(Post Apocalypse) The Siege of Crooked Creek (New Charaters Needed)
Savage Worlds - Deadlands: Hell on Earth
The Siege of Crooked Creek
Applications are CLOSED
Link to Current Game can be found HERE Summary
Our game has been running for over a year now and is still going strong. Although we have lost some players our current team still wishes to continue their quest to save Crooked Creek Ranch from the machinations of a Combine Commander and his army of Black Hats. However, for as dedicated as they are they still need help. Might you be such a hero? Ready to dive into the Post Apocalyptic Wastes to save a community of good people? Looking for a long term game that won't disappear after a few months? Apply today and discover your story after the bombs.
System Savage Worlds (SWADE) and Hell on Earth Reloaded
Flavor Supernatural Post Apocalypse I have stories which will exist within the Game but it is you, as players that will decide where you as a group will go and explore Player Directed Adventure .
A mixture of Mad Max, Fallout, Boarderlands, and Lovecraft/Bruce Campbell actually endorsed the game for a while Evil Dead Horror.
Expected Posting Rate I will be posting a minimum of twice a week and would prefer players who can do similarly or more. Ideally I will try to post more then twice a week but will guarantee a minimum of one weekend and one weekday post barring any extreme circumstances.
What is Deadlands: Hell on Earth As the name might imply, Deadlands: Hell on Earth is set in the same world as the original Deadlands roleplaying game. Specifically, it is set in a post-apocalyptic future of the original "Weird West" setting of Deadlands, also known as the "Wasted West." What was the Weird West? It's an alternate history where neither the North nor the South won during the American Revolution due to.. interference from a group of beings known as the Reckoners.
The Reckoners were god like beings who appeared to feed on the dark side of humanity; rage, pain, sorrow, and especially FEAR. To generate such emotions the Reckoners quietly began to influence humanity though the use of demons called Manitous and monsters created from humanity’s nightmares made to spread further terror. Legends such as vampires, werewolves, and more began to stalk humanity from the shadows but rather then reveal this to their populace the governments of the world kept the truth of such entities secret. It was due to the idea that knowledge of these supernatural events appeared to spread more fear then quell it; creating further monstrosities. This led to a shadow war between the unlikely heroes of humanity and the dark forces of the Reckoners, all against a backdrop of the Wild West, Rail Wars, and Weird Science.
After many centuries of this, through a series of machinations, the Reckoners from the original Deadlands setting plotted to spark a nuclear war between the United/Union States and the still-strong Confederate States, in which the weapons were not simply powered by nuclear fusion, or even fission, but by a supernatural element known as "Ghost Rock". This was a super fuel which had long driven the Weird Science of the world; first replacing coal but eventually Uranium as well. What only a few had ever realized was that this powerful resource was actually created by the Reckoners themselves to fuel the eventual corruption of the world.
Although useful for various innovations Ghost Rock and the Weird Science that supported it was predominately focused around military advancements or others devices that spread chaos and destruction. Even more benign inventions tended to have a myriad of side effects or complications that only further spread suffering and pandemonium. The peak of this was the “Ghost Rock Bomb”, a weapon powered by irradiated Ghost Rock which promised to eradicate the population of an area while leaving the majority of it’s structures untouched. It was also advertised to have next to no radioactive fallout, ensuring that conquering armies could move into taken territories within only a few years rather then centuries without the risk of exposure to radiation.
This sparked an arms race even greater then the cold war which eventually went over the edge, leading to World War III. However, unlike previous conflicts, the deterrent of mutually assured destruction was not enough to stop the leaders of the world and soon, with a little push from the Reckoners, buttons were pushed and death rained down upon the world. Nearly every major city in the world was hit by a Ghost Rock Bomb and soon left nothing but howling ‘Ghost Storms’ raging at the center of blasted wastelands.
The formation of these "Deadlands", and the fear which they brought, allowed the Reckoners to enter the mortal realm, where they were revealed to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They ravaged America, civilization all but lost and the lands turned into a wasted landscape of nightmares and death. Then they vanished, traveling east to likely continue their reign of Terror across the rest of the world's remains.
Thirteen (Twelve at the start of this game) years have passed since the Reckoners appeared, and civilization is once more attempting to assert itself in small, isolated pockets. Players take on the roles of characters struggling to survive the nightmarish wasteland that the Reckoners left behind. Perhaps even rise to become true heroes of the Wastes.. That is if they don't get shot in the brain pan first.
About the Game I've always enjoyed the setting of Deadlands: HoE Classic, with it's combination of Post Apocalypse Survival and Supernatural Horror; especially with how many secrets are hidden within the original story lines. Unfortunately, the rule set was always a little clunky and I found players evolved into unstoppable powerhouses too quickly once they gained, what the game called, Arcane Backgrounds. Rather then Survival Horror the setting became more and more Action Power Fantasy with each expansion of the rules. There were also many issues with the rules themselves which could easily create imbalance between character and created long, drawn out combats. When Pinnacle, the producers of the setting, reworked the setting to Savage Worlds many of these issues were corrected but I will always have a soft spot to the original’s more robust setting and world building.
And so that is what I hope to fix here, keeping the essence of what made Deadlands: Hell on Earth great while using it's more recent Savage World rule set. The Start of the Game Characters will begin the game as residents of Crooked Creek, Wyoming; once a simple Guest Ranch now turned survivor settlement. Located close to the town of Dubois the people of Crooked Creek were driven to the ranch after Dubois was first quarantined due to an unknown disease and then fire bombed during the war. Currently the people of Crooked Creek eek out a simple but fulfilling life of ranching, farming, and hunting. It's been hard but the people of Crooked Creek have survived and try to be happy in their current, simple lives. This however may be all for not as dark clouds are beginning to gather and some fear for the future of the settlement.
As residents of Crooked Creek the players will have either moved there during the war, been born there, or drifted in over time after the bombs fell. They each have some roll within the settlement but players should not feel required to be anyone of significant importance unless they wish to be. What they must be is someone either willing to volunteer or skilled enough to be asked to deal with a threat to the settlement which one of its hunters has recently discovered.
This small event, and those that follow, will soon see the party traveling across the Wasted West in an attempt to save Crooked Creek and hopefully themselves.
Current Situation Having saved the Ranch from the threat of a Mutant Bear and a mad Toxic Shaman the posse returned home to a grave revelation. While they were gone Combine Black Hats arrived at Crooked Creek and stole anything of value. Devouring limited food stores like locusts and killing two of the residents. One being Stella Humphry. With Alex still in a coma and the Black Hats planning on returning come harvest the posse has decided to travel out into the world to find allies and resources to fight back against the Combine's forces. Will they save the ranch or is it doomed to be milked of all it's resources by the insatiable forces of the Combine?
The Setting
A Word about the Source The following is an exert from a conversation between a man known as 'The Prospector' and a once dead man newly arisen from the grave. It was included in the original HoE book to help describe the setting to potential players.
The Weird West
I’ll have to start from the beginnin’. You remember when the Reckoning started? It was July 3, 1863, right when we was fightin’ the Battle o’ Gettysburg. No? What’s been crawlin’ through yer brain? Anyhow, it actually all started a while afore that when an angry shaman by the name o’ Raven led a bunch of other angry shamans into the Hunting Grounds. They had an idea about lettin’ these demons called manitous loose on the world, and you know what? They did it.
How’s not important. The fact is that these demons spurted back into our world and started causing trouble right away. Some folks even managed to harness the power of these filthy things. Funnier yet, some of ’em didn’t even know they were doin’ it.
Anyhow, these manitous set straight out to fill the world with mischief an’ fear, and they did a damn good job of it. They got some help from all sorts o’ critters from legend, plus some all new things straight from the depths o’ some twisted sicko’s mind. Worse yet, they got help from us by means of this stuff called ghost rock. Folks found it in the walls of the Great Maze after Raven tossed most o’ California into the sea.
The Secret o’ Ghost Rock
Lookin’ back on it now, I see ghost rock was the Reckoners’ secret weapon. I know you was dead before it got discovered in 1868 or so, but it was this “superfuel” that boomed bigger than gold. We shoulda known the stuff was evil the way it screams when burnt. And that smoke that looked like damned souls? It was. I know that now. Those were manitous, sealed in the stuff just waiting for—well, I’ll get to that in a minute.
The Reckoners put ghost rock here on Earth. Anywhere there was coal, gold, silver, or other ores, folks was likely to find ghost rock as well. Funny thing is I don’t remember a soul ever askin’ why this stuff had never been discovered before. Makes you feel kinda stupid, don’t it? That the stuff would just appear overnight like that, an’ none of us even questioned it.
Huh? No, I don’t know how they did it. They just did. They are freakin’ supernatural. An’ I reckon any kinda monsters that can make a corpse like you wake up and ask stupid questions can make a few billion tons o’ rock. Now shut up and lemme finish. Anyway, the Reckoners put the stuff here for several reasons, though the last one’s the clincher.
The first reason was to get us to fight over it. We sure did plenty o’ that. Who can say how many died in the Great Rail Wars, the War Between the States, and God-knows how many claim jumpings, holdups, and robberies? The second reason was to get us fightin’ each other with weapons sure to kill lotsa folks in real painful ways. Even better, I ’spect ghost rock moved us along a little faster than we prob’ly shoulda gone. Most o’ the gadgets the “mad scientists” made were one-of-a-kind. They couldn’t be made on an assembly line like Peacemakers. They was harmless enough in total, though not if you were one of the unlucky ones that got torched by a flamethrower or run over by a steam tank.
Still, enough real progress got made that all that stuff got deadlier faster than we could learn how to use it. I guess you might say technology grew faster than diplomacy. Don’t look at me like that, Ranger! Just ’cause I got a bit of an accent don’t mean I’m an idjit!
That’s better. Anyhow, the real reason the Reckoners gave us ghost rock was because of those damned manitous inside.
Y’see, there was this thing called the “Last War” in 2081. I’ll tell you more about it later on, but it ended with every nation on Earth droppin’ bombs on every other. The “Apocalypse.” Not a city was spared as far as I’ve heard. Sure, we had ghost-rock bombs back in ’76, but the ones they got here had been “irradiated.” I still don’t know ’xactly what that means, but the effect is to make the stuff a hundred times more powerful than it was before. Scary, ain’t it? So those bombs blew things up real good, but they did somethin’ else too. Somethin’ none o’ them deluded scientists who invented ’em ever counted on. Y’see, that ’radiated ghost rock full o’ damned spirits did more than just blow folks up. It also created “Deadlands.”
In case your memory’s rottin’ like your face, a Deadland’s a place so full o’ fear it actually warps the land and gives birth to monsters drawn right out o’ folk’s nightmares. And that’s what the Reckoners had been waitin’ on: for the whole stinkin’ planet to turn into one giant Deadland. The bastards need that sorta fear to survive, kinda like a fish needs water or a prospector needs gold—or in my case, stinkin’ corpses. Speakin’ o’ which, we gotta roll you around in a flower patch or somethin’, Ranger. You’re a little gamey after 200 years.
