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Old Nov 4th, 2024, 04:50 PM
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The Deepdelvers

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Ingleknot Dougdigger
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Species: Kobold

Class: Fighter 1

Background: Craftsman

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Description: **

Personality Traits 1:**

Personality Traits 2: **

Ideals: **

Bonds: **



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PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Nov 4th, 2024 at 05:00 PM.
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Old Nov 4th, 2024, 06:02 PM
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Bruce Leaf aka Twig
Species: Wood Elf
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Class: Monk 1

Background: Blackclaw Deep Delver

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Description: A young looking Wood Elf, that stands about five and a half feet tall, wearing a green wrapped tunic and matching pants. The fabric looked to be cut from a curtain of some sort, but the origin is truly unknown. The elf has curly vibrant green hair, with eyes a shade lighter, and when you look into them, you would swear they were jade stones. Aside from his backpack, the elf has a quiver that does not carry any arrows, but two similar length sticks made of a sturdy wood.

Personality Traits 1: When I am faced with a mystery or puzzle, it consumes my thoughts until I uncover a solution.

Personality Traits 2: I can work with almost anyone.

Ideals: Every day in Blackclaw Mountain is blissfully unique.

Bonds: There is a puzzle in a cavern of Blackclaw Mountain that I cannot crack.

Flaw: I act before I think.

Bio: Born to two wood elf scholars, Bruce or should we say, Twigs, grew up never knowing where home was, or where he hailed from. That did not bother him as he alway loved adventure, and finding new things. A few years after he was born Twigs and his parents arrived at Blackclaw Mountain, where they started their next bit of research. Now what they were working on and who they were doing it for, is also unknown to Twigs. When Twigs was a decade old, his parents left him alone at the enclave to go to a place called the drop. A week after they left on their expedition. Twigs realized something was wrong, as this was the longest they have been away from him since his earliest memories. The Enclave in general looked after him, but a local hermit/merchant took a particular interest in him. The hermit Roshi used Twigs as an assistant of sorts, and as payment, Twigs got food, a place to lay his head, and lessons in self defense. The world was a scary place Roshi would alway say.

Twigs started learning how to punch and kick, and gradually began to learn how to wield some common weapons. After about seven or eight years, Roshi had to leave Blackclaw Mountain, for a reason he did not share with Twigs. Roshi did leave a good word with the Enclave to hire Twigs as guide into the deep. Twigs was fearless, because he was young and dumb and did not think it was a hard job to keep. That is until a group of adventurers he lead a little too deep for their abilities, got caught off guard by a rock slide. The slide killed one of the adventurers and Twigs blamed himself for not taking the job serious enough. That lead the wood elf to focus, when he left the enclave on excursions, and made it a life goal never to loss another soul to the caverns below.

Character SheetTwig

5010 Arena Logan
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Last edited by Dragonsabin; Nov 5th, 2024 at 11:28 PM.
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Old Nov 4th, 2024, 06:41 PM
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Germur mac Thelmund
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Species: Dwarf

Class: Fighter 1

Background: Soldier

Age: 95

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral

Description: About 4 and half feet tall, reddish brown hair and light brown eyes. His travelers cloak has a faded plaid pattern. Rather stocky, but there's not a lot fat on those bones

Personality Traits 1:Quick to smile, but sometimes its menacing.

Personality Traits 2: I face problems head-on. A simple direct solution is the best path to success.

Ideals: Good, Evil, these are high falutin' concepts: the reality is a lot of dead people. Almost everyone loves their mama, and a lot of people hold grudges.

Bonds: Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for

Flaw: When people talk about the Glory of War, it really pisses me off.

Bio: The youngest of twelve, Germur came with his brothers to answer the call of their dwarf brethren. It was a brutal fight, lasting far too long. By the end of it, both his brothers were dead, and Germur could not face going home to his parents.

So he stayed. He'll join expeditions if they're not going too deep. Mostly he does guard work when a merchant has a shipment or someone is throwing a party. He lives a modest life: he has a small room at a boarding house/inn/tavern, he'll help clean up, most of his socializing is done at the tavern.

He trades gossip and jokes, anything to avoid talking about himself. Sometimes people tease him about his accent, being from a somewhat remote mountain stronghold. It's fine: he can give as good as he gets.

