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Old Jan 16th, 2020, 01:35 PM
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Blackroot Male Firbolg: Tempest Cleric level 4

Blackroot gently set Tommen back on the floor. "There’s no need to worry. I had no intention of harming the little tyke. We handle young-uns like this all the time back in my village. I’ve never hurt a one of them," the half-giant explained. Perhaps he had assumed the halfling was a human child. He had limited exposure to either race.

The firbolg looked at Ember and there was a hint of malice in his voice, "I suggest you put away your empty threats. Perhaps your don’t know who your dealing with. The two of us wiped out a whole platoon of orcs by ourselves. Well, it was mostly Hakoon here. I just kept him alive and picked off his leavings. He gets a bit intense around followers of Grummish … or any other god for that matter." As the situation seemed to diffuse, he added, "Why don’t we have a drink, like that fellow suggested. And we can swap war stories."

As Kate began talking, Blackroot’s eyes glazed over. He didn’t understand half of what she was saying. But she seemed to know where Greta was, so Blackroot got excited. "Baron’s Keep? Is that the stone building up on the hill?" he asked stupidly.

Last edited by Huhart; Jan 16th, 2020 at 01:35 PM.
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Old Jan 16th, 2020, 02:43 PM
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Waugh Brokejaw | Male Half-Orc: Bard (Valor) | Level 4

HP: 44/44 | AC: 16 | Speed: 30' | Hit Dice: 4/4d18
Languages: Common, Orc, Giant

Waugh looked up in surprise as Rowan asked about his homeland. He hadn't thought about it much over the past few months. Too many new things to deal with and adapt to. But before he could formulate much of a response, the paladin had moved on. The Emissary. He understood the nature of their relationship. He was cooperating, wasn't it?

"The Emissary is no friend of mine. I'll tell whoever you want." His response was brusk, a little gruff. In the instant that followed, he weighed his words. Rowan hadn't been the sort to harp on this before. Was he more worried about the battle than he was letting on? Did he want to make sure this lordling received the message even in Rowan was no longer able to deliver it? He softened his tone a little and nodded. "I will make sure that Dantas or any of Sakura Company that will listen hear the tale."

He lapsed into silence for a while, almost as if the request had driven the initial question from his mind. But he was still turning it over in his mind, and eventually he spoke once more. "Nobody builds anything where I come from. Not roads, nor stone walls. Such things are designed to last, and have less meaning when life is cheap. Short and harsh, with little time to think of what comes next." He frowned at his own words, they seemed overly harsh. But they were where his mind had first gone, considering the construction Rowan had spoke of. "But that does make it all... clean? Pure. Untouched. Over each new rise you can find something new that nobody else has seen before." There was another brief pause as he shook sheets of water off his oiled cloak. "There is also not nearly so much water. Does it always rain like this?"

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Last edited by hafrogman; Jan 16th, 2020 at 04:17 PM.
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Old Jan 16th, 2020, 04:33 PM
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Ember | Male Half-Elf Eladrin: Monk (Sun Soul) (4) | Level 4

HP: 31/31 (Temp: 0)| AC: 17 | Speed: 40' | Hit Dice: 4/4d8 | Status: Where to begin…
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Gith

Ember Looked to the Firbolg trying to determine what exactly he was. "I do not deal in idle threats nor wasted efforts. Put Tommen down and we have no quarrel, I am certain he does not appreciate being manhandled. As for having a drink well that is Tommen's area and the longer you hold him the longer it will take for you to get your drink." Ember did not move from where he stood until Tommen was released once free of the big guys hands he moved back over to lean against the bar once more.



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Old Jan 17th, 2020, 01:46 AM
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Hakoom, Dragonborn

Hakoom | Male Red Dragonborn: Paladin (4) | Level 4

HP: 43/43 (Temp: 0)| AC: 21 (23 with shield of faith) | Speed: 30' | Hit Dice: 4/4d10 | Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Status: Fire Resistant
Languages: Common, Draconic


"Those damn orcs, pathetic beings! The worshippers of a pathetic low life demon, calls himself a god, ha! If that is a god then anyone can be, you, what's your name again? Amber? Ember, Ember! You look more like a god than Gruumsh! Ah, if your floors weren't new I would have spit all over the floor." He didn't actually know much about Gruumsh, but he was a god, a god of evil that allows them to do evil things. It made his blood boil thinking of how much influence "it" had over the orcs, they may not have attacked if it wasn't for "it" and "it's" zealots.



