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Old Aug 1st, 2019, 05:28 PM
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Surprised at the sudden demise of the demon, Oren joins Gallidan next to its corpse. Looking to Lux he says, "Hide yourself, quickly." Then he grabs one of the leathery shoulders and says to Gallidan, "Let's drag this into the church. It can't be any further desecration than what's already been done. And we don't want to cause a panic in town. The more normal we can keep life in Oakcrest, the better."

Once inside, Oren says, "We'll keep a lookout for Frath so he doesn't come barging in with his sword in hand. Gallidan, the imp you saw is Lux. The creature has been sent by a demon queen as part of a deal struck to ensure the safe passage of a local village girl, by companion Daybreak, and myself. He's a nuisance," he says wryly "but apparently no friend of this incubus. Lux, what can you tell us about what just happened? Who sent the demon and is the town in more danger?"
Old Aug 3rd, 2019, 01:12 PM
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Gallindan lent his considerable strength to moving the demon's corpse. Once inside, he looked around to see what damage the creature had done to the church. And he listened to the imp's reply, much though its mere presence set fire to his blood.
Old Aug 3rd, 2019, 05:54 PM
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Oren and Gillindan moved the corpse of the devil inside the building. The church itself looked untouched. Perhaps it could use a good sweeping, as some dust had gathered on the floor. It probably had been a few weeks since Abbot Urthwin had done the job. There was nothing distinguishable from this place than any other. Gillindan, now inside could tell. Had the place been desecrated, beyond just having a devil inside its walls for a few days, he would be able to sense it. But, the air here seemed clean now.

There was, however, the very talkative Imp that was polluting the airwaves with answers to Orin's question. "Nuisance?" Lux protested. "I help you get out of the Abyss and try to get you to have a good time with a beer, and for that, I get called a nuisance? Oren, brother, you must not know what annoying is. Fekish here, he was a real prick, the kind that could get under your skin. It's his fault, doublecrossing bastard, that I am stuck as this lowly imp relegated to spy duty. He is loyal to Belial. So, you could say we have a love, hate relationship. I don't know why he was sent here though. Best guess, Belial got wind of what Fierna was doing and sent his lackey to keep an eye on things, waiting for the right moment to take over. Steal all the glory so to speak. Yup, you boys did a good job sending him back and packing. Doubt will see any more trouble since his cover was blown."

Outside, the footsteps of 3 approaching men could be heard running along the path. The pair had only a few moments before Frath, Oliver and Urthwin would be back.
Old Aug 5th, 2019, 11:06 PM
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It wasn’t much in terms of an explanation, but it was something at least. Frowning, Oren looks at Gallindan, “What do you make of what the imp says? Does any of it make sense?”

The warlock thinks quick when he hears the footsteps. “Lux, come and hide again. You would only cause confusion or worse. Don’t fret, I’m planning to get you a fine bottle of whiskey so you can indulge as much as you want later.”
Old Aug 6th, 2019, 01:33 PM
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Gallindan sighed. "I wish I knew. Despite my training, that is the first time I've ever actually crossed blades with a fiend. The demon lords are always backstabbing each other, so it makes sense they would be at odds. But why would two demon lords be competing over this backwater town? Lux - do you think Belial will send more 'lackeys'?"
Old Aug 8th, 2019, 02:26 PM
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"Nah, I think we are in the clear," Lux replied nonchalantly. "Ok, Invisi for me." The small imp disappeared, and a moment later, Oren felt his weight on his shoulder. "Whiiiskeeeyyyy!" Oren heard him whisper seductively in his ear.

The door to the church burst open and Frath came in, sword in hand, as Oren had predicted. Oliver was right behind him, wielding a club. With a brief look around the room, both lowered their weapons. "They are OK, you sniveling worm," Frath called the Abbot, who cautiously walked in last.

Abbot Urthin also took a quick look at the scene, then slumped over and sat against the wall, trying to catch his breath. "Praise the Gods this is over," he muttered a prayer to nobody in particular, while a few tears of gratitude slid down his cheek.

Getting a good look at the demon in its natural form made Oliver shiver. "That was in our church?" he quested his father.

"Yes Oliver, evil and will hide in plain sight if we let it, corrupting even those who should be the furthest from sin. Luckily, Oakcrest has a protector," Frath smiled at Oren, then Gallindan. "Or two, it now seems."

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Aug 8th, 2019 at 02:26 PM.
Old Aug 16th, 2019, 06:10 PM
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Oren relaxes as the imp turns invisible, just as Frath and Oliver come in. He surveys the scene with new eyes as Oliver expresses his shock.

"This and worse may be lurking in the village. We destroyed this demon, but for some strange reason, there are powerful forces that are interested in Oakcrest. Can we trust you to dispose of this creature?"

