Beau hurls another energy blast into the creature and it lets out a roar of pain again. Now it lumbers forward leaving itself open to attack from Ophelia. The beast whips its chains around in a frenzy striking across the chest and neck with them. Ophelia then positions herself near the creature but doesn't strike it. [Sydney, Emma, Allan, Damian] Sydney looks around quickly but fails to spot anything of particular notice. There is the same vibrant foliage that was present the last time they were there and the creature is still the same odd collection of blue and black it was a few minutes before. The creature is turning slowly back and forth in an arc like pattern. It whistles a tune for a moment before it seems to take interest in the old woman and man speaking. "Shouts dear what grannie....kerrreeekkkuuurrrrruuuuue! Hey you're old maybe you know my granny! Are you anything like her she is the grandest old gal. Always baked the best pie in the whole...kerrrreeeeeeekkkkerrrruuuuuu!" The creature seems to whip itself into a child like frenzy over its story. It seems almost giddy when discussing the pie and other baked good it rambles off after screeching. After a few more minutes of the creatures incessant speak it suddenly stops and its eyes appear to glaze over for just a minute. Suddenly the color returns and it glares hard once more at the group before smiling. "Why would anyone want to leave here, especially Cathorin? The garden is Cathorin's? home and never beyond its borders have I ever traveled. My sweet sweet home it is....forever Cathorin's....forever mine..." The creature seems to lose itself longingly in thought for just a moment. It's eyes glaze over for just a moment but once again the color returns. "If the way you went didn't work you might try going that way...kekekekekekeeeeeee!" The creature points down a lone path to the west.
"What frightens us about the carnival, I think, is not that it will come to town. Or that it will leave town, which it always does. What frightens us is the possibility that it will leave forever, and never come back, and take us with it when it goes." ~Charles Unwin, The Manual of Detection |
"Old? Baking?" Emma harrumphs. "Certainly I'll bake you if that's you're after, little scamp. Ah, but I'm only kidding, one assumes." She turns to the rest of the group with a hand to her mouth and, in a voice that implies whispering but is in no way quiet or secretive, says "Should we kill it now or wait until we're not lost anymore?"
Trying very hard to ignore the foul creature, Sydney turns towards the direction the creature pointed to and begins walking.
"The sooner we leave, the better," Sydney mutters to the others as she moves past them.
Now DMing Adventures in Muu
Brother Damian - HP: 17/17 AC:18 Saves:+4/+3/+5 Perception+3
Ignoring the crazed creature after hearing about the potential exit Brother Damian nods as Sydney takes the lead. The cleric was happy someone else was taking up initiative for once. "Lets see if we can get out of here then or at least find this Cathorin at least" he says to the group in general as he follows Sydney.
From the ashes of a crappy year I return stronger and slightly crazier than before! |
I can't wait for level 2.
Seeing an opportunity, she strikes, slashing through the air with her blade. Now, with its attention on the gnome, she sidesteps (5' step) behind it, taking full advantage of her position to strike where it is unprotected.
"...the good guy is gonna win! How? Because I have a weapon you'll never wield...Love! Also, an incredibly powerful laser." - Wiley Schlub |
Beau literally shrieks as the chains tear through his meager defenses. "I know it's going to look like I'm running away, and that's probably because I am!" he says as he bolts for the nearest cover. The monster was simply too overwhelmingly strong for him to face up-close like that, and the elf would just have to fend for herself, assuming it didn't just chase him down.
I'm a big adventure hound, and goblins are my dog biscuits! |
Hp: 10/14
Allan continues to follow the group as they proceeded on the path pointed out to them by the strange,spastic creature. He looks over to Sydney as she speaks "I agree, best to keep moving. Although we shout keep our wits about us...don't know how trustworthy this creature is, or if there is an ambush up ahead". He uses his staff as one would use a walking stick on a pleasant trek through the forest...except this hike was not so much 'pleasant' as it was bizzare. Heeding his own advice, as they moved, he kept an eye out for any surprises.
