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Old Apr 3rd, 2023, 03:25 PM
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Strange New Worlds
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Harper initially felt drawn to the representatives from the Wood Guard, but as Fledidi fluttered down and approached them, the Sailor reconsidered. 'I'm a Boatswain after all... what interest would the fieldmice have with me?' She wondered to herself, and so walked to stand in front of Captain Wilcock.

With a hearty thump of her fist onto her chest, she saluted the Otter before placing herself in a chair next to him (without asking for permission first). "I hear I need to watch myself around you, Cap'n? They say you're as sly as the current..." She muttered Persuasion Check : 10appreciatively to her companion. It was an old trick she had learned from her beloved. If you wanted someone to pay attention to your words, force them to focus on hearing them... And once you had achieved in stealing their focus, everything else you did, or said, would also be of note.


We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Apr 3rd, 2023, 03:27 PM
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When introduced, Liam moves his heels togethers and does a slow formal bow, his left fist thumping against his sternum as the first two fingers of his right hand touch the back of his left fist - the hand gesture for Helm, the Watcher God. Normally he does not bow as slowly, but he is worried his robes might rise up with his greatsword strapped to his back, and showing off his nethers to the crowd would likely not make an ideal first impression. As Fledidi and Leonora split up to speak to the Wood Guard and Sky Knights respectively, Liam is briefly torn on what to do. He trusts Leonora to speak well enough to the Knights, and the fairy should likely hit it off with the Wood Guard. Liam does not want to speak to the River Merchants based off of what Torbeth told him thus far, that he is at least aware of. Liam knows he does not suffer fools gladly, and he doesn't wish to embarrass the others.

His chivalric instincts kicking in, Liam decides to sit next to Fledidi since she is the smallest and thus most vulnerable of the group (in his eyes, at least...). He repeats his same bow when he approaches the table, giving them a pleasant enough smile.

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02/26/24 - New position and personal real estate work is keeping me busy, please PM me if I am running behind.

Last edited by Grouchy; Apr 3rd, 2023 at 03:28 PM.
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Old Apr 3rd, 2023, 07:52 PM
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Last to be introduced Jane bowed her head as was her usual custom. Already being short Dwarves refused to bend their knee, kneel or curtsy unless it was part of some ritual that was centuries old. They were also stubborn so some of it was also just a Dwarf being a Dwarf.

After the other factions were introduced Jane hesitated on where to sit. None of them really gravitatied to her immediately, but the otter seemed like he was in a decent mood perhapse he would like to chat and drink once he was done with Harper. Captain Wilcock seemed to have the most ‘dwavish’ nature about him.

Passing Felididi with the Forest folk Jane slide into a chair on the other side of the otter, “Can I join you? You look like you have some tales to tell Captain Wilcock,” she said.

Scanning across the table she assessed how Leonora was fairing with introductions with the bird folk.


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Old Apr 6th, 2023, 09:23 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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Kraghbar did no more than smile and wave at the collection of animal folk who were in attendance, their varied appearance and introductions raising so many questions in the orc's head he decided it best to keep things simple and not think much on those things at all.

Looking about at the guests, there was certainly many options when it came to interesting company, but if there was one pair of individuals who caught Kraghbar's attention the most, it was the pair of Skyholders. Apart from the Sky Knight being such a large presence, all those titles that were attached to Sir Keuron had taken hold of the orc's attention. The orc would very much enjoy hearing about how the raptor had earned his reputation.

Except he didn't know how to talk fancy to a Sky Knight, which was one of the big taboos of the party he could remember. But wouldn't you know it, the fancy lady herself had decided to take a seat next to the Skyholder pair, literally the answer to his prayers.

Kraghbar took a seat next to Leonora, all smiles as he leaned over and whispered in a not so subtle manner. "Hey, use your fancy talk to ask him about all those things he's killed. That's a heck of a lotta titles for one guy, right?"

The only other thing on Kraghbar's mind was the food that was pouring into the hall, the smell of which had already begun to have him salivating. As soon as the dishes were within reach, he wasted no time digging into the steaming... some kind of beetle, from the looks of it. Regardless, after peeling away it's exoskeleton and getting to the soft bits inside, he had to say, it was delicious stuff, and he continued very loudly eating away with gusto.

