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Old Feb 2nd, 2018, 12:07 AM
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Hearing his words echo in the hallway, Oren looks about him. He was indeed alone, the chain-flinger keeping his post in the sanctuary. "Maybe he knows his place after all," Oren says, not giving much hope that the powerful other being would actually keep its word. Perhaps by not following, it was giving Oren more credit than was due. In reality the young warlock had barely any idea of what to do with the dragon head. "Give a soldier a spellbook and call him a mage. It doesn't work that way," he mutters grimly. That was basically his predicament. A barely average swordsman who happened to find employment in the army, who knew nothing of the arcane, suddenly thrust into a world of high magic. "And they expect me to just know what the hell I'm..."

The door to the rift room ahead, Oren feels a curious weight beginning to weigh upon him. At first it pushes against him, then it makes it hard to breathe, pushing down, down, down upon his shoulders and arms, heart and lungs. He tries to take a step backward, but the weight was everywhere.

Anger swells in him. "No no no no no, you're not taking me that easy." He had already been exposed to the antics of this temple -- the groping darkness, the gender-changing fountain. Now this barrier. His sensitivity to magic wasn't adept enough to know whether it was the temple or an outside force barring his way. For some reason, it's easier for him to see this as a test of his fortitude than an attack by a competing power.

Whatever the case, the weight quickly becomes unbearable, like an invisible giant crushing him like he'd crush a kitten.

It was a dark thought, but ever since he'd made contact with this unnamed power in the fire, dark thoughts came easy. "You won't crush me like that!" He was tired of being toyed with and tired of being a pawn. This was just the next obstacle inflicted upon him by fate. He needed to overcome, and he knew with a cold certainty if he didn't keep moving his life was forfeit.

At that moment a strange madness infects him. His life would be forfeit -- eventually. His patron didn't seem to care. Eventually he wouldn't be of any use, and some thrice-cursed chain of events would do him in.

The thought was... liberating and evokes in him a morbid giddiness. Seizing the dragon's heart, he lets the bag slip so the severed heart and bloody book are visible. Struggling against the oppressive weight, Oren raises his trophies in defiance. Half-mad he shouts, "How do you like this? Scared? I'm coming for you and I'm bringing friends! Want some blood? How about a book? I'm coming for you!" Just who he was shouting at was a mystery even to him -- perhaps it was at Fate itself.

With a grunt, he suddenly shifts his full weight forward as though knocking through a wall, and barrels at full speed toward the door at the end of the hall. "I'm coming!"
OOCWill Save
Dice Roll:
1d20+5 (16)+5 Total = 21

Brazen, half-crazed intimidation
Dice Roll:
1d20+3 (20)+3 Total = 23

Acrobatics to carry him quickly down the hall and through the door before he's beset again
Dice Roll:
1d20+3 (6)+3 Total = 9

Last edited by mountainbound; Feb 2nd, 2018 at 12:26 PM. Reason: heart, not head
Old Feb 6th, 2018, 10:40 PM
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Oren's charge down the hallway, fighting against an unseen force trying to smother him into the ground, might have seemed odd to an observer. His determination, demeanor and rantings were like that of a madman, knowingly charging to their death. But to the fey forces on the other side of the rift, the performance was convincing enough to scare them into thinking a whole army of the damned was on top of them. It was enough that Oren was able to fight through the invisible force pushing him down and backward. Oren's triumph was almost complete. He nearly reached the rift when his feet gave out beneath him. Oren tripped, and as he did, the dragon heart flew out from his hands. It's trajectory was true, luckily, and flew straight into the right into the rift.

Intense green light filled the hallway and blinded Oren. He wanted to toss the book through the rift as well, but never got the chance. The rift closed in on itself, and when the light subsided enough that Oren could see again, it was gone. The temple then fell silent. No more chanting. No more banging of tree into stone. The lights were still illuminated, but other than that, there was no evidence left that a struggle between gods had been happening in the structure only moments before. Oren knew he was now alone in the temple. With the rift closed, and the threat of the Fey taking over, the Chain Wilder had also been recalled.

OODMNice rolls! All but that last one, which prevented Oren from accomplishing everything he wanted too.
Old Feb 11th, 2018, 02:18 AM
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Oren launched forward, racing almost blindly down the hall. When he reached the doorway he smashed against it, somehow shifting the bag over his shoulder and wrenching open the door.

