"Oh, no, don't mind me, do what you must," Hlin replies to the groom. "After all, it is your wedding day. But you do realize by sticking your head through me you are also sticking your head into a horse's arse. Not that, of course, there is anything wrong with that."
As the fighting erupts around him, Hlin surveys the scene and decides that this would be a good time for a song. But then again, when isn't it?
He pulls out his pipes, asks if there are any requests, ignores any requests, and nods appreciatively as if he has heard exactly the response he craved.
"Right! The nuptials of Vonk and Mronk! Wonderful choice. "
And then he proceeds to play the selection, a haunting, tonally complicated melody whose rhythm sheds key changes every few breaths of the pipe. In short, it's god-awful ... but in Hlin's experience that seemed to be the type of music that the Firbolgs of Moyreinko (and even more so the loveshaken ones) seemed to favor.
He finishes with a flourish and calls out the last couplet which is some sort of Firbolg wordplay about Vonk and Mronk and Blonk and Slonk (translation: Vonk mounts Mronk on Mount Vmronk ... yeah, Hlin never got it either, but the Firbolgs always laughed at this line, which Hlin took as a compliment to his performance skills (though, in brooding times, he would acknowledge that the Firbolgs’ reaction could equally have been only because they thought the ballad sounded ridiculous coming from a small pony-guy singing their traditional ballad in a ridiculous accent). Nonetheless, Hlin gave it his all as he finished with gusto.
"How about another suggestion?" Hlin says, waiting for someone in the room to insist that he take a bow. To their credit, the Firbolgs always did.
Level 2: Messenger, Cloud of Daggers, Cure Wounds (upcast), Hold Person, Nathair's Mischief
Vine Spells: Entangle 2/3
Inspiration: No
Spell Slots:
Four Level 1: {X} {} {} {}
Two Level 2: {X} {X}
Spell Save DC: Wis 12 Spell Attack Bonus: 4
Saves: STR: +2 DEX: +4 CON: 0 INT: -1 WIS: +2 CHA: +4
Bardic Inspiration: {X} {X}
Attack modifier: +4 melee / +4 ranged
Weapons: Longsword, daggers and short bow
Special Abilities: Bardic Inspiration, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest, Cutting Words, Charge, Hooves, Equine Build
Saving throws:
Free action:
Action: plays pipes for anyone in the party to take as bardic inspiration
Concentrating: Mage hand carrying lamp
OOC info:
Sneech feels a wave of fear wash over him at the proximity of the ghost. But he shakes himself vigorously then yawns and crouches back into his defensive posture with narrowed eyes, baring his teeth and growling.
Having readied his staff to receive the charge, A'ru strikes into the core of the ghost as it rushes at him. His bewitched weapon tears through the apparition, but his blow is not enough to stop his attacker's momentum. The undead vanishes into the body of the marda, leaving a splatter of pink ectoplasm dripping down the front of his chain shirt. An eldritch chill causes all of the ranger's hair to stand on end as he looks down in shock at his navel.
But matters were worse for Aluviel. A'ru's ancestors may have been transformed into small, fluffy dog-men. But little dogs that feel threatened contain the same amount of rage as large dogs, only compressed to critical density and prone to explode. In A'ru's case, the fuse had been lit. Trying to possess him was like diving into an active volcano, and the hapless ghost instantly ejected with a screech, adding to the mess on A'ru's armor but otherwise leaving him unscathed.
Aluviel looks down at the very free and very wrathful marda in wonder. As Hlin's melody brings A'ru back to reality, he meets the ghost's gaze and grins ferally.
"Bow-wow, mother f-"
But the rest of the ranger's warcry is lost in an ear-splitting wail, as his shillelagh whirs forward and punishes the ghost's midsection causing it to double over. A'ru twirls the enchanted staff and brings up the butt end hard into Aluviel's chin, smashing deep through its ethereal jaw.
"Chkaa! Nasty sneeze!" Nukky and his spirit both aim their fiery blasts at the ghost dripping out of Aru's nostrils, following up his attack. Nukky then waddles back a bit to be in better position of the party near Hlin, Laisren, and Sneech.
Throwing out a fire bolt and flame seed respectively again. Nukky will move so that he's diagonally between Laisren and Sneech. Spirit will stay in place in case teleports are needed for a quick repositioning.
