I'm aware I can edit posts. I left up the old one for posterity in case you wanted to review the changes to the build. I also "struck-through" the old bio to avoid confusion. |
Fair enough. Also thanks for pointing out the Pistol Table issues. That'll be another 10 xp for the help
Is Minimum Strength still in place for armors? (it seems to be absent in the list provided)
Also: a device for the spell Healing would use the Weird Science skill? |
I overlooked that initially but it will be corrected and implemented. Another 5 xp for you
And yes, Weird Science would be the skill used with a Junker Healing Device. Last edited by taleteller50; Mar 6th, 2022 at 11:23 AM. |
As I'm flashing out the background, I'd like a clarification on the timeline:
Also, regarding the equipment, what does a "normal set of clothes" entail exactly? I'm mostly thinking about the degree of environmental protection. And how much would a quiver cost? The bow seems a nice cheap alternative to a gun for the beginning. Last edited by Cap Ut; Mar 6th, 2022 at 06:35 PM. |
I was hesitant when Taleteller first PMed me about remaking Atta. She was a character from CatCanCooks Pathfinder 1e game, Crawl Out Through The Fallout that ended a while back. It was my first real introduction to Pathfinder 1e and I was hooked So I do have fond memories of her and Tale's character Patchit whacking things side by side. But as I mentioned before I was hesitant and for the past week or so I've been hemming and hawing, asking Tale some questions, bought the pdfs for the Savage World, and well, as you can see I've decided to go for it. So here is Atta in all her sledgehammer wielding glory Glow-ry
Oh! And since all military's love acronyms, I say we dub the Ghost Rock Bombs as GRuB's Also, if I get the time and/or feel like it, I might remake another character of mine from an old tabletop d20 Modern Apocalypse game. A female scavenger that lost an arm but is great at cobbling things together and shooting things with her silenced pistol. A real sneak-thief scavenger type. Might go with the Veteran o' the Wasted West edge if I do remake her. <shrug> but that's for later, on to Atta! Oh, and this is my first time playing Savage Worlds so if anyone has any suggestions, that would be great! Or
Last edited by Silk; Mar 20th, 2022 at 12:22 AM. |
Cap Ut: I think this was a mistake of the original book. September 23, 2081 was the official date of Judgement Day when bombs began to fall across the world. That would mean the Northern Alliance was first formed around 2078. Looking at the original Game's Companion book, which had a more extensive Lore write up, we have the following dates.
2044 - Portal to Faraway System/ Banshee opened 2074 - War begins on Faraway February 22, 2078 - LatAm attacks the Confederates, starting what would become the next World War. September 23, 2081 - Judgement Day A 'Normal set of Clothing' would be a Hand Made Shirt, one set of Hand Made Pants or Shorts, and one pai of Shoes. A Quiver would be about $15. A Bow is a good, cheap starting weapon but does have a higher Minimum Strength and heavier ammo so there is a balance. Silk: Look around Silk. You might be able find Patchit somewhere out there in the wastes. There is however a discrepancy with your Edges. One Edge costs either 1 Major Flaw or 2 Minor Flaws. To be Specific: Minor = 1 Hinderance Point; Major = 2 Hinderance Points • For 2 Hindrance points you can raise an attribute one die type, or choose an Edge. • For 1 Hindrance point you can gain another skill point, or gain additional starting funds Looking at you character you have Agility Increased, Brute, Fleet-Footed, & Rad-Resistance. Each of these cost 2 points for a total of 8. You only have 2 Minor Hinderances (2 points) and 1 Major (2 Points) giving you only 4 Hinderance Points which is the Maximum. You could also go Clueless rather then All Thumbs if you really wanted to play up the dim bulb idea but that's only a suggestion. Only other suggestion I have so far is a Sledge if you would like to take this weapon. Sledge Hammer - Damage: Str+1d10; Wgt: 15; Cost:$100; Parry -1, 2 Handed. Last edited by taleteller50; Mar 7th, 2022 at 12:22 AM. |
Ahh, my bad. I'll drop the +1 Agility and Fleet-footed edge then.
