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Old Mar 24th, 2021, 02:58 PM
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The Closing Calamity in the Crags

Game NameThe Closing Calamity in the Crags - AKA: Adventures in the North
Game SystemDnD 5e
ThemeForgotten Realms
FlavourDungeons and Dragons Classic Adventure type

THE HOOKYou have been hired by a growing merchant company named Greenwater Mercantile and Adventuring Company. Greenwater has recently acquired a new shipping office and merchant ship in the city of Luskan, on the North Bank, just
outside the Mirabar Shield district.

You are a "contracted" adventurer, well known enough to be trustworthy so that you've been considered for a management position with the Greenwater Company that has its headquarters in Daggerford. You've been told that the man who brokered the deal to set up shop, one Aust Brightwood - a shareholder in the company - isn't able to remain at the new shipping office in Luskan and has asked to send who is available to manage said office.
ou also know that Aust Brightwood brokered this deal to set up shop in Luskan with Throa Taerl, a High Captain of Ship Taeril in Luskan. This deal included an exclusive overland shipping contract with the dwarven city of Ironmaster, along with a fifty percent
reduction in tax for Greenwater Company. The only stipulation to this deal was that Ship Taerl be given special consideration for future jobs, as yet to be named.
Hired in Waterdeep, this is what you're being sent to Luskan to manage.

You boarded a ship called 'Witches Tit' and leave Waterdeep under full sail to Luskan. The winds were favorable and strong and the crew said if they kept up it'd take just two tendays to get to Luskan.

Once you're somewhere between Neverwinter and Luskan, the sound of the waves and the gentle rocking of the ship was interrupted by a bosun’s whistle from the crow’s nest, fifty feet overhead. A sailor was pointing and called down, “Thar be a ship on
the horizon! She be flying the black flag!

A sloop pirate ship closed quickly, it being faster than the ship you were on. Ballistae bolts were fired at your ship with ropes attached to bring the two ships together and a battle ensued.
Unsuccessful at repelling the pirates, the crew and yourselves were captured and tied up.
You were taken by the pirates to Luskan and while the crew was thrown in the , you were taken before one Captain Dagmaer Suljack and told you would be set free with all of your belongings as they were when captured after you met with the Captain.

Plot SummaryA thrown together band of miscreants, takes jobs as needed. You fit that mold currently and will be joining them.

Adventure continues from the Northern Sword coast in the sea port of Luskan in the year 1481. This is where your character is when they join the group.

Need a Healer type first and foremost. This type of character WILL be chosen as one of those accepted into the game. The other character will be chosen by how well they fit the group/game.
Here are some ideas for what kind of healer the group is looking to have join them:

Character Builds:
  • Setting: Forgotten Realms
  • Starting Level: 6
  • Races allowed: Any from sources listed below, plus Aasimar, Goliath, Lizardfolk, and Tabaxi as listed in Chapter 2 of Volo's Guide to Monsters. NO OTHERS! DON'T ASK!
  • Ability Scores: Roll only in the game Forum HERE. NO ROLLING IN THIS FORUM PER SITE RULES.

    You can either roll 4d6 drop lowest, rerolling any "ones" if two or more of them appear in this method - but you may only reroll that 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th (if you should be so unlucky to roll 4 natural ones) die. In other words, if 3 of the die are not ones, you can't reroll. An easier way to say this is to say that you should use this rolling method - 4d6kh3mod - as it does the same thing.
    Or, you can chose the 27 point buy.
    Instead of doing the 27 point buy, in the event that your die roll totals are way below the 27 point buy, you may give up your allotted magic item(s) and take the 27 point buy.
  • Equipment: Standard for first level, then an extra 500 gold to purchase other mundane weapons, armor and equipment. Also, 2 Uncommon magic items. Your choice.
  • Starting Hit points: Max for first two levels, then standard or roll for level 3, 4, 5, & 6.
  • Allowed Sources: Player's HandbookPHB, Dungeon Master's GuideDMG, Xanthar's Guide to EverythingXGtE, Tasha's and Sword Coast Adventurer's GuideSCAG. UA material only at DM's discretion. NO OTHERS! DON'T ASK!
  • Alignments: No CE, LG, or N, all others allowed.
  • Pantheon: Forgotten Realms only
  • Multi-classing: Is allowed but limited to one. Main Class + Secondary Class. Also make it believable/PC-background relevant.
  • Post Rate: Minimum of 1-3/wk as long as the "1" isn't consistent. This is very important as PbP is a LONG process. I am available most days during the week, and some on weekends.
  • Party Size: 5 PCs - In need of two more.
  • Resources: We will use RPGX for most everything including posts, sheets, and rolls. Will also be using Roll20 for maps. You don't need to really know how to use Roll20 so much, except to see enemies and understand the layout and mapping of the "dungeon."
  • Character Sheet: Create a character sheet based on the above information and link it to your application. I want to see how you view the logistics of your character.

