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Old May 1st, 2018, 06:02 AM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
Rugadh Faoi was following Nienna at a safe distance through the darkness when she heard a lumbering sound from where she had jumped off the ledge. Turning around, she saw Qalo and Begon moving through the cavern as well. Although she didn't like Nienna's plan, its chances of success were not worse than the chances of any other plan discussed so far. And her companions might have just ruined the plan. If they couldn't risk anything, it was fighting the giant. And even if they won a fight, it would not guarantee that the woman they intended to save would remain unharmed during this fight.

The dark elf was angry with herself. Had she stayed on the ledge, she would have been able to discourage Begon from doing something imprudent. If they only had waited until the giant had been lured away. Now it was too late. Rugadh Faoi could only hope that the giant was too busy talking to the voice in his head and to the woman in his clutches that he didn't care about Begon's noise.

Hoping to distract the giant, she conjured dancing lights using her innate drow magic to illuminate the naked druid as the druid approached the colossal humanoid. If the giant had some sense of sense of beauty, the sight of Nienna as Corellon had created her, bathed in silvery light, would surely fascinate him, she hoped.

The drow continued to remain in the shadows and to follow Nienna.
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Old May 1st, 2018, 10:16 AM
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In the arms of a mad man
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Was there something wrong with her? The giant was beginning to make sense. That worried her more than her current predicament - well, not really. But it was pretty sad to see the giant break down and cry out of frustration. "Hey," she said, keeping her voice gentle and trying to sound sympathetic. "Don't be upset. I'll be alright," the words sounded hollow to her even as she said them and she regrouped mentally to try again. "Maybe what you need is a little rest to clear your mind and then try again. Or, if you like, we can go visit the Land of Dreams and you can see the trees and... other things for yourself. Maybe that will answer some of... the Voices questions."


Last edited by girlplay; May 1st, 2018 at 10:18 AM.
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Old May 1st, 2018, 03:33 PM
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Chapter Two: Into the Dark

Nienna’s Gambit

The Giant continued to weep as the woman in his arms tried to mollify him. It did not take long, however, for the glimmering light approaching across the cavern to catch both of their eyes.

It was a strange sight, there in the Underdark: an elf, already golden with her yellow hair, now glowing with flickering lights striding across the stone floor, without a stitch of clothing. This place was used to darker sights.

The Giant shook his head, as if he could not believe his eyes, and grunted.

Rugadh was able to keep to the darkness while maintaining her spell, unnoticed.

Meanwhile the rest of the group crept forward, attempting to be silent, with carried results. The woman heard one of them and looked over but the Giant seemed enraptured by the elf.

"You shine," he said a voice like a stone being dragged through gravel, "like the sun of the dreams. Are you real? Do you have answers?"

He stood and dropped the woman without looking at her. "Are you a sign? Have you been sent to me?"

He took a step towards Nienna.

"You must have been sent to me to lead me!"

He began to stride quickly towards her, determined to follow and catch her.

OOCHeads. It worked. Trinity, we will follow up in your private thread your escape from him, disaster too if you follow. The rest of you can continue here.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
DM of: So You Wanna Be A Starfinder? | Blood on the Snow | Out Of The Abyss
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Old May 1st, 2018, 03:47 PM
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OOCRugadh Faoi has to actively move her dancing lights with Nienna, which is one reason for her to follow.
Playing: Maja human mystic Rimona human enchantress Nelia tiefling bard
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Old May 1st, 2018, 07:37 PM
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Zar the EscapeeZar wanted to pitch his head back and laugh fit to shake the underdark. The audacity of those two. Or the stupidity. Either way, it was unlikely he would be killed now.

His companion in her skinny reminded him indeed that he was, in fact, quite alive. Zar himself kept with the other men and one eye on the naked elf (to make sure she was safe, you understand).
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Skirting along the edges of the cave, he stayed just outside of any light or sight in the cavern, hoping he could get close enough to the other woman to get her out of there if this hair-brained scheme actually worked and hoping more, with every glance over at his naked companion, that his last glance wouldn’t be the last glance, his last time seeing her bare.

… Alive… Seeing her alive. He thought this as the thundering footsteps moved past where he stood.

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Characters: Bartholomew Orthis of Priestess, Henry B. Scroggs of Learning Curve, Kargai of New Beginnings. DMing The Great Exile.

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Last edited by LinguaManiac; May 1st, 2018 at 07:40 PM.
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Old May 1st, 2018, 09:50 PM
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Fortunately for the group, the giant seemed to fall for the ruse and release the girl, who appeared to be looking in Qalo's direction. I suppose this is where we determine if she truly needed saving, he thought and turned to the remaining group once they were near the passage on the far side of the cavern. "I'll try to do this delicately. One of you be ready to help her if she struggles. We don't know what kind of condition she is in." With a swiftness, and making sure the giant's back was turned, the mage Cast Lightilluminated the ring on his finger and then extinguished it. He repeated this a few times, in an attempt to signal the girl. The best they could hope for was that the girl would think they were a safer option than her hulking captor.


