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Old May 13th, 2023, 01:35 PM
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Aethera Aethera is offline
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Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera
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Obsessing Over Game Idea
There are things worse than those that go bump in the night.

No particular progress on my end, so I don't have a timeline for this game yet. Life is going to keep on happening, whether I have a good game idea I want to run or not. So far I'm not super behind in anything, I'm just not brainstorming for the future game as much as I'd like. I've spent more hours than I should have typing up an application format (still in secret text since I'm not ready yet), a quick overview of 13th Age, and a quick overview of the Midderlands, thematically. I am highly tempted to select one interested player and start them early as a sort of beta-tester/early-acceptance to make sure I actually have what I need. I probably shouldn't. (That may or may not actually have any bearing on my decision.)
Old Jul 6th, 2023, 04:55 PM
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Climbing Back on the Horse
Very far behind, but working on it.

I apologize for how far behind I've gotten after a couple back-to-back migraines. There's so many threads of life that you don't think about as "owing" anything to... at least until you fall behind. I don't think I've talked to family in days. It's kind of pathetic how narrow my world becomes during such headaches/life stresses, to be quite honest.

But. I am attempting to read all the OOC threads I am behind on, and the moderator duties, and I did post once yesterday in a GM capacity. Next up will be my player responsibilities, after I've attended to some more of my to-do list (it's ridiculously long, fair warning).
Old Jul 25th, 2023, 01:19 PM
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Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera
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Peering Soulfully at Games
Very far behind, swamped with life, yet still hopeful... sort of.

I'm still here; really, I am. I'm just swamped. Each time I start to get better (from colds, migraines, stress, whatever...), something new happens. I apologize for how far behind I've gotten after a couple back-to-back migraines. There's so many threads of life that you don't think about as "owing" anything to... at least until you fall behind. I'm also a chronic migraine sufferer living in an apartment building under constant construction since last fall. (I appreciate the new HVAC system they're installing, I just hate the drilling drilling drilling from 8–2ish every weekday.) It's pathetic how narrow my world becomes during such headaches/life stresses, to be quite honest.

I am mostly up-to-date with OOC threads, and I am at least reading along my moderator duties. I have two games to catch up with, and I'm also GMing a solo game set in an eldritch fantasy version of medieval England. These will be my priority... once I can actually attend to anything.

Apologies for the delays. Life is life is life sometimes.
Old Sep 14th, 2023, 01:38 PM
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With Regrets
I am now on hiatus.

This message (Sept 2023) is well past my actual hiatus date (Summer 2023), but it was brought to my attention that I hadn't stated specifically that I'm not here. Unfortunately, I am no longer able to participate on RPG Crossing while dealing with life, the universe, and everything.

I will return. I am certain of that, having been forced by life circumstances to take hiatuses in the past. I always return. Until then, however, I am mostly unavailable. You can still find me by sending a PM, which sends me an email, but as my PM box is 93% full at this moment, soon even that won't work. I do have a messages thread which will also notify me, if PMs don't work. Alternately, I am available on Discord as MotleyDreams, though there will likely be delays there, too.

Until I return, best wishes and happy gaming.

2024 UPDATE: A shy hello. o/

Last edited by Aethera; Jan 4th, 2024 at 02:34 PM.
Old Feb 11th, 2024, 07:56 PM
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Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera Aethera
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Goodnight, RPGX
On indefinite hiatus.

Unfortunately, I am no longer able to participate on RPG Crossing while dealing with life, the universe, and everything. I have told the staff I am retiring, and I am not in a position to even think about what might come next.

I have been forced by life circumstances to take hiatuses in the past. I have always returned. This time I'm not so certain of it. While I would like to offer hope for the future, this is a different sort of hiatus. I'm cutting back my online activity in a big way, and I'm not sure how or where that will lead. I am mostly unavailable. You can still reach me by sending a PM, which sends me an email, but as my PM box is 94% full at this moment, soon even that won't work. I have a messages thread which will also notify me, if PMs don't work. I may not always log on to read them, but I will read anything sent to me.

Best wishes for the future and happy gaming.
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