Hurling himself through he came into the rift room once again. Overrun with vines and green light, the superabundance of life stunned his eyes. But he couldn't stop. The pulsing green light called to him, as aluring as Daybreak, a magnetic temptation. Pausing only a moment, Oren spins the bag over his head to get a bit of momentum up and moves forward. He knew there wasn't time to consider the finer points of how to seal the rift, only that the heart needed to go through it.

But the floor was cracked and overgrown, and getting near in haste was treacherous. He runs forward, spinning the bag over his head and just as he releases it his boot catches on a hidden chunk of broken stone. Landng hard on his knee he watches as the bag flies through the air. And then it's gone. The glowing rift and the light closes in upon itself with a wet, zipping pop he'll never forget.

Rolling onto his back he lays among the vines and scattered stones, mind blank. It was done. Somehow, against all odds, he had defeated the dragon, and sealed the rift as his patron instructed. The thought was something near incomprehensible. Up until this very moment he had not even considered the possiblility of success. He had acted under orders, he had acted to save Daybreak, or save himself. But he never thought he'd make it out alive. "I did it," he says aloud. "I did it."

After long blank minutes there in the room, sensation finally begins to return. His knee was on fire, and his shoulder smarted badly from crashing against the door. Carrying the heavy bag had taken its toll on his body as well, and he just wanted to sleep.

But it wasn't time for rest yet. Rising up he goes over to the area of the rift to ensure it was gone, and then peers about to ensure the place was clear. Content, he limps slowly down the hall, drawing his dagger in case the chain flinger decided to turn on him. But the creature was gone, the chapel empty. Once again relief floods him, that was one less fight -- though the mystery of the figure and its revelations would be on his mind for a long time to come. He goes to the door and looks outside. "Daybreak? It's safe now. Come in, it's all right."
OOCForgot to mention Oren will be taking the book out with him.

Dice Roll:
1d20+4 (20)+4 Total = 24

Last edited by mountainbound; Feb 11th, 2018 at 09:49 AM.
Old Feb 17th, 2018, 10:48 PM
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Oren wasn't the only one limping. Daybreak came when called, and could no longer hide the pain in her leg. Her face grimaced every time she put weight on it. Oren could see, even in the dim light shed from the fire burning in the Chappel's fireplace that black veins shot from the mark on her thigh, crawling out like tunnels dug by an ant colony. "It burns, Oren. Did you receive a mark from your patron? Did it hurt for long?" Almost as soon as she asked, Daybreak tried to change the subject, not wanting to dwell on it. "I saw the chains again from earlier. They came from the door of the chapel and tore the tree to pieces." Indeed, there were chunks of wood laying on the ground outside the doors, what would be a bloody grisly scene were it a creature of flesh and blood that had been slaughtered there. "I was worried something horrible happened to you."

Returning inside, the pair looked around the chapel, making double sure they were alone. The fire burned, and the candles around the chapel were still lit, but apart from the cracking of the fire, all was quiet. Oren could feel that the presence of his patron was radiating from the flames, but for now there were no more requests. "Do you think it would be safe to rest here tonight?"
Old Feb 27th, 2018, 03:18 PM
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Seeing Daybreak limp from the trees, Oren rushes forward without regard for his own pain. His face darkens when he sees the ugly black web spreading across her leg. She was so pure, and now, because of him -- and his patron -- she might never be the same. "I didn't receive a mark... on the outside. But it still hurts," he says in a consoling tone. He wanted to comfort her, but he knew there was nothing he could do directly. Everything came down to the unfathomable entity to whom he was sworn.

As Daybreak describes the scene of the tree being sliced apart by the chains, Oren puts his arm around her and shows her inside. "Shhh, don't think about it. Just come in and rest. We're safe here now. The rift is sealed, and it's time to rest."

They come to the hearth, its fire kindled by some unknown hand, or perhaps by the chain creature earlier. He helps her settle onto the floor, resting her back against the wall, and manages by candlelight to find a blanket to comfort her. Whether a dryad needed one was beside the point -- he just wanted to show her he cared and make some small atonement for the situation she was in. "Sleep if you can. I need to tend the fire for a bit."