"Ho! Hey friend, who made this?" Kraghbar tried to flag down one of the servants to answer his question as they bustled about the hall. "Give'em my deepest compliments, and maybe ask them if they'd be willing to share the recipe. Never thought beetle could taste this good, but I'm always happy to learn something new!"


Last edited by Crocodile; Apr 9th, 2023 at 08:13 AM.
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Old Apr 7th, 2023, 11:11 AM
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Cadmun was near paralyzed with indecision, pale blue eyes quickly darting back and forth from one seat to the next. There were so many lines of inquiry to pursue! He could learn much of the land’s ecology from the mice and rabbit-folk of the Woodguard; perhaps not the exact scientific terminology for every bird and branch, but far more practical knowledge on the local flora and fauna…something they might be in good need of once their journey starts up again in earnest.

Though…Cadmun would need to remember their guide’s advice however; to not put on any airs, and to avoid overt flattery. Not that he ever thought of himself as prone to braggadocio or the like.

The otter said to represent the River Company also seemed an interesting fellow. If nothing else the man’s grizzled countenance certainly hinted at an interesting story or two. Though given what Torbeth advised that might require a certain amount of experience with banter and the like that Cadmun was simply lacking.

The avian-folk..well…as much as the scholar was put off by their excessive airs (he was never much for excessive pride or the like…reminded him too much of his father)...part of him still yearned to learn of their anatomy and how they used it to help build their civilization. Having to manipulate objects with one’s feet must certainly have presented some unique challenges in that area…

But…in the end Cadmun would decide on a near the toad king and his family (the family that was present at least….er…he’d need to remind himself not to broach that subject). Or at least as near as he would be able to get give the gulf in their social stations. After all, he still had many questions from their brief foray into the toad king’s city. “Ah…if I may be so forward…?” The scholar approached the royal family, clearing his throat. “I wished to thank you and your people in person for the generosity shown to us…and uh…perhaps inquire about the history of your city? I must say though our journey through it was brief it left quite an impression…”

Last edited by Citizen Sam; Apr 7th, 2023 at 07:20 PM.
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Old Apr 12th, 2023, 09:51 PM
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Captain Wilcock thumped his chest and grinned. "Were y'now? Sly as the current?" His eyes flicked over to where Torbeth had taken up his position near the king's seat. "I ne'er thought t' hear such fine poetry comin' outta that steel hopper. He's probably still a touch sour o'er that time I slipped sand inta his helm." Wilcock chuckled.
"But then those who don't know the waters are right quick t'be pulled inta them, ain't they?" He waggled a knowing brow at Harper before inclining his head towards Jane. "Now you strangelings are'n odd sort, here ya come sayin' names I know and many I don't."

A wide grin split his features and he grabbed a goblet of colorful liquid for a toast, "I'm sure we're t'be fast friends! But what's a boatswane without 'er boat? I f'sure didn't see any boat worthy of a title pull inta the docks of this place in time for dinner. Tell me what happened to it and I'll give ya lot a song'r two. We'll trade a tale for a tale!"
There was a glint in his eyes as he spoke of trade. River Company... Wilcock was a veteran of trade and travel, no mistake about it.

Foulk smiled and held out his hand for Fledidi, "Why it would be my pleasure, Fledidi! Has anyone ever told you your wings are beautiful? I haven't seen the like since the battle with the Hive warriors, but even that's selling your wings short!"
Renfred was too busy stuffing his face with whatever food he could to pay too much attention, but he offered Liam and Feldidi friendly smiles and head nods between gulps of colourful brews.
Yvonne bowed concientsiously to Liam and Fledidi, "So Liam, you serve Helm the Protector? I wonder what quest he had in mind when he sent you among us, do you serve him directly?"

Esylle's chest puffed up at Leonora's high words, "Indeed you should have heard of us! We Sky Knights are the mightiest in all th-"
Sir Keuron put a firm wing over Esylle head, causing the little songbird to chirp in bewilderment. Sir Keuron bowed his head to Leonora and Kraghbar as he removed his wing from the admonished squire. "Forgive her pride. She is a spirited youth from a good house who has not seen much of the world."

