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Old Nov 1st, 2023, 02:10 PM
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GallindanThe eladrin listened with a soft smile on his face as his apprentice - which no longer felt like the right word - expressed herself at length. Partner? Or just companion? His spirit surged at the option to go in search of the avatar. He had many questions about how his faith diverged from that of Marcus, or even that of Oren. And Fierna's words still whispered in his head. How sure was he that the King of the Mountain was even real? He intended to step in and suggest that as their course of action. But Oren spoke first, and his simple words were compelling. Gallindan wanted the avatar to resolve some philosophical and religious questions. But the Cloak put the people of the land in immediate danger, not to mention their pursuit of himself and the rest of the Lantern. No, Oren was right. He nodded, and sighed. "Agreed. The Cloak is a threat to all of us, and all those we protect. Whatever else we may want to pursue pales in comparison to our need to defend this land. I, too, vote for Xulhaven." He looked to Adelaide to judge her response to the suggestion.
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Old Nov 1st, 2023, 11:45 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft The young paladin was unable to hide her disappointment, at least initially, to the prevailing sentiment that they go after the Cloak of Aramok first. She couldn’t deny the wisdom in that decision, but also couldn’t deny the appeal of being the ones to free an imprisoned god, no matter how ludicrously beyond her abilities such a task would surely be.

”Of couse,” she said, banishing the brief look of disappointment behind her usual facade of calm mixed with a little bit of disapproval, ”a wise decision. These villains need to be stopped as soon as possible, and it seems to fall to us.”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Nov 6th, 2023, 10:56 PM
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Oren KyreWhen they have a minute together, Oren asks Daybreak: "Isabelle seems to want to learn more about the power you've shown her. Do you feel she's safer here, or perhaps on the road with us? With so much that's happened to her, I'm not sure I trust having her here with the rest of us so far away."
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Old Nov 7th, 2023, 09:54 AM
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Kerwin Powell Holed up in a quiet alcove of the church, Kerwin had set about copying the spell he had used to extricate the demonic presence from the young girl. As he worked, he went over the experience over and over. The thrill of it was other worldly. His thirst for knowledge grew until he could barely contain himself. Once the scroll was completed, he pulled the book he had found the astral leech spell and began pouring over its pages in greater details. If one off-hand remark could provide him with such powerful magics as the magic circle incantation, there had to be more within.

The concepts discussed in the book would take decades to decode but Kerwin was searching less for insight into the astral planes and its denizens than something else he could unlock, more magic he could wield. Then he spotted it. A summoning spell to conjure beings not of this world. He flipped back a number of chapters to the descriptions of the varied creatures of the astral planes.

Slaad. Alien creatures most similar to a frog or salamander but with teeth and claws. They seemed primordial but the story told of ancient ruins and wonders that spoke of a universe spanning empire. Massive creatures born of infantile chaos. If one such as this could be summoned to this world, it would be a mighty bulwark against his enemies. There were even mentions of tissual regeneration.

Beholder. These he had heard mention of before. An aberration that haunted the dark places of the made sense that they were not native to the world, this world at least. They could fly which could be useful and had eye rays that could damage from as extreme a range as any longbowman.

Star Spawn. Kerwin was most intrigued by the concept of this creature. It quite literally radiated any aura of psychic agony.

The sliver of an obsession had been pierced into his brain and Kerwin was quite powerless to stop it.



I have taken the Oath.
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Old Nov 12th, 2023, 12:56 PM
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Daybreak and Oren
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Daybreak Lillynewt
Daybreak listened as Oren explained his thoughts on Isabella. The druid had to agree. "Her parents are barely capable of taking care of themselves, let alone her. I think they have proven this more than once now. Not that I blame them, but I think you are right. Our path is a dangerous one, but I think we are more capable of keeping an eye on her, and leading her in a product path." She looked over at the young apprentice she would be taking under her literal wing. "Have you noticed the way she keeps looking at Kerwin? I think she has more than one reason to want to travel with us."

The Gathering
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Aaric Hornsear
Marcus gathered the adventurers together to bid them farewell before he left to warn the other members of the hooded lantern. He had a copy of the purifications pell that Kerwin had provided, his mount was well rested, provision gathered, and a planned route for his travels. The antilantern, he felt was safer with the group of adventures, than for him to travel with alone. He was sure that the Cloak of Amarok had more than one of these lanterns at their disposal, and if the Hooded Lantern needed another to study, they could find it. He said his goodbyes and took his leave for the long road ahead.