The groom seems really awful! That, and very scary. He bursts through Hlin and makes an unworldly grimace, somehow worse than what Laisren saw in Malve'en. Laisren literally jumps back in fright, his tail turning into a stiff bristlebrush. He covers his face with both hands, and whimpers
"You... you don't even love her? And... you're taking her from poor Tomas? And... and... you're taking their land and wealth? You're just, you're just terrible!"
Laisren keeps one hand over his eyes as his stray hand finds his second elven dagger. Attacking with disadvantage due to frightPeeking between two fingers, he steps to the left to get a clear shot and flicks the blade at the groom. It passes through the groom, and like the last throw, this one also 8 magical piercing damagetakes ectoplasmic goop with it.
He spreads his fingers out further, taking a better look at the ghost. "You're not so scary," Laisren says, WIS re-save vs fright succeeds with a roll of 18, assuming I get a re-save at the end of my turn.convincing himself as much as anyone else. "You're just cruel. And callous." Placing his throwing hand back on his fork, he braces himself and adds a stern question: "What have you done with Liri?"
Laisren's stat block (full sheet link) HP: 18/32 | Armor Class:With a very high probability in combat of also having an additional 1d8 added on.14 | Saves: Str +5 ; Dex +2; Con +4; Int -1; Wis +0; Chr +1 Senses: Passive Perception 12 (+2); Passive investigation 9 (-1) | Move: 30' | Conditions: (None)
Default melee:+6 to hit, 1d10+4 piercing (1d10+6 while Raging)The Family pichfork | Default ranged attack:+5 to hit, 1d6+3 slashing, 20/60 rangeHandaxe Expendables: . . . As a bonus action, activate Rage. +2 damage to STR-based melee attacks. Resistance to nonmagical BPS damage. Advantage on STR checks and saves. Ends if I don't either attack or take damage. Cannot cast spells.Rage 2/3 LR | Make a ranged spell attack against the target (+3, with CHA as casting stat). On a hit, the target takes 2d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 11). On a failed save, it is also poisoned until the end of your next turn. Acquired via Magic Initiate (Sorceror)Ray of Sickness 1/1 LR | Hit dice 3/3 LR | Inspiration: Yes Passive: . . . When I enter a Rage, I can use my tail both offensively and defensively. As a reaction when hit by a creature I can see within 10', I can add 1d8 to my AC. I can also use the attack action to attack with my tail with 10' reach, +5 to hit, and 1d8+3 damage.Form of the Beast: Tail Ie, my cantrips acquired through Magic Initiate (Sorceror)Tail Utility: A creature within 10' must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 11) or take 1d12 poison damage.Poison Spray | Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.Blade Ward
Turn Summary Move: A square left, and a square away from the groom, allowing me to both move slightly away, and to be able to chuck a dagger without Hlin being in the way Action: Throw magic dagger 2 with disadv due to fright. Still a hit, rolling a 13! 8 magical piercing damage. Reaction:
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
Baly, you go to work. Both blades slide home, but the non-magical rapier can't find the same kind of tearing purchase that the magical dagger manages. Still, you do a sneaky little upcurve at the end that seems to hurt him. The Groom waves away your Wails without particularly noticing, as if they were a pesky fly.
Nukky, you shoot your flames, and this time they land true. Your Spirit, involved in the geometry puzzle of perhaps BAMFing, throws seeds with less accuracy.
Hlin, you play your tune, and the Groom's mouth turns down.
Ummmm, you know we hired the Teu-Tel-Quessir Quartetto? They are currently on the balcony above the grand ballroom, playing as the guests enjoy the bar and the buffet, but if you need music during the ceremony, Father, we can call them in.
Your music seems to hit A'ru just right, however, heartening the furious Marda.
A'ru, as the ghost approaches you whang him a good one. You are too possessed by rage to be possessed by any racist ghosts, thanks. You go to town on him with your enchanted staff. He will be sorry! Oh, and...perhaps he is. You will never know, as your third and final blow shivers him open, and ectoplasmic goo spills in a foam, dissipating as it falls. The leash-holder is ---well he was already dead. But now is also discorporated. The ghost Marda has disappeared entirely through that wall.
