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Old Nov 20th, 2022, 10:31 PM
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Shadowrun:Welcome To Seattle (4E)

Hall Of Fame 2024 Finalist (Top 4)

Game NameShadowrun:Welcome To Seattle (4E)
Game SystemShadowrun
ThemePolitical Intrigue, Moral Ambiguity,Team Co-operative.
FlavourHeavy Roleplay, Medium Amount of Combat(Trying to go More Role Play), Dark and Gritty.
Plot SummaryRain slowly bangs against your window as you find yourself awakened to its call. You seemed to be tossing and turning as visions of a sword, clown and giant chasm? Seems to be lingering in your mind. Whether you are living in the rich apartments of Bellevue or in the slums of the redmen barrens. No one can escape this thunderous storm as it brings with it a heavy ominous tone that seems to have engulfed the entire city of seattle. On that news stations they are broadcasting the recent bombing incident that took place at Governor brackheavens political headquarters by a man called “Junior”

Currently being broadcasted is the avatar of one of the most famous newscasters “Athena Tatopoulos” she resembles an old style microphone with stylish glasses and a 1900s style hair cut. “Hello! Listeners! Today's agenda was supposed to be an interview with the current District attorney for the Brakheaven administration.However he has refused to avail himself to us due to our recent endorsement of A.D.A Danna Oaks. So for now you will have to listen to my lovely voice and let's have a serious chat for a moment my pods." The microphone spins for a moment and on screen now is various news articles, interviews and photos.

One of the photos isn’t from that long ago as it shows Dana oaks holding the lifeless body of a young boy ork. She is surrounded by Cops who make up the city's Security called the Knight Errant. “This is a picture of Ms.oaks holding the lifeless body of a ork boy named “Pip” who was participating in a demonstration at the Seattle corporate court advocating for “Proposition 23”. This proposition would give district status to the Ork Underground and for those who have been living under a rock, the underground are the lowest slums of the slums where the outcasts of our city live.

Ms.Oaks has recently been pushing to give the people a fighting chance, ever since 2011.. that fateful day when the first child was born of what we now call “meta humans (Dwarf,Elfs,Etc) came back into the world. Magic slowly returned..and with it , many beings like dragons,spirits and so forth. Humanity has lost its way, we must learn to live and love our fellow sentient beings. Rise above the hate, discrimination and xenophobia. Each and every one of us..”
Athena continues her speech and as you listen you wonder why you should care at all.

You are a shadowrunner, money is the name of the game where you come from, you have seen the evil that has rotten humanity and seen its spread to the other meta races. Biker gangs, Mafia Families are all people you have possibly dealt with before, and if that wasn’t enough there are the Mega Corporations like Aztech Corp who hide in their pyramid building as rumors spread about blood magic.As all of these thoughts swell within you, your comlink beeps and you see its message

Incoming MessageTo:Shadowrunner
Message:“Hello, Nice to meet you. I have a possible Job”

With the Knight Errant on high alert thanks to the bombing, the jobs had seemed to almost dry up. Your funds are running short and with the city on alert this could be your last job, it seems fate has picked its next player. How will your story end? It's time to decide….

Name Application

Dungeon Master: Hello fellow players of RPG Crossing, my name is SilverOcean! It is a pleasure to meet you! Just to tell you a little about myself. I have been Dungeon Mastering on the site since the inception of my game back in november of 2022!(yes the game has been going on that long!) I am honored and humbled by the many players I have played with and hope to play with! I am a very easy going DM! I am very hands on when it comes to communicating what I am doing and when I am going to post. I am super flexible when it comes to the rules themselves. I know already when people think of shadow they think of its enormous complexity, but ill put your mind at ease and say off the bat I am not a “Rules are rules” type of Dungeon Master. I have come to understand you have to be flexible when playing on a pbp post system.

Posting Schedule:When it comes to a posting rate I am super flexible with this and am more than willing to give players the time to post and it is something I also learned while playing with people who are all across the globe. I understand life happens and understand that of me as well. I can go as fast as need be and slow down if need be. I am trying to aim to get at least one post every week. However right now I am starting a new position at my company so that has taken my time a little bit, But I will always communicate via the form or I can be contacted on Discord as well.

