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Old Feb 13th, 2020, 02:29 PM
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Dantas Rocannon | Male Human | Paladin, Oath of Vengence (3) : Warlock, Hexblade (1) | Level 4

HP: 41/41 | AC: 20 | Speed: 30ft. | Hit Dice: 3d10 1d8
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Dantas finished the last of his meal. He put his fork down robotically, shoved his empty bowl away from him, and put his elbows down on the table. Resting his forehead in the palm of his hand, he stole a few more seconds of silence before addressing Hallal. "Thank you for the report, uncle. Continue with construction as planned. Have the new recruits trained. If we're going to outfit them, I'd rather we do so after they know which end of the sword to hold and which to point at their enemies. Once they are trained and construction has progressed further, we'll worry about finding new recruits."

The noble paused here, and he smiled for the first time that morning. "They were fighting over Kate," he repeated, amused. "Don't suppose they asked her which one she preferred. Go easy on them. No point in keeping them locked up when there is work to do. A week without pay, or if they like to fight, give them the option of joining one of our existing retinues."

"Now, if there is nothing else," Dantas announced, pushing his seat back as he stood up. "I'm going to train." As he left the room, he said to himself, "I wonder if I could convince Haal to spar with me."

He changed into light armor and summoned his hounds, then set off at a run through the rain to the Rose and Thorn. It wasn't his usual routine, but he was in the mood for a change of pace.

OOCThis should have Dantas arriving to the tavern earlier than usual. Don't want to be left out of all the fun.
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Old Feb 15th, 2020, 07:14 AM
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Anastrianna Siannodel | Female Wood Elf: Druid Level 4

HP: 27/27 (Temp: 0) | AC: 17 | Speed: 35' | Hit Dice: 4/4d8 | Wild Shape: 2/2 | Spirit Totem: 1/1 | Status: Normal
Languages: Common, Druid, Dwarvish, Elvish, Orc, Sylvan


Funny thing that. Maybe the satyress really was watching Anastrianna for months and didn't do anything to harm her. Or maybe she wasn't actually watching and using the 'I didn't hurt you' line is just a way to make Anastrianna believe her.

"His name is Nix," she replies. "He is my friend. He is not simply a dog, or a hound. He understands me and I, somehow, understand him. Lately I have found myself longing for time to myself. The crowds of the town are a bit overwhelming."

As Belkas approaches, Anastrianna turns her attention away from the satyress to look at the warlock.

"Belkas," she calls out in greeting, motioning toward the satyress with her empty had. "This is Aerith. She is from the Feywild."

She then turns back toward the satyress, eyeing her strangely because of the odd behaviour of the wind. She has seen lots of people act strangely, she has even seen strange wind, but she has never seen it act unnatural like that.

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Old Feb 17th, 2020, 06:33 PM
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Haaliryl | Female Wood Elf: Arcane Trickster (4) | Level 4

HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 | Speed: 35ft. | Hit Dice: 4d8
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Haaliryl watched intently as Hakoom showed his power. She finally turned her head towards Ember, to observe the effect, and back to Hakoom. As he finished, she stayed silent, contemplating what she had just seen.

She finally broke the silence with a chuckle, in response to the firbolg's words, obviously amused by something.

Turning her head towards him, she spoke in a cold, calculated manner.

"Two strange, dangerous men... creatures? Walk in. One of them talking about knocking down walls, the other branded with a symbol of Tiamat, looking for a friend of mine. Now, even a normal person would be a bit suspicious about that. Unfortunately, you're dealing with me. And seeing as how you're asking me for help, it would seem I hold all the cards."

"So yes, I do have the nerve to ask for trust. Maybe in your world, trust is freely given. But in my world, it has to be earned. My face is mine to reveal to whom I wish, and that won't be either of you two."

At this point, she turns back towards the dragonborn.

"Which brings me back to you. Sure, you could do as your companion says and look for Dantas. But I can tell you this. Even if I did trust you, and I don't, I couldn't tell you the location of my friend. None of us can. She never told us where she was going."

She walked back to the bar and leaned against it, facing the two. Crossing her arms, she spoke again.

"And if you do manage to find her, I hope for your sake that your story is true. I've seen what she's capable of, and I wouldn't want to be on the other side of her blade."


Last edited by MasterMind007; Feb 17th, 2020 at 06:39 PM.
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Old Feb 20th, 2020, 12:25 PM
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Hakoom, Dragonborn
Hakoom | Male Red Dragonborn: Paladin (4) | Level 4

HP: 43/43 (Temp: 0)| AC: 21 (23 with shield of faith) | Speed: 30' | Hit Dice: 4/4d10 | Lay on Hands: 20/20 | Status: Fire Resistant
Languages: Common, Draconic


Hakoom breathed again for a moment and the colour of his scales finally came back, he looked over to Blackroot that offered to heal him, he shook his head. The pain was subsiding, he wiped the blood from his mouth and eyes with a cloth that he pulled from a pocket.

"No need to use up one of your spells this time my friend, I will be alright." He said to him, he then caught the words of ember, he looked over and let out a low growl.

"Shut it candlestick, quit trying to start something that you'll regret." He said to him, he then looked back to Haaliryl, she talked to him as if she was playing a game with him, it angered him some, he told her the truth about the situation and yet, she still wouldn't tell him where she could have gone, could it be that she truly doesn't know? Would she have just left the group without telling anyone? Was she truly the one that he was looking for? The little bit of hope drained from him.

