There are two options, and whichever you commit to, you can't switch afterwards, or mix and match.
Option 1: You role for your HP, including all numbers. No re-rolling 1's or any such nonsense. Live and die by the dice.
Option 2: You take full HD at level 1 and half HD at levels 2 and beyond.
Any available race can be 1/4 of any other available race. Besides the associated RP changes, mechanically the PC will trade any one racial trait from the primary race and replace it with a racial trait from the secondary race. I will be adjusting each matching separately to make the changes more fluid on a case-by-case basis. For stats, the PC will use the primary race's adjustments.
Each race will have the following array for racial ability scores: +2, +2, -2 or +4, -2. For races that already have these built in, do nothing. For races that list too many (orc) or too few (human) adjustments of either category, the player chooses which scores they'll be adjusting, in consultation with the DM. Remember, if you're unsure what you want to do, always ask the DM.
PCs may improve one statistic (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, or CHA) one point every three levels, as opposed to every four.
All skills must be rolled. If you want to use a skill, roll for it - you CAN'T take 10, even outside of combat. However, you don't need to roll Perception every time you enter a room or turn down a street. As heroes, you just naturally notice things.
This rule is waived for item creation skill checks.
All players gain 2 "Knowledge Bonus Skill Points" per level that can only be used on knowledge skills, profession skills, craft skills, or perform skills. They also gain one additional Knowledge Skill as a class skill. For every 1 point of Intelligence bonus a PC has, they gain an additional Knowledge Skill Point per level.
Knowledge: Planes will not be used. Players will remain firmly in their plane. Whenever this skill would be needed, use Knowledge: Arcana instead.
Each language known beyond Common grants a +3 bonus towards Knowledge: History.
Each language known provides situational bonuses:
Knowing a local language provides a +5 bonus to Knowledge: Local checks.
Knowing a race's language provides a +5 bonus to Knowledge: Nobility checks.
Knowing a local language provides a +5 bonus to Knowledge: Geography checks.
If there is more than one language, these bonuses stack when more than one language is known.
Common is excluded from these bonuses for non-humans.
Appraise can be used on magic items with a 30 + * DC modifier, where * is equal to the item's caster level.
Skill Checks normally requiring training may be used untrained at a -10 modifier.
All healing spells out of combat heal the maximum amount of damage. In combat healing is still rolled. Potions are rolled regardless.
Combat Maneuvers only cause an AoO on a failed attempt, allowing PCs without the relevant feat to still be able to attempt trips, disarms, and so on without provoking automatically.
Attacking a target with the intent of knocking it unconscious is a standard action. You take a -5 penalty on your attack roll if the target is aware of the attacker; otherwise, the penalty is -2. If your attack hits you knock the target unconscious for 1d10 rounds (roll this in place of your damage), unless the target survives a Fortitude save (the DC is 10 + the attacker's strength bonus), which results in the target being staggered. Repeatedly attempting to knock the same target unconscious raises the target's Fortitude save DC by +4 (per attempt).
Hero Points have no upper limit.
All magical items that confer numerical bonuses to the player, i.e. +1, +2, etc., can be upgraded for the appropriate financial price. Since characters don't pay outright for these things, then they can place it on thier wishlist - for example, upgrading a ring of protection from +1 to +2. Items can't make jump more than one number at a time - they can't suddenly be increased from +2 to +5, for example.
* The Vital Strike feat tree can be used as part of a Spring Attack.
* Leadership is illegal. No followers, cohorts, or hirelings.
* Agile Manuevers is a free bonus feat for all characters who possess Weapon Finesse.
Scribe Scroll: Instead, if base price is less than 250 gp, scribing a scroll takes 15 minutes, otherwise, scribing a scroll takes 1 hour for each 1000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing 1/10 this base price.
Brew Potion: Instead, if base price is less than 250 gp, brewing the potion takes 15 minutes, otherwise, brewing a potion takes 1 hour for each 1000 gp in its base price. To brew a potion, you must use up raw materials costing 1/10 this base price.
Craft Wondrous Item: Instead, crafting a wondrous item takes 1 hour for each 1,000 gp in its price. To create a wondrous item, you must use up raw materials costing 1/8 of its base price
Craft Wand: Instead, Crafting a wand takes 1 hour for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a wand, you must use up raw materials costing 1/6 of this base price.