InfoWhat will help me be a better DM for you.


How's that? Yes, excitement, or more to the point a "want" to be in the game and genuine interest to get to know your own character, and the other characters in the game; both from a character standpoint and a player standpoint.

What you should include in your character Bio
  • Your typical app; Name, class, race, appearance, 5e background, two personality traits, ideal, bond, flaw.
  • A backstory that includes a few things:
    • Their story, of course
    • Their hometown/origin here in Faerun
    • Why is your character is doing this currently; what is their motivation?
    • What is their over-arching goal? {Their goal does not need to be within the confines of this adventure, this can easily be a stepping stone in their journey. But having a driving force often brings more life into the character. At least that's what I have found to be the case.note}

Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Mar 7th, 2024 at 08:08 PM.
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Old Mar 24th, 2021, 03:04 PM
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This ongoing game has lost a player, and another hasn't posted since 3/8. Currently the active players haves a Fighter, Warlock, and Bard. So we'll need a healer, and then any other classes will be considered for the other replacement character.
I'll leave this open for a week, maybe two at most if apps are low.

Your character will start the game in Luskan where they'll meet up with the others.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Mar 24th, 2021 at 03:17 PM.
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Old Mar 24th, 2021, 08:28 PM
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Thinking of doing a paladin of lathander healer and support. Should be fun with a high cha party.
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Old Mar 24th, 2021, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by delpinator View Post
Thinking of doing a paladin of lathander healer and support. Should be fun with a high cha party.
Go for it! Lathandar is my favorite FR Deity.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 12:54 AM
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right-aligned image
name: calder simpleroar
class paladin of devotion
appearance blonde hair and blue eyes. He is six foot tall and a lean build. He wields a longsword and shield with the symbol of lathander upon the shield. He has chainmail armor with an emblem of aster. A sun amulet drapes around calder's neck.
background acolyte
traits I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example.
I am tolerant of other faiths and respect the worship of other gods. Lathander teaches of new wisdom and new ideas.
ideal Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic)
bondEverything I do is for the common people
flawI judge people harshly and myself even harsher.
Calder was born in the dalelands. He grew up hearing stories of mythdranor and the elven histories. He learned of lathander and the beauty and knowledge all the sun touched and lathander held dear. He learned of correlon larethian or as calder preferred correlon lathander. The two dirties love of arts and knowledge inspired calder.

Calder took up the mantle of being an aster. The knights of lathander. He worked as an acolyte helping the priests perform simple miracles of divine magic and bless the ties that bind of various religious ceremonies of various gods and goddesses.

Greengrass festival was important to the asters. Being an order for the common man it provided work and meeting new people. He listened to stories of the people and taught his own from lathander.

Guard duty was often done by the asters. We were trained to guard the keep during festivals at times. A rotation mostly In tradition but with lathander watching from above our hits were with precise movements to limit exposure of ones self.

We traveled to greenest for the closest city to celebrate the next festival and my full anointment into becoming a full paladin of lathander by taking my vows.

Do you have any important heroes of lathander or I can make one.

