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Old May 27th, 2018, 05:48 PM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
"The duergar might want to enslave us likewise," Rugadh Faoi replied to Jimjar's question evasively. "It is just a matter of our appearance, I'd say. The duergar are dead serious. As long as we are promising business partners, we would be safe. Similarly, just coming to Menzoberranzan wouldn't lead to enslavement as long as we would abide by the laws of the city and don't look like weaklings. Nevertheless, I'd rule out the city of my birth as a possible destination because of Sarith, who is an alleged murderer sought-after by the dark elves, and me, whose mother and I currently have some divergent opinions."

"It was worth a try, Sarith," the drow bard remarked to Sarith in Elven after he had cast his spell, which, unfortunately, didn't highlight the humanoid they were trying to locate. She wanted to say more to him, not wanting to treat him like he had been treated by disdainful priestesses since he could remember, but was interrupted when Begon asked the drow to help him track down the invisible creature.

She was following the two slowly, scanning the cavern and its exits with her eyes, which were accustomed to the light conditions of the Underdark.
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Old May 30th, 2018, 05:55 PM
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Qalo returned to the group after Cast Alarm as a Ritual around the new campreestablishing the security barrier around their camp. With a sigh, the wizard dropped what little food he had found with Jimjar. "Can we stop changing the location of where we make camp? I'd much rather not repeat that ritual for a third time. Here, this is all I could find with the gnome. It's not much, but it should get us through a day or so." Qalo looked around quizzically, not sure why no one was paying attention. He then turned to see some of the group stalking into the darkness. Has our observer finally caught up to us?


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Old May 31st, 2018, 03:37 AM
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Nienna Siannodel
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"Perhaps not for Drow, Derro, and one who looks like a Quagoth. The others of us I doubt will be given such courtesy." She said with a sigh when Ru started talking about Menzoberranzan trying to remind her that most drow were less liberal then she.

"Be careful at least it may be a trap! Or a lure to split us up!" She called softly after Begon.

"Thank you Qalo, apologies for moving the camp again there was some concerns about the magical emanations..." She wasn't even going to try to pronounce the word the under dark dwellers had used for it. "in the cavern. I can also provide enough food for us with my magic indefinitely."




"If you want to understand humanity, you only need to read the comments on youtube."
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Old May 31st, 2018, 04:38 AM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
Rugadh Faoi gave a chuckle. "By the laws of Menzoberranzan, there are just dark elves and non-dark elves," she replied to Nienna who didn't seem to have picked out the irony when Rugadh Faoi used the work weakling. "Whether you are a derro, a quaggoth, or even a beautiful sun elf wouldn't matter as much. Anyway, we don't want to go there, so it is kind of moot."
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Playing: Maja human mystic Rimona human enchantress Nelia tiefling bard
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Old Jun 1st, 2018, 12:15 PM
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Zar the IlluminatedZar travels with the crazy half-orc, Zar is giong to try to help Begon with his survival checks, to give him advantage if possible.trying to find where the creature stalking them went off to. Big and smash-y though he is, he seems to be the only one taking the possible threat seriously.

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Characters: Bartholomew Orthis of Priestess, Henry B. Scroggs of Learning Curve, Kargai of New Beginnings. DMing The Great Exile.

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Old Jun 3rd, 2018, 03:07 PM
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Chapter Two: Through the Dark

Begon, Zar, and SarithThe unlikely trio, after Sarith’s display of lights, headed off to where the thief had last seen the movement. A brief search showed the large warrior a clump of small mushrooms that had been stepped on and a scuff on the stones beside it.

"Good eye, or...Begon Ugo," Sarith said squatting beside him then looking up and scanning the chamber around them.

"This is a faint mark. Not many could spot it. The step was light. I do not think it came from a Drow. Or our missing half elf. It leads that way," the Drow pointed into the distance, away from the camp deep into the chamber. The place was so large that they could only see a short distance before the clusters of giant mishrooms obscured details.

