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Old Apr 15th, 2018, 12:31 PM
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Chapter Two: Through the Dark

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I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
DM of: So You Wanna Be A Starfinder? | Blood on the Snow | Out Of The Abyss
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Old Apr 18th, 2018, 11:38 PM
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Chapter Two: Throug the Dark

The Narrow Passage

It was the second day Travelling through the pitch black of the Underdark. The first day they moved as fast as they could travel. Dispite the battles of the escape, everyone was mostly unharmed. Begon had a burn from the ooze and the others had scrapes and bruises but between the restorative magic of Nienna’s berries, the magic of Rugadh and the benifit of the rest they were able to get the first night sleeping, everyone felt at their full strength.

Sarith did indeed seem to be able to navigate the maze of tunnels and caverns that led westward with the occasional suggestion from Shuushar and Jimjar.

Late in the first day, shortly before the group’s exhaustion forced them to stop and rest, Qalo thought he caught sight of something in the distance. His eyes were human eyes and everything was darkness, but he could have sworn that a certain patch of blackness had...a different quality to the rest of the darkness. After that he felt that they were being followed...but he was not sure. (Perception result) Then both the strange blackness and the feeling disappeared.

They slept the first night in shifts, curled up on the hard floor. No one was comfortable but the strains of the day ensured that hey all slept. Nothing of import happened over the course of the night.

Eventually Sarith announced that it was time to move on. Without the sun and moon it was hard to know if it were actually morning but it felt right to all of the denizens of the Underdark in the party.

The second day’s travel was slower than the one before. While the first leg of their trip had consisted of a series of relatively easy to traverse passages, the second led through a series of ever narrowing ones.

The cielings came lower and lower, the walls closer and closer. Eventually they came to a passage here they all felt very tight and Begon was forced to, uncomfortably shuffle along sideways his chest and back pressed against the two walls of the tunnel.

Both Shuushar (who’s ample belly scraped against the walls like Begon’s chest) and Sarith both assured the group that this was the quickest path and it was only about a mile.

"Almost there," Sarith said from the front. "It’s widening...wait..:do you hear that?"

From ahead two voices faintly drifted back down the passage.

The Mad Stone Giant

Th group creeped forward. Going back seemed impossible and the passage opened up enough that it seemed like they would be able to get closer to the voices without being noticed.

The tunnel opened up into a large cavern. Where their passage ended was a wide ledge above a much larger room where the ceilings vaulted into the darkness. A large opening on the western side of the room seemed to be a very large passage. Near that distant end of the room (about 175 feet away there were two figures lit by torch light.

One was a humanoid female who was tucked into the crook of the other’s elbow, dangling above the floor. The one holding her was a massive man with slate grey skin. He wore a huge black robe, gathered over one shoulder. Instantly they saw that he was a stone giant.

In the hand not holding the woman he had a metal tool he was using to carve what looked like alchemical formulae into the wallmof the cave.

"If the feathers are the water then, the roots of the hills are growing upward," he rumbled, to himself or his companion it was hard to say. "But if that is the case, the flight of birds...what are birds woman from the dream lands? Are they the tools of the one with no face or are they saviors sent by rushing waters. It must make sense...there must be an answer!!!"

OOCWelcome to chapter Two! I know that ideally you would all get her chance to use your perception and stealth and insight leading up to this but...I’m pressed for time, and wanted to get our new companion into the game.

I may or may not be able to post again before going offline but feel free to chat amongst yourselves.

And welcome girlplay to the game! Glad to have you.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
DM of: So You Wanna Be A Starfinder? | Blood on the Snow | Out Of The Abyss
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Old Apr 19th, 2018, 09:06 AM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
On the morning of their second day, Rugadh Faoi was in a particularly good mood and was radiating an aura of deep contentment. Needing only four hours of trance instead of a night-long sleep, Rugadh Faoi, and Nienna, and maybe Sarith were already awake and dressed for the day when the rest of the party awoke. The drow's sleek hair was in a mess, though, and in need of a thorough wash, as some of her hair strands were somehow sticking together making it hard for a comb to go through. She was cheerfully chatting with Nienna and whatever the two so different elves had been bickering about yesterday, they now seemed to be one mind. "I wouldn't mind stumbling about another waterfall with a fresh pool beneath so that I could enjoy a decent shower," she remarked. "This time without an ooze monster, of course."