The Reckoners Revealed
So with the world all warm like a nice hot bath, the sons o’ bitches stepped on outta the Huntin’ Grounds and onto Mother Earth. The Reckoners tore through the survivors of the Last War like foxes in a henhouse. And you’da never guessed who—or what—they are.
The Four freakin’ Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
That’s right! Just like it says in the Bible! That feller I talked to says War popped up in Kansas, Famine in the Maze, Death in Death Valley, and Plague somewhere in Texas. They killed a messo’ folks, then raised an army o’ their own demons outta the bodies. Then they each tore a swath of destruction across the West and vanished across the Mississippi into the East— which I hear is even more blasted and ruined than it is out here. If you can believe it.
Does that mean it’s the End Times? Judgment Day? I dunno. We’re still here, so either we’re the meek and we’ve inherited this chunk o’ rock or the Reckoners jumped the gun on God’s little plan. Personally, I gotta believe the latter. Most folks around here think God forgot about ’em. I don’t even think they got many preachers anymore. I guess most of ’em gave up or died. In the end, I don’t reckon it much matters. We’re here, and we gotta survive. An’ the only way to do it is to dry up all that fear that’s keepin’ the Reckoners alive.
Hell on Earth
Best I can figure, the bombs dropped in 2081, 13 years ago. Now most every place is still a Deadland. You can feel it. This spot we’re in right now is one. Feel them evil spirits watchin’ from on high? I do. An’ I’d swear some of ’em was the same one’s I whooped back in Hell!
I know that was a waste of good buckshot, damn you! But it sure made me feel better. I been staggerin’ aroun’ a place that’d make most men mad for 200 years! Well I’m mad, all right, just not that kinda mad. I’m mad ’cause these damn monsters took away my life. An’ I’m mad ’cause they ruint my world. An’ most of all I’m mad ’cause I’m a sore loser. An’ we lost, friend. All right. I’ll simmer down. I gotta watch my ammo anyway. Bullets and buckshot are real scarce here. I reckon there’s a lot to shoot at. That’s the kind o’ thing you need to know now that you’re seein’ sunlight again. Maybe I’d better tell you everything I’ve learned so far.
A History Lesson
No one I talked to knows much about what happened back in our time. I don’t think knowin’ the date the Civil War ended or who won the Great Rail Wars is too important when you’re eatin’ a glowin’ rat for dinner. Yeah, I said glowin’. It has somethin’ to do with that radiation stuff. What folks do know about is recent history. Let’s start with goin’ into the stars. You heard me right, son. I said the stars.
The Faraway War
From what I understand—an’ I’ve only been here a month, understand—our old buddy Darius Hellstromme, the most famous mad scientist from our time, is still around. Don’t ask me how, but I reckon a man who can invent a dangblasted automaton can figure out how to keep hisself alive a couple o’ centuries. Harrowed? No. I don’t think so. I get a feelin’ about those things these days and that just don’t sound right.
Anyway, folks had been goin’ to the moon for a long time. No one I talked to remembers ’xactly since when. That was about as far as they got, though, ’cause them other planets was just too durn far. Around 2044, Hellstromme invented somethin’ they call the “Tunnel.” It hung up in space between us and the moon and allowed space machines—they call ’em “ships” for some season—to fly out to a whole ’nother place.
In this place, they found a “system” of planets called “Faraway.” On one of ’em—a rock they called “Banshee” ’cause of the winds—was a race o’ aliens! Y’know, space ferners! They called themselves “anouks” and proved to be mostly friendly. They was a primitive sort, so when we found out there was ghost rock on Banshee, we did ’em just like we did the Injuns: traded ’em some beads and claimed most of it fer ourselves.
Just like the Injuns, they eventually got fed up with us takin’ everything from ’em. Around 2074 or so, most of the aliens rose up and started fightin’ back. At first, the humans was winnin’. See, all the nations were fairly friendly at that point, so the settlers was protected by marines from somethin’ they called the “United Nations.” (I guess they gotta call ’em marines if they’re gonna call their flyin’ machines “ships.”) Those boys were tough hombres. They had all kinds o’ guns and bombs, and the anouks didn’t have much of a chance.
So the anouks turned to raidin’ ’steada fightin’, and they brought out their own kinda witch doctors. The marines called ’em “skinnies,” and I reckon they could take over folks’ minds, blow things up, and cause all kinds o’ Hell. Remind you of anything? Yup. Sittin’ Bull and his shamans whupped Custer’s ass the same way. Maybe somebody remembered, ’cause the United Nations asked all its members to send ’em some special troops they call “sykers.”
Best I can tell, the governments and war departments of a whole mess of countries learned how to make soldiers into somethin’ like hucksters from our time. Only these boys and girls got their power kinda like them Oriental folks they useta have out in Shan Fan in our day. They drew it right outta the Hunting Grounds without the aid o’ manitous, animal spirits, or even the blessings of the Almighty hisself. It took years of training, and most who tried to become “sykers” couldn’t cut it. Those who did were perfect for fightin’ the skinnies, so a couple thousand trekked out to Banshee to show ’em what for.
Things got bloody in a hurry, just like the Injun Wars in our time. Both sides did things that would make their mommas cry. A lot of them anouks didn’t have nothin’ to do with the raids, but they knew where the others was hidin’, so the sykers had pretty much become cold-blooded killin’ machines by the time it was all over.
Then the war back on Earth started up, and all the armies wanted their troops back. It was a big enough fight that they took their regular troops first. It was almost a year afore they got a ship to haul the sykers home. In the meantime, they was the only army left to protect millions o’ colonists. The last few months on Banshee was worse than anything they’d gone through before.
Eventually they all got on a ship named Unity and headed home. By the time they got there, everything had already been blown to Hell. Helluva homecoming, huh, Ranger? You can spot these folks from a country mile away by their heads. They’re balder’n the tops o’ the Rockies. (I think their magic makes their hair fall out.) Steer clear of ’em, though. After what happened to ’em on Banshee, they’re ornery sons o’ bitches.
The Last War
So how’d the Last War begin? You can prob’ly guess. It started in the Maze over ghost rock. Huh? You don’t even remember when California was tossed into the sea in ’68? Yer more worm-addled than I thought. To backtrack a bit, what was left after the Great Quake was a maze of sea canyons and the richest veins o’ ghost rock ever known. That’s what triggered the whole Great Rail Wars later on, a race to build a transcontinental railroad and supply the North and South with ghost rock for their war toys. I don’t know what good it did ’em besides gettin’ lots o’ folks killed. In the end, the Confederacy was its own nation.
It was pretty much the same story 200 years later. The Maze was still boomin’ in 2080, and everybody still wanted the ghost rock for themselves. I ain’t figured out exactly how it got started, but in 2081, the US and a whole passel o’ countries from around the world formed the “Northern Alliance” and claimed the Maze, which had been split between the US and the Rebs. Fights broke out, and the Rebs did the best they could, but it was just too much too soon. They formed the Southern Alliance, and soon half the countries on Earth were fightin’ in what was left o’ California.
The war spread all over the world and went on for the better part of three years. I doubt me an’ you can imagine the kind of carnage it caused. Flyin’ machines, tanks, artillery that could fire across oceans, and Harrowed soldiers sewed full o’ contraptions like automatons. At the last, one o’ the armies musta thought they was losin’. New York City vanished under the skull-shaped cloud of a ghost-rock bomb in 2081. No one knows who dropped that first one, but within hours, thousands more fell on every city or fort in the world. There were lotsa Deadlands already, places where some critter or madman had been workin’ for years. But the ones caused by the bombs came complete with big, swirlin’, black storms full o’ manitous. That’s when the Reckoners came through and did their Texas two-step on the survivors. What was left o’ the Northern and Southern Alliances here in the West did their best to fight back, but what good do bombs do against hunger and disease? And the unholy critters the Horsemen made to fight for ’em could whip most anything thrown at ’em anyway. The brave fighters died tryin’ to make a last stand. The smart ones hid ’til the Reckoners eventually stalked off east.
The Combine
There warn’t much left after that. Not a city was left standin’. Towns that weren’t too near the blast sites or in the path of the Reckoners survived, but they didn’t have much food left, and no way to defend themselves against the marauding bands of deserters and other scum that come out of the woodwork when somethin’ bad happens. The worst of that scum was a Southern Alliance general named Throckmorton. He ran a prison camp with hundreds o’ captured Northerners and their equipment, as well as some of his own. When the bombs started falling, he hid ’em all in a huge cave somewhere and offered ’em a deal: their freedom in exchange for joining his “American Combine.” There would be no more North and South, he claimed. Instead, there would be one nation of strong, fit, warriors who could resettle the land and fight the Reckoners.
It sounds good, but Throckmorton’s goons kill the leaders of any village that don’t support ’em with crops, ghost rock, or whatever else they may have that’s worth spit. The Combine also kills whole tribes o’ what they call “mutants,” folks who get all diseased and warped by radiation. They don’t fit in with that whole “strong and fit” part o’ Throckmorton’s new world.
Now it seems the general’s somehow taken over what was left o’ Hellstromme Industries in the ruins o’ Denver. Throckmorton’s got all o’ Hellstromme’s toys, includin’ legions of automatons that fly, swim, crawl underground, and God-knows-what-else.
You’re prob’ly wonderin’ why Hellstromme don’t run his own business no more. That’s a question I can answer, Ranger. You ’member he’d taken up with the Mormons in Deseret back in our time? They finally kicked him out when he wouldn’t play nice, so he set up shop in Denver with nothin’ but automatons for workers.
Hellstromme disappeared when the bombs fell, and no one’s seen him since, even though his labs survived well enough that Throckmorton could move in. Either he got hisself killed, or he finally realized what a rotten egg he is and ran off to sulk. Why Hellstromme’s automatons work with Throckmorton is just a mystery.
The Law Dogs
What with all the bandits and monsters after the Apocalypse, it was only a matter of time ’til some do-gooder stepped up to do what he felt was his duty. ’Cept in this case it was a “her.” This’ll make you proud, Ranger. Y’see, there was this lady Texas Ranger—yup, I said “lady.” I guess a lot changed while we was gone. Anyway, this Ranger was named Jane Swindall. After the bombs, she gathered up all the other Rangers and lawmen she could find: sheriffs, deputies, US Marshals, Pinkertons, firemen, whatever. She knew the only way to beat the Reckoners was to give folks hope, and the only way to do that was to restore some law and order to the folks who were still kickin’. Swindall called ’em all “Law Dogs,” and the name stuck. Those who stuck with her swore their loyalty and ventured off into the wastes to bring back the law by their actions, their fists, and—if needed—their guns. They don’t have no written laws, and they don’t recognize no court they don’t think is fair.
If you run into one of these Law Dogs, make sure he or she’s on your side. You can imagine what kind o’ person it takes to bring the law to a place like this.
The Templars
The Law Dogs ain’t the only ones fightin’ to make things right again. There’s another group that calls themselves the “Templars,” after the knights of the Crusades.