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Last edited by fuerdrake; Nov 5th, 2024 at 01:33 PM.
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Old Nov 5th, 2024, 12:40 AM
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Elise Naenan
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Species: Drow

Class: Cleric 1

Background: Grendeleroot Scholar

Age: 108

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Description: Elise is a Drow specimen of nearly flawless physical beauty, further enhanced by her exotic black skin, white hair, and bright red eyes. She has a slight figure, with ample curves and the smile that nearly always paints her face, which accents her beauty. She tends to wear more conservative dresses, and generally wears a chain shirt beneath them, as well as carrying a rapier and shield, though she has almost no drive to ever use her weapons. Her hair is normally up in a ponytail or bun for her normal work hours, while it is styled in the latest fashions of the time outside of that. She lives a mostly minimalist lifestyle, not indulging on fanciful clothes or food, so the dresses she wears tend to be plain.

Elise is somewhat clumsy and while she can handle her weapon, she is rather awkward with it due to her preference to not commit violent acts. She wears it around more to discourage people from attacking her than anything else.

Personality Traits 1: I'll help anyone in need, be they enemies or allies. - Elise largely lives under a code of nonviolence, refusing to harm any living creature except in the most dire of circumstances. She prefers to help and heal then harm, and believes that not even the worst creature is so far gone that it cannot return to the light.

Personality Traits 2: I really don’t like being touched, okay? - After having many bad experiences with the townsfolk of her home village harming her without due cause, she has become adverse to receiving any close contact with others, outside of what was needed for healing or first aid.

Ideals: Discovery. I want to uncover a secret that will change the world for the better. (Good) - When Elise isn't teaching, she is researching how to use the discoveries of the grendleroot to help the greater people on the surface, how to heal and mend with it rather than destroy.

Bonds: It is my duty to protect my students. | I consider one of the Grendleroot’s voices a personal friend. - Elise is most protective of her students, and one threatening direct harm to them would be one of the few times she could be coaxed into violence against another, though she would not kill them, simply render them unable to harm her charges. In her first night in the hollow mountain, she began to hear the voices of the grendleroot. One in particular, called itself Iskel, and Iskel helped her on numerous occasions to identify plants that could be harmful, as well as ones that were helpful. After years there, she speaks to him in her mind as a close confidant and considers him a close friend. She bounces ideas off him in regards to her lessons, as well as her research. Though he might be out to cause harm, she doesn't believe so, and thinks that maybe that mind, that voice, is seeking redemption. Or at least that's what she chooses to believe.

Flaw: I can't keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else's. | I talk around the problems I have with others rather than speaking directly. - Elise is terrible at lying, so much so that she rarely even bothers trying. It is against her god's tenants for one, but she also is just awful at it. She can't look someone in the eye when she lies, and will always avert her eyes on the rare occurrences that she attempts to lie. She also is adverse to direct verbal confrontations, preferring to deflect and divert attention to anything besides herself when confrontation occurs.

Bio: Elise started life in the deep dark of the realm of the Drow, but she was born sickly and weak. Her family immediately listed her as a failure of a child, and decided that it was in the best interest of the house to dispose of her. With a raid on a human settlement imminent, her parents felt that the best method of disposing her, was to dump her on the surface to die in the horrid sun. Thus, when the raid upon the human town began, the Drow matron leading the attack dropped the child in a forest clearing in the middle of the night, that it might die on the morning light, in pain and suffering.

The death of Elise was not to be however, and an old witch who lived in the woods found the sickly child that very night after the Drow had left for their attack. She had no particular hatred of the Drow, but also had no real interest in raising such a sickly child. So she brought it back to her hut in the deep woods to nurse for a time, before heading into town a few days later for supplies, and to see about the damage done to the town from the raid. The town still stood, but it had taken a great deal of damage and many of the townsfolk were simply not there any longer, taken by the Drow for slaves in the deep dark of the earth. The old witch brought the babe to the local church of the sun god in the town, a fitting place to raise a Drow she had thought. She took the liberty of naming the child, putting Elise Naenan on a card around the baby's neck so the church knew her name. Her last name was taken directly from the witch's true last name, not that any were alive today that knew it. The first name was just a whim of an old woman, she thought the name sounded elvish to her, and it suited one who would be blessed by the sun. With her deed done, the old witch left with narry a word, leaving the baby to her fate in the hands of human kind, though she would periodically drop by to see how the girl she saved was doing, and occasionally brought sweets by for the girl as she grew older.

