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Old Jun 2nd, 2019, 10:56 PM
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OOCOi, sorry. I should have reviewed that ability before using it.

If no owl cage is available, then a strong piece of burlap would be great.

I think I'm all set in terms of conversation at this point. This was a great character introduction.
Old Jun 3rd, 2019, 09:20 PM
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OOC:Err... so, whose turn is it to post? Are we waiting for a DM post about what happens in town, or are y'all waiting for something from G now that he's detected the armpit imp?
Old Jun 3rd, 2019, 10:01 PM
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OODMmountainbound is ready to move on. If you are too, I'll do a DM update.
Old Jun 4th, 2019, 12:24 AM
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OOC:Yep, sounds good! Just making sure we weren't waiting on me!
Old Jun 4th, 2019, 11:11 PM
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Return to Oakcrest
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Frath the Tanner
Oren and Gallindan continued to converse. All the while, a ruse was going on. Oren communicated some more subtle information to Gillindan, telepathically, while the two conversed normally to try and keep Lux from knowing what was being discussed.

As the reached the outskirts of town, the streets were mostly empty. First stop was Frath's house. They found Frath outside, working a deer hide. First he looked up, with no reaction, then did a double take when he realized who it was that was walking. He immediately dropped the hide and came running, as fast as he could, to Oren, and then had an awkward moment where he wasn't sure if he should hug him, or just shake his hand. He quickly settled or the hug-shake, a mix of the two. "Oren, so glad to see you! We heard rumors that Isabelle was seen coming home, and I had hoped that it might mean something good concerning you. But we weren't sure. Oh, by the God's I'm glad you're alive!" The town elder looked genuinely exhausted. His normally well-combed hair was wet, matted and covered his face. The previous night had been an adventure after the events at the temple in the forest. He took a quick moment to acknowledge the newcomer. "Friend of yours? Looks ready for trouble. Hope we have no more of that."

A plea for help
left-aligned image
Abbot Urthwin
There was much to discuss, but the trio didn't get the chance. If Frath looked disheveled, Abbot Urthwin looked like he had thrice the night Frath did. Dirty, robes torn, and if they were not mistaken, dried blood cacked the side of his head. Frath took a deep breath to hold his tongue as the Abbot quickly approached, breathing heavily. "Poor bastard lost ever shred of decency he had left...." Oren and Gallindan could hear Frath mutter quickly. Oren didn't know what happened after Frath had escorted Urthwin outside the temple by force, but there was a visible chill in the air between the two.

Urthwin kept his gaze away from Frath's, but instead kept his eyes locked with Oren's. They had a look of desperation Oren had never before seen in the man. When he was close enough, the Abbot dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "Oren, please forgive me! I've been so wrong, and mislead. I rushed over as soon as I heard you were seen in town. I know I don't deserve your help, but I need it. Rather, Oakcrest needs it." Urthwin didn't dare look up, and he wasn't about to explain any further, at least not in front of Frath.
Old Jun 5th, 2019, 02:56 PM
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Glad to see his old friend, Oren accepts the hug-shake and the two men catch up briefly. “Yes, I travelled… very far to rescue Isabelle. She has seen terrible things, and she’ll need the help of good people to recover from her ordeal. That is part of the reason I’m here.”

When Frath looks to Gallindan, Oren motions his new friend to step near. “Frath, this is Gallindan, a warrior who serves the same cause as I. He is my guest at Dragonhall for the time being.”

The warlock then turns to Gallindan, “This is Frath, village elder here in Oakcrest and perhaps the only sensible inhabitant within a hundred miles,” Oren shares a smile with Frath. “Frath helped me when I destroyed the dragon threatening the village, and has been supervising repairs to my dwelling. We have much to catch up on.”

Before the three men can get into any real discussion however, a scuffling could be heard coming from behind: the slippered feet of Abbot Urthwin. When the fool drops to his knees asking forgiveness before him, Oren frowns and grabs him by the scuff of his robe. “Up you go.” Frath was right, the man was a wreck, an embarrassment to the church. “What you could use is a break from Oakcrest.” Sensing that Urthwin would be unwilling to say much of his latest troubles in front of Frath, Oren continues. “Frath, please come by my stronghold tonight and bring Oliver if you like. We have much to discuss."