Turning to the priest, Oren continues, "Abbot, you need to tell us if this demon gave you any other insight into his desires, or if there are more threats that you know of."
Old Aug 17th, 2019, 08:30 PM
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Gallindan smiled back at Frath, and nodded. He remained quiet, as he still didn't trust the Abbot. Or the imp.

OOC:Dammit. I thought I posted something a week ago when Bhelogan updated, but it obviously didn't go through. MB basically did what I wanted to do, though - try to get answers from the Abbot!
Old Aug 20th, 2019, 08:54 AM
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Frath and Oliver stepped aside to let the Abbot come in and further explain himself. Frath's look of disdain for Urthwin could physically be felt. Oliver didn't take as harsh of a stance as his father, but looked rather as if he pitted the man.

Still sopping with mud and blood, Urthwin was uncomfortable standing inside the chapel, and so was timid about coming in any further. Frath's stern gaze made it clear he didn't care if the floor needed to be mopped, as it needed a good cleaning anyway. After a few uncomfortable moments of justling around, the likes of which even caused Lux to laugh a bit into Oren's ear, Urthwin began to explain. "I told you before, he came knocking on the door, looking like a cold hungry traveler asking for a meal and place to stay. I felt inclined to help, but as we sat for dinner, he worked his magic on me. Put me under his spell, where I was powerless to act for myself. He wanted me to stir up the people, to drive YOU out of town. Kill you even, if we had to. He knew Frath had been helping you, and so he got dragged into it too. He knew where Isabelle was and said there was still a way to save her. He told me, you keep one touched by the devil's themselves as company. So you see, there was some knowledge he had about you, and wanted to thwart your work here. But too what end, I do not know." Urthwin took a deep breath, again to build up his courage before making one last request. "If you would be so kind as to allow it, I would like to at least clean myself up and pack my things before leaving."

"Like I said," Lux whispered into Oren's ear. "Belial sent his lackey to try and take over, instead of letting My Lady Fierna do it. Backfired, and now neither of them have a hold here, since you know, you kinda refused to serve Fierna yourself."
Old Sep 1st, 2019, 09:41 PM
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Oren considers Lux's words for a long moment, staring at the body of the slain fiend. "There is something special about this place. Whether it's this town, the people, the land, the ancient temples. I don't know. But a lot is at stake."

He looks to the Abbot. "I want to be frank with you Abbot, because you have been frank with me. I have good reason to believe that the warring powers not only want me dead, but also want you dead too -- or subdued. So I would suggest that, for your own safety, you come with me leave Oakcrest for a while. As you know, I have a dwelling in the hills, and would invite both you and my new friend Gallindan there for the evening."

To Frath he says, "How do you suggest we dispose of the body?"

To Oliver: "Would you be so kind as to check in on Isabella and her family today and report back before the rest of us are through here?"
OOCOren will stay to help dig a big hole or whatever Frath suggests. He wants to then pick up whatever items were left on his list, and go back to Dragonhall to strategize with Gallindan, the Abbot and Daybreak.
Old Sep 9th, 2019, 01:56 PM
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Gallindan is surprised to hear Oren offer the Abbot a place to stay... but perhaps that does make the most sense. The man certainly can't be left in town. As the others are talking, he goes about searching the fiend's body to see if there are any other clues. After that, he makes a cursory loop around the church, looking for anything that seems out of place. The fiend had been here for some time, so it's possible there's more evidence of what Belial may have been after.
Old Sep 9th, 2019, 08:14 PM
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Abbot Urthwin looked scared, as he heard Oren mention that the forces at play probably wanted him dead two. It was a reality he had not considered before, but one that terrified him. "I, well. I had thought to head south, and visit my brother. He lives about a weeks travel away in Rosewood. I thought you all wanted me gone, and as far away as possible. I wouldn't blame you. I can't call this place home ever again. If you are really inclined to try and keep me safe though, Oren, I don't know that I could turn you down. Are you sure that is a good idea though? Maybe if I leave, I will be left alone too."

Frath didn't seem to like the idea of the Abbot looking around, by the look on his face, but he wasn't about to interject. Besides, he had his own question to respond too. "Burn the damned thing. Don't leave anything to be dug up or discovered." he said, holding his nose, and kicking into the corpse just to make sure it was dead and not going to move. "Should keep the rest of the townsfolk from spreading rumors as well, or causing trouble."

