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Old Nov 25th, 2020, 02:48 PM
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Keeper's Corner

The Legendary Campaign Through fate, you have assembled in London from across the globe. No mean feat for January 1, 1923. You are by a fraction attuned to the world beyond. The shadows hold mind-bending secrets, dark secrets, and you have become privy to just a few. These are the threads that bind you. You are the people that know there is more. You are Investigators of the unknown, and that unknown cares about humanity like a boot cares about ants as it crushes them into oblivion.

Yet, you are all that stands between these dark shadows and the end of all mankind. Who are you? Unexpected heroes? Hardly. There are no heroes when compared to the might of the beyond. You are all simple people striving against the dark. The great expanse beyond us is likely to drive some mad, others may be lucky and simple die. Even fewer may survive to hold back the dark-for a time. You have been called to investigate a simple disappearance in London based on your tiny exposure to the unknown. What happens afterwards will be the epic story as you become the last hope for the mortal world.

ExpectationsI am the founder of the CallHill, a community of Play-by-Post players and game masters that have established a high standard of writing and storytelling. My strengths lie in storytelling, character building, and world building. My weaknesses are attention to game mechanics and details. I tend to start and finish more games than most. I expect players to participate and have a bit more autonomy to their story telling. In general, if you write without assuming advantage or too much agency of the story, I will accept your story. I will listen to, and fix, mistakes.

The game will be built with distinct scenarios with established goals to create leaping on and leaping off for players. If bandwidth is low, hop off. If bandwidth is high, stay for a few scenarios. The segments tend to be short and lend themselves to this approach. Be aware, the attrition rate was 70% in the first play test (death or insanity). I am going to make some changes to make you more durable, but expect you may lose your investigator. I will try to make all character deaths or losses meaningful with variable success on my record from the past.

Please avoid power gaming. I am going to use suggested rules for arms, customs and contraband to create an internally consistent world. Bonus sanity points will be awarded for particularly well made posts that add historical or cultural references to deepen our immersion.

Expectations for YouCallHill Standards are thoughtful posts with well-made character blocks that are aesthetically pleasing and with correct spelling and grammar. The occasional two liner will make sense, but if your average post is one paragraph, then don't join this game. In my games we build the atmosphere and storytelling together. I expect mature posts with gravitas necessary to keep a horror atmosphere. Humor is great, but anachronisms and potty humor should be kept to a minimum. This is not Monty Python.

Character CreationRoll ability scores and assign as you wish: skills have a 75 max to start the game.
Occupations:This campaign is long and arduous. All types of skills will be used. Start with a character concept then go from there.

Useful Skills: Archaeology, Disguise, First Aid, History, Library Use, Listen, Locksmith, Mechanical Repair, Natural World, Navigate, Occult, Psychology, Science (Biology,Engineering, Physics), Social skills (Charm, Fast Talk,Intimidate, Persuade), Spot Hidden, Stealth, Throw, as well as Fighting (Brawl) and the odd Firearms skill. Languages (English, French, German, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Latin). Please note, a lot of this is on a train! Tommy Guns on trains are a bit tough to hide, handle etc. Hunting rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and pistols make much more sense.

Other changesWe will be using 7e Luck and Push Rules. Investigators start out with 1.5 normal starting hit points due to the deadly nature of this campaign. Skill increases will occur after every scenario. While unrealistic, this will increase survivability of the players.

Letters to HomeEach scenario will require a "Letter to Home" from the Investigators. The NPC you send this to is your backup Investigator. Please keep them developing in your mind as the game moves on.

PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Nov 25th, 2020 at 03:18 PM.
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Old Dec 8th, 2021, 04:48 PM
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Les Fleurs Du Mal
Calais to Paris
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The team of porters took the baggage and would not tolerate the guests to take their own possessions. They had a duty to perform and they would do it, by God. The team of investigators moved around the freight train blocking their ride, and when they had a clear view, they all stopped short in awe.

