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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Noltelix View Post
Right, I bet that would help! I think I've done so, please let me know if you still can't see it.
I can see it now. Thanks for your interest! Great concept, and love the RP sample.
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 12:15 PM
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I would say Buffy is complete if you have any questions or concerns

Last edited by JohnStone; Feb 6th, 2023 at 12:15 PM.
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by JohnStone View Post
I would say Buffy is complete if you have any questions or concerns
Thanks. I'll update the submitted apps table.

To those applying: If you are joining a game that is already in progress, it's always a good idea to take a glance at the Game thread of said game to get a feel it. In this game, should your character get in, they'll be joining a game where the party is being paid after delivering a necromancer's head to a pirate gang, not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because they were hired to do it. It could be said that they are not exactly Lawful Good, but that would be incorrect as they aren't any where near Lawful good.
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Drachenspirit View Post
I can see it now. Thanks for your interest! Great concept, and love the RP sample.
Does that make her "The Ugly?"
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by penbeast0 View Post
Does that make her "The Ugly?"
Heh... Tuco made that movie and was the best character in it, and I'm a huge Clint fan so that's saying a lot coming from me. "A man who crosses Tuco, he knows nothing of Tuco."
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by penbeast0 View Post
Does that make her "The Ugly?"
Well, it was obviously the inspiration for the scene, lol. I'd say given the three titular options it is safe to say that she falls most comfortably into "The Ugly" category.

Originally Posted by Drachenspirit
Heh... Tuco made that movie and was the best character in it, and I'm a huge Clint fan so that's saying a lot coming from me. "A man who crosses Tuco, he knows nothing of Tuco."
Always nice to see Tuco getting some love.
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 06:43 PM
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 10:43 PM
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So, if anyone else fancies throwing their hat into the ring...

Current party is fighter, ranger, warlock. The one thing we've got plenty of is ranged damage, and we're looking for some combo of healing, rogue skills, and tankiness. Obviously we're not expecting to get all of those in one character. As Drach says, this is a sort of 'thieves' guild' kind of vibe.
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Old Feb 6th, 2023, 11:30 PM
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Changed some of Buffy's Backstory to make her more of an uncivilized outlander type. She is still blessed with good fortune but she is much simpler and more wild.

Last edited by JohnStone; Feb 6th, 2023 at 11:48 PM.
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Old Feb 7th, 2023, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by SnakeOilCharmer View Post
we're looking for some combo of healing, rogue skills, and tankiness. Obviously we're not expecting to get all of those in one character.
Well too bad, Rose is here anyways! :P

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Name: Rosalyn Kanette ('Rose') <Sheet>
Class: Monk [Mercy, 3] / Druid [Star, 2]
Race: Ghostwise Halfling (F)
Background: Frontier Hunter [Tweaked Urban Bounty Hunter]

Appearance: While hard to tell for most races due to the size difference, Rose is a mountain of a woman among halflings at nearly three and a half feet tall. She takes pride in her body and dresses to show it off, favoring skin-tight or short-cut (or both) garments as much for their practicality in a fight as their ability to highlight her arms and legs. Her expression is usually somewhere on the spectrum between 'annoyed and on the verge of violence' and 'amused and on the verge of violence', although she can certainly relax and unwind when the opportunity (and a few drinks) finds her.

Personality: Socially violent, hedonistically ascetic, and scrupulously amoral. She doesn't go out of her way to attract or avoid trouble, and is quick to respond in kind when it finds her anyways. She doesn't care about 'the finer things' and looks on nobility with contempt, but damned if she won't get paid for her effort even if the lot of it is gone by the time she comes to the next morning. And while she considers laws to only have consequences if she's caught (by someone too strong or numerous to fight) she's not the type to rob the honest or innocent. Rose is aware of the surface appearance of contradictions in some of her beliefs, and considers that your problem, not hers.

  • Trait: People talk too much and say too little. I get to the point.
  • Trait: I don't have to like you to work with you.
  • Ideal: People should be free to live thier lives without expectation.
  • Bond: Get my back and I'll get yours, to the bloody end if need be.
  • Flaw: Laws are like knives. Sometimes useful, but threaten me with one and I'll break your legs.