"I'll check on them," Oliver agreed before his father, Frath, motion for the boy to grab the demon's feet, and the pair carried the corpse out behind the church. Not before Gillindan had a chance to look it over first though. He was, in fact, viewing a devil in person for the first time. He had slain many before who had corrupted themselves to unredeemable states by making deals with them in the past, but this was new. And it wasn't pleasant. At least there were deep searing marks left in the corpse by his righteous blade. Nothing else on the body though gave any further insight into what had happened to hear. The small chapel also looked undisturbed. There was nothing left here from the influence of Belial. Gallindan was sure he could sense it if there was.
Old Sep 15th, 2019, 10:56 PM
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When the unpleasant business with the corpse was well underway, Oren turns to Gallindan: "I would be honored to have you as a guest. We can speak more about our mutual service of the Absent Lord. If you... both, would help me gather a few supplies, we can depart."

It doesn't take long for Oren to pick up the food and equipment he needs for several days. Between the three men, it's a light burden. The way through the forest is by now well known to the warlock, but he takes it easy, speaking over his shoulder at times, at others, walking beside Gallindan. He doesn't pay that much attention to the Abbot, except to ensure the man is keeping up. "Gallindan, before we reach Dragonhall, I wanted to tell you that I have a student who lives with me... she's my companion and we are devoted to each other." He takes a deep breath. "I'm telling you this now, because her appearance may shock you. Not that she's disfigured -- much to the contrary. When we met, she was a forest dryad, bound to a tree in these very woods. But in the course of our adventures together, she was changed into a demon-woman. In form only -- she has saved my life more than once and I would vouch for her in any circumstance. One look at her eyes, and you will see. Her name is Daybreak."

As the sun slopes westward, the trio comes to the sparse pines dotting the base of the huge rock formation rising up out of the forest. "Once a dragon lived in that cave, and took a local girl captive. None in Oakcrest was willing to save her, so Daybreak and I defeated it together. That's where it gets its name, Dragonhall. Come up, please," he points up the switchback leading up along the cliff face to a rock overhang above. "That's the entrance."

Once inside, he leaves the two men to unpack and searches out Daybreak. Wanting to be sure that Gallindan, is properly introduced. Surveying the victuals and supplies being unloaded from the thick burlap bags: rings of dried sausage, cheese, bread, pickled fish, dried fruit, seasonings and a few bottles of alcohol. Oren picks up a bottle of whiskey and uncorks it to take a sip. "Lux, you can come out now."
Old Sep 18th, 2019, 01:07 PM
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Gallindan was impressed, he had to admit. He suspected there was more to defeating the dragon than two-on-one combat, but the deed was done regardless. "A dragon in your win column and a dryad at your side. Yours is an interesting tale, my friend. But all of this just convinces me the more that something is important about Oakcrest."

He helped to unpack the foodstuffs as he looked around the dwelling. "I should try to make contact with my local network. My orders were merely to free the church, but more is at play here. Why do so many powers converge on one backwater town? And what powers still lie hidden?"

Turning to the Abbott, he asked, "Is the history of Oakcrest full of incidents like these? How long have you lived here?"
Old Sep 18th, 2019, 05:28 PM
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The hall was mostly cleaned out now, and both Abbot Urthwin and Gillindan had room to unpack and spread out in the guest chambers. Daybreak kept herself hidden at first since there were more visitors that she did not know, but came out when Oren suggested. Daybreak did not disappoint in her appearance as a Demon Woman. She was a tiefling, winged, with dark purple skin. Her form was covered in hide armor and a cloak. But, as Oren had said, she had unnaturally green eyes that could only have been those of a dryad. "New friends?" she asked Oren.

Lux didn't need to be asked twice to come get his whiskey. Although the bottle was roughly the same size as himself, the dark imp gladly took a bottle, and took a deep sip. His face turned to one of instant ecstasy. "Oh man, the stories of this stuff don't' do it justice!" he said, perched on Oren's shoulder.

Abbot Urthwin jumped back at the sight of the imp. Even Gallindan tensed up again a bit at his appearance. "I don't know what to think of you Oren, you slay one devil, only to keep another as a parrot? Still, it is not my place to judge. You have been more than fair with me." Rather than deal with what appeared to be an oxymoron, Urthwin turned his attention to Gillindan's question.

"I've lived in Oakcrest for the better part of three decades. Its history is marked with stories of enormous melons, strange-shaped beats, and other agricultural wonders as most of the local farmers compete against each other to grow the best crops every year. Rather mundane. Few scandals, apart from those common to backwater towns as you called it. Perhaps a few love triangles, or quarrels between families over irrigation usage form time to time, but nothing so spectacular or extra-planar as we have seen ever since that Dragon arrived. I can tell by the make of your shoes though, that you have come a ways, but not terribly far. I know the cordwainer who makes that style well. I pray, tell us, have you run into these types of uholy infiltrations in the past?"
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