Our Setting: The Haven Isles (Lands, Icons, Maps)
Locations of Note These names are taken from The Midderlands OSR Mini-Setting & Bestiary, produced by MonkeyBlood Design & Publishing. While we're not in the green-tinted Midlands of Britain for this adventure, the wider world that was designed for the setting is where we're going to base our game. Great Lunden (see Londinium) From the capital of Goman Britain to the present day, the city within the Goman walls has changed hands, but more or less remained in the same place. It is now the capital of Havenland and the seat of Her Majesty's power. The Great Library, home and focus of the Archivist is located here, as well as the Great Museum. Cantberry and the Cathedral (see Durovernum) The fortress town of the Cantii has developed around the large religious and administrative complex built in the time of the Gomans, now the Archbishop's Cathedral and surrounding city. Came Bridge and the Schola Magicum (see historic Cambridge) The Archmagus' Schola Magicum is located in the city of Came Bridge, on the River Cam (a tributary of the Great Ooze River). It and the adjoining Schola Bibliotheca were established with the help of the Archivist and his Orders (namely Orange Librarians and Azure Teachers). Gwynned and the Court of Stars (see historic Wales) The region generally referred to as WalesOldenwale, including the princedoms of Gwynned, Powyd, and Glammargan, is primarily under the control of the Faerie Queen, and she is most commonly found in the area known as Gwynned. She has a court of sorts, known as the Court of Stars, but it is an ever-changing forest location within the Gwyndonia Forest that seems to shift without clear reason known to outsiders. Oxenford and the University (see historic Oxford) Recently the Archivist has established his University from the ever-growing local teaching center of the Azure Order, turning the historic river settlement controlling access between the south of Havenland and the geographically speaking, not The Midderlands as refers to the setting as a wholeMidderlands into a center for learning as well as trade. Undermountain (see Ben Alder) Built beneath and within Mount Alder (Scrotland) is the new dwarven city of Undermountain. This is where they moved after Underhome was taken and spoiled by the dark elves with their taint of Deep Middergloom (or so the dwarves claim). Undermountain contains the stronghold of the Dwarf King, known as Throne Under the Mountain. (Not marked on large map... yet. Hex G02.) Last edited by Aethera; May 31st, 2023 at 04:04 PM. |
Icons of the Haven Isles [ The Haven Isles | Icons of the Haven Isles | City of Great Lunden | St Abbans ] Most d20 games have powerful NPCs who shape the world behind the scenes. 13th Age brings them forward, making these thirteen powerful NPCs into icons the PCs will aid or oppose over the course of each campaign. As the world is shaped by the joint efforts of the players and Game Mistress, more details will be added in italics to flesh out these blurbs. Excerpt from core rulebook, page 12. is the Voice of the Gods and speaks for those who please him. Whilst dedicated to Gael, personally, he represents all the faiths of Havenland, even the bad ones—they all have their place in the world. He is part oracle, part mystic, and part metaphysical engineer, since he created the Cathedral, an ever-expanding temple with rooms or entire wings for each of the faiths he favors. Though his temple city at Cantberry is his home, he spends considerable amounts of time in Great Lunden as one of Her Majesty's advisors. Cantberry is the Archbishop's home and center of his power. The Archbishop regularly resides at Havenland Abbey in Inner Ward of Great Lunden, fairly centrally locatedBishopsgate. acquires knowledge and organizes his multicolored Orders of teachers (azure), librarians (tangerine), scribes (burgundy), curators (golden), and sages (purpura) to be the guiding light of Havenland regardless of race or creed.Please note: there is no publicly-known (read: Secret) green Order, though there is green threaded into the Archivist's rainbow-colored silk rope cincture.** He is responsible for the Great Library and Great Museum in Lunden, the University at Oxenford, and had a hand in the Schola Bibliotheca in Came Bridge. Wherever there are people gathered, the light of the Archivist will have some toehold. The Great Library in Lunden is the Archivist's home and center of his power. has preserved Havenland (indeed, the Haven Isles themselves) for centuries, whether magic was accepted, shunned, or actively purged and created astonishing new sights, including some of the Overworld. Both the current Archmagus and those who came before him have also threatened the fabric of reality with experiments you’d have to be brilliant or hugely arrogant to attempt. Came Bridge, home to the Schola Magicum and Schola Bibliotheca, is the current Archmagus' home and center of his power. is lord of Undermountain (in Scrotland). He’d love to reclaim the dwarven Underhome lost to war against the