The Simplon Orient Express was a beautiful train-breathtaking. The blue and gold cars were impeccably kept. The craftsmanship and detail of the cars was stunning. Nearby the cars stood the porters, dining car staff, and conductors. Henrietta saw one take out a pocket watch, check the time, then bark a command to the porters. The string of carriers seemed to move a skosh faster, and they gained distance from the investigators who remained stunned by the beauty of the train.

A quick stop at the sleeper car showed continued opulence. Each member of the team had their own car purchased by Dr. Smith, first class. The expense was incredible. The porters placed small bags as instructed by the guests, and the rest were taken to the baggage car. After that stop, the group was led to the dining car while waiting to depart.

The bar and adjoining dining car did not disappoint. They too were colored blue and gold. The upholstery was ornate and elegant, the accents in gold tasteful near the point of excess. The bar car was empty, but beyond the investigators could see workers preparing for guests, and a few other early arrivals eating brunch. One waiter looked through the glass from the dining car and gave a nod. He would be with them shortly, it would seem.

The investigators were alone on the Orient Express. The search for the Simulacrum was on.

The KeeperWhat would you like to do?





PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Aug 29th, 2022 at 02:56 PM.
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Old Dec 14th, 2021, 02:27 PM
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Cheapside takes its name from ‘chepe’, a Saxon word for a market. The street connected the southern end of the Roman Watling Street with the main City settlement to its east and its alignment was dictated by a convenient bridging point across the River Walbrook. Cheapside was once the main street market for the City of London.

Market buildings were constructed along the roadside from the late twelfth century, with low roofs that later formed viewing platforms for jousting tournaments. At that time the layout of Cheapside was more like a marketplace than a street: up to 62 feet wide but with very narrow exits at each end. Side streets acquired names that indicated their early specializations: fishmongers traded on Friday Street, while Honey Lane, Milk Street and Wood Street are self-explanatory. Cheapside itself became the center of the jewelry trade, where most London goldsmiths sold their wares, but it was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666.

The Great 'Fire of London' in 1666 decimated Cheapside, and when rebuilt, the area took on a more modern design. It was laid out afterwards with the bottlenecks removed, forming a continuous link with Poultry, the connecting street to its east. It took some time for Cheapside to recover from the economic effects of the Great Fire but over the course of the 18th century it regained its prestigious status and in 1775 a visitor observed that with its “many thousands of candles … the street looks as if it were illuminated for some festivity,” although this was just for everyday trade. Most of the street was rebuilt with blocks of offices from the late 19th century, with shops retained at street level.

St. Mary-le-Bow is one of the most well known parish churches in London, entrenched in city folklore. Located in the Cheapside area, it has a long and tumultuous history, having been re-built several times over the centuries. Its famous bells ring out regularly across the city, and traditionally, people living within earshot of Bow Bells are considered to be "Cockney".

The KeeperWhat would you like to do?


PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Feb 5th, 2022 at 02:43 AM.
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Old Dec 23rd, 2021, 04:23 AM
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PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper
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Old Oct 19th, 2022, 11:40 AM
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Les Fleurs Du Mal

Remi Vangeim
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Remi looked at Milly and then down at the floor. The librarian held some notes in his hands and pulled at them while furtively looking up at the guards. Remi began to speak in heavily accented English. " There is trouble in France, mes amis. The workers protest." Remi looked at Milly and then Henrietta carefully. After a moment, he seemed to make up his mind, and led the team forward to a small consulting room behind the front counter. He closed the wooden door behind the investigators and moved around a simple table to a wooden chair. He gestured for the others to sit down.

Nikka, caught up in his thoughts, watched the librarian and his suspicions were heightened when he saw a folded newspaper and an object tucked inside. What could he possibly be holding? He felt his hackles rise and that the group might be in danger. Disarm them, then get them into an empty room. It didn't make sense in such a public space. Why would Remi be arrayed against them? Remi saw the agitation in Nikka, and asked, "Are you all right, mon ami? Has Monsieur Connell have you worried?" To Nikka, the man seemed to be mocking him-he was mocking the death of Connell!!

