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Old Sep 19th, 2022, 12:57 PM
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Inspecting the cloak, Oren finds the black dragon scales glisten with a living sheen in the daylight. The warlock recalls taking the beast down and very nearly dying in the process. He gives Daybreak a smile and then whips the cloak over his shoulders, testing the feel. It felt good, and the knowledge that he was protected from acid was all the better. "Thank you again my friend," he says to Frath.

At the mention of the visitor, Oren makes his way to the church and is curious to see the potion seller also in attendance. He nods to Gallindan and Adelaide, and takes a seat to hear the senior paladin out. That the recent events were being recognized as a potentially much bigger deal was a relief, and Oren was doubly interested in the empty throne insignia that Marcus wore, but he did not like the zone of truth imposed.

He's about to say as much when Kerwin begins, delivering a cringe-worthy monologue about himself that was enlightening and comical, despite the situation. He sits back and listens to the others unfold different aspects of their time together, and the events in Treblefork.

When it's his turn, Oren says, "Marcus, that someone from the outside is concerned with the demon intrusions is welcome. I do not appreciate having to speak to you under the influence of magic however. Although you are known to my friends here, you are not known to me." Still sitting, he locks his stare on the other man, "I have seen evil in many guises, and have almost lost the entire population of Oakcrest to the deceptive forces of the underworld during my time here. Forgive me if I cannot simply give you my trust, for exactly the same reasons that you stated about me. Except that I am personally known to everyone here, and you are not." Smiling, he concludes, "Please, with all due respect, I would invite you to share your plan, or at least your reason for coming here and asking these questions. And tell me more about that holy symbol you wear if you don't mind. If we are to be allies, let us be so on a foundation of trust, not magic."
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Old Sep 24th, 2022, 01:55 PM
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Marcus' Mission
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Marcus watched each attendant of this impromptu meeting, and as they spoke he peered deep into their eyes, as if reading their souls. His magical zone of truth would help ensure that it would be difficult to tell a lie, but Marcus was reading more into each person than just the words they were speaking. He was searching for something, any sliver of information that would lead him where his quest would direct.

Kerwin went first. It was obvious that Marcus had a hard time keeping a straight face, every time Kerwin blurted out more than he had intended. At the end of his 'confession', Marcus finally broke into a full grin. "Kerwin, there is a difference between telling the truth, and bearing one's soul in a confessional. I do pray that the lives of any companions you may find yourself in the company of in the future do not find themselves in a situation where their lives depend on your ability to keep your mouth shut during an interrogation. Still, you have my respect for your honesty. I won't hinder your work here, so long as you promise to never try and pull one over on those of the Hooded Lantern." Kerwin may not have known much of the Hooded Lantern, but he was now getting a crash course in their work.

Next Adelaide gave her very blunt account of events from the last few weeks. "I wish it were not so Adelaide, but I fear your talent for killing demons will be called upon more and more until a permanent solution is found."

Gallindan then recounted the details of Tribblefork in greater detail than Adelaide has expressed, and he listened to every word. The account of the Incubus he had already heard prior from Abbot Urthwin, whom Marcus had encountered weeks ago in his travels. "Well, I am glad that Tribbelfork has been cleansed, and seems to be in the hands of those of our realm who would stand up and fight back. I applauded your work there, and am relieved to have one less destination to visit myself. There are certainly more incursions, and we may have yet a thread of another, here, in this very town."

Marcus then turned his attention to Oren. His demeanor had been light-hearted with Kerwin, Adelaide, and Gillindan he treated as brothers in arms, but when Marcus turned to Oren he turned stoic. "Yes, Oren, let's speak of that symbol. The lonely throne on the mountain. Many of those of the Hooded Lantern use it as our symbol, a reminder of a god of justice, long since sealed from this world. But, recently there have been those who claim to have spoken to the lord of the mountain. They claim that he, or rather SHE" Marcus emphasized this point and paused for a second before continuing, "has reached out to them. Made deals with them, and granted them power. Those are the ones I am seeking out. Tell me Oren, are you a servant of this mistress? Are you the reason I am here?" The question came almost as a command to answer, and Marcus seemed tense, ready to take immediate action on whatever the response from Oren would be.
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Old Sep 26th, 2022, 11:29 AM
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Oren takes the other's question very seriously and pauses some time before answering. "What you say resonates with my experience. I was assigned to this region as part of a military force stationed in a remote outpost. We were attacked by ogres and everyone was slaughtered except for me. I had to man our outpost alone for almost a year, and during that time I was contacted by an entity speaking to me through the fire. In retrospect I believe it was the goddess of the underworld Fierna attempting to lure me to her service." He pauses gauging Marcus' reactions. "But there was another call to service, very different from hers. I saw a throne high on a mountain top, it was empty but still power flowed to me from it. I ended up foiling Fierna's designs in the region, stopping her from poisoning the minds of the citizens of Oakcrest, thanks to the power of this nameless king -- or queen -- who should rightfully sit upon that throne. Until I met Gallindan, I knew nothing more about it."
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Old Sep 27th, 2022, 08:49 AM
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Kerwin Powell As Marcus began his interrogation of Oren, Kerwin immediately slid over a few inches away from the warlock. If what the interrogator were saying was true, what right did Oren have to question Kerwin. The alchemist whispered under his breath, but certainly loud enough to be heard, "I only peddle mundanely useful potions while this guy makes pacts with strange women in mountains and I'm the one who gets a hard time upon arriving in town..."

Then Oren all but confirmed Marcus' suspicions that he had in fact been in contact with some extraplanar deity...and was drawing power from it. He claimed to have worked against his benefactor but the whole story left Kerwin with a nasty taste in his mouth. He spat on the floor and mumbled, "Still have my soul."

The whole story about some nameless royalty and an empty throne was tantalizing, Kerwin had to admit as he awaited the decision to come down from Marcus on how he planned to make use of them.


I have taken the Oath.
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Old Oct 1st, 2022, 01:01 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft Sidling up beside the irritated wizard, Adelaide was already baring a few inches of polished steel, her hand clenched around the hilt, ”Spit on my floor again. I dare you.”

Demons. Dark gods. Royalty. Most of it was beyond Adelaide’s understanding because for all that she was involved in this mess, she didn’t really know what was at stake. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to understand it all, either. Understanding the machinations of some infernal dark creature was unlikely to make her feel better. She had questions of course, as anyone would, but refrained from asking any of them. Adelaide might be able to badger answers out of most people, most men, but she was certain that Marcus would not be among the people intimidated by a feisty woman only weeks removed from an unremarkable career as a barmaid.


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Oct 1st, 2022, 01:03 PM
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Marcus' Mission
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Marcus followed Oren's words, tracking what he said about hearing the voice in the flames. Gillindan and Adelaide could read into his body language, that he was very tense, and probably about ready to attack. However, the mention of another voice caught him off-guard. Then, the mention of foiling Fierena's plan caused him to relax, and breathe a sigh of relief. "If what you are saying is true Oren, and I have every reason to believe that you think you are telling the truth, then you would be a first." Marcus turned his attention to the two Paladins. "Can you vouch for what Oren is saying? Has he truly rejected the temptress, and foiled her plans in earnest? Are you sure he is not being deceived and had not been tainted by devilish powers?"
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Old Oct 1st, 2022, 02:25 PM
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Adelaide Darkdraft ”I believe him, I believe she joined the group after a lot of that.from what I have witnessed, sir.” It was a plain and simple, if qualified, statement. Adelaide was out of her depth here, and didn’t want to unintentionally get herself or Oren into trouble. She looked the older man straight in the eyes, her gaze unwavering as she spoke, ”I cannot speak to the intentions of gods and god-like beings, and I have never been one for games or strategy, but all of his actions seem to be opposed to the evil here. As to trusting what he has said, what does your magic say? Is that not its purpose?”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Oct 5th, 2022, 10:53 AM
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Noting how tense Marcus had grown, Oren is relieved when Adelaide speaks up for him and puts the other more at ease. "Thank you," he says to the young paladin bravely speaking truth to power. Oren had no desire to test Marcus and merely wanted to move forward to learn what the Order of the Hooded Lantern might be able to offer to help curb the onslaught.

"Adelaide is right -- none of us can speak to the intentions of otherworldy beings, but there is one more piece of the puzzle you may be interested in. Fierna had designs on a young local woman, Isabella, who lives in this village. There is something special about her -- it was she who I rescued from the dragon as well. Then I travelled to the lower planes to rescue her again. The demon queen told me she thinks Oakcrest needs a new leader, and wanted to establish Isabella as a priestess. It was my intention, now that the business in Trebblefork is past, to check in on this young lady. Perhaps you would like to join me."
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Old Oct 12th, 2022, 10:54 PM
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Gallindan was slow to respond to Marcus. Invisible to the eye, he is deeply shaken by the idea that the Lord of the Mountain might be a woman. To be clear, this in and of itself wasn't distressing. It wasn't especially unusual for the gods of the elves to change gender, or to be of no particular gender. But what he had been taught about the Lord of the Mountain, for all of his adult life, was that the Ancient One was definitively male. Now, the Oath was more ancient than anyone could possibly imagine, from the dawn of civilization. Could the inherited story be wrong? Certainly. But since Gallindan had heard of this pact through the very same elves who could trace their arrival in the Feywild, could tell stories of Corellon's ambiguous gender... why was this what they got wrong? All his life, he had communed with his patron and assumed it was male. Did it matter? Probably not. But it was disconcerting, to say the least.

It was entirely possible that Marcus was simply referring to Fierna's impersonation of the Ancient One. He would have to ask. But in the meantime, he had been asked a question, and he belatedly fumbled to reply to it.

"Sorry to interrupt, and sorry for my delay in responding. Verily, I can vouch for Oren's rejection of the temptress. As Adelaide has said, all of his actions have been in opposing this evil, and he has been my steadfast ally in that quest. I have probed for infernal influence in Oren's presence on numerous occasions... and while I have found it disturbingly often, it has never come from him. He is as he appears to be, a force for good. Our lives have been in each other's hands much more often than either of us would like, and he has never let me down. Indeed, among the reasons we have returned to Oakcrest is to check in on this Isabella. If Fierna is to gain a foothold in this town, we believe she will try there next."
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Old Oct 17th, 2022, 11:47 AM
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Marcus' Mission
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There seemed to be a level of trust Marcus had for the other members of the Hooded Lantern, even if they had never met prior to this experience. Content with their answers, Marcus grabbed a chair and sat with Oren, Gillindan, Adelaide, and even Kerwin now as if they were peers, rather than subjects of his interrogation. "I am both relieved to hear this, and honestly, a little terrified. I received divine inspiration to come to Oakcrest, to snuff out an evil presence here. Oren, you mention feeling the call of another coming from that Throne. We should spend some time investigating what that means. Perhaps if we can find where this true call is coming from, we can find a way to keep the devils and demons of the under plains from using that channel to entice mortals to do their will. But, that also means that we still have a threat, right here in Oakcrest to deal with. You mentioned that this young woman, Isabella, may be corrupted. If you suspected so, I would have to ask why she was not purged earlier. If you found her to not be under this demon queen's influence, is there another presence here that has been corrupted by their influence?" Marcus gave a moment for the others to ponder this question before moving on.

"It seems we have a clear action to take care of first. Let us determine just how much of a treat this young woman is, if any. I assume you know which residence belongs to her family? You know this small town better than I do. Would it be safer to bring her here, or should we go to her home? If she is no threat, then whichever course would bring the least amount of intention to our actions would be preferred. If she is corrupted, she will have to be purged, which unfortunately tends to cause quite a commotion in a community."

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Old Oct 17th, 2022, 12:29 PM
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Kerwin Powell Kerwin hadn't put much thought into the people he had set out to take advantage of. Oakcrest was just another town to make some coin in. The fact that demons had invaded and cause havoc necessitating a culling was just an afterthought, or at least it had been. Now confronted with the real possibility of taking an active role in that battle, his mind began to think on the innocents affected by such conflict. His conscience, once a shriveled mass to be shoved in the corners of his mind, was front and center, and apparently squarely in the pit of his stomach.

Talk of 'purging' people sent a shiver through the alchemist's spine and prompted a question to come to his lips. "Forgive my ignorance on such matters as until today I had lived my life blissfully unaware of the human cost of such wars but this talk of purging those who have been corrupted causes a thought to blossom in my mind."

"I have spent my life turning wood to copper, imbuing properties of flame to twigs or causing a green cloth to turn purple if in the presence of incorporeal beings, could there be some alchemical solution to a person's corruption that might avoid their death in the process. Is this something I could be granted time to research if indeed we do learn that there is another soul unfortunate enough to have befallen such a curse?"

"While I may not be some great swordsman or practitioner of divine magics or even one who bravely stands defiant before the charging hordes, I do believe my life's work could provide some benefits to this cause."


