Toffingwatch is a Victorian village in the mountainous northlands of an alternate England. The tech is driven by steam power or counterweighted clockworks. Spirtualists, mediums, Eldritch horrors, hell-gates, and fairy hunters abound. The mountaintop is a barren mesa where the earth has been scorched away by the cult, but just below the compound, the hilly landscape is lush and green and lovely. During the rescue, the adventurers may head out away from IDK and into the woods for cover. There they must negotiate the dangers of wildlife, rivers, and precipitous drops, all while trying to escape their pursuers, and reach the haven of the town. Once in the town, the cryptids can safely shapeshift and disappear. It is hoped. In each location, there's a chance the heroes might find the artifact that links the cult to Akhiogh'ma, the Eater of Worlds. If they can find it and destroy it, they might free more than just the cryptid.
Established by Enoch Irondawn’s father, IDK presents as a corporation devoted to discovering healthful salves and elixirs. The first floor has a tidy reception area, clean-looking labs with glass walls, and display cabinets full of efficacious products. Visitors are discouraged by the long trek and the strange wildlife in the woods, but intrepid souls are treated to a quick tour and a sample of Irondawn’s Surefire Sick-Headache Remedy (thick red sugar-water with the smallest pinch of cocaine) and sent packing ASAP.
But just up the hidden staircase to the upper levels, the cult is researching much more sinister “products” all designed to cause enough mayhem to summon their god and end the world. Right now, all focus is on using the cryptid’s bodily effluviam to see the future. Step one: remove all the cryptid’s organs. Step 1: Purée. Then conduct various experiments to determine if ingestion or topical application is more effective…
Sure, this looks like an innocent conference room, presided over by a bust of IDK’s founding father, Enoch Sr., but why is that glaring light overhead, and why are there pegs and ropes jutting up from the table’s surface, and why do strange surgical instruments line the windowsill?
Here in the conference room, the cryptid has been lashed to the table. Now, the great experiment will begin.
Artifact tracker: It is rumored that the cult's powerful artifact is hidden in the bust of Irondawn himself. Could it be the key to disabling the infernal machines of the cult and its minions?
Should the cryptid escape the building and make it across the barren mesa, the near vertical wild woods await!
The steep hill is cut by deep misty ravines and rivers—-most deep enough for Enoch Irondawn to use as a fast road to pursue in his steam powered submarine.
Artifact Tracker: Some say the cultists have hidden their dark artifact in one of the pine trees, and that its location can only be revealed in moonlight.
Toffingwatch is a quaint Victorian town, but with more fairies and gears. Here a multitude of mimic cryptids live unseen, and an equal number of prognosticating cryptids hover at the edges of the townfolk’s vision. Once inside the borders, rest assured mimics and predictive alike will rush to enfold and secret away the escapee—and they will know to be much more careful about chaos magic in the future!
Steam Jet Spewing Robots
Exactly what they sound like, these enemies have no soul, no anima, limited intelligence, and can hold a single mission in their memory banks. Perhaps they are found in the woods, with the instruction “Guard the perimeter of the Kompound,” or maybe on the submarine, where they must “protect the founder.” Perhaps their mission is simply “kill the PC.”
Artifact Tracker: With skill and the right materials, the robots can be tinkered and retooled to perform tasks for the PC. Even "find the artifact" or "attack the founder."
The Man in the Yellow Hat with the Clockwork Face
Rumors in the cult suggest this is actually the desiccated, re-animated corpse of Irondawn Sr, his brain replaced with weighted clockworks, still doggedly on mission to bring about the end of the world. Certainly he stinks of decay and formaldehyde…
Artifact Tracker: Some cultists have argued that the safest place for their most precious possession would be right inside the yellow hat.
Doctor Enoch Irondawn in a Submarine
Doctor Irondawn should appear in his sub at the last river crossing—with the bell tower of Toffingwatch visible above the treetops.
Artifact Tracker: If the cult's artifact has not yet been discovered, it might be on Doctor Irondawn's person, or hidden inside his submarine.
Roll a d6 after post #12. This plot twist can be introduced at any time, even right at the end.
1. Which Way?!
The PC loses the cryptid they're trying to rescue. If they are playing the escaped cryptid, then one of the NPCs gets lost instead.
2. Romance Strikes!
The Cryptid falls hopelessly in love with the PC. If they are the Cryptid, then one of the NPCs falls in love with them. This romance can be intense platonic devotion.