It was then time for the group to travel to Xulhaven. The road would take them far to the Southeast, a region none of them had been before. While gathering their own provision, Oliver approached the group. Frath's Son had seen everything that had happened in their town, lived through the terror of the dragon, the false priest, and had been one of the first to help train the young boys volunteering for the town's militia. "I... I would like to come with you," he petitioned. "So much of the world has visited us here, I would like to go and see abroad. Besides, I think you could use a good scout! I'm a good shot with a bow too." Oliver was sincere in his request, and his claims about his skills were well founded. Frath had trained him well in many disciplines, farming, tanning, metalwork, hunting, tracking, and more.

About the same time as the young man made his proposal, a small caravan arrived from Tribblefork. The farmer and his boys had returned, along with half a dozen Knights of Neomosis. "Here to help train our militia!" the farmer exclaimed with a friendly wave as they rode by. One of the Knights, the adventures knew well by name.

Aaric Hornsear. Aaric was the cousin of Kurt's mother, the teenager who had brought Hakkouth's body from Triblefork months ago. "Rumor is, you are headed to Xullhaven?" he inquired. "You are going to need a guide to get there. Just so happens, I might be the right man for the job." He pulled out a map showing the region where Xullhaven was located. "We are far northwest of here. But you have to make a choice, neither is good, to get to Xullhaven. You can cross the river here at Bluemoon." He tapped on a city, one of the few in the region shown by the map, that sat on the edge of a large river. "The city has a barge service to continue on the main road further east. You would have to track a path south through the Netherswamps though, which are extremely dangerous. The other option is to take a ship down the river, and exit here." He pointed to another location on the south side of the map. "It's a shorter trek to Xullhaven this way, but you have to pass through the Devil's Spine Mountains. Which is also dangerous." He gave everyone a moment to look over his map, before rolling it up and returning it to a traveling canister. "You don't have to make a decision on which way to go just yet though. Bluemoon is still quite the journey from here. But, you do have to decide if you would like to hire me. Very reasonable rates, since we have a history, and you did save my cousin's kid and all. What do you say?"

Last decisions as we wrap up this chapter:
1) Allow Oliver to come along? He would essentially be a 'sidekick' as an Expert
2) Hire Aaric, and if so, what would you offer him as payment? He doesn't have anything specific in mind, so could be persuaded by any number of means.

Also, going through my notes, I had a list of mage spells that were in a book Oren had taken from the Temple 'years' ago, if it is of interest now that there is a proper 'wizard' in the company.
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Old Nov 17th, 2023, 11:16 AM
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Gallindan, before the gatheringWhile the others slept in preparation for the journey ahead, Gallindan went into the woods once again to meditate. He could meditate indoors in comfort, of course. But something called to him. He realized that something had been calling to him for some time. He picked his path deeper into the woods than most of the villagers were willing to go in the dark. He didn’t fear these woods. They spoke to him. The insects buzzed and chirped. An occasional owl called out in the night. He found a small clearing and paused. He laid his glaive down on the forest floor, and sat cross-legged in the middle of the clearing. He remained there for hours, feeling out the life all around him in his mind. Come, then, friend. You have called me, and I have answered. Who are you? For a long time, there was no answer. The sun was lurking just below the horizon when an answer finally came. I come.

Gallindan roused himself from his trance and waited. A few minutes later, he heard rustling in the undergrowth. He opened his eyes, stood up, and turned to face the noise. And there it was, magnificent. An elk of enormous size stepped into the clearing. The moon glinted off silver antlers, twisted and filigreed and delicate beyond those of any animal from this plane. “He,” then. Despite his size and bulk, he made surprisingly little noise as he stepped on the leaves. Moss grew within his dark russet fur, making the fur itself seem green in places. In the mane around his neck, vines twisted among the long hairs, and a handful of tiny white flowers bloomed. Eyes of pure gold reflected the moonlight, and revealed an intelligence far beyond normal animals. Which, of course, had also been revealed by his telepathic call. The elk ‘spoke’ again.

You are from the Feywild, yes? You feel like home. I have been lonely.
The sadness in the message surprised Gallindan, and tears sprang to his eyes. This creature had been trapped here for a long time! I am. I am honored you have come to me. I miss home, also. How long have you been here?

The elk thought for some time. I cannot say. Many cycles. Too many. Can you take me home?

Gallindan’s soul shrank. I cannot. The doors are closed to me. I have been sent here by the Ancient One. Or at least by his servants. This world needs me. I wonder if perhaps it needs you, too?

Again the elk thought silently. I do not want to be here. But if I am here, I would like to be of service to the Old Gods. There are fiends in these lands. The earth bleeds. I feel its pain.

I feel it, too. My friends and I are going to confront some of these fiends when the sun rises this day. I would be honored if you would join us.