"No one treats a woman like this," Rugadh Faoi whispered angrily as she watched the scene from their position on the ledge above. She looked at Begon and repeated her hissed words in the Common tongue of the surface world. "Are we keeping out of harm's way and be sissies or do we believe in our skill and act like heroes?" she asked rhetorically.

The giant was too far away for her crossbow or her bardic spells. However, the longer they were waiting, the more dangerous it might get for the female in the giant's crook of the arm. They would have to lure him while staying hidden to the extent it was possible.

The long-haired dark elf lied down using the ledge for cover and turned around to face her companions: "I would conjure a ghostly figure of dancing lights between us and the giant to lure him in our direction until he is in the range of our spells and weapons," she whispered.
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Old Apr 19th, 2018, 03:54 PM
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Despite finally being free from his cage and exhaustion setting in, Qalo found the night to be restless. The shadows had played tricks on him throughout the hours of travel and he swore the group was being followed, but never could make out what was stalking them. Damn these tunnels! He found himself reciting, each time the wizard thought he noticed movement in the distance. Qalo's first reaction was to notify the party of their potential follower, but felt it best to lie in wait, for now. No sense in adding to this lot's paranoia.

As they made camp for the night...or whatever time of day it was when they decided to rest, Qalo took it upon himself to Casting Alarm as a Ritualsecure the perimeter. He spent a solid ten minutes pacing through their camp, whispering to himself, and methodically spinning the engraved ring on his finger while glancing into the distant darkness. After completing the creation of his magical ward, Qalo sat down to rifle through his pockets. The wizard produced a nearly-dry leather bound book, a bottle of ink, and a snapped ink pen. Guess I'll be making due with what I've got. He thought with a sigh and proceeded to spend the better part of their rest scribbling into the tome.

With a new "day" ahead of the group, and renewed abilities, Qalo Cast Mage Armorspun his ring one more time before heading out. A dark purple glow seemed to wash over his ragged clothing and Qalo's demeanor appeared more confident. The mage appreciated the quiet as they marched on and continued to look over his shoulder, though nothing seemed to follow, that he noticed. As they approached the narrow passage, Qalo did his best to squeeze through and immediately stopped as he appeared out the other end. He could hear a voice in the distance, but it was difficult to make out its source.

After listening to the Drow woman's attempt at a plan, Qalo spoke up. "Are we sure we wish to interfere? Do we even know if the woman is in danger?" To his own admission, the mage was curious to find out more about the creature ahead of them. However, his mind was also preoccupied with the thought of their stalker catching up to them. "I'm not sure we have the time for this. I believe we are being followed and, if it is a predator hunting its prey, do not wish to be found by it."


I have taken the Oath of Sangus.

Last edited by MrCeeJ; Apr 19th, 2018 at 04:02 PM.
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Old Apr 19th, 2018, 04:19 PM
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Nienna Siannodel
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The next morning Nienna moved much easier and more naturally and she just seemed whole. It hadn't been something anyone had noticed before since no one knew her, but she just seemed like this is more how she should be. It was really kind of a hard thing to put ones thumb on* she was just more herself. Maybe it had been because of her injuries? Who knows.

She chatted softly with Rugadh Faoi keeping the same sort of soft levelness of tone that she'd had since you met her. Though there wasn't the strain on it now that there was. It seemed like the two of them had come to some sort of understanding over the night and had stopped fighting at least.

She said something softly under her breath and brought her hands across in front of each other conjuring a lovely, sweet smelling thornless rose into her hand and if allowed put in Ru's hair behind her ear giving her a sweet rose smell. "Perhaps one not so deep this time?" She said with a soft self deprecating smile.


Later on when they stumbled across the stone giant and the human woman her eyes widened in alarm. She knew very well what this creature was, her circle was of the mountains and had dealings with such creatures. She grabbed Ru from behind and put her hand over her mouth to quiet her so she wasn't heard by the giant. "Shhh." She whispered softly to the group not wanting to get the creatures attention.