3. Alignment Surprise!
The cryptid is actually evil! If they are the cryptid, then one of the cultists or a supposed ally is revealed to have the opposite alignment than the one they're presenting.
4. Change the Goal Posts!
The town is not actually safe. Gotta make a new plan.
5. Tear-jerker Finale!
In order to save the cryptid, one of the rescuers must be sacrificed. If the player is the cryptid, then one of the NPCs must die to save them. If this noble sacrifice is made before 47 posts have been written, the player can take over another character.
6. Dad? Is that you?
The cryptids are connected in some unexpected way with the PC's backstory. If they are the cryptid, then they are connected in some unexpected way with one of the NPCs.
Roll a d6 after post #24. This complication can be introduced at any time, even right at the end.
1. Hey Cutie, Where Did You Come From?
A magical puppy appears.
2. Look Out Below!
A deep pit opens.
3. This Should Do the Trick
A mysterious key is found.
4. Suddenly Seymour
A strange plant grows.
5. Elementary, my Dear Cryptid
Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson arrives for a cameo.
6. A Face in the Clouds
A storm rages, swelling the rivers and slowing the PC.
Roll a d6 after post #36. This encounter can be introduced at any time, even right at the end.
1. Beast - Unblinking Opossum
2. Plant - Cthulily
3. Construct - Nurse Rachet
4. Fiend - Impstagrammer
5. Person - Carmen or Diego, the Innocent Lost Cyclist
6. Elemental - Consumption Elemental
Unblinking Opossum
Unblinking Opossums are animals the cult has caught, modified, and released to patrol the wilds that separate IDK from the little town below. They stealthily follow any humans they come across in the wild, transmitting simple information about location, movement, and actions. They can be spotted with a successful perception check, easily killed or frightened away, and upon a successful medicine check or sleight-of-hand, can be relieved of their brain-hat and goggles, at which point they might become very loyal to the PC.
A hostile plant "cult"ivated to discourage looky-loos and randos, Cthulily is hostile to the PC. It has a movement speed of 10 feet per round, so it is easy to outrun, but it compensates by casting Eldritch Horror-ticulture. On a failed Wisdom save the PC has the Incapacitated condition, allowing the plant to creep over and attack with its tentacles or clawed roots. The save can repeated at the end of every turn, with advantage if the PC has taken damage.
Nurse Rachet
Automated Medic-Bot assigned to monitor the cryptid during captivity, Nurse Rachet is imprinted on the Cryptid and tracks it relentlessly. On a three roll, she catches up. She has a limited vocabulary and says things like, "There, there. Let me make it better," and "You may feel some discomfort," and, "Hold still, please. This is for your own good." She is armed with a syringe that can incapacitate the cryptid. She will attack if the PC intervenes.
The Imp-stagrammar is an inquisitive tourist from the Hells who is here to document every exciting second of its trip. Downside? It Uploads all its pictures to Tantlinstagram. Some cult members have accounts, so if this happens, they can get a bead on a PC's location. The Imp can be killed or---like any devil---is open to bargaining. Mind the fine print.
Carmen or Diego, the Innocent Lost Cyclist
Carmen and/Or Diego may be exactly what they seem---an innocent denizen of Toffingwatch who has lost their way while cycling. If befriended, they can offer the mimic cryptid easy cover or help speed up transport. They might also be another Cryptid out to save the captured one, a cult member, or a love interest for the PC.
Consumption Elemental
The Consumption Elemental was created by run-off waste from the cult's medication manufacturing plant. They float harmlessly unless attacked, at which point they fight to the death. If a PC or ally comes within 30 feet and fails a constitution check, they contract a disease and immediately lose 1 HP. Until the disease is cured, the PC coughs blood spatters into a delicate hanky. They also can’t regain hit points except by magical means and their hit point maximum decreases by 1 every 24 hours. The disease can be resolved by PCs with magical healing abilities, and Cultists and The Man in the Yellow Hat with the Clockwork face carry antidotes. On a successful medicine or nature check, the PC may find counteractive herbs in the wild.
Rime of the Frostmaiden | What Can Good Girls Do for the Devil?
Nothing Ever Happens in the North | Coppernight Hold | Gates of Paradise
Anya | Mercy | Jane | Bingle | Josie | Strip-the-Willow | The Bwbach
The Amazing RPG Race | Exquisite Corpse
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Aug 5th, 2023 at 01:38 PM.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Jul 16th, 2023 at 05:04 PM.