Esylle chirped dejectedly as she pecked at her fish. "Sorry sir..."

Keuron let out a short sigh before taking a goblet in one of his talons, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Mistress of the Hunt and Member of the Former Vanguard Clans, I raise a glass skywards in your honor. The reputation of us Skyholders is not unearned, whether that be good or ill." He glanced meaningfully at his squire. "But do not let it colour your thoughts too much. I have learned much of humility in my time."

King Rapplus III nodded sagely, "Our history? Sir Roderick should have told me more of what company we might expect." the old toad's voice was a rumble that made Cadmun's glasses tremble on his nose. "He's a man who takes matters into his own hands though, he probably expected to be the one to find each and every one of you. I could tell you our history, but my voice isn't what it used to be. Vishel will tell you what she can while the meal lasts."
Princess Vishel nodded cooly, "As you say, your majesty." she turned to Cadmun and inhaled like his father used to before his lessons. " city of Raploc..."

OOCI didn't want to do a big ol' lore dump in the main chat so I left a link to the info channel that I'll gradually be updating to be more functional (also maps when I get to it). Thanks for the fun times so far everyone!
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Last edited by Amarga; Apr 12th, 2023 at 09:53 PM.
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Old Apr 13th, 2023, 07:47 PM
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Strange New Worlds
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"Tale for a tale, aye?" Harper raised an eyebrow good heartedly to the Otter "Your slyness is showing again my friend, but I've taken a liking to you, so a tale it is..." Harper twisted her hand under the table, and wiggled her fingers slightly as she began her story. As she did so, the candles on their table flickered sightly as her spell took hold. The flames seemed to dim for a moment, as a claustrophobic ebb attached to their glow, and a sickly green wash began to cross the walls and tablecloths at their settings.

"The Captain had been on edge for near a week. Said "There was a 'bad intent' on the winds" And no disrespect to the Captain, for I'd heard o' bad luck on voyages before. And even growing up on the waters as I did, I never seen such a string as was our bad fortunes on this trip... The Tiefling leaned in closer to Wilcock as she continued to recount the tale "Seems as though maybe someone forgot Umberlee's Due? Or maybe they stole it? I don't know if you worship the Queen of the Waves over here, or just fear her like the rest of us? But when the sun fell out of the sky that evening, she came to collect. 'Twas a dark'n'stormy night... as all good nights of importance are... when the alarm was raised up by the Watchman. "Whirlpool ahead" came the cry, but it was quickly lost amongst the swirling wind, and cracks of thunder that echoed over the horizons. Even our Coxswain, a hardened hand if ever there was one, couldn't veer us away from the drain. And try as he might, we were battered and pulled ever closer to the swirling sea; until we finally reached the tipping point. Then, and almost all at once, into the drink we went, ship and all! I swore I even heard Umberlee's voice in the water, saying we'd do nicely, but do what? I never did get the chance to ask! Next thing I know, I'm being fished out o' the marsh by a Toddart and placed on his Lilypad. Sir Roderick went down the same time as we did, but somehow he came out the other end first? That's all I know about our circumstances..." She said with resignation and a slight elevation of her shoulders. And, as Harper shrugged, the candlelight grew back to it's normal light and colors, her spell upon them released.


We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
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Old Apr 14th, 2023, 02:01 AM
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Of Rabbits and Men
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The fairy had been quite thrilled when Liam headed over to be her wingman. It wasn't that she really needed one, having wings of her own, as so flatteringly pointed out by Foulk, but a tall strong man at her side, well, two of them actually sounded like it could make the evening quite fun indeed! Damn it was nice to be surrounded by interesting people for a change, and not just peasant villagers asking for help with their sick pets.

Fledidi blushed and smiled.

"You're too kind, Foulk the Tall! Thank you so much for letting us sit with you all. Do you have visitors and new faces at these events very often?"

She looked in Renfred's direction then, and gave the fellow a friendly nod, not wanting to interrupt his meal. That one looked like it had quite an appetite for someone of small stature! Actually...