Last edited by delpinator; Mar 28th, 2021 at 06:27 AM.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 01:15 AM
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Character Concept
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Name: Davlan Lightwillow
Race: Stout Halfling
Class: Rogue 2 / Fighter 1
Background: Entertainer (Juggler)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Concept: Ranged combat (daggers), melee support, utility.

Traits: I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation - never tell me the odds! I don't like to plan long term - I just wing it as it comes.
Ideal: Adventure and coin are the best things in life.
Bond: I am the black sheep of the family and hope to one day rekindle our relationship.
Flaw: I'm a hopeless romantic and a sucker for a pretty face.

Davlan is a short, lithe humanoid man with short curly brown hair and thick muttonchops on a boyishly handsome face. He has warm brown eyes, a small flat nose, and an easy smile that has a tint of mischief to it. He moves with an easy grace and seems full of energy that causes him to fidget, as if it is almost painful for him to sit completely still. He wears a well oiled suit of leather armor with twin bandoleers across his chest, each holding several daggers. Over his shoulders is a beautiful scarlet cloak with gold trim that is clasped around his neck with a pair of large silver buttons. Around his waist is a leather belt from which hangs a pouch, and he wears a leather backpack on his back. His feet are bare and rather large for his size, with thick tufts of curly brown hair on the top of his feet.

Born into a family of traveling entertainers from Luiren, Davlan quickly displayed a natural talent for performing. His nimble fingers let him become quite talented at legerdemain with playing cards and coins, and once he began to practice juggling is when he found his true passion. His performances as "Dav and his Dancing Daggers" typically involve Davlan juggling knives and occasionally skillfully throwing them at targets presented by others. His traveling troupe, however, was more than just mere entertainers. Davlan's parents were both talented thieves, and passed along their skills to the eager young Davlan. He became quite a talented thief and enjoyed "entrepreneur opportunities" in every town they visited until his parents decided to settle down and have a more stable life. They returned to Luiren but Davlan could not adjust to it and has returned to wandering once again despite his parent's wishes. They had a nasty spat when he left, and his father actually told him never to return so Davlan has not been home since.

By chance, he was performing in a town when a local mercenary named Amain Suriele saw his talent and recognized a valuable asset. Suriele was starting a small but capable mercenary group by the name of the Redcloaks, and he offered Davlan steady employment in exchange for adventure. What halfling could say no to that? As the group began to develop, Amain took Davlan under his wing to teach him how to become a soldier. Although talented in the martial skills and tactics Amain taught him, Davlan struggled with the decorum and discipline - he was too much of a fun seeker to be as uptight as his peers. Unfortunately for the Redcloaks, during their very first job to clear out a cave near Luskan of a monster preying upon the animals of nearby farmers, that monster turned out to be a troll. During the ensuing battle, Amain was killed and several other Redcloaks were lost. The troll was ultimately defeated, but the Redcloaks were hit hard and with the death of their leader promptly fell apart.

Now Davlan is stuck in Luskan and needs some coin to get his affairs in order before deciding his next course of action. Adventure and coin are his two passions in life, and he has a deep wanderlust instilled in him from his time with the traveling troupe. He is unsure as to how lucrative his new business dealings will become, but Davlan never really planned that far ahead for anything in his life before. Why should he start now?
02/26/24 - New position and personal real estate work is keeping me busy, please PM me if I am running behind.

Last edited by Grouchy; Mar 31st, 2021 at 06:24 PM.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 02:23 AM
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The Crunchy Bits
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Name: Trever Vonwilliamsail
Race: Human(variant)
Class: Monk(2)/Cleric(1)
Background: Sailor
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Hometown: Luscan

Why has your character decided to work with those out of Luskan: I am in need of help from those with less savory/more effective sets of skills.

What is your character's over-arching goal: To restore the honor of the Vonwilliamsail name or at least get revenge on those who sullied it.