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Old Jan 18th, 2020, 07:13 PM
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Haaliryl | Female Wood Elf: Arcane Trickster (4) | Level 4

HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 | Speed: 35ft. | Hit Dice: 4d8
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Trusting that Tivadar has the newcomers handled, Haaliryl turns her attention back to Kate and her device. She looked in disbelief and surprise as she repeated the movements Kate demonstrated, getting the hang of how the gauntlet worked. She had grown fond of her shape-shifting blade, conflicted about losing this part of it's function, but this was definitely an upgrade. She practiced a bit with the blade, retracting and expanding it, then repositioning the blade. When she was finished, she retracted the blade and looked at Kate.

"Kate, I was doubtful at first look, but you've outdone yourself. It's perfect."

As Kate recited Dantas' whole routine, she raised an eyebrow while staring at her. At Tivadar's comment, she responded, frowning at him with a smirk underneath her cowl.

"Maybe I should fire you, and hire her instead, then."

At the mention of Sakura company, she turned her attention to the newcomers, approached them, and suspiciously questioned them with an eyebrow raised, her eyes the only visible feature of her face.

"What business do you have with the Sakura company?"


Last edited by MasterMind007; Jan 23rd, 2020 at 03:03 PM.
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Old Jan 23rd, 2020, 09:39 PM
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Anastrianna Siannodel | Female Wood Elf: Druid Level 4

HP: 27/27 (Temp: 0) | AC: 17 | Speed: 35' | Hit Dice: 4/4d8 | Wild Shape: 2/2 | Spirit Totem: 1/1 | Status: Normal
Languages: Common, Druid, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orc, Sylvan


The rapid speech of the satyress and the questions from Nyx are a bit difficult for Anastrianna to follow. Especially when she isn't entirely sure of the answer. To the hound, the elf gives only a slight raise of her left right shoulder in a half shrug. When she catches herself in the rather childish gesture, she casts a wondering glance at Aerith. Perhaps the youthful exuberance of the fey was rubbing off on her. To ground herself, Anastrianna reaches out and puts her hand on Nix's head in response.

"I do not know for certain if there is a connection here, but if Nix believes it to be true, then I will investigate. I trust him and his instincts with my life. To the best of my knowledge, and the knowledge of my companions, no undead remain within the confines of the keep.

"I believe an oyster is some sort of creature from the sea, but that is far from here. I have never seen one.

"He is not a wolf. He is a blink hound. He comes from the Feywild. Have you never seen one of his kind before?"
Now Anastrianna is a bit skeptical of the satyress, although she does not know exactly how common blink hounds are in the Feywild. Nix is the only one she has ever seen.

That, and the mention of the bow, puts Anastrianna on her guard a bit. "I am not familiar with the tree from which the wood that made the bow came. It is also of the Feywild. It chose me to be its keeper," she replies as her fingers tighten around the weapon.

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Old Jan 24th, 2020, 07:12 PM
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Hakoom, Dragonborn

Hakoom | Male Red Dragonborn: Paladin (4) | Level 4

HP: 43/43 (Temp: 0)| AC: 21 (23 with shield of faith) | Speed: 30' | Hit Dice: 4/4d10 | Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Status: Fire Resistant
Languages: Common, Draconic


The hooded person came their way, intrigued by the mention of the group she was in, she was well hidden, her eyes the only thing that he could see of her. He smiled as she got closer, he thought of how to ask about their old Paladin, in the end, the direct approach seemed wise.

"I wish to know more about your friend with the eye patch and the symbol of the great Platinum Dragon Bahamut. Did you know much about her? I ask because I have a particular issue that I believe she can help me with. Or, by how well you knew her, you could maybe help me with. Simply, the issue is that I have lost my way into the light of the divine and my powers don't work as they should. I ask for guidance into possibly getting blessed by hers, Bahamut's I mean, but she does not seem to answer my call." He explained as his head began to point down and he looked at the floor for a bit, before regaining his composure.