Her tummy rumbled. She was reminded of just how ravenous she'd become too, and so took a seat and looked back at her fellow drowning survivors. It was a nice scene. Everyone had found a place among these new friends, and seemed to be enjoying each other's company. Tales being told, introductions being expanded upon, and Cadmun diving right in as a hopeful for a history lesson. Then she moved her attention to Liam and Yvonne the Counselor, wondering how he'd answer her, whilst also quite curious as to what it meant to be a Counselor in these lands.

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Old Apr 14th, 2023, 07:44 PM
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Liam returns Yvonne's bow with a formal one of his own, but at her question you can tell he is slightly uncomfortable in how to answer. Clearing his throat, he says "I suppose we Helmites all do, but more in the manner of he is our lord and we do what he feels is best to protect the realms. What path he has in store for me here, I do not know, but I know the Vigilant One always sees the path he has laid before us and the path we all have to follow." Then, his voice taking on a curious tone, he asks "How widespread is the knowledge of Helm in these lands?"

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Old Apr 16th, 2023, 07:44 PM
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Jane had not noticed that Harper had magic, or she just hadn’t noticed while they were on the ship as she had been far too sea sick to take much notice of anything beyond her cot or the rail she clung to. The candles flickering at the section of the table gave a sinister feel to the place that Jane did not like. A chill ran up her spine and the green glow gave the Otter Captain a fearsome look.

Still the story Harper told was true enough, though slightly more dramatic than needed.

“Do you know of any stories of ships going down and no survivors or not turning up anything,”
Jane asked hoping Wilcock would return the favor. Maybe she could do some research on his tale should he give out some names.

Oh that would have to be question posed to the King or Torbeth. Had there been any wreckage? or just them that have washing up into the swamp?


Beth Quinn
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Old Apr 19th, 2023, 06:09 AM
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But not enough not to boast about it, Leonora thought with a hint of amusement, though she did not let the sentiment show in her expression. 'Pride must be tempered with experience, yes,' she agreed with sir Keuron. Then, giving Esylle a sympathetic look. 'Though it is a far better thing to have and grow from such, than to lack it altogether. We have a saying, where I am from,' the half-elf remembered her father's words. 'That no acorn can grow into a mighty oak, without recognizing it can be more than an acorn.' She shrugged, smiling at the memory.

'I'm sure it makes more sense in the original elvish,' the paladin admitted. 'It was a lesson for children and students, to follow their dreams and ever aspire to be greater.' It was supposed to be an uplifting message, an inspirational one. To Leonora, it had sounded more like a great burden, that one was never good enough.

Setting her somber thoughts aside, Leonora shook her head and raised her glass in response to the Sky Knight's toast. 'But pride is not pride if it is earned, and judging by your titles, you have earned quite a bit,' she praised sir Keuron. 'One who has protected the realm from so many must be intimately familiar with the land, its blessings and its blemishes. You must tell me the story of this demon serpent Torbeth mentioned,' Leonorainsisted. 'The guide who brought us here warned us of "strangelings",' she elaborated. 'But if they are anything like the monsters of our lands, they wax and wane like the moon. Are there any current... Situations, in the realm?' she asked, hoping to learn of anything which might be a threat to sir Roderick. 'Or has the kingdom earned an undoubtedly much-deserved reprieve?'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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Old Apr 21st, 2023, 01:59 AM
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Cadmun took measured, polite mouthfuls of his meal as he listened to the old king’s tale. The scholar was never one to shy from new experiences and the exquisite banquet that had been provided. Cadmun had a plate arrayed with what appeared to be broiled and browned crickets, finding the flavor and crunch quite surprisingly pleasing.

“I can only imagine the labors involved in bringing such diverse populations together under a single ruler, even after the strife of war…” And then the man coughed slightly as he realized he was perhaps being a bit exhausting. “I ah, apologize for my overly inquisitive tendencies. It’s just…it’s as if we’ve stumbled onto a whole new world…” He paused to adjust his glasses that had gotten just a bit askew from the frog-king’s rumbling.