Traits: I stretch the truth for the sake of a good story.
Ideal: The sea is freedom-the freedom to go anywhere and do anything.
Bond: My Family name was sullied and I will clear it; or at least get revenge on those who wronged me.
Flaw: Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation

The Fluffy Bits

To say that Trever was ‘mild manner’ or ‘dull’ would likely be close to the least truthful words that could escape a person’s lips; right up at the top of the list with the statement ‘Dwarves hate to drink’ or ‘Dwarves love orcs.’ There are few risks that Trever is unwilling to take, and the list grows much smaller if there is a woman involved or his honor is on the line.

When on a ship, Trever finds that fortune favors the bold. Trever knows the limits of his ship, and is more than willing to push his beloved ‘Ocean’s Mist’ to her limit. It is this daredevil’s mentality that has earned Trever the reputation as one of the top trade ship captains on the sword coast.

When Trever’s feet are firm on terra firma, though, he seems to mellow out ever so slightly. Trever is never afraid to speak, or to make his opinion heard; however he has learn that it is often the person who speaks first that loses out on a deal. It is this merchant mentality that guides Trever in most social situations.


Trever was born into a well know merchant family, based out of Luscan. It was due to his families modest wealth that Trever was never one to worry about the problems of the less fortunate. Raised in a life of privilege, just short of nobility, Trever was able to spend his days in pursuit of his avocations instead of a vocation.

The beginning of Trever’s life was spent on the aforementioned avocations: Sword Play, Hunting, Archery, to anything else one would consider exciting or dangerous. So for the first twelve years of Trever’s life, that is what he did: Play.

However, it was on twelfth anniversary of Trever’s birth that his father, Jared, decided it was time for his son to do more than play. A few days later Trever found himself enrolled in a local monastery. Suddenly the ‘party boy’ had to find a vocation, and it was that of a healer that caught Trever’s attention. At first the draw to become a man of the cloth was something that excited Trever, not for the life of study or duty; but as the life of a holy warrior in the name of one’s god.

So, in true Trever fashion, he dove head first into his training. After a few months at the monastery, the young spoiled kid finally choose a deity to follow; Mystra. This choice was made mainly because his he became close to a man named Kevon. Trever was diligent in his study, but his thrill seeking nature was often at odds with the much more reserved members of the monastery. Due to this clash in personalities it was the decision of the monastery in which to remove Trever from their ranks.

Back at home, and with little real training in any useful skill, Trever found himself in a tight spot. Trever knew his father loved him, but he also knew that his father would not support him and that he would need to find some other vocation. After a weeks of begging, Trever’s father finally gave in and allowed Trever to help in the family merchant business. It was by the spring of Trever’s thirteenth year of life that he finally found his life’s calling; sailing.

Trever knew from his fist passage on a ship, that he found what he wanted to spend the rest of his life doing. As a young man of thirteen years of age, he devoted himself to becoming the best sailor he could be. It did not take long for Trever to become a prized deck hand on any ship. It took Trever several years to master the craft, but he was finally able to convince his father to let him lead a ship. At first the elder Vonwilliamsail was hesitant, but he soon realized that his son had a real knack for both sailing and business. With Trever at the helm, the Vonwilliamsail cargo business exploded, becoming one of the most well know transport companies along the sword coast.

Three years passed while Trever was the captain of his father’s fleet of ships. Trever distilled the art of sailing into a science, and spent much of his time leading the main ship in the convoy of Vonwilliamsail transport, the Ocean Mist. When he was not needed to navigate or steer the ship, Trever could be found training his second in command, elderly elf named Narvil. Trever seemed rather fond of his wizened friend, but many of the crew found the elf to be a bit, peculiar. He was able to move much quicker than one of his age normally should be able to, and the man often seemed to defy gravity and physics themselves. At first the crew expected it to be the work of magic, but the elf rarely wore more then a pair of linen trousers and a hemp rope for a belt.

Current Events:

With the blatant talents in which Trever displayed, it came as a surprise to the general public when rumor began to spread of a warrant for the arrest of Jared Vonwilliamsail. Trever was in Calimport when rumor reach him, and he found it to be a jovial surprise to say the least. The thought of someone issuing a warrant for his mild mannered father was laughable.

