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Old Sep 9th, 2012, 08:43 AM
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One of the guardsmen enter the hall, bowing to the chancellor and Claudia in turn he stammers a report, “My ladies there is something that concerns your immediate attention.” He has the look a real native of Gyrzevlakte. “There is a rabblerouser in the market and he has drawn a crowd. The Watch captain is leading men to contain the situation but wishes that you and the Duke be informed. He will await instruction for as long as possible.” He looks around the now empty hall for Duke Antonius.
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Old Sep 9th, 2012, 10:42 AM
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Claudia, who had been hoping to make a timely exit and leave the rest of the courtly intrigue to her father and to the Chancellor, sighed inwardly. This was certainly not something she could leave others to attend to. "Take me there," she ordered the guardsman, moving in behind to follow him. "At once."
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Old Sep 9th, 2012, 05:54 PM
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Aria was intrigued, it had been sometime since an incident was requested to be brought before the Duke himself. It was about time she inspected the Watch captains methods of action. She was familiar with the military procedure however she wanted to judge whether his actions were efficient or not.

"If you do not mind Claudia I might accompany you" She announces softly for the first time giving a hint of a smile.

She wanted to see what kind of shape their home forces were in, especially if war was going to become unavoidable.
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Old Sep 11th, 2012, 11:28 AM
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The guardsman nods and leads the way swiftly. The streets of Grauhafen were still choked with the morning bustle. Several guardsmen assist escorting the important pair. The throngs of merchants, labourers, craftsmen and peasants part to allow the group passage. As they got closer to the city’s market there is a low murmur in the air and the smell of fear, many are moving away from the market in haste as guardsmen from other quarters of the city start filtering into the area. The watch captain waves the group down. “It is dangerous my ladies! Quite a crowd has gathered around a group of dissidents,” he gestures into the market square, from this distance all that could be seen are the backs and heads of the crowd. There is much shouting in the native Gryzevlakten language. “I have more guardsmen coming but they outnumber us 5 to one until more of my men arrive.”
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Old Sep 12th, 2012, 04:53 AM
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Claudia had nodded to Aria, and now waved a hand dismissively. "I understand the danger, captain." She How many? In what sort of radius/area? 20ft, 90ft? Most importantly, what exactly is being ranted?
Dice Perception check, Hear the Rant:
1d20+5 (3)+5 Total = 8
considered the crowd ahead for a few moments. She could not make out what was being said over the din. "Chancellor de Lange, can you make out what it is they are demanding?"
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Last edited by Darkshard; Sep 12th, 2012 at 04:56 AM.
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Old Sep 13th, 2012, 04:34 AM
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The square is rather large (about 300x300ft) and is usually choked with market stalls and carts, many of which now are turned over. Produce and goods litter the ground, market wagons and tables are drawn up in rough piles and barricades around a huge group of people. The crowd is composed of primarily600 or so, townsfolk and peasants but there are also a few merchants, all shouting in Gryzevlakten. “LANG LEVE JAKOB BRECHT!” (long live Brecht), “WEGKOMEN! BLUTTEN WEGKOMEN!” (Get out! Eisenblutters, get out!) they shout. There is a group of three men shouting in the centre of the square rallying the crowd but they cannot be overheard because of the crowd.
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Last edited by HuaiXin; Sep 13th, 2012 at 04:34 AM.
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Old Sep 13th, 2012, 02:24 PM
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Aria observes the frenzying crowd.

"It would appear to be a rally in favour of Jakob Brecht"

She turns to the watch captain

"how long will it take for you're forces to arrive? I want the three in the centre apprehended."
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Old Sep 13th, 2012, 05:10 PM
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Claudia shook her head. "How dare they?" she asked of the air, or at least, of no one in particular. Then she strode forward. "Make way!!" she ordered sharply, in Gryzevlakten,
Dice Diplomacy check, ordering people to move away so she can get to the centre:
1d20 3
Dice Intimidate check for the rest:
1d20+ error: mismatched braces or error in mathematical operation on roll (please see the FAQ for help)
Oops, that didn't go well. I didn't add in either of the bonuses, so Claudia got a Diplomacy check of 14 to impress the masses, and an Intimidate of...
Dice Intimidate check for the rest:
1d20+8 (20)+8 Total = 28
Claudia has a +7 bonus to be heard even in poor conditions, if it's appropriate.
projecting her voice. A murmured aside to the Lady Chancellor followed. "Guard my person. I can call on the Lady's power at need, but I need to be away from the melee and the masses if possible."
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Last edited by Darkshard; Sep 13th, 2012 at 05:14 PM.
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Old Sep 15th, 2012, 05:11 PM
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The chancellor nodded solemnly And followed behind her signalling the Watch captains men to follow. She was unsurprised at the intimidating aura surrounding the Diplomat, Claudia knew exactly how to handle people. Her hand grasped the weapon concealed beneath her cloak... hoping she wouldn't need to use it.
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Old Sep 17th, 2012, 05:24 AM
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The crowd is silenced at the command of Claudia, only the bravest dared hiss the curses, ‘wretch’ and ‘witch’ under their breath. Backed up by the 12 town watchmen with spear points levelled, none of the crowd attack but many clutch rocks and farming implements brought in anger. The watch captain remains behind still gathering his men, he is shocked at the noble’s bravery facing down the mob. The rabble rousers turn at the sound of the command, while one is visible shaken the other stare at the approaching party from atop the wagon they were preaching from. They have heavy travelling cloaks and one bears a banner with the Brecht oak tree painted upon it. The leader is tall and broad shouldered, a contemptuous sneer is affixed to his face.
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Old Sep 17th, 2012, 06:57 AM
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"What," Claudia asked, calmly and deliberately, "is the meaning of this?" She would give them a chance to explain - to give themselves just enough rope to hang themselves with.
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Old Sep 19th, 2012, 05:18 AM
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The leader of the group gives out a bark of laughter, “I am just informing the people that they no longer need to suffer under the invader!” he calls.