Making a quick introduction between Urthwin and Gallindan, Oren starts walking with them away from the tanner’s. “Now, what is it that Oakcrest needs?” he asks the abbot.
OOCInsight into the Abbot
Dice Roll:
1d20+2 (18)+2 Total = 20
Old Jun 6th, 2019, 09:23 PM
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Gallindan was frustrated by his inability to reply to Oren's silent communication. But at least he had some more information. The presence of the imp burned in his memory, and he longed to castigate it here and now. But Oren must have had some reason to keep it around and keep it hidden - more than just to spare the villagers, although that was undoubtedly part of it. While he was grateful to have run into a likely ally, he was annoyed at himself for marching into a seemingly peaceful village in full arms and armor. Not the first impression a field agent should give. He had intended to stash his gear and enter incognito - well, as incognito as an elf could travel in these parts.

He was amused by the rapid pace at which Oren diverted Frath, even though it meant he had no chance to speak to the man other than to exchange greetings.

And then there was the abbot. This was definitely not what he had been expecting. As the two men spoke, Gallindan decided to Divine sense #2. I'll slow down soon, I promise.again reach out and see if there was a fiendish stench to the abbot - or, indeed, to the immediate vicinity.

Last edited by zebedee; Jun 6th, 2019 at 09:24 PM.
Old Jun 15th, 2019, 06:59 PM
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OODMSorry for the delay here, been super busy again with work.

Before the Priest could even say it, Gillindan had sensed what was coming. There was another fiend in the city, in addition to the one Oren still held underneath his arm. WAlking side by side, towards the church, Urthwin began to explain, "I didn't know who he was at first. Just a traveler who came seeking refuge. But, then he whispered things to me, and well, I fell victim to his spell. That was his influence who caused me to stir up the mob. I swear though, I had no idea I was dealing with an Incubus! Now, he has thrown me out of my church, and it won't be long before he causes more trouble. Please, you must deal with him. I am powerless to do so. The church must be rid of this abomination! After that, I'll do whatever it is that you ask. I will make restitution for my follies."
Old Jun 16th, 2019, 10:41 AM
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OOC:No worries on delay... I'm on vacation in Quebec, and the internet has been problematic. I'll be home tomorrow night and will be able to catch up.
Old Jun 20th, 2019, 04:40 PM
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Gallindan's skin crawled. He could feel the fiend nearby. He knew he was a stranger here, but even so, he felt compelled to join the conversation. "An incubus? A dangerous foe. How did you break its charm? And why did he throw you out of the church? It seems as though a charmed priest in the church is far more dangerous than one let free."

OOC:Holler if G wouldn't know even that much about incubuseses.

Last edited by zebedee; Jun 22nd, 2019 at 06:57 PM.
Old Jun 22nd, 2019, 05:59 PM
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Frowning at the cowardly priest, Oren wasn’t about to trust any story the man had to offer. “An incubus you say,” he muttered. Unsure exactly what an incubus was, Oren already had walked in the lower planes, and somehow the warlock was able to guess more than he knew.

“Abbot Urthwin, you’ll have to forgive me for being cautious here. Last time you practically turned the village against us. Now you’re saying it was the fault of some fiend that’s been hiding in the church all this time. We need to know the truth. My friend here, Gallindan, is a specialist in matters such as this.”

Oren looks to the elf and then telepathically says, Is there any way you can discover if this priest is telling the truth? I’d like to know we’re not walking into a trap if we follow him to the church.

Aloud, Oren continues, “Abbot, have you had any dealings with Isabelle since she returned to Oakcrest?"