It was due to that fact that Trever had long forgotten the rumor by the time he near the harbor of Waterdeep several weeks later. About four hours out from Waterdeep, Trever spied a fleet of vessels that bore the flag of Waterdeep Navy. Expecting the ships to be on a scouting mission, he paid them no heed. That is until first volley of cannon fire filled the air. With shock on his face, and ocean spray in his hair, Trever entered into combat his merchant fleet was far from prepared to handle. The battle was short, and lopsided as the Waterdhavian warships sent the Ocean Mist and her nine sister ships to their watery grave.

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As a DM: Lichy Business /|\ Fireside Tales: Group 1 /|\ Fireside Tales: Group 2 || Up Next as DM: Little to no activity over weekend Enjoy your 4th.
As a Player: Guild Battle /|\ The Closing Calamity in the Crags: Group 2 || Misc Endeavors: Monster Den /|\ Writers Block /|\ Team Up

Last edited by Master of Monsters; Mar 29th, 2021 at 01:34 AM.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 06:46 AM
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Application for Fireside Tales
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Name: Hungus Mungus the Fungus Lord/Lennart Danton IV

Character Sheet

Race: Human (Variant)

Class: Druid (Circle of Spores)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Homeland: Born in Neverwinter, but has spent the last twenty-five years or so living with the Myconids in the Underdark

Appearance:Truth be told, Hungus Mungus the Fungus Lord, or Hugh for short, has not seen his face in many years. To those he passes as he finds his way along the Sword Coast, they see a dirty, pale-skinned, squinting human man wearing tattered scraps of leather armor and carrying a grubby wooden staff. His hair is halfway down to his back, and he has a mighty thick, scraggly beard that goes down to his breastbone. There is a distinctly unique and pungent smell of mushrooms coming from his person, and if one pays a close enough look, they can see the stems and caps of various small mushrooms woven into his hair. He has the tall bone structure of his Illuskan heritage, with copper red hair and warm blue eyes that are constantly squinting against sunlight he is just now seeing again after nearly three decades.

Why has your character decided to do this? Innate interest in nature, a love for life, curiosity, and simple wanderlust. As for why he has decided to travel with a group of others - one simple fact he learned while living with the myconids: no mushroom walks alone.

What is their over-arching goal? Hugh Mungus has a great love for all things mushroom - he's a real "fungi," as he's quick to say, before bursting into a hearty guffaw. His over-arching goal is to explore the world, share his love for mushrooms, and celebrate being out and about in nature after twenty-five years of study in the Underdark.

Background: Wanderer, formerly of the UnderdarkFar Traveler
-Personality: I have myself my own ideas on what is and what is not food, and I find the habits of eating of those around me fascinating, confusing, or revolting.
-Flaw: I pretend not to understand the local language in order to avoid interactions I would rather not have.
-Ideal: Open. I have much to learn from the kindly folk I meet along my way. (Good)
-Bond: I'm fascinated by the beauty and wonder of this new land.

Born in the northern region of the Sword Coast, Lennart Danton as he was known then, was the son of wealthy merchants based out of Neverwinter, but with stakes in multiple markets throughout the land. There’s not a port city around that doesn't know the Dantons. Lennart was being groomed to be a tradesman like his father Lennart Danton III, and the two generations of Dantons before, but Lennart never had much interest in the notion of wealth or trade. He recoiled at the high society life put before him and the expectations of etiquette and refinement. He had no interest in marriages put before him for political gain, and in fact seemed to be confused in general by the notion of sex. He much preferred the great outdoors, running, climbing, diving, and most of all, exploring caves.

Because of the trade that the Danton family did with the local dwarven mining guild out of Neverwinter, Lennart had occasionally interacted with these dwarves when they came into the city to shop. He was fascinated by the tales they told of the underdark, of the drow with glowing eyes, the duergar with their grey skin and foul temperament, and most exciting of all, the living race of mushroom people – the myconid. Lennart made a decision: he would go on a great adventure and travel to the underdark to meet the myconid.

The trip was… not easy. Lennart was the heir to a major shipping magnate, living in a large estate with many servants, guards, and other attendants. Whenever he went he was accompanied by adults. That didn’t mean there were no opportunities for escape; he just needed to get creative with it.