Last edited by EnixH; Oct 30th, 2008 at 07:14 PM. Reason: Forgot To Bold Dialogue |
[Beau,Ophelia] Both of Ophelia's strikes bounce off the beast's hide as Beau withdraws. The creature lets out a furious howl and charges after the gnome swinging its chains wildly and the hooks manage once more to catch the gnome's hide. [Damian, Emma, Sydney, Allen] "I don't know why you're leaving to go look for me." The creature calls after Damian. The party once again travels in the direction indicated by the creature for a few moments, this time again to be cursed by fate and end up in the same clearing. The creature is no longer hanging from a tree but you can hear its chattering. The whole forest seems to be alive with it. "Kerrrreeeeeeeeeeee....Thought it would work that time....third times a charm?"
"What frightens us about the carnival, I think, is not that it will come to town. Or that it will leave town, which it always does. What frightens us is the possibility that it will leave forever, and never come back, and take us with it when it goes." ~Charles Unwin, The Manual of Detection Last edited by danthedebater; Nov 22nd, 2008 at 09:00 PM. |
"But then, after the supply of kobold meat ran out, we had some conflicts between the rest of the little buggers, and, well, I had to move on..." Emma continues to chatter cheerily into Sydney's ear as they roundabout a second time. She surveys the scene again.
"Right, this has an easy solution. We burn the entire thing to the ground and then the right path should be perfectly visible. Who's got a tindertwig?" In the meantime, her head bobs about, trying to track the source of the little creatures cackling. |
[Ophelia] HP 7/13; AC 19
[Note: Attack of Opportunity] "Gods above!! I can't blame it for going after the gnome. He's the only one who's hurt this bugger!" Seeing that her only ally in this abysmal place is badly wounded and likely to become even more so, Ophelia forgoes her attempts to actually hurt the creature and, instead, tries to take advantage of her position by pushing the creature off balance.
"...the good guy is gonna win! How? Because I have a weapon you'll never wield...Love! Also, an incredibly powerful laser." - Wiley Schlub |
Still nodding politely, Sydney comes to a stop once she realizes that she is, once again, standing in the same spot she was just a few minutes prior.
"What's going on here?" Sydney asks as she looks around.
Now DMing Adventures in Muu
Brother Damian - HP: 17/17 AC:18 Saves:+4/+3/+5 Perception+3
The more Brother Damian found out about this place the more he wish he'd never come. Fighting down his frustration he turned to face where he thought the creature might be, "Cathorin is it then? Would you be so kind to show us the way out so we might leave you in peace, lest my companion release a fire upon your home"
From the ashes of a crappy year I return stronger and slightly crazier than before! |
Quite sure he was going to die if he didn't either heal himself or shake the beast, Beau steps back, rummages for one of his potions, and quaffs it, praying the healing power stored in it will be enough to keep him from collapse after the next inevitable attack. A bit too busy to actually utter words of encouragement to Ophelia, he does notice what she intends to do and he dares to grin grimly.
I'm a big adventure hound, and goblins are my dog biscuits! |
Allan looks around in disbelief as after the last round of walking they ended back where they had made their landing. He leans on his staff and sighs, keeping an eye out for the creature as well. Pushing his confusion from his mind, he began to examine their surroundings, to see if something arcane was afoot.
[Beau, Ophelia]
Ophelia reaches out and attempts to strike at the creatures leg. It swirls around and brings its chain right into Ophelia's head but she manages to stagger the creature and it crashes to the ground. The creature growls rising to its feet after being knocked down. The gnome quaffs his potion. [Damian, Sydney, Emma, Allen] The tree above them shake and tremble with the movement of the beast. Sydney sees a what she thinks is a tail fly through some of the foliage but looses it again in the leaves. Emma appears to stare vacantly off into space while Allen tries in vain to discover some mystical reason for this situation. "It's not nice to use threats little one...He doesn't like them....they make him angry" The inflection in the creatures voice seems to change with the mention of this him and the leaves of the trees once again shake and quiver under the creature's weight as it scurries around about your heads. "BUt It may NOT maTter SoOn....his friend is going to get your friends and good....KEEEERRRRRRRRREEEEEEYYYYY!!!!" The creature howls as it a huge shaking of tree limbs above you commences. Birds and creatures begin to eggress from the area and head in various directions as the howl reaches a feverish pitch. Suddenly the beast grows quiet and you hear nothing else. A small rock suddenly drops from the tree into the center of the glade.
"What frightens us about the carnival, I think, is not that it will come to town. Or that it will leave town, which it always does. What frightens us is the possibility that it will leave forever, and never come back, and take us with it when it goes." ~Charles Unwin, The Manual of Detection |
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