Craft Magic Arms & Armor: Instead, enhancing a weapon, suit of armor, or shield takes 1 hour for each 1000 gp in the price of its magical features. To enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, you must use up raw materials costing 1/5 this total price. Also, you can also mend a broken magic weapon, suit of armor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs 1/10 the raw materials and 1/2 an hour for every hour it would take to craft that item in the first place.
Forge Ring: Instead, Crafting a ring takes 1 hour for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a ring, you must use up raw materials costing 1/4 of the base price.
Craft Rod: Instead, crafting a rod takes 1 hour for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a rod, you must use up raw materials costing 1/3 of its base price.
Craft Staff: Instead, crafting a staff takes 1 hour for each 1,000 gp in its base price.
Cooperative Crafting: Instead, both PCs working together each role the relevant skill check, and then add the 2 results together for the final number.
Create Reliquary Arms & Shields: Instead, cost is 125 gp.
Create Sanguine Elixir: Instead, cost is 25 gp and time is 10 minutes.
Craft Construct: Instead, crafting a construct takes 1 hour for each 1,000 gp in its market price. To craft a construct, you must use up raw materials costing 1/2 of its base price. Furthermore, Craft Construct no longer requires any other feats to acquire.
Craft Poison: Instead, if the base price is less than 250 crafting poison takes 15 minutes per 250 gp, while crafting poison takes 1 hour for each 1000 gp if the base price is 1000 or over. To craft poison, you must use up raw materials costing 1/3 of its base price.
* Each group of raw materials creates 1 vial, which in turn has 5 uses.
Craft Everything Else: Instead, if the base price is less than 250 crafting everything else (one item at a time) takes 15 minutes per 250 gp, while crafting everything else takes 1 hour for each 1000 gp if the base price is 1000 or over. To craft everything else, you must use up raw materials costing 1/4 of its base price.
* Crafting hours do not need to be consecutive.
* More than one item can be crafted at once, as long as the cost is paid up front.
* Any natural creature from the Bestiaries can be crafted as a construct.
* Summoned creatures and / or objects remain after the spell has expired. They are not returned from whence they came.
* Summoned creatures and / or objects are no longer under the spellcaster's control after the spell has expired.
* Summoned creatures and / or objects can be dismissed via magic back to the place of their origin, though as such spell has a 10% chance of failure.
* Summoned creatures and / or objects convert to a true neutral alignment upon being summoned. Their thoughts and actions then redefine their alignment.
* Summoned creatures and / or objects are rated on a scale of the danger they present to the world. Highly dangerous creatures are returned to their plane or destroyed. Less dangerous creatures and cooperative creatures are allowed to remain in certain parts of the Pelagos that are acceptable to summoned creatures, and are usually escorted there. These include, but are not limited to: The Lands of Fey, Junglelands, most NW islands, and the Isle of Darkness.
* Summoned creatures and / or objects are dealt with by an organization called the "Hunters," whose first priority is the safety of the citizens and natural creatures of the Pelagos. Their second priority is peaceful negotiations. Hunters have embassies on most independent islands and nations.
* Teleporting beyond the horizon results in requiring a 1d100 dice check. 1-5 results in the player being deposited in the Void Ocean, and 96-100 results in the player being deposited inside the Boundary, and instantly destroyed.
* Gates are non-functional, and creatures born on Adnatu cannot teleport off of Adnatu, nor can they be forced off through magic.
All creatures possess alignments. However, it is their actions that dictate what their alignment is, not the (traditionally) other way around. Alignments exist for magical and mechanical reasons, such as protection spells.
I personally find Pathfinder to be lacking in equipment options compared to the game it succeeded (at least in spirit), DnD 3.5. For that reason, I'll rule (and usually allow) pre-made equipment, poisons, magical gear, etc. from the following DnD 3.5 source-books. The key here is to list the book and pg number when requesting to use a piece of equipment, to make it easier for me to take a look at things. If there's a book you're interested in, always ask me. A book - not a magazine. If I don't own it, I'll say no, but I'm not listing every book I own.