Being an outdoors child, he had grown strong and swift, and when he faked a cramp while swimming and was “swept away” by the current, it was an easy thing to put distance between himself and his guardian. As soon as he was a half mile or so downriver, he scurried up the bank and into the woods, and disappeared from his old life.

The young boy who would grow up to become Hungus Mungus the Fungus Lord had always had a close bond with nature, and this closeness with the land helped him traverse safely through the perilous depths of Neverwinter Forest. The dwarves had told him of the lost city of Gauntlgrym, somewhere in the mountain range known only as the Crags, which bisected the forest like a dagger. But the boy was brave and strong and quiet, and he had a keen eye, and it did not take him much more than a few weeks to find the entrance. Traversing the dark was another matter, but he knew he would adjust in time. The trip was dangerous, and he got lost many times, but he had made sure to gather plenty of food and water for the journey.

He probably should have died, many times over, but whether through divine providence or simply luck, he found a colony of myconid. It was certainly a strange sight, these walking mushrooms who communicated only through telepathy, but perhaps in connecting to his mind, they sensed the goodness in him, the desire to learn all their was about the myconid and the fungi they tended to. And Hugh grew, he learned which mushrooms were safe to eat, which were poisonous, which caused hallucinations, and which ones were simply best as decoration. There were mushrooms that were bioluminescent and Hugh’s world was painted in magical shades of green and violet. He spoke little but learned much, and one day he reached an age where he wished to see the mushrooms of the rest of the world. He bid the myconid farewell through gestures and words, and though his companions of many years could not speak out loud, he heard their goodbyes in his mind and heart.

And so, laden with a multitude of different fungi and a great knowledge, Hungus Mungus the Fungus Lord returned to the surface world, eager to explore and find new species to study. Whether he achieves his goal – and whether his true identity as a member of a wealthy merchant family will ever be discovered – remains to be seen.

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A watched game never updates...

Posting status: Delayed by life/brain stuff. Will post when I can. Skip/NPC as needed.

Last edited by Noquarter19; Mar 31st, 2021 at 01:30 AM. Reason: Editing post constructive criticism
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 10:22 AM
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I'll throw my hat in the ring with a Hunter later this afternoon...for now I have to go to the dentist :'(
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 10:30 AM
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To add to the list of Charisma-based characters, here is my half-elf. Shaudislak can act as a healer - with access to twinned healing spells - but he can act as a blaster or aid with crowd control as well, depending on the party.

right-aligned image
Name: Shaudislak sheet
Race: Half-elf
Class: Divine Soul Sorcerer
Background: Outlander
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance: Shaudislak has spent most of his life trying not to look too elven: he is somewhat overweight, he cultivates an unkempt beard, and his hair covers his pointy ears. He wears mostly furs, as is customary among the Rashemaar. There's a gruff look in his eyes and he uses his deep voices mostly to grunt at the people around him.

Trait: I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear.
Trait: I don't talk about the thing that torments me. I'd rather not burden others with my curse.
Ideal: The strongest bonds are forged through struggle.
Bond: A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can find redemption through my actions.
Flaw: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.

Backstory: Shaudislak grew up with his father in OriginImmil Vale, Rashemen. His mother had been some traveling elven adventurer that had spent just enough time in Rashemen to become with child and give birth. Shaudislak has no memories of her.
Shaudislak's childhood had been an odd one. He was the only non-human in his small village, which came with more attention than he cared for. At a young age, he started to let his hair grow long to cover his ears, and when he was older he managed to grow enough meat on his bones to hide what elven features remained. Still, he grew up slower than the other kids, and he was often teased and bullied.

It was not before he was thirty-five years of age, that he went on his A journey to come of agedajemma. He did so together with the much younger Yuzel - a promising A female spellcasterhathran. They bonded, fell in love, and spent the rest of her life together.