When he's sure she's resting, Oren removes the dagger and lays it across his lap. The blade was given to him by his patron, and it had proven its value over the past few days. He inspects the pommel and runs his thumb across its blade, wondering at its power and design. Moreover, he wonders at the enigmatic gifts of his master. Or perhaps as the chain flinger said, his mistress. Oren ponders these and other questions, his brain running in circles as he guides his finger over the curves of his blade.

Finally, when Daybreak quiets, he centers himself, staring into the flames. This was the way he had always communicated with his patron. Shapes in the fire, scenes in the breathing embers, sometimes whispers. The whispers were the worst -- maddening and confusing, but also containing promise, even joy. There was no pretending he could understand the forces before him. For now, he would listen as he always did, and try as he might to serve. For himself, and for Daybreak.

When the fire reaches a certain intensity, the young warlock whispers, "I am here, master." The flames dance white in the heart of the hearth. Oren knew well the signs to look for. His master was near. "The rift is sealed. This temple is now yours..."

OOCTaking this moment to designate the dagger as Oren's pact weapon. Can you describe it?

I await your command.
Old Mar 7th, 2018, 08:05 PM
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OODMI apologize for the slower than intended update rate here. Things got crazy in December when we found out that my employer was going to be relocating my family later this year. We are under contract now for our new home, and about ready to list the one we currently live in, so things should slow down a bit.

Oren took a moment to consider the dagger he had pulled from the chest in the lower levels of the temple. It was forged from a steel like metal that was almost black in color. The dagger also felt warm in his hand, all the time regardless of what the weather was like. He could have left it sitting in a pool of icy water, and it would maintain the same warm feel to it. The blade itself was simple, clean, and slightly longer than most daggers, though a bit thinner. The guard was also simple, giving protection to the hand so as it wouldn't run across the abnormally sharp blade. Apart from the color, the hilt stood out as being the most ornament piece of the weapon. It was carved from a dark hardwood, possibly mahogany, and had the shiny finish of a strong lacquer. Its shape was like two intertwined billows of smoke that sprung from a dark gem at the pommel. Oren felt a connection to the weapon that gave it a far greater worth than the small fortune it could probably sell for.

Oren then spoke to the flames, and concentrated. He expected a response and waited patiently. A calmness overtook the Warlock, such a pleasant feeling he had not had in quite a while. It put him to sleep before he could have the desired correspondence with his patron.

Oren had a dream that night. He stood at the bottom of a large lonely mountain peak, covered in snow. A trail led up the peak, where at the top stood a massive throne carved of ivory and laced with gold. Truly it was the throne worthy of a God. But the throne at empty. Oren couldn't' understand why. He had been summoned to this place by the being who sat on that throne, yet now they were nowhere to be found. He was about to turn and leave when a shadowy figure stepped out from behind the throne. It wasn't who expected. A winged woman was beautiful in her own right, but also demonically horrific. She sat on the throne, and the mountain instantly turned to fire. Creatures of flame came to her feet to do her bidding. She ignored Oren, until he shouted at her for an explanation. "I am the Queen of the mountain now!" She responded in an earsplittingly loud scream. "Love me, worship me, and you will be rewarded." Despite her display of power, Oren felt that this imposter couldn't even hold a candle to the power of the God whos summons he had answered. Yet, for some reason, her reight of the mountain was allowed to continue. Either the King of the Mountain was so far away, he did not know what was happening, or he knew but didn't care. Either way, Oren felt he had a choice to make. Follow the imposter, or be outcast.

The dream faded and repeated over again a few times. The sounds of birds chirping outside started to awake Oren from his rest. Before he opened his eyes, however, he heard the direction he was seeking before snoozing off. A voice whispered in his head, "The Amulet, the Shield, they must be returned. The Dagger is my gift to you."

Daybreak was not yet awake when Oren was able to open his eyes. He was started to see that something had changed with his Dryad companion overnight. Her skin was turning a dark purple color, matching the strange veins he had seen coming from the mark on her thigh earlier. They had spread so that only her hands and head now retained their original green color. But, she seemd to still be sleeping peacfully for the time being.
Old Mar 10th, 2018, 01:17 PM
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OOCSounds like a huge transition time but the worst of it may be over. Getting moved usually has its perks -- hope that's true for you and things get fully settled for you soon. Thanks for carving out time to keep this game moving despite all the RL stuff, and keeping up the incredible quality.