Background:: Rose was born to the Weaver Clan in the Methwoods of Methtir. Her size marked her out as an object of interest among her peers in the clan, both positively and negatively. While many might relish at least some of the attention Rose found all of it stifling, more so with the intrusive nature of the Silent Speech, and frequently lashed out verbally and (when that failed) physically. Attempts to calm her anger consistently missed the point and only served to stoke it.

As she hit her teen years and began to outgrow even some of the adults the clan leaders sought to instead channel her aggression into more useful pursuits, apprenticing her to the clan's warriors and trying to pair martial training with emotional self-discipline. To a degree this worked as she found the quiet solitude of meditation just as much a respite as the catharsis of fighting, but the sticking point remained the judging eyes, unheard voices, and unending expectations of her family and her clan pointed at her like a cage of sharpened spikes.

In the end one shouldn't be terribly surprised when such a teenager, taught to survive in the wild and able to kill or avoid most predators, decides they're better off alone. Before she was sixteen Rose declared she was going out to forage, leaving behind her clan token snapped in two to be found later, and never returned. She is unsure if trackers were sent out after her, but if they were they never caught her trail before she'd left the Methwoods and followed a river away. She found living on the fringes between the wilds and smaller towns much easier to tolerate, trading meat and hides for the things she couldn't make for herself or occasionally serving as a trail guide for a caravan going in a direction she'd not been yet. When she had enough coin saved up she'd spend a few days or weeks in town, mostly in the bars and other nightlife establishments. With her size most humans thought her an adult anyways. Whenever the chatter of big folk around her grew incessant she could always slip into her meditations to block them out, with no voices to slip directly into the sanctity of her mind.

Surprisingly though she did find something, not so much intruding into said sanctity as finding itself unexpectedly heard. After years of meditation in the quiet but never silent forests she began to hear it's heartbeat. The Song of Nature. And once she had heard it and recognized it in the stillness she began to hear it in the throes of violence as well. The Call of the Wild. She found both soothing, growth and violence, judgment meted out only in life or death.

Soon after coming into the fullness of her maturity she found a grave site in her wanderings, a skeleton missing several bones and draped over a rock visible in the light of the moon with a half-rotten robe folded nearby with a curved blade atop it. The Song whispered understanding without words, that this was the final fate of a druid that had lived it's life well and found the same end as all natural creatures, to live and die and then feed others. The Call growled a challenge unspoken, that the blade was hers to take up if she were strong enough to life her life unshackled.

When she broke camp the next morning it was with blade in hand and blood singing with potential.

Mechanics/QuestionsPhew, barely finished this before I have to start getting ready for work. Still working out a few bits of crunch, I'll have the character sheet in the morning. Short version: Dex/Wis Monk/Druid build, primarily a melee character with in and out of combat healing options. Good Perception alongside Thieves' Tools proficiency makes them a competent trapspringer, and decent AC and the plethora of bonus-action heals gives them impressive sustainability.

Got a few questions/requests, since you mention UA material is on DM approval.

Spells: Requesting Guiding Hand and Wild Cunning from UA's Starter Spells section.
Background: Are you allowing the PHB option to customize backgrounds? If so I'd like to tweak 'Urban Bounty Hunter' into 'Frontier Hunter' to give Perception instead of Deception and the bonus to foraging values from Wanderer instead of their city contacts.

Are Optional Class features from Tasha's being used? Mostly cause Wild Shape doesn't feel quite right for my character but that optional ability to use Wild Shape charges to summon a temporary familiar works.

Mechanics Interaction Question: The Moon Sickle gives +1d4 healing to spells that restore hit points. I was already planning on taking Goodberry, and I happened to notice there is some debate on how it interacts with that spell.


TL;DR: The major camps are 'All Moonberries' (+1d4 to each goodberry), 'One Moonberry' (one berry heals +1d4, the rest are normal), 'More Goodberry' (adds 1d4 to the number of berries), or 'Nothing' (womp womp). 'All Moonberries' is obviously fairly effective (albeit quite slow, so purely an out of combat option) and has support from answers found on A compilation of answered questions by Jeremy Crawford, a D&D lead rules designer. He explicitly called out a Cleric(Life)/Druid could add Disciple of Life's bonus, which has near-identical wording to Moon Sickle's effect, to each goodberrySage Advice , but I'm firmly in the camp of DM is final arbiter so while I would love that I won't be too upset if a lower version is your take.

