I have taken the oath of Sangus.
Vannie |
In a previous life I stood with Ecthelion, Lord of the House of the Fountain and my Lord at the North Gate of Gondolin and again back at the Fountain of the King. 'Twas my job to keep the lesser minions of Morgoth at bay whilst Lord Ecthelion fought the greatest of the enemy. Three Balrogs he did kill at the North Gate ere one put a sore hurt on his shield arm with his whip of flame. Finally the numbers were too great and we retreated to the Fountain, Lord Tuor of the House of the Wing providing aid to Lord Ecthelion. There at the at the Fountain Lord Ecthelion did slay the greatest of the enemy's lieutenants, Gothmog, Lord Of Balrogs and High Captain of Angband, sadly at the cost of his own life.
I tell this tell so thee can understand that in the very fiber of my spirit I understand what an oath is. For 'twas an oath we took to the House of the Fountain to protect the Fountain and the Square of the King, to protect King Turgon, and to stand honorably with Lord Ecthelion at his beckons. Now, good oaths there are and evil too. The Oath of Fëanor was one such that was wrought in haste and turned to evil purposes. But this oath is not such a one. This oath I take freely. Here and now I freely take the Oath of Sangus.
”Come back carrying your shield, or on it.” ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς |
I too shall take the Oath of Sangus.
I promise to never disappear without taking time to let folks know what's up.
I have taken the Oath
I have taken the Oath of Sangus |
"By posting here, I agree to take the Oath of Sangus. In doing so, I promise to never simply disappear from a game, either as a Player or a DM. When Real life happens to me – and it will – I agree to find 3 minutes to post so that the others in the game know I have left, and if I shall return or not. I give my oath to never just vanish from RPGx without a post, even though it may be very brief. If I lose interest in a game or for ANY reason want to stop playing, I will let the DM/other players know I am leaving."
-= D Y S T O P I A N =-
Buy my first eBook of art and poetry. Sub to my YouTube channel. Join me on TikTok. Taken the oath of Sangus. |
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New Here? Try a New Player Solo Game Systems available: 3.5e, PF, 4e, 5e, 13th age, CoC, DnD, FATE and Traveler. Will you swear it? Take the Oath Here. 6/22/22: New Status Update Here |
Yeah, I'm not a flake. I hate those people. The only way this oath can be broken is by sudden and unanticipated death.
I hereby take the oath of Sangus, but attach a footnote thusly:
I have no interest in the sex lives of dogs and cats, and if they decide to sleep together I do not hold judgement over their lifestyle, and am accepting of all consensual relationships between adults- whatever age that might be for the related species. |
Although I am not entirely certain when or if I will be able to play alongside the various DMs, GMs and players frequenting these here halls, I nevertheless do solemnly swear to never leave a game, real or hypothetical, in either a temporary or permanent manner without a post of warning before or even during my absence.
Barring circumstances that take the ability and/or choice to do so out of my hands entirely at least. Or, for that matter, my hands themselves, as my feet are currently not quite as adept at typing as my upper extremities. That being said, being of sound... eh, more or less... mind and body, I freely take the appropriately capitalized Oath of Sangus. The occasion does call for a capital letter or two, I feel.
"We'll have to go out through the kitchen." I have taken the Oath of Sangus
The Oath of Sangus
I take the Oath of Sangus
By posting here, I agree to take the Oath of Sangus. In doing so, I promise to never simply disappear from a game, either as a Player or a DM. When Real life happens to me – and it will – I agree to find 3 minutes to post so that the others in the game know I have left, and if I shall return or not. I give my oath to never just vanish from RPGx without a post, even though it may be very brief. If I lose interest in a game or for ANY reason want to stop playing, I will let the DM/other players know I am leaving.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
Name: Beetle/Bee | Pronouns: They/Them BLACK LIVES MATTER! GAY AND TRANS RIGHTS MATTER Hi! I'm new, please be patient with me! "I have taken the Oath of Sangus"
Well...considering I dropped off the face of the earth in January...I guess you can call me "oathbreaker".
But I'm gonna do my best to make a better showing of it this time around. |
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