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Old Sep 29th, 2009, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by EL
"So what... whom... is it this time. A loan shark you are having trouble paying, or did one of your deliveries fail a quality check?"
The human’s head snapped around to take in the elf’s expression. As if he had just been slapped he said “Me, having troubles? Dealing with loan sharks? *waves a hand dismissively* you have no idea what you are talking about. I deal with honest banking institutions. I would not be caught dead dealing with men like that. I do have my honor to protect.”

Originally Posted by EL
With his eyebrows still raised the elf begins to nod. "I know. I know. Some Gnomes are looking to have a word with you." the Elf adds as he waits for Artimis and keeps an eye out for anyone else paying to his acquaintance. "Arti.. I know life isn't fair and you are looking for an edge, but in the long run it pays to be a bit more honest and forthcoming with your dealings."
At the mention of a gnome Artimis’s head spun around in shock as if he expected to see something right there. He realized his actions were those of a less than innocent man he cleared his throat and said calmly “El, I am very honest in my dealings. Being forthcoming…now that is a different story entirely. I am on this ship because I need to check out a shipment of mine that seems to have gone astray. Once I find it, I will return and be welcomed with open arms by a city that just LOVVVVVVVES me.”

His demeanor changes AGAIN and he put on a much more business like face saying quietly “So, in the past I have had you search for this rare reagent and that. Well, this is a bit different but will be no less profitable for you. You help me find this shipment and I can promise you that any house in the city….except mine of course….can be yours.”

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Old Sep 29th, 2009, 11:10 AM
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El sighs and looks down to the human's eyes. "You've been fair in your dealings with Josephine and I in the past, and since one of my plans is to locate the future Galatathiel homestead, you have a deal."

The elves eyes narrow into thin slits of bronze as he leans into the Artimis "I need you to be upfront though. What is this shipment? I will not judge you as the only thing that would make me think less of you is if it was a shipment for the Guild of Chains. Also, and do not make another sudden movement, do you have any idea why an old gnome was watching us closely a moment back?"
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Old Sep 29th, 2009, 11:30 AM
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Jim grins roguishly at the scarred man that appeared so suddenly aside him, Jim's disciplined face not showing the concern filling him. Laughing off the man's comment, Jim replies, "I must just have one of those faces! But come now, wouldn't you be more entertained looking at the face of that woman you fancy? Whether you've had better or not, as you say she's certainly worth a peek or a stare, eh? Enjoy yourself then, I'll just be going below now." With that, Jim slips off, strolling nonchalantly towards the aft-starboard stairs, leaving the man where he stood.

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Last edited by Doderic; Sep 29th, 2009 at 11:31 AM. Reason: Formatting.
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Old Sep 29th, 2009, 11:05 PM
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"Of course you have room, in my quarters, my employees get treated wel," replied Mina, to Riccardo and Hama.

Once below deck, she stopped smiling. "Watch yourself, Emil profits from others' mistakes. I'll cover for the two of you, consider it my act of kindness for the day."

A rat darted between Riccardo's legs, chased by another.
"Yes, I'd wager you are right; Tristan, by the way. I'd wager Sentinel is to your liking, no women though, well, the natives, and the best part is that they barely wear any clothes. I'll see you around." He barely took notice as Jim took leave, looking lost in thought, and a bit disturbed.

El did not notice anyone else observing them. However, the elf felt a strange sense of unease, of disquiet, though he could not place what exactly is was. The work on deck quieted down; all the loading done.

"Welcome onboard the Seabear!" announced a foppishly dressed man, with a handlebar mustache. "I'm Captain Cray, and we will be setting sail at first light."

"That's Tristan over there, First mate; and James, Artillery Sargent,good men both," he said gesturing towards a dandy man and a slightly balding sailor."just like all of you. If you need anything, just ask."
Sleeshi thought that the following days would be clear for the most part as he gazed the skies before he was interrupted by the speech. He looked over to find the Native standing with his back turned to the Captain, pretending to untie a knot.
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
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Old Sep 29th, 2009, 11:18 PM
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Riccardo shrugged a large rippling shrug and kicked petulantly at the rats. Of course the red-haired people new best. He had been ready to bring those ugly guards of the skinny man for a swim in the infested water of the port. It slowly dawned on him that the skinny one might have more power because he was part of a city. Besting him would prove nothing and get many people angry.

"Employee's? I am working for you?" The hunter thought intently on that subject for many seconds. He weighed Mina from the ground up, and finally seemed satisfied when he took in her hair for a final time.

"What is my work?"