Here is the big one… The game currently only has one position opened. This game has a very,very close knit team! That gets along very well and So whoever applies needs to absolutely be a team player. When applying please know that I am looking for someone who is in this for the long haul as well! The game is currently at the end of Mission 2 going into Mission 3, with an Epilogue mission. Be open to collaborations, world building and just having fun with it! I know a bit about the lore of the game myself but have been playing loose with it to make it enjoyable for everyone! I am not only looking for vets of the system either! I am accepting all applications from both new and vets of the system!

So please don’t let that deter you from applying. I will absolutely 100% work with you to make this a great experience and introduction into the setting of the game.

Game:This isn’t a fresh game and your character will be joining a group with three other players.However do not fret I will pull from my bag of DM tricks to ensure your character joins the game seamlessly. The Plot summary on this advertisement thread already introduces you applicants to what is currently going on in the story.

The group is currently on 2/4 missions with two more to go currently planned to wrap up the game. That said, it's probably taken about a year per mission to finish, so there is plenty of time to get a deep dive into the game and whomever is picked will have the chance to enjoy a great story with their character and have a really good character arc. As the current DM I do make that promise.

One thing I need to make absolutely clear is that this world of shadowrun is not for the faint of heart. There are topics that the world of shadowrun deals with like any cyberpunk setting. Poverty, Moral ambiguity, Racisms are all brought to the forefront for the characters to deal with. I understand that may not be for everyone and I try to handle these issues with the utmost sensitivity and make sure before posting to reach out to my players to let them know when something “heavy” will be coming their way. So please understand when applying these are things that you may have to deal with.

When it comes to classes Currently right now the group has requested a “Face” however feel free to make any character you want! And I will make sure to give everyone an opportunity to shine in my game.This gives me a good segway to explain the class system. In Short there isn’t really any class system; there are what we call “Archetypes” To best explain I will use D&D as a comparison.

Face: Is like a bard whose primary job is to use his charisma to not only negotiate better pay for the team but to help be the “face” of the group and possibly talk their way out of dangerous situations.

Street Samurai: Like the warrior/barbarian of the group. Their primary job on a shadowrun team is to be the “Shoot first, Ask Questions Later” guy. Focusing their skills on using guns, melee weapons or even their own cybernetic arms to deal with their foes

Mages: This is the best one to one when it comes to D&D as they are exactly what the archetype says. They are the mages of the group using various spells to defeat foes, help the party move around stealthy or even summon spirits from the various metaplanes to do their work for them.

Hacker/Technomancer: A hacker is basically as the name implies they use their skills to hack into the matrix(which is this world's version of the internet. Think of it exactly like the movie “Ready Player One” The Oasis kinda.). A technomancer is more of a mix between a mage and a hacker. Making Programs called “Sprits” to do their hacking. A good example of a technomancer actually is “Lucy” from Cyberpunk Edge Runners. However less melee combat oriented and more matrix fighting.

Adept:An adept is a mage type as well, however unlike mages they don’t typically cast spells and use their magic called “Adept Powers” To make themselves physically stronger, stealthier and more acrobatic. Kind of like “Neo” from the matrix.

So feel free to pick any one of these from the Shadowrun 20th Anniversary edition. For any vets that are applying I am open to some more unique archetypes.

What I would like in the background is an explanation of why your character became a shadowrunner. For the most part they do it for the sweet money they get to fund fancy lifestyles while others do it for the thrill rather than the money itself or some are forced to do so by the various evil crime families or syndicates in the world. In your application please add a background as to why your character has decided to become a shadowrun. It doesn’t need to be long but just long enough for me and my players to get a good idea of your characters.

Class Mechanics:I plan to start whoever joins off at 400 BP and will account for joining in late to make up for the power difference with the other three players.

Rules:Like I said before I am not a “rules are rules” Type of DM. I Love the world of shadowrun and am big on role playing, storytelling and just having fun with the world itself.

Material:for new players please use the “Shadowrun 20th Anniversary Core RuleBook” for vets if there are other books you like to use just tell me why before I give the okay.

Helpfull Links:

Time Line:I plan to open applications for at least three weeks or more depending on interest. I really want to hit the ground running whomever is picked.