Oren lay still for several moments, looking up at the small stained-glass window glowing in the light of morning. The dream had revealed so much. There was a force out there that called to him, being that was a god in its own right, and actually deserved the title. It was a being that Oren trusted implicitly, whose call touched the young man in a way that left no doubt their connection and kinship.

And then there was the demon-bitch. She was everything he feared and more -- and she stood between Oren and the authentic entity who called to him and who he was now convinced was real. The fire, the chaos, the stingy bartering for tokens of this world... these smacked of the impostor of his nightmares. But she might also be the current source of his power. He was loath to serve her, but how could he tell the difference?

The voice that so often whispered to him was the same as the one that he always heard emanate from the fire. It was neither male nor female, evil or good, just distant and distorted from the crackle of the flames. That it was giving him a gift was a surprise. His Master gave few tangible gifts.

The thought reminds him of his reflections the night before, before he fell asleep. He had been inspecting his dagger. Sitting up, he looks for the weapon but it's gone. Wasn't that just the way of things? The only thing he was allowed to keep was just the thing that had mysteriously disappeared.

Then again, it wasn't truly gone. Oren felt the presence of the weapon. Somehow, in just the same as he knew he could draw upon arcane power, he knew the dagger was waiting for him if he needed it. He didn't dwell on it. There were some things that didn't make sense but just were how it was. This was one of them.

His mind drifts to the commands of his Master. To return the Amulet and Shield. The former was no problem, as it still hung around his neck, but the shield he had left back at the cave. He'd need to retrieve it, but that was fine, as he had some unfinished business in town that would involve a trip back the the cave anyway.

He rises, calling, "Daybreak, are you up?" He felt well rested and somewhat buoyed by the dreams of the night. But when he sees Daybreak his heart sinks to his feet. The corruption running through her body was horrific. "Oh, my dear," he moans, "this is no place for one of your kind." Wracking his mind for something that might give her some relief, Oren gathers a few things and the returns to where the dryad is sleeping. "Perhaps I should take you back to your tree, you might be happier there."
Dice Roll:
1d20+2 (1)+2 Total = 3

Last ditch effort to figure out something that might help her. Oren sincerely feels she's dying and is not willing to let the thought fully in. If the Medicine check fails, he would like to take Daybreak back to her tree and then go to Oakcrest the nearby village to consult the priest. He will also seek out Frath, the villager who he befriended in the last chapter and battled kobolds with.

Last edited by mountainbound; Mar 10th, 2018 at 02:23 PM. Reason: Messed up links
Old Mar 15th, 2018, 10:33 PM
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Oren fretted over Daybreak, more than perhaps he had any other during his life. In the short time that he had known the Dryad, they had become close. Close enough that she knew when to listen to him, and when to blatantly ignore his instructions. Now he was worried for her life. Something was taking over her, and he didn't know if she would survive.

Oren did his best to diagnose medically what could be wrong with the Dryad. In his state of panic, he would have struggled to identify a common cold, let alone a strange curse taking over a fey creature. The complete mystery of what was happening did not ease his mind at all. Her arm felt weird, where the corruption had taken over. It felt fleshy, with a pulse.

Oren tried to wake the Dryad, to get her on her feet. Should would not wake. If shaken, Daybreak would moan and write a bit, but her eyes would not open. He raised her arm and let go, which fell to the ground limp with a thud. Still no reaction. Her body was hot enough that a human with such a fever would probably suffer some kind of permanent madness if they survived at all.

The thought to return Daybreak to her tree made sense. Oren picked up his dear friend and left the temple. Although he had little hope that it would help, Oren couldn't help but entertain the thought that the fresh air might be good for Daybreak, and wake her up. But he knew better and was neither surprised, nor disappointed when he reached the tree to which he knew Daybreak was bound. With her still unconscious, however, he had second thoughts about leaving her there alone. He had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that if he left her there, he may never see his friend again.

