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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 12:26 AM
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I added a rough timeline to the first post showing when most of the student body came in, if you don't want to be in one of those batches it's alright, you were probably found by chance and not when the Master was actively recruiting.
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 03:36 AM
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BasicsIliana Duthamel
  • Age: 14
  • Race: Human

Appearance A splash of vivid vermilion hair heralds the appearance of Iliana, a gangly teenage human girl. Stark red irises showcase the stain of the dark side, a side effect of her first round of 'training' from her schoolmaster. Her small, slightly upturned nose has a dash of freckles across the top, extending to just under each eye.

An early bloomer, Iliana has already started down the path of womanhood. In he midst of an early growth spurt, she is already over five feet tall, and other natural physical developments are well underway.

BackgroundIliana spent many years running through the vibrant forests and grassland near her home on the planet of Alderaan. The lush hills and rushing rivers were calming, a place of beauty and peace. Every year, her family would make a trip to the Cloushape Falls and revel in the natural wonder of the landscape. Iliana's father, Germain, was the stepson of a marriage into a noble family, and still held some slight political power in his district. As Iliana transitioned into puberty, she showed a slight proclivity towards the force, and her parents decided to take her off-planet to learn more about the force from an instructor they had contacted. The instructor turned out to be a Sith recruiter.

Having loving parents can be a slight limiter on burgeoning dark force users, and Iliana's parents were slain in front of her eyes. Iliana had managed to hide in a maintenance hatch when the Sith boarded her parents' vessel. Using a monitor screen, Iliana was witness to her parents cut down by the deep red glow of a lightsaber. Huddled in her hatch, Iliana wept in agony for the few minutes of solitude she would get before the Sith found and pulled her out.

RP SampleIliana sat in a corner, staring into the middle distance as she completely zoned out. A tuft of red hair fell across her face, and she didn't care enough to move it back. All that occupied her mind was the scent of burning flesh, the smell of her parent's mortal wounds smouldering from the cut of a crackling beam of red energy. What now. There's nothing now. The death of her parents had left a gaping hole in her heart, and something... dark, something raw was trying to worm it's way into that pit of despair, loneliness, and confusion.

A slender hand slid across her back, causing Iliana to recoil in abrupt terror--she hadn't even seen anyone come in the room. She nearly began to thrash, to scream, but her mind was filled with a cold, logical comfort. "Shhh, darling," the figure cooed, the word wrapping around her mind like a cold cup of water. "You know of pain, of anger, of sadness. We all do. It is what makes us real, makes us alive." Iliana looked up, brushing the hair out of her face. Her speaker wore a simple black mask with no noticable features. "Now, I could ask you to hone your anger, your sorrow, turn it into a weapon... but these are the tools of lesser people." Iliana could feel the eyes behind the mask, burning into her own as she frantically tried to shake off the mental lock to no avail. "Your gifts... they are the gifts of grace. Eloquence. Seduction." That made Iliana's eye twitch. "Not all wars are won through violence, child. I will teach you a much more powerful weapon than any lightsaber or blaster. That weapon... that art form... is diplomacy."

OOCYeah, I like talkers better than fighters. Also, just to make it clear, I don't condone underage abuse--this is to set the tone for her growth as a Sith and later lifestyle.
+1 internet to anyone who recognizes that picture without checking the link for clues.

Last edited by Tiax; Jan 12th, 2016 at 05:28 AM.
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 06:42 AM
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ApplicationName: Tekura Tamaar
right-aligned image

Age: 14
Race: Omwati

Description: Tekura stands just shy of five foot, he is very lightly built and one might even say he looks fragile. His skin is pale blue in colouration and he lacks even the slightest amount of facial hair, atop his head is a wild mess of pure white hair that is uncontrollable no matter what is done to it, though it may appear to be hair it is actually much more like the feathers of a bird. Tekura's eye are a brilliant deep blue and shine with curiosity, behind those eyes is a brain that is constantly working thinking of new ideas and analysing multiple problems. Tekura dresses in durable clothing that is often messy from engine fuel or the like and it is rare not to see the pockets of Tekura's outfits either stuffed full of tools or spare parts.