Application Template:



Role Playing:
For your role playing please respond to the Plot Summary.Imagine your character is the one waking up and is seeing the story and is the one getting that message about a job.
Posting Schedule:New Posting Schedule As of 10/24/24
Fridays - nights
Saturday/Sun -Whenever I can

Last edited by SilverOcean; Dec 23rd, 2024 at 01:12 PM.
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Old Nov 20th, 2022, 11:41 PM
SpatulaOdoom SpatulaOdoom is offline
Pretty cool Wyrm
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Wooo, a 4e game. I'm considering it, that's for sure.
Thanks to all the great great GM's. Especially: Makenshi, Birched, Savoylen, Davion, and Homestarbaby.
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Old Nov 21st, 2022, 12:06 AM
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Originally Posted by SpatulaOdoom View Post
Wooo, a 4e game. I'm considering it, that's for sure.
Well if you do I look foreword to your Character app!: )
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Old Nov 23rd, 2022, 09:39 PM
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It's crazy how this is not getting any love. I'm a huge Shadowrun fan!

I'm bumping this because I would literally do this if I'd seen it before submit my last app. I'm just full up on games.

But SilverOcean, I'll try to remember to give you a shout if you are still looking for victimsrunners and my time and/or games open up.
Diggin' It Down Unda
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Math Class is Funkin' Me Up. Sorry for the Delays.
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Old Nov 24th, 2022, 12:12 AM
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You know, I was on the fence on this because I don't remember how things have changed since 4e/20th anniversery but I think I'll be tossing one in.

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Handle: Shift
Species: Human
Archetype: Driving Adept

Appearence: It's anyone's guess where they pulled Shift out of. You can tell he was born on an abandoned highway immediately just by looking at him, the rough around the edges look is hard to miss. A bit of a fan of the old Rock-A-Billy aesthetic he frequently wears A-Frame T-shirts to show off his retro tattoos. Rarely is seen without his signature cowboy hat at least nearby. Has no obvious Chrome, but does have a gun or two tucked away for a rough occasion.

Background: Shift, birth name Simon Jode, grew up with stories claiming that the legendary racecar driver Malachi Jode was his Uncle. He now knows the stories were crap told to the kids to wind them up but a bit too late to do anything about it. Yeah, his last name really is Jode and they probably are distant cousins or something but not enough for it to do anything but cause grief.

Still, the stories worked he had to suppose. They got him to do things for the Family. In Simon's case, that meant getting to know Cars. Now just how to fix 'em, but how to drive 'em, how to Feel them. How to Zen with them. Sure, Simon Jode has experience and skill to help with the job, but the relationship between Simon and Cars is borders on Spiritual. Like when he really cut loose in a car he doesn't just rev up the motor and up the nitrous but he tries to truly become *one* with the vehicle. According to the Magic-types, he kind of *does* become One with whatever he is driving. Like he and the vehicle beccome extensions of each other's souls.

Which is to say he tried to make a name for himself on the underground racing circuits and he did great *for how much nuyen he could sink into his wheels*, but in the end those that could buy their wins put him out of business. Fortunately, more than a few Corpos are fans of the underground racing circuits and when they heard he was broke one of them was willing to pull a few strings.

Let's be clear - He's just in this so he can build a better Racer, one that can put up a fight against the rich kids on the circuits. But Simon Jode believes that if someone pays him to do a job he should do his best no matter what, and if that means moving whatever is in the trunk from Point A to Point B quickly and safely then by God she's getting to Point B without even a passenger's hair getting messed up. Seatbelts on, this next part looks a little rough.
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=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!
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Old Nov 24th, 2022, 12:19 AM
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"You know, I was on the fence on this because I don't remember how things have changed since 4e/20th anniversery but I think I'll be tossing one in."
I’ll Try to make things as easy as possible. Trust me on that one; I will be honest with you I haven’t even opened a rules book for 5e and 6e. So I am not sure what has changed either Wish I could be more helpful on that front! Alas ill try and keep it more streamlined and I like I mentioned in the Advert ill keep it as simple as possible!