“I feel like I could spend weeks just studying your city’s plumbing system alone.” Cadmun shook his head ruefully. “I only wish I had more knowledge of my own to share in return.” The scholar gave a sad sigh…until lighting up as he remembered something!

“Actually! While Gaetsdale is fairly well known for it’s goat cheese…did you know they practiced a tradition where they would pass a wheel of cheese from one family member to another once they had passed on? It’s quite interesting…the wheel would be aged over the course of an individual’s lifespan and then…”

Torbeth warned them about offending the royals with talk of Roderick and their missing family member, but unfortunately mentioned nothing about boring them…
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Old Apr 21st, 2023, 07:24 PM
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Kraghbar al-Gruun
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"Hmph?" Kraghbar surfaced to the conversation for a time, chewing slowly on a grasshoper leg as he gave a befuddled look to the pair of Skyholders. Slurping up the crispy appendage, the orc wiped away at his mouth with a nearby cloth before raising his own goblet to Keuron in response. "Er, likewise! And it sounds like ya got plenty of honor to toast. An excellent excuse to get more good drink in us, if I do say so myself!"

He drained the goblet in one gulp, a contented sigh escaping his lips as he went for a refill, growing much more comfortable in the presence of a good meal and interesting company. Old plans were abandoned and caution was thrown aside as he took a more casual approach to the avian pair.

"Ha! A good lot of spirit's where it has to start now, isn't it? Fire in the belly keeps ya warm on those cold nights in the wild." A particularly scrumptious looking piece of fish caught the orc's attention as he continued his thoughts. "Helps when ya got something warm digesting nicely in there too. And if the King's gone and invited you over for a nice meal, you rep can't be all that bad. Who'd share this marvelous spread with someone they didn't at least respect, right?"

Before long, a healthy portion of steaming fish and cooked root-like vegetable were on his plate, ready to be consumed. Upon Leonora's query regarding the story of the alleged demon serpent, the orc could only nod his head in agreement.

"Oh! Good one, Leonora! She and I were doing some exchange-like story swapping on some of the wildlife we've had to tangle with earlier, but nothing I've ever taken down could ever be called 'demon'-anything. Care to elaborate, maybe give an orc some monster slaying tips to boot?"

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Old Apr 23rd, 2023, 11:25 PM
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Captain Wilcock rubbed at his chin, "Aye the Umberlee is a strange mistress indeed. We respect her the same as you lot do, but few love the Queen of Broken Masts. But if ya did cross her Ladyship's Due ya wouldn't be sitting 'fore me here, ya'd be dead."
The mirth leaked from the otter-folk as he pondered the tale, "We have similar stories of ship's going down, but none ever come up from those. Our boats don't sail the salty waves often, 'less someone's hankerin' to go adventurin' down past the wart-folk's country. And those who do go that far are wise enough to 'member her Ladyship."
He leaned in cloase, "No, where our ships go missin' is along the rivers and lakes north of all settled lands. It's a strange place, the Endless Woods is what we call it. There are tales aplenty o' folks who go in and ne're return. Us river-folk fear the waters up there, where things don't work like they aught. Calm rivers can lash out with enough force t' split oak hulls, and always there're... things. They lurk in the waters, 'long the banks, and in the woods proper. We just call the whole lot strangelings, meanin' nothing wrong to you lot of course."

Wilcock's lids hung low over his eyes as he began his tale. "Ya did me a good turn with your tale, now I'll give ya a fine one meself. Ya want tales of missing ships? You'll have to forgive me 'cause I survived this one!"

"Twas eleven long years ago, when my old captain heard somethin' it was better she hadn't. A party o' Wood Guard had returned from a trip into the Endless Wood, barely alive and missin' a good half o' their number. Apparently they had been walkin' along when all of a sudden one of them spied a sword stickin' out of a lake. They said they tried to build a raft o'er to where the sword was, but every time they did something terrible happened to the raft 'til they figured the lake or sword was somehow accursed.

They gave up the thing, but the tale got my captain thinkin'. She had made a good haul recently, so she had the funds to try an expedition into the Endless Woods. We started up the Thraxus' River, the same the Wood Guard took up and one whose entrance is constant. I tell you, it was a nightmare.