Last edited by Otter Nonsense; Sep 29th, 2009 at 11:20 PM.
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Old Sep 29th, 2009, 11:56 PM
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"Work, hmmm, well my strong half orc, it would be protecting my person of course, there are many who would do me harm, a cute girl like me attracts unwanted attention, you know." She winked. "I'll settle for your name, and what's taking you to the Coast, for now."
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."

Last edited by Colatine; Sep 30th, 2009 at 12:14 AM.
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Old Sep 30th, 2009, 02:10 AM
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Jim slips below deck as the strange man continued to talk to, not even seeming to realize his audience was strolling away all the time. Oh well, there's nothing that can be done about it, Jim thought as he descended the stairs. The Seabear was a large ship, and Jim appreciated not having to duck below deck, the Pequod having been shorter, although still considered a "tall ship." Jim wands through the bowels of the great wooden beast, having no destination in mind and lacking the knowledge to reach one anyways.
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Old Sep 30th, 2009, 06:54 AM
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A protector? A bodyguard? Riccardo could do that, he could do that very well. He flexed his rolling muscles, stood up straight and saluted Mina in the way of the sailors. "I'm on my way to become famous and skilled!" He said to her.

"To hunt the strange and rare beasts of this Savage Coast! To become a better warrior and a better hunter. In the name of the Mercanty League if it has to be," he reluctantly adds. Who knows how much the papers he marked made him responsible for. This lady would help him out, he felt. She had that look about her, and the red hair of wisdom.
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Old Sep 30th, 2009, 12:18 PM
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"Um, excuse me," Hama interrupts, nervously raising a hand, "I didn't know I was working for anybody, I'm just trying to get my people out of here." Glancing down at the deck he adds quietly "I really shouldn't sleep in a separate room either."
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Old Oct 1st, 2009, 01:39 PM
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<OOC>Posted for Mike</OOC>

The somewhat young mage smiled at El’s acceptance of ‘the deal’. He had need of allies to be sure and EL was as honest and hard working as they came. It was a good start for what he needed…but that was probably the last easy thing he would come across. Sure, he could find hired help to join them…but finding ones they could TRUST….now that was the difficult part. He glanced around at the people going to and fro and said more to himself “We will need more help though. I wonder if there are any of this ship willing to take on our little question…hmmmm…”

Originally Posted by EL
"I need you to be upfront though. What is this shipment? I will not judge you as the only thing that would make me think less of you is if it was a shipment for the Guild of Chains. Also, and do not make another sudden movement, do you have any idea why an old gnome was watching us closely a moment back?"[/b]

Artimis stared at the elf for a moment and then chuckled a bit. He finally said with a half smile “You always were a bottom line kind of elf El. Many I have dealt with require that I banter with for a while until hey finally understand what I want. You….*Phf* you get right down to the matter instantly. I have always like that about you.” Trying to be as casual as possible he glanced around the deck looking for the gnome he was talking about. The hairs on the back of his neck went up at the thought of being noticed by someone. He did NOT WANT to be noticed by anyone…certainly not in port anyways.

He saw nothing so he repositioned himself so his back was against the wood railing of the ship. Without looking at the elf he said “Ok then, if you are sure you want the truth…then so be it. I have little options at the moment and I can’t afford to lose an ally I can trust.” He sighed heavily at what he was about to say “As you know I deal with magic antiquities. A powerful wand, an amulet that helps protect the wearer from arrows, you know, that kind of thing. You also know I have become quite well known in the city for my ability to meet special orders. My business is booming. Well, I had a great deal of people place orders with me of late for very special items. The cost of these items was of a considerable sum. I took half payment on all of the items and used that money thru my contacts to purchase the items which could only be found on the far side of the Savage Coast . The shipment for these goods was do in today you see. Word came in though that the shipment had been high jacked by raiders. They took MY ITEMS!” He seemed to steam a little bit at the thought to the point it took him several moments to calm down. Finally he went on “News of the loss of the ship spread thru the city like a wildfire to the point that many of those who put money down on items are looking for me. This is why I am on this accursed ship. I need to find those items before those who bought thru me….find me.”

He let the words sink in for a few moments before asking the El’s question saying “As for who I acquire for, I don’t do it for an organization. My items are too special…too costly. I only work for individuals who can pay. I don’t ask questions so if some are with the Guild of Chains…well…I just would not know.”

Last edited by Embrodak; Oct 1st, 2009 at 01:40 PM.
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Old Oct 1st, 2009, 01:54 PM
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El looks to Artimis and nods. "You'll need some muscle. The half-orc that boarded seemed to fit the bill."