"That is a stone giant." She whispered to everyone letting Ru go. "I know this well for my circle protected a mountain that was also home to their kind. Trust me when I say this is not a foe we can defeat head on. Stealth and guile are our allies here. We need to avoid confrontation." Nienna was of course in the "save the girl camp" but they had to be sneaky about it and free her without the giants knowledge and escape without it noticing.





"If you want to understand humanity, you only need to read the comments on youtube."
"Science is alchemy without the mystery."

Last edited by Trinity; Apr 19th, 2018 at 04:23 PM.
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Old Apr 19th, 2018, 08:13 PM
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Begon slept like a an over-grown baby once they had stopped their rapid retreat from their drow enslavers. The stress of the escape and the hectic decisions of the past days had laid upon him like a weighted blanket the lulled him to a fast and deep sleep. Upon waking he looked about him and worried if his habit of deep and rumbling snoring had disturbed his companions. He chuckled to himself as he remembered his wife, Gera, chastising for his incessant rumbling at night. He almost found himself smiling until the truth came rushing back to him. She was dead, as were his sons, and he was trapped in a land of never-ending darkness, trusting in complete strangers for his salvation.

GiantAs they continued along through the various caverns of the underdark, Begon learned that he was not built for the tight confines of an underground existence. He sucked in his chest as far as he could do as he squeezed through one narrow passage after another. After trying to contort himself for the umpteenth time Begon and the rest came upon a curious scene. Some sort of giant was holding a woman while carving gibberish into the cave wall. Nienna and Rugadh both spoke up immediately about the need to intervene to save the woman. Rugadh even questioned his manhood. "Are we keeping out of harm's way and being sissies or do we believe in our skill and act like heroes?"

Begon almost laughed out loud. "I am no hero...never said I was. I'm an orc and a piss poor one at that. I don't know what is going on over there but I owe nothing to that woman," Begon whispered in a raspy menacing voice. "However, if you need that giant dead for a reason...just say so."


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Old Apr 19th, 2018, 09:13 PM
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Stone Giant's living doll
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Elsha rubbed her tempt and shook her head slowly. Between the metal scraping on stone and the giant's endless ranting, a stabbing headache was setting in. "A bird... water? Are you talking about a duck?" she guessed but her captor was clearly not listening to her. With a sigh, she added, "yeah, I'm sure there's an answer here somewhere." Then again, what was the question?

She braced one hand against the giant's chest and leaned back to began looking around at the ground underneath her. It hadn't changed in the last 5 minute, so she sighed again and tried to relax. That was difficult when being squeezed between a massive arm and the giant's not-so-clean body. Nothing resembling a plan was coming to mind, not that she was a great planner, and she tried to not let her frustration get the better of her. She squirmed a few times to see if the giant had given her any slack to work with but she was held fast.



Last edited by girlplay; Apr 19th, 2018 at 09:24 PM.
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Old Apr 22nd, 2018, 09:32 AM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
"If we find a pool with shallow waters, I'll ask you to join me, sun elf! Promised!" Rugadh Faoi replied softly in Elven. With the curiosity of a child, she watched the rose appearing in the druid's hand. "That, that's just beautiful...," the drow whispered with a stammer. "I have never seen such a lovely living thing." As a product of the Underdark, Rugadh Faoi had never witnessed a flower blossoming before, let alone a rose, the flower of love. She tilted her head so that Nienna could easily tuck it in her hair.

When Nienna put her hand in front of Rugadh Faoi's mouth as they were staring at the stone giant, the drow rolled her eyes. It was not that she had spoken aloud or loud enough for anyone to overhear her outside the ledge. She turned around and looked at the large group that was assembled here. While each individual one was no match for the stone giant, their forces combined would likely be enough to chase away the giant, should it become necessary. Regardless, a plan involving stealth and guile as suggested by the druid was much to her liking.

"Not necessarily dead, Begon," Rugadh Faoi whispered back to the half-orc, "but whatever plan we are devising to get past this giant, we will need your help as well." Responding to Qalo's earlier objection, she replied: "It's not that we can evade the giant completely." Rugadh Faoi pointed to the western exit of the cave they presumably had to take. On their way there, they would have to pass the giant with his prey.