Elise herself grew up in the church of the sun god, and though she was labeled a Drow, and tormented by the people of this small town, she never once lost faith in her god. She took the abuses laid upon her as a penance for her kind and the damage they did to the town, and gratefully accepted this penance as well as the toll the sun placed upon her. Her childhood was filled with study and learning, and she excelled at the arts of healing and care. Her heart stayed ever kind and just, and her words were as soft as her heart, placating even the meanest drunk with their soft, singing quality, akin to that of the siren of myth. She took it as a gift from the sun god, a gift of easing the minds and hearts of those around her, as well as her link to her god, that let her heal the weak and infirm. Her own health however, was beyond herself or the church to heal, she stayed sickly, if fit and beautiful through her early years. She contracted illnesses more frequently, having to be cured by the church, and was more prone to hurting herself in the various accidents she inevitable found herself in from her natural clumsiness.

Her days in the church were good ones, and occasionally she would venture out with a group of adventurer's to work as their healer, giving her some small amount of experience in the field. Eventually though, the church elected to relocate her far from the reach of the townsfolk that still tormented her for her species, though she never once held it against them. That was simply how they were, and she accepted them as such, taking the higher road to continue to help and heal them. Her next assignment was to act as a teacher in a place far away, a mountain depths that needed to be shown the light of the sun god, and thus she was sent with a small contingent of Templar and Paladins for protection to this most dire of places, a great mountain that was hollowed out with some great secrets within them.

The last fifty years or so, Elise has dwelled in the depths of this mountain land, serving as the resident priest of the sun god, and ray of inspiration to those many adventurer's that travel through there. She frequently acts to heal and mend the wounds of those who come back from treks and on rare occasions, goes out on excursions that are considered particularly dangerous with groups in need of a healer. The templar and paladins that accompanied her here, generally stay in the church and aid her in the healing while making sure their small chapel is well defended. Elise herself has spent many years teaching both young and old alike, who are intent on learning of the sun god, or to read and write. She also knows arithmetic, geometry, as well as physics and philosophy, thus teaching suited her quite well.

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Last edited by Unforgiven; Nov 7th, 2024 at 09:53 AM.
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Old Nov 5th, 2024, 08:44 AM
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Nelia the Dancer
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Species: Tiefling

Class: Bard 1

Background: Charlatan

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral

Description: Nelia has a way of standing out wherever she goes. The young tiefling woman effortlessly combines elegance with a mysterious air that draws all eyes to her. Her long, silky black hair falls lightly over her shoulders, framing a face with soft, reddish skin. Her thoughtful brown eyes suggest both intelligence and a hint of something she'd rather not think about from her past. Her pale white horns, a distinctive trait inherited from her ancestors, curve elegantly backwards. Her dark hair looks striking against her pale skin, and her appearance is both beautiful and mysterious. She has a tail like a devil, swinging behind her on its own. When Nelia is tense, it coils around her leg. When her temper flares, her tail twitches.

Nelia moves with the grace of a dancer, each step measured and fluid as if she's always on stage, even if she's just crossing a room. Her clothes are well-made and light but a bit worn from travelling. Nelia likes dark colours that make her look mysterious. A faint smell of brimstone is in the air when she's around – a subtle, hellish reminder that something otherworldly lies beneath her charm and beauty. This delicate, sulphurous trace unsettles some and intrigues others. You never know whether Nelia is a temptation or a warning.

Personality Trait 1: Charming but Guarded: Nelia knows how to be the life of the party—whether that’s with her enchanting smile, captivating dance, or quick wit. But beneath her charm lies a shielded heart, wary of others due to a lifetime of rejection and distrust. She often keeps people at arm's length, never letting them see her fully vulnerable side.

Personality Trait 2: Witty and Observant: Growing up on the streets taught her to read people fast. She has a sharp tongue and a knack for figuring out what others want or fear. This talent makes her a persuasive performer but also helps her get what she needs when times are tough.