The moment we began a tree larger than any we had thought grew near the fringes o' the Wood fell and smashed into our ship, killin' a couple o' the crew and meanin' we had to pull to shore to make repairs to start with. The moment we did, twisted strangelings came pourin' out o' the woods, and our repairs went from a half day affair to a two day gauntlet of bloodshed. We lost another good bunch o' the crew in that.
Now most of us were right spooked by then, but I swear old Sally was possessed. She drove us onward, and unless we wanted t' mutiny, there was no gettin' off that ship.
Things got worse o' course, and more of us died like nothin' I had seen even during my few trips into the Endless Woods.

When we finally reached the cursed lake, the damned sword was there, practically singin' as the sun struck it. The captain had the last of us crew bring the ship inwards, and everythin' got worse. Our mast snapped clean in two, and all of our oars lost their heads like someone had cut clean through 'em. So we just drifted inwards while captain clung to the prow, gigglin' like a mad woman. When we got close enough, she jumped off and landed clean onto the sword, dead as dirt, just like that."

The otter captain slugged back a whole goblet of colourful wine.

"Then the last of us started droppin'. We couldn't even see what did it. One moment a mate would be standing, the next their head was sliced right off o' their body. I hid in a barrel and passed out clean from fright. When I woke up, I had drifted down to regular lands. From then on I swore I'd never enter the Endless Woods again."

Foulk hummed happily, "At these things? I can't say I know, it's the first time I've been to some fancy court! Though I suppose that makes me a new face too!" The rabbit-folk laughed and offered Fledidi a tray of berries he had snatched up, "Come now my lady, young Renfred's got the right idea, there's no point in going hungry at a feast!"

Yvonne smiled at Foulk, nibbling at a palm-sized beetle she had plucked from a dish.
"Many of us Wood Guard follow Helm, the some of the woodlanders lay offerings at the shrines in our waystations as thanks for our protection. Though it' is a personal choice, many of us like young Renfred her, see Helm as a model for what we must be. Vigilant, brave, honest, and never backing down from our duties to the free peoples of the woodland."
The old mouse smiled, "In fact you sound just like the current Commander, she has much of the same zeal for Helm's teachings and discipline."

"It's a bit stuffy if you ask me, no offence to the noble deeds of our Helmite brothers and sisters of course."
Foulk added over Yvonne's shoulder.

Renfred broke into a coughing fit as he tried to chastise his senior with a mouth full of food, causing the rabbit to pull at the young mouse's cheeks. This of course only further infuriated the little brave, who only made more of a mess as he struggled.
"Finish chewing before you start a fight good fellow!" Foulk laughed as he teased the younger Guard.
Yvonne shook her head, jabbing Foulk in the side and pulling on one of Renfred's ears.
"Behave yourselves, this is a king's court, not a waystation."

Sir Keuron nodded, "Wise words, you would do well to listen young one."
Esylle let out an obedient peep to show she had heard her knight, but glared at Leonora, clearly hostile to the woman's sympathy.
Sir Keuron listened to Leonora with great interest, "By the way, this... elvish, proverb of yours, it sounds exactly like one we have in our own tongue, though we rarely use it. Would you perhaps say it like this?"
Sir Keuron spoke the proverb to Leonora in almost perfect elvish, the only deviation being some twists in inflection caused by avian clicks.

The mention of the demon serpent's tale caused Keuron's mood to dip, and Esylle looked over at him nervously.
"No. I will not tell that tale. I lost something dear to me that day and Torbeth is a fool for even mentioning the disgrace which they now call my greatest victory. As for my, 'rep', it is well earned, Kraghbar. I dare say that the king of this swamp would know better than to refuse a knight serving the Empress of the Moon. I-"
Keuron's feathers had begun to puff up, making him a vision of menace and rage before he froze as if realizing what he was doing. Esylle looked up at him with fearful eyes and Keuron visibly winced, drawing in a deep breath and shaking himself back down to his normal size.
The whole room had turned to look at the raging sky knight, but most returned to their conversations as he calmed down.