"I've been trying to get rid of this brand since the day I left the cult that indoctrinated me when I was only a child. But it curses me, stays with me as a constant reminder of what I once was and what it wants me to become again. I am no longer of that life, I've done everything in my power to right the wrongs of my past and yet all you see me as, is one of them? We fought on your side, we helped your side win, and what do we get? Not even an ounce of common respect as a warrior. Trust is earned in a great deal of ways, and for you, it seems would only trust me if I were to plunge myself into the mouth of a dragon. You won't even show your face, instead hiding it from the world. You're right Blackroot, we're done here, we're just creatures after all." He said, as he reached into his pocket grabbed 5 gp and placed it on the table.

"Sorry for the trouble, this is for the drinks, they can have them, or give them to the construction crew. And I hope it will cover the cleaning of my blood, I meant it when I said this place looked nice and do not wish to stain the wood with my cursed blood." He concluded as he walked to join Blackroot in leaving.


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Old Feb 23rd, 2020, 04:44 PM
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Haaliryl | Female Wood Elf: Arcane Trickster (4) | Level 4

HP: 33/33 | AC: 17 | Speed: 35ft. | Hit Dice: 4d8
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish

Haaliryl turned to Tivadar.

"That went well, don't you think?"

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Old Mar 2nd, 2020, 02:02 PM
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Belkas Falzaren | Male | Half Elf | Warlock (3) Sorcerer (1) | Level 4

HP: 38/38 | 18AC | 12PP | 30 FeetSpeed | Hit Dice: D8 (3/3) | D6 (1/1) | Spell Slots: Level 1 (4/4) | Level 2 (3/3)


As Belkas approaches and realizes realizes how strange the scene is he decides to experiment. He stops and looks. Takes a few steps closer. Backs up a few steps. He does this for a minute or two until he finds the line between seeing the entire backdrop. Once he finds that spot he calls out.
"Hey Moon, who is your friend there. I really think you should join me over here for just a moment. I would like to have a quick word with you."
He marvels at the scene a moment longer, and speaks seemingly to himself.
"What in the nine hells is going on here."

Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face. ~Mike Tyson
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Old Dec 18th, 2021, 05:53 AM
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Date Midwinter Holiday, “31” Deepwinter, 1494 DR
Time 8:38 AM
Location Hanami Castle
Region Barony of Rivenroar, Giant’s Shield Mountains
Weather Icy Rain and Thunder, 36 F/ 2 C

” The Welcome Return”
Gathered in the grand hall of Hanami Castle’s banquet hall, newly appointed Baron Dantas Rocannon sits upon his gilded chair at the head of a circular table where his compatriots, old allies, and new faces have all gathered for this meeting with their dear friend Rowan.

Standing just behind Dantas’ right shoulder is his uncle, Hallal Rocannon. With a grim countenance, he silently watched the proceedings, taking the mental notes he was accustomed to maintaining like a steel trap.

Rowan was standing at the table, almost directly across from Dantas, "Our investigation into The Emissary had bore some promising leads. Warehouses, gambling dens, safe-houses, and barracks: all part of a massive organization involved in mercenary sell-swords and underworld dealings. We figured his reach must have been substantial, given The Emissary’s connection with both the remnants of the Red Hand of Doom, and Tusk’s Warband. One of the half-orc captives we took from Tusk’s forces was present at a meeting between Tusk and The Emissary. We’ve managed to confirm a name, Sarashan, and that uncovered even more linked locations within Overlook. The Fireboars lead the investigations in Overlook, and managed to shut down every business venture The Emissary, or Sarashan, handled in the city."

Sighing as he stood, Rowan shook his head and looked down at the table, "Unfortunately, this had the unintended consequence of galvanizing the remaining troops and allies to attack the ones they feel spurred this unwanted attention. There’s a small army on their way to Rivenroar, composed of the remaining Sinruth forces from the remnant Red Hand of Doom, and some of Tusk’s leftover patrols who fled through the mountains. There isn’t much time, otherwise you’re going to find yourself overwhelmed by the enemy forces. I managed to secure a unit of elite dwarven infantry, and a unit of my guardsmen. I believe you currently have 1 unit of guards, and whoever in the community wishes to fight. That… will not be enough to face what is coming. Perhaps we can request aid from Brindol… maybe there are elves Anastrianna knows who can come to our aid… I am sorry our investigations got you into this mess."

Sitting down at his seat, Rowan looked positively crestfallen. Hallal cleared his throat from behind Dantas and looked around the room, "Sincere appreciation for your report Sergeant Driscoll, along with the martial aid you’ve brought with you from Overlook. We obviously have quite the battle ahead of us. We have a reliable defensive position here at Hanami castle, and what laborers are here can certainly be mobilized to aid in the defense of our lands. However, I’m afraid we find ourselves lacking some much needed support. We may be able to muster an archery unit, but if Lady Moonbrook can request aid from the elves of her homeland, that may be of greater aid. I know I’d feel better about our chances with some cavalry, but where we could find that I am uncertain. At this point any idea is a good idea, and I’d be happy for any and all. We’ve got our backs to a wall with little information at hand."

The room grew quiet with some shifting in seats, as the compulsion to speak grew more and more tense over the many moments of silence.

”OODM” Does anyone have an idea of what they’d like to do to recruit some folks? Basically right now, for an upcoming warfare rule set from MCDM, you’ve got 3 infantry units, a basic artillery unit (although Moonbrook might be able to request aid from the elves), and potentially The Freeriders as a unit which is a Tier 3 unit. So you’d need to get another unit to unlock The Freeriders.

I’ll post the rules for warfare to the discord and we can discuss any questions you have there, otherwise post IC if you’re interested in playing still.

PCs: Dramoth "Nova" / Rhokax Soulreader / Kayne Cyire / Torm / Donovan Whistler
GM: Scales of War 5e & Yeohven: Fall from Grace
Real Life hitting harder and harder. Working on updates as soon as I can, please have pity (patience) on me!
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