OODMOk, I didn't mention it, but if it wasn't clear, we had a full rest. Was not sure, given Daybreak's circumstance if Oren wanted to leave here there outside, or not. Also, was he going to go to the cave to pick up the shield first, or go into town? Note, he will have to have some explanation for where Isabelle is, or a story about what happened with the Dragon.
Old Mar 17th, 2018, 06:15 PM
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Her skin blackened and too hot for any mortal, Oren lays Daybreak against the oak tree where they met several days ago. The sacred grove wasn't far from the forest temple, and seemed to the warlock a fitting place for her to rest. But the day was wet, and there was darkness between the trees of the wood. He takes a few steps back from her, looking down at her limp body. I don't like the feel of this. Whether it was rain, or the uncanny quiet of the day, or some other sense that not even he understood, Oren frowns and gently picks up his stricken companion once again. "No, I can't leave you out here. Not like this."

Not even feeling the weight of her -- she was still light like dry wood -- he carries her back to the temple. Without stopping he passes the imposing guardian stones that shot chains out at Daybreak. He held on to her dearly then. It was the first time he realized that she might mean something to him. He saved her, and she saved him. That was the way of things. "Now it's my turn once again to save you," he says, trying to force a light laugh. He places her in the chapel, by the fire that had singed her. Why his patron was causing this, he didn't know.

Wait a minute. The thought that this was due to his patron, not some other cause like dragon's blood or something else, was new. Of course. If her sickness was due to his patron, then it was up to him to find the cure.

Pulling on his black cloak and gathering his pack, he closes the doors to the temple and sets out through the dripping wood. Soon he's back on the path that Frath had led him on when they first ventured out to the dragon's cave. "I won't be visiting the priest. Best to just get the shield and give back what's owed to the Elder One. Then maybe the she'll be cured," he says to himself. "Besides, that village priest was a fool if ever I saw one. Best to keep to Frath." He had a fruitless encounter with the priest when he was gathering information about the damsel in distress, and considered him useless.

Frath, on the other hand, was not only the village elder, respected in his own right, but also capable in battle. He didn't turn tail when they set upon the kobolds outside the cave. He didn't think bad of Oren when he saw him call upon the arcane.

For these reasons and more, Oren trusted Frath and decided that he needed someone like him in the village to lean on. As the trees of the woods begin to thin, Oren ensures his hood is down to hide his features. He had returned to the village before the dragon battle to ensure that, should things go poorly and the dragon seek to pour its wrath on the village, the inhabitants of Oakcrest were prepared. Once again, it was Frath alone who had the wherewithal to marshal them. Now once again it was directly to Frath's cottage that Oren headed, walking quickly and doing his best not to be seen in the misty gray spring morning.


Here's Oren's plan. The temple gives him the creeps and is a bit too wierd for his tastes (shapechange fountain, magic mirrors, etc). He'd like to set up residence in the dragon's cave as he base of operations. It seems a fitting and very cool abode for a warlock! So the plan is to go directly to Frath, bring him out to the dragon's cave and offer most of what's left of the treasure if he can coordinate cleaning it of the carcass and kobold filth, and making some modifications like a set of doors.

Being a good warlock, Oren intends to share whatever wealth is available, and also compensate Isabelle's parents with some of the treasure, but he does not intend to personally give an account of his battle. In my opinion, a warlock should have a bit of mystery about him, especially a warlock that defeated a dragon harrowing the local village. She died, but no one from the village was willing to save her. In Oren's mind, her loss was unfortunate but on the whole the village made out quite well because of him. He will not reveal the actual truth about Isabelle's death.

Anyway, that's my thinking. And I know that in D&D as in life, the best laid plans...
Old Mar 27th, 2018, 11:20 AM
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Leaving Daybreak, Oren headed back to the small town in search of Frath. His intent was to blend in and not be noticed. His posturing seemed to have the opposite effect, however. In a small town like this, everyone knew everyone else. And, although he had only passed through earlier, spending enough time to find out what was plaguing the town, people recognized him. Rumors had quickly spread about a warlock who was making a deal with the dragon. Now that he was hiding his face, Oren heard whispers that something must have gone wrong. Some guessed that he was, in fact, the dragon himself, others that he must be horribly disfigured under that hood.