Last edited by AximusLokar; Feb 7th, 2023 at 10:31 AM.
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Old Feb 7th, 2023, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by AximusLokar View Post
Got a few questions/requests, since you mention UA material is on DM approval.

Spells: Requesting Guiding Hand and Wild Cunning from UA's Starter Spells section.
I don't have access to this UA document so I'm going to decline.

Originally Posted by AximusLokar View Post
Background: Are you allowing the PHB option to customize backgrounds? If so I'd like to tweak 'Urban Bounty Hunter' into 'Frontier Hunter' to give Perception instead of Deception and the bonus to foraging values from Wanderer instead of their city contacts.
Yes, that's acceptable.

Originally Posted by AximusLokar View Post
Are Optional Class features from Tasha's being used? Mostly cause Wild Shape doesn't feel quite right for my character but that optional ability to use Wild Shape charges to summon a temporary familiar works.
Yes, I have the book, so I'll allow it.

Originally Posted by AximusLokar View Post
Mechanics Interaction Question: The Moon Sickle gives +1d4 healing to spells that restore hit points. I was already planning on taking Goodberry, and I happened to notice there is some debate on how it interacts with that spell.


TL;DR: The major camps are 'All Moonberries' (+1d4 to each goodberry), 'One Moonberry' (one berry heals +1d4, the rest are normal), 'More Goodberry' (adds 1d4 to the number of berries), or 'Nothing' (womp womp). 'All Moonberries' is obviously fairly effective (albeit quite slow, so purely an out of combat option) and has support from answers found on A compilation of answered questions by Jeremy Crawford, a D&D lead rules designer. He explicitly called out a Cleric(Life)/Druid could add Disciple of Life's bonus, which has near-identical wording to Moon Sickle's effect, to each goodberrySage Advice , but I'm firmly in the camp of DM is final arbiter so while I would love that I won't be too upset if a lower version is your take.[/fieldset]
My Ruling: Moon Sickle works as normal, and Good Berries (no matter what you want to call them ) only give 1d4 no matter how many you eat.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Feb 7th, 2023 at 11:19 AM.
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Old Feb 7th, 2023, 12:24 PM
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Just some clarification before anything is cemented. Remy was not “duped” by the coin flippers and his leaving was very amicable. From all of the lore that I’ve read about followers of Tymora, they aren’t quite as strict as many other religions. DM is more than welcome to correct this but I perceive this gang as somewhat territorial in regards to grifts or thievery in Luskan. However, they are not going to force their members to do anything or even to remain in the gang. I see them as much more of a “mutual benefit” and “mutual beliefs” gang with religious overtones. I hope that makes sense…

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Old Feb 7th, 2023, 03:38 PM
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Apps so far.

Player Character Race Class Status
treble83 Remy Haystack Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (1), Cleric (Trickster Domain) (4) Completed
JohnStone Surge Strongtide Goliath Barbarian (Ancestral Guardian) Completed
Noltelix Sagda Vohr Human (Variant) Rogue 4 (Scout) / Fighter 1 Completed
AximusLokar Rosalyn Kanette ('Rose') Ghostwise Halfling (F) Monk [Mercy, 3] / Druid [Star, 2] Completed

Tentative Deadline of 2/11/23 at 12 Noon CST.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Feb 8th, 2023 at 11:57 AM.
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Old Feb 8th, 2023, 10:37 AM
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Alternate application "Buffy Truehammer (Sara Strongluck)" has been scrapped as a bad fit for this campaign.
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Surge Strongtide(Sheet) (Rolls)
Race: Goliath
Class: Barbarian (Ancestral Guardian)
Role: Tank, Bruiser, Healer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Background: Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Medicine
Tool Proficiencies: Cooking Supplies, Vehicles (Water)
Ship's Passage
When you need to, you can secure free passage on a sailing ship for yourself and your adventuring companions. You might sail on the ship you served on, or another ship you have good relations with (perhaps one captained by a former crewmate). Because you're calling in a favor, you can't be certain of a schedule or route that will meet your every need. Your DM will determine how long it takes to get where you need to go. In return for your free passage, you and your companions are expected to assist the crew during the voyage
Mercenary Sailor

Over seven feet tall and well-built, Surge is a mountain of a man. He has a lot of tattoos and battle wounds covering his body, most notably a deep scar running through his left eye. The Goliath wears no armor instead opting for a practical sailing outfit . A simple shirt, with leather pants tucked into cuffed boots. He keeps a large knife tucked into his belt for emergencies. Surge also carries a massive harpoon, the kind of weapon meant to be fired from a ballista. In the giant's hands though it is a fitting polearm and he wields it with the ease of strength and skill.

Surge is not a smart man. He enjoys the simple things, a good fight, a good joke, and a barrel of ale. He loves to cook, mostly because he loves to eat so much. He is usually cheerful and confident speaking in a deep booming voice, with just a hint of a low growl. He gets along well with "his people" the thieves and urchins that frequent the docks. However he has a dark side from a brutal past that fuels his rage and bloodlust in battle. He is not the kind of man you want to cross.

Personality Trait: Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.
Personality Trait: I enjoy being strong and like breaking things.
Ideal: Competition(Chaotic) - I strive to test myself in all things.
Bond: Revenge - I died once, I'll get my revenge before it happens again.
Flaw: I am illiterate, and not very good at counting either.
Flaw: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.

  • Surge was raised in a barbarian settlement on the northern coast of the Moonsea. His people were marauders sailing the waves and taking what they wanted through violence and intimidation. Surge along with his brother Stromm learned to fight and pillage by their fathers side.
  • The siblings never got along well and when their father died Stromm took the opportunity to seize his birthright. He and his men ganged up on Surge beating him half to death and throwing him into the sea.
  • By the time Surge washed up on shore he was on essentially dead, but his story wasn't quite over yet. Hoar the god of war and revenge saved the goliath, presumably in order to see retribution fulfilled.
  • Surge has spent the last few years as a mercenary for hire. Sailing the Moonsea, gathering his strength in the hopes of facing his brother again. The spirit of Hoar always by his side pushing him, taunting him and filling his heart with rage.

thoughtsMechanics: Actually not much to cover here other than a custom background to spread out the skills a bit. Cooking Supplies mostly for flavor, Surge is a big guy he likes food. And I took the Medicine skill, Surge has spent a lot of time fighting sometimes you need to patch someone up.

Hoar: Hoar, or an aspect of Hoar will be my ancestral spirit. A good fit, Surge seeks revenge but he also invokes that in his enemies as they seek revenge against him.

Notes about Role:
I know the Group needs a Healer type. I can help out a little with the When you use a healer’s kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point.
As an action, you can spend one use of a healer’s kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature’s maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can’t regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.
That is 10-14 points of healing to each party member per short rest.
Healer Feat
which I consider very fitting for Surge.
I will say don't underestimate how well a good meat-shield can help keep the party alive. Surge Auto-Taunts every round and has a huge HP pool with resistances that he can share with his allies.

There is some overlap with "Vicious" but I dont see that as a bad thing, two big tough guys is better than one. I have done what I can to set surge apart from the fighter. I see some good roleplay opportunities interacting with him and all these character's.

Last edited by JohnStone; Feb 9th, 2023 at 07:59 PM.
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Old Feb 8th, 2023, 11:57 AM
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Updated application list -
Player Character Race Class Status
treble83 Remy Haystack Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (1), Cleric (Trickster Domain) (4) Completed
JohnStone Surge Strongtide Goliath Barbarian (Ancestral Guardian) Completed
Noltelix Sagda Vohr Human (Variant) Rogue 4 (Scout) / Fighter 1 Completed
AximusLokar Rosalyn Kanette ('Rose') Ghostwise Halfling (F) Monk [Mercy, 3] / Druid [Star, 2] Completed
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.
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