dark elves and the creatures of the deeps. But now that Havenland is stumbling, the dwarves find themselves manning the mountain walls that shield the Haven Isles from the orcs and monsters of the north. Undermountain, the Underworld city and home of the dwarven people, is the Dwarf King's home and center of his power. rules the Court of Stars, the one place where wood elves, dark elves, and high elves come together as peers and allies instead of as rivals or enemies. All those with a tie to Faerie have a place in the Queen's Court. Honed by centuries of experience, the Queen’s innate magic at least equals the Archmagus' spells. The Court of Stars in Gwynned is the Faerie Queen's home and center of her power. watches over the dead and rituals performed for the deceased. Very little is known about the tall and slender figure of the Hooded Lady (alternate title), but the few times she has been seen, it was in the Dead Ward of Great Lunden—the massive graveyard. She is not always present (or perhaps does not wish to be found), but it is widely believed that she has some authority over the dead that she wields to keep them on their side of the veil. The Dead Ward is associated with the Grey Lady, but no home or center is known. rules Havenland from her palace in Great Lunden. She is Queen Elspeth IV or sometimes ‘The Mad Queen’ behind her back. She rules over all of Havenland and is keen on placing the heads of traitors on spikes around her palace. She is surrounded by sycophants. Notably, she has over forty "slobbering, nodding, grovelling, back-stabbing, scheming dukes, all eager to keep their heads." (Excerpt from Midderlands setting.) Rather than trust these sniveling weasels, Her Majesty's chosen agents are 'The Ten', great lords and ladies of the land whose purpose is to assist and advise Her Majesty in some aspect of her rule. (Notably, The Most Reverend Synus Balm, the Archbishop, is among these ten advisors.) Much of IrelandEmeraude, WalesOldenwale, and ScotlandScrotland is claimed by other Icons, not all of them friendly to the civilized world. All the signs suggest that the age is turning, but will Havenland fall or shift to a new balance? Great Lunden, capital of Havenland, is Her Majesty's home and center of her power. seems to simultaneously unite the black market organizations of Great Lunden, the roving bandits removing coin from travelers, and even some questionably revolutionary groups. While no saint, he is known for robbing the rich and feeding the poor, and is reputed to be a former Lord who was removed from his position (or perhaps ousted by a favorite of Her Majesty's, no one really knows), but whomever he is, he must have ties high up in governmental positions all over Havenland to persist as he does. The Lord of Bandits' location changes without warning and his home base is unknown. leads the charge against magic in Havenland. Though the extreme purges of the last two centuries are no more due to the increased understanding that magic is not inherently evil (and magical assistance for crown and country), this has not stymied the Witchfinders. It is said the cells beneath the Grand Malefizhaus are always full, and the folk in larger cities—the first places to have begun accepting magic—question whether that is entirely necessary. Still, the Witchfinder General is one of Her Majesty's trusted Ten, and unless he suddenly finds himself in disfavor, the witchfinders will continue their witch hunting. The Witchfinder General resides in the Grand Malefizhaus in northern Outer Ward of Great LundenAldersgate, which doubles as the headquarters of the organized witchfinders. On the Havenland Icons Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elspeth IV rules Havenland with an iron fist. 'The Mad Queen' (behind her back) likes to decorate her palace walls with the heads of those who have disappointed her. She keeps a council, known as 'The Ten' who are her advisors and lackeys in the city of Great Lunden and beyond. These are her officers, her confidantes, even. They are of higher position than the forty dukes in nominal control of the forty shires. These she jokingly refers to as the Unroyal Court. Answering to them are the Lords (or Ladies) of each town. From among them, perhaps, came the Lord of Bandits, who has begun a slow campaign against Her Majesty both in the city and at large, seeming to be in many places at once. 