlled by Miriam. Many have infiltrated much of the criminal element, that infests the city. Their ultimate goal is to bring about Mik’hail’s doom and let the creature achieve full The brides A splinter group that wants to have his babies, with or without his consent. Mik’hail hasn’t encountered them yet, but has felt their presence after they murdered a girl he liked. He did track down a base of theirs, which was abandoned. There was however papers on their ideology. Mik’hail is more disturbed by this group than the ones trying to kill him. Katya’s friends Not really their name, but they don’t have a formal name. A small group of ex cultists that initially wanted to kill Mik’hail, to stop the entity taking over. Kidnapped Caleb in a bid to draw him out, which was a move that backfired. He explained why it would be a bad idea to kill Mik’hail, as he was the only thing holding the doom back. He also had to talk a very angry Conquest down. Now there is an uneasy peace between them, and the group is now trying to find a way to help. Katya is the informal leader of the group. Right now they’re the closest thing to friends he has. What do you want to explore with this character? Learning to trust and make friends.
Quia iocari libet mihi Last edited by Acathala; Oct 24th, 2024 at 04:22 PM. |
What are your thoughts on magic? There are certainly street level heros who have been magical in some comic runs. How detailed do you want us to be answering the questions? My typical habit is to go into a lot of backstory detail, but the questions are pretty straightforward. Are your The Spider's lieutenants and bosses pretty well detailed already? My thoughts had been to be a Scion of a Spiderweb elite, reared in a life of luxury and groomed to one day join their parents side, but was aside from hardcore combat training and questionable ethics discussions, was somewhat insulated from what that meant for most of their life. Then a warp opened up nearby and gave them both powers, causing the parent also to decide to push the child harder into joining the "family business." Which goes horribly horribly wrong, and causes the Scion to reject the parent and run away. Using gender neutral pronouns because I haven't decided on gender for them yet. Don't necessarily need to be connected to the spiderweb, but the organization seems to fit better than the other ones I read about.
Decision Paralysis |
By their nature, the intro questions don't need a book. A paragraph is usually more than enough to cover the question and I can always ask for details later when I'm looking it over. The lieutenants are not written out and detailed yet but I aim for them to be before next Monday when I'll be doing my first pass over applications. I encourage everyone to design gangs/groups/NPCs to populate their backstory. Absolutely make a cool lieutenant for your character's parent. It's an interesting launching point and it fits the setting so feel free to develop it. |
Last edited by Dunderklumpen; Oct 21st, 2024 at 08:27 AM. |
Always interested in Masks! Will post something later.
Last edited by kanly; Oct 16th, 2024 at 02:30 AM. |
Tempted. So tempted. If I don't get into some other games I already applied for, I'll probably apply to this.
Last edited by Ermine; Oct 15th, 2024 at 11:41 AM. |
Posting interest... for the Nova.
I have no experience but as I checked the system, I got tempted especially that I have a super hero itch to scratch for some time ![]() I'll check the YT for how to make a character or rather wrap Masks around the concept I have ![]() Last edited by A7ice; Oct 31st, 2024 at 06:51 AM. |
Most of the playbooks are written very broadly so that many comic book characters could be done up with a few different ones. Mostly it is just a matter of applying the right spin on their abilities and backgrounds.
![]() COMPLETE Hero Name: Slingshot Real Name: Traci “Trace” Nichols Pronouns: She/Her Playbook: Beacon Abilities: Arm mounted slingshot and specialty/trick ammo (lead shot, flash, smoke, gas, stink bomb, tracker, bug, screamer, acid, etc.) & acrobatics/parkour Description/Personality: Short for sixteen, standing just shy of five feet, Traci is on the wiry side with a slim athletic build. Traci considers herself to be rather plain – just another short, flat chested, brown eyed brunette girl in a sea of exotic faces. She is still hoping to grow a few more inches, and maybe fill out her figure a bit more, but it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards. She doesn’t like to use a lot of makeup and doesn’t go in for trendy attire but has been experimenting with color highlights in her superhero identity. Traci is a born athlete, strong for her size and in very good shape. She seems to have a knack for picking up physical skills, learning very quickly. She loves nothing so much as a good parkour run through the city rooftops. It is almost like flying, and there is a real sense of freedom. While she tries to always look calm and collected, Traci is driven to prove herself. She is outwardly very confident in her abilities, but inwardly has doubts that she should be playing hero – especially now that there are people with real abilities out there. Still, Traci knows herself well enough to know that she couldn’t simply sit on the sidelines. She has to be out there, doing what she can. Backstory Questions: How did you gain your skills? Traci’s dad was a cop, one of the last good ones, and he always wanted his daughter to be able to defend herself. But because she was small for her age, he concentrated on teaching her how to take advantage of her mobility – to escape or avoid trouble all together. They enrolled her in self-defense classes, acrobatics, and parkour - where she really excelled. As for the slingshot, well, Traci always had a bit of a temper and a mischievous streak. The slingshot allows her to exact her revenge silently and from the cover of darkness. When did you first put on your costume? After her father’s death, Traci suited up to get justice. Her grandfather, long since retired after an on-the-job injury had him finishing out his career in the armory, helped her put together her gear and come up with the name. It was only supposed to be so she could hunt her father’s killers, but the more she dug into it the more questions were raised. It wasn’t long before she realized just how far the corruption went. Traci maintains a 'nest' in an abandoned community theater. Since she can't have it around the house, she needed a place to stash her gear and to practice her skills. The catwalks, scaffolding and lighting rigs present a challenging obstacle course, with plenty of hidden nooks and crannies. Who, outside of the team, thinks you shouldn’t be a superhero? Traci idolizes vigilantes, particularly Fawn and Lamb who she has had occasion to run into a time or two. She secretly hoped to team up with them, even considered trying out several animal themed names, however the sisters have done their best to discourage her from even trying to be a hero – convinced that she is too soft, too young, and too small. Perhaps it is just some sort of maternal instinct kicking in, or perhaps it is the fact that they have already had to bail Traci out of more than one sticky spot. That's okay, Traci is convinced she can still win them over - eventually. Why do you try to be a hero? Because someone has too. Traci’s dad was a cop, as was his father and his father’s father before him. From the age of five she has wanted nothing more than to follow in her father’s footsteps. She comes from a family dedicated to protecting and serving the people, but that is a far cry from what the cops are doing today. Still, she wants to do her part and if putting on a mask is the only way to do it than that is what she will do. What has the Spiderweb taken from you? Traci’s father was killed in a shootout. He was trying to stop a gang war that threatened to engulf the Narrows and was killed in the crossfire. For some reason he was the only cop dispatched to the scene and never stood a chance. Most the cops were unsympathetic, but Traci has maintained contact with one of his old partners - a Seargent Hines. He works the front desk now and has been known to drop a tidbit or two her way when plied with some of the finest pastries the Narrows has to offer. Why do you care about the neighborhood? The Narrows was her father’s beat, the beat he died defending. He was well loved by the community - the kind of guy that would help out his neighbor, in or out of the uniform. He volunteered at the local shelter, played street ball at the community center, and was known to look the other way when new graffiti popped up. After his death, the Narrows did a candlelight vigil and a memorial near the site. Traci is just trying to pick up where he left off, looking out for the people of her neighborhood - because if she doesn't, who will? And she is a child of the Narrows, living here with her remaining family. Who most connects you to the neighborhood? Foremost her father who died to defend it. Of course she lives in the neighborhood as well, with her mother and grandfather. They live above a corner market in a small apartment, living off her father’s benefits, her grandfather’s social security and her mother’s part time work in home healthcare. What do I want to explore with this character? I think Traci is searching not just for justice, but for personal validation as well. She needs to prove to herself that she can compete with powered individuals, and to prove that in doing so she can help make a difference; that there is still room for hope and heroism even in the darkest times. Beacon is a good playbook for her because in many ways that is exactly what she hopes to become - a beacon of hope and justice in a world that desperately needs both. She will undoubtedly struggle with issues of self-worth along the way, come to doubt her purpose even, but in overcoming her doubts she will prove that even one ordinary person can make a difference. Last edited by Ghrimm; Oct 23rd, 2024 at 01:30 PM. |
@NoizePollution, I feel like my application is complete. Please let me know if I've missed anything out or it's lacking in detail in some area.
Decision Paralysis Last edited by Iron Signet; Oct 23rd, 2024 at 05:52 PM. |
Always wanted to do a Masks!
COMPLETE Am I missing something?
I'm back, baby!!! Last edited by Remorazz; Oct 22nd, 2024 at 07:15 PM. |
Last edited by MFCHOOM; Oct 16th, 2024 at 02:49 PM. |
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