Ideal: Redemption through Strength: Though she longs for redemption, Nelia knows the world isn’t kind to those who can’t protect themselves. She strives to make up for her past mistakes, but if forced into a corner, she won’t hesitate to fight for survival. She believes that as long as she defends herself without cruelty, Lliira will forgive her.

Bond: Lliira’s Teachings: Nelia found Lliira after she sought to break free of her infernal connections. Lliira’s emphasis on joy, freedom, and liberation helped Nelia embrace a brighter path. Nelia now carries a small charm of Lliira, which she holds onto when she needs strength or reassurance.

Flaw: Temptation of Power and Control: Though she regrets her pact with Asmodeus, Nelia struggles with a lingering temptation for the power it granted her. In moments of extreme stress or self-defence, she sometimes feels a dark satisfaction in using that power ruthlessly. She resists this impulse but finds herself haunted by the ease with which it comes to her.

Bio: Nelia grew up in Saltmarsh, a small fishing town along the Sword Coast, where prejudice ran deep and the sight of a tiefling child brought more suspicion than sympathy. With horns, red-tinted skin, and a tail that marked her as other, she quickly learned to survive on wits and charm, carving out a hard life on Saltmarsh’s narrow streets. Desperation led her to make a grave choice: in a moment of vulnerability, she invoked the name of Asmodeus himself, hoping for the strength to change her life. To her shock and growing horror, the infernal lord answered. The following days saw her granted mysterious new powers and, shortly after that, a steady stream of gold from an unknown patron, enough to afford formal training in the bardic arts. She used the money cautiously, never sure when it would dry up, and though she deeply regretted calling on Asmodeus, she resolved to use the power and training to escape her past.

As soon as she could, Nelia left Saltmarsh and began travelling the Sword Coast, playing in taverns, earning coins, and honing her skills. She performed in Daggerford, Luskan, and Waterdeep, dazzling crowds with her singing and dancing and using her infernal powers subtly to charm and mislead as necessary. Though she mostly relied on her talents, she was no stranger to occasional theft or trickery, an old habit from her youth. This, however, eventually caught up with her. A few months ago, Nelia attempted to defraud a travelling merchant named Balen Greymoor, hoping to secure some much-needed coin. But Greymoor, cunning and ruthless, saw through her act and now holds her misdeed over her head, threatening to expose her thievery and infernal nature to the authorities if she refuses to work for him.

Under Greymoor’s thumb, Nelia was dispatched to Deepdelver Enclave, a remote settlement in Blackclaw Mountain, a place rumoured to be rich in lost treasure and ancient dangers. Balen, the opportunist, wants her to explore the mountain’s caverns and uncover any valuables he might later exploit. To ensure her compliance, he’s stationed a contact in the Enclave to keep an eye on her - a stern half-elf named Vaelis Sareth, who watches Nelia’s every move, waiting for any sign of betrayal or flight.

For the past month, Nelia has been laying low, performing in The Lucky Lute Tavern, the Enclave’s small tavern, and dazzling its residents with her dances and music. Though she charms the locals and makes a modest living, her mind is always on escape. She knows she can’t explore Blackclaw Mountain alone, so she’s been biding her time, hoping to find allies in the Enclave who might help her brave the caverns’ depths. In her heart, she resents both Balen’s threats and her own mistakes, feeling trapped by circumstances and bound to a dangerous path.

But Nelia is nothing if not resourceful. If she can uncover something valuable within Blackclaw Mountain, she might finally have the leverage to shake Balen’s control over her and make a fresh start. Until then, she waits, planning her next move with the same mix of charm, caution, and quiet desperation that has kept her alive this long.

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Playing: Maja human mystic Rimona human enchantress Nelia tiefling bard
Taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old Nov 5th, 2024, 02:37 PM
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Species: Halfling

Class: Warlock 1

Background: Sage

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic good

Description: Small, unassuming... weak. All of these words are fair descriptions of Tyvanth. He is a halfling, quite short and slight of build. He is easily overlooked in a world built for taller folk and yes, he is not strong in the least. But... he is quite dashing. He has a glib tongue, and a mysterious way about him that draws people nearer to him.