"You are obviously a tracker of skill, large one. How do you wish to proceed? Shall we follow this... whatever, deeper into the cavern or do we return to our camp and set a watch.

How about you, man of the shadows?"
Sarith adreased Zar. "What say you?"

At the campTopsy approached Nienna, tugging on her hand to get the elf to look down on her.

"Thank you," the deep gnome said, shyly, "you were very brave. You may have saved us all." She looked around carefully before speaking again. "Do you, by any chance know the time of the month we are in? I lost track in the cell. What of the moon hidden on the surface?? Is it waxing or waning? Will it fill soon?"

Jimjar and Shuushar walked up to the group at the camp. Stool stood close to Elsha, seeming to have taken a liking to her.

"The food is good. While the berries are delicious, some variety is welcome. Also the stuff for the fire. I am concerned about water though. So much of it here is poison. Hunger may drive you mad but thirst will kill you quicker. "
I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
DM of: So You Wanna Be A Starfinder? | Blood on the Snow | Out Of The Abyss
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Old Jun 3rd, 2018, 06:04 PM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
Rugadh Faoi caught up with Begon, Zar, and Sarith as they were discussing whether to follow the tracks deeper into the cavern or to return to the camp and to remain vigilant. Both options had their merits and their drawbacks. She nodded at the half-orc and the human, being interested in their opinion about the matter as well. Although both men weren't accustumed to the Underdark, at least Begon must have had a lot of experiences in camping outside of large settlements.
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Playing: Maja human mystic Rimona human enchantress Nelia tiefling bard
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Old Jun 4th, 2018, 01:34 PM
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Zar the EnshadowedStomped mushrooms and scuffed stone, it would be easier to track people if there was more mud in the underdark. Of course, less easy if there were rain – trade-offs. But at least he now knew he wasn’t being sensitive. There had been someone – or at least something – out here, perhaps following them if the wizard was to be believed.

“If he’s followed us this far, he won’t likely give up now. At the same time, if he hasn’t attacked us by now, he’s not likely to. Unless he’s waiting for his posse to form so they can gut us.” Zar looked at the two drow, their Lady Drow having come up by then. “On the surface, there is a phrase people repeat often: ‘what someone doesn’t know won’t hurt him.’ On the contrary, I’ve found it’s often the only thing that does.”

MechanicsSince Begon is failing to be stealthy, Zar will use him as a Not reallydistraction to be
Dice Stealth Check:
d20+8 (19)+8 Total = 27
stealthy too.

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Characters: Bartholomew Orthis of Priestess, Henry B. Scroggs of Learning Curve, Kargai of New Beginnings. DMing The Great Exile.

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Last edited by LinguaManiac; Jun 4th, 2018 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Added Stealth Check because Begon is failing to be stealthy.
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Old Jun 4th, 2018, 04:44 PM
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Begon looked at the small tracking party and nodded his head. "We have to Survival tracking 13find this person...beast, whatever it is. I will not have it find us in our sleep."

Begon was clearly agitated. "It may be trying to draw us into a trap...there is no way to know. I say follow the trail just a bit further...slowly and aware. If we find nothing we return and double our watch." Begon again moved forward, finding it harder to find Stealth 4purchase on the slimy lichen that covered part of the floor.

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Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
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Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.
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Old Jun 5th, 2018, 02:44 AM
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Rugadh Faoi
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Rugadh Faoi
Rugadh Faoi nodded. Both Zar and Begon were right. An unknown danger right next to their sleeping place was nothing that should be ignored. On the other hand, following this trail further into the area obscured by mushroom growth could very well lead the small scouting party into a trap.

When Begon said that he had a hard time to follow the track further, Rugadh Faoi waved him, the drow and the human nearer. "Listen," she whispered softly. "If we want to apprehend this humanoid, we have to do this under our conditions. It's a bit costlier, but this is what we could do: We prepare a trap in one of the tunnels nearby. Then we relocate our camp from here to somewhere on the other side of this tunnel. If that humanoid is intent on stalking us, we will corner them in the prepared tunnel."