The Groom doesn't seem to notice or care. He is still chatting idly with the "Padre" about what music is or is not appropriate for a ceremony and doesn't so much as glance over as you re-kill his best man and his Ring-bearer takes a powder, belled cap jingling. He doesn't notice Sneech not giving one dog-fart about his scary face, or Laisren cowering.
Laisren, you speak, and he focuses on you, briefly. He says, I haven't done a blessed thing to Liri? She is my bride, and the only child of the ever-so-wealthy Melve'ens!. Any doings to-ing will happen after the Padre here has blessed our union in the eyes of the Selderine!
Laisren, you have never felt a fear like this before. It shrivels you, and wizens and retracts your gums a little from your teeth. You hurl a dagger that drags through the groom, and then you manage to thrust the crippling fear away.
The dagger, though, that gets his attention! He leaps at you, diving at the center of your chest as if you were a swimming pool, saying, TAIL DANCER! How DARE you! Do you EVEN know WHO I AM????
Badger, Bardic Inspiration is a BONUS ACTION. Hlin may take 2 actions this round if you like. (Just actions, still just one Bonus action, one reaction, and regular movement) You may use your reaction for an AoO if you like as the Groom leaps to try to possess Lais
Ooooof WYN that was a serious fail. Please roll a d4 and have Laisren age 10 years x whatever you roll. You also need to make DC 13 CHARISMA savee or be possessed by the groom. The ghost then disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses control of its body. The ghost now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The ghost can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies. The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the ghost is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the ghost reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the body. The target is immune to this ghost's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.
If you fail, please attack A'ru but you can RP it however you like as Laisren is aware and trapped inside. You can do all the rolls and movement ect.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Feb 3rd, 2023 at 06:23 PM.
The groom doesn't do anything to further endear himself to Laisren, focusing on the money and the mysteries of wedding chamber. Laisren would blush at the implication, if the ghost didn't right at him! At, and into. Laisren gasps and holds back a wave of nausea. He looks pained, and he flexes and waggles every muscle that can be exercised. The exercising exorcism works. The ghost moves through. Through, and out. It feels similar to dislodging a feral cat that has dug its claws into your flesh, but instead a spectral cat that has gained purchase on your soul.
What happens next is apparent to everyone but Laisren. His long curly red hair greys over in a wave and loses its spring. His guileless forehead lines with wrinkles. His fleshy full muscles seem to condense into hard stone. The worry-lines of crows feet grow out from his eyes.
But there is no mirror nearby. Laisren sees none of that, and would have no time to reflect up on it anyways. There is a ghost beside him! He spins to face it (a knee joint pops, unusually). He grips his fork with both hands (his knuckles crack, strangely). He scowls and says (his voice cracking into a raspy growl, oddly): "She doesn't want to be here. She doesn't want this! I can see why."
He stabs out and his fork finds as much purchase as his daggers, ripping ectoplasm from the groom.
Successful save vs possession. Tremendous fail vs aging effect. Hit with stab using fork, 13 magical damage.
Laisren's stat block (full sheet link) HP: 18/32 | Armor Class:With a very high probability in combat of also having an additional 1d8 added on.14 | Saves: Str +5 ; Dex +2; Con +4; Int -1; Wis +0; Chr +1 Senses: Passive Perception 12 (+2); Passive investigation 9 (-1) | Move: 30' | Conditions: (None)
Default melee:+6 to hit, 1d10+4 piercing (1d10+6 while Raging)The Family pichfork | Default ranged attack:+5 to hit, 1d6+3 slashing, 20/60 rangeHandaxe Expendables: . . . As a bonus action, activate Rage. +2 damage to STR-based melee attacks. Resistance to nonmagical BPS damage. Advantage on STR checks and saves. Ends if I don't either attack or take damage. Cannot cast spells.Rage 2/3 LR | Make a ranged spell attack against the target (+3, with CHA as casting stat). On a hit, the target takes 2d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 11). On a failed save, it is also poisoned until the end of your next turn. Acquired via Magic Initiate (Sorceror)Ray of Sickness 1/1 LR | Hit dice 3/3 LR | Inspiration: Yes Passive: . . . When I enter a Rage, I can use my tail both offensively and defensively. As a reaction when hit by a creature I can see within 10', I can add 1d8 to my AC. I can also use the attack action to attack with my tail with 10' reach, +5 to hit, and 1d8+3 damage.Form of the Beast: Tail Ie, my cantrips acquired through Magic Initiate (Sorceror)Tail Utility: A creature within 10' must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 11) or take 1d12 poison damage.Poison Spray | Until the end of your next turn, you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks.Blade Ward
Turn Summary Move: close the gap to the groom, if any. Action: Attack groom with fork. Another lucky hit. 13 magical piercing damage. Reaction: Bonus/object interaction/other: coordinated entropy of all cells in body
On indefinite hiatus from the site.
