Mar 1st, 2014, 05:11 AM
South of Heaven
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Settling In - The Trading Post : Act II
Amid the night till morning, pacifying Lina amiss her vivid nightmare the oracles haunted vision is a stark contrast to what could have happened yet didn't. Although dreams have several interpretations and meaning, being an Oracle, tormented by a acute break in sanity is the price to pay for her lose of innocence.
A innocence that is molded and shaped in purity and piousness, in reality.. the nightmare felt in sleep has become real. Remembering the horror's of his grizzled hands on you, and the overwhelming odds your friends face is now a reality and cannot be undone. You have now made enemies and this is not settling well, not in the least.
There is an uncanny approach to the relevant scheme of it all. Heroes that have won, called by passer-by's: The Battle at the Trading Post. People smile and shake your hand into the day, woman bringing you baked breads and sweet rolls as Matthias and Corinth guard the towers and walk the guard ways around the tower. Children recount the battle as it unfolded, as young teenage boys make horse puppets depicting the Konstantin'es epic ride with javelin spear heading the evil doer Happs Bydon.
His body left hanging upside down in the middle of town square as the silver stag necklace sways with the easterly winds. The days are beginning to warm again. The cool wind chill from several days at the Fort and the Spring Equinox is greatly thawing the temperature and the sun's rays are beginning to warm the land so that near by farmers can begin to cultivate the land.
Remembering Oleg to have gone missing, only through the passing night and into that morning did he reappear. Nervously huddled under a bed, some men were born of the cowardly nature. It wasn't so much of being a coward but the threat was real and any normal human did have a right, no urgency to self-preservation. Maybe he did know that Happs Bydon and Svetna were lovers.
Later through the days passing, while he handed out his top stockroom full of wonderful crafted and honed items did he explain that Svetna was always attracted to him. Happs had wanted her to leave him and was due to take her away with him on the day of the last but she had sent word that she decided to stay with Oleg out of a sense of duty and commitment. Besides she often said, Happs only wanted her for her body and her family inheritance back at Restov.
Your healing magic had done wonders for Svetna who laid close to her death bed. The few days proceeding, it seemed her fever has finally amended and the scar from the wound had healed as best as it would. First covering the wound with ointments and medicinal salves, the scar was covered by something new farmers were starting to cultivate into a textile.
It uses cotton to make thread turning it into cotton towels. Then as she sat up Oleg and her talk at length and when you have the chance to check up on them, Svetna is seen wearing a beautiful necklace covering the scar.
The captured men can finally rest assured for the moment as you waive their rights and deem them un abidding citizens of Brevoy. The punishment told of your charter asks for no leniency although your compassion may have spoken volumes about the kind of Magistrate you are although, if the Cavalier has his way, they would all meet a quick and painful death. Silver is an antagonist of this, fueling your rage and feeding your ego, how carefree of the godling to speak, that the judging life is as easy as speaking the sentence.
It is several weeks now past, and word from courier arrives by a squire on horseback. It asks fellow charter's to stay put till reinforcements arrive. Oleg does not believe this and thinks the Bandits will return again. James taps Oleg on the shoulder to ask for him to reaffirm his faith in Brevoy.
Not many days pass and knights of the Sword Lords enter from distances away carrying banners that brightly flutter in the wind and proudly display their lineage. Traveling in a near battalion of cavalry word is shout out at the highest tower and quickly spreads all over Oleg's Trading Post, things seem like their settling in at Oleg's.
Last edited by Storm; Mar 1st, 2014 at 06:40 AM .