El stretches is long arms and moves next to Artimis so his back is to no one. "So do you have a game plan for once we reach port? I'm not the most adapt at finding people on the streets, but if you get a lead I can lead us through the wilderness."
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Old Oct 1st, 2009, 02:15 PM
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<OOC>Posted for Mike</OOC>

At the mention of the half-orc Artimis’s face wrinkled a bit in disgust “Oh, you just had to pick that one didn’t you? I have had some run-ins with that kind and I must say it was not very pleasant.” His face returned to normal as he thought about it. He was going to the Savage Coast was he not? There were all sorts of races there. What could it hurt to have one other than the bad smells? A smile creased his face “Why, you know what? That is probably not a half bad idea come to think of it. Certainly they fit the bill for the muscle part. Let us see if we can get him alone for a few moments and at least get an idea why he is on the ship. I saw him talking to the first mate so he might be a permanent crew member…but maybe not.” Already he was thinking about the possibly of using magic on the half orc in hopes of using his charms to persuade him to help in Art’s cause.

As for the second comment, the mage’s shoulders slumped a bit. “I wish I had a lead but I only found out about the lost shipment minutes ago. I am afraid I am heading over there with a cold trail. All that I know of is that it was a group of raiders. That could be anyone. What we do have going for us is that all of the items were branded magically with my seal. Only I can see the rune. While there were certainly special items onboard the ship, there were other normal items like magical swords, arrows, etc. These kind of items are bought by organizations in bulk when the shipment is large enough. So, we just keep our eyes open I am positive I will be able to spot one of my items. Then we will definitely have a lead.”


Last edited by Embrodak; Oct 1st, 2009 at 02:15 PM.
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Old Oct 2nd, 2009, 01:47 AM
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Mina smiled knowingly"You are free to was just a ruse on my part, to keep you out of trouble. "

Soon, the six of you found yourself in the small quarters (area 10) that would be your "home" for the next month; elves,orcs, human- it was an eclectic group in a tight space

With the early dawn, in fair weather conditions, the Avilers, along with the rest of the ships, set sail for the Savage Coast. It was a month long journey with the fleet taking a northwest tack, then turning south and slightly west, following the favorable currents.
The day passes uneventfully though both rangers and the druid feel a sense of unease. Captain Cray is a boisterous man and seems to be well liked and even revered by his crew. He also seems very open and helpful to any of you, smoking his pipe and joking around. Most of the crew seem in high spirits, other than the native. He is often found staring at the main mast. There also are a lot of card games being played for money.

The guild of chains man and crew barely come out; mostly staying in their quarters.

Artimis now knows he is followed. Almost everywhere he goes, the wrinkled gnome is not far behind, though keeping his distance,turning away from him if approached or otherwise.

Jim is happy. Out here on the open sea, there is no one who knows him or is there? He feels a small token in his pocket. What's this?

El is certain that he has seen Tristan is hard for him to place where.

Sleeshi notices a large sea gull circling and flying above the ship, as if following it.

Hama finds himself staring at the main mast. He can see traces of something on it, it tugs at his soul, though he does not know what it is.
The first night at sea does not pass uneventfully. It is almost impossible to sleep; the skittering of tiny feet, and the little rat nips during the night make it extremely uncomfortable.

Both Sleeshi and El hear distinct sounds from the cargo hold, as if someone, or something large is moving about...
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."

Last edited by Colatine; Oct 2nd, 2009 at 01:48 AM.
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Old Oct 2nd, 2009, 04:01 AM
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Jim can be found on the deck that day looking quite perturbed, his visage as pale as a ghost. Pacing back and forth on the deck, Jim can be heard muttering to himself and seen glancing every so often with concern at some small red item in his hands. As he paces, Jim worries, Why me? Why is it always me? What could [emphasis]he[/emphasis] want with me? Who would hire an assassin to kill a dead man!? Oh no, what if The Merchant discovered I'm still alive and sent an associate! Trapped on a boat with no money, no weapons, and an assassin; I'm a goner. Unless...

Sometime in the middle of the morning Jim has an epiphany and disappears below deck, looking for his fellow passengers. Jim makes it about half the way back to the sleeping quarters when he stops, his cheerful expression once more ghastly and the bounce gone from his step as quickly as it had arrived. Sighing deeply Jim realizes, I can't rely on them to help, one of them could be the assassin! Muttering to himself once more, Jim takes up his introverted pacing again, looking all the worse for wear after the sudden arrival and destruction of hope.
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Old Oct 3rd, 2009, 01:17 PM
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Riccardo brings the flat of his hand down with crushing force, and adds another victim to his growing pile of flattened rodents. A few days ago, it had begun to stink and so the tall half-orc had been forced to gather them up in rags and toss them overboard. Fascinated and childishly amused: Riccardo watched with glee as the vermin had tumbled away towards the ocean far below and made their last pathetic little splashes.
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