'The Green Bandits' as his people call themselves, move through the "green" spaces between towns with far more ease than any humans have any business doing, but Her Majesty's agents have found no signs of translation: anarchists, non-humans, or other non-conformistsundesirables aiding them, either. Only whispers have reached H.R.M.'s agents of something stirring in the depths of the Cairn Chase Forest. Whether the two have anything to do with one another, they don't yet know. The forest is known to be a hazard of the meaning the geographic center of the isle, not the setting as a wholeMidlands, so such rumors have been quashed, for now. The Archbishop, the Most Reverend Synus Balm, has been asked for counsel on the subject, but so far has only indicated that he has requested information in both divine and mundane ways, and he is certain he will have answers shortly. It was suggested by one of the Ten that the Archbishop approach the Grey Lady for her insights, but Reverend Balm was adamant the suggestion bordered on heresy. The Hooded Lady sometimes witnessed in the Dead Ward might have insights into the deceased, but she is no dread necromancer to force them to do her bidding. It is given to her to watch, not wade in. As information is what is sought, the Archivist's counsel was also called for. His response was simple; he did not know, but if it were known, he would have more information to send on soon. Unfortunately he admitted a similar request had been made by the Lady of Cairn Nook some months earlier, with no better response. This has not reassured H.R.M.'s agents. It was also suggested a missive be sent to the Archmagus, but the Witchfinder General, one of Her Majesty's Ten, objected, restarting yet another squabbling match over magic being allowed to "fester in the heart of the realm". Whether any such communication has been sent or not, no answers have come from Came Bridge or the Schola Magicum. The Witchfinder's men have gone out in search of answers, but it becomes ever more apparent that the witchfinders will jump at every shadow that goes boo. They see no hierarchy where magic is concerned, and cannot focus on a further afield problem when faced with any common lass with a lazy eye. It is this kind of reaction that has them out of favor with many nobles, it's only fear and the Witchfinder General's favored position close to Her Majesty that maintains their foothold in Great Lunden. Beyond that, who can say? There is a Dwarf King in the Scrottish Highlands, it is said, and more than one account of the Faerie Queen in Oldenwale. Does every story amount to truth? How about the black knight said to both champion the people and wreak havoc in the north of Havenland, or the alchemist whispered about in village circles? What of the fae warrior who steps out of mushroom ringsfairy circles when the moon is dark? Or the supposed female with a cow's head in the barrows beneath the city? Last edited by Aethera; May 27th, 2023 at 01:42 PM. |
City of Great Lunden Click on the map for a larger version.[ The Haven Isles | Icons of the Haven Isles | City of Great Lunden | St Abbans ] The eleven inner wards of the city are bounded by the Great Thameswater River and the defensive city walls. Those that dwell within the inner wards are referred to as ‘innards’ and are considered by those in the outer wards to be stuck up and rich — at least in comparison to themselves. Outer Wards North of the Great Thameswater River, excepting the Inner Wards, or south of the Great Thameswater River are the outer wards of Great Lunden, with a range of uses from the middens of Midden Ward (and the midden workers of Harrow Ward) to the Queen's Estates. Great Thameswater River The most famous river in Havenland. This wide, moderately-flowing river is the lifeblood for many of the city’s residents. The downside of being close to the estuary is that all the rubbish, dead things, and waterborne diseases from the activities of those upstream come through the city on its way to the sea. (The sewer systems of the city also feed into the river.) This fetid water still supports a diverse ecosystem. All manner of unspeakable things make the river their home. Lunden Bridge is the largest bridge in the city, and the only way to cross the Great Thameswater River without using the Thameswater Ferry or a suitable boat. Queenswater The Queenswater is the fifty-foot-deep moat at the base of the city wall which protects all of the Inner Wards. The water level is kept low, to allow for some spill from the tidal range of the Great Thameswater River. Six bridges span the Queenswater, each protected by a gatehouse. Water is fed in from near the outlet of the River Wart, and underwater sluice gates of iron and stone in the northwest corner of Rotterhithe between the Gaol and the city wall can be raised to prevent the high tide waters from overwhelming the moat. River Wart The only tributary that enters at the city’s outer wards, the River Wart is a relatively short, but slow-flowing river. Fishermen in coracles and spear fishermen on skiffs make heavy use of the river for their living. No one is allowed on the river stretch adjacent the Queen’s Royal Palace estate, and anyone entering it is shot at with ballistae from the watchtowers. The days of the abbey are divided up into six four-hour time periods;