"Your friend might have been able to help me, but I hear that she is gone now. Not dead of course, but physically left the group to travel somewhere else. Where to I do not know, and no one I ask seems to know either. Very frustrating I tell you." He continued to say, then waited to see what kind of response he would get.



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Old Jan 28th, 2020, 01:57 PM
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Haaliryl | Female Wood Elf: Arcane Trickster (4) | Level 4

HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 | Speed: 35ft. | Hit Dice: 4d8
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Haaliryl crossed her arms and stared at the dragonborn in front of her, sizing him up. There was something unnerving about her, something almost predatory hiding behind those jade eyes. The look invoked an uneasy feeling, as if Haakom was somehow in front of a judge deciding whether he lives or dies.

Finally, after a long pause, she answered, never breaking eye contact.

"Information is valuable. It is not something I give out for free, especially not if it's about someone dear to me. Unfortunately for you, I don't trust you. Which makes your job that much more difficult. If you really want this information, you have to persuade me."

She raised her right palm in the air, it's back facing the dragonborn. "I can count the people I trust on one hand. What makes you one of them?"

She lowered her hand, crossing her arms again, awaiting an answer.

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Old Jan 28th, 2020, 03:16 PM
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Ember | Male Half-Elf Eladrin: Monk (Sun Soul) (4) | Level 4

HP: 31/31 (Temp: 0)| AC: 17 | Speed: 40' | Hit Dice: 4/4d8 | Status: Where to begin…
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Gith

Ember moved back to his spot leaning against the bar just watching the interaction between those gathered. These two were apparently looking for someone that Haaliry new and was not so willing to divulge her whereabouts. He doubted anything physical was going to take place but it was his job to be ready in case it should. So he watched the newcomers closely especially the Firbolg.



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Old Jan 29th, 2020, 02:36 PM
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Belkas Falzaren | Male | Half Elf | Warlock (3) Sorcerer (1) | Level 4

HP: 38/38 | 18AC | 12PP | 30 FeetSpeed | Hit Dice: D8 (3/3) | D6 (1/1) | Spell Slots: Level 1 (4/4) | Level 2 (3/3)


Belkas continues walking towards the strange scene keeping Moonbrook busy. He wasn't in a rush, he hadn't sensed any danger from the scene. He is enjoying his stroll through the castle. His dagger clutched at his side. It feels like old times with his friend.

"It's funny this. Usually, you are in the position of power. I wouldn't say the tables have turned yet, but it's nice being on this side of our conversation for once. My answer is the same response that you always counter with. Everything has a price. What do you have to offer me for this first hand viewing you so desire?"
Belkas reaches the door he has been searching for.
"My friend, we will have to continue this later. I have something odd to check out. It's too bad we haven't worked out a price yet, your input could have been interesting. Oh well."
With that, Belkas slides his dagger into the sheathe. He pauses for a moment to withdraw his pipe from his pack. He packs it quickly, and steps outside into the cool air before lighting it. He continues his approach towards Moonbrook, pipe in hand.

Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face. ~Mike Tyson
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Old Jan 29th, 2020, 05:07 PM
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Hakoom, Dragonborn

Hakoom | Male Red Dragonborn: Paladin (4) | Level 4

HP: 43/43 (Temp: 0)| AC: 21 (23 with shield of faith) | Speed: 30' | Hit Dice: 4/4d10 | Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Status: Fire Resistant
Languages: Common, Draconic


He was staring into the eyes of the jaded eyed person in front of him as she requested to know why he should be trusted and be given the information about her paladin friend. The stare down was not uncommon from where he came from, but often was lead quickly to violence and bloodshed, but that was back in the cult, that was when your loyalty was questioned. This world didn't work like that, at least around civil people it didn't. He wondered, was she civilized? She had to be if she was in this place. He looked calmly at her jade eyes, as much as he didn't want to divulge into his past, he was desperate, the pain of using his powers with his own life force would eventually take a toll on him and he felt that Bahamut was his only answer to heal himself of this pain. He put down his shield, and held up his hand with an open palm.

"Not pulling out a secret weapon, just opening my coat to show you something." He said as he started to unbutton his coat, he then pulled down his shirt, and on his chest, over his heart was the brand of Tiamat, the area around it scarred from trying to deface it.