Oren could have stopped to try and squelch those rumors, and set the record straight. However, doing so might reveal more uncomfortable truths. In any case, being a mysterious warlock living in a cave nearby, it might not be a bad idea to let the townsfolk fear him a bit. Indeed, they did give him a wide berth as Oren made his way to the tanner.

Frath's reaction was the opposite of the townsfolk. He greeted Oren with a large grin, ushering him n quickly to his shop, placing a hand on his shoulder, and patting him like a good friend. "Oren, come in, come in! Glad you are alive! I guess that means our problem is solved then? You dealt with the Dragon, and recovered Isabelle?"
Old Mar 29th, 2018, 12:06 PM
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Marching through town, Oren ignores the stares of the villagers. He had hoped to pass unnoticed, but his drawn cowl and black cloak whipping in the wind have the opposite effect. He could never pass as a simple farmer, and he couldn't turn invisible -- though that would be a big help. So why not be a mysterious warlock?

In a few moments he's in the narrow lane outside the tanner's shop. When the village elder opens the door, Oren breathes a sigh of relief and steps inside.

"Hello Frath," the warlock says, removing his wet hood. "Yes, I have good news to share with you, but we must talk on the road. Please, gather your pack and cloak. We must go to the dragon's cave."

[Provided Frath is able to hike out to the cave, Oren continues talking after they clear the outskirts of the village.]

"When last we spoke, I asked you to fortify Oakcrest and set men as lookouts in case my ploy went badly and the dragon sought to retaliate against the village. Luckily," Oren considers just how lucky he'd been, "that didn't happen. I defeated the dragon, using its special growth magic against it." They climb a hill, following the little path past the bush Frath pointed out several days ago, with its strange berries. "The battle was long and bloody. Sadly, Isabelle was consumed by the magical forces unleashed in the process. It is not something I wish to recall." This was obviously a vagueness that Oren would not elaborate on.

The villagers did nothing to try and save her, but Oren did. Her death was a sad part of the tale, and went deeper than the dragon, but that was warlock business, not the business of the village. Instead, Oren chooses to focus on the positive. As they come into sight of the cave, helooks up at the dark hole in the mountainside above. "But the village is now safe from the dragon."

"This brings me to why I asked you to come here. As you will see, there is treasure inside the cave. Treasure I mean to share with Oakcrest over time, and the parents of Isabelle immediately. I have decided that the dragon's cave is an excellent place for me to pursue my studies. I think it would be mutually beneficial for the village and for me if I remained close. But I need the cave prepared for my dwelling. I trust you and look to you as the village elder and my friend, and would ask your help in cleaning it out and making some adjustments."

They enter, and Oren can show Frath to the dragon's lair, pointing out the trapped stairs.

[I believe there was a small pile of coins there -- Oren only took the gems.]

"I propose sharing whatever gold you need to clean the cave and build a set of stout doors, and look to you to deliver a portion of the coins to Isabelle's family. One thing, I want to limit the number of people brought to this cave to the two of us, and one other person whom you trust completely. There are dangerous secrets here that would not due to be shared widely," he says gravely. Flies are already starting to buzz about the dragon's carcass, and Oren kicks a stray coin out of the pool of dried blood. "As you can see, we'll need to bury the dragon, and there may be a stray kobold still lurking in the shadows. Can you help me?"
I hope it's ok to move us to the cave -- I thought it would be more dramatic to talk about it there so Frath can see the carcass.

His first order of business is to retrieve the shield. Oren is obviously agitated about Daybreak and eager to get back to the temple so he can be with her, but will stay with Frath as long as the older man has questions.

He is starting to see himself as the protector of Oakcrest, and hopes the village will respect the fact that he killed the dragon on their behalf, and help him accordingly.

The gold is of no interest to Oren. He's happy to share it generously with Frath to orchestrate his needs... just not sure how much there is.

Needs he'd like Frath to see to:
  • Clean the place.
  • Get rid of the dragon carcass. Save the head and skin if possible. I'd like to make some armor at some point.
  • Clear the place of lingering kobolds.
  • Keep the books and all items in place.
  • Doll out compensation for Isabelle's family. If there's not enough gold then we'll need to skip this.
  • Build a set of doors on the mouth of the cave.
  • Take as much gold as is needed to complete these tasks, and whatever compensation Frath feels he requires to execute the tasks.