Last edited by SilverOcean; Nov 24th, 2022 at 02:53 PM.
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Old Nov 24th, 2022, 02:45 PM
Pandaemonic Pandaemonic is offline
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Aurora "Aria" Silvertree

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Aurora "Aria" Silvertree

Wolf wins every fight but her last.


Archetype: Astral Warrior, Conjurer and Face.
Side specialist in paracritter training if Running Wild available.
Limited Sorcery skills
Street Shaman
Metatype: Dryad metavariant if allowed.Elf
Mentor Spirit: Wolf
Lifestyle: Squatter

Aurora Silvertree

Legal SIN: SSC-7649-0236-54F
Birthdate: 17 years oldNovember 24th, 2054
Nationality: Salish-Shidhe Council
Tribe: Sinsearch

Dawn Blackwood

Fake SIN: UCAS-8345-2384-50F
Birthdate: 21 years oldMay 10th, 2050
Nationality: UCAS
Residency: Tarislar, Puyallup

BackgroundAurora grew up in a community of anti-technology primitivists who lived a back-to-the-land lifestyle. Her parents were adepts. Her mother a Enchanter Aspect Magiciantalismonger who collected and sold alchemical reagents to the Laesa Syndicate. Aurora's father followed the Shamanic Way and trained hellhounds for Gaetronics security. They could not have been more proud when she Awoke as a full shaman at thirteen.

As she grew older the expectations of her community to serve them as the resident shaman became crushing. She wanted more than such a provincial life. The lack of quality in local boyfriend material was certainly not helping things. Aurora began to withdraw. Spending more and more time in astral space and with the spirit denizens of Mount Rannier. A lot of her sojourns took her into Seattle. Which was quite a different experience for the country girl.

On one of her jaunts through the astral plane she cam across some Cascade Crow smugglers having a dust up with Knight Errant security. Summoning a storm spirit she provided cover for the escaping smugglers while she manifested to guide them out of danger. This was how she met Orc smuggler and ganger.
Billy Walks-at-Night. Billy was everything her parents would disapprove of; an orc, older, more worldly, and stuffed full of cyber technology. It didn't take much for Aurora's rebellious heart to fall for the bad boy.

It took six months of Billy sneaking onto the family farm at night before Aurora's father caught them in the barn. The man set his hounds on her boyfriend and he was badly burned before Aurora could summon a spirit to drive them off. Afterwards she stole the family wagon, loaded him up, and took him back to his people. Effectively running away from home.

Aurora spent an awkward month with the Cascade Crows while Billy recovered. It became readily apparent she wasn't welcome there. The local shaman had little talent and was bore a particularly nasty animosity towards the girl. He effectively sabotaged all attempts she made to fit in. As soon as Billy was well enough the couple packed up and moved to the Puyallup barrens. They are squatting in the Crime Mall where Now going by the street name Scorch from his burns.Billy works as a mechanic in a chop shop. Who picked up the street name Aria after she was heard singing to the spirits.Aurora hustles creds as astral support for shadow runners attached to the mall. The two are barely making enough to survive.

Last edited by Pandaemonic; Nov 30th, 2022 at 10:43 AM.
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 01:20 AM
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Handle: Riot
Species: Elf
Archetype: Street Samurai

Appearance: Calling her lean and mean would be only half right. she has trained long and hard to earn every muscle and scar that adorns her body. Piercing green eyes that would size up the meanest troll and find their weak spot. She has five golden rings in running through her ears. Each one purportedly is for a championship she has won.

She tends to wear clothing like a gladiator, displaying her scars with pride. She mostly protects her back with a leather jacket, as she knows that there are plenty of honor less scavs waiting to crack a at her like a coward.

She is very tight lipped about her past as a childhood, but if you get a certain mix of liquors in her she will share some things. She was either the daughter of a Vice President or a politician. Born Victoria Vas Issa while most others in her private school were learning to master subterfuge she found the direct approach was faster. After finally completing her education she went off to advance her career. For her parents that was helping improve the family name. for her it was finding ways to break away from it.

She delved lower and lower to find anyone that her family didn't own eventually coming across an underground fight club. It was there that bloody knuckles and straight forward honesty won the day for her as she risked her life every night, pushing her body past her limits and eventually earning the title of Vancouver champion. She either killed a crime lord's son, or she refused to throw a match. either way she was no longer welcome in the city she grew up in. She now finds herself in Seattle, courtesy of a few smugglers that owed her a few favors.