"What would persuade you? Paying for your drinks? I don't think so. Would a tale of my past that I would normally like to keep to myself show you that I am honest and can be trusted? Fine, I was born into a cult, one that worshipped the five headed dragon Tiamat. I was loyal to them, would have died for them if I was told, but then I was given the mission to kill a child, a child of all things, what god makes a dragonborn do that? So instead I killed my commander, took the child, hid him away, found him a home. I then had no meaning, nothing to live for, so I continued to rescue other cultists, take them to a safe place and have them try to live normal lives, tried to restart my own life. I fight where I can in order to try and redeem myself for what I did in the past. But it has come at a cost, my powers, they drain my life force when I use them now, a sick punishment for breaking my oath with it. I truly wish to join the ranks of Bahamut's Paladins and gain her faith, regain the fire of the divine with her, fight for the side of good. I had begged, pleaded, done all that I could in order to gain a sign that she might be listening." He closed his coat as he felt that, that point was made. "Then at the ceremony where your company was praised, I saw her, your friend, in all her devoted divine glory. In that moment I felt a hint of the divine's presence again, so I wished to speak to her, learn from her and find a way to be blessed again. That is why I'm here, well also to help Blackroot find his contact, but I ask for help." He said as he kept his eyes on hers, he picked his shield back up.

"And to show you I am not lying about my powers, I'm willing to do this to myself. Sorry Ember, but I hope that you're wise, my friend, I wouldn't normally do this to someone that didn't deserve it. It won't hurt, just put the fear in you for a minute." He quickly said as he placed his right hand onto his chest.

He began to chant in draconic and as he did, his eyes turned dark, and he pointed to Ember (Fear, Wisdom Saving Throw DC 13), his skin darkened as if his life essence was being sapped out of him. Instead of fighting the feeling, he let it take from him. His dark eyes flowed blood from his tear ducts, his nose and mouth followed, he gasped in pain, when it passed he began to cough, the colour of his scales faded back to their natural colour. He didn't take his eyes off her's though and made sure she saw what happens.

"Good...enough?" He asked.



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Old Jan 29th, 2020, 05:49 PM
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Ember | Male Half-Elf Eladrin: Monk (Sun Soul) (4) | Level 4

HP: 31/31 (Temp: 0)| AC: 17 | Speed: 40' | Hit Dice: 4/4d8 | Status: Where to begin…
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Gith

Ember Looked towards the dragonborn as he told his story. When he turned to face him and apologized, stating he normally would not do this but it would only put the fear into him. Ember stood straight no longer leaning against the bar. His feet shifting ever so slightly to the untrained eye as he moved into a defensive stance. Watching the dragonborn closely to determine his intent. As he did he felt the fear spread in his body, and he stepped slightly away from the dragonborn and the gruesome visage that appeared. While he understood the intent he still did not appreciate the effect, as it chilled him to the core.

When the feeling passed he looked to the dragonborn, as he eased his stance. "Next time you wish to make an example I would appreciate you doing so in another way. Fortunately I read your intent correctly otherwise it might have led to violence."



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Last edited by JaredSyn; Jan 29th, 2020 at 05:53 PM.
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Old Feb 1st, 2020, 05:56 AM
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SoW Chapter 3: Umberforge - Part 1: Impending Siege
Date Midwinter Holiday, “31” Deepwinter, 1494 DR
Time 8:38 AM
Location Hanami Castle
Region Barony of Rivenroar, Giant’s Shield Mountains
Weather Icy Rain and Thunder, 36 F/ 2 C

”Waugh: A former enemy turned ally, and Brand: Exoerienced War Wizard Soldier”
Rowan can’t help but laugh at Waugh’s observation, "It is quite wet at this time of year, but usually it turns to snow. It’s relatively mild today, so just icy rain. By the time night rolls around we’ll likely see it turn to snow flakes."

Turning in his saddle to consider the half-orc, Rowan continues, "The way you speak of your homeland is… evocative. So many people on this side of the range, especially if you’re dwarven, believe it is a land of worthless wastes and barrenness that is more oppressive than our sensibilities would allow. But there is life there… beyond the orcs I imagine. I like to believe if there is life, then hope exists, no matter how bleak it may be."

Rowan can’t help but sheepishly laugh and rubs the back of his head self-consciously, "But who am I to say, I’ve never been there. I apologize if I spoke out of turn Waugh. Brand? What about you? What’s your home like?"

