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Old Dec 3rd, 2008, 06:32 PM
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Brother Damian - HP: 17/17 AC:18 Saves:+4/+3/+5 Perception+3

A rather tired and frustrated Brother Damian re-entered the same clearing. ARGHH! he thought catching his breath This is a most infuriating prison . Then the rock crab ran again, this time in a different direction. Nothing else to do Brother Damian rejoined the chase after it hoping beyond hope that it would eventually lead them out.
From the ashes of a crappy year I return stronger and slightly crazier than before!
Old Dec 3rd, 2008, 11:14 PM
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"Ah hah!" Emma says, laughing brutally. "I've got it! We just need someone to go in the opposite direction and catch the little bugger on the way back in!"

She immediately runs in a perpendicular, not opposite, direction. The chicken wanders back to the center of the clearing, scratching at the ground where the stone dropped with a complete lack of interest.

Last edited by Pojo; Dec 4th, 2008 at 01:49 PM.
Old Dec 4th, 2008, 02:38 AM
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"By the gods, that was no fun. No fun at all." She straightens up, wiping sweat from her brow with her sweaty, shaking palm, doing little to no good at all.

"We need to find someplace to hide and mend out wounds. Maybe even figure out a way out of here."
"...the good guy is gonna win! How? Because I have a weapon you'll never wield...Love! Also, an incredibly powerful laser."
- Wiley Schlub
Old Dec 4th, 2008, 08:00 PM
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Beau's smile stretches all the way across his face, all difficulties of the fight forgotten in his euphoria at having brought down something so imminently... Well, scary looking. He was about to make a comment about possibly having freed some soul in the process of destroying the 'devil', as he'd already taken to thinking of it, when he notices Ophelia's still wounded.

"I've another potion," he remarks. "You look as though you could use it more than I, you know. But yes, some I believe we've earned our right to spend some time recuperating." After a moment's careful thought, he decides to force the offer upon her, digging for the bottle, stepping towards her, and holding it out. "Take it. Just in case we run into... Something else."

OOCYeah, talking about a potion of Cure Light Wounds.
I'm a big adventure hound, and goblins are my dog biscuits!
Old Dec 4th, 2008, 08:11 PM
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For a moment, the elf looks proud and defiant, but finally sighs, visibly deflating a little. "I thank you," she replies, taking the bottle. She stops to look around, taking advantage of the peaceful moment to survey their surroundings.

"Any ideas?"
"...the good guy is gonna win! How? Because I have a weapon you'll never wield...Love! Also, an incredibly powerful laser."
- Wiley Schlub
Old Dec 8th, 2008, 02:31 PM
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Something very odd happens as Beau and Ophelia are conversing. A strange little rock like creature comes skittering into view and it makes a sharp right when it sees the elf and gnome. It quickly begins skittering up the glass wall and seems to be heading west along the wall.

A few moments later the priest that Ophelia met at the inn appears followed by a warrior woman. The wizard she met early follows closely in toe behind that. In a moment after that an elderly woman comes charging out of the brush to the east and slams right into the priest. Both of them go spin and crash into the earth. After this happens a chicken follows behind the mage from the Teary Eyed Maiden. It appears quite flustered and churps and chips until find finds the old woman. It angrily chirps and kicks at the earth before crawling up onto her apron and nestling down on top of the woman.
"What frightens us about the carnival, I think, is not that it will come to town. Or that it will leave town, which it always does. What frightens us is the possibility that it will leave forever, and never come back, and take us with it when it goes." ~Charles Unwin, The Manual of Detection
Old Dec 8th, 2008, 05:12 PM
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Emma (the old woman) yelps as she collides, momentarily wrestling with Damian as they topple, using him to cushion her fall. She looks grumpily at him, for a moment eye-to-eye, then grins.

"Oh, getting fresh with me, eh? Well, I've no reason to blame you, but you should know that I always come out on t-Ack! Prometheus! Calm!"

Chicken and woman topple off of the robed man, Emma petting and clucking at the tiny bird with all the subtlety and calm of a wounded bear as she rises. The rock creature is momentarily forgotten.
OOCAwkward! Sorry!

Last edited by Pojo; Dec 8th, 2008 at 05:13 PM.
Old Dec 8th, 2008, 06:56 PM
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Brother Damian - HP: 17/17 AC:18 Saves:+4/+3/+5 Perception+3

Running after the rock crab Brother Damian is barreled over by the old woman Emma. Great.... She begins to wrestle with him, was the women mad, Brother Damian putting up all the resistance he could without harming the old woman. She's flirting with me.... I'm young enough to be her grandson... not to mention the vows I've undertook

"I beg your pardon m'am for making you lose your footing, but you seem mistaken. Priests of my order take vows against the things I believe you are refering to and... ". His monologue was cut short by a small and painful peck to the head by none of than her chicken.. Fortunately the old woman seemed to have gotten bored and scooped up her chicken leaving to calm it down.