"I am very sorry. I lost my temper and spoke unfairly to you. If you see such a serpent as that," Keuron practically spat out the word, "serpent".


"If you cannot run, do not look into its eyes.
If you must fight it you must strike from two sides at once. Its focus is a singular thing and one of you will die, but that is the price of fighting such a thing, only fools try to avoid this fate.
Serpents have mastered many strange powers, and you will be able to tell by the colour of its eyes or the pattern of its scales what type it is proficient in.
The venom in its fangs is certain death and it can bite through solid steel.
Its scales are like iron and only a perfect strike can mortally wound it.
There are lesser and greater varieties, but anything with a title will kill you."

The sky knight shook his head ruefully, "Do not fight those serpents, there is no victory in such battles."
Keuron looked meaningfully at Leonora, "There has been some developments surrounding strangelings other than yourselves. But you must wait until the court to hear more, I will explain properly then."

Prince Rocus glared at the puffed up Sir Keuron. He had long stopped paying attention to the conversation about history, cheese, plumbing, and anything else.
King Rapplus III also stared at the sky knight critically, but nodded with satisfaction when he saw the raptor calm down. When his son remained standing, the King fixed him with a glare so fierce Cadmun was surprised Prince Rocus didn't drop dead. Instead, Prince Rocus dropped into his seat and picked at irritably at his food.
Princess Vishel had flicked her gaze towards the sky knight, but quickly flicked back with the knowledge that it would be handled one way or another.
King Rapplus nodded sagely to Cadmun, "Yes, our history has been long a filled with strange happenings. And I fear that your studies would quickly make you the most learned plumber in this city. Since my Grandfather's time we have lost the knowledge of how to expand our water system, and have been reduced to maintaining what parts of it still work."
The old king let out a long, deep croak, "Few of our young care much for mechanical systems. They prefer brew lore, travel, mysticism, or the warrior's way. But time moves on."
The king listened to Cadmun's tale, being deeply amused by the eclectic variety of knowledge the young scholar knew.
"You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignation in the evening? Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender!" -Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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Old Apr 24th, 2023, 07:35 AM
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'That is... I apologize,' Leonora offered, her head bowed. 'Had I known the tale was a sad one, I would not have pressed the matter. Instead let me thank you for your wisdom, pray we shall not need it, and let us speak of happier things, yes?' The half-elf felt a pang of guilt at her callous request. The Toddards had given her the impression that all Sky Knights were pompous, uncaring showboats. And she had pressed sir Keuron for information regarding her mission, without considering tales of glory were often just that- tales. Stories told to make oneself feel better about a tragic reality.

With a shake of her head, she dismissed the matter, eager to withdraw from so painful a topic. Following Kraghbar's example, Leonora decided that perhaps she had waited long enough to address the banquet. Regrettably, no meat was being served. A curious omission, one which made Leonora consider that being a huntress was perhaps not a good thing, here in Rapploc. With inhabitants closely resembling animals, perhaps eating meat was a taboo?

Deciding not to show her unease, Leonora took several of the insects from the buffet, a side of fish, and an assortment of vegetables. She'd never tried insects before, but Kraghbar seemed to enjoy them just fine. 'The language you speak,' she spoke in elvish. 'It is quite similar to my own. It is a comfort indeed, to find that our lands may not be so different after all.' Giving Kraghbar a nod, she then continued in common. 'But, for the sake of inclusiveness, I shall stick to the common tongue for now.'

To be fair, hearing elvish wasn't that much of a comfort. Yes, Leonora had learned the language in her youth, before she had come to sir Roderick's court... But she did not have the fondest memory of that time. The elves had not treated her with cruelty, but they had shown an utter lack in how to raise a partly human child, and many had been relieved when she had left for human lands.

'Forgive my ignorance,' she spoke after a moment. 'But you mentioned an Empress of the Moon. Is she who leads your people?' Then, after another moment's consideration, she added, 'I take it the moon is of great significance to you? I have lived among elves and humans both,' she offered, 'and each paid worship to a goddess of the moon- Sehanine, and Selune, respectively. More common ground for our peoples, I think.'

Characters: Polly, Dolgran, Mhurren
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