I have taken the Oath.
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Old Oct 18th, 2022, 11:37 PM
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Oren can see the fervor begin to burn in Marcus at the idea that they might be getting closer to their mark. Having rescued Isabella from the depths of hell however, the warlock is not overly fond of the way the other throws around "purging" in reference to people. This isn't the time to quibble over what some might call semantics however.

"We know the town, but we don't know Isabella, nor whether it's truly Fierna or another power that is interested in her. This very church was almost corrupted by a demon." He shrugs, clearly out of his element. "I was going to suggest we seek her out, but then again, I am not of the religious persuasion, so I don't know which would give us the advantage. I'd defer to Gallindan and Adelaide."

The warlock smiles a bit listening to Kerwin make his pledge. "In this battle against evil, everyone has their role to play." The alchemist's words suddenly remind Oren of something. "There's not another person I know of who has been cursed, but there is another church, now that you mention it. It's a chapel in the forest, a place that was much contested by the otherworldly powers. If nothing else, I would suggest we keep Isabella away from there."
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Old Oct 22nd, 2022, 12:03 AM
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Adelaide Darkdraft It is heartening to hear that the newcomer has some heart, and something resembling a spine, and Adelaide is forced to reconsider her harsh first impressions. She will not admit it out loud, but she would greatly appreciate a wizard accompanying them on their travels. Oren’s magic has proven powerful and reliable, but it is as much a mystery to him, it seems, as it is to Adelaide. Kerwin might put her on edge, but wizards were masters of their craft, and that expertise might save them all if it comes down to actually understanding magic. It couldn’t hurt to have someone around who can tell them when they’re being deceived about the true nature of this-or-that ritual to save the world.

Talk of corruption and purging sets Adelaide on edge, for much the same reasons as it does Oren and Kerwin, but also for the length of steel hanging from her hip. It is not by their blades, or their hands, that the purging would be done, but by her own and she would prefer that to be a last resort. Too often were people ready to promote a final solution to a temporary problem, and it was worrisome here not least because it was being spoken of by a superior in her very own order.

”Perhaps a quarantine, instead of a purge, for those that might be corrupted,” she offered, hoping that an analogy to sickness might make her point effectively. ”While we deal with the true source of the problem.”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
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Old Oct 22nd, 2022, 06:48 PM
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Much like the others, Gallindan is discomfited by the idea of "purging" Isabella. It's one thing to slay demons, but quite another to slay ordinary people who have fallen prey to those demons. "Surely our duty is to free Isabella of corruption, rather than to 'purge' her? To date, she has done no harm. She may never do harm. Of course we must assess the threat. But until we have done so, I will make no plans to purge anyone. And perhaps Kerwin is on to something. If he can craft a potion to unshackle her soul, surely we must pursue that option? Our calling is to spread light and hope, not to persecute those that the darkness has touched."
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Old Oct 28th, 2022, 10:21 AM
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Marcus' Mission
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There was a conflict brewing inside Marcus, and it was visible to all in the room. His methods had always been seen as harsh by others, but he had never considered that there might be another way. If there in fact was, did that make him guilty of murdering people who were possible to save, instead of just purging evil? Kerwin had planted the seed though, and now it must be investigated. "Kerwin, I admit I am astonished at your humanity. But, I must be blunt. I do not believe that this corruption is like venom in a person that can be removed or makeup that can be washed off. It fundamentally changes who they are, who has control of them, and what they think, believe, and do. But, the truth is, I do not know for a fact that it isn't." It was clearly stated by the others though, that they wanted to find a solution that did not involve 'purging' the person from existence. "Very well then. Let us bring Isabelle here, and assess just how much of a threat she may be. So long as we can assure them she is not hurting anyone else, or about to sacrifice herself to open another portal, then we can pursue this experiment to determine if there is another way to remove the demonic corruption from her."

OODMI don't have an exact game plan for how this might play out, or work. So, for this post, I would like everyone to state what they are doing to make the chapel a safe place to quarantine Isabelle, or what they might be doing to research, or help Kerwin research how to use alchemy to 'cleanse' her. Include a relevant skill check to see how well this activity goes.

For the sake of the narrative, if someone's actions hit it before I do, Isabelle is at home and found with her parents at death's door. In her new way of manipulating people out of guilt, she has convinced her parents that they should be punished for giving her up to the dragon, and have food withheld. They are terrified of her, and have not eaten in so long, and are so weak at this point that they can barely move.
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