Personality Trait 1: I often get distra … what were we talking about?
Personality Trait 2: I mutter to myself about mysteries I have yet to solve.
Ideal: Discovery. I want to uncover a secret that will change the world for the better. (Good)
Bond: I consider one of the Grendleroot’s voices a personal friend.
Flaw: I talk around the problems I have with others rather than speaking directly.


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Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.
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Old Nov 5th, 2024, 03:48 PM
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Nim Grimveil
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Species: Gnome

Class: Paladin 1

Background: Acolyte

Age: 375

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Good

Description: An older gnome who has been serving the White Son as his father did before him.

Personality Traits 1:Protector’s Wisdom: Nim delights in sharing tales of the mountain’s treacherous caverns and the lessons he has learned, all in hopes of sparing the younger members some of the hard-learned mistakes of his past.

Personality Traits 2: Watchful Guardian: When his companions venture too far or push themselves heedlessly, Nim gently but firmly reminds them of the Grendleroot’s lurking dangers, cautioning that the mountain is as relentless as it is ancient

Ideals: Enduring Light: “In the face of an endless night, it is our duty to be the light that guides others. The mountain will remain long after we are gone, and so must our legacy of hope and courage.”

Bonds: Steward of the Next Generation: Nim feels an obligation to help the younger members of the Order of the White Sun grow into wise and vigilant warriors, for they will one day take on the burden of protecting the mountain and all that lies within it.

Flaw: Overprotective Nature: Nim sometimes underestimates the resilience of the younger members, leading him to intervene more often than needed, which occasionally frustrates those eager to prove themselves.

Bio:Nim Grimveil is a seasoned veteran of the Order of the White Sun, a steadfast warrior whose life has been devoted to protecting others and guarding against the mountain’s darkness. Despite his age, Nim remains a capable and vigilant Paladin, deeply committed to the ideals of his Order and to the protection of Deepdelver’s Enclave. A sense of quiet authority surrounds him, and his gentle, grandfatherly demeanor makes him a beloved mentor to younger acolytes.

The Grimveil family has served the Order of the White Sun for generations, devoted protectors of Blackclaw Mountain’s secrets and guardians of its people. Nim’s early life was steeped in tales of his ancestors’ bravery, and he took up the mantle of paladin not out of obligation but with a heartfelt devotion to his family’s calling. Over the years, Nim has seen many comrades fall and young acolytes come and go, yet he remains, embodying the resilience of his lineage.

Assigned to Deepdelver’s Enclave, Nim is tasked with investigating disturbances related to the Grendleroot. These dark spires and their ominous power are a constant threat, and Nim sees it as his duty to protect the enclave and its people from the Grendleroot’s influence while seeking ways to understand it.

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Last edited by Avner; Nov 5th, 2024 at 04:25 PM.
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Old Nov 5th, 2024, 04:01 PM
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Species: Goblin
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Class: Rogue 1

Background: Blackclaw Deep Delver

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Description: Like someone took an average goblins clan member and stuffed them in smart town clothes. Blyx found that happy intersection between no good hole-dwelling goblin and just about trustable town-rogue words for him. He affects the bonhomie of hale-fellow, well met as he butterflies between visitors in the tavern. There are no scars on his face, nor nicks on his ears. He is the picture of survival - just the kind you want leading you into the deadly below ground.

You wanna delve down there? Better call Blyx!

Get it right and you can make a mint as a goblin guide. Blyx's family was all that was left after a particularly brutal raid on his family home by tall people who should know better. Hi martial cousins were murdered and his family's wealth stolen. Fortunately for Blyx, he was only two at the time - so he does not have the personal trauma of his brothers and sisters. What he had was a youth of family mithering about the evil tall people, while plying a trade delving into the Grendleroot with those very same tall folk. Blyx felt a bit sorry for the strangers. They came into town full of hope and shiny armour and more frequently than not left fleeing their fallen comrades, leaving whatever loot behind.

Blyx found he could steal back a few days later and relieve the corpses of gold and gems - even the odd magical scroll or potion that he could sell back to the next crowd. He found with the wealth he brought he had quite a taste for the lives of the tall folk. More and more he found himself rooting for them, helping them to survive more frequently and made good money from the gratitude the adventurers showed.

Now he spends his time, popping from tavern to tavern, befriending travellers and getting hired to lead them to and from danger.

Last edited by Jon; Nov 6th, 2024 at 04:51 PM.
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