The elk snorted and stamped his feet. I will join you. It has been too long since I lit the flame. I am Celebangolad.
Well met, Celebangolad. I am Gallindan Shalbarain.
The elk snorted in surprise. Shalbarain? All the multiverse is a small world, Gallindan Shalbarain. I served your sister.

In the moonlight, Gallindan’s skin and hair suddenly shone silver again. Were you… were you with her when…
No, I was not. But I felt it across the worlds. I could do nothing. Perhaps it is fate that I have found you.

The eladrin took a deep breath, and steadied himself. The loss of his sister weighed on him, even after all these years. But he would not let himself be dragged back into melancholy. He exhaled, and his features returned to spring glory. Come, then, Celebangolad. You must meet the others before we begin our journey together. He rose and led his new companion back towards the church.


Last edited by zebedee; Nov 17th, 2023 at 11:18 AM.
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Old Nov 17th, 2023, 03:04 PM
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Oren raises an eyebrow when Daybreak points out Isabelle's repeated glances at Kerwin. "Uhh, no but now that you mention it..." the warlock can't help but smile. It would be an interesting road indeed.

When Marcus takes his leave, Oren clasps hands with him. He didn't quite see eye to eye with the paladin leader, but he didn't need to. Philosophical differences aside, they were different aspects of the same power, and that was all that mattered. The warlock breathes a sigh of relief to see him go, however, giving a whistle after Marcus was out of sight. Lux appears out of nowhere, and gives a very dark look at his bonded master. Oren had been hearing Lux complain about Marcus every time he had the chance, and perhaps now the imp could find something different to complain about -- to everyone.

When Oliver steps forward, Oren frowns. With a glance at Frath, he says, "Oliver, you're a good lad, and you've been essential to rebuilding and protecting Oakcrest all this time. I know you would do well as part of an adventuring party," he says, pausing. With Isabelle coming along, he knew they were already taking a chance with an inexperienced member. For as much as Olivier could bring to the group, his presence would likely turn into a liability for a hundred reasons. "But I had hoped to count on your experience here. I need a steward to keep and protect Dragon's Rest, someone I can count on. I had hoped that person was you." He holds in his hand one of the keys used to unlock the sturdy door that Oliver and Frath installed years ago.

Seeking out Kerwin, Oren says, "You know I am mostly a dabbler in arcane magic. The words are... confusing. Somehow the magic is there without them for me. But..." He reaches into his dragonscale cloak and withdraws a thick book and several scrolls. "I suspect these would be of interest to you. You have certainly earned the right to them, my friend."

OOCTo Kerwin:
Wizard's spellbook

Various wizard spellscrolls; Detect Magic ritual; Identify ritual

To Daybreak:
Druid ritual scroll - Waterbreathing;
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Old Nov 20th, 2023, 12:34 AM
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Adelaide DarkdraftAn early riser, Adelaide was returning from the smithy as Marcus said his goodbyes before departing. Her studies of magic continued in her free time, particularly warding magic, and a new protection spell she wished to try was going to need some components. Powdered iron and silver weren’t the sort of thing one was going to find at the roadside, or while traipsing through the woods, so she had gone to the forge with a specific request. In truth she kept her studies to herself because next to an actual wizard, someone who studied magic itself and understood what was going on, she felt entirely inadequate in her grasp of the subject. The magic she had used thus far had worked, and that was good enough for her, but she was glad of Kerwin’s expertise alongside them.

The young paladin had little to say to Marcus before he left on his own journey, new enough to the order to still question her place in it. She was a competent warrior and making progress in her understanding of the oath, some of it at least, but while she travelled with Gallindan she would always be the student. In that same vein she was happy that Oren saw fit to rebuff Oliver, and instead offer him a different opportunity. Risking their own lives was entirely reasonable, but given the danger they were sure to face on this trek she had little desire to bring along someone with even less experience than she did.

”Swamps?” she asked, her lip curling in displeasure as she looked at the map laid out by Aaric. Her thoughts turned to the absolute joys of walking through sucking mud in her heavy armour, and she shook her head. ”I would rather not. Down the river seems preferable. Less people to get in the way, whether agents of the Cloak, or just regular bandits.”

The young paladin considers the map and the knight’s words, casting a surreptitious glance at a number of the patches on her garish cloak. The pit had worked out even better than she had hoped, and she looked forward to seeing if the others worked out just as well. ”What exactly would ‘reasonable rates’ be for a guide?” She eyed the much larger man, ”More importantly, perhaps, what exactly would we be getting for our money?”

OOCChanged prepared spells and swapped out Shield of Faith for Protection from Good and Evil, not that I’ve done much spellcasting.