In the city, rarely are people awake before dawn unless they have to follow the sun for the care of their livestock. More likely, the sun rises at the same time as the people of Lunden (approximately 6am), and they should be working by the time the Nonce bell rings (8am). It is the start of the workday, which tends to last until after the Vapours bell (4pm), but most city folk are able to be home for dinner at approximately sundown (6pm). To get a solid night's sleep, most people begin to retire as early as the Evensong bell (8pm), and they are definitely asleep by midnight. Maps were created by Glynn Seal, cropped and selected as needed for our game. Please ignore alphanumeric system, it's irrelevant to us. Tomegate (Inner Ward) Tomegate, the Scholarly Ward (as opposed to Tomegate, the actual gate in the city wall), is home to most of the academic and intellectual pursuits of Great Lunden. (Directly north of Lunden Bridge, at the city wall.) B3. The Great Library Home of the Archivist (the highest Library tower), as well as the heads of two of his colored orders: the Great Scribe of the Burgundy Order organizes his scribes from the Hall of Records and the Great Librarian of the Tangerine Order keeps the library. B46. The Lost Quill The Lost Quill is owned and run by Theophilus Bone, a talented scribe and manuscript illuminator. He is also an adept writer of secret missives, for which he has adapted special inks. As the name might suggest, Brothenward boasts the best inns, taverns, and kitchens in Great Lunden. Follow your nose to whatever smells best, but be mindful of your purse. Depending on your coin, you might find almost anything edible to your fancy. From House Pottage and Brothenward Broth to Alderwych Rhubarb Pie and Midderlands carp steaks, almost every cook or chef in the ward has their own takes on the familiar, standard dishes, while some boast foreign foods such as FrenchGaulandian frogs in asparagus sauce, SpanishEspanerian seafood with rice, and ItalianItalican cheese and tomato bread wheels. Signs visible from the first block of Broth Road: D2. The King's Coin D3. The Three Bells D4. The Smith's Hammer D5. The Bitter Twig It is said that ‘if you can’t get it in Marketgate (the inner ward, as opposed to the actual gate), then you can’t get it in the Haven Isles’. This inner ward is full of all manner of warehouses, shops, bazaars, stalls, and merchants. Split into three distinct areas by Bridge Street and Barter Street, the western part of the ward is known as ‘Cheapside’, the central part as ‘Middleside’, and the eastern part is known as ‘Shinyside’ on account of the more luxurious wares the closer east you go. (Very center of Inner Wards and spreading east to Marketgate.) B5. Lucky Bazaar (Middleside) The Lucky Bazaar is a large, four-story building with a central atrium that has its own tented marketplace within the grounds. A colonnaded walkway around the inner perimeter separates the tented market area from the main merchant area. (In-game description from Bats of Saint Abbans, Chapter One can be found here.) B6. Hog's Emporium (Middleside) — Check out the Emporium thread for all your gear needs. Hog’s Emporium has the reputation for selling the finest traveling gear in the city. Tents, bedrolls, camping paraphernalia, rations, rope, iron spikes, ladders, lanterns, sacks, casks, waterskins, and the like can be found on the shop’s hooks, counters, shelves, and stands. Cripplegate (Outer Ward) Cripplegate has a thriving black-market, although a potential customer is as likely to find almost anything for sale as he is to get mugged. Lookouts stand on street corners and whistle varying tunes to alert their masters of looming trouble. C56. Church of Gael D1. Saint Ruself's Home for Wayward Orphans An orphanage, one of many. It's import is not so much widespread as relevant specifically to those who had the misfortune to grow up here. Loosely related to the Church of Gael, one of the primary gods of Havenland, the nuns who run the orphanage are strict and humorless, and their punishments border on the ridiculous, even for Great Lunden. More to be added as needed. Last edited by Aethera; Jul 12th, 2023 at 02:35 PM. |
Great Lunden Proper – The Inner Wards
The eleven inner wards of the city are protected by the defensive city walls and the river, but also by divine rituals maintained by the Archbishop which protect the inhabitants from teleporting ne'er-do-wells or dangers arriving via dimension doors. Flight is next to impossible here, even for those who can take on bird form—who quickly learn there are locations that just "feel off" and push back any attempts to fly over, an effect most severely protecting the Tower of Great Lunden and the Queen's Estates to the east. On the rare occasions when the wards falter, it's not uncommon to see a green aurora or shimmering green particles that glitter in midair, almost as if you could reach out and touch them... Last edited by Aethera; Jul 5th, 2023 at 04:50 PM. |
The Outer Neighborhoods of Great Lunden
coming soon Last edited by Aethera; Jul 5th, 2023 at 05:02 PM. |
Beyond Wards and Outside Great Lunden Proper
Beyond the wards of Lunden lie agricultural spaces for miles, all of which is necessary to feed the city. These farms are all worthy of representation at the Farmer's Guild, which is found in Aldersgate (Inner Ward). Last edited by Aethera; Jul 5th, 2023 at 05:13 PM. |
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