”Anastrianna: An evolving member of the Oakstaff | Belkas Falzaren: the conflicted sorcerer”
Aerith nods as she listens to Anastrianna speak, "Yes, it’s good to trust a friend and ally, most definitely. Trust is hard to come by, there is much that must be earned first. And yes! Of course! A blink hound… of course I’ve seen blink hounds. Yeah… they’re all over back home, for sure. Yep, they uh… just prance around, like ponies really. Lots of ponies… essentially blink dogs… hounds…. lots of wolves too. You know, I think I’m confused because blink hounds are usually so much BIGGER, like ponies, you see? So you’d understand how I could be mistaken."

Anastrianna’s unease does not go unnoticed by the Satyress who holds up her hands and waves them towards you, "Hey, come on now, there’s no need to get antsy. I’m just extremely curious is all. Look, I’ve been watching you for months now, and I bet you never noticed, didja? So if I wanted to harm ya, I would have done it and taken yer bow already. So no, I think your bow is a lovely treasure that would be suitable for any dragon’s hoard, but I really just wanted to introduce myself for the conversation. You know? Cause lady, it seems like you need someone to talk to. You keep growling at that dog like yer carrying on a conversation and it just feels like you’ve run out of people to confide in, right? Am I right?!"

The wind shifts, and blows towards you through the trees. It catches you off guard a bit at first as the tree doesn’t seem to react right away to the wind… as though the force of it hit your face a moment before the trees… oddly.

Nix sniffs at the air subtly, and gives his now trademarked side-look to Anastrianna, "Ana, what metal leaves weird mouth taste drink kitchen bowl Greta leaves? Looks red, looks shiny warm but not? Haaliryl hates discs made red metal, prefers shiny warm metal instead. Green when rain. Hate words." The last phrase is accompanied by a whimper from the blink hound.

Traveling through the garden from the Castle, Belkas approaches Anastrianna’s position near the catacombs entrance. The weirdest site greets him… it’s odd to explain. From above, he saw a visual disturbance that seemed to look like a giant sheet was hung in mid-air, but from this vantage, approaching from the castle on the ground, he swore it looked like there was a “cut-out” of the forested area, like a painting of the area directly behind it, and it include the tree behind it, the sky and ground, and the image moved! It was rather impressive actually, it odd.

Belkas was fairly certain if he stood roughly where Moonbrook was, he probably wouldn’t be able to tell from that perspective that there was any visual disruption. Quite clever actually.

But that also meant that whoever made this magic happen was also quite clever, and would require caution…

”Haaliryl, Ember, Hakoom, and Blackroot. It’s crowded at The Rose and The Thorn...”

Kate nodded to Hakoom, "Oh yes, it’s only 8:30 in the morning, I’d say. Assuming you aren’t killed in this tavern before then, I’d say you have plenty of time." The words are spoken with no hint of threat in tone or delivery, just merely stating a fact as it were. Turning her attention to Blackroot, Kate nodded emphatically, "Yes indeed! That’s Hinami Castle, home and fortress of the New Rivenroar Lord, Baron Dantas Rocannon!"

It was around this time that Ember’s firmness seemed to click in with the… well… dense firbolg, and Tommen was dropped to the ground, where he managed to land on his feet with a hop. Adjusting his collar, he chuckled and motioned for the two new comers to head towards the bar, "Ale! I’ve got some lovely local ale from Brindol you might like, as well as some local wine that isn’t half bad either. That or there’s some imports from Overlook if yer used to that! Take yer pick and I’ll pull the draught for ye."

As he approaches the bar he nods to Ember with a relieved look on his face, and then hops over the bar with what seemed like little effort, despite is diminutive size.

Listening to Hakoom begin cursing Gruumsh up and down the bar, Tommen tilted his head, as did Tivadar, and Kate who watched the rant with some interest… to whatever degree each potentially had with the extensive cursing. Tivadar was the first to speak after, "So… good thing no Gruumsh worshippers here, eh? Hehe…"

Kate observes Haaliryl go through the motions with the device and claps excitedly at the elven rogues compliment. Bowing low, she smiled and then stood up, "Well, on that note I’ll take my leave. Remember to be on the lookout for more blueprints! I’ve got some equipment to build for Lord Hallal, and hopefully I’m not late to see Dantas."