These Templars ain’t quite as bright and shiny as you might want ’em to be, though. They was founded by a fella named Simon Mercer. Like a lotta folks, Simon lost his family in the war and wandered around lost for a while tryin’ to get over it. While he was wanderin’, he watched Law Dogs and other do-gooders tryin’ to protect the rest of the folks from terrors and marauders like Throckmorton. I reckon it made him sick to watch these good men and women throwin’ their lives away for a town fulla ingrates who begged for help when Throckmorton was around, and then double-crossed the Law Dogs and strung ’em up afterwards. A few years later, he did somethin’ about it. He started up the Templars in Boise, Idaho. Simon calls hisself the Grandmaster, and he managed to recruit a bunch of others he felt was worthy o’ wearin’ the white shirt and red cross of the old knights. God must love ’em, ’cause the Templars can heal like the preachers learned to do back in our time. Templars also make their own swords that can cut through a zombie like a hot knife through butter.
In some ways, Templars are a lot like the Law Dogs. They travel around the West protectin’ the innocent, healing the sick, and all that other hero stuff. The difference is they don’t throw their lives away for just anyone. If a town’s in danger of being overrun by raiders, a Templar might disguise himself and listen to the folks to see if they’re “worthy” of saving. If they are, the Templar’ll whip off his disguise and show them their uniform and sword. If the Templars don’t deem your sorry hide worth their sacrifice, they keep right on goin’, and you never even know they were there. Once they’re committed, though, Templars fight to the death. One other thing I’ve heard about ’em. It ain’t easy to become a Templar, and those that betray the rest are in for a sorry fate.
Templars are a stingy lot, and Law Dogs are few and far between. Neither one of ’em has much to do with mutants poisoned by that radiation stuff I told you about. Most of the time it just makes ’em sick and ugly as sin, but a lot go loco as well. Most all of ’em get thrown out of towns full of “norms” to live in the nearest rat-infested ruins with other mutants. Law Dogs an’ Templars don’t go out of their way to defend muties, but there’s a group who does. They call themselves “Doomsayers.” If you can believe it, these loonies actually think the Apocalypse was a good thing! Their leader’s a crackpot named Silas Rasmussen. He preaches mutants are the next evolution o’ mankind, and it’s the “Cult o’ Doom’s” job to protect ’em! The way they do it is to whip up muties into armies and then lead ’em against norms. The muties are tough enough, but the Doomsayers got “radiation magic” they use to blow stuff up and make norms into deranged muties.
Fortunately, some of the Doomsayers have turned against Silas. You’ll know ’em by their purple robes. These “heretics” run around healin’ and helpin’ folks to prove the cult is good—it’s just Silas who’s all wrong. They still believe norms are doomed (that’s where they get their name), but they ain’t our enemies. Oh, and they’re lookin’ for a particular mutant they call the “Harbinger.” That one’s s’posed to replace Silas and lead us all to a new age. God, I hope they’re right, ’cause this one stinks.
Junkers & Ghost Rock
While I’m talkin’ about all these weird types, I might as well mention the junkers. You might already know how mad scientists back in our time made all those crazy gadgets. They thought they was geniuses—Hell, I’m sure they were—but their ideas didn’t come without help from the manitous. ’Course most o’ the mad scientists didn’t know it and woulda laughed at you if’n you’d said so.
I’m just guessin’ at this next part, so I could be wrong, but I think once the ghost-rock bombs got built, the manitous stopped volunteerin’ information. It took a while for the mad scientists to realize their “muse” was gone. Before they could do much about it, most of ’em died when the bombs fell. But there’s always a few who survive. Those who did couldn’t deny there were spooks in the world when the Reckoners appeared and started stompin’ on folks like ants. Once that happened, the old mad
scientists started lookin’ for ways to make the manitous talk again. Only this time, they had to beat the truth out of the little buggers. An’ I hope it hurts ’em like Hell. You’ll see these old codgers pokin’ through ruins lookin’ for parts for their gizmos. That’s why folks call ’em “junkers.”
You can tell a junker from some other fellow ’cause they power all their gadgets with these things called “spirit batteries.” They take ghost rock an’ do somethin’ to it to draw out the manitous inside. I don’t know this for sure, but I think they run the little bastards like rats in a wheel and suck off their juice ’til they escape. I can’t really explain it, but it does my heart good to think o’ those demons sufferin’ like that! The downside o’ messin’ with evil spirits is folks tend to shy away from you. Everyone knows junkers mess with demons—the same ones that ended the world—so they don’t make friends too easy. Still, if we can round a few up and get ’em to help out, their gizmos oughta help us put down more than a few o’ the Reckoners’ critters. Oh, an’ junkers ain’t the only ones who use ghost rock. Folks use it to light their homes, power their buggies, and so on, so there’s still a fortune to be made in minin’ it. An’ if you can ’radiate it, it can even run them big, ol’ tanks an’ even flyin’ machines.
The Wasted West
You ’member how the Epitaph used to call home the “Weird West?” Now I reckon folks call it the “Wasted West.” Shame, ain’t it? You’ll see why when we get movin’. I’m anxious to see more of it myself. I’ve heard a few things about some of our old haunts that I just gotta see for myself. Lemme tell you about a few.
The Maze
I reckon all the fightin’ in the Maze durn near emptied it out during the war, but folks have moved back in since then. Yup, they’re still after ghost rock. Only trouble comes from all the monsters. Two hundred years o’ fightin’—and a Deadland to boot—makes for a whole lotta evil. I hear parts of it are overrun with some kinda bizarre fish-folk. The Doomsayers say they’re just mutants, but the stories I hear make ’em sound like monsters to me.
You might remember the Mormons set up their own country—Deseret—back in our day. They musta held on to it, ’cause it still exists. They ran off Hellstromme before the Last War started, but I reckon he left some kinda shield in place to protect his home and factories, ’cause the bombs hit all around the City o’ Gloom but didn’t go off.
Unfortunately for the Mormons, they didn’t know about Hellstromme’s shield or they coulda gathered up the flock. Only a quarter or so of those who lived in the city when the bombs hit were of the faith. Now Salt Lake City’s about the only city left in the West, and you can bet it’s got walls and a whole lotta armed folks keepin’ out all those who want in.
It ain’t no surprise that Hellstromme had the same kinda shield in place over his factories in Denver. There mighta been some folks survive there, too, but by now they’re all slaves of General Throckmorton and his automatons. No one gets within a couple hundred miles o’ Denver these days.
The Indians
I ain’t been able to figure out what happened to the Coyote Confederation yet. The folks I’ve talked to look at me like I’m crazy when I ask about ’em. Yeah, I may be a little crazy, but 200 years in Hell can do that to a man. Now shut up, and lemme talk.The Sioux I know about. They split in two along time ago. Half stuck with that Old Ways business that was goin’ around back in our day. They fared pretty well. I guess it wasn’t worth droppin’ bombs on a bunch of buffalo herds and teepees that move around constantly anyway. They’re gettin’ by just like they always have and sayin’ “we told you so” to the rest of us. The other half of the Sioux call themselves “Ravenites,” and I can’t tell you how scary that is. I reckon Raven, the damned shaman that started this whole Reckoning mess, started some kinda movement that got all the young braves to forget the Old Ways. It was good for ’em for a while, ’cause the Ravenites took over Deadwood and controlled the rich ghost-rock mines in the
Black Hills.
Deadwood was big, I hear. It had a mess o’ saloons, casinos, and arms factories. In the end, the city was valuable enough to get blasted back to the stone age with everyone else. The Ravenites who survived learned a hard lesson, but they still can’t stand their southern brothers thumbin’ their noses at ’em.
A Map of the Wasted West This is a custom Google Map showing the majority of the points of interest originally detailed in HoE Classic along with a few new editions of my own. Most notable of this is the 'Wasted North' which was never described in the original or Savage/Reloaded games. This is purely custom made content which is inspired by the Great Weird North HoE Classic Book and my own experiences as a Canadian. The players/characters may possibly explore this area in the course of the game but it is not required. It is also a work in progress so please excuse some of the missing content.
There is also a sizable addition to the Idaho/Wyoming Boarder area where the players will likely be traveling through during the initial parts of this adventure. Of course, if the players decide to travel elsewhere that is entirely their choice but that would mean (likely) abandoning their family and friends in Crooked Creek. The information itself is not all encompassing, with several areas which can be visited not noted, but this is due to the information being presented as the notes of one Kyle Maldin, a traveling merchant who lives in Crooked Creak. Although Kyle has learned much trading among survivor settlements he doesn't know everything. Still, to those unfamiliar with the area his journal could prove invaluable.
Crooked Creek Although not a part of the original game Crooked Creek is an important part of the Character's lives as their home and possible birth place. Those interested in learning more about this Survivor Settlement can open the Spoiler below to discover more.
A Small History Crooked Creek was once a Guest Ranch in Wyoming catering to those who wished to experience a variety of Outdoor activities along the Wind River Mountain Range; from horseback riding to ATV tours to fishing and hunting. Composed of a variety of one and two story cabins for rent, alongside a collection of private residences, Crooked Creek had a rustic, welcoming vibe which attracted many regular visitors to it's wooden properties. Of course when the Great War was kicked off most of this changed.
It didn't help when the nearby town of Dubois began suffering from a curious disease which none had seen before. Eventually the army quarantined the town and allowed no body in or out. That was until the area was bombed with conventional explosives a few days before judgement day. Union news reports claimed that this was all due to a Confederate attack on the area but, considering that the attack began at the Medical Center at the South East end of town and that the army personnel stationed there had vacated the area a few hours before, many smelled BS. Unfortunately, even if it was the result of 'friendly fire' much of Dubois now lay in ruins and the majority of it people were dead, either due to the fire bombs or the disease itself.
Fortunately, those who did survive could now leave the town with army personnel having been recalled to more important areas. One of these survivors, Alexander Humphry, had been an employee at the Crooked Creek Ranch and led those he could to it knowing that the Ranch not only had a small, independent, generator for emergencies but also where the keys for the ranch’s buildings were kept. Like some biblical figure leading his flock to the promised land, Alex showed the survivors of Dubois the way and set about ensuring that they all stayed alive. Eventually more refugees began to trickle in and soon Alexander was leading a brand new settlement.
Since the Bombs The Citizens of Crooked Creek have done much in the years since the exodus of Dubois to survive these trying times. Although the settlement initially subsisted by hunting and scavenging food from other nearby resorts they have since created several fields for farming and even gathered a small herd of cattle. Both tasks were assisted by a stable of horses which the settlement still uses for hunting, scouting, and heavy labor. Although the settlement only sees a small amount of trade from the occasional traveler Crooked Creek has everything it needs for day to day survival including Ethanol for their generators made from locally grown corn. Many of these generators have been retrofitted from the ATV's the Ranch once offered their guests.
Life is however not perfect as food and fuel still need to be rationed for the winter months and cannot be used frivolously. Despite this life is comfortable and relatively safe as few road gangs know of the settlement and only the occasional horror stalks the nearby mountains. The people here are fairly friendly to newcomers as long as such people are willing to follow the rules and will do their fair share of the work if they choose to stay. The settlement has even created makeshift barricades along the roadways to the ranch to help protect it from possible attacks but so far they have never been needed.
Although there are a few craftsmen among the populace the majority of the people either work the fields or look after the cattle; everyone gaining a fair share of the food, fuel, and leather produced as long as they help. Although children are paid less for their work this is an exception as all adults' receive the same amount of pay no matter their job. Some, like Matthew Rodie, argue against this practice but Alex has insisted that the division of supplies must be equal as everyone is working hard to survive. To pay more to one would mean to take away from another and Alex refuses to allow this to happen. Even those who do not directly contribute to the community’s food reserves still receive a share as such services are essential to the production of tools and the scavenging of supplies needed to help the community
Currently Crooked Creek has over 50 people living in it, including children, despite losses during their earlier years. The settlement also has over a dozen horses and nearly 300 heads of cattle gathered from across the area. Although this herd is primarily managed by Matthew Rodie and his family it is considered to be owned by the settlement as a whole as are the horses.
Specific Buildings of Crooked Creek Humphry House
Once the residence of the Ranch's original owners, they and their family were some of the first quarantined by the army during the war. Currently the house is used by Alex and his family but also act as a meeting hall for the leaders of the community to discuss future plans. Such plans are then voted on by the rest of the community before finally being set in motion. Alex still represents the community as a whole, by popular vote, but Matt Rodie has been gaining more support every year.
Alexander Humphry - The man who led the people of Dubois to salvation, Alex still acts as the central figure of leadership among the people of Crooked Creek. He isn't the only one of course as very early on Alex suggested that the settlement should be led by a committee voted on by the people of Crooked Creek. Although this group is made of 5 individuals, who are voted on every year, Alex has almost always been a member of it. Part of this is due to his actions in the past but also because of his continued dedication to helping those around him.
On a personal level Alex is kind but intelligent man who's had to take responsibility for the people around him due to the situation fate has put him in. Alex realizes there are hard decisions he has been forced to make but he wants to ensure that such sacrifices are due to variables out of his control rather then personal greed or pride. These ethics are mostly due to the influence of his father, a local sheriff, who instilled into Alex a strong sense of justice. Unfortunately, the senior Humphry, previously named Tim, was one of the first to fall to the epidemic that ruined Dubois.
Possibly in an attempt to honor his father Alex regularly patrols not only Crooked Creek but also the surrounding area; always on the lookout for problems coming the town's way. He's a crack shot and decent on a horse. More then anything it's Alex's calm demeanor and willingness to talk a situation out rather then shooting first that has earned him the respect of the locals. Whenever newcomers show up it's always Alex and his family who volunteer their home to host such people, at least for a day or two.
Stella Humphry - Alex's wife and mother to his two sons, Stella was originally a stable hand at Crooked Creek before the bombs fell. Although she was not one of the original people Alex led away from Dubois, living on a nearby ranch with her parents rather then in town, Stella soon joined Alex at Crooked Creek to assist him and the other survivors. Soon her and Alex fell in love and began raising a family of their own.
Stella is what you might call a Tom Boy, feeling more comfortable in the saddle and working with horses rather then playing with dolls or other 'girly' things. Her more boisterous nature has mellowed some since giving birth to her children but Stella is still not one to back down or take gruff from those she believes are wrong. Luckily she's never been violent and is smart enough to know not to get into an argument with, what she would call, 'stupid people' but that won't stop Stella from calling you an idiot if she feels the shoe fits.
With her experience handling horses Stella was a natural choice to manage the settlement's stable. She would argue that she could just as easily organize the cattle too but complaints from the Rodie's about how this would give the Humphry's too much power made it so that the two duties stayed separate. Stella knows perfectly well that, if given the opportunity, Matthew Rodie would jump at the chance to take her job too, balance of power be damned, but she hasn’t vocalized this too strongly.
This is due to Alex having convinced Stella that the Rodie's are a necessary evil. That doesn't stop her from calling Mathew and his cronies out when they try to pull sh*t but until they really step out of line she won’t cause problems. The Rodie’s know that if they want to use horses for herding the cattle that they have to go through Stella first. If she ever gets angry enough she could make their work a whole lot harder so, for now, they keep their relationship with Stella as cordial as possible.
The Lodge
Once a bar and restaurant catering to the needs of the Ranch's guests, The Lodge now acts as a common gathering area for the settlement's populace and kitchen for those living in smaller cabins without such amenities. However, rather then having a set schedule for such people to use the kitchen meals are routinely prepared by Dorthy Hamil and Lesley Farlin.
Dorthy Hamil - A one time mother of 5, Dorthy is well acquainted with running a large house hold. Now, rather then her husband and kids, Dorthy has an entire community looking to her to care for them. Although quite friendly Dorthy has little problem rapping someone's hand with a wooden spoon if they start getting fresh with her or try to steal more then their fair share from the Lodge's food stores. Despite this most in Crooked Creek care for the old woman, seeing Dorthy as a kind but firm grandmother to them all. They're especially happy when her husband, Duncan, is able to brew a little Corn Whiskey for them to enjoy.
Lesley Farlin - Far younger then Dorthy, Lesley was still old enough to have worked as a baker before the Last War. After finding her way to Crooked Creek with her daughter, Lesley used her experience to make a plethora of baked goods for the community. Mostly this is corn bread and the like but other tasty morsels become available when additional supplies find their way to the settlement. When not baking Lesley helps Dorthy manage the Lodge, keeping everyone fed. Although not as vocal as Dorthy is with others, Lesley is still well liked; quietly providing help to those in need without needing to be asked.
The Shop
Although Crooked Creek sees very little trade, maybe one or two travelers a year, the settlement does have it's own source of supplies through the Maldin family. Composed of Jacalin and Kyle Maldin, a married couple who eventually found Crooked Creek a few years after the bombs, the Maldins have since settled in Crooked Creak with Jacalin managing the old Ranch shop and Kyle traveling the Wastes to trade supplies. Although the couple do not receive a 'fair share' of food supplies like other residents Alex ensures that he and the others provide the Maldins with enough business to keep them around. Living in one of the nearby small cabins Jacalin can be found either there or at the shop year round while Kyle normally sticks around only during the winter months.
Jacalin Maldin - Jackie, as the locals call her, runs the Maldin's shop while her husband is out scrounging and trading with other settlements. A rather plump woman of 35, Jackie is always ready with a warm smile and a compliment; easily drawing people into her shop to buy something or just for a chat. Before the war Jackie was studying to become a social worker but was forced to find other employment due to the war.
Kyle Maldin - A spindly man of 37, Kyle was originally a sales clerk at an Electronics Store before the bombs fell. He survived by keeping on the move with his high school sweet heart, Jacalin; scavenging what he could and selling it to those who wanted what he had. When he stumbled across Crooked Creek Kyle knew these were good people who were worth working with. Since then he regularly travels about in his old sudan, picking up what he can from those he meets, before returning to see his wife. Never one to cheat but not one to be cheated either, Kyle is a shrewd negotiator who is always looking for a good deal.
The Garage
Originally a small workshop attached to the Ranch's gift shop, the garage dealt with the small engine repairs and maintenance of the Ranch’s ATVs. There isn't as much need for that now considering most of these vehicles have either been broken down for parts or converted into ethanol burning generators but it still fill a purpose. Currently the workshop is managed by Duncan Hamil who sees to the maintenance of the Ranch's generators, other electronic devices, and other odd repairs. Although mostly working as a handy man around the Ranch Duncan was still vital in converting the engines to generators during the first winter.
Duncan Hamil - A man well into his 60's, Duncan is a grizzled old mechanic who would rather spend time in his shop, tinkering on engines, then spending time around people. Despite his rather gruff nature Duncan is indispensable to the residents of Crooked Creek as he keeps the generators running, both by fixing them and brewing the ethanol that keeps them humming. On occasions that there's a little extra corn Duncan will even brew up some Corn whiskey which he will share with other locals. Married to Dorthy, the manager of the settlement's communal kitchen, some wonder how a woman like her could ever get along with a man like him. To this Dorthy claims that for as rough as Duncan might be his heart is always in the right place and that she appreciates his honesty.
The Ranch
Just east of Crooked Creek is an old cattle ranch which acts as the settlement's main source of meat, leather, and the occasional set of bull horns. The herd itself is a collection of every calf, bull, and cow Crooked Creek has been able to find wandering the hills and abandoned in old farms since the bombs fell. There's also a few sheep but the main body of the ranch is dedicated to the cattle themselves.
This ranch, and the house closest to it, are managed by the Rodie family, ranchers from generations back who are currently led by Matthew Rodie. Matthew and his family have long been one of the most successful ranching groups around Dubois but never grew large enough to expand outside the small community. Before the war Matthew was trying to change this through 'rumored' actions that put him at odds with Alex's father, the old sheriff, but nothing was ever proven.
After the bombs fell Matthew originally tried to keep his family and his herd on their own lands but eventually moved to Crooked Creek due to an event involving a mutated grizzly. Supposedly the oversized bear had started snacking on the Rodie's herd, cutting it down to only a fraction of it's original size. When the Rodie’s had discovered what was happening they planned on killing the beast but the tables were soon turned during the Rodie’s trap; the bear now devouring the Rodie family. Matthew and others only survived because Alex was riding nearby to check on them; charging in and driving off the beast after shooting it in the eye.
Matthew Rodie - One of the oldest residents in Crooked Creek Mr. Rodie is not one to be crossed lightly. Those who do soon find themselves harassed by Mathew's extended family and many of the ranch hands which assist the Rodie's. It never goes farther then verbal abuse or 'pranks' which can't be linked back to the Rodies as anything more would allow Alex and Stella to turn the rest of the community against the Rodies. Still, everyone knows not to mess with the head of the Rodie family. For those who do show him respect Mr. Rodie can actually be very generous and magnanimous. Although he is one of the first to argue against letting newcomers into the community he is also one of the first to warm up to them once they've proven their worth.
Joshua Rodie - Matthew's second eldest son and likely next head of the family, Joshua is a bully at heart; always ready to resort to a fist fight when someone tries to call him out. So far nobody who accepts has ever beat him but Joshua never strikes someone unless they agree to a fight first (or when he knows he can get away with it). This is likely due to his father ordering Joshua to behave in front of the rest of Crooked Creek so as not to put the family's position into jeopardy. It's obvious Joshua doesn't like this but he knows better then to cross his old man. Joshua appears to have a bit of a complex when compared to his older brother who died during the bear attack. Matthew routinely bemoans the loss of his eldest, continually suggesting that Joshua be more like his late brother; a fact that agitates Joshua to no end.
Other Denizens
Shakufa Farooq
A Herbalist and brewer of strange tonics, Shakufa is the closest person Crooked Creek has to a Doctor, even if she never had a proper license. Usually keeping to herself Shakufa doesn't like visitors to her cabin unless they have a reason to be there; a consideration most are happy to afford her as the small building is filled with strange charms and herbs. Once Joshua, when he was still a kid, tried playing a prank on Shakufa by pissing on her doorstep to show how brave he was. The following week he couldn't piss at all and was in a bunch of pain until Matthew got the boy to confess what he did and appologise to Shakufa. Since then the Rodie's and about everyone else in Crooked Creek doesn't mess with the middle aged Woman.
In reality Shakufa is a Witch but one who's more interested in helping people rather then cursing them, so long as they don't go pissing on her door. If a PC would want to start with the Witch Arcane Background then Shakufa was likely their teacher.
Daryl Dixxie
One of the best hunters in Crooked Creek, Daryl routinely uses a Crossbow to hunt local wildlife but isn't shy about using the rifle on his back when necessary. Originally only a hobby hunter before the war Daryl has had ample chance, and need, to improve his skills since the bombs fell.
Rules We will be using the Savage World - Adventure, Hell on Earth Reloaded, and HoE Reloaded Companion books; all of which I recommend purchasing. However, for those unable to make such investments I have listed some of the general rules below. If you need help, such as selecting Edges and Hindrances which are not listed here, I can provide it so long as your character application is interesting/detailed enough.
Dice Rolls
Actions will either use an Attribute or Skill which will have a dice associated with them from between d4 to d12. These are collectively called Traits and will have one of these Dice rolled when testing either the Attribute or Skill. You, as a character, are also what is known in game as a Wild Card. A Wild card gains an additional d6 roll on all tests, taking the Highest of either roll. Dice which have rolled the highest value available to them gain what is called an Ace. An Ace allows the dice in question to be rolled again and the new roll added to the original. This continues until a character does not roll an Ace.
Example Buck Savage, international adventurer, faces wild-eyed cultists. He has a d10 Shooting and rolls his d6 Wild Die. The Wild Die comes up 4, but he Aces (a 10) on the d10. He sets the Wild Die (d6) aside and rolls the d10 again. He gets another 10 followed by a 3. His total is (10+10+3=) 23!
To succeed a 4 or higher must be rolled during the test. For every 4 that the roll exceeds this minimum the character succeeds with a Raise which can increase the effect of the roll. So using the example above Buck would have succeeded with 4 raises.
Some test can be adjusted by modifiers from Edges, Hinderances, or circumstances with bonuses and negatives usually ranging from -4 to +2.
Bennies One aspect of Savage world is 'Bennies'. Every Character starts with 3 of these and they can be used to do things like re-rolls, regain power points, recover from being shaken, and even be used with some Perks as described below. Normally these points will recover at the end of each game while Bonus Bennies can be earned from gutsy actions, good roleplay, or when a Hindrance really comes into play.
For this game we will be running it a little differently.
First of all you will not recover Bennies for nothing. To recover a Bennie you must perform an action that allows you to either relax or gain a boost in confidence. Some actions can be worth more then one Bennie but your day to day carryover limit is what you would normally start a game with. Bonus Bennies above this limit will be available during the day you receive them but will be lost the next day if they exceed the Normal Limit (3 but this might be altered if you normally have more such as children).
Actions to recover Bennies can include, but are not limited to...
- Resting in a safe and relatively comfortable area (1 Bennie)
- Resting in a safe and comfortable area with some luxuries (2 Bennies)
- Resting at a safe and luxurious area with things like silk sheets and goose down pillows (3 Bennies)
- Having a simple hearty and filling meal (1 Bennie)
- Having a hearty and filling meal with some small luxury like a can of pop or alcohol (2 Bennies)
- Having a luxurious meal (3 Bennies)
- Succeeding in a daring and dangerous stunt (1-3 Bennies depending on difficulty)
- Sleeping with or spending time with individuals who are trained to help you relax (1-3 Bennies)
- Listening to a Performance (1-3 Bennies depending on Performance Success and Raises)
- Etc.
A character can only benefit from one particular action once in a day. If an action has different tiers, like meals, then only the highest one counts.
Combat - Initiative will be determined by the speed of your post, those posting first going first.
- Typically one round will involve one move action and one standard action (Attacking, casting spells, etc.) or one complex action (Lighting a torch, searching a backpack for a small item, etc.).
- Melee attacks need to match or beat a targets Parry score (2 + 1/2 their Fighting Die Type)
- Ranged Attacks have a base TN of 4 but receive penalties for each range increment past short (Medium -2, Long -4, Extreme -8).
- A Guns Rate of Fire determines how many times an attacker can roll their Shooting Dice in one attack. A Wild Cards Wild Dice is only rolled once but can replace any one of the Shooting Dice rolled. While a ROF 1 uses only one bullet higher ROF use multiple (ROF 2 = 5 Bullets, 3 = 10, 4 = 20, 5 = 40, 6 = 50). A Gun need not be shot at it's maximum ROF and multiple targets can be targeted in a single burst provided they are in close proximity; each dice being rolled will be allocated to a single target. When firing more then one shot a -2 Recoil Penalty will effect all Shooting Rolls for that attack.
- Damage is determined by the weapon but Raises from an attack roll will provide a +1d6 to damage. Damage Rolls can Ace.
- If the rolled damage is below a targets Toughness (2 + 1/2 Vigor die type) there is no effect. If the damage exceeds the Toughness of a target then the target is Shaken (Can only take Free Actions such as moving at their Base Pace or Overcoming the Shaken Condition). Every Raise above a Targets Toughness results in a Wound. When a target, who is already currently Shaken, would become Shaken again they instead take a wound. A Shaken Target may make a Spirit Roll at the start of their round to overcome the Shaken condition and act normally. A character can take 3 Wounds before becoming Incapacitated and each Wound gives a -1 to their Pace and to all Trait Rolls.
Traits Characters, varmints, and other horrors of the Apocalypse are mostly made up of Traits which are divided between Attributes and Skills. These are always expressed as a type of die. A really strong critter might have a d12 Strength, while an elderly schoolmarm probably has a d4. Here’s a quick table to give you an idea of the relative differences.
Trait Descriptions
Die Type Description d4 Sorry d6 Average d8 Good d10 Amazing d12 Incredible
There are 5 Attributes; Agility Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor. Each Attribute starts as a d4 and you have 5 increases to distribute among them, each increase making the dice type associated with that particular Attribute to raise to the next dice type; a d4 becomes a d6, a d6 becomes d8, etc.
Next are skills which you have 12 points to distribute among. Like Attributes each increase makes the associated dice of that skill increase by 1 dice type. Unlike Attributes, Skills typically start at 0, requiring one point to be spent to get a d4, and if a Player wishes to increase a Skill past the die type of the Skills associated Attribute then it costs double for the increase. For example; a Character has d6 in Agility but wants to have an ability to shoot which greatly outshines this. The first two increases to Shooting only cost 2 points, raising it to the d6 limit of Agility. To get shooting to d8 it would cost a total of 4 points as advancing from d6 to d8 would be 2 points.
There are 5 skills marked below as 'Starting Skills'. All Characters start with these at d4 for free.
Secondary Statistics
• Pace Base is equal to 6”/ 6 squares on a map.
• Parry is equal to 2 plus half your Fighting die.
• Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your Vigor die (+ Armor).
• Starting Wealth is $500.
Hindrances What is a perfect hero without flaws? Boring that's what.
Hindrances are physical or mental handicaps which a character can voluntarily take at character creation to gain points to spend on Edges or other increases to your Stats. Hinderances can also develop naturally over the course of the game due to what a character might encounter.
Hindrances fall into two catagories; Minor and Major. Minor Hinderances provide 1 point while Major provide 2 points. You can not gain more then 4 points from character creation upon game start. The points gained from Hinderances can provide the following:
For 2 points you can:
• Gain another attribute point, or
• Choose an Edge
For 1 point you can:
• Gain another skill point, or
• Increase starting funds to $1000
Edges Because every Character in Hell on Earth is Human by default all character will begin play with 1 Edge. Additional ones can be earned as described above at character creation. There are however some restriction.
-All Characters will be Novices at the start. This is similar to Character level in the Savage World Rule set but also restricts what Edges are available.
-All Arcane Backgrounds are currently available
-Edges which increase starting wealth, like Rich or Filthy Rich, will be allowed but altered as noted below in Starting Funds.
-Veteran of the Wasted West is allowed for new players.
Starting Funds and Items. Each character will begin the game with a normal set of cloths and $500 in other items as mentioned above. This amount can be increased by $1000 for each point of Flaws invested or the Edges Rich/Filthy Rich can be taken. Rich will provide a character an additional $1000 at start. Filthy Rich increases this amount to $3000.
Please note that with the downfall of most civilization there is no paper money in the Wasted West. Most people trade using a barter system; typically using ammo or ghost rock as base lines for all other items. Even if someone doesn't have a 10mm pistol to shoot the corresponding bullets most still agree that such a bullet is worth approximately $1.
New posse members will also be given a basic form of transport. This can either be two dirt bikes or one small car (likely a Volkswagen Beetle or otherwise mini vehicle). Either option will begin with full tanks of fuel. Any additional upgrades must be paid with starting wealth.
Below is a list I created outlining possible items and their prices. Many come from the original game verses the New Savage World Books but could still be available in this game. Availability is not listed but assume most items can be purchased at start unless I otherwise say no. An extended list can be found within the information section of the game thread.