“Once again we will be free!” another shouts. As the people’s attention is drawn to his partner the front man draws a wheel lock pistol from under his cloak. Time dilates as he fires, the lead ball drills through the air as the discharged smoke vomits from the barrel and pan. There is the soft splat of impact and a cry of pain. The rebel missed, his shot hitting the young guardsman next to Claudia. The man’s warm blood splashes across the two noblewoman’s shoes as he slumps to the ground groaning. There is a moment of silence before the rebel curses and the guardsmen surge forward in anger.
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Old Sep 19th, 2012, 06:30 AM
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Who in the name of the gods allowed him to get hold of a gun? Claudia didn't much care for being shot at, and nearly killed. Not because she feared death but because of the political implications. One spark, and it may cause a riot. "
Dice Diplomacy check)?):
1d20+11 (8)+11 Total = 19
she screamed at the guardsmen, making sure that there was no question it was an order. If the guardsmen charged, the idiot peasants would, not knowing what was happening, certainly riot. She then sank down beside the man who had been shot to kneel at his side. He was still groaning - that meant he was still alive. "Listen to me," she told him, her dark eyes meeting his. "Odvroute has spoken. Now is not your time." She touched her breast meaningfully, then Standard Action: Casting Cure Light Wounds on the guard:
Dice Damage healed:
1d8+5 (4)+5 Total = 9
touched her hand to his chest. Claudia wondered what effect seeing that would have on the gathered throng.

As wounds knit and bone mended, Claudia stood up, rising with the full force of her fury. "I am no invader. I am Claudia von Grief! Daughter of the ancient blood of Gryzevlakte, servant of Gryzevlakte's gods! Did you think that a mere bullet would kill the servant of Odvroute?" She eyed everyone present intensely, making it clear that, as she truly believed, the man had missed because of Odvroute's grace on her. It couldn't hurt for the peasantry to think of her as protected by the goddess. It could not have been my time, at her will. Even if he had struck me, Odvroute grants me the By this, she is thinking of her healing magicpower to repel death at need."These lands are my blood, my bones, these people are my people! and I have walked in the realms of Death
Dice Diplomacy check (remind people she's seriously Gryzevlakten):
1d20+11 (10)+11 Total = 21
Dice Perform (Oratory):
1d20+10 (5)+10 Total = 15
Every word was said with emphasis, to remind them that she was Gryzevlakte's own blood.

She looked about her, and then spoke on. "I see you shot like a coward, to fell an unarmed woman. You are no true Gryzevlakten, but a traitor!" Every nuance of her ringing voice was intended to make it clear to the crowd that the man had just attacked someone Gryzevlakten to the roots. She knew these people. She had tended their sick, helped their elderly to cross over into Odvroute's embrace. She was their priestess.

She did not recognise these men. Perhaps they came from a far village, but she Know:Local (untrained)
Dice Kn:Local (who are these eejits anyway?):
1d20+1 (1)+1 Total = 2
doubted it. They had likely been employed to incite rebellion. The question was, who had sent them. Was it Brecht, or the Imperials?

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Last edited by Darkshard; Sep 19th, 2012 at 07:19 AM.
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Old Sep 19th, 2012, 02:43 PM
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the Chancellor is surprised at the drawn weapon but dies not flinch as it fires. She took her hand from her weapon and extended her hand in front of the surging guardsmen as if to reinforce Claudia's order. Although she was as infuriated as they it would not do well to have a fill scale riot on their hands, especially as outnumbered as they were. The only emotion that showed on her face was a slight downturn in the corners of her mouth, her illustration of disgust.

She tried to gauge
Dice Perception check:
1d20+9 (7)+9 Total = 16
the crowds reaction knowing of Claudias good deeds she assumed they would at least reconsider a full scale attack on them standing before Claudia as she healed the man, he would not get a second shot. Her hands returned to her weapon and she viewed them with a mixture of contempt and suspicion.

"What would stirring trouble do for you're cause here?" she demanded. "If you are so just, why fire upon an unarmed woman and dutiful healer of the people? would Brecht really use such means if he is attempting to gain our favour?"

They claimed to be sent from Brecht but finding out whether they were or not was going to be an entirely different matter.
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Old Sep 23rd, 2012, 08:37 AM
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The guards stop just short of starting a riot, the watch captain runs frantically around the square ensuring none of the other guards misinterpret the situation. The peasants and townsfolk back away in awe of Claudia. “Don’t believe her! She is a medewerker and verrader of the Eisenblutten!” the rebel shouts as he frantically fumbles for powder on his belt but the crowd ignores him as several of the more religious men and women fall on their knees. “Crone, forgive us!” they cry fearfully after Claudia’s display of power. The crowd begins to discard their weapons and tools, dissuaded by the two noble women. One of the rebels leaps from the back of the wagon and tries to worm his way out of the crowd to escape.

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Last edited by HuaiXin; Sep 23rd, 2012 at 08:43 AM.
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