Mei made her way after Nikka, lost in thoughts. She felt a chill run across the back of her neck. Her hair moved unnaturally. She was inside the National Library of France and there should be no breeze. You cannot hurt me... Mei heard in her ear. She spun around quickly, looking for the source of the sound, but saw nothing. When she turned back to follow Nikka, her mouth blew a cold breath. Her chest felt seized by cold and Mei shivered. Her eyes opened and Jimmy was there at her side, looking concerned.

"You coming, luv? Are you all right?" Jimmy's head snapped around as he too saw his chilled breath. Then, suddenly the atmosphere lightened. The rest of the team moved into the consulting room, and Mei and Jimmy followed.

The KeeperWhat would you like to do?
Mei and Jimmy 0/1 Sanity Roll.
Begon has a secret message in discord.





PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Oct 31st, 2022 at 01:38 PM.
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Old Dec 14th, 2022, 10:26 AM
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Les Fleurs du Mal
Cachet du 14 septembre, 1952
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The Hotel Claridge, Paris, France January 1923.
Mei sat in the cab watching Paris roll by. Her face was warm after the rebuff by Hilly, and when she saw the numerous resources shutting down for the day, her mind wandered to Jimmy. He had the look of the rogue to him. The young woman took catalog of the investigators, wondering what tools they would bring to the team.

Henrietta was decorum, prestige, and analysis. Nikka seemed quite physical and brave. Jimmy seemed sly and quick witted. And Hilly, Hilly was ...what was Hilly? That was hard to say. He was clearly not a cat burglar or sneak. The taxi ride was a quiet affair as the two in charge of the library search digested the day's discoveries.

The Sedefkar Simulacrum was not going to give itself up easily, nor Compte Fenelik. Still, Remi had proved useful, and the research team had traction. Likewise the Diabolus Singulare would track soon. Mei smiled that already she had contributed to this essential mission. The smile retreated when she thought of the strange sensations she and Jimmy had felt in the lobby of the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Mei felt sure that the experience had been real, and eerily familiar somehow.

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Imagine breaking into a museum! Common work in China, I suppose! Hilly scoffed inside at Mei, wondering what else the young woman would get up to. If the British tolerated such loose cannons, England would be speaking German! A tidy and orderly command was of the utmost importance. That meant following the rules.

When they reached the Claridge, Hilly marveled at the beauty of the building. The diver attended to his door, then Mei's and the investigators had to endure the cold for a few moments while the attendant opened the door for them. "Bienvenue à l'Hôtel Claridge. Passez un merveilleux séjour," noted the attendant. The doorman had a snow white mustache and beard, well trimmed. He wore a standard doorman's uniform, but had an ascot to keep him warm. He gave a tip of the hat to the pair and opened the door into opulence.

The bustle of the lobby in no way diminished the grandeur of the Claridge. A high large room carpeted with rich Persian rugs awaited them. The duo stpped down two stairs into the hotel, and a large cherry wood table covered with a large floral arrangement awaited them. Above was an intricate crystal chandelier which seemed to defy gravity given its size. In one corner a cello and violin played Hadyn in D Major with impeccable concert. Uniformed bellhops, clerks, and concierges moved about the room in a nigh-choreographed pattern. The lobby was filled with chatter, and a number of guests sat in plush upholstered chairs and divans.

Hilly led Mei through the lobby and to the desk to check into the hotel, and the clerk smiled while doing the work to find the investigators adjoining rooms. The Professor's fortune was more than adequate to keep the investigators in style. At least they need not worry about that. The rooms were assigned, but at the last moment the clerk placed a package wrapped in simple brown paper on the counter in front of them.

"Monsieur, voici votre colis. Il est arrivé ce matin. Remise en main propre de Londres, je Sir, here is your package. It arrived this morning. Hand delivered from London, I believe.crois."

Hilly looked at the package from London, and noted the return address was missing. There were two initials: "P.S."

The Keeper Onward!




PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by Bluejack; Dec 14th, 2022 at 11:26 AM.
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