The half-elf blacksmith stands up and whistles as she leaves the tavern, pulling her green hair back and tying it into a ponytail in preparation for her work at the forge it seems. While she’s lithe in form, Hakoom and Blackroot certainly take notice that her musculature is extremely toned and defined. While she isn’t billed out, her musculature looks as thought it’s rightly wound to spring with every fiber of muscle in her limbs.

Tivadar was engrossed listening to Hakoom’s request to speak with the member of Sakura Company who most recently left. Glancing to Haaliryl, he was curious to judge how she’d react. He’d known her to do some rather outrageous things for less motivation…

However, his eyes seemed to widen and state as he saw the symbol of Tiamat on Hakoom’s chest. Leaning on the counter from behind the bar, Tivadar said to Tommen, "I’m going to need a shot of Fireforge whiskey when you get the chance… today is going to be a long day…" The halfling nodded, "You got it boss…"

The room grew silent as Hakoom’s powers manifested… and their consequence. Tivadar places a hand over his face and sighs, "Tommen, please make it a double… and get the mop to clean up that blood please…"

”OODM” Sorry for the delay; but here we go!
PCs: Dramoth "Nova" / Rhokax Soulreader / Kayne Cyire / Torm / Donovan Whistler
GM: Scales of War 5e & Yeohven: Fall from Grace
Real Life hitting harder and harder. Working on updates as soon as I can, please have pity (patience) on me!

Last edited by MontageManiac; Feb 1st, 2020 at 05:57 AM.
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Old Feb 3rd, 2020, 12:36 AM
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~ Blackroot ~ Male Firbolg: Tempest Cleric Level 4

HP: 32/32 THP: 0 | AC: 19 | Speed: 30' | Hit Dice: 4d8 | Channel Divinity: 1/1 | Wrath of the Storm: 4/4 | Status: Normal
Languages: Common, Giant, Elvish

"You foolish redscale! There was no need to hurt yourself for these outlandish folk," Blackroot rebuked Hakoom. "Look, you made the scrawny He is refering to Embertwig wet himself." The firbolg began twiddling his fingers, in preparation to cast a spell. "Do you need healing?"

Blackroot glared at Haaliryl. His countenance of childish wonder was replaced by a more dangerous demeanor. "You've some nerve asking for trust when you haven't even shown us your face. I'll bet your as pale as the moonlight. A little sunshine might do you some good." A low growl rumbled from his chest as he spoke, "So far I ain't been impressed with this human town. We come in here and for no good reason we're treated like some ne'er-do-well outlaws. We're heroes, I told you! We two fought off all them orcs."

He looked over at Tivadar. "I was wanting to try your home-brewed ale, but it's clear we aren't welcome here." And back to Hakoom, he added, "Let's go up to that stone hut. That pretty blacksmith girl said that Lord fellow ... wazzhisname? Doofus Rockhead? He's one of the Sakura folk too, ain't he? That pile of stones is his house. We'll just go and ask him about your eye-patched friend. Those lordly folk got manners, unlike these ragamuffin."

Blackroot started for the door, but waited for Hakoom, should he need healing or rest before continuing.

Last edited by Huhart; Feb 3rd, 2020 at 12:37 AM.
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Old Feb 3rd, 2020, 07:26 AM
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Ember | Male Half-Elf Eladrin: Monk (Sun Soul) (4) | Level 4

HP: 31/31 (Temp: 0)| AC: 17 | Speed: 40' | Hit Dice: 4/4d8 | Status: Where to begin…
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Gith

Ember glared at the firbolg the creature certainly seemed to lack manners of any sort, and continued to try and press his buttons. "Maybe your friend is the only one of the two of you with any sense. Seems like he has the job of cleaning up the messes when you make them. I've never met one of your kind before and I have to say, thus far the only impression I have is of a brutish ruffian with no manners or courtesy in his body.

I am sure you behave similarly at the Lord's and you will get an even less warm welcome. The door is right there be sure to not let it hit you in the backside on your way out. Maybe go find a wild animal to rut with they seem more up to your speed. If it wasn't for your red scaled friend here I imagine you would be quite unwelcome most places you go."



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