Personality: To put it bluntly Tekura is a technological genius though his affinity for machines and computers has resulted in his social skills being rather neglected. Tekura can seem cold and uncaring even ruthlessly calculating at times. Tekura is much more at home with his head buried in a computer or some complex machine and when he has to actually deal with people he tends to freeze up or become flustered far too easily. In particular Tekura struggles talking to women and in the presence of an attractive woman Tekura can go from an unprecedented genius to a spluttering idiot in a matter of seconds. Tekura also has a tendency to get over excited by technology and discovering a new piece of software or hardware can make the young Omwati wildly excited and begin to talk at a mile a minute in techno babble that few understand. Tekura also paints himself as a rather timid and cowardly pacifist that hates confrontation. Most consider Tekura someone who is easily bullied however while Tekura shies away from physical confrontation he is not one to let himself get walked over without a response. While at the time of confrontation Tekura might seem like a stuttering coward his aggressors will often find that down the road they come off far worse as while Tekura might not fight back physically he often puts his technological skills to work to seek retribution. More than once has some thug picked on Tekura only to have an accident several days later.

Background: Tekura was born aboard an imperial research vessel known as The Catalyst, while officially Tekura's parents were scientists and engineers who willingly served the empire in actuality they were slaves of the empire who were forced to use their brilliant minds to develop weapons and advanced technology to help maintain the empires technological superiority. Tekura's conception and consequent birth had not been authorised by the imperial overseers and as such his parents were harshly punished, fortunately they served too much of an important function aboard the research vessel so it was eventually decided that they would be allowed to keep the child. Tekura was therefore raised in isolation in the Omwati's tiny room with his only contact being with his parents or the caretaker droid that they had built to help look after the child while they were busy working.

For the first few years of his life Tekura saw no one but his parents and instead of toys to play with Tekura had circuit boards, bits of machinery and computers. By the time Tekura was five the inquisitive child was already stripping apart whatever he could get his hands on to discover how it worked. By the time he was eight Tekura had a better understanding of computers and how they worked than most adults four times his age and in order to entertain himself in the small room that was his world he would routinely slice into the ships computer system and absorb all information available to him. By the time he was nine Tekura had worked out the security system on the door to his room and while his parents were at work he would override the controls and sneak out to explore the ship. While this was the boys first glimpse of slight freedom it eventually ended in disaster as he was discovered by one of the ships security teams and badly beaten for being where he was not authorised to be. This first beating at the hands of the imperial security officer led to a distrust and fear of strangers in the boy that would over time gradually grow and become a lot stronger.

When Tekura was ten the vessel he was on were studying supernovas in an attempt to create a new super weapon for the empire, during the research however the vessel drifted too close and the shields were overloaded by an intense burst of radiation badly damaging the ship and killing a large number of the crew. Blaming the accident on Tekura's father the commander Eddard Toth killed him in cold blood. Fearing for her life and the life of her child Tekura's mother Tanaria took the opportunity amongst the chaos to sabotage the ship's engines and sensors and launched all of the escape pods which she sent in different directions. Smuggling aboard one of the escape pods the pair managed to escape the imperials however that did not mean they were safe. The escape pod was only ever designed to be short ranged and after travelling far beyond its maximum distance the engines eventually failed. For some time the pod merely drifted in space until it was caught by the gravity of a planet. With no control the pod crash landed upon this world, fortunately the pod was designed for such a landing and despite being badly damaged it survived. Tekura however was immediately knocked unconscious.

When Tekura awoke it was to a strange hissing noise. A wicked scorched wound now half encircled the hatch to the pod and as he watched it continued expanding at the point where a strange red beam of light was penetrating the craft.

Once the scorch had fully encircled the hatch the entirety of the hatch was suddenly and violently pulled away allowing cool air to rush in. Standing in the new entrance now stood a lone black clad figure bathed in blood red light from the weapon that he carried.

OOCTrying for something different as I'm sure we will have a lot of combat brutes.

Might go for a more skill based class but take the force sensitive feat to make a techno Sith

Last edited by Alatere; Jan 17th, 2016 at 01:47 PM.
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 11:07 AM
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In fear of sounding like a real d*uch, 30 BBY lands you smack between Episode I and II. The Republic is still the ruling government, though is crumbling under the strain of internal fighting. Anakin is two years into his training under Obiwan.

But since we don't run with the cannon I guess it's okay
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by XQbitor View Post
In fear of sounding like a real d*uch, 30 BBY lands you smack between Episode I and II. The Republic is still the ruling government, though is crumbling under the strain of internal fighting. Anakin is two years into his training under Obiwan.

