Sleep is but an eclipse of life, and time merely the perception of change. |
i know. crazy, ain't it?
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
If a spell can be cast as an immediate action, can you then also recharge your points as a standard or full round action in the same round?
Sleep is but an eclipse of life, and time merely the perception of change. |
O.o i think i just found a spell that gets completely and utterly broken by sculpt spell... do i have this right? Legion of Sentinels PHB II page 116, it's original size is 10x10 creating 4, but sculpt spell would allow you to create 4 10x10 blocks creating 16 or a 120 foot line creating a line of 24(edit NOT 120 of them...) of them...O_O; I mean i am pretty sure this is right because it works with spells like color spray and grease which have smaller areas and become larger with sculpt spell...
edit the extra stats that are in the mini spell description but not in the large...for some reason “The swordsmen’s attacks are at a bonus equal to your caster level, they threaten critical hits on a 19 or 20, and they deal 1d8 points of slashing damage with a +1 bonus per three caster levels (max +5). They only make attacks of opportunity, and their weapon damage is slashing and is affected by damage reduction.”
Sleep is but an eclipse of life, and time merely the perception of change. Last edited by Kael Vonrik; Dec 8th, 2008 at 02:38 PM. |
Technically, i think you may be right... but I think most DM's would instead have that 4x4 block broken into 4 single blocks.
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
Oh yeah....
regarding recovery: currently a standard recovery allows or both immediate and swift spells to be cast "the same round" as when you recover. AS soon as you have the points, you can use them. So you could theoretically cast a swift spell, recover the points, then blow them on an immediate action later the same round. I quesion if perhaps the swift action should b used to recover along with the standard action kinda like the warblade... but at that point folks may as well always use daptive style. you only have a move action left over anyway. I am a bit concerned about spamming 5h leel quickedned spells at level 17+... but I don't want to remove the option. It's nice when really needed... even if it's REAL expensive. Higher level playtesting shall reveal if this works or not. I believe ther are a few feats out there that give folks acdess to a few spells per day or something. I'm thinking to allow those to grant unlimited access to 0 level spells. nice little perk that is in no way unbalancing. No official write up though.. just pondering.
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
Well i know it is acceptible that grease is increased by it usually. It has the same dimensions as this spell originally but it gets increased to x4 in size also
Sleep is but an eclipse of life, and time merely the perception of change. |
works for me
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
flare is a spell very like gravemist. the spell is immediate, so it would be defined as "exigent"... though as a 0 level spell that doesn't matter.. it doesn't cost anything to use it.
graemist fatigues the target, and they recover after resting as per normal fatigue rules. flare dazzles the target. the effect lasts a minute, but has already take effect. there is no maintenance. it is a instant effect that just takes tim to wear of. This is consistent with rules so far, though I am really appreciating 4e's consistent mechanics. I never really considered how haphazard 3e spells were til going through this process. but this system still holds consistent. A minus1 to hit, search and spot is a decent price for a standard action. I think it's balanced... we'll see if we run across more such spells at higher levels to consider. Once you drop this cat, I'll do a full recap here of how it went, and we can discuss our impressions. Thanks again for being involved, folks!
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
Sleep is but an eclipse of life, and time merely the perception of change. |
The MIST has to be sustained.. the fatigue effect does not. I thought I made that clear. I can always be better
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. |
I'll be giving my thoughts and encouraging discussion at the conclusion of any combat situation.
I want everyone who reads this to be welcome to give comment and observations. That includes lurkers as well. 1st fight:cat thing in the cave http://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthrea...79#post3016579 This was a cr4 with an extra HD thrown on top. This was effectively an animal intelligent with a territory issue. so tactics were pretty limited.. attack the nearest/most damaging threat and run if it got "too damgeous" .. but the thing got cornerd, and fatigued. pretty straightfoward. squishy casters kept far away, so were not physically threatened, use of summoned stuff helped take the heat off the swordsage acting as a striker. Almotire is obviously optimized for AC, and at this level, is nigh-untouchable. so less damage was dealt to her than would otherwise been appropriate. The TCW has DR, so what damage was dalt to it was diffused effectively. An encounter whose EL = party level SHOULD drain about 1/4 of the party daily resources... 1/4 hit points, spells, special abilities, and disposable gear. The party has NO disposable ear worth mentioning... but Ala did fumble an attack, effectively disarming her self one round. Deeg spells: mage armor lvl 1 sus 1pt shield lvl 1 sus 1pt MS3 lvl 3 sus 5pt kelgore lvl 2 sus 3pt magic missle lvl 1 exg 3pt seeking ray lvl 2 hyb 9pt total 22 pt Granth spells: TCWarrior lvl 3 sus 5pt fire shurikan lvl 2 exg 9pt fire shurikan lvl 2 exg 9pt total 23 pt alamotire maneuvers: cloak of deception lvl 2 boost 3pt cloak of deception lvl 2 boost 3pt total 6 pt jethro spells: flare 0 level 0pt total 0pt Both Deeg and Granth took a full round to recharge around round 4... total of 6 rounds were spent on this fight. a 5th level wizard has 3 2 1 1st 2nd 3rd spells. a 6th lvl sorceror has 6 5 3 1st 2nd 3rd spells a swordsage of any level would have to spend a full round to refresh any boost or maneuver. ala hasn't realy broken loose yet, nor has jethro.. so maybe next time. but the arcane casters-- granth has exhausted the 3rd and 2nd level spells for the say as a wizard (plus the extra fly spell to get there) Deeg cast 3 fly spells to get there for the team but he also spent 3 1st, 2 2nd, 1 3rd level spells oin the fight.. his full wad as a 5th wizard So they have spent significantly more than just a 4th of their wad for the day.... but it still took 6 rounds to finish off this oponent. what would normallly put the casters out of the game for the rest of the day is still fine. and they didn't really outperform alamotire here... she did the majority of damage. This is due to the fact taht they have unlimited resources. if they actually would have the normal allotment of spells per daqy, I don't htink they would have so liberaly used spells... they would be spent for the day with more pootential threats.. this would have left them with nothin to do significant quite a few of the rounds. We are seeing a LOT more spell use than the game ssumes to be used.. we'll see how this affects future balance. others' feedback? oops! I"m having a bit of a conflict... I've mentioned things like blindness and baleful polymorph NOT being permanent unless xp is invested... but i'm saying that the effect of the fatigue of mist is "permanent" until proper rest... this is inconsistent, and I need to resolve it. The easiest solution is to allow baleful poly and bliness to work as normal.. permanent as a exg effect. but this can be abusable as a spammed spell. making castes virutally limitless in turning armis into chckesns etc with no limit. The other option is difficult... placing a limit on ALL spells that if the target strays from the limit of the spell range, the effect drops. I think option #1 is better, easier to maintain, and requires zero modifications. this also makes casters MUCH more powerful in society.
Current game: 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Eberron Spelljammer Planescape Mayhem I'm also looking for some folks for a Darksun E6 skype game... I paint sometimes too. My most recent work is on the cover of Explosive Runes #18. Last edited by Fil kearney; Dec 20th, 2008 at 11:41 PM. |
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