Hi all! First time playing Shadowrun. my only real cyberpunk experience is 2077 + edgerunners anime. But I've been wanting to try the system out for a long time. I've been playing RPGs for 13ish years. mostly D&D 3.5 and 5E but I've also run in Pathfinder and a little bit of Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars.

I hope my application is good, if there's something that needs correcting please let me know? like I said I don't have much knowledge on Shadowrun ( I read a bit through the links you've provided so I have a general idea.)
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 04:01 AM
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I wanna do this so bad. Just not sure I'll get an app in. I started out in Shadowrun 4e. I've made quite the assortment of characters (all of which are lost now because of my own personal tragic past).

Will you be requiring Chummer (the program) or anything of the sort?

Regardless, I'm indecisive currently: I could be a mystic adept or a technomancer. Which would everyone rather have in the group: a caster who has some tech skills, or someone who can control tech with their mind? (If I could be both, I would, but that'd break rules). I'm personally leaning Mystic Adept rather strongly, but if the party wants a Technomancer, I have no problem with playing one. Regardless of which I choose, she'll be an elf from Tir Tairngire, who goes by "Mouse". (Birth name "Evelyn Baumgarten", whose human parents are from Berlin, and technically, she is, too. Born there, at least, near the end of it being an Anarchist Free State)

Last edited by Ermine; Nov 25th, 2022 at 07:38 AM.
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 11:06 AM
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I wouldn’t worry about that. Maybe just try to avoid on stepping on anyone else’s toes, worry about party balance later. Play what you want.
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=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 11:46 AM
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Handle: Mouse
Species: Elf
Archetype: Technomancer

Appearance: Mouse's proportions make her look a lot taller than she is: 5 feet even. She may not be the most healthy weight, but she has a pretty decent amount of muscle; much more than her namesake. She switches between her commlink and her living persona for hacking and general use (the living persona only used on the job). It's difficult to tell, but she wears light body armor under her clothing, just in case.

Background: Mouse's parents, the Baumgartens, who named her Evelyn, are from Berlin, where she too was born, shortly before it was no longer an anarchist free state. They moved to Seattle first, when the raids started. But when she was still little, as soon as she showed signs of being an elf, they whisked her away to Tir Tairngire, where she would be given a little more respect.

Whrn she was an adult, as soon as she was an adult, she left Tir. She didn't like the feeling of elven supremacy they had going on. She felt it was just as bad as Humanis, only less violent and more oppressive. She didn't like that her parents were treated differently than herself, except when they were with her. So she moved to Seattle and hoped they'd follow. She remembered it a lot differently than when she'd been here before, with the lens of nostalgia. She found a decent place to stay, albeit not necessarily fully legally, in Everett, where she took up simple hacking jobs at first. She also used her blade training from her schooling in Tir on occasion, but only when she was hard up for nuyen. Which...seemed to be happening a lot more lately. Especially now, when she's worried she won't be able to support herself in the place she's squatting.

Last edited by Ermine; Nov 29th, 2022 at 02:52 PM.
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 07:31 PM
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Reading a bit more on the book I'm wondering if maybe an elf poser would be better? big and muscley that wants to be smol and cute :S
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 08:53 PM
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Pondering what's the better story, her being an elf poser or everything thinks she's an elf poser because she's big and muscley.
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=11/19 -> Actually managed to catch up a couple days ago and keep that. Nice!
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 09:43 PM
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Hello all Sorry I havne't been able to answer some question! So on this post I will! Like Gleefu Said Play what yall want ^_^! Don't worry about Balance of the party that is my job ill adjust the Module to match what the party has. I even thought about possibly playing an NPC myself to fit what ever is missing in the party. But would probably run that by the people who end up playing to see what they think!

I am actually surprised I have had only one mage application!But all of yalls application have been great so far!
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Old Nov 25th, 2022, 10:05 PM
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I'd like to know a system better before I try my hand at magic :P

And that's a good point I like the idea of her beating people up for calling her an elf poser when she's full elf
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