But since we don't run with the cannon I guess it's okay
wow, what a d*uche.
lol. Just kidding.

I am interested in this game. It seems you're hitting a star wars sweet spot, with the new movie coming out and all. Everyone's dying to play some!
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 12:47 PM
Zazaq Zazaq is offline
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Okay I put the wrong date in the ad then, I know it was thirty years before some battle. It's meant to take place right after the empire took power, like 4-5 five years after episode 3.

Last edited by Zazaq; Jan 12th, 2016 at 12:47 PM.
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 04:56 PM
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Name: Tzua
Age: 14
Race: Human

Appearance: Tzua has a head of roughly shorn blonde har and piercing eyes. Long years of hard labor and meager meals have made him short for his age and very thin.

Background: Tzua was born a slave on the industrialized moon of Nar Shaddaa. He has worked in one factory or another as far back as he can remember, never knowing how he came to be there or what became of his family. The work alternated between dull, back breaking, and hazardous but Tzua was stubborn enough to persevere. Often abused by guards or other slaves and seldom sufficiently fed, he has become a bitter and angry child.

Nar Shaddaa and that life are now a full year gone. The hardships and brutality have, if anything, increased since he came to the academy but hopelessness has been replaced by ambition. The academy has become a crucible in his mind, one that promises freedom one day if only he can master its secrets.



Last edited by ultrasmurf; Jan 17th, 2016 at 09:07 AM. Reason: Added Tzua's outlook on the academy
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Old Jan 12th, 2016, 06:12 PM
Zazaq Zazaq is offline
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Apps are looking really great so far, though I might have to make the Master a wee bit more ruthless then he was before to make some fit, lol.
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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 02:09 AM
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Sorry, I must withdraw to hectic work situation.
Good luck for all applicants.
STATUS : Not so good... T.T
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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 11:09 AM
Zazaq Zazaq is offline
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Your anzati sounds interesting, though I'm definitely not taking two of that species, but I gotta tell you that none of the players are starting with lightsabers, sorry. You can start with proficiency.
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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 01:43 PM
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Name: Krynn Jarr'yll
right-aligned image

Age: 13 (Brought in 5 years ago, at age 8)
Race: Mandalorian Human (There is no mechanical benefit or cost to this unless you make one in game, which I am open to (either as a pro or a con, role-playing is more fun with some chaos!)Sith bloodline)



No fate but what you make.

Last edited by BangBangTequila; Jan 29th, 2016 at 01:33 PM.
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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 05:55 PM
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Just signaling that my first post was converted to have my application.

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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 06:38 PM
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All good, i'll edit the post to reflect that. The Anzati race has always fascinated me, from the first time I read Dannik's story in Tales from the Cantina
Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... Do things.
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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 06:47 PM
Zazaq Zazaq is offline
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To be honest the whole telepathy thing and the ability to consume force users/gain their power worries me. I definitely don't want one player to have a huge edge over the others.
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Old Jan 13th, 2016, 07:53 PM
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The way I am reading the race, the drain is an attack power in essence, but I don't gain their power. And it isn't just force users. Though from what I understand, Force users were 'tastier.'

As written reads: A successful unarmed melee attack against a grappled, stunned, or helpless creature allows the Anzat to inset his proboscises into the creature's brain (usually through sinus cavities) and drain its 'soup.' (The Anzat can furl and unfurl the proboscises as a free action.) A successful attack stuns the victim, and the stun effect remains until the Anzat withdraws the proboscises or dies. Only a victim who is not already stunned is entitled to a Fortitude save to negate the stun effect. Each round of feeding deals 1 point of temporary Constitution damage to the target creature. The target dies when reduced to 0 Con points. Once an Anzat begins feeding, he is compelled to consume all he can. Only the risk of death will cause him to leave a meal unfinished.

If we scratch the telepathy/stun completely, I don't think its too far out there. Without the innate stun, any victims would be able to save on the stun from the attack, as well as I understood it to be basically a full round action for me as well. And unless I missed something I don't believe a character gains anything from consuming an npc. Seems more of an RP event/sustenance.
Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... Do things.

Last edited by Darays; Jan 13th, 2016 at 07:54 PM.
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