After their dajemma, they settled in the Immil Vale, where Yuzel became a member of the The ruling Witches of RashemenWychlaran. Her power and wisdom seemed to ever improve. Shaudislak, meanwhile, just stayed Shaudislak. He worked the land, hunted, gathered, and took care of the animals they had.

Almost twenty years after their dajemma, Yuzel started to show signs of madness. Sometimes she would look him straight in the eye and talk to him in a language neither of them knew, or laugh uncontrollably for hours, or cast dangerous spells in the middle of the night. Shaudislak went to see an old wise woman about it - another hathran. She informed him that these were the signs that had plagued many of the witches during the Time of Troubles, though they had not occurred since. There was nothing that could be done. Death was the only solution. Shaudislak went home and smothered his wife in her sleep.

That should have been the end of it. Yet somehow a part of his wife had not departed. Shaudislak was not exactly possessed, but a part of Yuzel had entered his system. He was suddenly able to cast certain spells, and in his dreams he sometimes was her. Again he visited with the wise woman. He explained that he wanted to give peace to Yuzel. To not keep her with him. She told him that there once was an artifact, the Windwalker Amulet, that was supposed to aid with hathran sanity. She did not know much about it, though thought it had something to do with Luskan. She advised him to use the spells as often as he could, though only to do good - the way Yuzel used to practice her magic. That way, Reasonhe would not upset her.

And so Shaudislak set out to Luskan, Goalhoping to find answers and to give rest to his wife. Meanwhile, doubts about killing the love of his life in the first place gnawed at him.
Please correct my grammar. It's how I learn.

Last edited by Maestrosity; Mar 26th, 2021 at 07:41 AM.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 10:41 AM
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@Everyone - Our cleric returned, so although we are not in dire need of a healer, one won't be refused.
That said, I'll bump up the party strength to 6 in total. So, I'll be taking two applicants from this thread.
To better know the area, feel free to check out the game thread here. The maps and local information may be helpful.
You need not read up on the first adventure, though feel free as it may give you some insight into the characters/players already in the game.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 11:11 AM
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App - WIPName. Alton High-Hill

Class. Cleric of Cyrrollalee (Peace)

Race. Strongheart Halfling (Stout Halfling)

Background. Guild Artisan variant - Proficient in another language instead of artisan's tools; comes with a mule and cart, instead of artisan's tools.Guild Merchant

Appearance. Black hair, tanned skin, earthy brown eyes. His clothes are elegant velvet of goldenrod and umber.

Personality Traits. When it comes to deal-making, I don't part with money easily, and will haggle tirelessly to get the best deal possible. When it comes to friends and family, I try very hard to be generous and hospitable. I struggle with the juxtaposition of these two things, long-learned greed and newly-adopted generosity.

Ideal. Greed and Charity. I'm in it for money, if only to give it away.

Bond. I'm saving enough money to try to impress someone I love back at home.

Flaw. I'll do anything to get my hands on something rare or priceless.

Backstory. Alton High-hill was born in the land of Sembia, in the capital of Selgaunt. In this land, gold was king, above all else - and the young halfling learned to have a deep respect for what a copper, silver, and gold could buy in terms of goods, services, and respect. As a young hobbit, he joined a mercantile guild - shipping goods from here to there by cart, travelling across the countryside of the Dales and Cormyr. In his travels, he met adventurers, and marveled at their riches.

Alton delved into adventuring, working his way up from a hireling at two silver pieces a day, to a night guard at two gold pieces, to a full-on rogue. Everything went wrong during one particular adventure though - a raid upon the old ruins of Myth Drannor. Demons flanked the party, and Alton watched as three of his six companions were slaughtered by nightmarish creatures from the Abyss. His party backed up into a temple - some kind of elven sacred ground, and were trapped.

Another party of three professional adventurers happened to be in the area on their own quest, and saved Alton's party, and slayed the demons; one of which was a gnomish ranger who Alton was immediately smitten by. His abilities were striking, his sense of right was admirable, and his generosity shook Alton to his core. He'd never met anyone like that gnome. Alton and the other two survivors returned back to Selgaunt, and soon after, split ways.