OOCMy turn to apologize. I'm still in job search mode. Getting close, I hope, but it's definitely put a dent in my RP time.
Old Jun 23rd, 2019, 09:47 AM
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Abbot Urthwin game himself a pitiful laugh. "He used me until I was no longer of use or worth to him, and have now been tossed aside like garbage. The people of Oakcrest have lost their trust in me." The Abbot's tone changed to one now of more conviction. "If nothing is done, he will try to influence whoever comes next. I might be a coward Oren, but you know I am not a selfish or vindictive man. I'd like to think my heart is in the right place at least. I can't leave Oakcrest, knowing what evil has besieged it. But, I am also powerless to stop it myself." He paused for a second to turn and look at Oren. "I had heard a rumor that Isabelle had returned, but I have not seen her myself. I actually wasn't sure I believed it until you confirmed that just now. If that is true Oren, then you are in fact the right person to deal with the problem at hand. And, if your new friend here is an expert in these matters, all the better."

All this talk of an Incubus inside the church was causing a certain small imp, tucked under Oren's arm to start twitching very uncomfortably. Lux was smart enough to not speak out loud, but Oren could tell, he was trying to get away. It would be incredibly awkward for Oren to try and fight, while holding Lux under his arm.

OODMWe have maybe one more round of conversation before reaching the chappel. So, probably time to talk about what you will do when you get there.


Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jun 23rd, 2019 at 09:55 AM.
Old Jun 23rd, 2019, 12:32 PM
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Gallindan was growing frustrated with the one-way telepathic conversation, so he tried a new tactic. On a hunch, he replied in Elvish, "I can't be sure what kind of fiend it is, but there is indeed a fiend in the direction of the church. The Abbott himself is just a man."

OOC:I'm going to go back tonight and make his Elvish more archaic, to reflect his origin. But the gist/content isn't going to change.You know what? No I'm not. It's HARD maintaining an unusual voice. We can just take it as read that he has a strong, unusual accent or something. I'm not actually sure if Oren speaks Elvish, but it seemed worth a try.

Last edited by zebedee; Jun 23rd, 2019 at 10:57 PM.
Old Jun 28th, 2019, 10:49 PM
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It took Oren a moment -- staring somewhat blankly at Gallindan -- to realize that the elf was communicating in Elven. It was a language that Oren's family spoke, partially at least. He hadn't used it in years. Nobody in the military spoke anything but Common.

I hear you. It was all Oren could recall at the moment in reply, but he understood well enough what his companion was saying. Back in the Common tongue he says, "Abbot, has this fiend had dealings with anyone else in the village? What exactly do you suggest we do when we get to the church? We will help you, but one thing is for certain: you are compromised."

As they walk, Oren draws his dagger. I am very suspicious of a trap... he says telepathically to Gallindan.
Old Jun 29th, 2019, 11:39 AM
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The three men finished their walk to the chapel, with Oren and Gallindan flanking Abbot Urthwin. They figured they were probably walking into a trap, though they didn't know what kind. When the chapel came into view, there was a man standing in the doorway, leaning against the side post. He was tall, slender, had long dark well-kept hair, and perfectly chiseled features. He had a long pipe that he was smoking. And, perhaps what stood out the most, he was wearing Father Abbot's Sunday Best Vestments. When the trio caught his eye, he pulled the pipe from his mouth and let out a chuckle. "I thought you might go crawling for help Father, but I must say, I didn't expect this." The man was amused by the situation. His confidence and demeanor was one Oren recognized as mirroring those who ruled the underworld. To Gallindan, there as almost a visible aura surrounding him of evil.

Father Abbot stood up as tall as he could, trying to muster some kind of courage. He didn't dare say anything, but he gave a glance that could kill towards the man. He was also shaking with anger, or perhaps fear. He had never been a man of violence, he wasn't about to start now. But somehow, flanked by Oren and Gillindan, he was brave enough to stand up to and face his literal devil.

The dark-haired man pulled his pipe to his lips and took another puff. Oren, he was at least familiar with. The newcomer though, he knew nothing about. He sniffed the air, like a dog on the hunt, before speaking again. "I smell something. Oren, I presume. You've recently been somewhere out of this plane, haven't you? Brimstone has a distinct scent. And your friend here, he has the smell of a self-righteous prick." His eyes were dark and intense. They kept a close watch on the pair, though the man returned to smoking his pipe, never flinching.

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jun 29th, 2019 at 11:40 AM.
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