Last edited by mountainbound; Mar 29th, 2018 at 12:07 PM.
Old Apr 3rd, 2018, 09:37 AM
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OODMYes, that is perfectly fine. Do you want to do a quick drawing of the layout of the cave? I have kind of a mental image of what it looked like from reading over the thread, but I'm not sure I imagine it how you do. Perhaps you could also note on the map what you would like to have Frath modify. There is plenty of gold in there to cover the costs of what you are asking for.
Old Apr 5th, 2018, 11:15 PM
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OOCThanks, I emailed an image to to go along with the notes below. Hope this works -- I'm no mapmaker.

I scoured the original thread and found a couple helpful posts.

1. The description was of a mountainside with a steep path. I envision a series of rocky switchbacks leading maybe 100' above the forest. Homestar described it as a very difficult climb, though Oren was in a hurry and trying to be stealthy at the time.
2. There was a flat landing where the kobolds gathered and Isabelle was chained. It would be a good place for a lookout -- even better if it faced the direction of Oakcrest.
3. The entrance leads to a Y. This could be a common area if Oren was entertaining guests.
4. Isabelle's bedroom was on the way to the Dragon.
5. The Kobolds were down the stairs on the right.
6. I think it'd be interesting to have a water feature. This is a sandy bank on the side of a small underground waterway.
7. This is the main treasure chamber. 10-15' diameter bed of coins, including a human-sized book - wow!
8. The library. Can we have a secret passage?
9. If the secret passage is ok by you, I'd like it to lead to the underground river so Oren can access the lower chambers undetected.

Modifications by Frath would be at #2, the landing, where Oren would like him to install a stout, lockable wooden door over the mouth of the cave.

Besides getting rid of the dragon and kobold filth, I'm not sure of any other modifications. I'd ask for a stockpile of wood, torches, oil, some casks of wine and meats, and other simple needs brought from the village. The leftover treasure should go in the library.

I found the totals... 2,000 gold coins, 8,000 silver coins, 32,000 copper coins, 6 platinum coins, 10 onyx gemstones, a set of fine silverware and dishes, a fancy framed painting, a shield, a sword, and a belt.
Old Apr 7th, 2018, 09:21 PM
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OODMGot the sketch of the map, and am working on it. Not happy with it yet, but I don't want to hold up the game for that.

Frath followed Oren's instructions quickly, packing what he needed for the hike, and hitting the road. He made great effort to keep up with Oren, which kept him from asking the barrage of questions he likely had on the way to the cave. With the quick tour given, Frath went to work helping to clean out the Kobolds as the first order of business. Luckily, there were none left alive, but the corpses were going to start smelling soon. Next came the issue of the Dragon. "The hide of that Dragon is probably worth a pretty penny. I can help you skin it, and tan the hide so it doesn't rot. But, I don't have the skills or know-how to really make anything else from it, other than a pelt." The two got to work cleaning out the last large carcasses. As they worked, Frath talked about the doorway. "Shouldn't be too hard to do. I'll have to grab one of my boys to help me with the work though. Hauling timbers up that steep path is more than my old back could handle alone. Don't worry though, he will keep his mouth shut. If your aim is to help the town, and so far that is what you have done, we would like to stay in good favor."

Once the cave was cleared out of dead carcasses, the other tasks could be arranged and managed with greater ease. Frath figured that the coins left inside should easily compensate the costs of anything Oren was asking to have built, as well as probably pay all of the wages of everyone in the town for a year or two to come. Frath reasoned that it might be a good idea to keep the wealth hidden and secret, to avoid the townsfolk getting worked up and into fights over its distribution. This brought Frath to a subject Oren had been trying to avoid. "You said that Isabelle was consumed. I didn't see a body, so I guess that makes sense. Still, it would have been nice for the family to have her remains to be buried. Is there anything more you can tell me about what happened, to help console the family?"

OODMIf Oren is going to avoid telling the truth here, please add a deception check. Or, another social check as appropriate.
Old Apr 10th, 2018, 03:23 AM
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OODMLabels are still tentative, but happy enough with this to share my first go at it.

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Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Apr 11th, 2018 at 10:36 AM.
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