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Last edited by MrCeeJ; May 2nd, 2018 at 10:18 PM.
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Old May 2nd, 2018, 10:14 PM
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Free at last! Free at last. I'm free at last!
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The young woman who had been up until this moment being held in the arm of a giant had turned to look at the glowing Elven woman and apparently been rather surprised by the sight herself. When she hit the ground, she didn't land all that gracefully because she hadn't prepared for it. But the sudden realization that she was finally free of the giant's hold was a welcome truth indeed. She picked herself up and began running. At first she didn't have any direction in mind but then a flickering light gave her... well, it was a direction. Towards what remained a mystery but at least it was away from her captor.


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Old May 2nd, 2018, 10:52 PM
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Zar the EscapeeAs the woman's feet pattered on the ground towards them, it occurred to Zar that she might not prefer running at heavily armed men any more than away from one absent-minded giant. Peeling himself from the wall as of yet untouched by the wizard's light, Zar stood in the front part of the radiance, so that he would be the first one she saw. Though his face was scarred and his body dirty as sin, he stood far shorter and slighter than the others and probably looked the least dangerous. To accentuate his innocuousness, he put his hands up, palms out. The universal sign of 'I am not armed (at least not yet) and I mean you no harm (assume you don't mean harm to me)'

Hopefully she would read the supertext and not the sub.

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Characters: Bartholomew Orthis of Priestess, Henry B. Scroggs of Learning Curve, Kargai of New Beginnings. DMing The Great Exile.

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Old May 3rd, 2018, 03:51 PM
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Begon Ugo
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As Zar moved forward to meet the fleeing girl, Begon did the exact opposite. The last thing they needed was for the poor creature to come face to face with a massive orc in the underdark. She just might chose staying with the addled giant. Begon slunk back into the shadows as best he could away from any light. He would rely on his companions to introduce him to the girl


Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.

Last edited by Begon Ugo; May 3rd, 2018 at 03:51 PM.
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Old May 4th, 2018, 08:57 PM
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Chapter Two: Through the Dark

A realization

As the group watched the now freed woman approach, Stool spoke up using his rapport spores.

Has anyone seen the big blond angry one?
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
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Old May 4th, 2018, 09:31 PM
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Not even turning to look, Qalo responded, "Who? You mean the zealot that was eager to deliver "justice" or some such nonsense? I'm sure he's around here somewhere." The mage suddenly stopped what he was doing and turned to the talking fungus. "You! Can you speak to the girl? If you can communicate to her before she gets here, we will have less to explain and more time to get out of here before the giant realizes its doll is gone."


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Old May 8th, 2018, 09:26 PM
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To safety?
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Elsha did pretty well for a woman running blindly into the darkness over uneven ground. But she kept her feet moving and left the giant and the nekkid Elven woman behind. Only when she neared the strangers ahead of her did she slow down. She moved into a walk about 30 feet from Zar and glanced back over her shoulder to look at what was happening with the giant and her probable savior. Panting slightly from the adrenaline-fueled dash, she commented to nobody in particular, "by the gods, I thought I was done for..." She motioned back toward the giant. "Who was that? Was she with you? Is the going to be alright?" The former giant-doll came complete with a suit of supple leather armor with steel studs all over it, a couple of close-in weapons, and a pack of supplies... and a holy symbol she wore prominently from a thin chain around her neck.


Last edited by girlplay; May 8th, 2018 at 09:28 PM.
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Old May 8th, 2018, 09:43 PM
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Qalo looked beyond the woman, toward's their elf companions, then back to the newcomer. He offered a shrug and responded, "Hard to say if they'll survive, but I don't think we've seen the last of them. We've only just escaped captors of our own. What you see before you are more refugees, looking for a way out. You're welcome to join us, but it's best we not delay any longer." The mage turned to the remainder of the group and pointed towards the tunnel. "We should keep moving. You, drow, lead the way." Qalo Cast Lightilluminated his ring once more and set off into the darkened hall, waving for the girl to follow. "Care to tell us how you came to be the giant's pet?"


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Last edited by MrCeeJ; May 8th, 2018 at 09:43 PM.
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Old May 8th, 2018, 09:57 PM
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Begon stayed in the deep shadows away from the fleeing woman while Qalo spoke to the girl. As they spoke the half-orc looked the girl over, noticing her armor, weapons, and what seemed to be a holy symbol around her neck.

Begon stepped from the shadows towards the girl, his hands raised in a nonthreatening manner, "My name in Begon, as Qalo said...we are running for our lives from drow enslavers. They are not far behind." Begon peered back the way they had came. "We need to collect Rugadh and Nienna, the women who just saved your life," he growled,"and move!"


Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
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Old May 9th, 2018, 12:26 PM
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Chapter Two: Through the Dark

New Companion

Sarith strode to the front of the party, motioning Shuushar to join him.

"We are still days from the Darklake. Unfortunately the fools who saved this human went down a passage that leads away from our destination. Let us hope that they are clever enough to make their way back to us because we cannot run after them if we wish to escape our enemies."

Eldeth looked down the passage that Nienna had led the the Giant and shook her head sadly.

"May the gods protect them," she murmered as she hiked her pack in her back. "May the gods lead them back to us..."

"Just as I was starting to like that Drow," Jimjar said. "We could go after them would be very unsafe. Who knows which tunnels they took after they left."

Stool wobbled up beside the newcomer and sprayed a plume of spores on her.

Hello, their small voice came into the woman’s mind, my name is Stool. I am trying to go home. Are you lost too?
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