Alton returned to mercantile work with significantly more capital than he had before adventuring, but was rather lost. It was then that Cyrrollalee spoke to him through the hearth at his home. The goddess offered him a salve for his inner turmoil, and inspiration for a way forward - for a more charitable life.

He accepted her aid, but thus far... it's... been a slow process.

With a cart and mule, Alton struck out towards the western lands. He searches for money to impress that gnome with, while also seeking the peace of mind through charity that Cyrrollalee offered him. He'll need to unlearn his greedy behaviors and learn a different appreciation for what his skills can be used for.
Status: We're so back. Better sleep, holidays basically over, LFG!
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Drachenspirit View Post
@Everyone - Our cleric returned, so although we are not in dire need of a healer, one won't be refused.
That said, I'll bump up the party strength to 6 in total. So, I'll be taking two applicants from this thread.
To better know the area, feel free to check out the game thread here. The maps and local information may be helpful.
You need not read up on the first adventure, though feel free as it may give you some insight into the characters/players already in the game.
Dang, while I was writing too! xD
Status: We're so back. Better sleep, holidays basically over, LFG!
Advertising: CAIN - Wipe out the Stain
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Inuvash255 View Post
Dang, while I was writing too! xD
Fear not, another healer type will be welcome, and I'm not ruling it out. I'll choose based solely on the app and character fit with the others/adventure.
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Old Mar 25th, 2021, 12:25 PM
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Name: Grit
Race: Goblin
Class: Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
Background: Goblin tribe member (Uthgardt tribe member)

Personality: I'm driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.
Ideals: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.
Bond: I owe a debt I can never repay to the person who took pity on me.
Flaws: There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Appearance: Grit is a bald, hook nosed little greenskin. He is generally a happy go lucky goblin who loves to smile even if his jagged and misshapen teeth tend to scare strangers. Grit travels in tattered robes with an unkempt and filthy look typically associated with goblins, sporting a number of teeth-related jewellery (a symbol of status in his tribe).He seems to know how to behave in any sort of formal setting (mostly by keeping his mouth shut and letting the tall people speak). When absent minded he likes to fiddle with objects until he breaks them by mistake or gets bored.

Two years ago, Grit's goblin tribe -The Red Fangs- was acting as support (read cannon fodder) to a Hobgoblin raid on Luskan. There Grit witnessed in awe a human wizard wiping a fifth of their forces off with terrifying green bolts, the Booyahg of his tribe was nowhere near that power. Since that encounter, Grit started having horrible and amazing visions in his nightmares and wierd things started happening around him in his wake.

When the Hobgoblins moved on after the defeat and his tribe followed, Grit remained. He infiltrated the city through the sewers and (in disguise) tracked the wizard and begged him relentlessly to tutor him in his arts. While basically slaving for Tursens "the Great" for more than a year and a half, Grit miraculously showed some minimal result with very basic enchantments. Despite being far from controlling his powers, his master allowed him (kicked him out) to find his own path, so that Grit's could prove his loyalty to the city of Luskan.

Coming from the lowest caste of Goblin society, Grit spent his early life feeling the bite of a whip on his back at every turn, now he finally has a crumb of power and will use it only in two ways: getting more power and blasting creatures off the face of the Earth (despite what Tursens taught him). Money isn't irrelevant for Grit, but it's only the means to an end. Why else would have he been infused with all this raw energy if not for pursuing the goblin dream of domination? But it's not the time for that yet, now he needs a tribe group of allies, a small one will do, to protect Grit's squishy sides in his rise to power (or predictable death)

(If chosen I'll find a better quality picture)

sheetGrit's Sheet

Note that excluding Enlarge, 99% of the casting is going to be blasting-related

Side-note, just noticed that in Volo's guide it says that the only Goblin Sorcerers have to be Wild Magic origin and have to roll on the Wild Magic Surge every single time he/she casts a spell... I'm not convinced by it I'd rather it wouldn't work like that, but wouldn't fight it either

Off the website for an indefinite amount of time.

Last edited by Ursinorum; Mar 26th, 2021 at 06:31 PM.
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