"Gond's Great Hardie Hole!" shouts A'ru in a panic at Laisren's transformation, then looks about with embarrassed confusion.
He adds hurriedly, "It's a square hole in anvil where yez inserts yer hardie."
Something seems to be nagging at him still, and he shouts even more hurriedly, "IT'S A TYPE OF SMITH'S CHISEL, ALL RIGHT?" and charges the groom's ghost, battering it with a quick one-two strike of his shillelagh.
Nukky turns, watching the effect take hold on Laisren. "What you do to Laisren?" Nukky again launches another salvo of fire spells, this time at the Groom.
The spirit follows suit, sending out a Flame Seed in the same direction.
Dagger Attack with Magical Dagger Move: Held Action: Dagger attack Bonus Action: Disengage and back off from Groom Reaction: Conditions: Concentrating: OOC info:
Special Abilities: Bonus action of Dash, Disengage, or HideCunning Action 60’Darkvision One skill or tool prof extra a day after short or long restWhispers of the Dead: Arcana Skill After successful sneak attack, apply to any other target within 30' of one hit, Roll half # of sneak attack dice and target takes necrotic dmg as wails surround them Wails from the Grave have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put to sleep.Fey Ancestry Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years o f practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.Trance +1d6 to attack if ADV. If another enemy of target is 5' of it, no ADV neededSneak Attack Spells:
Cantrip: Toll the dead
Spell Save DC: 12 | Spell Attack Bonus: +3
__________________ Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.
"The Teu-Tel-Quessir Quartetto?" Hlin asks with genuine fanhorse enthusiasm. "That is something. I'll be delighted to go hear them."
He steps around the fighting raging within the room, and continues his conversation with the groom.
"Please excuse my companions' enthusiasm!" he chuckles nervously. "As they say, no good wedding party ends without a fight--so we're just getting it started off right, I suppose."
As Nukky's magical fire tears into the groom, Hlin frowns and asks the groom with a concerned expression: "Just in case you might not make it though, is there anything you want to say to me as a priest? Any last wishes? Anything to confess? "
Level 2: Messenger, Cloud of Daggers, Cure Wounds (upcast), Hold Person, Nathair's Mischief
Vine Spells: Entangle 2/3
Inspiration: No
Spell Slots:
Four Level 1: {X} {} {} {}
Two Level 2: {X} {X}
Spell Save DC: Wis 12 Spell Attack Bonus: 4
Saves: STR: +2 DEX: +4 CON: 0 INT: -1 WIS: +2 CHA: +4
Bardic Inspiration: {X} {X}
Attack modifier: +4 melee / +4 ranged
Weapons: Longsword, daggers and short bow
Special Abilities: Bardic Inspiration, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest, Cutting Words, Charge, Hooves, Equine Build
Rolls: Persuasion if needed
Dice Roll:
Total = 9
Saving throws:
Free action:
Action: Talks with groom to see if he has anything to confess (I'll just use the one action)
Concentrating: Mage hand carrying lamp
OOC info:
Party, you all see it happen, the way Laisren tightens and hardens into an older version of himself. You don't know it, but you are looking at a close approximation of his father. Wiry, tough, weathered, wry, square jawed and resolute, there is no doubt that that the old guy has still got it going on. But--he's lost a good half of his lifespan in a groomly glance.
Laisren you feel strange. Your body feels strange. Tighter and more rangy, slower, but also more your own. More... careful, somehow? But also settled into itself, so when you swing the fork it feels more controlled, like a thing you have been doing for decades. It hits the Groom hard, tearing him so deeply he makes a whine-sound and deflates a little.