That's what I get for going off of memory instead of going back and reading exactly what was written
Last edited by Silk; Mar 7th, 2022 at 03:35 AM. |
I've been playing Savage Worlds off-and-on since 2012, so there's few things I can say: 1) Adventure Edition is the best version of the rules to date, so you couldn't have picked a better time to learn, and 2) There's no real "dump stat" in the game. Min/maxing is kinda a thing, but even the hardest brute can be put down with clever tactics. The "toughest gal in the wastes" can be shook into inaction by a Smarts Test. Which leads me to my next bit of advice: everyone can be helpful. A character with low Strength and a crap Fighting skill can still be very useful in combat by making the aforementioned Test (it might target Smarts or Agility or Spirit... whatever the threat is weakest against), or by making a Support roll to aid a teammate. Both Support and Tests are largely narrative driven, so as long as you make it sound feasible (and the GM agrees), you can roll your highest skill and make a difference. Example: Bookwerm is a brainy little squirt who can't fight worth a damn. He's tagging along with a group of wastelanders on his search to find and preserve pre-War literature, when suddenly the posse is attacked by a rattler (one of the nastiest buggers you'd meet in the setting). Everyone else has guns, bows, machetes, and sledgehammers... but Bookwerm has his brain. Instead of trying to fight directly, he uses his Academics skill of d10 to Support an ally by pointing out the rattler's weak spots; he says he read about it in a book, and the GM says that's fair game. Bookwerm rolls his dice and... Hot Damn!, he scores a raise (that's kinda like a Critical Success). The ally that received the Support gets to add +2 to their next attack roll. Just in case you're wondering, because of the tighter threshold on success in Savage Worlds, a +2 is a fairly big bonus. Another thing to point out is that SW uses infinitely exploding dice rolls, including on damage! This means if a creature hits you, there's a chance (however small) that you might get one-shot'd. "If it can hit you, it can kill you." It's always a good idea to hold onto a Benny to either Soak the damage, or reroll Vigor to prevent Bleeding Out if the wounds are just too great. And lastly, some advice on character creation: Always take your full allotment (4 points) of Hindrances. Despite the name, Hindrances are actually a net positive in the game (at least during CharGen). For each point of Hindrance, you get to select a equal value of a positive ability, meaning Hindrances are zero-sum options. Furthermore, the positives you select can compliment or synergize with abilities you already have, while picking Hindrances that don't directly affect your character strengths (call that "min/maxing" if you'd like ). During play, Hindrances serve as narrative crutches that a character can willingly evoke in exchange for receiving a Benny. For instance, if the posse needs to get info out of some settlers, a Mean character might threaten them to get them to talk. Communicate to the GM that you are evoking the Hindrance, and hope that the GM thinks it's worth the reward. Note, however, that some Hindrances include some type of mechanical drawback. A waster with One Eye is always taking a penalty on Shooting rolls. They shouldn't get a Benny everytime they make a successful shot. However, if the character finds themself in a tight situation where they can't use their rifle normally, the player might ask, "am I able to shoot southpaw?" If yes, the GM might add an additiomal -1 to the roll, but award a Benny if it hits. Anyway, hope you found this helpful! Last edited by Effete; Mar 7th, 2022 at 05:22 AM. |
Last edited by Cap Ut; Mar 19th, 2022 at 10:49 AM. |
A question about the timeline: around which period of the year does the adventure begin? By background my character arrives with Kyle, and given he returns to Crooked Creek in winter, I'm trying to determine for how long the PC has been sticking around.
Last edited by Cap Ut; Mar 8th, 2022 at 04:58 PM. |
If justification is needed for staying past winter the previous winter had been a pretty tough one and the planting season hasn't fared much better with a drought. It's not so bad that the settlement can't handle it but extra help is very appreciated. |
From the Gadgeteer Edge in Deluxe (the one referred by the Junker):
Also a discrepancy I found regarding gear: in your list the Survival Knife gives +2 to Survival rolls, but in the Adventure handbook it gives only +1. |
The Survival bonus for the Survival knife should only be +1.
As for Junker Devices it basically works this way. Any 'Power' you have is a device that recharges itself; 1 Power Point per hour. They don't fall apart from use but can be damaged from Malfunctions which require Components to repair. Other Devices, those built with Gadgeteer, don't recharge automatically. They have a finite amount of uses before they break down; PP equal to the amount of Components used during their initial construction (Up to half the Junker's normal Power Point Pool and Half the cost in components if they get a raise on their Weird Science Roll to construct them). So, for example, you are a Junker with a Bolt Power but you suddenly need a Jetpack (Fly Power). You are Seasoned and normally have 15 Power Points due to increasing your pool with the edge 'Power Points'. You want the temporary Jetpack to work as long as possible and have 15 Components to build the device. You're Weird Science roll is at a -2 due to Fly being a Veteran Power (1 level higher then your own) but you make it with a raise despite this. It cost you 8 Components to build your Jetpack due to the raise but it still has the 15 PP it was designed to hold. The Fly power costs 3 PP to activate and normally last for 5 rounds of use but this can be extended an additional 5 rounds for every 1 PP used. So if you were looking for an extended flight you could run the jetpack for 65 rounds (5 for 3 PP and then 1PP for every 5 rounds there after). After the last PP is used the jetpack would fall apart and no longer be used. IF you were able to land after 60 rounds you would still have 1 PP left in the Jetpack but it wouldn't be enough to start the device again. Normally that would mean the device is useless now but I will allow the 'Recharging' of devices with a new use of Gadgeteer and expenditure of Components. In this example that would mean 14 new components; 7 with a raise. In other words, Gadgeteer devices DO NOT recharge automatically like powers. You need to recharge them by re-tinkering with the device and replacing used parts/fuel/etc. Last edited by taleteller50; Mar 9th, 2022 at 10:40 AM. |
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