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Dec 1st, 2023, 12:42 AM
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GallindanGallindan was inclined to let Marcus leave without a word, in order to silently express what he dared not say out loud. His disdain for the human's tactics was a problem. He continued to struggle to reconcile his own faith with that of his 'superior.' But his oaths bound him tightly. He hadn't chosen Marcus to lead the order on this plane, but Someone had. And to question that would be to question everything. His people hadn't survived this long by abandoning their oaths, and Gallindan wouldn't take that chance. Celebangolad, on the other hand, felt the negative emotions from the eladrin, and refused to show himself at the farewell. Instead, the elk took the chance to entertain some of the village children that had been present when Gallindan returned from the woods that morning. They were hugely amused by the flowers in his fur, and he was happy enough to let them climb on his back and giggle.

Nevertheless, Gallindan had little to say to Marcus. It was hard enough to hide his disdain and be civil. Like Oren, he clasped Marcus's hand as the man departed... but he found no words to share. As his leader turned away to leave, Gallindan shook his head, trying to shake free his confusion. He was petulantly happy to see that Oren also had no kind farewell for Marcus. But then it was time for business, apparently.

He was inclined to accept Oliver's offer, as he had been impressed by the youth's contributions. But his inner conflicts delayed his response, and Oren's answer made sense. "Some day, lad. You've proved yourself to all of us. And we would love to have you. But Oren is right. You're needed here. Once we leave, somebody needs to keep all of this town safer, not just Dragon's Rest." He hoped they wouldn't all regret leaving the young man behind.

And then there was the matter of the mercenary. He joined that conversation late, too. But he was happy to see that Adelaide was of a similar mind to him. "Agreed. The river seems vastly preferable. But we can make that decision if we are lucky enough to get that far. Gods know we'd be foolish to expect no surprises between here and there. I am aware of the value of a good guide. But my friend here has already asked the pointed question. What's the rate, and what's the offer?"
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Old Dec 3rd, 2023, 07:07 PM
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The Gathering
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Aaric Hornsear

The question of rate of pay was something the party was not quite sure how to handle, for Aaric's services. "Well, as a Knight of Neomosis, we would normally charge a standard rate of 100 gold per month for the services of a man at arms. In this case, it is mostly a token payment I am asking for, just so that I can send a copy of my contract of employment to Holger, and make sure I don't get included in any other contracts that may come up. We could just put it, say 1 gold per week, payable upon your return? Maybe if we happen to find some nice piece of treasure you are not in need of along the way, I could take that and call it even. If that is agreeable, one of you can sign here..." Aaric produced a parchment that had a template for a basic contract of employment and filled in the blanks with the expected time duration, payment amount, and time of payment to be after the trip is concluded. "Should wrap everything up. Just need a signature, and we can be on our way whenever you are ready! Bluemoon is a several week's travel to get to, but the roads should be fairly clear this time of year. No barbarian or goblin migrations are expected. I've heard rumors of tensions being tight between the Grakobian and Zarahenian City states, but that shouldn't impact any travelers passing through."

OODMI'll let you post any wrapups you want for this chapter of the game, and get the next chapter rolling soon!
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Old Dec 7th, 2023, 12:14 AM
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Adelaide Darkdraft ”Reasonable. Very reasonable,” Adelaide said as she reached out and picked up the contract for a better look, as though she had any experience with such things. She gave it a quick read before getting bored with all the words, at which point she snatched the quill from Aaric and made her mark. If she was going to continue being a useful and productive member of the group, she could make some decisions and take some responsibility. Handing both the quill and contract back to the man, she shook his hand before taking a step back.

”There. Welcome aboard.” She glanced over at Gallindan, uncertain if her take charge attitude had been the right way to go, but realizing it was too late to turn back. ”So, when do we set out?”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Dec 15th, 2023, 11:48 PM
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GallindanAt Adelaide's glance, Gallindan grinned in response. Ah, Spring! I have missed this. Even as he reaccustomed himself to his changed emotional state, he was happy to watch Adelaide's growth. It had taken him decades to grow to his current state. He wasn't sure if Adelaide knew that she had already matched him... in what, months? These short candles burned so bright! He was proud of her. Had he told her that? Enough? In addition, he was actually grateful. He'd never quite figured out the currency in this world. He hadn't needed it with Hakkouth and the Lantern, and he hadn't needed it here in the village. One gold per week seemed... a bargain? He would need to talk to Oren later. Surely he was misunderstanding this offer? But Adelaide was waiting for a response, and this inner monologue needed to stop. "Agreed, quite reasonable. And your help is more than welcome. These lands are still strange to me, and lands further afield are a mystery. My companions may know them better than me... but I am sure more expertise is better." He looked to his other companions, new and old. "Celebangolad and I are ready to leave now, if everyone else is. He is enjoying his time with the children, but he is ready to return to the fight."
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