Rising to his feet Brother Damian brushed himself down and looked about. Where had that little rockcrab gone?
From the ashes of a crappy year I return stronger and slightly crazier than before!

Last edited by Timeless Prophet; Dec 8th, 2008 at 09:31 PM.
Old Dec 8th, 2008, 07:47 PM
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Allan continues to follow his compatriots, grunting still from the 'feedback' he received from his attempt to ascertain the magical auras of this place.

So much magical energy,but no certain point where it begins or ends... He thinks to himself as his left hand rubs his forehead. Ugh, It hurts to even try and think about it.

He looks up as they gave chase to the strange rock crab, finding themselves in company to some...familiar faces. He stands there staring at Ophelia and a yet unknown companion, a strange expression adorning his face; one of relief and yet one of confusion, before he sighs awkwardly.

"Forgive me you two...but with all the mystery and baffling happenings in this cursed realm...I can't be sure you are not hallucinations of some sort..." He shakes his head and smirks a bit. "Anyways...its good seeing a familiar face none the less...although I haven't met you before". He speaks as he turns and looks down slightly at the gnome,and smiles. "I'm Allaneron...Allan for short...and you are?"

Last edited by EnixH; Dec 8th, 2008 at 07:48 PM. Reason: Edit For Formatting and Readability
Old Dec 8th, 2008, 07:57 PM
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Stepping through the foliage and back into a small clearing, Sydney Rose is pleasantly surprised to see that she and the others are in a different location. Before her lies two new individuals, one shorter than the other, and their faces are welcome additions to Sydney's surroundings.

"Are you two stuck here as well?" Sydney asks as the older woman and the priest wrestle upon the ground. "We've been going in circles ever since we got here."
Old Dec 9th, 2008, 02:37 AM
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"Nonsense, nonsense, posh and piffle!" says the old woman, still ferociously ruffling her chickens feathers. "In order to be going in circles this place would have to have some sort of continuous landscape rather than the absurdist portal-choked backwards-forwards that we've been seeing. I'd say we've been going in something of a starburst pattern the last five minutes or so and before that you might have been able to trace it on a map with some squiggly lines-if you tore the map up in to several different pieces, drew half the line over them, rearranged the pieces, drew another third, set the map on fire and started entirely over with a new sketch of the map invented by a four-year-old who had never seen the place before and was actually trying to draw a dragon. As it is I was in an inn and then a corridor and then there was a greenhouse and I found a very nice scythe if a little bloody and a lot of interesting people all of whom seem to be great fun and then there was a kobold or maybe it was a goblin or something and some living rock which I shot at and I climbed a tree at some point but it wasn't much of a view and have you met Prometheus yet, he's very happy to see you!"

She shoves the small bird almost directly into the elf's face with both hands, only a few inches shy of an immediate collision. It cocks its head sideways. "Blk?"
Old Dec 9th, 2008, 08:33 AM
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"This is Beau," Ophelia offers by way of introduction. For a few moments, she lets her usual "tough thug" mask slip and offers a genuine smile at the sight of friendly faces. Even the strange but non-hostile faces are a welcome change after their decidedly unfriendly welcome.

"He's lost as well. Have any of you figured anything out about this place?"
"...the good guy is gonna win! How? Because I have a weapon you'll never wield...Love! Also, an incredibly powerful laser."
- Wiley Schlub
Old Dec 9th, 2008, 04:56 PM
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Beau blinks, assessing these strangers for a moment without making any attempts at introduction. Before he can really gather his thoughts and wits, Emma starts spouting a lot of... something and he blanks out again, waiting politely for her to finish. Ophelia takes the opportunity to introduce him, but he doesn't find it to be quite enough.

"Ahem." He draws himself up to his full stature and puffs out his chest. "Beau Cade. It looks like my good fortune has drawn us together here. I just... Hope your good fortune is a little better than my good fortune, thus far," he adds a little sheepishly. The lot hardly looked like any sort of heroes he'd ever expected to traffic with, but any port in a storm.
I'm a big adventure hound, and goblins are my dog biscuits!
Old Dec 9th, 2008, 07:14 PM
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"Yeah," Ophelia adds, once Beau is finished. "He talks a lot, but he fought when he could've run, so he's alright in my book."
"...the good guy is gonna win! How? Because I have a weapon you'll never wield...Love! Also, an incredibly powerful laser."
- Wiley Schlub
Old Dec 10th, 2008, 01:23 AM
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Brother Damian - HP: 17/17 AC:18 Saves:+4/+3/+5 Perception+3

"I'd say its good to see you again but that would be lying, as no one deserves to be stuck in this hell with us. Nonetheless perhaps together we can figure out the strange workings of this place and return home. Thus far we've been unable to leave this small locale as it seems to loop into itself..." said Brother Damian, a strange look upon his face.

How do i know this isn't another trick of this world playing with my mind? Ophelia could just be a compilation of my memories manifested by my subconscious to escape the horrors of this place, and this Beau could just be a randomized person brought forth to enforce it.
From the ashes of a crappy year I return stronger and slightly crazier than before!
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