A'ru, you try to explain Gond and his Hardie Hole, but the Groom lifts a supercilious eyebrow and says, Isn't that god in the trades? I wouldn't know about that, I'm sure. You knock the Super out him with one blow, then backhand out the Cilious for good measure.
Nukky, your fire hits true, and your spirit's does at well. The Groom takes on an ashy cast as you demand to know what he has done to Lais.
Baly, this dagger you found in the well has some good uses. It's the only treasure you have found so far, but it is serving you well. It occurs to you, thief of the party, that those ghouls you killed were wearing their wedding day best. Sure, the silks and cloth-of-gold have rotted into rags, but you certainly remember a tiara, at least one diamond drop earring dangling from a tattered ear...
Party, those of you with any interest in or need for money surely noticed their fine gems at well.
Hlin, you do like a Quartet, even a dead one. You offer to hear the Groom's confession, but he shrugs. He is listing very badly to one side, dripping ectoplasmic goo, looking bare inches from a whole new level of being dead.
Oh I can't miss the wedding. I almost feel that being dead would be no excuse, haha, haha. Mustn't keep my bride waiting. He waves a hand that goes more and more Ethereal as it indicates a nearby door, the one in the same wall the Marda disappeared through. If you head through the library, there are stairs on the North side that will take you to the dressing room. The Quartetta staged there, and I think you'll find your vestments, and you can continue down and meet me in the chapel. It is almost time!
He sinks through the floor and is gone, so Ethereal now that any attacks of opportunity swish harmlessly through him...
Friends, you are out of COMBAT. The Groom used an ability called Etherealness, so he cannot be hit now. He has sunk down through the floor and is no longer in the hall with you. If you want to try and track him down, you can go back down the stairs, but he is farther back than the lobby, you suspect.
DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh DMed: Battle of the Bards, Banshee Bride, NPSG, Clockwork Sienna, The Witch is Dead Playing: Ozbox Souptoot Played: Fioravanti-Anya-Ripper-Malyth, Ingetrude Frostblossom, Myrrh the Burned, Primble Thorne, Ozbox, Ferrar, Burnapolia Bronkus
Last edited by Fillyjonk; Feb 6th, 2023 at 09:13 PM.
As soon as the groom vanishes, the world falls away for A'ru except for one burning consideration. He runs over to the wall through which the spectral marda phased, and places both paws on it. His voice takes on a tone of wheedling desperation. "Hey yez in there! Marda wit' the floppy hat! Come on back out! Ain't nobody here will hurt yez."
The ranger pounds on the stone as if it's a door, then feels along the cracks for a way through. Black-tinged tears begin to form at the corners of his eyes. Hlin's magic lends his voice extra resonance, but still his grief makes it hard for him to project it.
ROLLS: persuasion 9
Out of Combat:
Saving throws:
Move: to wall
Action: Try to call out the marda ghost
Bonus Action:
Conditions: Bardic Inspiration expended
OOC info:
"Try again, knocking there," Hlin says encouragingly to A'ru as he points to what he thinks is the most resonant part of the stone. "All stones sing, if you knock them properly, a mountain dwarf and exiled prince once told me. He could have been right, the gods know he was wrong about everything else."
Hlin stands there, bidding A'ru to give it one more try. After all, the Teu-Tel-Quessir Quartetto can wait.
A'ru wipes his eyes and looks up at the kindly words of the centaur uncomprehendingly at first. Some new claptrap, perhaps? But at last he nods silently and knocks where Hlin had shown. Was there indeed a barely perceptible resonance there, or was it his imagination? He presses his muzzle to the same spot and plaintively howls his own name.
His voice echoes in the empty stairwell like the Archwood had once rung with the cries of marda hunters at dawn, coordinating as they tracked a covey of wood quail. But would the sound penetrate the stone, to where the only other known member of his kind in the multiverse lay hid?
ROLLS: persuasion 24 including bardic inspiration
Out of Combat:
Saving throws:
Move: to wall
Action: Try to call out the marda ghost with help from Hlin
Bonus Action:
Conditions: Bardic Inspiration expended
OOC info: