Information Aethera's Amendments (Rules) - RPG Crossing
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Old Aug 24th, 2017, 06:26 AM
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Aethera's Amendments (Rules)

Aethera's Amendments

For houserules and summaries of 13th Age things that not everyone is familiar with yet. Any races or classes with immediate effects are probably going to need houseruling, if only because play-by-post doesn't really allow for instantaneous back and forth.

About AetheraFor your reference, I'm on New York time, which is GMT-4 (March to November) or GMT-5 (winter). If you're wondering why I haven't responded to your post yet, that might be a reason. You are welcome to use any/all of the contact information in my profile if you have questions. (And you can often find me in the RPG Community Discord/chatroom.) I also claim a need to sleep periodically as probably the best reason I'm not online.

Having played in hvg3akaek's Crown of the Lich King, I've gotten used to several of his houserules which have smoothed out the play of 13th Age on the forum. I feel no shame pilfering from a wiser and more experienced GM.

A big part of this game is the fact that players have a whole lot of narrative control. I don't want to hear things like 'can I do this?' Assume the answer to be "yes", and explain why this makes sense for your character in your post! Make it interesting and I'll be on board. If you can work a way to cross that river using your intelligence and your background in doughnut baking, then explain how in your post, make it interesting, and roll up those dice.

About 13th AgeExplanations, Houserules, Etc.
Icon RelationshipsTokens, to smooth out play
CombatBasic Guidelines for Play
Skill ChallengesClarification of daily/per-battle resources
Montage Sequences 
If you are in a dedicated subforum for your game, you may have a game-specific houserules thread.
Please see your game forum for any additional rules not detailed here:
Dread Moon Rising • Ill-Met by Gloomlight


Icon Relationships


Skill Challenges

Montage Sequences

Last edited by Aethera; May 13th, 2023 at 01:10 PM.
Old Aug 24th, 2017, 06:26 AM
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Some Basic Guidelines
  • Rule zero applies. Translation: GM's word is law. Tell me if you don't think something is fair, but I'll make the final call. Disagreements do arise from time to time, but I think I'm a fairly open and easy-going GM. (I could be delusional, of course.)

  • Metagaming strongly discouraged. Obviously there is a certain amount of "table talk" that players can and will indulge in, but I won't allow you to start debating your plan of action to maximize your effectiveness... in the real world, you don't have time to decide if you will attack or not, you just do it. I'll give you a heads up if I think you're pushing it.

  • Please play your characters as you've built them. (This sounds obvious, I know.) This means that if you chose a lawful character and decide to go on a crime spree, there are going to be penalties. This applies to Icon Relationships as well as quirks, talents, or items, whether it's written on the character sheet or not. If you play your character in a way contrary to how you laid out the character, I'm going to call you on it. Can you change alignment? Of course. Will there be some kind of plot twist in response? Definitely.

  • Please spread RPXP around. We all like being told our post made someone laugh, and that means me (the GM) too. This site also runs a post of the month contest, and I encourage you to nominate each other. This game should be a great group of players, and it would make me really happy to see you all boosting each other up. While I would be flattered if you wanted to nominate me for Post of the Month, as one of the judges, I don't qualify. But you all do!

  • Posting twice a week is a fair speed to keep things moving without hurting any of us. Please stick to this, and I encourage you to post more than I do. Just because I move the plot along twice a week doesn't mean two of you can't get in an argument and post ten times between my posts. If you miss one here and there, that's okay, I will prompt in the OOC thread if more than half of you haven't updated by the time I'm ready to post.

  • We all have lives, which do come first, but please try to warn us of absences. (That goes for my sporadic week-long migraines, too.) There's an Oath of Sangus going around, which I heartily agree with. It simply points out that as responsible players, we can find three minutes to post in an OOC thread. I post absences in my signature as well, and I will check yours if that is your preferred method.
Old Apr 20th, 2022, 04:16 PM
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Not a new rule, but a clarification:
Using Daily/Other ResourcesDaily spells and abilities come back after a long rest, which is similar to a night's rest, but sometimes for narrative purposes consists of more than one day, especially in conditions like needing to keep a guard, overly stressed fitful sleep, and whatever else narratively fits in that category. It still functions like daily spells in D&D otherwise, just not all 13th Age combat scenes/skill challenges are narratively within 24 hours. I'm going to treat per battle spells like the sorts of things you can do with a "short rest" in D&D for lack of a better explanation, whether or not you need two minutes to catch your breath or an hour to rest and ease whatever flavor of pain/injury you took. I'll let you all pick a short rest spot when you need to take a quick break and recover hit points, but you'll want to find a safe place to do so. I reserve the right to throw evil monsters at you if you stop in the middle of the dark woods at midnight with zero visibility and your guard falls asleep! (I doubt you'd do that, but it makes my point.)

You have to conserve your resources, but use them when you need them, and that's entirely up to you. Some members of your party have more HP, some have less but an extra recovery, or some combination of health and resources. I'm sure you can guess when you really need to use them, and the combats will scale appropriately. If I forget to hand out consumables, poke me!
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