Arms & Equipment Guide
Deities & Demigods
Manuals of the Planes
Savage Species
Book of Exalted Deed
Masters of the Wild
Song & Silence
Book of Vile Darkness
Drow of the Underdark
Miniatures Handbook
Complete Adventurer
Oriental Adventures
Stronghold Builder's Guide
Complete Arcane
Exemplars of Evil
Player's Handbook 1
Sword & Fist
Complete Champion
Player's Handbook 2
Tome & Blood
Complete Divine
Hero Builder's Guidebook
Psionics Handbook
Tome of Battle
Complete Mage
Hero's of Battle
Races of Destiny
Tome of Magic
Complete Psionic
Hero's of Horror
Races of Stone
Weapons of Legacy
Complete Scoundrel
Libris Mortis
Races of the Dragon
Complete Warrior
Lords of Madness
Races of the Wild
Defenders of the Faith
Magic Item Compendium
Agenda in a time of fear: Be not afraid.
When things go wrong, do right.
Last edited by Atalla Wanderer; May 9th, 2018 at 08:24 PM.
* A Barbarian can rage while unconscious at a cost of 3 points per round.
* A Bard's Jack-Of-All-Trades grants the ability to take 10 on all skills at level 19. This overrules the must-roll-skills rule.
* A Bloodrager can bloodrage while unconscious at a cost of 3 points per round.
* A Bloodrager can have access to two Bloodlines.
* A Bloodrager gains a Bloodline Feat at 1st Level.
* Flurry of Blows is a standard action (instead of a full-attack). Brawlers may flurry with a single weapon.
* Improved Natural Attack applies to Brawler unarmed attacks. This is not an indication that a Brawler gets it for free.
* Most creatures can be taken as a mount, pending DM approval.
* A Cleric can either access: 1) 3 domains or 2) both sub-domains for each domain.
* If an archetype would limit a cleric to a single domain, instead the Cleric can access: 1) 2 domains or 2) both sub-domains.
* A Druid can access their second nature bond at level 11. They treat themselves as a level 1 Druid for the purposes of this bond.
Example: If a Druid takes domain spellcasting at level 1, she is eligible for an animal companion at level 11. However, that animal companion is treated as if bonded with a level 1 Druid. At level 12, the animal companion is treated as if bonded with a level 2 Druid, and so forth. All other leveling is normal.
* Weapon Training starts at level 1 (so, a total of 5 increases to Weapon Training, instead of 4).
* Weapon Mastery applies to a Weapon Group, not a single weapon.
* All firearms will only be Early Firearms.
* All weapon specific feats will apply either to pistol type or rifle type weapons, instead of to each individual type. For example, Weapon Focus: Pistol, will grant it's benefits with a pistol, a pepperbox, a revolver, a rapier-pistol, etc.
* Gunslingers may choose to use Charisma instead of Wisdom as their source of grit. This makes much more sense with the gunslinger concept for me. Someone who uses a weapon that not infrequently explodes should not be a person with high Wisdom. This choice must be made at first level and cannot be changed at a later date.
* Scatter Weapon Misfires: Instead of a misfire occurring only when -all- attack rolls against creatures in the target area come up as misfires, a misfire will occur when more than half the attack rolls against creatures in the target area come up as misfires.
* Daring Acts can regain hit points.
No change.
* All allies of the Inquisitor also gain the benifits of teamwork feats known by the Inquisitor.
* An Inquisitor can access: 1) 2 domains or 2) both sub-domains.
No change.
* A Magus gains skill points equal to 4 + INT modifier.
* Flurry of Blows is a standard action (instead of a full-attack). Monks may flurry with a single weapon.
* Improved Natural Attack applies to Monk unarmed attacks. This is not an indication that a Monk gets it for free.
* Ninjas can sneak attack from any distance (as opposed to the 30 feet limit). If the target is killed by the attack, the Ninja gains an additional move action and a +10 to Hide that turn (unless the sneak attack is seen by another enemy, at which point the hide bonus is void).
* An Oracle gains an additional revelation at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17.
* Most creatures can be taken as a mount, pending DM approval.
* A Paladin can access their second divine bond at level 15. They treat themselves as a level 5 Paladin for the purposes of this bond.
Example: If a Paladin takes bonded weapon at level 5, she is eligible for an celestial mount at level 15. However, that celestial mount is treated as if bonded with a level 5 Paladin. At level 16, the animal companion is treated as if bonded with a level 6 Paladin, and so forth. All other leveling is normal.
* Ranger combat styles are not limited to archery or two-weapon combat. Any combat style with the sufficient number of feats will be considered. DM approval is required.
* Rogues can sneak attack from any distance (as opposed to the 30 feet limit). If the target is killed by the attack, the Rogue gains an additional move action and a +10 to Hide that turn (unless the sneak attack is seen by another enemy, at which point the hide bonus is void).
* Most creatures can be taken as a mount, pending DM approval.
* A Shaman can have 2 Spirits, and the Shaman chooses 1 of the 2 hexes or abilities each time new hexes or abilities are automatically granted.
No change.
* Slayers can sneak attack from any distance (as opposed to the 30 feet limit). If the target is killed by the attack, the Slayer gains an additional move action and a +10 to Hide that turn (unless the sneak attack is seen by another enemy, at which point the hide bonus is void).
* A Sorcerer can have access to two Bloodlines.
* A Sorcerer gains a Bloodline Feat at 1st Level.
*A Summoner's Eidolon has full HD.
No change.
* A Warpriest may choose 3 Blessings, instead of two.
* Each Patron has 2 Themes, and the Witch chooses 1 of the 2 spells each time new spells are automatically granted.
* A Witch can choose to have her casting stat be Charisma instead of Intelligence. This choice, once made, cannot be changed, and furthermore must be made during the initial character creation phase.
* A Wizard can access their second arcane bond at level 11. They treat themselves as a level 1 Wizard for the purposes of this bond.
Example: If a Wizard takes a bonded object at level 1, she is eligible for a bonded familiar at level 11. However, that familiar is treated as if bonded with a level 1 Wizard. At level 12, the familiar is treated as if bonded with a level 2 Wizard, and so forth. All other leveling is normal.
*A specialist Wizard only has 1 opposition school (in normal circumstances), but is unable to cast any spells from that school.
Agenda in a time of fear: Be not afraid.
When things go wrong, do right.
Quarter Casting refers to Paladins, Bloodragers, Rangers and other classes with a maximum spell level of 4.
Half Casting refers to Alchemists, Summoners, Bards and other classes with a maximum spell level of 6.
Full Casting refers to Wizards, Clerics, Sorcerers and other classes with a maximum spell level of 9.
The Class Feature Exchange is a system in which players may exchange gold for class features from classes other than their own. A PC may not take more than [their total level number] class features at a given time, be it a standalone, a progressive, or magic, though multiple levels of progressive features may be taken in a single purchase. Please note that these are merely guidelines and are subject to the will of the GM.
For Progressive and Standalone Class Features (i.e. Sneak Attack or Poison Use) formula per item is ((Class Level+1)^2*250gp), where level refers to the level of the feature based on its original class progression, in this case Rogue, or Ninja. That means that at first level, in the case of Sneak Attack, you would pay ((1+1)^2)* 250)=1000gp. In order to take the next increase at 3rd level you would pay ((3+1)^2*250)=4000gp, which is a difficult goal by 3rd lvl but if you are interested in committing to this then it may be worth it. Also, this is not a forced progression system, so if you buy in at 1d6 sneak attack for 2000gp, you don’t HAVE to pay for the next one in two levels. You can wait until you are lvl 13 and have a bunch of disposable cash and want to pick up a couple more d6’s worth of precision damage. Or you could pick up Barbarian’s Damage Reduction 1 for ((6+1)^2*250)=12250gpk.
As for Magic and Stuff, for a 1st level of full spellcasting one would pay [(Maximum Spell Level)^2]*(Class Level)*50gp. What they are purchasing is the first level of casting ability for the specific class that they chose. For example, wizards would get 0th lvl spells plus three 1st lvl spells plus one per intelligence mod. She would be able to cast three 0th lvl spells and one 1st lvl spell per day. If the character purchased a 2nd lvl of wizard, the casting would advance as though a level of wizard had been gained, though this is the only feature of wizard that would be gained. Over the course of 5 lvls the character would pay 60750gp.
Note 1: The level of the purchased property becomes the effective level of the purchaser.
Note 2: You cannot purchases abilities higher than your own level.
Agenda in a time of fear: Be not afraid.
When things go wrong, do right.
Last edited by Atalla Wanderer; May 9th, 2018 at 08:27 PM.