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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
Don't forget to go looking for some Allusions to get some sweet bonus XP.
I was nearly forgetting.

Last edited by Cap Ut; Mar 5th, 2022 at 04:00 AM.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
No specific group comes to mind for what you are suggesting but it's entirely possible you can design/describe such a villain as part of your application. Such a person would likely count as a Minor Flaw. The choice is yours.
Would designing an enemy group worthy of Major Flaw be too much?

Another question, regarding the Scavenger Edge: does it double also the Components gathered by a Junker?

Last edited by Cap Ut; Mar 5th, 2022 at 08:22 AM.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 01:15 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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Please be aware that this game is actually starting 12 years after Judgement Day. In other words the events of the Unity campaign are still a few years from now. If you're only familiar with the Savage World setting it's not that different from Classic Lore. Most of the locals are the same although Classic was much more fleshed out. Big thing to remember is that the Harvest hasn't happened yet so Denver is more powerful, the Iron Alliance hasn't formed yet, Simon still lives, and Raven hasn't crossed the Mississippi. Most of the other stuff is either similar or identical. You can check out the Map provided in the Application for more info.

With this you'll have to re-write the background a bit but it can still be very similar. Just have your character having faced an abomination out in the wastes while riding with his gang, one that started causing those it killed to raise from the dead. His gang could have even been hired by Junkyard to go fight the beast keep that connection to what ended your gang.

I also believe you missed the note about how Rich, a pre-req Edge for Wheels, is not allowed and therefor Wheels would not be allowed. That said a Vet of the Wastes would likely have his own ride so we'll say that it will be allowed as a starting Edge without also having to have Rich.

You also get a bonus Starting Edge for being Human. You appear to only have 2 from your Flaws and are missing a 3rd one.

Cap Ut:
You can make a suggestion and we'll see. I might have to tweak them a little to make them worthy of being a Major Enemy and they will likely have to drift around rather then have a fixed base of power but write it up and we'll see.

For Scavenger it doesn't stat that the Edge provides additional Junker Components so as written that would be a no. However I believe that the spirit of the Edge would make it a Yes. My decision? Split the difference.

When Scavenging you can either double the amount of trade goods found or the amount of Junker Components found, but not both from the same roll.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
Please be aware that this game is actually starting 12 years after Judgement Day. In other words the events of the Unity campaign are still a few years from now.
Ah, ha! Yeah, I missed that little detail. I'll rewrite, but then I might just drop VotWW.

I also believe you missed the note about how Rich, a pre-req Edge for Wheels, is not allowed and therefor Wheels would not be allowed. That said a Vet of the Wastes would likely have his own ride so we'll say that it will be allowed as a starting Edge without also having to have Rich.

You also get a bonus Starting Edge for being Human. You appear to only have 2 from your Flaws and are missing a 3rd one.
Was Rich addes to Wheels as errata or something? My book only has Repair d6+ as a requirement.

Hindrance points were spent on Smarts and one Edge; other Edge comes from Adaptable. But that will likely change in the rewrite if Bill can't have Wheels.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 02:00 PM
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It's possible the edition of HoE I have was from before an Errata as my PDF has Rich as a prereq in addition to repair. One way or another, even if you drop Veteran, I think it would be ok to let you keep the Wheels Edge, especially as an Ex-Road Ganger.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 02:20 PM
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Also, a couple questions:

It seems you are using some mechanics from the setting book (like ABs) but the "core" mechanics from SWADE (so updated action economy, Test of Wills and tricks are combined into "Tests", Support rolls are better defined, expanded Bennies, etc.). How does that relate to gear? A lot of gear is poorly balanced/priced in HoE:R ... for example $100 for boiled leathers (+1 Armor) and $200 for biker leather (no Armor). SWADE gives biker leathers a +1 Armor and boiled leather +2. Which version takes precedence? Also, would there be any "bang for the buck" by dishing out an extra $100 for a pre-War leather jacket, as opposed to the "apoc chic" of homemade boiled leather?

Should we just use the Armor table in SWADE, but re-Trap it for post-apoc? (i.e. car tires would "tough hide", a cast iron breastplate ripped off an old stove would be "bronze armor", etc)?

Last edited by Effete; Mar 5th, 2022 at 02:44 PM.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 02:36 PM
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I hate how Pinnacle never puts version numbers on their products. It's my one consistent complaint. I'm fine if you disallow Wheels, or if you require a compromise of some sort. I took a screenshot
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 02:47 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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I don't want to alter the price/stat lists of the equipment too much but I do see a little of your point. That said the +2 armor jacket you are mentioning from SWADE is a 'Kevlar Riding Jacket' for $350 which is a little different from the Basic Leather Jacket or Boiled leather which only provides +1 armor.

I would say that the Biker Leather ($200) would provide a +1 like a Boiled Leather Shirt but that the difference in price is due to the Biker Leather being far more stylish and well crafted overall. If you want the Kevlar Riding Jacket you can get it for $350 and the armor would be partially hidden (potentially assumed to be just a normal Leather Jacket) but an Armored Coat would provide better protection as it covers more areas for a similar price. In it's case though the armor might be more obvious with metal shoulder pads and the like.

As for Car Tires and Iron Plates that would all fall under 'Improvised Armor' which is $50 per location, providing a +2 to those that are covered. It's possible other armors will come into play eventually but they will not be available to start with.

Also, as I stated in my last post, I have zero issue dropping the Rich prereq for Wheels so keep the edge if you wish.

Last edited by taleteller50; Mar 5th, 2022 at 04:06 PM.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 02:56 PM
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Okay, no problem.
I'm not trying to make waves, just trying to get a feel for what's happening.

My book has Improvised Armor at +2, so there's definitely some more differences. I'll check to see if I can find an errata in case I'm the one out of date.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 03:19 PM
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Okay, so it WAS my book that was out of date.

Oddly, the errata sheet makes no mention of Wheels or improv armor, but this is PEG we're talking about...

I don't want special treatment other player don't get, so I'll nix Wheels from the rewrite. Thank you for your patience.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 04:06 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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OOPS! I had a miss type there. Improvised armor is a +2 armor, not a +1. Sorry about the confusion. Have 5 xp for the trouble

Also, don't worry about asking questions. You're not causing waves, you're showing interest and I'm always open to that. Questions are always welcomed, even the occasional debate; so long as we all stay civil of course. In my game I will always be open to suggestions so never feel sorry for bringing something up.

As for Wheels it's up to you. Vehicles will be eventually available anyways for salvage/repair/purchase so having to spend an Edge on one isn't really necessary. Just be aware that if you want to spend the Edge to start with one you, or anyone for that matter, can do so. It's entirely up to you

Last edited by taleteller50; Mar 5th, 2022 at 04:07 PM.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 04:56 PM
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I'm reevaluating Enemy as a Major Hindrance: it's probably better to start easy with not particularly influential foes and avoid having Crooked Creek nuked right off the bat (maybe leaving things like the Wichita Coven for later).

I also reworked a little the backstory for my character. Basically this is the idea: the PC's mother was a witch and employee of Pentacorp, where she worked on a secret project (hidden also to the higher ups), a Devlin's who would have been raised as a child instead of being artificially grown to adulthood. PC and mother found themselves separated by the war, the boy at home with his father and the mother at the facility she was working at (in different states). Fast forward, the PC remains alone when his father dies and starts traveling in search of the mother, picking up the skills he needs to survive and instinctively learning "how to Junker", while she, believing her family was gone after fruitless attempts to reach them, takes care of the clone as if she was her daughter, with the help of her Coven (a mainly benevolent one). Unluckily for them, another faction is trying to take over the area and in particular gain the local monopoly over "magic". When these guys vanquish the witches, mother and daughter manage to escape: however, the mother is aware the enemy is tracking them (they know the child's value), so she needs someone else, with a lower profile and that she could trust, to take care of the clone. Her son, that in the meantime has moved closer, is the natural choice. In short: they reunite briefly, the mother tells the son the clone is his step-sister (even the clone is unaware of her true nature, if not that she's a witch), she stays behind to eliminate the goons tracking them, ultimately giving up her life to so that the other two can disappear, PC and clone start a journey that leads them to the safety of Crooked Creek.

The Enemy in a nutshell: supernatural mob that wants to cut themselves a position of power in the new world, under the lead of a male warlock resentful for some reason toward witches and an ambitious mad scientist former employee of Hellstromme Industries (delusional enough to think he can hold a candle to Hellstromme himself), with goons of varied backgrounds.

What do you think? (in the end I switched father with mother so that the PC is effectively THE male positive figure in the clone's life, and also tie his supernatural heritage to Pentacorp)

Originally Posted by taleteller50 View Post
Heroes of the Wastes
Player Character Concept ArcBg (Limited)Starting XP (Allusions)
MoldyNoldsHaasFungal MutantDoomsayer10
Swordplay82Talia HumphryCowgirl---50
EffeteBill DawesEx-GangerVeteran?5
Cup Ut??????Junker?45
DBCowboyGarret SaxLaw Dog??? 
The fact I missed at least 5 points is bothering me...

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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 05:03 PM
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Just came to say this looks great. No experience with the system but it’s enticing to say the least. Have fun!
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 05:25 PM
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Bill Dawes
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Bill "Don't-call-me-William" Dawes is a relative newcomer to Crooked Creek, arriving only a few months ago. He claimed to be a displaced mechanic, driven out by some conflict out West, and indeed, his mechanical aptitude has proven useful. He's kept the generators running and the lights bright whenever Duncan was too busy in the garage. Bill is a man of few words, and is often vague about his past. Surely a man of his age (mid-fifties by the look of it) has some stories to tell, but when asked, Bill just says, "oh, nothing that'll interest quiet folk like yourselves," or something similar.

The truth is, Bill isn't lying about being a mechanic. Before the bombs fell, he worked for a custom bike shop, milling valve heads, chopping & welding frames, and assembling engines. He also moonlighted as an arms smuggler during the Last War. When the End finally came, Bill and his riding buddies---the Grove Street Goons---hit the road, forming one of the many Biker Gangs roaming the Texas wasteland... it only seemed natural for a bunch of guys who lived at the edge of the law anyway. At first they'd trade whatever they scavenged with local communities for fuel and other necessities, but as things got worse, they just started taking what they needed. Bill had never been a stranger to violence, but he had always tried to avoid harming innocent people... at least directly. But the wastes have a way of changing a man, and taking from those who were likely to die anyway seemed no different from just pilfering their corpse.

The Goons picked up a few new riders in the following months, and with more numbers, their tactics become more brazen. But it wasn't until Dale Davis joined that things got really hairy. You see, Dale had burned his former gang, both figuratively and literally. He lit them on fire as they slept and made off with their loot. What Dale didn't expect was for them to come back seeking vengeance. One night, as the Goons sat around a bonfire hootin' & hollarin' and knocking back hooch, a half dozen bikes rolled up on them, silent as the grave, circling just outside the range of the firelight. Suddenly, the roar of their engines could be heard, deafening with it's abruptness, and bikes were diving inbetween the Goons, chains lashing and blades slicing. Bill had barely the wits to draw his Colt and sink a round into one of the incoming attackers! The rider fell back, his bike careening wildly off the side, a mere ten feet from where Bill stood, shaking. His shot had struck the rider right in the forehead, but that was no human face. The skin was angry red with blisters and crispy black with burns; the lips were peeled back to reveal yellowed teeth; the sunken cheeks were partially rotted, and sinew stretched across an open cavity.

Before Bill even realized it, he was scrambling for his bike. A cloud of dust and rock kicked up as the hog spun in a tight 180 and rocketed away as fast as 600cc can go. Bill did not look back as thoughts raced through his mind at a hundred miles an hour. He had seen some of his buddies fall, suspected they were all dead now. No. Some of them got away. Don't be a fool! They're dead, and you will be too if you don't ride hard! Bill had heard rumors of dead coming back to life, but he hardly believed it... until now. Ohh, God! What if they come back too? The Goons, they'll come back too! They'll find me. Bill hardly noticed the dampness in his shorts as he pulled on the throttle.

Roughly a week after the bonfire, Bill found himself standing over his bike. Steam hissed from a blown gasket and thick oil oozed from a cracked crankcase. Bill made finger-guns at the engine and sounded out a gunshot. He had seen the faint traces of woodsmoke on the horizon earlier in the day and had hoped his bike would hold out. Then again, it's probably for the better not to roll into a settlement with a tricked-out combat bike. Bill pushed the useless hog to a nearby abandoned homestead and dumped it in an old shed, then made his way to Crooked Creek on foot.

Character Build

Last edited by Effete; Mar 12th, 2022 at 04:41 AM.
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Old Mar 5th, 2022, 07:27 PM
taleteller50 taleteller50 is offline
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Cap Ut: The 5 points missing was actually from SP correcting a mistake of mine, not from an actual allusion. Technically you found all of the purposeful allusions (John Wayne isn't an allusion but an actual part of the game)but you have pointed out an allusion that hadn't even considered. +20 xp to you

Effete: You can edit previous posts. You don't have to create a brand new post if you want to change up your application, just edit the existing one. I'm not trying to get on your case or anything; instead just help a new member of the site to understand some of the options available to you.
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