A plan was forming in her head. She turned to Nienna again. "The captive said something about a duck. What is a duck? Can you conjure an image of a duck for me? What sound does it make?"
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Old Apr 22nd, 2018, 09:34 AM
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Zar the EscapeeI am with the rest of the party, My Lady Drow,” said Zar. “If we can avoid this fight, we ought to avoid this fight. A giant is not something I’d like to fight.” He looked at the strong arms, the sheer height of the thing, and amended, “Nor something I think we would survive.”

Zar scooched over a bit, unconsciously looking for some cover. “I say we continue along this edge (quietly) and see if we can slip into that larger cavern there.” He pointed west. “Perhaps we could go in two groups too, so that if the giant finds one group, the other will be able to distract him and, if we’re forced to fight, we can take him from too sides.”

Zar looked around to see how the others would take this suggestion. Much of their future, or Zar’s future behavior in this group, would depend on how they reacted.

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Old Apr 24th, 2018, 05:01 PM
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Sensing that the group was not about to let this go and move on, Qalo interjected. "While I am not an illusionist, I do have some tricks that may work. I can illuminate an item that our strong friend here can toss into the darkness, which may distract the giant long enough to rush over and snag the girl, if he drops her. Otherwise, we can try an intimidation tactic. I can alter myself to appear as a drow, to which we then present ourselves as a dark elf slaver party. We tell the giant to leave this place and his quarry, or our larger regiment behind us will take it from him and his life. Not the most subtle, I know, but could prove effective." The mage glances to the dark elf woman and then to the rest of the group.


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Last edited by MrCeeJ; Apr 24th, 2018 at 05:02 PM.
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Old Apr 24th, 2018, 05:23 PM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
"No need to toss an item, Qalo," the bard whispered back. "You have two actual dark elves in your slaver party that can produce dancing lights that can even move through the cavern."

She looked around. "Can you disguise everyone of us as a dark elf? Or do you think of just sending Sarith, me and yourself into the cavern to chase off the giant?" Scratching her head (and making sure that the rose remained in place), she added: "We would need a lot of rear cover if that plan didn't prove to be successful. On the other hand, splitting up in two groups could grant us exactly the advantages Zar was speaking about."

The small drow, still lying on the ground, crawled forward and peeked over the edge of the ledge again. "If we only had a way to communicate with the woman," she whispered aloud, hoping someone knew the answer to her question.
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Old Apr 24th, 2018, 05:42 PM
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Qalo nodded. "I can only change my own appearance, not the group's. The three of us would approach the giant, to intimidate him, while the rest of the party could stay back and possibly make enough noise to encourage our bluff of a larger band being not far behind. Having the half-orc join, as an enslaved guard, may prove to enhance the ruse as well. It's one giant, alone. He may be large, but knowing he is outnumbered may be enough to scare him off."


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Last edited by MrCeeJ; Apr 24th, 2018 at 05:43 PM.
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Old Apr 25th, 2018, 04:07 AM
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Nienna Siannodel
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"Did she say that the giant was talking about a duck?" Nienna whispered quietly. "I can do duck, make their call, become one, and I can also speak giant." She leaned in and gave Ru a soft duck call by her ear so she could hear what it sounded like. "Does anyone know what he's carving, is that some sort of magic sigil?"




"If you want to understand humanity, you only need to read the comments on youtube."
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Old Apr 25th, 2018, 08:29 PM
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Begon barely paid attention to the strategy session that was taking place. He was preoccupied on studying his opponent...a mighty one at that. A stone giant was not something to trifle with...not without damn good reason. It's stout legs were as wide around as Begon's chest. Begon looked at his gathered companions and could not help but stifle a laugh. "I will cut this thing down like a tree...but you are correct, we had better distract it. Who will go forward into battle with me? Do I fight alone while the rest of you fight from the shadows?"


Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
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Old Apr 25th, 2018, 09:30 PM
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"Calm yourself, my eager friend. The goal here is to avoid battle seeing as how that creature could probably crush us all in one swing. We do want to appear intimidating, however." Qalo patted the orc on the shoulder before turning his attention to Nienna. "Projecting sound may be useful, especially to intimidate the creature. To what extent do your abilities reach? Can you make it sound as though there are many more of us? We want something that will scare it off, rather than entice it."


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