Deadland HoE Pricing List
Weapon Ammo Range Damage ROF Cost Avail Wtg. Shots Min. Str Notes Blunderbuss 8 guage 10/20/40 1—3d6 1 $50 U 15 1 d6 Reload 2 Lever-Action .30 24/48/96 2d8 1 $100 C 12 15 — AP 2 HI Damnation 10mm 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 $300 U 12 30 d6 AP 2; 3RB; Caseless ammunition Hunting Rifle .30—06 24/48/96 2d8 1 $150 C 10 9 — AP 2 IW-40 .50 gyrojet 50/100/200 2d10 3 $450 S 26 20 d6 3RB; Half damage vs. armored targets NA M-42 .50 40/80/160 2d10 1 $800 R 11 10 - AP 2; Snapfire Penalty NA XM-21 5.56mm 24/48/96 2d8 4 $200 C 14 30 d8 AP 2; 3RB SA M-50 .50 40/80/160 2d10 1 $800 R 11 10 — AP 2’ Snapfire Penalty SA XM-40 “Ripper” .50 24/48/96 2d10 2 $500 R 16 20 d8 AP 2; 3RB; See notes Springfield Musket .52 15/30/60 2d8 1 $30 R 11 1 d6 Reload 2 - Weapon Range Dmg RoF Shots Min Str Wgt Cost Avail Ammo Notes AK-2047 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 30 d6 8 $200 Rare 7.62mm AP 2, SA Fusil-20 24/48/96 d2d8 3 30 — 8 $200 Rare 5.45mm AP 2, 3RB, SA G-22 24/48/96 2d6 4 50 — 7 $1000 Very Rare 4mm AP 2, 3RB, SA, Caseless ammo NA M-21 20/40/80 2d8 4 30 — 6 $500 Rare 5.56mm AP 2, 3RB, SA SA M-10 24/48/96 2d10 3 30 d6 10 $1000 Very Rare .50 AP 2, SA SK-70 24/48/96 2d8 3 30 d6 10 $300 Rare 7.62mm AP 2, SA SK Sporter 24/48/96 2d8 1 10 d6 9 $150 Common 7.62mm AP 2
Weapon Ammo Range Damage ROF Cost Avail Wtg. Shots Min. Str Notes NA SAW 5.56mm 30/60/120 2d8 5 $750 S 29 60 d6 AP 2; 3RB; Snapfire SA SAW .50 50/100/200 2d10 3 $1000 S 37 100 d8 AP 3; 3RB; Snapfire Weapon Range Dmg RoF Shots Min Str Wgt Cost Avail Ammo Notes HI Torment 50/100/200 2d10 4 250(B) — 70 N/A VR 15.5mm AP 3, Heavy Weapon, Snapfire, See notes HI Brimstone SAW 30/60/120 2d8+1 4 60 d8 32 $1500 VR 12mm AP 2, 3RB, Caseless ammo, Snapfire M2HB 50/100/200 2d10 3 250(B) — 84 $1000 R .50 AP 3, HW, Snapfire M-200 MPSW 24/48/96 2d10 3 50 d8 75 $2000 VR 20mm AP 3, Heavy Weapon, Snapfire M-120 30/60/120 2d8 6 300 d10 100 $1500 VR 7.62mm AP 2, May not move, Snapfire
Weapon Ammo Range Damage ROF Cost Avail Wtg. Shots Min. Str Notes Armco Grenade Launcher 40mm 75/150/300 ** 1 $2000 R 32 12 d6 NA M-720 20mm 50/100/200 ** 1 $2000 U 22 6 — SA M-230 40mm 60/120/240 ** 1 $1250 U 27 1 — Rocket Launcher 125mm 30/60/120 4d8+2 1 N/A N/A 51 1 — AP 3; LBT; AP 40; Heavy Weapon Weapon Range Dmg RoF Shots Min Str Wgt Cost Avail Ammo Notes Grendel Grenade Launcher 24/48/96 By Grenade 1 1 d6 4 NA VR 45mm Hammer Rocket Launcher 30/60/120 4d8 1 1 d6 20 NA VR Variable AP 30, SBT, Heavy Weapon, or HEDP round with AP 10, LBT NA M-730 24/48/96 By Grenade 1 1 — 3 $2000 R 20mm MBT SA M-202 30/60/120 By Grenade 1 1 d6 5 $3500 VR 40mm MBT
Type Range Damage Cost Avail Wgt Notes Bean Bag Half 3d6 $50 U 1 Nonlethal; See notes Buckshot Cone 2d10 $100 U 1 See notes Flash Bang See below None $150 U 1 LBT; See notes Frag See below 3d6 $100 U 1 MBT Inferno See below 3d8 $150 R 1 MBT; See notes Riot Control see below None $100 C 1 MBT; See notes Smoke See below None $25 C 1 MBT; see notes
Notes: Hand Range is 5/10/20. The Range for a 20mm grenade launcher is 30/60/120, and
the Range for 40mm grenade launchers is 24/48/96.
Cost/'Bullet' Caliber/Type $0.50 Arrow, .22, .38 $1 9mm, 10mm, .45, .30, .30-06, 5.56, 7.62 $2 .50 Pistol, 12-gauge Shell $5 12-gauge Slug, .50 machine gun $10 20mm, Military Calibers $15 Arrow Quiver (Carries 20) $20 Spare Magazines ----- ---------- Hollow Point +$1 Frangible +$1
Armor Value Cost Covers Note Wtg. Min Str. Boiled Leather Shirt +1 $100 Torso, Arms 3 lbs. d4 Boiled Leather Pants +1 $75 Legs 3 lbs. d4 Boiled Leather Vest +1 $80 Torso 2 lbs. d4 C.E.P. Armor +1 $500 Torso, Arms, Legs -4 to Notice Armor, Can be worn with other Armor 2 lbs. d4 Cold Weather Gear +1 $200 Torso, Arms, Legs +1 to Fatigue rolls vs. cold 15 lbs. d4 Improvised Armor +2 $50 Per Location 5 lbs. d6 Kevlar Riding Jacket +2 $350 Torso, Arms 8 lbs. d4 Kevlar Riding Jeans +2 $175 Legs 4 lbs. d4 Infantry Battlesuit +6 $1100 Torso, Arms, Legs 35 lbs. d8 Infantry Helmet +4 $500 Head 50% chance to protect vs. headshot 5 lbs. d4 Kevlar Vest +2/+4(Bullets) $750 Torso Negates 4 AP, See Description 8lbs. d6 Motorcycle Helmet +2 $250 Head 50% chance to protect vs. headshot 3 lbs. d4 Hockey Mask +1 $100 Head 25% chance to protect vs. headshot 2 lbs. d4 Armored Coat +2 $300 Torso, Arms, Legs 15 lbs. d6 Ballistic Shield See Description $200 - See Description 16 lbs. d6 Improvised Shield +2 vs. Ranged Shots $25 - +1 Parry 8lbs. d6 Riot Shield +2 vs. Raged Shots $50 - +2 Parry 5 lbs. d4
Type Cost Notes Weight Bandolier $10 1 lb. Bandanna $5 Battle Dress Uniform $150 BDUs for short, are the fatigues and uniforms of soldiers worn during the last war. They are available in a variate of patterns designed to blend in to their environment an grant the wearer a +1 Sneak bonus for the appropriate one. Belt $5 Belt, Gun $10 Gun belts, have eyelets for holding ammo or clips and can hold 10-50 bullets, grenades, or clips, depending on size. Belt, Tool $5 Tool belts have rings and pouches for holding nails, hammers, or other tools. Boots $100 4 lbs. Boots, Rubber $80 Waterproof Boots, Winter $75 Boots, Steel Toe $120 Bowtie $2 Coat, Lab $30 The classic white coat, not really good for protection from the elements but will keep most fluids off and can be discarded quickly before they eat through. Coat, Trench $100 This full length coat made of heavy fabrics or cotton will keep both rain and fallout off you. Favorite of travelers and perverts alike. Coat, Wool $75 A heavy knit coat, or another material lined with wool, good enough to keep you warm but not restrict mobility. Dress, Fancy $250 Every man can appreciate a girl in a nice dress, +1 to friendly Persuasion rolls. They are however a pain to keep clean and undamaged when running through ruins and getting shot at. Dress, Homemade $20 Dress, Prewar $35 Duster $100 4 lbs. Glasses, Sun $25 Glasses, protective $20 Glasses, prescription $100-250 Helps correct the Bad Eyes hindrance, though finding your specific prescription might be difficult (If you start with the Hinderence you start with one set of glasses. Glasses, reading $35 Gloves, Work $10 Gloves, Leather $20 Gloves, Kevlar $100 Gloves, Oven $5 Gloves, Winter $20 Goggles $15 Goggles, tinted $20 Hat, Baseball $10 Hat, Bowler $40 Hat, Cowboy $50 - Hat, Fedora $40 Hat, Military $30 Hat, Straw $10 Hat, Sombrero $30 Holster $30 1 lb. Holster, Concealed $40 1 lb. Jacket $50 2 lbs. Jacket, Leather $200 +1 Armor 3 lbs Jeans $50 - Jumpsuit $50 Long-johns $10 Long underwear that helps insulate you against cold. Officer’s Uniform $100 Officer’s Uniforms were designed to project autority. Pads, Elbow/Knee $30 Pads, forearm/shin $25 Pants/skirt, Fancy $50 Pants, Handmade $10 - Pants/skirt, Prewar $25 Poncho/Tabbard $5 Scarf $2 Shirt/blouse, Dress $50 - Shirt/blouse, handmade $10 - Shirt/blouse, prewar $25 - Shoes $25 - Shoes, Running $100 +1 Pace Shorts, handmade $10 Shorts, prewar $20 Stalkings, prewar $20 Stalkings, handmade $5 Suit, Fancy $100 The clothes do make the man, +1 to friendly Persuasion rolls. Suit, Worn $50 Tattered suits are just a shadow of their former glory Sneakers $100 - Sweater, homemade $10 Sweater, prewar $25 Tanktop $10 Tie $1 Underwear, handmade $2 Underwear, in package $40 Underwear, lingerie $50 Underwear, prewar $7 Vest, Homemade $7 Vest, Prewar $15 Vest, Sweater $15
Type Cost Notes Weight Backpack $30 3 lbs. Bedroll $15 10 lbs Binoculars (x2) $50 X2 Mgnification 3 lbs. Binoculars (x4) $100 X4 Mgnification 3 lbs. Binoculars (x8) $200 X8 Mgnification 3 lbs. Binoculars (x16) $500 X16 Mgnification 3 lbs. Binoculars (Digital) $1000 X50 Mgnification; 0.1 charge/hr 3 lbs. Binocular, Night Vision Upgrade $200 1 Charge/hr - Bivouac $100 Basically a tougher bedroll that serves as its own tent 15 lbs. Camp stove $40 These prewar camping stoves can run on coal, charcoal or compressed gas to heat food. 20 lbs. Canteen $10 Holds one quart of liquid, military versions have a detachable steel cup. 5 lbs. (Full) Climbing Gear $100 +1 to Climb Checks 10 lbs. Compass $100 +1 to Suvival Checks involving direction - Cooking Fuel $5 Small tin of smokeless fuel used to cook food without the hassle of building a fire, hard to detect at a distance, good for 3 hours cook time. 7 oz Dufflebag $30 Holds roughly 3 cubic feet of equipment. Flashlight $50 Uses 1 charge per Hour 4 lbs Flashlight, Large $80 Uses 2 charges per. hour. 6 lbs. Flashlight, Police $100 Acts as a Flashlight and Small Club. 10 lbs. Flashlight, Rechargeable $100 Can be shook or cranked to charge, 30 seconds of charging yields six minutes of light, can store up to ten hours of light. 6 lbs. Gas Mask $30 Protects the user against most airborne chemicals and inhaling fallout, filters can last ranging from years to an hour depending on conditions before it becomes to hard to breath. 2 lbs. Gas Mask, Filters $5 Extra filters for a Gas Mask Geiger Counter $100 Uses 1 charge per Hour 8 lbs. Global Positioning System $200 GPS's have been a bit touchier of late, possibly since nobody has been maintaining the system, or perhaps it’s background noise from atmospheric radiation. Still it beats a compass and a map. 50% chance of +2 to Survival Checks involving location. Iron Skillet $5 5 lbs. Lamp $40 Kerosene powered camping lanterns project light in all directions and come with a detachable hood to turn it into a directional lamp. Matches $5 .25 lb Mess kit $15 3 lbs. NBC Suit $100 20 lbs. Night-vision goggles $1000 Uses 1 charge per Hour 3 lbs. Pen Light $20 A smaller flashlight, which provides less illumination, only accepts microbatteries Pouch, Ammo $5 Good for holding spare slugs, clips, or other munitions safely. Pouch, Utility $5 Clips to a bandoleer, belt, or back pack and stores a half a cubit foot worth of gear. Pouch, Smart $20 Intended to work with the Land Warrior 2 system, and help quarter masters track equipment. Thermal Imaging Goggles $1000 Great at detecting humans, running vehicles and warm objects. Not so good against detecting zombies. Raft, Inflatable $3 These self striking flares burn for about 30 minutes after they are lit. Road Flare $3 These self striking flares burn for about 30 minutes after they are lit. Rope (50’) $25 Sanitary Towels $1 Alcohol based wipes that often substitute for a shower these days. Scuba Gear $150 Regulator, goggles, and breathing apparatus, consumes spare O2 tanks. O2 Tank $50 Holds 8 hours of air, good for hazmat suits or diving rigs. Survival Knife $100 A big knife that has a series of survival tools built into the handle +1 to Survival tests Survival Kit $150 Small courier bag with tools for making/finding fire, shelter, and food. Tent $100 Sleeps two 4 lbs. Water purification kit (10 Doses) $100 1 lb. Water tester $100 Uses 1 charge per Use 3 lbs.
Tool Description Weight Cost Arc Welder Uses an electric charge to melt metal to large to be man portable. Uses 5 charges a minute. $1500 Crowbar, Steel A metal bar that grants a +2 Strength bonus to force open doors or other containers. 5 lbs $15 Crowbar, Titanium A metal bar that grants a +2 Strength bonus to force open doors or other containers. 2 lbs. $110 Cutting torch A gas powered torch which can cut through metal. $350 Drill, Hand Good for putting holes in things when you don’t want to waist batteries or bullets. 2 lbs $10 Drill/Impact Wrench A cordless tool capable of removing stubborn bolts or drilling through hard surfaces. Uses 1 charge a minute. 4 lbs $100 Entrenching Tool A collapsible shovel that folds down to a package large as two hands and makes a fine improvised saw, chair, cooking stand, axe, grappling hook or weapon. 1.25 lbs $40 File 1 lb $2 Fire Extinguisher A tank of compressed gas, dry chemicals, or foam. 12 lbs $20 Hacksaw A fine toothed handsaw which can make it through nearly anything given time 1 lbs $40 Hammer 2 lbs $5 Hatchet 2.5 lbs. $10 Lighter 1 lbs $25 Lockpick Set, traditional A set of metal picks of various shapes and sizes 1 lb. $50 Lockpicks, Electronic An electronic black box used for breaking electronic locks. 8 oz $500 Lockpick gun A tool that uses a spring to try and knock the pins of a tumbler lock out of alignment, can be used by unskilled lockpickers using the device’s skill of 3d8. 10 oz $150 Matches (100) Strike Anywhere or waterproof cost double 3 oz $5 Metal Detector +2 to Notice to find metal objects 5 lbs. $250 Pick 12 lbs $10 Rope, course(50’) Course hemp rope, usually made post-apocalypse 8 lbs $25 Rope, nylon(50’) High qualify prewar climbing rope, that is both lighter, smaller and tougher than other rope. 5 lbs $40 Sawzall Handheld cordless saw that can cut through sheet metal or tires. $100 Shovel Three foot long digging apparatus 5 lbs $10 Spray Lubricant WD-40 $25 Specimen Jars and Collection Tools Good for collecting scientific evidence and samples 1.5 lbs $35 Skill Saw Basic wood working saw. $65 Swiss Army Knife/Utility Tool Smaller knife that contains several useful tools $30 Toolkit A portable kit containing screwdrivers, wrenches, and other useful mechanical or electrical tools. 5 lbs $150 Toolset, Mechanics A cabinet full or tools with which could could run a mechanics shop. Lots $1000 Utility Cord A nylon belt that could unwrap into a 20’ rope. $50 Wood Axe 5 lbs. $50
Type Cost Notes Weight Cigar(Pre-War) $25 - - Computer, Desktop $500 1 Charge/ 30 min Computer, Portable $1000 1 Charge/ 5 min Data Slug, General $75 100 Terabytes Data Slug, Mapping $200 100 Terabytes of Maps Data Slug, Specialized $200-500 +4 to Specific Knowledge skill Duct Tape $25 Guitar $100 6 lbs. Handcuffs $20 1 lb. Handheld Gaming System $300 1 Charge / 30 Min. Handheld Gaming Cartrage Varies ($20-100) Harmonica $5 - Horse $300 Palmcorder $500 Playing cards $5 Radio $40 1 lb. Saddle $100 Salvage, Structural $2 Salvage, Mechanical $5 Salvage, Chemical $7 Salvage, Electronic $10 Soap $5 Sunglasses $10 Tabacco, Chewing $10 1 lbs. Toothpaste $10 0.5 lbs. Watch, Wrist (Digital) $15 Watch, Wrist (Analog) $30
- In Savage Worlds: Adventure you normally advance through the accumulation of Advancements and Ranks. Although there aren’t really any big problems with these rules, as written, I plan on altering them a little to help make them work better with a Play By Post format.
The way this will work is that rather then gaining an advancement every other session it will instead take 300 Experience to gain an Advancement. Now before you all go crazy and see this as an impossible goal let me explain how you will gain Experience.
- First : For EVERY post a player makes in the game they will be given 1 to 5 experience points. 1 experience might be a single line of dialog, 2 a small paragraph that actually doesn't say / do much, 3 to 4 would be your average post, and 5 would be an exceptional post. In this sense a player can easily Advance their Character once every 100 posts through RP alone.
Second : Fights will usually provide between 5 to 50 Experience; 5 being a very quick/easy fight while 50 might be an epic boss battle. There is also the chance that a particularly difficult task may result in an experience reward even when there was no combat involved.
Third : Inspired by a fellow GM, CatCanCook, I will be sprinkling Allusions throughout the game, hinting at popular game, movie, tv, books, or other nerd culture. There will be a dedicated thread where you can guess such allusions and when picked correctly will net you 5 to 25 experience depending on how easy the Allusion was. As an example maybe your group would find a collection of skeletons sitting in the living room of an apartment; 3 females and 4 males. Some of the skeletons are wearing shirts with symbols like a green lantern and a yellow lightning bolt on a red field. They appear to have been playing some kind of board game with dice just before they died. If you guessed Big Bang Theory then you would win that Allusion and the experience points for it.
Keep an eye out for that last one. There may already be some in this very add Just use a secret text if you have a guess so others can possibly get them too. Once the game starts it will be first come first serve but for the ones here everyone can benefit from them provided you find it. That said, if some one wrecks the fun by announcing the answer publicly neither they nor others after them will receive the bonus XP.
Now when a Character has earned 300 XP they receive an Advancement which can be used to gain one of the following:
• Gain a new Edge.
• Increase a skill that is equal to or greater than its linked attribute by one die type.
• Increase two skills that are lower than their linked attributes by one die type each.
• Buy a new skill at d4.
• Increase one attribute by a die type.(* Can only be done once per rank and never above d12 except with the Professional and Expert Legendary Edges).
A Character will go up a Rank as Follows:
0-3 Advances - Novice
4-7 Advances - Seasoned
8-11 Advances - Veteran
12-15 Advances - Heroic
16+ Advances - Legendary
Although Rank does not provide bonuses to a character specifically, higher ranks do open up specific Edges or Powers which a character can later choose as part of their Advancements. Once a Character has obtained Legendary Rank they can still obtain Advancements but it will now take 500 experience per Advancement and the character can no longer advance in Rank. Sorry no God Ranks for you guys
As an additional way to improve your character I'm introducing an additional mechanic, also inspired by CatCanCook. Through a character's actions it is possible for them to earn Perks, abilities similar to Edges or one time bonuses which a character may later use. Each Perk has requirements which, if met, provide that Perk to the Player who succeeds at said action/requirement. In general, once a Perk has been gained it can no longer be gained again.
If the Perk is listed as '
One Time Use ' then once the Perk's Bonus is used it can no longer provide a further bonus.
If a Perk is listed as '
Unique ' then once it has been gained by one character it can not be gained by another.
If a Perk is listed as
Losable there is a condition where a character may lose the Perk.
Name : Crowd Favorite (Unique)
Requirement : Win 5 combats, in a row, within a gladiatorial style setting against opponents of equal or higher skill.
Bonus : Gain +1 to combat rolls when being watched by an audience of 10 or more.
Name : I am Legend (Unique)
Requirement : Plan to and trap 5 separate instances of undead.
Bonus : Gain +1 to rolls to create and position mechanical traps.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Katy Blazee, Saint of Confidence (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Use Persuasion to decrease the Fear Level of an area by telling the story of the defeat of a Fearmonger or other major danger in the area where your character is portrayed as the main Hero.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain a +2 to one Persuasion role, even after the Roll is made. For two Bennies your character appears so sexy to others that, if they succeed with a Persuasion role to improve the NPC's disposition, the NPC becomes so enraptured with the Character that the will do almost anything for them for the character's Spirit Dice type in minutes. Unreasonable requests, such as killing themselves will prematurely end the effect.
Loss Condition : Defeat a major danger but refuse or fail to tell the tale.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Clara Clark, Saint of Mercy (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Have 2 raises on a roll to heal someone either through a skill role or Power.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain a +2 to one Healing roll or Power roll involving Healing. For two Bennies the character gains the +2 bonus from above but for 1d4+1 hours.
Loss Condition : Killing a helpless person or refuse healing to those who ask for it, whether friend or foe.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Jenna Dean, Saint of Winter (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Slay a Wendigo
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain Immunity to hunger, hunger based attacks, and the effects of cold weather for 24 hours. For two Bennies the character's Strength and Vigor are increased by two steps for a number of rounds equal to the character's spirit dice type. If these increases would increase either stat above d12 then the stat gains a +1 to it's rolls for each step above d12 the character would gain.
Loss Condition : Kill a wolf, even for food, unless in complete self defense.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Dorsey Gates, Saint of Underdogs (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Either kill 13 Vampires or help a group of people in a truly desperate situation who have been unjustly refused help from all other available sources.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain the ability to tell if those you are looking are some form of undead for 1 hour. For two Bennies the character, if in a situation where they are considered the underdog, can automatically succeed one test with 2 raises provided the task is not otherwise impossible. No roll is needed, the character just succeeds.
Loss Condition : Abuse those less fortunate then you or fail to protect the weak.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Wyatt Earp, Saint of Justice (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Bring a group of 'Law Breakers' in alive to those they have harmed to see justice done. If the Character has the Law Dog Edge then they will gain Wyatt Earp from just defeating an dangerous gang.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to perform one extra action for one round. For two Bennies the character is completely immune to all ranged attack, even those not directly aimed at him, for one round. Explosive effects are cut in half against the Character as well.
Loss Condition : Those who kill too easily will soon lose Earp. One or two dead criminals wouldn't be enough to lose him but this will be entirely up to the GM to decide.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - El Gato, Saint of Daredevils (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Perform an incredible stunt to rescue someone or to do some other Good Deed.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain a +2 bonus to one roll involving a physical action or stunt. For two Bennies the character doubles their Pace and gains +2 to any rolls involving acts of physical daring.
Loss Condition : Speak or use a racial slur.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Maggie Grimes, Saint of Stealth (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Destroy a Den of Evil or other area important to the forces of Darkness with fire or explosives without causing the loss of innocent life.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to add +2 to one Stealth Roll. For two Bennies the character can turn a one ounce of Ghost Rock into a makeshift grenade. The Ghost Rock Grenade follows the rules for a normal Hand Grenade but has a damage of 4d8. These Ghost Grenades can be left somewhere to be detonated as if on a timer which can be set anywhere between 1 round to an hour but must be used within 2 hours of first being created otherwise the Ghost Rock will return to a normal, losing all abilities given by this Perk.
Loss Condition :Speak ill of the Latter Day Saints or Mormons
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Jenny Hise, Saint of Sacrifice (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Jenny Hise manifests to any Templar
who knowingly and willfully violates the order’s “test of worth.” In other words you must save people even if they don't deserve it because it's the right thing to do.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +2 to a Vigor roll. For two Bennies the character can make a Soak roll where they reduce 3x the damage as normal.
Loss Condition : Jenny detests the way Templars turn their back on a cause because they deem the victims “unworthy.” When the character does such a thing, the Marshal must decide if it was a minor or major incident. In general, allowing someone to die (assuming they weren’t total scum) is a major faux pas to this Martyr. For a minor incident, Jenny withdraws her aid for 1d6 days. For a major incident, she forsakes the character.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Laquitia Jackson, Saint of Rage (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Turn against comrades or employers for
the right reasons. During those times when a Templar might find themselves helping the wrong side Laquitia Jackson will come to help those who still pick the side of good, doing the right thing, despite the danger or sacrifice.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +2 to one Strength test including a damage roll. This is an exception to the normal rule where Bennies can not be used during such a roll. For two Bennies the character increases Strength and Vigor by two steps for a number of minutes equal to the character's Spirit dice type. If these increases would increase either stat above d12 then the stat gains a +1 to it's rolls for each step above d12 the character would gain.
Loss Condition :If a character runs away from a fight, even if involuntary, Jackson withdraws her blessing for 2d6 days. If the character becomes a true coward (not likely), she withdraws it altogether.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Eliot Ness, Saint of Morality (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Saint Ness appears to Templars who
have resisted some great temptation that would have brought them personal gain or chosen to sacrifice something of great personal importance for the greater good.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +2 to one Persuasion test. For two Bennies the character becomes immune to all charm or compulsion effects for a number of rounds equal to your Spirit dice type.
Loss Condition : A character who turns his back on what he knows is right for personal gain, no matter how small the matter or how great the gain, is instantly forsaken by Saint Ness. Also, a character who drinks even a drop of alcohol loses the Martyr’s blessings for one entire week.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Doc Norman, Saint of the Lost (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; You must become completely lost either physically or spiritually.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain a +2 bonus to a Spirit based roll. For two Bennies the character gains a sense of where they can go to gain safety when in a dangerous situation. This ability does not move the character to safety it only gives them a sense where the closest shelter or 'safe place' is. It is still up to the character to reach such safety and it does not create a safe place when there is none.
Loss Condition : A character who turns to others for aid when unnecessary can soon lose Doc Norman
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Nevada Smith, Saint of Intrigue (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Pull off an incredibly elaborate deception, one worthy of a novel or movie.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to instantly blend in with a group of 5 or more people unless someone is checking people individually or is specifically searching for the character. If someone is looking specifically for the character it takes a success and a raise on a Smarts roll to find them. For two Bennies the character gain a clue to an ongoing investigation or mystery.
Loss Condition : Abuse of personal power.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Major Rex Stern, Saint of Ruthlessness (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Sacrifice the few for the good of the many. The sacrifice must be painful and must signal certain doom to the 'civilians' in question.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +2 to any Opposed Roll. For two Bennies the character automatically makes a Guts(Fear) check even if the original roll was a bust.
Loss Condition : Showing mercy to one who might still threaten others.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - John Wayne, Saint of Grit (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Prevail in a mission despite great injury or pain. The character can not avoid healing if available to gain this; the situation must develop naturally.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to ignore all effects of Wounds and injuries for 1 round. You still have said wounds and injuries but you can ignore their effects for 1 round. Additional wounds and injuries will also be ignored until the beginning of your next turn at which point you will suffer from such damage unless you spend an additional Bennie to continue this effect. For two Bennies the character you can make a Soak roll where each success and raise prevent 3 wounds rather then just 1.
Loss Condition : Run or withdraw from a fight due to cowerdice.
Name : Martyr's Blessing - Sgt. York, Saint of Sykers (Losable)
Requirement : Arcane Background: Templar; Sgt. York only appears to Sykers, either those who develop powers later or who were already Sykers who later joined the Templars.
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +1 to Psionics rolls for 1d4+1 minutes. For two Bennies the character can use one Syker power, which they currently do not have, once.
Loss Condition : York hates those who place themselves above others, specifically those worth protecting as seen by the Templars, in dire situations.
Name : My Baby (Unique)
Requirement : Own a vehicle for over a month with at least 3 Modifications totalling $3000 or more. This becomes your favored vehicle.
Bonus : Gain a +1 to Driving rolls with your favored vehicle.
Name : Six String Samurai (Unique)
Requirement : Fighting d10; own a Katana and a guitar.
Bonus : You can now perform an Agility or Performance test once per day as a Persuasion test to improve other's attitude towards the character. This takes the form of an impromptu performance playing the guitar. You can also now start a vehicle, despite missing keys, with a ratchet and a successful Repair check.
Name :Super Mutant (Unique)
Requirement : Gain 5 Separate Mutations
Bonus : Your Character is so heavily mutated that it's very hard to hide their true nature, looking closer to the appearance of a Monster then a Human. The penalty to Charisma when dealing with belligerent people is now doubled to -4 and even those who are not belligerent can find you disturbing (providing a -2 Penalty to Charisma). You do not have this penalty when dealing with other mutants. Now when you gain mutations, starting with your 5th one, you can have two cards drawn to determine what mutation is gained, taking the highest of the two.
Name : Tech Spirit - Appliance
Requirement : Arcane Background: Junker; Have one of the Linked Powers listed below as a permeant Power; Create a Device using the Junker Gadgeteer Edge with 3 raises and which uses one of the linked Powers listed below.
Linked Powers : Elemental Manipulation, Environmental Protection, Healing, Illusion, Light/Darkness, Relief, Ressurection, Sound/Silence, Speak Language
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain protection from extreme but non-damaging temperatures for 24 hours. For two Bennies the spirit peers into the past and harvests old radio and video broadcasts for the junker’s entertainment. Radio broadcasts are simply generated out of thin air. Video broadcasts appear on a floating screen which can range in size from a watch face to the size of a small theater screen. The spirit can also play any recordings that the junker possesses. This can last for 24 hours.
Name : Tech Spirit - Building
Requirement : Arcane Background: Junker; Have one of the Linked Powers listed below as a permeant Power; Create a Device using the Junker Gadgeteer Edge with 3 raises and which uses one of the linked Powers listed below.
Linked Powers : Arcane Protection, Barrier, Deflection, Entangle, Intangibility, Invisibility, Protection
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to be directed to the closest shelter. For two Bennies the spirit secures a room in a building for up to 24 hours. All entries into the area are alarmed and potentially locked if such entries can be closed. The alarms can either be audible or give a small mental nudge to the junker. The locked areas can be opened using a successful Thievery roll with one raise. This however will activate the alarm.
Name : Tech Spirit - Computer
Requirement : Arcane Background: Junker; Have one of the Linked Powers listed below as a permeant Power; Create a Device using the Junker Gadgeteer Edge with 3 raises and which uses one of the linked Powers listed below.
Linked Powers : Beast Friend, Empathy, Mind Link, Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Object Reading, Puppet, Warriors Gift, Zombie
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to send one message to one or more people. The message will appear on any active electronic device near to the recipient or in the person's mind if they have a Arcane Background. The message can include 1 image if the sender has one on him or he can send an image of what he is currently looking at. Ther is no limit to the distance this message can travel. For two Bennies you can run a background check on an individual. This takes 2d10 minutes and an apposed Weird Science Check against the Spirit of the one you are investigating. If successful you learn information available about said person from before the bombs as well as any contact they have had with tech spirits. A Success on the opposed roll gains basic information while raises provide more comprehensive information.
Name : Tech Spirit - Gun
Requirement : Arcane Background: Junker; Have one of the Linked Powers listed below as a permeant Power; Create a Device using the Junker Gadgeteer Edge with 3 raises and which uses one of the linked Powers listed below.
Linked Powers : Blast, Blind, Burst, Confusion, Damage Field, Fear, Havoc, Smite, Stun
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +2 to hit with any weapon for 2 rounds. For two Bennies you automatically hit with one weapon unless you roll a Critical Fail.
Name : Tech Spirit - Tool
Requirement : Arcane Background: Junker; Have one of the Linked Powers listed below as a permeant Power; Create a Device using the Junker Gadgeteer Edge with 3 raises and which uses one of the linked Powers listed below.
Linked Powers : Banish, Boost/Lower Trait, Darksight, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Dispel, Drain Power Points, Farsight, Grow/Shrink, Slumber
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to a +2 bonus to one Scroungin’ (Notice) or Repair roll. For two Bennies gain a +4 bonus to all Scroungin’ (Notice) or Repair rolls for one hour.
Name : Tech Spirit - Vehicle
Requirement : Arcane Background: Junker; Have one of the Linked Powers listed below as a permeant Power; Create a Device using the Junker Gadgeteer Edge with 3 raises and which uses one of the linked Powers listed below.
Linked Powers : Burrow, Fly, Sloth/Speed, Slow/Speed, Telekinesis, Teleport, Wall Walker
Bonus : You can spend one Benny to gain +2 to rolls involving driving a vehicle for 1 hour. For two Bennies the Vehicle Spirit will drive a vehicle for you for up to 12 hours with a d12+2 Trait.
Name : Templar Companion (Losable)
Requirement : Perform a heroic action which attracts the attention of Simon, leader of the Templars. This action should demonstrate your Character's wish to help/protect others. You will be asked to attend a ceremony in Boise where your actions will be recognized.
Bonus : You are considered a friend of the Templars, gaining the Connection (Templars) Edge. In addition you are considered a Templar when it comes to potentially gaining Martyr's Blessing Perks.
Loss Condition : Perform a villainous action which goes against the ideals of the Templars.
Name : Toxic Avenger (Unique)
Requirement : Survive being unwillingly immersed in a vat or other collection of Radioactive Toxic Waste.
Bonus : Treat mops as Str+d8 weapons. For One Bennie be able to Detect Evil within a 60 foot radius.
Last edited by taleteller50; Mar 15th, 2024 at 01:04 AM .