How to deternine when to roll a die or not? - RPG Crossing
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Old Jan 21st, 2024, 07:52 PM
rpggal33 rpggal33 is offline
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How to deternine when to roll a die or not?

Besides combat, how to decide when I am required to roll a die or not?
I read through some roleplay threads and see some members rolling a die even when there is no combat.
Why is this so? And how do I know if I am required to roll a die or not?
I am quite confused by this. Sorry, new to rpging.
Old Jan 21st, 2024, 11:15 PM
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Usually it would be the GM asking players to roll dice. A classical example is a roll for perception: does the player character (PC) notice they are about to be ambushed or not?

Sometimes players add a roll to their post to save time, after all, if the GM needs to post first, then the player respond it could easily take two days in a forum format. But as long as a GM doesn't ask you to do that, you should be fine not adding a roll.
Old Feb 6th, 2024, 12:57 AM
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It can differ in PbP vs tabletop.

As Dworin said, some roll in their post to save time. As a GM I usually ask them to do that 1. When there is a chance of failure (not simple things like climbing a ladder), and 2. in TT tags.
The first saves time, and as a GM I can either use or ignore it and don't have to ask for as many rolls.
The second maintains the You still read text normally without a DICE breakflow of the text and immersion.

In tabletop, it is a lot easier to ask for a roll since it only takes a few second rather than a potential day.

Just started a new job. Working on getting my time straight.
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