She looked around. "Effortful, but much better than camping next to an unknown danger."
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Playing: Maja human mystic Rimona human enchantress Nelia tiefling bard
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Old Jun 5th, 2018, 09:02 PM
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Elsha didn't know how to be helpful just then. She wasn't good at foraging or didn't have much in the way of expertise to find water or setup camp or secure their location. She didn't have any skills that would really help with finding a lurking critter around them. She felt like asking Stool more about himself (herself?) but that hardly seemed useful at the moment, other than to sate her own curiosity. That didn't seem very useful at the moment. She was no stranger to hard work but she also had no idea what work needed doing. Finally, she simply asked, "anything I can do to help?"

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Old Jun 6th, 2018, 03:21 AM
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Nienna Siannodel
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"Actually I could use some help if you don't mind?" She said to Elsha and guided her off a little bit and spoke quietly to her.




"If you want to understand humanity, you only need to read the comments on youtube."
"Science is alchemy without the mystery."
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Old Jun 11th, 2018, 05:33 PM
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Chapter Two: Through the Dark

Following the trail

The trail led away into the cavern. Begon felt like he could likely follow it, especially with the help of his companions, but it did lead away from the camp.

Sarith listened to the suggestion of Rugahd and nodded.

"It is not a poor idea," he admitted. "But there is also an argument for following. I have caught glimpses of some thing trailing us, as I believe some others have as well. If it is this thing there is no guarantee that it will strike tonight. This might be our best bet for catching whatever or whoever it is. But I will go along with what the majority decides."

The drow's eyes grew misty as he looked off among the fungi forest.

"Still....It is nice here, isn't it/"

At the Camp

At the camp the others waited for the trackers to return. Nienna had not lost her sense of the moons and knew that full moon was about a week away.

I have taken the Oath of Sangus.
DM of: So You Wanna Be A Starfinder? | Blood on the Snow | Out Of The Abyss
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Old Jun 11th, 2018, 10:41 PM
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Begon growled in frustration. Always too much talking...too much delaying. He now knew why his people had chaffed when he had tried to bring them closer to civilization. He could feel his orc blood begin to boil.

"How do we trap the tunnel?" he snarled to Rugadh. "With what supplies?"

As the words left his mouth he stopped in his tracks, suddenly remembering something. He dug into his pack and pulled out a hunting trap he had stowed away. He smiled at the group. "Maybe this could come in handy...this and a little magic?"

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Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
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Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.

Last edited by Begon Ugo; Jun 11th, 2018 at 10:41 PM.
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Old Jun 13th, 2018, 06:58 PM
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Nienna Siannodel
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Topsy approached Nienna, tugging on her hand to get the elf to look down on her.

"Thank you," the deep gnome said, shyly, "you were very brave. You may have saved us all." She looked around carefully before speaking again. "Do you, by any chance know the time of the month we are in? I lost track in the cell. What of the moon hidden on the surface?? Is it waxing or waning? Will it fill soon?"
((Ooops I realized that I forgot to answer Topsy.))

She gave the little gnome a warm smile, though she definitely took note of her question and the reasons someone would be worried about such a thing. "How long was I laying unconscious in the cage for?" She asked and when she got an answer she estimated how long it had been since she'd been down there. "I'd estimate about a tenday before it becomes full again."

She then lowered her voice so only Topsy could hear and asked her gently without judgement. "Is there something I should know sister? Know that no harm will come to you regardless of your answer. I give you my word as a druid. It would be better to know before hand so we can plan accordingly so we can keep everyone safe and not have any sort of misunderstandings with some of our more reactionary group mates."




"If you want to understand humanity, you only need to read the comments on youtube."
"Science is alchemy without the mystery."
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